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Education in Singapore is managed by the Ministry of Education (MOE), which

controls the development and administration of state schools receiving government

funding, but also has an advisory and supervisory role in respect of private schools. For
both private and state schools, there are variations in the extent of autonomy in their
curriculum, scope of government aid and funding, tuition burden on the students, and
admission policy.[1]

Children with disabilities attend special education (SPED) schools run by Voluntary
Welfare Organisations (VWOs), which are partially funded by the Ministry of Education.
Education spending usually makes up about 20 per cent of the annual national budget,
which subsidises state education and government-assisted private education for
Singaporean citizens and funds the Edusave programme, the costs for which are
significantly higher for non-citizens.

In 2000 the Compulsory Education Act[2] codified compulsory education for children of
primary school age, and made it a criminal offence for parents to fail to enroll their
children in school and ensure their regular attendance.[3] Exemptions are allowed for
homeschooling or full-time religious institutions, but parents must apply for exemption
from the Ministry of Education and meet a minimum benchmark.[4]. Special needs
children are automatically exempted from compulsory education.

In Singapore, English is the first language learned by half the children by the time they
reach preschool age and becomes the primary medium of instruction by the time they
reach primary school. English is the language of instruction for most subjects, especially
mathematics and the natural sciences; the official Mother Tongue languages are generally
not taught in English, although there is provision for the use of English at the initial
stages. Certain schools, such as secondary schools under the Special Assistance Plan
(SAP), which encourages a richer use of the mother tongue, may teach occasionally in
English and another language. A few schools have been experimenting with curricula that
integrate language subjects with mathematics and the sciences, using both English and a
second language.

Singapore's education system has been described as "world-leading" and in 2010 was
among those picked out for praised by the British education minister Michael Gove.[5]

Foreign System Schools, or International Schools, offer you the opportunity to pursue
an education similar to the one in your country of origin. Registered with the Ministry of
Education, they follow guidelines and curriculum identical to those in their home

Singapore has a number of International Schools granting admission to foreign students

and permanent residents. Some International Schools impose minimum requirements for
admission, such as language proficiency or nationality. The criteria vary with each
Fees per year generally range from S$4,600 to S$14,000 for the lower grades and
S$6,000 to S$20,000 for the upper grades. The school year and semesters also differ from
school to school.

To search for a list of Foreign System Schools / International Schools in Singapore, click

Three of Singapore’s top schools, Anglo-Chinese School (ACS), Hwa Chong Institution
and St Joseph’s Institution have established private arms. The first 2 schools admitted
their first intake of students in January 2005, while the 3rd will open its doors to students
in January 2007.

Set up under the entities of ACS International, Hwa Chong International and SJI
International respectively, the 3 schools offer secondary and post-secondary education.
ACS International offers the International General Certificate of Secondary Education
(IGCSE) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), Hwa Chong
International offers a secondary and pre-university programme culminating in the
Cambridge GCE A Levels certificate, while SJI International will offer an international
curriculum leading to the International Baccalaureate Diploma.

University Program – Putera Sampoerna University

“To develop a world class University based on academic excellence, life-skills and
character development to raise the standards of national leadership, professionalism
and human capital with equal access for all through subsidized education.”

With the aim of addressing the needs of Indonesia and its masses, the Foundation
embarked on building an international-standard University, which will give birth to the
country’s future leaders and help it reach its full potential. Supplementing the
government’s education initiatives, the Foundation will focus on providing deserving
teens from the lowest economic quintile a world class tertiary education with the goal of
developing these unique individuals to become competent leaders that possess moral
integrity and a commitment to social justice. As a key component of Putera Sampoerna’s
“Pathway to Leadership” strategy, the University is designed to be a microcosm of a
leading American university. The ultimate aim would be to establish a university that
becomes a world class higher education model for Indonesia, with best practices and a
strong international and local faculty that would accommodate young visionaries and
potential leaders who would positively contribute to society and economic development.

This would be done through the formation of a consortium with other world class
universities, each, or in concert, investing an equity stake and management lead in their
respective areas of specialization and school disciplines.

This would allow the University to provide affordable, quality tertiary education for the
financially disadvantaged, allowing them access to international programs and faculty,
real-world experience, research and development facilities, leading-edge technology,
private sector engagement and life-long learning opportunities through distributed

Untuk mengembangkan Universitas kelas dunia berdasarkan keunggulan akademik,

ketrampilan hidup dan pengembangan karakter untuk meningkatkan standar
kepemimpinan nasional, profesionalisme dan modal manusia dengan akses yang sama
untuk semua melalui pendidikan disubsidi. "

Dengan tujuan memenuhi kebutuhan Indonesia dan massa nya, Yayasan memulai
membangun Universitas bertaraf internasional, yang akan melahirkan pemimpin masa
depan negara dan membantu mencapai potensi penuh. Melengkapi pendidikan inisiatif
pemerintah, Yayasan akan fokus pada penyediaan layak remaja dari kuintil terendah
ekonomi kelas dunia pendidikan tinggi dengan tujuan mengembangkan individu-individu
unik untuk menjadi pemimpin yang kompeten yang memiliki integritas moral dan
komitmen terhadap keadilan sosial. Sebagai komponen kunci dari "Putera Sampoerna
strategi Pathway untuk Kepemimpinan", Universitas ini dirancang untuk menjadi
mikrokosmos sebuah universitas terkemuka Amerika. Tujuan utama adalah untuk
membangun sebuah universitas yang menjadi kelas dunia pendidikan tinggi model bagi
Indonesia, dengan praktek-praktek terbaik dan fakultas internasional dan lokal yang kuat
yang akan menampung visioner muda dan para pemimpin potensial yang positif akan
memberikan kontribusi kepada masyarakat dan pembangunan ekonomi.

Hal ini akan dilakukan melalui pembentukan konsorsium dengan universitas kelas dunia
lainnya, masing-masing, atau di konser, investasi sebuah saham ekuitas dan memimpin
manajemen di daerah masing-masing spesialisasi dan disiplin sekolah.

Hal ini akan memungkinkan Universitas untuk memberikan terjangkau, pendidikan yang
bermutu tinggi bagi yang kurang beruntung secara finansial, yang memungkinkan mereka
akses ke program internasional dan fakultas, pengalaman dunia nyata, penelitian dan
pengembangan fasilitas, teknologi terdepan, keterlibatan sektor swasta dan seumur hidup
kesempatan belajar melalui pembelajaran didistribusikan.

Sampoerna School of Education (SSE)

“To improve the quality of education by developing professionally trained and
qualified teachers through world class instructional techniques and teaching

The School of Education was established in September 2009 as the first step and integral
part of the larger University project. It will be the first tertiary faculty under PSFU that
will offer principally the 4-year undergraduate Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) program.
The school will also provide innovative forms of curriculum and delivery strategies for
teacher education.

With the aim of attracting the highest quality students to become leading educators in
society with an appropriate mix of strong academics and personal qualities, SSE aims to
set the highest standards as future leaders in their profession. Graduates should possess
strong moral values to become role models equipped with quality teaching skills and best
practices, making them highly employable and in demand.

SSE will promote the principles of life-long learning and knowledge acquisition as a
continuum, in order to create a new generation of teachers for the 21st century.
Leveraging on the past successes of the PSF Teacher Institute with more than 14,000
teachers and principals trained, SSE is the first private teacher institute in Indonesia that
implements an international quality curriculum and teaching methodology. Through
strategic partnerships and alliances with the National Institute of Education, Singapore's
premier center for teacher training, the Principal's Academy of Singapore and Edith
Cowan University, Australia, the SSE aims to establish the Asia Pacific Centre of
Excellence for Teacher Education and Innovation in the near future.

Sampoerna School of Education (SSE)

Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dengan mengembangkan guru profesional
terlatih dan berkualitas kelas dunia melalui teknik pembelajaran dan metode pengajaran.

Sekolah Pendidikan didirikan pada September 2009 sebagai langkah pertama dan bagian
yang tidak terpisahkan dari Universitas proyek yang lebih besar. Ini akan menjadi
fakultas pertama di bawah PSFU tersier yang akan menawarkan pada prinsipnya adalah 4
tahun sarjana Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) program. Sekolah ini juga akan
menyediakan bentuk-bentuk inovatif dari kurikulum dan strategi pengiriman untuk
pendidikan guru.

Dengan tujuan untuk menarik siswa kualitas tertinggi untuk menjadi pendidik utama
dalam masyarakat dengan campuran yang tepat akademisi yang kuat dan kualitas pribadi,
SSE bertujuan untuk menetapkan standar tertinggi sebagai pemimpin masa depan dalam
profesi mereka. Lulusan harus memiliki nilai-nilai moral yang kuat untuk menjadi role
model dilengkapi dengan keterampilan pengajaran berkualitas dan praktik terbaik,
membuat mereka sangat dipekerjakan dan permintaan.

SSE akan mempromosikan prinsip-prinsip belajar seumur hidup dan akuisisi pengetahuan
sebagai sebuah kontinum, dalam rangka menciptakan generasi baru guru untuk abad ke-
21. Belajar pada keberhasilan masa lalu dari PSF Teacher Institute dengan lebih dari
14.000 guru dan kepala terlatih, SSE adalah lembaga guru swasta pertama di Indonesia
yang menerapkan kurikulum yang berkualitas internasional dan metodologi pengajaran.
Melalui kemitraan strategis dan aliansi dengan Institut Pendidikan Nasional, pusat utama
Singapura untuk pelatihan guru, Kepala Sekolah Akademi Singapura dan Edith Cowan
University, Australia, SSE bertujuan untuk mendirikan Asia Pacific Centre of Excellence
untuk Guru Pendidikan dan Inovasi di dekat masa depan.
Education in Indonesia is the responsibility of the Ministry of National Education of
Indonesia (Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia/Kemdiknas), formerly
the Department of Education and Culture of Indonesia (Departemen Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia/Depdikbud). In Indonesia, all citizens must undertake
nine years of compulsory education, six years at elementary level and three in junior high

Education is defined as a planned effort to establish a study environment and education

process so that the student may actively develop his/her own potential to gain the
religious and spiritual level, consciousness, personality, intelligence, behaviour and
creativity to him/herself, other citizens and for the nation. The constitution also notes that
education in Indonesia is divided into two major parts, formal and non-formal. Formal
education is divided again into three levels, primary, secondary and tertiary education

Pendidikan di Indonesia adalah tanggung jawab Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

Indonesia (Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia / Kemdiknas),
sebelumnya Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia (Departemen Pendidikan
Dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia / Depdikbud). Di Indonesia, semua warga negara
harus melakukan sembilan tahun pendidikan wajib, enam tahun pada tingkat SD dan tiga
di sekolah SMP.

Pendidikan didefinisikan sebagai upaya yang direncanakan untuk menciptakan

lingkungan belajar dan proses pendidikan agar siswa secara aktif dapat mengembangkan /
potensi dirinya sendiri untuk mendapatkan tingkat religius dan spiritual, kesadaran,
kepribadian, kecerdasan, perilaku dan kreativitas untuk dirinya sendiri, lainnya warga
negara dan untuk bangsa. Konstitusi juga mencatat bahwa pendidikan di Indonesia
terbagi menjadi dua bagian utama, formal dan non-formal. Pendidikan formal dibagi lagi
menjadi tiga tingkat, pendidikan dasar, menengah dan tersier

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