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Imperial Guard Armoury
Banner of Cadia: This combines the effects of a Commanders Standard and a Regimental
Battle Claw: Yarrick may make attacks as either power fist or power weapon attacks (choose at the
beginning of each Assault phase).
Bionic arm: This is a power fist that strikes in Initiative order. In addition, the model has a 6+
Invulnerable save.
Camo-Cloak: A model with this has the Stealth special rule.
Carapace Armour: The model has a 4+ armour save.
Combi-Weapon: A combi-weapon is a bolter with one of the following one shot weapons built in:
flamer, grenade launcher, meltagun, plasma gun. You may not use both weapons in the same turn.
Company Standard: All friendly units with a model within 12'' of the banner may re-roll of failed
Leadership based tests, except Psychic tests.
Combat Shield: The model has a 5+ Invulnerable save in close combat. This does not count as a
close combat weapon.
Commanders Standard: This banner has the same effect as a Company Standard, and in addition
to this effect, all models in the Standard Bearer's unit add 1 to their Attack characteristic.
Demolition Charge: A Demolition Charge is a one use only weapon. It is a ordnance weapon that
may be used in the turn a model has moved. Place the Large Blast template as you would normally
and then scatter it.
Range Str AP Type
Demolition Charge 6'' 8 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast
Eviscrator: This is a two-handed power weapon that treats the model as a Monstrous Creature
when attacking vehicles.
Flak Armour: The model has a 5+ armour save.
Flak Vest: The model has a 6+ armour save.
Force field: Whenever Yarrick is hit, roll a D6 and deduct the roll from the Strength of the attack. If
reduced to 0 or less, the attack is stopped completely.
Helm of Macharius: Macharius has a 3+ Invulnerable save.
Holy Relic: Once during the game, the model may reveal he has a holy relic. This may be done in
either players turn. On the turn it is revealed, all friendly models that are within 2D6'' of it gain +1
Attack for the rest of the turn.
Hunting Lance: During the turn a unit with at least one model with hunting lances charge, you may
elect to use the hunting lances. If you do so, all models with hunting lances strike at +2 Strength and
Initiative, and count as being armed with a power weapon. Afterwards the hunting lance may not be
used again.
Master-Vox: This has the same effect as a vox-caster, except that the unit may lend it's Leadership
to any number of squads in a turn.
Medallion Crimson: A model with this is immune to Instant Death.
Medi-Pack: A unit with a medi-pack may ignore the first failed save it suffers each turn. It may not
be used against an attack that inflicts Instant Death, or a close combat attack that allows no Armour
save. The medi-pack may not be used if the model is engaged with an enemy model.
Refractor Field: The model has a 5+ Invulnerable save.
Regimental Standard: All friendly units with a model within 12'' of the banner are Fearless.
Ripper Gun: A Ripper Gun is a two-handed close combat weapon that adds +1 Strength to an
Ogryn using it in close combat, and treats them as wielding a Heavy Close Combat Weapon.
Rosarius: The model has a 4+ Invulnerable save.
Servo-Arm: A Servo-Arm grants the model one additional close combat attack, made at Initiative 1
and Strength 8, ignoring Armour Saves.
Servo-Harness: A Servo-Harness gives the Techpriest an extra Servo-Arm (giving him two Servo-
Arm attacks), a plasma cutter (which can be fired in the Shooting phase as a twin-linked plasma
pistol, but which can't be used in close combat) and a flamer. In the shooting phase the Techpriest
may fire both harness-mounted weapons or one harness-mounted weapon and one of his personal
weapons. A Techpriest with a Servo-Harness may re-roll the dice when attempting to repair a
damaged vehicle.
Signum: Once per turn, the model or any model in his unit may re-roll one to hit dice in the
Shooting Phase.
Storm Shield: The model has a 4+ Invulnerable save in close combat. This requires one hand to use
This means that the model may never claim the +1 Attack bonus for being armed with two close
combat weapons.
Sword of Heironymo: This is a master-crafted power sword that counts as a trademark icon. In
addition, the user gains +1 Strength and Initiative.
Targetter: When shooting, a model with a targetter may measure to see if they are in range before
declaring their target.
Trademark Item: A unit led in person by a model with a trademark item may re-roll any failed
Morale of Pinning checks that it suffers. However, if the model is slain, the unit must pass a Morale
test to avoid falling back.
Twin Matched Hellpistols: These are twin-linked hellpistols that count as additional close combat
weapon. In addition, these count as a trademark item.
Vox-Caster: One squad per turn may use another units Leadership with the Rites of Command rule,
even if the unit with the Leadership they are trying to use is in reserves etc.
Special Rules
Amphibious: Chimeras treat all water features as clear terrain when they move.
Blessing of the Omnissiah: See DA for now (sorry...)
Bodyguard: If the model is within 2'' of his Officer, he may take any shooting hit instead of the
Officer. In addition, in the Assault phase, after models have moved but before combats are resolved,
the Bodyguard and his Officer may swap places with each other (ie, the Bodyguard will fight
whoever the commander was fighting while the commander takes on the Bodyguard's foes).
Bulky: Models with this rule use up two transport spaces.
Chain of Command: While the Command squad is alive, the model must maintain unit coherency
with it, and will no leave it.
Close Order Drill: A unit with Close Order Drill gains +1 to their Ballistic Skill, Initiative and
Leadership. A unit only benefits from this rule if all models in the unit are in base to base contact
with one another.
Crazy: When attacking a sentry, the alarm is only raised on a 6. Kage has a 5+ Invulnerable save.
Deadly Assault: When Macharius charges, he gains +D3 Attacks instead of +1.
Fanatical: The Priest and any model in the unit he is with may re-roll any failed to hit rolls in the
turn they charge.
Front-liner: The model, and every model in his unit gain +1 Attack in the turn they charge.
Go to Ground: If a Ratling Squad is in cover they do not take Morale tests from shooting (they
may still be Pinned).
Hardened Fighters: Models with this rule gain +1 to their Weapon Skill.
Harsh Discipline: Schaeffer, Kage and all sub-units are Fearless while Schaeffer is alive.
Master Strategist: If Macharius and/or Creed is present then you may choose to go first in any
mission where this is normally decided randomly.
Inspiring: The model, and any unit he leads, is Fearless.
Iron Discipline: The Officer, and any model in the same unit has him, doesn't suffer negative
Morale modifiers, and may regroup even if below half strength.
It's For Your Own Good!: A Psyker who suffers a Perils of the Warp attack while a Commissar is
in the same unit as him, the Commissar executes the Psyker immediately. The power the Psyker was
attempting does not work.
Jungle Fighters: A model with this rule gains the following benefits:
- Can see through 12'' of wooded or jungle terrain
- Receive a 4+ Cover save when in wooded or jungle terrain
- Ignore wooded and jungle terrain when moving
- Infiltrate if they deploy in a wood or jungle
- May instead of arming their heavy weapon platoon with one of the weapons listed, may
instead give one of them a heavy flamer for 10 pts
- Except for Straken, all models replace their flak armour for a flak vest
- May not be given carapace armour, lascannons or be mounted in a transport vehicle.
Light Infantry: A model with this rule gains the following benefits:
- Move Through Cover
- Infiltrate
- May instead of arming their heavy weapon platoon with one of the weapons listed, may
instead give both members of the team with a sniper rifle for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- May not be given carapace armour or be mounted in a transport vehicle
Loyal: Nork must always try to remain within 2'' of the Officer he was bought for. As long as the
Officer is alive, both he and Nork are Fearless.
Righteous Fury: As long as the Priest is in a unit, the Priest and his unit gain the Fleet rule.
Rites of Command: Any friendly unit with a model within 12'' of the High Commander may use
his Leadership for all Leadership based tests except Psychic tests.
Sub-Units: At the start of any game, you can break the Last Chancers (including Kage and
Schaeffer), into a maximum of five sub-units. Each sub-unit can include any number of models,
except that they must have a minimum of 1 model. Members of the same heavy weapon team must
be in the same sub-unit, and no sub-unit may have more than one demolition charge. Every sub-unit
is treated as a separate unit for all game purposes from that point, and counts as a scoring unit if it
has half or more of its starting models, etc. For Victory Points purposes, each sub-unit is worth a
number of Victory Points equal to the total value of the Last Chancers divided by the number of
sub-units that you started with.
Summary Execution: If a unit with a Commissar fails a Morale check, the Commissar with
execute the Officer or Sergeant leading the squad. Remove the executed model as a casualty. The
unit in question is then assumed to have the Morale test after all, and continues to fight under the
leadership of the Commissar. As long as a Commissar is in the squad, add +1 to the Leadership of
the model leading the squad, to a maximum of 10.
Supreme Commander: The model, the unit he leads, and all friendly units with a model within 12''
of him are Fearless.
Psychic Powers
Telepathic Order: If the Sanctioned Psyker is in the same squad as a model with the Rites of
Command or Rites of Command rule, the radius is extended to 18'' instead of 12''. This power is
available permanently, so the Sanctioned Psyker does need to take a Psychic test to use it.
Telepathic Ward: : If the Sanctioned Psyker, or the unit he is with, is targeted by a Psychic Power,
you may roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+ the power is cancelled. This power is available permanently,
so the Sanctioned Psyker does need to take a Psychic test to use it.
Machine Curse: The Sanctioned Psyker may make a Psychic Test at the start of any Assault Phase
in which he is engaged with a vehicle. Instead of attacking normally, he makes one attack against
the vehicle. If it hits, roll a D6 and to determine the effect:
1 = no effect, 2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit.
Psychic Lash: The Sanctioned Psyker may make a Psychic Test at the start of any Assault Phase. If
successful, instead of making his normal amount of attacks he may make D3 attacks at Strength 5
with his Force Weapon. These attacks may target any enemy model in the combat, regardless of
whether he could normally target them.
Warp Shield: The Sanctioned Psyker, and any unit he is with, have a 5+ Invulnerable save against
shooting attacks. This power is available permanently, so the Sanctioned Psyker does need to take
a Psychic test to use it.
Lightning Arc: This power is used in the Imperial Guard Shooting phase instead of firing a normal
weapon, and requires the Sanctioned Psyker to make a successful Psychic test.
Range Str AP Type
24'' 4 5 Assault D6
Staff Officer: For every Staff Officer in the squad, you gain one of the following effects (they are
- 1 Officer: Every squad in the army with a vox-caster also counts as having a scanner.
- 2 Officers: The result of any Barrage Scatter dice may be re-rolled (you must accept the
second result).
- 3 Officers: Any failed Reserves rolls may be re-rolled (you must accept the second result).
Master Astropath: He counts as a Psyker and has a Psychic Hood. If you have 2 Master
Astropaths, you may re-roll the D6 (you must accept the second result). If you have 3 Master
Astropaths in the squad, all Psykers in the squad count as having power weapons.
Scribe Historicus: The High Command squad have the Furious Charge and Counter Attack special
rules. If you have two Scribe Historicus in the unit, all friendly units with a model within 12'' of the
Scribe Historicus benefit from this ability.
Batman: If a model in the same squad as a batman suffers a wound, you may allocate the wound to
a batman. This must be done before any Saving throws are attempted.
Sage: If accompanied by at least 1 Sage, the entire squad benefits from +1 BS while the Sage is
alive. If there is more than one Sage in the squad, a squad member may re-roll a failed to hit in the
Shooting phase (you must accept the second result). This can only be done once for each squad
member in each turn.
Pastor: If accompanied by a Pastor, the entire unit is Stubborn. If two Pastors are in the squad, the
squad is Fearless.
Vehicle Upgrades and Equipment
Additional Weapons: A Sentinel with these gain +1 Attack.
Armoured Crew Compartment: The vehicle no longer counts a Open-topped vehicle.
Extra Armour: The vehicle treats 'Crew Stunned' results as 'Crew Shaken' results instead.
Improved Comms: The Imperial Guard player may re-roll one Reserves roll per turn for every
Improved Comms in the army, and to re-roll the dice when checking to see if an enemy unit or
obstacle is hit by a preliminary bombardment.
Hunter-killer Missile: These missiles are treated as krak missiles with an unlimited range that may
be used only once per battle. Roll to hit and wound or to penetrate armour as usual.
Mine Sweeper: The vehicle can enter a minefield without being attacked. Any minefield that the
vehicles moves across is cleared and removed from play. In addition, the vehicle may re-roll
Dangerous Terrain tests.
Pintle-mounted weapon: Pintle-mounted weapons are treated as an additional weapon, with the
profile of a normal weapon of the type bought, which can always be fired in addition to other
weapons if the vehicle did not move more than 6''.
Power lifter: A power lifter is treated as a Dreadnought Close Combat weapon that adds +1 to the
Sentinels Attacks.
Rough Terrain Modification: They allow a vehicle moving no further than 6'' that turn to re-roll a
failed Difficult Terrain test.
Searchlight: Searchlights are of use when the Night Fighting rule is in effect. If a vehicle has a
searchlight it must still use the Night Fighting rules to pick a target but, having fired at the unit, will
illuminate it with the searchlight. For the rest of the Shooting phase, any other unit that fires at the
illuminated unit does not use the Night Fighting rule. However, a vehicle using a searchlight can
always be targeted during the following enemy turn, ignoring the Night Fighting rules, as the enemy
see the searchlight.
Track Guards: The vehicle treats 'Immobilised' results as 'Crew Stunned' instead, on a D6 roll of
4+. This result applies even if the vehicle has extra armour.
Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Macharius 180 5 5 3 4 4 4 3 10 4+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one Lord Commander Solar Macharius
● Master-crafted bolt pistol
● Master-crafted power weapon
● Carapace armour
● Helm of Macharius
● Medallion Crimson
● Trademark item
Army Organisation:
 If Macharius is in the army, all friendly units gain the Close Order Drill special rule.
Special Rules:
● Independent Character
● Deadly Assault
● Furious Charge
● Master Strategist
● Supreme Commander

Ursarkar Creed and Jarran Kell

Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Creed 150 4 5 3 3 3 4 3 10 4+
Kell - 5 5 3 3 3 4 3 8 4+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Ursarkar Creed
● 1 Jarran Kell
● May replace the High Commander of a High Command Squad. If you do so, Creed gains the
Chain of Command special rule. The High Command chosen because of this uses the same
Force Organisation chart selection as Creed and Kell. You may not include another High
Command Squad if you do this.
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one Creed and Kell
● Twin matched hellpistols
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Medallion Crimson
● Carapace armour
● Refractor field
● Power fist
● Power sword
● Bolt pistol
● Carapace armour
● Medallion Crimson
● Master-vox
● Banner of Cadia
Army Organisation:
 If Creed is in the army, you may take Storm Troopers as a Troops choice as well as an Elites
choice. In addition, any Officer may be given the Iron Discipline special rule for 10 pts.
Special Rules:
● Independent Characters
● Iron Discipline
● Rites of Command
● Master Strategist
● Bodyguard

Commissar Yarrick
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Yarrick 160 5 5 3 4 3 4 4 10 4+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Commissar Yarrick
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one Commissar Yarrick
● Master-crafted storm bolter
● Laspistol
● Battle claw
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Medallion Crimson
● Carapace armour
● Refractor field
● Force field
Army Organisation:
 If Yarrick is in the army, you may give any Imperial Guard unit the Preferred Enemy special
rule for 10 pts per unit.
Special Rules:
● Independent Character
● Inspiring
● Furious Charge
● It's For Your Own Good

Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt

Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Gaunt 85 5 5 3 3 3 4 3 10 4+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt
● Sword of Heironymo
● Bolt pistol
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Carapace armour
● Camo-cloak
Army Organisation:
 If Gaunt is in the army, you may give any Imperial Guard unit the Light Infantry rule for 10
pts per unit. In addition, any Imperial Guard unit may be equipped with a camo-cloak for 10
pts per unit.
Special Rules:
● Independent Character
● Inspiring
● It's For Your Own Good
● Front-liner
● Light Infantry

Captain Al'Rahem
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Al'Rahem 110 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 9 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Captain Al'Rahem
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one Captain Al'Rahem
● Master-crafted power sword
● Master-crafted plasma pistol
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
● Refractor field
● Camo-cloak
● Trademark item
Army Organisation:
 If Al'Rahem is in the army, you may take Rough Rider squads as a Troops choice as well as
a Fast Attack choice. In addition, any unit in the army may be given the Hardened Fighters
rule for 10 pts per unit.
Special Rules:
● Independent Character
● Furious Charge
● Rites of Command

Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken

Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Straken 120 5 4 3 4 3 4 3 10 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken
● Plasma pistol
● Shotgun
● Bionic arm
● Flak armour
● Camo-cloak
● Trademark item
Army Organisation:
 If Straken is in the army, you may give any Imperial Guard unit the Jungle Fighters rule for
10 pts per unit.
Special Rules:
● Independent Character
● Furious Charge
● Inspiring
● Jungle Fighter

Colonel Schaeffer's Last Chancers

Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Schaeffer 75 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 9 4+
Kage 35 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 8 5+
Last Chancer 13 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Colonel Schaeffer
● 1 Lieutenant Kage
● 4-20 Last Chancers
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one Colonel Schaeffer and Lieutenant Kage
● Lasgun
● Bolt pistol
● Close combat weapon
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
● Power sword
● Plasma pistol
● Carapace armour
● Medallion Crimson
Special Rules:
● Sub-Units
● Infiltrate
● Deep Strike
Colonel Schaeffer:
● Independent Character
● Harsh Discipline
Lieutenant Kage:
● Independent Character
● Crazy
● A Last Chancer may become a heavy weapon crew by swapping his lasgun with one of the
following weapons. For every Last Chancer with a heavy weapon, there must be one Last
Chancer with a lasgun in the squad.:
- Heavy bolter for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Mortar for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Missile launcher for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Autocannon for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Lascannon for 25 pts per heavy weapon team
● Any Last Chancer may swap his lasgun for one of the following:
- Flamer for 5 pts
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts
- Sniper rifle for 8 pts
- Meltagun for 10 pts
- Demolition charge for 10 pts
- Plasma gun for 15 pts
● Any Last Chancer may take one of the following:
- Combat shield for 5 pts
- Storm shield for 10 pts
● One Last Chancer per sub-unit may be upgraded to a Medic with a medi-pack for 5 pts
● Any Last Chancer with a lasgun may be given a vox-caster for 5 pts.
● Any Last Chancer with a lasgun may be upgraded to a Psyker with one of the following:
- Telepathic Order for 15 points
- Telepathic Ward for 20 points
- Machine Curse for 20 points
- Psychic Lash for 25 points
- Warp Shield for 25 points
- Lightning Arc for 30 points
● Any Last Chancer may swap his laspistol with one of the following:
- Bolt pistol for 1 pt
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
- Plasma pistol for 15 pts
● Any Last Chancer may swap his close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● Any Last Chancer may take one of the following:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
● Any Last Chancer may replace flak armour with carapace armour for 5 pts
● Any Last Chancer may take any of the following:
- Melta bombs for 5 pts
- Refractor field for 15 pts
- Trademark item for 10 pts
● Each Sub Unit may select a Chimera as a dedicated transport vehicle

High Command Squad

Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
High Commander 50 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 10 5+
0-4 Servitors 25 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+
Grenadier 10 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+
Master Astropath 10 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+
Scribe Historicus 10 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+
Pastor 10 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 -
Veteran 8 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Staff Officer 8 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Guardsman 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Batman 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+
Unit Composition:
● 1 High Commander
● 4-11 aides chosen from the list above. You may only choose up to three of each type of
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one High Commander Squad
● Laspistol
● Close combat weapon
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
● Grenadiers replace laspistol and flak armour with hellgun, targetter and carapace armour
● Guardsmen replace laspistol with a lasgun
● Veterans have a lasgun
● Servitors replace laspistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and flak armour with a servo-arm
Special Rules:
High Commander:
● Independent Character
● Rites of Command
● Chain of Command
● The High Commander may swap his laspistol with one of the following:
- Bolt pistol for 1 pt
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
- Plasma pistol for 15 pts
● The High Commander may swap his close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● The High Commander may take one of the following:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
● The High Commander may replace flak armour with carapace armour for 5 pts
● The High Commander may take any of the following:
- Macharian cross for 20 pts
- Melta bombs for 5 pts
- Refractor field for 15 pts
- Trademark item for 10 pts
● Up to four Guardsmen may replace their lasguns with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts
- Meltagun for 10 pts
- Plasma gun for 15 pts
● One Guardsman with a lasgun may be equipped with a master-vox for 15 points.
● Any Servitor may replace it's servo arm with one of the following:
- Heavy bolter for no additional cost
- Multi-melta for no additional cost
- Plasma cannon for 10 pts per model
● Up to two Veterans may replace their laspistol with a plasma pistol for 15 pts
● Up to Veterans may replace their close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● Up to two Veterans may replace his lasgun with one of the following weapons:
- Plasma gun for 15 pts
- Meltagun for 10 pts
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts
- Flamer for 5 pts
● One Veteran may be upgraded to a Medic with a medi-pack for 5 pts
● One Veteran may be upgraded to a Tech-Adept, replacing their flak armour with power
armour and their lasgun and close combat weapon with a power weapon for 15 pts. Tech-
Adepts have the Blessing of the Omnissiah special rule.
● One Veteran may be upgraded to a Standard Bearer carrying a Company Standard for 10 pts.
● The Standard Bearer may replace the Company Standard with one of the following:
- Commanders Standard for 10 pts
- Regimental Standard for 10 pts
● The High Command Squad may select a Chimera or Eagle Carrier as a dedicated transport

Command Platoon
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Heroic Senior Officer 50 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 9 4+
Senior Officer 35 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 8 4+
Junior Officer 20 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Ogryn 30 4 3 5 5 3 3 3 8 5+
Grenadier 10 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+
Veteran 8 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Guardsman 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Officer (Junior Officer, Senior Officer or Heroic Senior Officer)
● 4 models from the following list:
- Ogryn
- Grenadier
- Veteran
- Guardsman
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Laspistol
● Close combat weapon
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
● Senior Officers and Herioc Senior Officers replace flak armour with carapace armour
● Grenadiers replace laspistol and flak armour with hellgun, targetter and carapace armour
● Guardsmen replace laspistol with a lasgun
● Veterans have a lasgun
● Ogryns replace laspistol, close combat weapon and krak grenades with a ripper gun
Special Rules:
● Independent Character
● Rites of Command
● Chain of Command
Army Organisation:
 If a Heroic Senior Officer is in the army and has only Storm Troopers in his Command
Platoon, you may take Storm Troopers as a Troops choice as well as an Elites choice. In
addition, any Infantry unit with flak armour may replace their flak armour with carapace
armour for 20 pts per unit.
 If a Heroic Senior Officer is in the army and has only Veterans in his Command Platoon,
you may take Hardened Veterans as a Troops choice as well as a Elites choice. In addition,
any Infantry unit may replace their lasguns with a close combat weapon for 1 pt per model.
 If a Heroic Senior Officer is in the army and has only Guardsmen in his Command Platoon,
you may give all Infantry models with a Ballistic Skill of 3 the Sharpshooters special rule
for 10 pts per unit.
 If a Heroic Senior Officer is in the army and has only Ogryns in his Command Platoon, you
may take Ogryn Squads as a Troops choice as well as an Elites choice.
 If a Heroic Senior Officer is in the army and is mounted in a Eagle Carrier, you may take
Drop Troops as a Troops choice as well as a Fast Attack choice.
● The Officer may swap his laspistol with one of the following:
- Bolt pistol for 1 pt
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
- Plasma pistol for 15 pts
● The Officer may swap his close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● The Officer may take one of the following:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
● The Officer may replace flak armour with carapace armour for 5 pts
● The Officer may take one of the following:
- Combat shield for 5 pts
- Storm shield for 10 pts
● The Officer may take any of the following:
- Macharian cross for 20 pts
- Melta bombs for 5 pts
- Refractor field for 15 pts
- Trademark item for 10 pts
● Two Guardsmen or Veterans may become a heavy weapon crew by swapping their lasguns
with one of the following weapons:
- Heavy bolter for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Mortar for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Missile launcher for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Autocannon for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Lascannon for 25 pts per heavy weapon team
● Any Guardsman may replace his lasgun with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts per model
- Meltagun for 10 pts per model
- Plasma gun for 15 pts per model
● One Guardsman with a lasgun may be equipped with a master-vox for 15 points.
● Up to two Veterans may replace their laspistol with a plasma pistol for 15 pts
● Up to Veterans may replace their close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Power weapon for 5 pts per model
- Power fist for 15 pts per model
● Any Veteran may take one of the following:
- Combat shield for 5 pts
- Storm shield for 10 pts
● Up to two Veterans may replace his lasgun with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts per model
- Meltagun for 10 pts per model
- Plasma gun for 15 pts per model
● One Veteran may be upgraded to a Medic with a medi-pack for 5 pts
● One Veteran may be upgraded to a Tech-Adept, replacing their flak armour with power
armour and their lasgun and close combat weapon with a power weapon for 15 pts. Tech-
Adepts have the Blessing of the Omnissiah special rule.
● One Veteran may be upgraded to a Standard Bearer carrying a Company Standard for 10 pts.
● The Standard Bearer may replace the Company Standard with one of the following:
- Commanders Standard for 10 pts
- Regimental Standard for 10 pts
● One Command Platoon in the army may include Nork Deddog for 55 pts
● The Command Platoon may select a Chimera or Eagle Carrier as a dedicated transport

Command Tank
Pts BS F S R
Command Tank 220 4 13 12 10
Unit Composition:
● 1 Command Tank
Unit Type:
● Vehicle (Tank)
● Battle cannon
● Smoke launchers
● Searchlight
Army Organisation:
 If a Command Tank is in the army, you may take Leman Russ Battle Tanks as a Troops
choice as well as an Heavy Support choice.
 For every Command Tank in the army, you may take 1 Leman Russ Demolisher as a Troops
choice as well as an Heavy Support choice.
● Must be equipped with one of the following hull mounted weapons:
- Heavy flamer for 5 pts
- Heavy bolter for 10 pts
- Lascannon for 20 pts
● May take side sponsons equipped with a pair of the following weapons:
- Heavy flamers for 10 pts
- Heavy bolters for 15 pts
- Multi-meltas for 25 pts
- Plasma cannons for 35 pts
● May take any of the following:
- Rough terrain modifications for 5 pts
- Mine sweeper for 10 pts
- Track guards for 10 pts
- Extra armour for 15 pts
- Hunter-killed missile for 15 pts
- Improved comms for 15 pts
● May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Heavy stubber for 6 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
- Rocket pods for 15 pts

Support Platoons
A Imperial Guard may include one Support Platoon for every Command Platoon that it includes.
Support Platoons do not use up any Force Organisation chart selections, but is otherwise treated as
a separate HQ unit. Support Platoons are deployed as a single unit, but do not need to be placed
together and operate independently during the game.
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Guardsman 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Sentinel 40 3 3 5 10 10 10 3 1
Unit Composition:
● 1-5 Support squads of 6 Guardsmen
● Up to 1 Sentinel Support squadron of 1-3 Sentinels
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Vehicle (Walker, Open-topped)
● Lasgun
● Close combat weapon
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
● Heavy flamer
● Smoke launchers
● Searchlight
Special Rules:
● Scout
● Every two Guardsmen may become a heavy weapon crew by swapping their lasguns with
one of the following weapons:
- Mortar for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Heavy bolter for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Missile launcher for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Autocannon for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Lascannon for 25 pts per heavy weapon team
● Any Guardsman may replace his lasgun with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts per model
- Sniper rifle for 5 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts per model
- Meltagun for 10 pts per model
- Plasma gun for 15 pts per model
● One Guardsman per support squad may replace his lasgun with a demolition charge for 10
● Any Guardsman may be given melta bombs for 5 pts per model
● Any Sentinel may replace it's heavy flamer with one of the following weapons:
- Multi-laser for 5 pts
- Autocannon for 10 pts
- Missile launcher for 10 pts
- Lascannon for 15 pts
- Power lifters for 15 pts
● Any Sentinel may take any of the following:
- Rough terrain modifications for 5 pts
- Armoured crew compartment for 10 pts
- Extra armour for 10 pts
- Additional weapons for 10 pts
- Hunter-killed missile for 15 pts
- Improved comms for 15 pts
- Rocket pods for 15 pts
● Each Support Squad may select a Chimera or Eagle Carrier as a dedicated transport vehicle
● Each Sentinel may select a Eagle Carrier as a dedicated transport vehicle

Sanctioned Psyker Detachment

A Sanctioned Psyker does not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections, but is otherwise
treated as a separate HQ unit. Sanctioned Psykers are deployed as a single unit, but do not need to
be placed together and operate independently during the game.
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Sanctioned Psyker 30 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1-5 Sanctioned Psykers
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one Sanctioned Psyker Detachment.
● Laspistol
● Force weapon
● Flak armour
Special Rules:
● Independent Character
● It's For Your Own Good!
● Psyker
 A Sanctioned Psyker must be given one of the following Psychic Powers:
- Telepathic Order for 5 points
- Telepathic Ward for 10 points
- Machine Curse for 10 points
- Psychic Lash for 15 points
- Warp Shield for 15 points
- Lightning Arc for 20 points
● May be given carapace armour for 5 pts.

Commissar Detachment
A Commissar does not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections, but is otherwise treated as
a separate HQ unit. Commissars are deployed as a single unit, but do not need to be placed
together and operate independently during the game.
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Commissar 30 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 10 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1-5 Commisars
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one Commissar Detachment.
● Laspistol
● Close combat weapon
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
Special Rules:
● Independent Character
● It's For Your Own Good!
● Summary Execution
● May swap his laspistol with one of the following:
- Bolt pistol for 1 pt
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
- Plasma pistol for 15 pts
● May swap his close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● May take one of the following:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
● May replace flak armour with carapace armour for 5 pts
● May take any of the following:
- Macharian cross for 20 pts
- Melta bombs for 5 pts
- Refractor field for 15 pts
- Trademark item for 10 pts

Priestly Delegation
A Priest does not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections, but is otherwise treated as a
separate HQ unit. Priests are deployed as a single unit, but do not need to be placed together and
operate independently during the game.
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Priest 35 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 8 -
Unit Composition:
● 1-5 Priests
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one Priestly Delegation.
● Laspistol
● Close combat weapon
● Eviscrator
Special Rules:
● Independent Character
● Feel No Pain
● Fanatical
● Righteous Fury
● One Priest may be given a holy relic for 20 pts
● May be given any of the following:
- Rosarius for 20 pts
- Carapace armour for 5 pts
- Melta bombs for 5 pts

Nork Deddog, Ogryn Body Guard

Nork Deddog may only be taken as a additional member to another unit. He does not use up any
Force Organisation chart selections.
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Nork 60 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 9 4+
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● An army can only include one Nork Deddog, Ogryn Body Guard
● Ripper gun
● Power fist
● Carapace armour
● Helm of Macharius
Special Rules:
● Loyal
● Bodyguard
● Bulky
Hardened Veterans
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Veteran 8 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Unit Composition:
● 5-10 Veterans
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Lasgun
● Laspistol
● Close combat weapon
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
Special Rule:
● Infiltrate
● Move Through Cover
● Two Veterans may become a heavy weapon crew by swapping their lasguns with one of the
following weapons:
- Heavy bolter for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Mortar for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Missile launcher for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Autocannon for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Lascannon for 25 pts per heavy weapon team
● Up to three Veterans may replace their close combat weapon or lasgun with one of the
following weapons:
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Plasma pistol for 15 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● Any Veteran may take one of the following:
- Combat shield for 5 pts
- Storm shield for 10 pts
● One Veteran with a lasgun may be equipped with a vox caster for 5 points
● Any Veteran may take one of the following:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
● Any Veteran may take any of the following:
- Replace flak armour with carapace armour for 5 pts
- Melta bombs for 5 pts
- Refractor field for 15 pts
- Trademark item for 10 pts
● The Hardened Veteran squad may select a Chimera or Eagle Carrier as a dedicated transport

Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Ogryn 30 4 3 5 5 3 3 3 8 5+
Ogryn Bone 'ead 40 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 9 4+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Ogryn Bone 'ead
● 2-9 Ogryns
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Ripper gun
● Frag grenades
● Flak armour
● Bone' ead replace flak armour with carapace armour
Special Rules:
● Bulky
 The Bone 'ead may swap his ripper gun for a grenade launcher and power fist for 20 pts
 The Bone 'ead may given melta bombs for 5 pts

Storm Troopers
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Storm Trooper 10 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+
Trooper Sergeant 15 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Trooper Sergeant
● 4-9 Storm Troopers
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Hellgun
● Trooper Sergeant replaces hellgun with hellpistol and close combat weapon
● Targeter
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Carapace armour.
● The Trooper Sergeant may swap his hellpistol with one of the following:
- Bolt pistol for 1 pt
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
- Plasma pistol for 15 pts
● The Trooper Sergeant may swap his close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● The Trooper Sergeant may take one of the following:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
● The Trooper Sergeant may take any of the following:
- Macharian cross for 20 pts
- Melta bombs for 5 pts
- Refractor field for 15 pts
- Trademark item for 10 pts
● Up to two Storm Troopers may replace their hellguns with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts per model
- Meltagun for 10 pts per model
- Plasma gun for 15 pts per model
● The entire unit may be given the Infiltrate Special Rule for +1 pt per model or the Deep
Strike rule for +2 pts per model
● May be given a Chimera as a Dedicated Transport Vehicle

Ratling Squad
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Ratling 10 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 6 5+
Unit Composition:
● 3-10 Ratlings
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Sniper rifle
● Flak armour
Special Rules:
● Infiltrate
● Move Through Cover
● Stealth
● Go to Ground

Techpriest Enginseer
A Imperial Guard army may include one Techpriest for each vehicle chosen from the Elites, Fast
Attack or Heavy Support sections of the army list (including dedicated transports, except for those
given to a Techpriest). The Techpriest does not use up any Force Organisation Chart selections, but
is otherwise as a separate Elites unit.
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Techpriest 70 3 4 3 4 2 3 2 9 2+
Servitor 25 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+
Unit Composition:
● Techpriest
● May be accompanied by 1-4 Servitors
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Laspistol
● Power weapon
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Artificer armour
● Servo-arm
● Signum
Special Rules:
● Independent Character
● Blessing of the Omnissiah
● Replace laspistol with a plasma pistol for 15 pts
● Replace servo-arm for a servo-harness for 25 pts
● May be given melta bombs for 5 pts
● Any Servitor may replace it's servo arm with one of the following:
- Heavy bolter for no additional cost
- Multi-melta for no additional cost
- Plasma cannon for 10 pts per model
● A Techpriest may select a Chimera or Eagle Carrier as a dedicated transport vehicle
Infantry Platoon
A Infantry Platoon consists of a Command Squad and 2-5 Infantry Squads. The entire Infantry
Platoon use up one Troops choice on the Force Organisation chart. Infantry Platoons are deployed
as a single unit, but do not need to be placed together and operate independently during the game.
When rolling for reserves, roll once for the entire Infantry Platoon.

Command Squad
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Junior Officer 20 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Ogryn 30 4 3 5 5 3 3 3 8 5+
Grenadier 10 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+
Veteran 8 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Guardsman 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Junior Officer
● 4 models from the following list:
- Ogryn
- Grenadier
- Veteran
- Guardsman
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Laspistol
● Close combat weapon
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
● Grenadiers replace laspistol and flak armour with hellgun, targetter and carapace armour
● Guardsmen replace laspistol with a lasgun
● Veterans have a lasgun
● Ogryns replace laspistol, close combat weapon and krak grenades with a ripper gun
Special Rules:
Junior Officer:
● Independent Character
● Rites of Command
● Chain of Command
● The Junior Officer may swap his laspistol with one of the following:
- Bolt pistol for 1 pt
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
- Plasma pistol for 15 pts
● The Junior Officer may swap his close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● The Junior Officer may take one of the following:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
● The Junior Officer may replace flak armour with carapace armour for 5 pts
● The Junior Officer may take any of the following:
- Macharian cross for 20 pts
- Melta bombs for 5 pts
- Refractor field for 15 pts
- Trademark item for 10 pts
● Two Guardsmen or Veterans may become a heavy weapon crew by swapping their lasguns
with one of the following weapons:
- Heavy bolter for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Mortar for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Missile launcher for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Autocannon for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Lascannon for 25 pts per heavy weapon team
● Any Guardsman may replace his lasgun with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts per model
- Meltagun for 10 pts per model
- Plasma gun for 15 pts per model
● One Guardsman with a lasgun may be equipped with a master-vox for +20 points.
● Up to two Veterans may replace their laspistol with a plasma pistol for 15 pts
● Up to Veterans may replace their close combat weapon with one of the following:
- Power weapon for 5 pts per model
- Power fist for 15 pts per model
● Up to two Veterans may replace his lasgun with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts per model
- Meltagun for 10 pts per model
- Plasma gun for 15 pts per model
● One Veteran may be upgraded to a Medic with a medi-pack for 5 pts
● One Veteran may be upgraded to a Tech-Adept, replacing their flak armour with power
armour and their lasgun and close combat weapon with a power weapon for 15 pts. Tech-
Adepts have the Blessing of the Omnissiah special rule.
● One Veteran may be upgraded to a Standard Bearer carrying a Company Standard for 10 pts.
● The Standard Bearer may replace the Company Standard with one of the following:
● The Command Squad may select a Chimera as a dedicated transport vehicle

Infantry Squad
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Veteran Sergeant 12 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Guardsman 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Veteran Squad
● 4-9 Guardsmen
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Lasgun
● Close combat weapon
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
● The Veteran Sergeant may swap his lagun with one of the following:
- Bolt pistol for 1 pt
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
- Plasma pistol for 15 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may swap his close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may take one of the following:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may replace flak armour with carapace armour for 5 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may take any of the following:
- Melta bombs for 5 pts
- Refractor field for 15 pts
- Trademark item for 10 pts
● If the squad numbers ten models, two Guardsmen may become a heavy weapon crew by
swapping their lasguns with one of the following weapons:
- Heavy bolter for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Mortar for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Missile launcher for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Autocannon for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Lascannon for 25 pts per heavy weapon team
● One Guardsman may replace his lasgun with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts per model
- Meltagun for 10 pts per model
- Plasma gun for 15 pts per model
● One Guardsman with a lasgun may be equipped with a vox caster for 5 points.
● The Infantry Squad may select a Chimera as a dedicated transport vehicle

Armoured Fist Platoon

Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Veteran Sergeant 12 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Guardsman 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Veteran Squad
● 4-9 Guardsmen
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Lasgun
● Close combat weapon
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
● The Veteran Sergeant may swap his lagun with one of the following:
- Bolt pistol for 1 pt
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
- Plasma pistol for 15 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may swap his close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may take one of the following:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may replace flak armour with carapace armour for 5 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may take any of the following:
- Melta bombs for 5 pts
- Refractor field for 15 pts
- Trademark item for 10 pts
● Two Guardsmen may become a heavy weapon crew by swapping their lasguns with one of
the following weapons:
- Heavy bolter for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Mortar for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Missile launcher for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Autocannon for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Lascannon for 25 pts per heavy weapon team
● One Guardsman may replace his lasgun with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts per model
- Meltagun for 10 pts per model
- Plasma gun for 15 pts per model
● One Guardsman with a lasgun may be equipped with a vox caster for 5 points.
● The Infantry Squad must select a Chimera as a dedicated transport vehicle

Conscript Platoon
A Imperial Guard army may include one Conscript Platoon for each Infantry Platoon or Armoured
Fist Platoon in the army. Each Conscript Platoon is made up of 2 to 5 Conscript Squad. Conscript
Platoons do not use up any Force Organisation chart selections, but is otherwise treated as a
separate Elites unit. All squads in a Conscript Platoon must remain in unit coherency with one
another, and function as one unit.
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Conscript 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 5+
Unit Composition:
● A Conscript Squad consists of 10 Conscripts
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Lasgun
● Flak armour
● Two Conscripts per Conscript Squad may become a heavy weapon crew by swapping their
lasguns with one of the following weapons:
- Heavy bolter for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Missile launcher for 20 pts per heavy weapon team
- Autocannon for 20 pts per heavy weapon team
● One Conscript per Conscript Squad may replace his lasgun with one of the following
- Flamer for 8 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 10 pts per model
● The Infantry Squad may select a Chimera as a dedicated transport vehicle
Pts BS F S R
Hellhound 115 3 12 12 10
Unit Composition:
● 1 Hellhound
Unit Type:
● Vehicle (Tank)
● Inferno cannon
● Hull mounted heavy bolter
● Smoke launchers
● Searchlight
● May replace hull mounted heavy bolter with a heavy flamer for 5 pts
● May take any of the following:
- Rough terrain modifications for 5 pts
- Mine sweeper for 10 pts
- Track guards for 10 pts
- Extra armour for 15 pts
- Hunter-killed missile for 15 pts
- Improved comms for 15 pts
● May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Heavy stubber for 6 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
- Twin-linked rocket pods for 15 pts

Salamnder Scout Vehicle

Pts BS F S R
Salamander 100 3 12 10 10
Unit Composition:
● 1 Salamander Scout Vehicle
Unit Type:
● Vehicle (Tank, Open-topped, Fast)
● Autocannon
● Hull mounted heavy bolter
● Smoke launchers
● Searchlight
● May take any of the following:
- Rough terrain modifications for 5 pts
- Mine sweeper for 10 pts
- Track guards for 10 pts
- Armoured crew compartment for 10 pts
- Extra armour for 15 pts
- Hunter-killed missile for 15 pts
- Improved comms for 15 pts
● May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Heavy stubber for 6 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts

Rough Rider Squad

Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Veteran Sergeant 12 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Rough Rider 8 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Veteran Sergeant
● 4-9 Rough Riders
Unit Type:
● Cavalry
● Laspistol
● Close combat weapon
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
● The Veteran Sergeant may swap his laspistol with one of the following:
- Bolt pistol for 1 pt
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
- Plasma pistol for 15 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may swap his close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may take one of the following:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may replace flak armour with carapace armour for 5 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may take any of the following:
- Refractor field for 15 pts
- Trademark item for 10 pts
● Any model may replace their laspistol with one of the following weapons:
- Lasgun for no additional cost
- Shotgun for no additional cost
- Hunting lance for 3 pts per model
● Up to two Rough Riders may replace their laspistols with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts per model
- Meltagun for 10 pts per model
- Plasma gun for 15 pts per model
● One Rough Rider with a lasgun may be given a vox-caster for 5 pts
● Any Rough Rider may be given melta bombs for 5 pts per model

Drop Troops
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Veteran Sergeant 12 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Guardsman 8 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1 Veteran Sergeant
● 9 Drop Troops
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Lasgun
● Close combat weapon
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
● The Veteran Sergeant may swap his laspistol with one of the following:
- Bolt pistol for 1 pt
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
- Plasma pistol for 15 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may swap his close combat weapon with one of the following
- Power weapon for 5 pts
- Power fist for 15 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may take one of the following:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may replace flak armour with carapace armour for 5 pts
● The Veteran Sergeant may take any of the following:
- Refractor field for 15 pts
- Trademark item for 10 pts
● Any model may replace their lasgun with a laspistol for no additional cost
● Up to two Guardsmen may replace their lasguns with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts per model
- Meltagun for 10 pts per model
- Plasma gun for 15 pts per model
● One Guardsman with a lasgun may be given a vox-caster for 5 pts
● Any Guardsman may be given melta bombs for 5 pts per model
● A Drop Troop squad may select a Eagle Carrier as a dedicated transport vehicle

Sentinel Squadron
Sentinel 40 3 3 5 10 10 10 3 1
Unit Composition:
● 1-3 Sentinels
Unit Type:
● Vehicle (Walker, Open-topped)
● Heavy flamer
● Smoke launchers
● Searchlight
Special Rules:
● Scout
● Any Sentinel may replace it's heavy flamer with one of the following weapons:
- Multi-laser for 5 pts
- Autocannon for 10 pts
- Missile launcher for 10 pts
- Lascannon for 15 pts
- Power lifters for 15 pts
● Any Sentinel may take any of the following:
- Rough terrain modifications for 5 pts
- Armoured crew compartment for 10 pts
- Extra armour for 10 pts
- Additional weapons for 10 pts
- Hunter-killed missile for 15 pts
- Improved comms for 15 pts
- Twin-linked rocket pods for 15 pts
● Each Sentinel may select a Eagle Carrier as a dedicated transport vehicle
Heavy Weapons Platoon
Heavy Weapon Platoons are deployed as a single unit, but do not need to be placed together and
operate independently during the game.
Pts WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Guardsman 6 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Unit Composition:
● 1-5 Support squads of 6 Guardsmen
Unit Type:
● Infantry
● Lasgun
● Close combat weapon
● Frag grenades
● Krak grenades
● Flak armour
● Every two Guardsmen may become a heavy weapon crew by swapping their lasguns with
one of the following weapons:
- Mortar for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Heavy bolter for 10 pts per heavy weapon team
- Missile launcher for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Autocannon for 15 pts per heavy weapon team
- Lascannon for 25 pts per heavy weapon team
● Any Guardsman may replace his lasgun with one of the following weapons:
- Flamer for 5 pts per model
- Sniper rifle for 5 pts per model
- Grenade launcher for 6 pts per model
- Meltagun for 10 pts per model
- Plasma gun for 15 pts per model
● One Guardsman per support squad may replace his lasgun with a demolition charge for 10
● Any Guardsman may be given melta bombs for 5 pts per model
● Each Support Squad may select a Chimera or Eagle Carrier as a dedicated transport vehicle

Leman Russ Battle Tank

Pts BS F S R
Leman Russ 120 3 13 12 10
Unit Composition:
● 1 Leman Russ Battle Tank
Unit Type:
● Vehicle (Tank)
● Twin-linked autocannon
● Smoke launchers
● Searchlight
● Must be equipped with one of the following hull mounted weapons:
- Heavy bolter for 5 pts
- Lascannon for 15 pts
● May swap twin-linked autocannon for one of the following weapons:
- Conqueror cannon with pintle-mounted storm bolter for 15 pts
- Battle cannon for 20 pts
- Twin-linked lascannons for 35 pts
- Vanquisher cannon with pintle-mounted storm bolter for 55 pts
● May take side sponsons equipped with a pair of the following weapons:
- Heavy flamers for 10 pts
- Heavy bolters for 15 pts
● May take any of the following:
- Rough terrain modifications for 5 pts
- Mine sweeper for 10 pts
- Track guards for 10 pts
- Extra armour for 15 pts
- Hunter-killed missile for 15 pts
- Improved comms for 15 pts
● May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Heavy stubber for 6 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts

Leman Russ Demolisher

Pts BS F S R
Demolisher 150 3 14 13 11
Unit Composition:
● 1 Leman Russ Demolisher
Unit Type:
● Vehicle (Tank)
● Demolisher cannon
● Smoke launchers
● Searchlight
● Must be equipped with one of the following hull mounted weapons:
- Heavy bolter for 5 pts
- Lascannon for 15 pts
● May take side sponsons equipped with a pair of the following weapons:
- Heavy flamers for 10 pts
- Heavy bolters for 15 pts
- Multi-meltas for 25 pts
- Plasma cannons for 35 pts
● May take any of the following:
- Rough terrain modifications for 5 pts
- Mine sweeper for 10 pts
- Track guards for 10 pts
- Extra armour for 15 pts
- Hunter-killed missile for 15 pts
- Improved comms for 15 pts
● May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Heavy stubber for 6 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
Siege Breaker Tank
Pts BS F S R
Siege Breaker 150 3 14 13 11
Unit Composition:
● 1 Siege Breaker Tank
Unit Type:
● Vehicle (Tank)
● Demolisher cannon
● Siege armour
● Smoke launchers
● Searchlight
● May replace demolisher cannon with a laser destroyer for 10 pts
● May take any of the following:
- Rough terrain modifications for 5 pts
- Mine sweeper for 10 pts
- Track guards for 10 pts
- Extra armour for 15 pts
- Hunter-killed missile for 15 pts
- Improved comms for 15 pts
● May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Heavy stubber for 6 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts

Siege Artillery Tank

Pts BS F S R
Siege Artillery 80 3 12 10 10
Unit Composition:
● 1 Siege Artillery Tank
Unit Type:
● Vehicle (Tank, Open-topped)
● Griffon heavy mortar
● Hull mounted heavy bolter
● Smoke launchers
● Searchlight
● May replace Griffon heavy mortar with one of the following weapons:
- Earthshaker cannon for 30 pts
- Medusa siege gun for 35 pts
- Bombard heavy siege gun for 40 pts
● If given a Earthshaker cannon, may be given the Indirect Fire ability for 25 pts
● May take any of the following:
- Rough terrain modifications for 5 pts
- Mine sweeper for 10 pts
- Track guards for 10 pts
- Armoured crew compartment for 10 pts
- Extra armour for 15 pts
- Hunter-killed missile for 15 pts
- Improved comms for 15 pts
● May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Heavy stubber for 6 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts
Dedicated Transports
Certain Imperial Guard units have the option of selecting a dedicated transport vehicle. These
vehicles do not use up any Force Organisation chart selections, but otherwise function as separate
units. See the Transport Vehicles section of the Warhammer 40, 000 rulebook for details of how
these vehicles operate.

Pts BS F S R
Chimera 60 3 12 10 10
Unit Composition:
● 1 Chimera
Unit Type:
● Vehicle (Tank)
Transport Capacity:
● 12 models
● Ogryns count as two models
Fire Points:
● 1 roof hatch for one model. If used, the vehicle counts as open-topped in your opponent’s
next turn.
● 6 hull lasguns fired by the passengers
Access Points:
● 1 – rear hatch
● Multi-laser
● Smoke launchers
● Searchlight
Special Rules:
● Amphibious
● May swap multi-laser for one of the following weapons:
- Heavy flamer for no additional cost
- Heavy bolter for 5 pts
● May take one of the following hull mounted weapons:
- Heavy flamers for 5 pts
- Heavy bolters for 10 pts
● May take any of the following:
- Rough terrain modifications for 5 pts
- Mine sweeper for 10 pts
- Track guards for 10 pts
- Extra armour for 15 pts
- Hunter-killed missile for 15 pts
- Improved comms for 15 pts
● May take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:
- Storm bolter for 5 pts
- Heavy stubber for 6 pts
- Combi-weapon for 10 pts

Eagle Carrier
Pts BS F S R
Eagle Carrier 100 3 11 10 10
Unit Composition:
● 1 Eagle
Unit Type:
● Vehicle (Skimmer, Fast)
Transport Capacity:
● 10 models
● Ogryns count as two models
● May transport a Sentinel, which counts as ten models
Fire Points:
● 0
Access Points:
● 1 – rear hatch
● Autocannon
● Smoke launchers
● Searchlight
Special Rules:
● Deep Strike
● May take any of the following:
- Extra armour for 15 pts
- Hunter-killed missile for 15 pts
- Improved comms for 15 pts
- Twin-linked rocket pods for 15 pts
Infantry Summary
Al'Rahem 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 9 5+
Batman 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+
Commissar 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 10 5+
Conscript 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 5+
Creed 4 5 3 3 3 4 3 10 4+
Gaunt 5 5 3 3 3 4 3 10 4+
Grenadier 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+
Guardsman 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Heroic Senior Officer 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 9 4+
High Commander 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 10 5+
Junior Officer 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Kage 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 8 5+
Kell 5 5 3 3 3 4 3 8 4+
Last Chancer 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Macharius 5 5 3 4 4 4 3 10 4+
Master Astropath 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+
Nork 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 9 4+
Ogryn 4 3 5 5 3 3 3 8 5+
Ogryn Bone 'ead 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 9 4+
Pastor 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 -
Priest 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 8 -
Ratling 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 6 5+
Rough Rider 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Sanctioned Psyker 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Schaeffer 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 9 4+
Scribe Historicus 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 6+
Senior Officer 4 4 3 3 2 4 3 8 4+
Servitors 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+
Staff Officer 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Storm Trooper 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+
Straken 5 4 3 4 3 4 3 10 5+
Techpriest 3 4 3 4 2 3 2 9 2+
Trooper Sergeant 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+
Veteran 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Veteran Sergeant 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Yarrick 5 5 3 4 3 4 4 10 4+
Vehicle Summary
Command Tank 4 13 12 10
Hellhound 3 12 12 10
Salamander 3 12 10 10
Leman Russ 3 13 12 10
Demolisher 3 14 13 11
Siege Breaker 3 14 13 11
Siege Artillery 3 12 10 10
Chimera 3 12 10 10
Eagle Carrier 3 11 10 10

Sentinel 3 3 5 10 10 10 3 1
Weapon Summaries
Range Str AP Type
Autocannon 48'' 7 4 Heavy 2
Bolter 24'' 4 5 Rapid fire
Bolt pistol 12'' 4 5 Pistol
Demolition Charge 6'' 8 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast
Flamer Template 4 5 Assault 1
Grenade launcher (frag) 24'' 3 6 Assault 1, Blast
Grenade launcher (krak) 24'' 6 4 Assault 1
Heavy bolter 36'' 5 4 Heavy 3
Heavy flamer Template 5 4 Assault 1
Heavy stubber 35'' 4 6 Heavy 3
Hellgun 24'' 3 5 Rapid Fire
Hellpistol 12'' 3 5 Pistol
Inferno cannon 24'' 6 4 Heavy 1, Inferno
Lascannon 48'' 9 2 Heavy 1
Lasgun 24'' 3 - Rapid Fire
Laspistol 12'' 3 5 Pistol
Meltagun 12'' 8 1 Assault 1, Melta
Missile launcher (frag) 48'' 4 6 Heavy 1
Missile launcher (krak) 48'' 8 3 Heavy 1
Mortar G48'' 4 6 Heavy 1
Multi-laser 36'' 6 6 Heavy 3
Multi-melta 24'' 8 1 Heavy 1, Melta
Plasma cannon 36'' 7 2 Heavy 1, Blast, Gets Hot!
Plasma gun 24'' 7 2 Rapid Fire, Gets Hot!
Plasma pistol 12'' 7 2 Pistol, Gets Hot!
Ripper gun 18'' 5 5 Assault 2
Rocket pods 24'' 4 5 Heavy 2, Blast
Shotgun 12'' 4 - Assault 2
Sniper rifle 36'' X 6 Heavy 1, Sniper, Pinning
Storm bolter 24'' 4 5 Assault 2

Battle cannon 72'' 8 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast

Bombard siege gun G36-240'' 8 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast
Conqueror cannon 48'' 7 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast
Demolisher cannon 24'' 10 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast
Earthshaker 120'' 9 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast
Earthshaker (Indirect fire) G36-240'' 9 3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast
Griffon heavy mortar G12-48'' 6 4 Ordnance 1, Large Blast
Laser destroyer 72'' 10 2 Heavy 1, Blast
Medusa siege gun 36'' 10 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast
Vanquisher battle cannon 96'' 9 2 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Melta

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