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A CONJUNCTION is a joiner, a word that

connects (conjoins) parts of a sentence.

and – but – or – so – because –

therefore – if – although – even
though – however – in spite of –
nevertheless – still – moreover -
Here are the conjunctions
1. My sister ______ I will go there next week. you need to write on the
2. I like you _____________ you are so kind to empty lines:
3. Peter turns back at me __________ chuckles. however
4. Would you like a Coca-Cola _______ a Fanta?
5. She broke her leg. ______________ she managed to walk 2o
kilometers. although
6. He is not well today _______________ he is not going to show up. or
7. _______ you ever come to Denmark, I really want you to visit me.
8. ____________________ the fact that she scared of snakes, she plans
to go to Australia for her next holiday. but

9. This is a very nice shirt, ____________ also very expensive. unless

10. I have more than 2500 tracks on my iPod __________ I never have therefore
time to listen to any of them.
in spite of
11. ______________, being here isn’t bad after all.
12. She is fond of travelling. ________________ she always wants books
on travelling for her birthday. nor
13. Why do ask? _____________________ you sound as if you are bored! if
14. I don’t want to be late for school, ________I really have to go now.
15. I love chocolate, _____________ I know it isn’t good for me.
16. They decided to get a dog ____________________ their son is allergic
to animals. although

17. He is neither rich ___________ poor. anyway

18. John is a good skier, ________________he prefers to play hockey. yet
19. ___________ we do something about it today, it will all be lost. of course
20. _______________ he trusts you. Has he reasons not to?


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