Moment Inertia Composite

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2 Method of Composite Areas

10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 1, page 1 of 2
1. Determine the moment of inertia of the crosshatched region
about the x axis. y

50 mm

20 mm

1 Consider the crosshatched region to

y y y
be composed of the difference of
two circular regions.

x x x
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 1, page 2 of 2
2 A table of properties of planar regions gives the 3 For our particular problem,
information shown below.
Large circle Ix = (50 mm)4
= 4.9087 106 mm4
Moment of Inertia
Ix = 1 r4 1
4 Small circle Ix = (20 mm)4
y 4
Iy = 1 r4 = 0.1257 106 mm4

For the composite region, subtracting gives

x Ix = Large circle Ix Small circle Ix
= 4.9087 106 mm4 0.1257 106 mm4
= 4.78 106 mm4 Ans.
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 2, page 1 of 2
2. The figure shows the cross section of a y
beam made by gluing four planks together. 150 mm 150 mm
Determine the moment of inertia of the
cross section about the x axis.

60 mm
200 mm
200 mm
60 mm

60 mm 60 mm
1 Consider the crosshatched region to be consist of a
small rectangle subtracted from a large rectangle.
y 60 mm + 200 mm + 200 mm + 60 mm = 520 mm y 200 mm + 200 mm = 400 mm

x 520 mm x 400 mm x

420 mm 300 mm
60 mm + 150 mm + 150 mm + 60 mm = 420 mm 150 mm + 150 mm = 300 mm
Large rectangle Small rectangle
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 2, page 2 of 2
2 A table of properties of planar regions y
3 For our particular problem,
gives the information shown below.
Large rectangle Ix = bh
Moment of Inertia
I x = bh
12 y (420 mm)(520 mm)3 520 mm x
3 12
Iy = hb b b
12 2 2 = 4.9213 109 mm4
2 420 mm
C y
4 For our particular problem,
Rectangle 3
Small rectangle Ix = bh
400 mm x
(300 mm)(400 mm)
= 1.6000 109 mm4
300 mm
5 For the composite region, subtracting gives

Ix = Large rectangle Ix Small rectangle Ix

= 4.9213 109 mm4 1.6000 109 mm4
= 3.32 109 mm4 Ans.
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 3, page 1 of 3
3. Determine the moment of inertia of the
beam cross section about the x centroidal
80 mm 80 mm

20 mm
120 mm

120 mm
20 mm

20 mm
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 3, page 2 of 3
1 Consider the cross section to be composed of a large rectangle minus two small rectangles.
y y y y
120 mm + 120 mm = 240 mm
80 mm 80 mm

20 mm
120 mm =
x 280 mm x 240 mm x x
240 mm
120 mm
20 mm

20 mm
180 mm 80 mm 80 mm
80 mm + 20 mm + 80 mm = 180 mm
20 mm + 120 mm + 120 mm + 20 mm = 280 mm
y 2 Two regions of the same size and same position
relative to the x axis can be combined into 2
times a single region.

= 2 x
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 3, page 3 of 3
3 y
3 Large rectangle Ix = bh

(180 mm)(280 mm)3

= 3.2928 108 mm4
280 mm x

180 mm

4 Small rectangle Ix = bh
12 240 mm
(80 mm)(240 mm)3 x
= 12
= 0.9216 108 mm4
5 For the composite region, subtracting gives
80 mm Ix = Large rectangle Ix 2 Small rectangle Ix

= 3.2928 108 mm4 2(0.9216 108 mm4)

= 1.450 108 mm4 Ans.

10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 4, page 1 of 3
4. A composite beam is constructed y
from three plates and four standard
110 mm 110 mm 10 mm
rolled-steel angles. Determine the
moment of inertia of the cross
section about the x centroidal axis. A = 877 mm2
140 mm Ixc = 0.202 106 mm4
C 16.2 mm

140 mm
10 mm

10 mm

1 Consider the cross section to be composed of four angles and three rectangles.
y y y y

= +2 +4
x x x x

2 The top and bottom 3 The four angles

plates are identical. are identical.
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 4, page 2 of 3
4 Middle rectangle
Middle rectangle Ix = bh
12 140 mm
(10 mm)(140 mm + 140 mm)
= C' x
= 1.8293 107 mm4 (1) 140 mm

10 mm
5 Upper rectangle

Use parallel axis theorem:

Ix = Ixc' + d2A (2)

Distance between xc' and x 6 Here,
Moment of inertia y (110 mm + 110 mm)(10 mm)3
about axis xc' through 10 mm Ixc' = =
110 mm 110 mm = 5 mm 12 12
centroid of rectangle 2
xc' = 18333 mm4
10 mm d = 140 mm + 5 mm = 145 mm
140 mm
A = (110 mm + 110 mm)(10 mm)
= 2200 mm2
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 4, page 3 of 3

7 The parallel axis theorem, Eq. 2, now gives 9 The parallel axis theorem gives

Upper rectangle Ix = Ixc' + d2A Angle Ix = Ixc + d2A

= 18333 mm4 + (145 mm)2(2200 mm2) = 0.202 106 mm4 + (123.8 mm)2(877 mm2)

= 4.6273 107 mm4 = 1.3643 107 mm4 (3)

8 Angle 16.2 mm

xc 140 mm
A = 877 mm2 d = 140 mm 16.2 mm = 123.8 mm
16.2 mm x
Ixc = 0.202 106 mm4

10 For the composite region, adding gives

Ix = Middle rectangle Ix + 2 Upper rectangle Ix + 4 Angle Ix

= 1.8293 107 mm4 + 2(4.6273 107 mm4) + 4(1.3643 107 mm4)

= 165.4 106 mm4 Ans.

10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 5, page 1 of 4
5. Determine the moment of y
inertia of the trapezoidal region
about the x and y axes. 3 in. 3 in.

6 in.

4 in. 4 in.

1 Consider the trapezoid to be the sum of a rectangle and two triangles.

y y y
3 in. 3 in. 3 in. 3 in.

= +2
6 in. 6 in. 6 in.

x x x
4 in. 4 in. 3 in. 1 in.
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 5, page 2 of 4
2 Ix and Iy for the rectangle 3 Since the centroid C' does not lie on the x axis, we have to use
y the parallel axis theorem to calculate Ix.

Rectangle Ix = Ixc' + d2A

3 in. (6 in.)(3 in. + 3 in.)3

xc' + (3 in.)2[(3 in. + 3 in.)(6 in.)]
= 432 in4 (1)
3 in.

x 4 Since the centroid C' lies on the y axis, we do not have to

6 in. use the parallel axis theorem for Iy.

Rectangle Iy = Iyc'

(3 in. + 3 in.)(6 in.)3

= 108 in4 (2)
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 5, page 3 of 4
5 Ix and Iy for the triangle 6 For our particular triangle bh3
y yc' Ixc' =
A table of properties of planar regions gives the
information below. (1 in.)(6 in.)3
Ixx = bh Moment of Inertia = 6 in4
36 6 in.
3 b'(h')3
IBB = hb xc'
Iyc' =
12 36
bh C'
Area = (6 in.)(1 in.)3
2h =
x 36
C 1 in. = 0.1667 in4
x x
B B 7 Parallel axis theorem applied to triangle
b y yc' Triangle Ix = Ixc' + dx2A
= 6 in4 + (2 in.)2(3 in2)

= 18 in4 (3)
6 in.
Area, A =
(1 in.)(6 in.) xc' Triangle Iy = Iyc' + d2A
C' 6 in.
= 3 in2 1
dx = = 0.1667 in4
in. 3 = 2 in. + (3.3333 in.)2(3 in2)
3 in. 1 in. = 33.4994 in4 (4)
dy = 3 in. + in. = 3.3333 in.
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 5, page 4 of 4
8 For the composite region, using Eqs. 1, 2, 3, and 4 gives

Ix = Rectangle Ix + 2 Triangle Ix

= 432 in4 + 2(18 in4)

= 468 in4 Ans.

` Iy = Rectangle Iy + 2 Triangle Iy

= 108 in4 + 2(33.4994 in4)

= 175 in4 Ans.

10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 6, page 1 of 5
6. Determine the moment of inertia of the
crosshatched region about the y axis.
2 in. 4 in. 4 in. 2 in.

0.8 in. 0.8 in.


1 Consider the crosshatched region to be composed of a rectangle

minus two circular regions plus two semicircular regions.
y y

x x

y y
2 +2

x x
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 6, page 2 of 5
2 Iy for rectangle
4 in. 4 in.

2 in.

C' x
2 in.

3 Since the y axis passes through the centroid of the

rectangle, the parallel axis theorem is not needed.

Rectangle Iy = Iyc'

(2 in. + 2 in.)(4 in. + 4 in.)3

= 170.6667 in4 (1)
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 6, page 3 of 5
4 For the circular region, a table of properties of planar
y yc'
regions gives the information shown below.
d = 4 in.
r = 0.8 in.
Moment of Inertia C' x
Ix = 1 r4
Iy = 1 r4 5 For our particular problem,
Iyc' = (0.8 in.)4
x = 0.3217 in4
Area, A = r2

= (0.8 in.)2
= 2.0106 in2

6 Applying the parallel axis theorem gives

Circle Iy = Iyc' + d2A

= (0.3217 in4) + (4 in.)2(2.0106 in2)

= 32.4913 in4 (2)

10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 6, page 4 of 5
7 For the semicircle, a table of properties of y B yc' 8 We would like to apply the
planar regions gives the information shown parallel-axis theorem:
below. r = 2 in.
Iy = Iyc' + d2A (3)
Moment of Inertia x
r4 C'
Ix = to compute Iy for the semicircle.
Unfortunately, the table gives us the
r4 B moment of inertia with respect to the
Iy = y
8 4 in. base, BB, of the semicircle, not with
4r 4r
yc = respect to the axis through the
3 3
centroid yc'.
yc r4
C 8
9 But we can still make use of the result IBB from the table by
applying the parallel axis theorem between the BB axis and
Semicircle the yc ( yc' ) axis :

IBB = Iyc' + d2A

r4 4r 2 r2
8 = Iyc' + ( )( )
3 2
Solving gives
8 4
Iyc' = ( )r (4)
8 9
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 6, page 5 of 5
y yc'
r = 2 in.


4 in.

10 Eqs. 3 and 4 can now be applied to the semicircular region

Semicircle Iy = Iyc' + d2A

=( 8 )r4 + (4 in. + 4r )2( r2)

8 9 3 2
Substituting r = 2 in. and evaluating the resulting expression gives

Semicircle Iy = 149.4808 in4 (5)

11 For the composite region, using Eqs. 1, 2, and 5 gives

Iy = Rectangle Iy 2 Circle Iy + 2 Semicircle Iy

= 170.6667 in4 2(32.4913 in4) + 2(149.4808 in4)

= 405 in4 Ans.

10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 7, page 1 of 5
7. A precast concrete floor beam has the cross section shown.
Locate the centroid of the section and determine the moment of
inertia about a horizontal axis through the centroid.
250 mm 250 mm
300 mm 300 mm
75 mm

425 mm 50 mm 50 mm

1 Definition of centroid

Xc = 0, by symmetry
Yc = (1)
where yc is the centroidal coordinate of the
region with area A.
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 7, page 2 of 5
2 Consider the section to be composed of a horizontal
rectangle and and two identical vertical rectangles.
y y

x x


10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 7, page 3 of 5
3 Upper rectangle y
C' (centroid) 75 mm 75 mm
= 37.5 mm
A = (1200 mm)(75 mm)

=9 104 mm2
yc' = 425 mm + 37.5 mm yc'
425 mm
= 462.5 mm

2 (250 mm + 50 mm + 300 mm) = 1200 mm

4 y yc'
Lower rectangle

A = (425 mm)(50 mm)

C' (centroid)
4 2
= 2.125 10 mm 425 mm
425 mm
yc' =
2 yc'
= 212.5 mm
50 mm
5 Set up table 2 lower rectangles

Region A ( mm2 ) yc' ( mm ) yc'A ( mm3 )

upper rectangle 9.000 104 462.5 41.625 106
lower rectangles 2(2.125 104) 212.5 9.031 106
A = 13.250 104 yc'A = 50.656 106
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 7, page 4 of 5
6 Eq. 1 gives the distance to the centroid of the entire cross section.
Yc =
50.656 106
13.250 104
= 382.31 mm Ans. 75 mm = 37.5 mm
7 Ix of upper rectangle C' (centroid of rectangle)
75 mm
Ixc' = xc'
(1200 mm)(75 mm)3 d
= xc
12 C (centroid of entire section)
= 4.2188 107 mm4
425 mm
d = 75 mm + 425 mm Yc = 382.31 mm

(37.5 mm + 382.31 mm) x

= 80.19 mm

Parallel axis theorem:

Upper rectangle Ixc = Ixc' + d2A Area A was calculated previously (See the table).

= 4.2188 107 mm4 + (80.19 mm)2(9 104 mm2)

= 6.2093 108 mm4 (2)

10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 7, page 5 of 5
8 Ix of lower rectangle y yc'
bh3 C (centroid of entire section)
Ixc' =
(50 mm)(425 mm)3 xc
12 d
8 4
= 3.1986 10 mm 425 mm xc'
d = 382.31 mm 212.5 mm 425 mm
= 212.5 mm
= 169.81 mm x
Yc = 382.31 mm 50 mm C' (centroid of rectangle)
Parallel axis theorem:

Lower rectangle Ixc = Ixc' + d2A Area A was calculated previously.

= 3.1986 108 mm4 + (169.81 mm)2(2.125 104 mm2)

= 9.3261 108 mm4 (3)

9 For the composite region, using Eqs. 1and 2 gives

Ixc = Upper rectangle Ixc + 2 Lower rectangle Ixc

= 6.2093 108 mm4 + 2(9.3261 108 mm4)

= 249 107 mm4 Ans.

10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 8, page 1 of 6
8. A beam is built up from two standard rolled-steel channels and a
cover plate. Locate the centroid of the section and determine the
moments of inertia with respect to horizontal and vertical axes through
the centroid.

100 mm 100 mm
40 mm Centroid of channel

127 mm
A = 3780 mm2
254 mm xc Ixc = 32.6 106 mm4
Iyc = 1.14 106 mm4
127 mm

15.3 mm

1 Definition of centroid

Xc = 0, by symmetry
Yc = (1)
where yc is the centroidal coordinate of the region with area A.
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 8, page 2 of 6
2 Consider the cross section to be composed of a rectangle and two channels.

y y y

= +2

x x x

Centroid of channel

127 mm

3 Note that yc' is known.
127 mm yc' = 127 mm

10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 8, page 3 of 6
4 Rectangle

Area, A = (40 mm)(100 mm + 100 mm) C' 40 mm

= 8000 mm2 100 mm 100 mm

yc' 40 mm
= 20 mm
5 Locate centroid of rectangle: 2

yc' = 254 mm + 20 mm
127 mm + 127 mm = 254 mm
= 274 mm

2 channels (area was given) x

6 Set up table
Region A ( mm2 ) yc' ( mm ) yc'A ( mm3 )
Channel 2(3780) 127 0.9601 106
Rectangle 8000 274 2.1920 106
A = 15560 yc'A = 3.1521 106

7 Eq. 1 gives the distance to the centroid of the entire cross section:
Yc = (Eq. 1 repeated)
3.1521 106
= 202.58 mm Ans.
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 8, page 4 of 6
8 Ixc and Iyc of channels (Ixc', Iyc', and A are given.) y yc' Centroid of
Use the parallel axis theorem. Centroid of entire beam section

Channel Ixc = Ixc' + (dx)2A C xc

= 32.6 106 mm4 + (202.58 mm 127 mm)2(3780 mm2) dx
= 54.193 106 mm4 (2) Yc = 202.58 mm C'

Channel Iyc = Iyc' + (dy)2A 127 mm

= 1.140 106 mm4 + (15.3 mm)2(3780 mm2) x

dy = 15.3 mm
= 2.025 106 mm4 (3)
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 8, page 5 of 6
9 Ixc and Iyc of upper rectangle y
bh3 40 mm
Ixc' = 100 mm 100 mm = 20 mm
12 2
40 mm C' xc'
(100 mm + 100 mm)(40 mm)
= d
C xc
= 1.067 106 mm4
d = (40 mm + 254 mm) (20 mm + 202.58 mm)
254 mm Yc = 202.58 mm
= 71.42 mm

Use the parallel axis theorem.

Area A was calculated previously. x
Rectangle Ixc = Ixc' + d A
Centroid of entire beam section
= 1.067 106 mm4 + (71.42 mm)2(8000 mm2)

= 41.874 106 mm4 (4)

Rectangle Iyc =

(40 mm)(100 mm + 100 mm)3

= 26.667 106 mm4 (5)
10.2 Method of Composite Areas Example 8, page 6 of 6
10 For the composite region,

Ixc = Rectangle Ixc + 2 Channel Ixc

by Eq. 4 by Eq. 2

= 41.874 106 mm4 + 2(54.193 106 mm4)

= 150.3 106 mm4 Ans.

Iyc = Rectangle Iyc + 2 Channel Iyc

by Eq. 5 by Eq. 3

= 26.667 106 mm4 + 2(2.025 106 mm4)

= 30.7 106 mm4 Ans.

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