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IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemore

Monday, February 19, 2018 713-526-3399

Hall Campaign Responds to Burkett’s Lies
“She is spreading hateful lies that she knows are false and she just doesn’t care.”

EDGEWOOD, TX – Texas State Senator Bob Hall’s campaign responded today to two
recent campaign mailers sent by his liberal opponent Cindy Burkett.

“The vicious lies coming from the Burkett campaign are a desperate attempt to
distract voters from her liberal, pro-abortion record and her refusal to vote for
property tax relief. Voters rejected these lies four years ago when they elected
Senator Bob Hall,” said Allen Blakemore, Hall Campaign Chief Strategist.

“Burkett’s outrageous attacks are the typical flailing of a failed candidate. The voters
of Senate District 2 know Burkett is not a conservative and her charges are falling on
deaf ears. The opposition trotted out these disgusting charges four years ago. Every
single word has been debunked and shown to be a bold-faced lie, yet Cindy Burkett
is running on them anyway.

“Hall is a patriot who would not buckle under pressure from the IRS. He fought them
in court and won! The judge dismissed all claims in Hall’s favor. Burkett knows this
but chooses to lie and suggest Senator Hall owes outstanding taxes.

“Burkett’s second lie is even uglier. Her lie is a fabrication of a half-truth where she
distorts circumstances involved in Hall’s divorce 20 years ago. Hall’s ex-wife made
an allegation, and it was tossed out as soon as it was reviewed by a judge. Case

“Burkett’s actions are despicable and beneath contempt. History will not remember
Cindy Burkett kindly,” Blakemore concluded.

For more information about Bob Hall go to


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