Example MUN Resolution

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Committee: 1st General Assembly (DISEC)

Topic: Terror Attacks and their Impacts on the EU

The General Assembly,

Deeply deploring terrorism in all its forms, committed in whatever

circumstances, as it threatens security, the values of democratic societies and
the rights and freedoms of European citizens,

Fully alarmed by Syrian passports found near the bodies of two of the
perpetrators of the Paris terrorist attacks in November 2015 which led to
speculation that terrorists were in infiltrating refugee flows to the EU,

Noting with appreciation the efforts made by Europol, particularly in launching

the European Counter Terrorism Centre (ECTC) in January 2016, a platform by
which member states can increase information sharing and operational
cooperation with regard to the monitoring and investigation of foreign terrorist
fighters and the trafficking of illegal firearms and terrorist financing,

Stressing the importance of dialogue with non-EU countries and international

partners in combatting terrorism,

Noting with deep concern that a total of 718 people were arrested on suspicion
of jihadist terrorism related offences in the EU and 135 killed in jihadist
terrorist attacks in the EU in 2016,

The General Assembly hereby:

1. Requests all EU Member States to regulate the use of Passenger Name

Record (PNR) which is stored and analyzed by the Passenger Information
Unit (PIU) to:
a. immediately freeze bank accounts and other means of funding
suspected or proven to be used for the financing of terrorist groups,
b. immediately share with the United Nations any information obtained
on financial or other type of support of terrorist activity in their state
and make such information available within their own state;
2. Further requests all EU Member States to enhance surveillance of public
places and the creation of new units focused on identifying potential
terrorists through their Internet activities;

3. Encourages all EU Member States to have reinforced checks at external

borders and temporarily suspend the admission of refugees into the EU
until the nation’s leading intelligence and law enforcement agencies can
certify the refugee screening process is adequate to detect individuals
with terrorist ties;

4. Supports engagement with international partners and third countries as

the EU's security is closely linked with the situation in other countries,
particularly in neighboring states, to strengthen cooperation through
a. enhanced high-level political dialogues,
b. capacity-building and counter-terrorism projects,
c. financial support for counter-terrorism,
d. countering and preventing violent extremism;

5. Affirms that the act of violation of a terrorist’s human rights will be

considered identical to any violation of human rights and therefore be
punished in the same way;

6. Calls upon all EU Member States, especially those which are more
exposed to terrorism, to provide better effective access to justice by
strong, efficient and victim-focused systems of compensation for victims
of terrorism in:
a. psychological and practical help,
b. legal aid and assistance bearing the cost of participation in
proceedings, such as travel costs and costs of translation.

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