De Coster - The Geology of Central and South Sumatera Basin

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Disc Contents © IPA, 2006 - 3rd Annual Convention Proceedings, 1974




Third Annual Convention, June 1974.



BASIN DESCRIPTION east coast of Sumatra; and to the north and

northwest by the Asahan arch and the outcrops
The Central and South Sumatra basins are
of pre-Tertiary rocks northwest of Pekanbaru.
important oil producing areas on the island of
Both The Asahan and Lampung arches were
Sumatra in the Republic of Indonesia (Figs. 1
positive elements throughout much of Tertiary
and 2). They are Tertiary structural and
time, separating the Central and South Sumatra
depositional basins composed of a Tertiary
basins from the adjoining North Sumatra and
sedimentary section lying o n an u n c o n f o r m i t y
Sunda basins, respectively.The two arches were
surface of pre-Tertiary metamorphic and
covered by shaUow marine seas only during the
igneous rocks. These are two of the three basins
.Early and early Middle Miocene time to form
located on Sumatra ( t h e third is the North
temporary connections to the neighboring
Sumatra basin) aligned northwest-southeast
basins. The northeastern and eastern boundaries
between the Barisan Mountains to the south-
of the basins along the Sunda shelf and the
west and the Malacca and Karimata Straits and
Lampung high are difficult to define precisely,
the Java Sea to the northeast and east. T h e
but are usually placed where the sedimentary
rocks exposed in the basins consist almost
section is less than 1500 feet (460 meters) thick
wholly of Tertiary strata though several
uplifted blocks i n the basins (including the and composed of Plio-Pleistocene and Younger
strata lying o n Lower Tertiary or pre-Tertiary
Tigapuluh and Duabelas mountains) do expose
rocks. The boundary between the central and
pre-Tertiary rock at the surface. The rocks
south basins is also indefinite due to l a c k of
exposed in the Barisan Mountains are composed
major structural features separating them. This
of Paleozoic and Mesozoic metamorphic and
factor is a n o t h e r argument for considering the
igneous rocks and of young Tertiary to Recent
two areas t o be one basin rather than two. The
volcanics. Analysis of the Central and South.Su-
boundary between the two basins is usually
matra basins show that they had very similar and
drawn as a northeast-southwest band through
related histories a n d c o u l d be considered as one
the northern part of the Tigapuluh Mountains,
large basin with many troughs and grabens. The
joining the axis of a broad arch extending
North Sumatra basin, on the other hand,
southwest from t h e Sunda landmass to a
appears to have been separated from the istructurally complex area in the m o u n t a i n front
Central Sumatra area throughout most of its
h i s t o r y by the Asahan arch and can be treated *) P.T. Stanvac Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia.
as a separate basin. For this report the Central The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness
and South Sumatra areas will be discussed and to the many geologists and geophysicists presently
described as separate basins. and fomaerly associated with P.T. Stanvac
The Central and South Sumatra basins (see Indonesia for much of the geologic information
Fig. 2) are asymmetric basins bounded on the add interpretation incorporated in this paper.
Information was drawn freely from discussions
southwest by faults and uplifted exposures of
with colleaguesin P.T.S.I. and from the f'des in the
pre-Tertiary rocks along the m o u n t a i n front of
Exploration DepartmenL In addition, he is grateful
the Barisan Mountains;. on the northeast by the to .personnel in the exploration and geology
sedimentary or depositional boundaries of the • departments of Pertamina and"of other eomp/mies
Sunda shelf (site- of the ancestral Sunda operating in Indonesia for their contributions in
landmass); to the south and east by the general discussions about the regional geology of
Lampung high and by an arch that parallels the the Sumatra area.

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northnorthwest of Jambi. The Tertiary deposi- into time-rock slices for tack of faunal control
tional basins extended farther to the west or of seismic boundaries. These units are shown
across portions of the Barisan Mountains and, on the correlation charts with time-transgressive
at various times during the depositonal history boundaries.
of the Tertiary section, were connected by The other units in the two basins are
seaways to the open sea of th e ancestral Indian described and used as depositional sequences or
Ocean. There is no evidence for the existence of time-rock units. Such a time-rock unit or
similar marine seaway connections from the " s e q u e n c e " is composed of a body of rock,
two basins northeastward across the Sunda often of varying facies, whose upper and lower
shelf (the ancestral Sunda Landmass) during the boundaries coincide with or are parallel to
Tertiary Period. The m a x i m u m dimensions of boundaries of planktonic zones or seismic
the Central and South Sumatra basins are horizons, or their correlative unconformities.
approximately 510 x 270 kilometers (317 x F O R M A T I O N AND SEQUENCES
168 miles), and 510 x 330 kilometers (317 x
205 miles). The two basins cover approximately Pre-Tertiary Complex
104,000 and 117,000 square kilometers The pre-Tertiary section or " b a s e m e n t " in
(40,000 and 45,200 square miles); their the two basins is a complex of Mesozoic
combined area of 221,000 square kilometers is igneous rocks and of Paleozoic and Mesozoic
about the size of the state of Utah, of Great metamorphics and carbonates. In a few local-
Britain or of the state of Victoria in Australia. ities, strata tentatively dated as Late Cretaceous
to Paleocene-Early Eocene occur beneath the
Tertiary sedimentary section and are grouped
with the pre-Tertiary. The Paleozoic and Meso-
The stratigraphy and generalized lith01ogies zoic m et am o r p h i c and sedimentary rocks were
of the Tertiary units in the two basins are intensely folded and faulted and were intruded
depicted on three figures - Figure 3 which is by igneous rocks during the Middle Mesozoic
the correlation chart for the two basins showing orogeny.The complexities of structural relation-
the names used in. this paper and industry ships of the older rocks observed in outcrop in
equivalent terms; and Figures 4 a n d 5 which are the Barisan Mountains undoubtedly extend into
schematic strati~aphic sections for the two the subcrop of these same rocks in the two
basins showing the time (but not the thickness) basins.
relationships of the units. The formations in the
Kikim Tufts and Older Lemat
t w o basins are discussed together in ascending
order of age. The oldest rocks found in the South
An important point that must be stressed in Sumatra basin that p o s t d a t e the Mesozoic and
the discussion of the stratigraphie nomenclature Paleozoic strata are thought to be the very
used in this paper is the distinction between tuffaceous sandstones, conglomerates, breccias
rock-stratigraphic units and time-stratigraphic and clays found in the Lemat-1 and -2 wells, in
or time-rock units. Some of the stratigraphie Tamiang-2, in the Laru wells, and in exposures
units in the basins are rock-stratigraphic units in the Gumai Mountains southwest of Lahat (1)
(i.e. formation, member, etc) that are defined These rocks are probably a part of the cycle o f
as in the Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature as continental sedimentation, vulcanism and ero-
bodies of rock characterized by lithologic sion that accompanied the Late Cretaceous-
homogeneity. The unit may contain between its Early Tertiary tectorfism in the South Sumatra
upper and lower limits rock o f one lithologie basin.
type, repetitions of t w o or more lithologic (1)
types, or extreme h o m o g e n e i t y of constitution wells located as follows:
which in itself distinguishes the unit. The Lemat-1 03 ° 08' 55"S, 104 ° . 1 6 ' 28'*E
contacts of such a rock stratigraphic unit are Lemat-2 03 ° 12' 57"S, 104 ° 18' 15"E
boundaries of lithologic change, and the unit is Tamiang-2 02 ° 30' 40"S, 103 ° 55" 37"E
often diachronous. They are correlated by their Laru wells about 03 ° 40°S, 103 ° lYE
lithologie character, and cannot be subdivided Outcrops about -03° 49' S, 103 ° 20-25'E


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Fig.5 Schematic strotigraphic section for South Sumatra basin~ showing generalized lithologies.

Lemat Formation and Benakat Member probably Paleocene-Early Oligocene and the
Benakat Member, Late Eocene-Early Oligocene
The term " L e m a t " has been applied in the in age, as determined by spore-pollen and K-Ar
past to tuffaceous, coarse clastic, continental age dating of some samples of shale and tuff.
sedimentary rocks present in the South
Sumatra basin that are now interpreted to Kelesa Formation
comprise several distinct units that are litho- The Kelesa Formation occurs in the Central
logically similar but of differing ages. These Sumatra basin and is composed of conglo-
units included 1) the extensive deposits in the merates, coarse quartz sands, variegated shales,
basin of pre-Talang Akar tufts and coarse
coals and tuffaceous material which were
clastics (the " y o u n g " Lemat), 2) the "old"
deposited in a continental environment. It has a
Lemat in the Lemat wells, and 3) the tufts
localized distribution in the basin area and was
present in the Laru wells and in outcrop near
deposited as the initial sedimentary fill in
Lahat. The use of the name Lemat is now
troughs and grabens on the basin shelf. The
restricted to the " y o u n g " Lemat; the term
unit is a sequence whose base is the
"Kikim Tufts" is used for the "old" Lemat and
u n c o n f o r m i t y with the pre-Tertiary that pro-
for the occurrences in the Gumai Mountains and
vides a good seismic reflection, and whose top
the Laru wells. The coarse clastic member of is unconformable with the overlying Lakat
the Lemat is composed of sandstones, clays, Formation. The top is a distinct log pick and
rock fragments, breccias, "granite wash", seismic reflector, commonly described as an
occasional thin coal beds and tufts, all u n c o n f o r m i t y from dipmeter data and the
deposited in a continental environment. The evident change in depositional environment.
Benakat Member of the Lemat (which is not to However, in local areas, continuous deposition
be confused with the Air Benakat Formation) undoubtedly t o o k place in a transitional
occurs in central portions of the basin and is environment. This continental facies is inter-
composed of grey-brown shales with some beds preted to grade northwest to the Tapanuli
of tuffaceous shale, siltstone and sandstone, trough into the claystones, sandstones and
and occasional thin coal beds, carbonate shales of the pre-Sihapas Formation. The Kelesa
stringers and glauconite. It was deposited in a attains a maximum thickness of about 4000
fresh to brackish environment and lies feet ( I 2 2 0 meters) in local areas in the southern
conformably on the coarse clastic lower part of the basin. It has been dated as Oligocene
member of the Lemat, locally termed the to Early Miocene on palynological evidence.
granite wash member, in the center of troughs. The unit is therefore younger than its
In the proximal portions of the depositional depositional cycle equivalent, the Lemat
troughs fhe Benakat may grade into the coarser Formation, in the South Sumatra basin.
elastic facies of the Lemaf. The relationship,
however, is not too clear due to abrupt .thinning Pre-Sihapas F o r m a t i o n
and truncation of the Lemat onto the flanks of
the Pendopo anticlinorium. The Lemat is The name Pre-Sihapas is applied by industry
normally bounded at its base and its top by to the occurrence of the Kelesa Formation in
unconformities that coincide with seismic the northern half of the Central Sumatra basin
horizons. In distal parts of the basin the contact wh~re it is composed of variegated continental
of the Lemat with the Talang Akar is claystone and sandstone, and of massive dark
interpreted to be paraconformable. The thick- brown lacustrine shale. It grades eastward and
ness of the formation is highly variable, ranging southward into the continental, coarse clastics
from a feather edge to more than 2500 feet of the Kelesa. The Pre-Sihapas is probably
(about 760 meters) in south Sumatra, and to as Oligocene but the basal sandstones in the deep
much as 3500 feet (about 1070 meters) (as portions of the trough may be as old as Upper
defined by seismic data) in one fault Eocene.
depression in the central part of the basin.
These maximum thicknesses of the unit have Talang Akar Formation
not been penetrated by the drill. The Lemat is This unit occurs in the South Sumatra basin,

overlying the Lemat Formation or the pre- Banner and Blow P and N Zone system of
Tertiary section and underlying the Telisa planktonic foraminiferal zonation. There is a
Formation or the Basal Telisa Limestone paucity of age dating information for the
Member. The Tal~ng Akar is here considered Talang Akar - few wells have been analyzed for
as a sequence which locally onlaps the planktonic foraminifera and furthermore most
underlying Lemat or pre-Tertiary and is of the wells in the basin were drilled in areas
essentially conformable with overlying strata of that correspond to delta plain and shelf areas of
the Telisa Formation. Often distinct seismic deposition of the Talang Akar where planktonic.
reflections mark the upper and lower bounding fauna are scarce or absent. No Middle Oligocene
surfaces of the Talang Akar and where the rocks have yet been encountered in the basin,
formation is quite thin, the upper seismic although they might occur in the centers of
horizon is often masked by the reflection from troughs where sedimentation would be expect-
the top of the Basal Telisa Limestone Member. ed to be most continuous. Late Oligocene fauna
Formerly the Talang Akar was considered to have been identified in beds correlated as the
be essentially a sandstone unit with minor trough facies of the Talang Akar sequence in
amounts of shale, but in this paper it is outcrops in the Air Cawang Kikim section On
considered as a time-rock sequence that the southwestern edge of the]~asin and in the
incorporates important facies and lithic changes Wahalo and Bingintelok wells[2) Samples from
within its boundaries. the Talang Akar from certain wells in the basin
The Talang Akar is composed of delta plain were analyzed as occurring in the Early
sandstones, siltstones and shales that grade Miocene Florschuetzia levipoli palynological
basinward into marginal marine sandstones and zone; these samples came from areas where the
shales," and from there farther troughward into Talang Akar was deposited in a delta plain
marine shales. The contact with the Lemat is environment and where sedimentation probably
unconformable in intermediate and rim parts of did not start until Early Miocene. A n o t h e r ,
the basin and probably paraconformable in informally named, faunal zone, the Black Globi
zone, occurs in the trough facies of the upper
trough areas. The contact with the overlying
Talang Akar. In this zone the Globigerinid
Telisa and Basal Telisa Limestone is conform-
able over most of the basin, though likely to be fauna are dark brown to black, in contrast to
disconformable on the basin rim, and is usually the buff and white color of similar fauna in
placed at the base of the " K " fimestone which overlying beds, and are associated with pyrite.
is a widespread marker bed. This Talang This suggests a euxenic environment of
Akar-Telisa contact is difficult to pick in wells deposition for the upper Talang Akar in the
in trough areas because the lithologies of the distal parts of the basin.
two formations are generally similar; there,
seismic and paleontology information is used to Lakat Formation
assist in the correlations. The changes in This formation in the Central Sumatra basin
thickness of the formation over the basin occur is c.omposed of relatively clean quartz sand-
in a m o r e regallar pattern than it does in the stones and thin interbedded shales deposited in
Lemat Formation. The thickness of the Talang an inner neritic to shoreface environment. The
Akar varies from a feather edge around lower contact with the Kelesa was described
emergent highs and basin margins to as much as previously; the upper contact is an electric log
1500 to 2000 feet (about 460 to 610 meters) in and lithology pick. The unit is a poor seismic
some of the trough areas in the basin. The reflector in the Kampar area anff can only be
thicknesses of the Talang Akar and the Lernat mapped where, it is tied to well control. The
usually vary correspondently in the basin and thickness varies with basin position but may be
where one is thick the other is likely to be thick as much as 1100 feet (336 meters) or more in
as well. (2)
The age of the Talang Akar sequence is CawangKikim03° 50S, 103 ° 23'E
Upper Ofigocene and Lower Miocene and Wahalo-1 02° 59 25"S, 103° 39' 47"
probably includes the N.3 (P.22), N.4 and part
of the N.5 planktonic foraminiferal zones in the Bingintelok-I 02 ° 35' 38"S, 103° 06' 58"

certain wells and areas. No paleontologic basin and is composed of calcareous shales
information is available for the formation - it interbedded with thin, glauconitic silts and
is usually interpreted to be Lower Miocene on • sands, representing the transitional facies from
the basis of stratigraphic position. inner to outer neritic marine deposition. The
electric log pick is placed at the top of the
Si Hapas Group uppermost, relatively thick glauconitic sand
The Si Hapas Group is an equivalent term below the massive Telisa shale. A widespread
used for the section that includes the Lakat and and continuous seismic reflector occurs at the
the Tualang Formations. The lower Si Hapas is top of this unit which is also a sequence
the equivalent of the Lakat, and the Upper Si boundary defining the top of the basal wedge
Hapas, of the Tualang. The age span for the Si of sedimentation of the Tertiary depositional
Hapas Group is given as N.4 to N.8 in the P and cycle in the Central Sumatra basin. The
N Zone system of planktonic zonation. formation is normally about 200 to 400 feet
(61 to 122 meters) thick in the southern half of
the basin and occasionally reaches 500 to 600
Basal Telisa Limestone feet (153 to 184 meters) in some of the wells.
This member was deposited in intermediate T h e Tualang is interpreted to be the
and shelfal portions of the South Sumatra approximate time-rock equivalent of the Basal
basin, on and around platforms and highs. It is Tetisa. Limestone of the South Sumatra basin
both a rock unit (member) and a sequence, in and to be of Early Miocene age. It is assigned
contact at its base with tlie Talang Akar this age principally on the basis of stratigraphic
sequence or with pre-Tertiary rocks and position and the rare occurrence of Spiro-
coinciding at its top with a strong seismic clypeus in the unit.
The Basal Telisa Limestone is composed of
platform or bank limestone capped in restricted Telisa Formation
localities by further buildups of detrital, reefal The Telisa Formation is the most widespread
and bank limestones. In the distal portions of occurring of tl3e Tertiary units, being deposited
the basin the equivalent unit consists of shales during the time of maximum marine transgres-
with thin limestone beds that are often mapped sion into the two basins. The Telisa is
as a part of t h e undifferentiated Telisa characteristically a fossiliferous, marine shale
Formation. The thickness of the lower bank containing occasional thin beds of glauconitic
unit is fairly constant over the shelf area, limestone. On the basin rims and shelfal areas it
averaging about 200 to 250 feet (about 60 to occurs in a shallow marine facies with siltstones
75 meters) although the thickness variations are and fine-grained sandstones as well as lime-
greater where the unit lies on the pre-Tertiary stones present with the shale. Sandstones on
with more irregular topographic relief to be the basin shelf that heretofore were correlated
filled. An additional 200 to 400 feet (about 60 as Talang Akar because they-were sandstones
to 120 meters) of limestone are present in those occurring beneath Telisa shales, are now shown
areas where the buildups of the upper unit to be sandstones developed within the Telisa.
occur, The outcrop of the Baturadja Formation The Telisa lies on Talang Akar in the South
in the Garba Mountains is reported to be about Sumatra basin and on the Tualang in the
1700 feet (about 520 meters) thick. The Central Sumatra basin, and on pre-Tertiary
member is very fossiliferous and has been dated rocks on most of the basin rim~. It is overlain
as Early Miocene. The fauna contained in the by the Lower Palembang (in South Sumatra)
Basal Telisa Limestone probably correspond and the Binio ( in Central Sumatra ) Formations
mostly to the N. 6 faunal zones but may extend at a contact that is very difficult to select
locally into the N.5 and the N~7 zones. consistently over the entire basin areas. The top
of the Telisa as picked on lithologic characteris-
tics is diachronous, the characteristic Telisa
Tualang Formation
lithology persisting until later in time in basin
The Tualang occurs in the Central Sumatra centers than on basin edges. Now with-better

seismic and regional information available, a Lower Palembang (South Sumatra) and Binio
more time-constant contact can be Selected, Formation (Central Sumatra)
based in part on the occurrence of a seismic These units which are usually considered to
reflection within the lower part of the Lower be equivalents in the two basins, were deposited
Palembang and the Binio, at the top of or in a during the early stages of the regressive cycle of
Section of sandstones interbedded with shales. deposition. They are composed of shales with
Where lithic and seismic data are available, the glauconitic sandstones and occasional lime-
top of the Telisa is placed at the base of this stones, deposited in a neritic environment at
lower sandstone section in the Lower Palem- the base grading to a shallow marine environ-
bang or Binio, above the massive shale section ment at the top. The base of the unit and its
of the Telisa. The Telisa on the stratigraphic
contact with the Telisa were discussed above
charts is shown as a sequence (or time-rock
and is an approximate time constant surface.
unit) with time constant top and base. The
The upper contact with the Middle Palembang
thickness of the Telisa varies greatly with basin
and the Korintji is essentially a lithologic
position and probably is as much as 6000 to
contact, based in South Sumatra on the
9000 feet (about 1800 to 2700 meters) thick in
occurrence of coals, in the Middle Palembang.
trough areas.
The Pangadang coals in South Sumatra and the
The Telisa can be dated with planktonic coals in the middle Korintji usually give a
fauna. U s i n g the new sequence tops for the strong seismic reflection which is mappable
Telisa, its zonal ages extend from N.7 or over broad areas. This would suggest that these
possibly N.6 at the base to as high as into N. 11 are fairly synchronous surfaces that can be used
at the top. In distal parts of the basin where it in correlations; however, the occurrence of the
lies on the Talang Akar, the Telisa probably coals vary in different parts of the basin so that
extends down as far as into the No.5 zone. The an interpreter cannot be certain that the same
top of the formation may extend into the N.12 coal beds are being mapped on the opposite
or higher zone but those zones in like manner sides of the larger anticlines which expose
have not been recognized in well samples Middle Palembang or Korintji strata. There is
perhaps because the marine environment has no diagnostic age dating information available
shallowed .to such an extent that few for the two formations. The units have been
planktonics occur. In the Central Sumatra basin interpreted in most reports to be mostly Late
where some paleontologic studies have been Miocene in age, though their age range may
made, the age of the Telisa, as well as can be extend into slightly older and slightly younger
interpreted from the limited data, probably stages. The thickness of the units vary
occurs over the time span bracketed by faunal considerably with basin position and on how
zones extending from approximately N.7 up to the contacts are selected; thicknesses usually
N.12 or N.13. It has been reported that the range up to 3300-5000 feet (1000 to 1500
environment of deposition reached its maxi- meters).
mum depths during the Globigerinoides bisphe-
ricus (G. sicanus) (lower N.8) zone in the South Middle Palembang and Korintji Formation
Sumatra basin and in the Globorotalia fohsi These units were deposited in shallow
fohsi (N. 10-11) zone in the southern half of the marine-brackish (at the base), paludal, delta
Central Sumatra basin. plain and non-marine environments and are
A minor hiatus occurs in the uppermost composed of sandstones, mudstones and coal
Telisa and the lower Lower Palembang and beds. They are rock units identified and
lower Binio on the basin edges which is correlated by lithologic criteria. The lower
detectable as a disconformity in some of the boundary of the Middle Palembang in the
basin edge wells but is not discernable in wells southern part of the basin is usually marked by
away from the basin edge nor on the seismic coal beds, and in the Jambi trough area by
sections. This hiatus may be related to the equivalent strata where the top contact is
Intra-Miocene diastrophism and is discussed in picked at the highest glauconitic sandstone of
further detail in the section on structural and the Lower Palembang. The number of beds and
depositional history of the basins. thicknesses of coal decrease from south to

north in the South Sumatra basin, l-n South the Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata were
Sumatra strong seismic reflections come from metamorphosed, faulted, and folded into large
the coal beds as described in paragraphs above. structural blocks or belts and intruded by
In Central Sumatra the contact with the Binio granite batholiths. These belts of metamorphic
Formation is picked by lithic and log rock are composed of strata of varying
correlations with the coals (that are locally lithologies, of differing degrees of meta-
good seismic reflectors) falling within the morphism and varying intensities of deforma-
Korintji. The upper contact with the overlying tion. They are exposed in the Barisan
Upper Palembang or Nilo probably varies Mountains, are postulated to extend into the
considerably with the basin position, usually basin subsurface, and together form the basic
being disconformable or unconformable, and is "structural grain" of Sumatra.
picked at the base of the lowest thick The second significant tectonic event oc-
tuffaceous beds in the overlying Upper c u r r e d probabl~, in Late Cretaceous and Early
Palembang or Nilo. The thickness of the Middle Tertiary time, when major tensional structures
Palembang and Korintji vary with basin that include grabens and fault blocks were
position and how the contacts are picked; the formed in the basins of Sumatra and in the
maximum thickness may reach 1500 to 2500 adjoining Sunda basin as well. The general trend
feet (450 to 750 meters). There are no faunal direction of these faults and grabens is N-S and
data from these units that are usable for age NNW-SSE. These tensional features and the
dating. The formations are usually interpreted remnant structures from the mid-Mesozoic
to be uppermost Miocene to Pliocene in age on orogeny, coupled with rugged paleotopography
the basis of stratigraphic position. developed by differential weathering of the
pre-Tertiary rocks, comprise the "old" structu-
Upper Palembang and Nilo Formation ral elements of the basin. These elements
These units were deposited during the structured the pre-Tertiary unconformity sur-
Plio-Pleistocene orogeny and are mostly erosion face which in turn controlled the deposition of
products derived from the uplifted Barisan and the Lemat, Kelesa and Pre-Sihapas Formations.
Tigapuluh Mountains and from the uplifted The other "old" features include the stable
folds being formed in the basins during the platforms in existence prior to Lemat and
orogeny. The formations are composed of Kelesa deposition and which remained es-
tuffaceous sands, clays and gravels, and sentially unaffected by structural movements
occasional thin lentils of coal, with great during the Late Tertiary orogeny.
variations of thickness and composition. The The most prominent structural features in
basal contact is usually placed at the base of the the basins are the northwest trending folds and
lowest thick tuffaceous layer. The units occur faults formed during the .Plio-Pleistocene
in the synclines formed during the orGgeny and orogeny. The convergence of the Indian Ocean
are absent from the anticlinal folds. A plate against the Sumatra portion of the
Plio-Pleistocene age is usually assigned to the Southeast Asia plate is postulated to have been
units based o n their association with the the cause of the final uplift of the Barisan
orogeny of that age. Mountains, the development of the major
right-lateral wrenching through the length of
these mountains, and the formation of the
associated fold-fault structures in the basin. In
many instances the faulting appears to be partly
SUMMARY controlled, their trends interrupted, terminated
The structural features present in the two or offset, and some of their afignments
basins axe the result of orogenic activity that influenced by the boundary faults of the
occurrea in at least three separate episodes - mid-Mesozoic belts of metamorphosed rocks
the mid-Mesozoic orogeny, the Late Creta- and by the N-S or NNW-SSE faults formed
ceous-Early Tertiary tectonism and the Plio- during the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary. All
Pleistocene orogeny. The earliest of the major these Plio-Pleistocene features are referred to as
episodes was the mid-Mesozoic orogeny when the '~young" structures of the basins and are

easily the most dominant features of Sumatran The Jambi trough. Very little is known
geology. about the older Tertiary section in this
trough and it is from inference, some
THE PRE-TERTIARY AND EARLY TER- seismic fault evidence, gravity data and
TIARY STRUCTURAL FEATURES occurrence of thick sections of Lemat at
the northeast end and the west end (in the
The "old" structures in the basin have long Barisan mountain-front outcrop) that a
been the subject for speculation and inter- trough is postulated here during the time
pretation, especially by those exploring for of Lemat deposition.
hydrocarbon accumulations that might have The un-named, north-south trough associat-
been controlled by these older features. Good ed with the Kampar high in central
quality, deep-penetration seismic data and Sumatra. This trough is partially flanked
regional and isopach maps of time-rock units by faults and extends northward onto the
have been used in the current studies of these shallow basin shelf.
older features. The seismic sections and maps, The deep graben portion of the Tapanuli
and the isopach maps of the Lemat and the trough which received many thousands of
Kelesa show a considerable amount of topo- feet of Oligocene Sediments. The western
graphic relief, some of it fault controlled, to flank of the trough may have had
have been present at the time these units were intermittent connection to the open sea
being deposited. Onlap onto the irregular during the Oligocene.
surface that was cut into the pre-Tertiary rocks
is common throughout at least the shelf and Other faults and smaller grabens of pre- or
intermediate portions of the basin where we Early Tertiary age also are present in both
have data; it is presumed to be present in the basins as shown on Figure 6.
deeper parts of the basin as well. These old In marked contrast to the deep grabens are
features are now interpreted to be a com- the platform areas on which no sedimentation
bination of paleotopography formed by dif- occurred until Basal Telisa Limestone and
ferential erosion of the pre-Tertiary rocks and Tualang time. These platforms apparently
of structural elements composed of fault subsided as stable blocks during the Middle and
blocks, grabens and stable platform areas Late Tertiary and were little affected by the
formed in Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Plio-Pleistocene orogeny. Another broad regi-
time. The remnants of the belts of Paleozoic onal high, partly cut by faults, extended north-
and Mesozoic metamorphic and igneous rocks west from Palembang toward the basin center.
formed during the mid-Mesozoic orogeny also This high, whose surface is composed of hard,
may have comprised part of the regional massive pre-Tertiary limestone, is flanked by
pre-Tertiary structuring on which the Lemat thick sections of L e m a t and Talang Akar
and Kelesa Formations were deposited. clastics and is onlapped b y t h e s e strata from the
The Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary tension west and north. "
structures are shown on Figure 6. The major The Tigapuluh and Duabelas Mountains on
troughs and fault blocks containing thick the other hand, probably were receiving
sections of Lemat, Kelesa and Pre-Sihapas strata sediments during the deposition of the entire
include the following: Tertiary section and were not uplifted until
Plio-Pleistocene time. Both mountains are
The Benakat "gulley" flanked on the west
rimmed by exposed outcrop of the section
by faults. This trough, opening to the
from Lemat up to Middle Palembang, 'sug-
south into the Lematang trough and to the
g e s t i n g they were subsiding and receiving
north into the extension of the Jambi
sediments during these times. True, the cores of
trough, may be a half graben.
the mountains may have been above wave base
The Lematang trough, which was probably or been positive features but there is no way to
flanked on the north by a boundary fault document this as the Tertiary rock section in
separating major blocks of pre-Tertiary the m o u n t a i n areas has been stripped away by
rocks. erosion.




y- ~ ~- FAUST ZONE

.:~ ~ x~

,~ ~" ~ -
• °


• ! o.

Fig. 6. late Creeaceous-Early Tertiary seructural ~eaeures.


The finer details of the trends and locations movements accompanying this depositional
of the old structural features can be reasonably break.
well depicted by the isopach map of the
interval between the top of the Talang Akar (or
equivalent surface in Central Sumatra) and the PLIO-PLEISTOCENE STRUCTURAL FEA-
pre-Tertiary unconformity (Figure 7). The TURES
isopach data on Figure 7 incorporates the
The most prominent structural features in
effects of pre-Tertiary/Early Tertiary struc-
the basins are those developed during the
tures, of paleotopography on the pre-Tertiary
Plio-Pleistocene orogeny. These features, whose
surface, and of basin, tilting (or differential
basin subsidence) during the deposition of the dominant trend is northwest-southeast, are
Lemat-Talang Akar/Kelesa-Lahat Formations. clearly seen on surface geology m a p s and on
Despite the restriction of the effects of basin structure maps of shallow horizons. Figure 8 is
tilt, the map can be used to analyze the gross a compilation of the axes of Plio-Pleistocene
features of "old" structure and of relative anticlines and synclines and the traces of the
major faults formed at the same time. Some of
paleotopography on the pre-Tertiary surface at
the time of Lemat and Kel~sa deposition. On the Plio-Pleistocene features can be seen on
structure maps of the Talang Akar and Tualang
the map are seen broad platforms, arches,
Formations though earlier events also affect the
grabens, fault blocks, numerous isolated
structuring on this horizon. Structure on the
mounds and ridges, and many terraces and
pre-Tertiary unconformity (Figure 9) is the
noses flanking or extending away from regional
resultant of several events that includes the
highs. Most of the faults and troughs are
pre-Tertiary structuring and paleotopography,
oriented nearly north-south; some are north-
and differential basin subsidence during the
east-southwest. The isopach maps and the
deposition of the Tertiary section, as well as the
seismic sections indicate that many of the faults
Plio-Pleistocene folding. This structure map i
were active during Lemat and Talang Akar
therefore least representative of pure Plio
deposition. Pleistocene structuring.
Regional analysis of the Sumatra basins
highlights some of the significant Plio
Pleistocene structural elements that include the
following (Figure 8):
Very little structural movement, other than
basin subsidence, seems to have occurred after 1. The Semangko wrench fault, extending the
Lemat and Pre-Sihapas-Kelesa time and before length of the island of Sumatra formed ir
the Plio-Pleistocene orogeny. Some of the the Plio-Pleistocene orogeny as a result o~
"old" faults appear to have been active as late the convergent collision of the northeast
as during early Talang Akar and Lakat moving Indian Ocean plate against Sumatra.
deposition but were inactive after that. Some It is not known if this zone existed as a
seismic sections indicate some movement along wrench fault in earlier Tertiary times or iv
the faults during Telisa deposition b u t these the Paleozoic or Mesozoic Eras. Evidence
appear to have been of local and only minor against its being present in the Mesozoic i~
significance. Middle Miocene tectonic events that the fault seems to transect the major
interpreted by many geologists from structural blocks of pre-Tertiary rocks in the Barisan
evidence in the Barisan Mountains apparently Mountains that were formed during the
had some effect on the structures in the mid-Mesoziaic.
northern part of the Central Sumatra basin but 2. The northwest trending folds w i t h i n the
had httle effect elsewhere in the two basins. basin, aligned more nearly parallel to the
There is evidence from some wells located on trace of the Semangko fault than are the
the northeast edge of the-basins that an hiatus blocks of pre-Tertiary rocks in the Barisans.
occfirred o n the basin shelfs in the Middle Many of the folds occur in the basins in sets
Miocene, possibly a result of eustatic dropin sea that appear to have right lateral offset.
level, but there is no indication of structural About five sets of folds or anticlinoria are

(2--" " .=

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0 ..-



IOOO'- Contour Interval


Lowerwedge of Terf
'"~'~ • )4
~'qb Oil 8 G o s Fields
.0 25 5O


Fig. 7. RelatiVe paleotopogra•hy on pre-Tertiary unconformity, illustrated by the isopach map of lower wedge
of Tertiary section (isopach map of top Talang Akar to pre-Tertiary in South, and top Lakat to pre-
Tertiary inCentral Sumatra basin).


<7 4"

fIQ/ <



Fig. 8. Pllo-Pleistocene structure features.





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UNCONFORMITY x ;'.'~'.'~';~
-5000 TO-IO,O00 FT

~ - I 0 , O 0 0 TO-15,OOO FT. x ""~:-".'--~-~-:':'.'

" ~ ,
~.~- Is,OOO FT

present in the two basins. The northernmost they are offset in a rigbt lateral sense by
one is aligned northwest, and each succeed- north-south faults.
ing set to the south trends irr-a slightly more
westerly dSrection; the southernmost one is
nearly east-west. It will be noted that the
foldsets are en echelon and slightly rotated
to each other, whereas the individual folds The history of the pre-Late Paleozoicevents
within the sets are parallel to each other. in Sumatra is still lost to us due to the lack
Each anticlinorium or fold set terminates at of rocks dating from these periods. The Late
its southeast end against a stable platform or Paleozoic a n d Mesozoic events, on the other
basin margin. hand, are partially decipherable from the
widespread occurrences of rocks of this age
3. The northwest trending faults that are which permit some measure of interpretation to
associated with the folds in the basins; both
be made for these periods of the geologic
normal and thrust faults are present. Some histo~- of the area. The history of the Tertiary
faults are rejuvenated Early Tertiary features Period is even better understood because its
and others were formed contemporaneously rock and structural record is much more
with the folding. complete and can be more easily mapped and
The alignment and location of ~he Plio- measured. Moreover, greatest emphasis has been
Pleistocene folds and faults in the basins were placed on interpreting the more recent geologic
controlled by many factors. The plate collision events because it is the younger rocks and the
and the accompanying north-easterly vector of mid-Phanerozoic and younger tectonic events
compression imposed the dominant northwest that formed the geologic features which are
trend onto the folds and the faults. Some now being explored for hydrocarbons and
Plio-Pleistocene faulting of the Tertiary section minerals.
occurred along the boundary edges of the The tectonic history of the basin areas from
Underlying blocks of metamorphic and igneous the mid-Mesozoic to the Recent can be
rocks that comprise the pre-Tertiary basement subdivided into four major events:
whereas other Plio-Pleistocene faulting con- 1. the mid-Mesozoic orogeny.
sisted of rejuvenation of Early Tertiary faults.
Numerous northeast-southwest tension faults 2. the tectonic event of Late Cretaceous-
are present along the crests of the larger Early Tertiary (?) accompanied by
anticlines. The many types of faults that are tension faulting.
present in the basins include normal vertical, 3. tectonic quiescence from the Early
high angle reverse that steepen to vertical with Tertiary through the Miocene, ac-
depth, thrusts that flatten into bedding plane companied by isostatic subsidence of the
faults a t depth, and normal faults with basins and deposition of t h e Tertiary
components of lateral movement. sedimentary section. This subsidence was
The folds are of various types including interrupted in the Middle Miocene by
straight, curved, sinuous, and straight with diastrophism in the Barisan Mountains
abrupt bends at one end. They range in length and by minor structural movements in
from a few to more than 90 kilometers. Some the basins,
are remarkable for their length and for the 4. the Plio-Pleistocene orogeny.
number of culminations present on their crestal
axes. Some folds are of low amplitude; others The tectonic history of Sumatra was
have steep to vertical flanks with somo degree profoundly influenced by the movement and
of flow fold structuring. In places, domes or recurrent collisions of the Indian Ocean and the"
short north-south folds are present on the crest Southeast Asia plates. Reference will be made
,of regional folds. These occur in the form of to these plate tectonic events as they affect the
trapdoor uplifts and are located where the development of the structural and depositional
regional fold and the flanking f a u l t bend history of the basins.
abruptly to a north-south orientation or where The known depositional history of Sumatra

include the following periods of sedimentation: phase is not discussed in this paper because the
Late Paleozoic through Early-Middle Meso- areas of tectonism lie far from the basins of
. zoic primary concern.
Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary
Late Paleocene (+) through Recent
The mid-Mesozoic orogeny was the first of
EARLY AND MIDDLE PALEOZO1C PE- the four major tectonic events to affect the"
RIODS history of the basins from mid-Mesozoic to
Recent times. This event probably affected all
There is no reference to the presence of
rocks of Early and Middle Paleozoic age in of Sumatra as well as the offshore areas
Sumatra or in the nearby islands~ The nearest northeast of Sumatra that comprise the Sunda
occurrences of older Paleozoic rocks include landmass. During this event, the sedimentary
the Silurian-Ordovician rocks exposed in the strata deposited in Sumatra in the Late
western part of the Malay Peninsula northwest Paleozoic and the Early and Middle Mesozoic
of Singapore, and the Devonian rocks reported were uplifted, metamorphosed, faulted and
in Kalimantan. Thus, the record of early folded into a complex of blocks or zones that
geologic time in Sumatra is unavailable or has form the basic structural framework of the
not yet been revealed. island of Sumatra. These Late Paleozoic and
Early-Mid Mesozoic rocks are exposed the
length of the Barisan Mountains as well as in
tile Tigapuluh, Duabelas and other mountains
within the basin areas. In the Barisans, the
The Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic are well outcrops have been mapped by zones or belts
represented by extensive outcrops of Permo- that include the block mountains of Permo-
Carboniferous, Triassic and Jurassic rocks that Carboniferous metamorphics, the "slate belt"
occur in the Barisan, Tigapuluh, Duabelas and of Mesozoic metamorphics, the massifs of Late
other mountains in Sumatra, in the islands Mesozoic granites, and the other belts as shown
including Bangka and the Riau and Lingga on Figure I0. Major faults or zones of weakness
group lying offshore northeast of Sumatra, and probably form the boundaries between these
in West Malaysia. These strata are described in belts of rock.
considerable detail in published reports and are The mid-Mesozoic orogeny was a : m a j o r
shown on published geologic maps of the areas. tectonic event that may have been associated
From these occurrences and exposures, it has with subduction of an oceanic plate beneath
been interpreted that the vast area now the edge of the Sumatran continental plate. The
encompassing the Malay Peninsula, the Sunda plate convergence, the initial downbuckling of
landmass, and Sumatra was receiving con- the crust, and the folding and metamorphism of
tinental margin sedimentation during the the Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata in the Barisan
Permo-Carboniferous and Early-Middle Meso- Mountains [see Fig. 11) probably occurred
zoic. The types of sedimentary rock deposited about Jurassic time - perhaps Late Jurassic to
included sandstones, shales, limestones and Early Cretaceous because there are some folded
dolomites that were laid down in shallow to and metamorphosed rocks in the m o u n t a i n
deep marine environments. This sedimentation blocks that are dated as young as Early
probably occurred in foreland basins on the Cretaceous (?). The development of the crustal
margin of the Southeast Asia continental plate, shearing, the underthrusting of the oceanic
wherever this plate was located in reference to plate, the uplift of the overthrust plate and the
geographic coordinates or in relation to Gond- emplacement Of igneous intrusions (see Fig. 12)
wana Land or to the Eurasia landmass. A history probably occurred in Middle-Late CretaceOus.
of development of several subduction, zones in The increasing degree of metamorphism and
the area of the South China Sea, Malay Peninsu- folding thought to be observed from north to
la, in parts of the Sunda landmass and near south in the blocks of exposed rocks in the
Sumatra is postulated by some geologists for the Barisan Mountains, and the occurrence of more
Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic periods. This mafic rocks and of serpentine in association


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• Fig. i0. Belts of Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic rock formed during Mid-Mesozoic




Nelson et al (1973)

Fig. II I n i t i a l downbuckling of crust resulting from convergence of ocean plate a-gainst

continental plate


Nelson et a1(1973)

Fig.|2 Shear developmen! in the crust, the underlhrust o! the oceanic plate and the uplift
ol the over'thrust plate and emplacement, of Igneous intrusions;

with the metamorphosed Mesozoic rocks found originally formed as a wrench fault or a
in the most southerly of the blocks, suggested transform fault. The trace of this feature, which
to Nelson e t al (1973) that the sub duction zone we will refer to as the "East Coast Sumatra
may have been located near the south end of zone", marks the contact between the Sunda
Sumatra (see Fig. 10). They also postulated basin-Java block and the Sumatra block whose
that this zone, in the form of an arcuate band, respective structural trends differ markedly in
may have curved eastward and joined a direction - east-west alignments in Java and
subduction zone interpreted to have been northwest in Sumatra. Evidence for .wrenching
present in central Java and southeast Kali- along the East Coast Sumatra zone is minimal
mantan about this time. but includes the following:
1) The oroclinal folding of the rocks on
LATE C R E T A C E O U S - E A R L Y T E R T I A R Y Bangka Island into an arcuate pattern
that suggests right lateral wrenching.
2) The straight east coast of Sumatra that
Hardly had the tectonism of the mid- gives the appearance of marking the trace
Mesozoic orogeny ceased when the area of the of a fault. This feature has been noted in
Central and South Sumatra basins was many reports, for example by Todd and
subjected to the next episode of structural Pulunggono (1971).
movement. During the episode, regional tensile 3) An apparent light-lateral offset of Jaw=
stresses were imposed on the area and grabens, from Sumatra.
faults, and fault blocks were formed. The 4) T h e abrupt swing or embayment, in a
significant trend direction was north-south or right-lateral sense, of the depth contours
NNW-SSE but many faults were aligned on the bathymetric map east of Christmas
northeast and some, northwest. These features Island located south of Java.
are depicted on Figure 6 and include the 5) The apparent right-lateral offset of the
Benakat "gulley" and the Jambi, Lematang and axis o f the gravity minimum in the
Tapanuli troughs. The stable platform areas Sumatra trench, about 150 kilometers
shown on the maps are rigid blocks formed by
north of Christmas Island.
Early Tertiary time and which were not much
affected by later orogenic movements. In the The East Coast Sumatra zone might have
Sunda basin, the north-south block fault system extended south from Banka Island through the
perhaps formed about the same time but this western tip of Java - w h e r e a fault with
has not been proven. Information from the mid-Miocene normal movement is mapped f r o m
deep basin areas is lacking but evidence that is surface o u t c r o p - - thence farther southward to
available indicates the faulting to have b e e n pass near Christmas Island and [hen south in
active at least as early as the Oligocene. the Indian Ocean. If wrenching did occur, it
The basic cause for the development of these must have been in post-Jurassic time because
major structural features is not known. They the rocks that were folded on Bangka Island
m a y have been related to a different phase of are of Triffssic and Jurassic age. The fault might
plate m o v e m e n t or they may have been have developed originally as one of a series of
associated with a secondary period of mantle north-south transform faults associated with a
upwelling following the mid-Mesozoic orogeny. spreading oceanic ridge located south of
But whatever the cause, the effect was the Sumatra and Java, perhaps on the east-west
widespread development of tension structures trending Cocos ridge. The faulting might also
in the Sumatra basins. The postulated right have been contemporaneous with the major
lateral wrench fault along the Sumatra coast is a o r o g e n i c event of Late Cretaceous to Late
very speculative featiare. We are not sure if Eocene age that formed the Ma Song transform
there was wrenching nor do we know when the fault near Savu and Flores Island, east of Java
fault originally formed. There is strong (described by Audley-Charles et al (1972).
evidence, nonetheless, for this feature being a These are the data bearing on this feature; the
major zone of weakness or a boundary between presence of Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary
two crustal blocks and it might have been faulting and of wrench m o v e m e n t remain to be

proven. those by Le Pichon and Heirtzler (1968) and

Accompanying the tectonic activity of the Ewing and Ewing (1967), and others, suggest
Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary were episodes of that plate movement may have halted during
sedimentation in different parts of the basin the Miocene from the time o f Anomaly 7 or 8
and vulcanism that produced breccias, tuffs and to Anomaly 5.
volcanocl~ts. Shallow basins that received The Tertiary sediments were deposited in
sedimentation may have been created during the basins in a transgressive-regressive cycle
the Cretacous on the continental shelfs of extending from about the Paleocene-Eocene to
Sumatra during the uplift of the lip of the the Plio-Pleistocene. The sea encroachment into
overthrust plate• Occurrences of Upper Creta- the basins was episodic with important
ceous-Lower Tertiary rocks are scarce, however stillstands .and temporary shallowing and
- they may have been removed by erosion that deepening effects of the sea occurring perio-
followed soon after their deposition. No marine dically- during the major transgressive-regressive
rocks of this age have yet been found in the cycle. The initial fill of the rugged paleo-to-
basins; the few occurrences of dated rocks from pography of the basins occurred from the
this age include 1) the tuffaceous clastics dated Paleocene to the Oligocene with the deposition
by K-Ar analysis as Late Cretaceous or older of tuffaceous continental elastics; the initial fill
from the Lemat-2 well, and 2) the lava tufts occurred in the Eocene and Oligocene in
with a m i n i m u m age of Late Paleocene-Early Central Sumatra. Subsequent deposition in the
Eocene from Tamiang-2 in beds described as Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene occurred .in
having high dip. The tuffs and elastics found in deltaic and marine environments in differential-
the Laru wells and exposed along the m o u n t a i n ly subsiding basins and troughs. Marine seas
front southwest of Lahat, are thought to be of encroached into the basin areas and gradually
possible Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary age. onlapped the topographically high features so
that by Early to Mid Miocene time the widest
DEPOSITION OF THE TERTIARY SEDI- • extent of the basins was receiving sediments
MENTARY SECTION being deposited in shallow to deep marine
environments. The regressive cycle began in the
Summary late Middle Miocene with the slow withdrawal
The deposition of the Tertiary sedimentary of the sea and the shallowing of the
section in the Central and South SUmatra basins environment of deposition from deeper marine
occurred during a period of _tectonic to shal.low marine to paludal and then to deltaic
quiescence; the sediments were laid down in and continental conditions. The close of the
isostatically subsiding basins where basin sedimentary cycle- occurred i n the Plio-
subsidence, erosion of the source areas and Pleistocene with the deposition of the tuff-
deposition in the basins, and changing eustatic aceous elastics that accompanied the Plio-
sea level controlled the sedimentation. The Pleistocene orogeny.
tectonic quiescence, occurring between periods
of tectonic upheaval in" the Late Cretaceous- Deposition of Lemat and Kelesa Formations
Early Tertiary and the Plio-Pleistocene, may The first phase o f s e d i m e n t a t i o n in file
have been the result of reduced sea-floor basins occurred in L a t e Paleocene to Early
spreading activity at that time. It is postulated O!igocene (Eocene to Oligocene in Central
in some published reports, for example, Sumatra) in intermontane basin environments
McKenzie and Sclater (1971), that 1) spreading (Figure 13). The orogenic activity of the mid-
along the I n d i a n Ocean spreading ridge ceased Mesozoic orogeny,, the faulting of the Late
from the time of A n o m a l y 22 (Late Paleocene) Cretaceous and Early Tertiary, and differential
to a b o u t A n O m a l Y 17 (Oligocene) and 2) that erosion of the exposed pre-Tertiary metamor-
during the Miocene perhaps both the Indian phic and igneous rocks had developed a terrain
Ocean and the. Southeast Asia plate were of substantial toPographic relief that probably
moving northward (2) together or t h a t - t h e was similar to the basin and range p r o v i n c e o f
Indian Ocean pla'te Was sliding past Sumatra western United States~ The tuffaceous con-
without convergence. Other studies, such as tinental sediments of the Lemat .and Kelesa

Z _..---.-t

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f, ~m
oO ~m


Fig. 13. Generallzed facies map. Paleocene to 011gocene. Kelesa and Pre-Sihapa|.Forma-
tions in Central Sumatra basin, Lemat Formation, incl. B~akat N e m b e r , ~n
South Sumatra basin.

Formations filled the grabens, fault blocks, and Deposition o f Talang Akar and Lakat Forma-
topographic lows in these basin areas and.were tions
laii] down as alluvial fan, braided stream, valley
Sedimentation in the t w o basins w a s
fill and piedmont deposits. The sediments were
renewed in Late Oligocene and Early Miocene
derived for tile most part from local source
wffh the deposition of the Talang Akar and
areas and deposited in the nearby valleys and
Lakat Formations in deep to marginal-shaUow
depressions. The basal unit iff South Sumatra is
marine, deltaic and fluviatile environments. The
often very felspathic ("granite wash") sug-
distribution of t h e gross facies and environ-
gesting erosion of nearby granite hills. Inter-
ments of deposition Of .these formations is
mittent vulcanism and erosion of ear-
depicted on Figure 14. In South Sumatra,
lier-deposi~ed tufts provided the tuff-ash that is
sea-ways t o the Indian Ocean opened, the seas
so common aconstituent of sediments laid down
encroached into the basins, and fine muds w e r e
at this time. The thin coals in the Lemat in
laid down in the deeper troughs that were first
South Sumatra, indicate local swamp con-
invaded. The .deposition of fine clastics
ditions. No principal direction of sediment persisted in these troughs throughout Talang
transport can be determined, as gravity flow
Akar time, sometimes in deep marine to
and water runoff were probably the principal
bathyal (?) environments as was determined by
erosion and transport mechanism. Movement
wells drilled in these areas. The environment
continued along many of the faults and
in these troughs was occasionally euxenic as
deposition in the troughs kept pace with
indicated by the presence of dwarf fauna and
subsidence. The formations occur as thick pods
pyrite, and by the brown coloration of the
in the downfaulted blocks, are thin or absent
foraminifera. In Early Miocene time, sedi-
on highs and unfaulted blocks, and are
mentation began on the basin.shelfs in the form
characterized by rapid and abrupt thickening
of alluvial fans and braided streams which filled
• and thinning of section. Many areas showing topographic lows and depressions. As the
the Lemat and Kelesa to be absent occur with topography became more constant and level,
irregular outline and on no particular trend, widespread delta plain sediments, consisting
indicating where hill,s, knobs, ridges and other primarily of point bar and braided stream
topographic highs lay above sedimentation deposits, were laid down over broad areas of
level. In the portions of the basins with little the basin. These graded into delta front and
information the isopach maps indicate broad marginal marine sands which in t u r n graded
areas having received Lemat or Kelesa sedi- into predelta shales laid down in the more distal
ments. If detailed data were available we would
parts of the basin. As the deltaic sediments
probably see more areas of non-deposition prograded toward the basin center , erosion
indicating the presence of hills and ridges.
removed some of the deltaic and fluvial
Furthermore, additional grabens and fault
sediments deposited on the basin margins and
blocks with Lemat and Kelesa sediments, redeposited the material in the new delta plain
similar "to the trough between Bangka Island
and delta front. In the southern part of the
and the Sumatra coast, probably are present in
basin, the principle source direction was from
the basins.
the east and sediment transport was from the
In the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene a tresh to
southeast toward the n o r t h w e s t . In the Jambi
brackish, lacustrine environment developed in
trough the source was l r o m the northeast and
portions of the South Sumatra basin and the
sediment tranport was from the east to west
Benakat Member shale was deposited in the
and to northwest. The interpretation o f
areas shown on Figure 13. The extensive iake
sedimentation on the west flank of the basin is
that must have formed at this time may have
u n c e r t a i n b e c a u s e the Plio-Pleistocene uplift
had intermittent connections with the marine
and erosion_of the Tertiary section has removed
seas through outlets on the west and south
much of the lithic evidence. It is believed that
-western rim of the basin as indicated .by the
narrow bands of nearshore marine sands m a y
occasional limestone, dolomite and glauconite
have been deposited around the positive blocks
in the Benakat.
or islands existent within the basin and

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Fig. 14. Environments of deposition during Late Oligocene-Early Miocene (Talang Akar
and Lakat Formations) showing dominant environments and lithologies.

bordering the west side of the basin. The sands Deposition of Basal Telisa Limestone Member
around these latter island are tuffaceous, the and Tualang Formation
material probably coming from volcanic sources Deposition in marine environments con-
on or near the islands; many tufts are also tinued in the two basins in the Early Miocene as
present in the overlying Telisa Formation in the Basal Telisa gin~estone in South Sumatra
this part of the basin. During Talang Akar time, and the Tualang F o r m a t i o n (Upper Si Hapas) in
the greater part of the Jambi trough was Central Sumatra were deposited upon the
receiving fine muds deposited in a fresh- Talang Akar and the Lakat. The distribution of
brackish bay to shallow marine environment in the gross facies and environments of deposition
the east grading to a marine environment in the of these units is depicted on Figure 15.
west. At- the end of Talang Akar time, the In South Sumatra at thi~" time there
progradation of the delta systems ceased and a p p a r e n t l y - w a s an appreciable reduction in
the deposition of the formation came to a amount of clastics being transported over the
close, as a thin marine shale (the " P e n d o p o " shelfal areas of the basin. The same condition
shale) . w a s laid upon, and preserved, the appears to have prevailed in tile Sunda basin
previously laid down fluviatile and deltaic where a limestone unit was deposited through-
sediments. out the basin area. The reduced amount of
In Central Sumatra, Lakat and lower Si clastics coupled with possible episodic still-
.ttapas deposition occurred in the Early stands significantly affected the d e p o s i t i o n a l
Miocene. We do not know how much of an environments, allowing the limestones to be
hiatus or paraconformity exists between the deposited on the platform and shelfal areas. In
Kelesa and kakat because there are no the early stages, extensive platform or bank
foraminiferal nor palynomorph data such as limestone deposits developed; in the later
there are in the South Sumatra basin to date stages, further buildups of detrital, reefal and
the formations. The environment of deposition bank limestone were formed on top of these
of t h e Lakat over the Kampar high and .the banks in restricted localities. Many of these
eastern shelf margin was inner neritic to buildups were supported by a framework of
• shoreface marine, the sediments consisting of colonial corals. During the later stages of the
relatively clean quartz sands and interbeds of buildups some of the uppermost parts were
muds. The lower sandstone unit of the Si Hapas subjected to subaerial leaching. Toward the
Group in the northern half of the Central basin margins, the bank limestone graded into.
Sumatra basin is probably identical in type and calcareous clays with fine to medium sands
environment to the Lakat, "but it probably being laid down around topographic highs.
grades westward into marine siltstones and While the lime muds were being deposited on
shales in the Tapanuli trough. The facies- the platforms t h e stratigraphic equivalent
environment and distribution map (Figure 14) section, composed of calcareous clays inter-
of ,.the Talang Akar and Lakat show many bedded with thin beds of lime m u d , was being
isolated areas of non-deposition which were the deposited in the deeper troughs. These
hills, knobs, platforms and other topographic conditions prevailed over the northern half of
highs still emergent during Late Oligocene and the South Sumatra basin and in the troughs and
Early Miocene. As in the analysis of the Lemat seaways between the platforms in the southern
and Kelesa, if detailed information were half. These shales are mapped as part of the
available from everywhere in the basins, many undifferentiated Telisa F o r m at i o n and not as a
additional areas of non-deposition would separate unit. The deposition of the Basal Telisa
probably be identified. The changes in thick- Limestone probably ended when marine trans-
ness of these formations over the basins • occur gression resumed and quantities of clastics were
more uniformly than they iflloin the L e m a t a n d again transported onto the basin shelves.
Kelesa Formations because there was less In Central Sumatra, muds and glauconitic sands
topographic relief to be filled with the and silts of the Tualang (and the equivalent
sediments. The area of the Tigapuluh Upper Si Hapas Formation) were deposited
Mountains is interpreted to have been receiving over an extensive area in shallow to middle
sedimentation during Lakat time. neritic conditions.

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Fig. 15. Environments of deposition during Early Miocene (Basal Telisa Limestone and
Tualang Formation).

_ The islands and their locations, that are faults in South Sumatra appear to have had
depicted on Figure 15 on the western rim of some m o v e m e n t during Telisa time but these
the basins, are conjectural. They have been are of minor magnitude.
included on the maps to suggest that the
connections to the sea on the west prabably lntra-Miocene Diastrophism
were irregular and restricted in width and were At some point in the Middle Miocene, in late
flanked by islands (possibly volcanic) at some Telisa or early Lower Palembang-Binio time,
localities. the environment appears to have shallowed and
regional tectonism may have affected the basins
Deposition of Telisa Formation in Sumatra. This event may be related to the
The most widespread marine transgression tectonism whose effects are reportedly ob-
during the Tertiary occurred in the two basins servable in the Barisan Mountains and whicbo is
in the late Early and the early Middle Miocene, described by van Bemmelen (1949) and others
and was accompanied by the deposition o f t h e as an uplift of the mountains accompanied by
marine shales of the Telisa Formation. Toward vulcanism and by intrusion of diapiric masses
the basin margins lime mud, silt and sand also and batholiths. This event is recorded on the
were deposited. The basins were covered to margins of the Central and South Sumatra
their maximum areal extent by the marine seas basins as an interruption to sedimentation and
and sedimentation occurred throughout the the development of weathering on an erosion
basin area (Figure 16). In South Sumatra the surface, followed by renewed sedimentation. In
seas are interpreted to have covered the Central Sumatra, y o u n g Middle Miocene beds
northern extension of the Lampung high and to lie disconformably on Lower Miocene beds in
have joined with marine seas in the Sunda several wells on the eastern margin of the basin:
basin. On the northeastern margin sedimenta- The occurrence of a seismic horizon within the
tion occurred to the farthest limits of the Binio and the Lower Palembang may be the
basins. On the north flank of the Central basinal manifestation of this event which is seen
Sumatra basin the Asahan arch was covered by on the basin margins as an hiatus.
shallow seas to link with those in the north
Sumatra basin. To the west, the Central and Deposition of Lower and Middle Palembang
S o u t h Sumatra basins were in communication and of Binio and Korintji Formations
wRh the open sea through broad seaways.
The regressive cycle of deposition in the two
Islands (plotted on Figure 16) probably basins began in the Middle Miocene -- about
persisted on the west borders of the basins, but early Lower Palembang-Binio Fo r m at i o n time
their locations and size can not be accurately - and environments of deposition gradually
plotted. They probably were volcanic as the changed from neritic to continental. The Lewer
Telisa Formation in the western half of the and Middle Palembang in South Sumatra and
South Sumatra basin is increasingly tuffaceous the Binio and Korintji Formations in Central
from east to west. The fauna in the Telisa Sumatra were deposited at this time in
suggest deposition in warm neritic environ- shallow-inner neritic to paludal to delta plain
ments. Paleontologic analysis of the fauna environments. The postulated areas of distri-
indicates a m a x im u m water depth of deposition bution of these units are shown on Figure t7.
over much of the basinal area to be 600 feet By middle Palembang-Korintji time widespread
(about 185 meters) or less, but troughs such as areas of swampland and marsh were present
Jambi probably were deeper. The maximum throughout the basin areas and vast quantities
water depths occurred in the South Sumatra of organic matter accumulated that were later
basin in the Globi. bisphericus (Globi. sicanus) transformed into coals that are characteristic of
stage and in Central Sumatra during the Globo. these formations.
fohsi fohsi stage. The areal extent of deposition of these
There is little evidence for major structural formations in the two basins cannot be plotted
m o v e m e n t during Telisa time so we presume accurately because the correlations and the
that the region was tectonically quiescent with identification of contacts between the units are
only basin subsidence occurring. A very few often difficult due to the gradational character

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:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::4:/ /

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F ig. J6. DistzJbution of sediments of Telisa Formation (excludin 9 Basal Telisa Limestone


0 a3



J F-

~m~ P

Fig. 17. Distribution of 6ediments in Middle and Late Miocene (Lower and Middle
Palembans and BJnio aria Korint~i Formations)

of the units. The areas of distribution o f the The trace on the ocean floor of the Benioff
units portrayed on Figure 17 are therefore zone that plunges beneath Sumatra is inter-
speculative and generalized, but they do depict preted to lie along the axis of the negative
the withdrawal of the seas from the basins and gravity anomaly found in the trench. The zone
the decrease in size of the basin areas receiving under Sumatra is described by Fitch (1970) and
sedimentation. The barrier islands on the west (1972), and Fitch and Molnar (1970) and
side of the basins were larger than in earlier others as sloping at about 30 degrees and having
stages and seaways between them finally closed loci of quake activity down to depths of about
by Middle Palembang-Korintji time, leading to a 2 0 0 - 2 5 0 kilometers. This is in marked contrast
wholly continental environment of deposition. to the Benioff zone under Java which is
The initial movements of the Plio-Pl~istocene mapped as sloping at an angle of about 60
orogeny probably began in the Late Miocene degrees and which has loci of activity down to
and deposition came to a close before the onset depths of 650 kilometers.
of the orogeny and the deposition of the The structural features that formed in the basin
Plio-Pleistocene sediments. areas during the orogeny tre~td northwest. It
is n o t e w o r t h y that the dominant crustal grain
P L I O - P L E I S T O C E N E OROGENY of Sumatra, formed during the mid-Mesozoic,
The Plio-Pleistocene orogeny is the last of was not appreciably altered by the Plio-
the major tectonic events to have affected the Pleistocene tectonism. The northwest trending
geologic development of Sumatra and it is this blocks of pre-Tertiary rocks in the Barisan
event that is responsible for molding most of Mountains were further uplifted and the
the geologic features that are so characteristic extrapolated extensions of these blocks in the
of Sumatran geology. During this orogenic basins seem to have continued in their original
phase, the Barisan Mountains were uplifted, the northwest trend.
right-lateral Semangko wrench fault was de- Sedimentation occurred in t h e basins con-
veloped along the length of the Barisans, temporaneously with the folding and faulting.
volcanic mountains formed that spewed The Upper Palembang and Nilo Formations,
effusive rock over much of the terrain in the composed of tuffaceous continental clastics,
mountain area, and the rocks in the basins of were deposited in the synclines and troughs.
Sumatra were folded and faulted into their The principal source of sediments in the
present-day configuration. Some of the major Plio-Pleistocene were the B arisan Mountains;
structural features developed at this time are the secondary source was the erosion from the
depicted on Figure 8 and are described above in uplifted folds forming in the basins. Erosion on
the section on Structural Geology. The orogeny m a n y of the anticlines cut deep into the
was probably the direct result of renewed plate stratigraphic section with Middle and Lower
movement of the Indian Ocean oceanic plate Miocene beds c o m m o n l y exposed, and pre-
against the Sumatra portion of the Southeast Tertiary rock occasionally exposed, in the core
Asia continental plate. Northeast to north- of the structures. More than 5000 feet (about
northeast m o v e m e n t of the Indian Ocean plate 1500 meters) o f section were removed from
was probably resumed in Late M i o c e n e time some of the anticlines. These sediments
with the onset of rapid spreading from the stripped from the anticlines together with the
Southeast Indian Ocean spreading ridge at a erosion and volcanic products coming from the
time identified as Anomaly 5 (refer to Le Baiisan Mountains were deposited in the
Pichon and Heirtzler-1968). This m o v e m e n t of synclines and troughs formed in the basins
the ocean plate resulted in convergent collision during the-orogeny. As the mountains rose the
against the Java, Sumatra, Nicobar and regional terrain slope tilted toward the
Andanian Islands that border the Southeast northeast and Sediment trarisport was north-
Asia plate, and the development of right eastward toward the Sunda shelf. This was a
lateral rotational m o v e m e n t between the two complete reversal in direction compared with
opposing plates. A subduction zone formed the earlier epochs when the principal source
offshore in the Sumatra trench southwest of was fhe emergent Sunda landmass and sediment
and parallel tO the offshore islands of Sumatra. transport was generally toward the west and

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