Asociación de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos: Sub Gerencia de Proyectos

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“Asociación de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos”


Trujillo February 16, 2018

Erik Cruz De La Cruz

Sta Beatriz Street nº24º
Telephone 949860941

The Association of the Corps of Engineers of Roads, Canals and

Ports of the State
General Arrando Street, 38 - 28010 - Madrid
Telephone 913197420

Dear Mr. President. Eduardo López Navarro:

I enclose my curriculum vitae for your consideration, expressing my interest in participating in the present
process of personnel selection and that requires a professional of my characteristics as draftsman-hydraulic
My experience in the field of civil engineering ranges from the layout and technical assistance in linear works
to the civil works of wind farms and high voltage lines, urban projects, precision topography, structural
calculations, and design and modeling of hydraulic projects such as the modernization of the tertiary channel
network of the lower section of the Mendoza River-5th and 6th irrigation zones with a total length of 40km.
My main objective is to use the tools acquired in my university studies, to be able to develop myself in the
best way within the hydraulic field of engineering, pursuing common objectives within the company.
I consider myself a serious, responsible, enterprising person with the ability to work as a team. I believe that
effort and work are the keys to carry out any project and challenges are the best way to grow professionally.
For all these reasons, I would like to have the possibility of carrying out an interview with you, in order to be
able to specify my professional skills and become part of your company if you consider it appropriate.


Erik Cruz De La Cruz
Engineer of roads, canals and ports

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