Asme Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Analysis of The 1497 MHZ High-Current Cryomodule Helium Vessel

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ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Analysis

of the
1497 MHz
High-Current Cryomodule Helium Vessel

Katherine Wilson
28 May 2007

1.0 Introduction

To minimize the hazards associated with vacuum and pressure vessels, section 6151 in
the JLab EH&S manual requires documentation of all pressure and vacuum vessel
designs. Appendix 6151-T1, Vessel Design Documentation, provides detail. Required
documentation for the design of the High-Current Cryomodule helium vessel follows.
The helium vessel was analyzed using the 2001 edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (BPVC), Section VIII, Division 1.

1.1 Design

The High-Current Cryomodule helium vessel, shown in “Helium Vessel Assembly

A,” CRM-910-5000-0000 and “Helium Vessel Assembly B,” CRM-910-5000-0001, is
designed with six integral waveguides and a bellows; these are neglected in the analysis
and only the vessel itself is considered. Since the helium vessel has flat heads, the length
of the shell is taken from one end to the other, per Paragraph UG-28. The maximum
internal pressure of 5 atm is determined by rounding up from the pressure to which the
burst disks are set, 4.1 atm; the helium vessel would only experience this much pressure
in case of a loss of beamline vacuum. A maximum external pressure of 3 atm was used
for this analysis; that value is conservative. A more accurate value, arrived at after
completing the analysis, would be 2 atm. However, the helium vessel is shown to be
acceptable for an external pressure of 3 atm. (For comparison, normal operational
pressure is 0.041 atm).

The stub connecting the helium vessel to the beam pipe was not considered in this
analysis as the BPVC does not provide guidance for niobium or niobium-titanium. See
section 3.0 of this document entitled “Exceptions” for a discussion of the titanium-to-
niobium-titanium weld.

1.2 Assumptions

The following assumptions were made for the purposes of this analysis.

a. It was assumed that Grade 2 titanium (UNS R50400) would be used for the
helium vessel. It is acceptable to use a different grade of titanium (most likely
Grade 3, UNS R50550), as long as the tensile and yield strengths exceed those
used in this analysis for Grade 2 titanium.

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b. The design temperature is assumed to be 70º F. Section UG-20 of the BPVC

states that “the maximum temperature used in design shall not be less than the
mean metal temperature (through the thickness) expected under operation
conditions for the part,” and “the minimum metal temperature used in design shall
be the lowest expected in service.” However, as complete BPVC data is not
available down to the operating temperature of 2 K, it is not possible to design for
the lowest expected operational temperature. In addition, paragraph UNF-23
states that “For vessels designed to operate at a temperature colder than -20º F (-
29º C), the allowable stress values to be used in design shall not exceed those
given for temperatures of 20º F to 100 º F (-29º C to 38 º C).” Since modulus and
maximum allowable stress increase as temperature decreases, using a higher
temperature should be conservative.

It should be noted that the BPVC justifies the use of titanium at cryogenic
temperatures in paragraph UNF-65: “The materials listed in Table UNF-23,
together with deposited weld material within the range of composition for
material in that Table, do not undergo a marked drop in impact resistance at
subzero temperature. Therefore, no additional requirements are specified for…
titanium or zirconium and their alloys used at temperatures down to -75ºF (-
59ºC). The materials listed in Table UNF-23 may be used at lower temperatures
than those specified herein and for other weld metal compositions provided the
user satisfied himself by suitable test results… that the material has suitable
ductility at the design temperature.”

c. The minimum joint efficiency given in the code, 0.45, was used throughout this
analysis to be conservative. A joint with a higher efficiency would, of course, be
an acceptable substitute.

The efficiency of various weld joints, per Table UW-12 (p. 120-121), assuming no
radiographic examination, is as follows:

Type of Joint Efficiency

Double-welded butt joints 0.70
Single welded butt joints with backing strip 0.65
Single welded butt joints without backing strip 0.60
Double full fillet lap joint 0.55
Single full fillet lap joint with plug welds 0.50
Single full fillet lap joint without plug welds 0.45
Corner joints or angle joints NA

It should be noted that this involves disregarding code requirements. By code,

every weld on the helium vessel must be either a double-welded butt joint or a
single-welded butt joint with backing strip in order for the helium vessel to meet
the requirements of the BPVC. A justification for this is provided in section 3.0
of this document entitled “Exceptions.”

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d. It is assumed that the helium supply and return nozzles are grade 2 titanium along
their entire lengths. In fact, both are titanium stubs welded to titanium-stainless
steel explosion bonded connectors, which in turn are welded to stainless steel
stubs. The BPVC provides no explicit guidance on evaluating bimetallic pipes.
According to the BPVC, the length used in the analysis is the length from support
to support; as the supply and return nozzles are not supported at the explosion-
bonded joint, it would be incorrect to use only the length of the titanium section.
A conservative method to analyze this is the assume that the entire length of the
nozzle is titanium, since this is a weaker material than stainless steel. The length
used, therefore, is the longest length (as the welds are not planar) from the helium
vessel to the supply or return header.

1.3 Specifications and Dimensions

The following specifications and dimensions were used in the analysis.

Internal Pressure................................…...….... 5 atm (73.5 psi)

External Pressure..........................................… 3 atm (44.1 psi)
Material.......................................................…. Grade 2 Titanium
Total length..................................................... 27.24 inches
Outside Diameter............................................. 10 inches
Shell Thickness............................................... 0.125 inches
Head Thickness............................................... 0.7 inches
Weld Construction........................................... Electron beam, TIG; joint type as
described in 1.2.c above
Shell Geometry...................…......................... Cylindrical
Head Geometry..................................….......... Flat head
Design Temperature......................................... 70F (300 K)
Stub to Supply Line......................................... 0.75” IPS schedule 10, length 2.28”
Stub to Return Line......................................... 3” IPS schedule 10, length 3.67”

2.0 Code Analysis

2.1 UG-23 Maximum Allowable Stress Values

This section of the code gives the maximum unit stress allowed in a given material in the
pressure vessel.

Variable Value
tdesign Actual thickness of helium vessel shell 0.125 in
ro Outside radius of helium vessel shell 5.0 in
tdesign Actual thickness of helium supply nozzle 0.083 in
ro Outside radius of helium supply nozzle 0.525 in
tdesign Actual thickness of helium return nozzle 0.120 in

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ro Outside radius of helium return nozzle 1.750 in

The code states that the maximum allowable tensile stress value permitted in a given
material used in a vessel constructed under the rules of the BPVC shall be the smaller of
the values calculated by methods (1) and (2), as shown below.

(1) From table 1B (Section II, part D, page 246) the maximum allowable stress for the
design temperature is given as 12.1 ksi. This is the maximum allowable stress for Grade
2 welded pipe at -20 to 100º F. The maximum allowable stresses for other forms of
Grade 2 and Grade 3 titanium are higher; therefore, this is conservative.

(2) For the helium vessel:

r_o  5.0  in t_design  0.125in

A 
r_o A  0.0031

(2) For the helium supply nozzle:

r_o  0.525 in t_design  0.083in

A 
r_o A  0.0198

(2) For the helium return nozzle:

r_o  1.75  in t_design  0.120in

A 
r_o A  0.0086

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Using Fig. NFT-2 (Section II, part D, page 716.1) and interpolating, the factor B is found
to be about 16 ksi. Likewise, for the helium supply nozzle, A is 0.0198 and B is 19.5 ksi;
for the helium return nozzle, A is 0.0086 and B is 19 ksi.

Therefore the value for maximum allowable stress (S) to be used in this design will be
12.1 ksi, as found in (1) above.

2.2 UG-27 Thickness of Shells Under Internal Pressure

This section gives the minimum required thickness of the shell, t, under internal pressure.

For the helium vessel:

Variable Value
tdesign Actual thickness of shell 0.125 in
t Minimum required thickness 0.066 in / 0.033 in
R Inside radius 4.875 in
Pdesign Internal design pressure 73.5 psi
P Maximum allowable internal pressure 137.5 psi / 282.1 psi
S Maximum allowable stress value 12.1 ksi
E Joint efficiency of appropriate joint 0.45
Values in italics are calculated.

(c.1) Circumferential stress

t_design  0.125in R  4.875in P_design  73.5psi

S  12100psi E  0.45

P_design  R
t  t  0.066in
S  E  0.6  P_design

S  E  t_design
P  P  137.5psi
R  0.6  t_design

The calculated value for the minimum required thickness (t) is smaller than the actual
thickness value, and the calculated value for the maximum allowable internal pressure (P)
is larger than the actual pressure. Therefore, the design of the vessel meets the BPVC
requirements for circumferential stress.

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(c.2) Longitudinal stress

t_design  0.125in R  4.875in P_design  73.5psi

S  12100psi E  0.45

P_design  R
t  t  0.033in
2S  E  0.4  P_design

2  S  E  t_design
P  P  282.1psi
R  0.4  t_design

The calculated value for the minimum required thickness (t) is smaller than the actual
thickness value, and the calculated value for the maximum allowable internal pressure (P)
is larger than the actual pressure. Therefore, the design of the vessel meets the BPVC
requirements for longitudinal stress.

For the helium supply nozzle:

Variable Value
tdesign Actual thickness of shell 0.083 in
t Minimum required thickness 0.006 in / 0.003 in
R Inside radius 0.442 in
Pdesign Internal design pressure 73.5 psi
P Maximum allowable internal pressure 918.9 psi / 2211 psi
S Maximum allowable stress value 12.1 ksi
E Joint efficiency of appropriate joint 0.45
Values in italics are calculated.

(c.1) Circumferential stress

t_design  0.083in R  0.442in P_design  73.5psi

S  12100psi E  0.45

P_design  R
t  t  0.006in
S  E  0.6  P_design

S  E  t_design
P  P  918.9psi
R  0.6  t_design

The calculated value for the minimum required thickness (t) is smaller than the actual
thickness value, and the calculated value for the maximum allowable internal pressure (P)

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is larger than the actual pressure. Therefore, the design of the helium supply nozzle
meets the BPVC requirements for circumferential stress.
(c.2) Longitudinal stress

t_design  0.083in R  0.442in P_design  73.5psi

S  12100psi E  0.45

P_design  R
t  t  0.003in
2S  E  0.4  P_design

2  S  E  t_design
P  P  2211psi
R  0.4  t_design

The calculated value for the minimum required thickness (t) is smaller than the actual
thickness value, and the calculated value for the maximum allowable internal pressure (P)
is larger than the actual pressure. Therefore, the design of the helium supply nozzle
meets the BPVC requirements for longitudinal stress.

For the helium return nozzle:

Variable Value
tdesign Actual thickness of shell 0.120 in
t Minimum required thickness 0.022 in / 0.011 in
R Inside radius 1.630 in
Pdesign Internal design pressure 73.5 psi
P Maximum allowable internal pressure 383.9 psi / 826 psi
S Maximum allowable stress value 12.1 ksi
E Joint efficiency of appropriate joint 0.45
Values in italics are calculated.

(c.1) Circumferential stress

t_design  0.12in R  1.63in P_design  73.5psi

S  12100psi E  0.45

P_design  R
t  t  0.022in
S  E  0.6  P_design

S  E  t_design
P  P  383.9psi
R  0.6  t_design

The calculated value for the minimum required thickness (t) is smaller than the actual
thickness value, and the calculated value for the maximum allowable internal pressure (P)

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is larger than the actual pressure. Therefore, the design of the helium return nozzle meets
the BPVC requirements for circumferential stress.

(c.2) Longitudinal stress

t_design  0.12in R  1.63in P_design  73.5psi

S  12100psi E  0.45

P_design  R
t  t  0.011in
2S  E  0.4  P_design

2  S  E  t_design
P  P  826psi
R  0.4  t_design

The calculated value for the minimum required thickness (t) is smaller than the actual
thickness value, and the calculated value for the maximum allowable internal pressure (P)
is larger than the actual pressure. Therefore, the design of the helium return nozzle meets
the BPVC requirements for longitudinal stress.

2.3 UG-28 Thickness of Shells and Tubes Under External Pressure

This section regulates the design of cylindrical shells and tubes under external pressure,
with or without stiffening rings, tubes and spherical shells.

These equations require iterating based on an assumed value of t. (See Fig. G, p. 682,
and Fig. NFT-2, p. 716.1, of Section II, Part D.)

For the helium vessel:

Variable Value
Do Outside diameter of cylindrical shell 10.0 in
L Total length of shell 27.24 in
Pdesign External design pressure 44.1 psi
P Calculated value of maximum allowable external pressure 91.7 psi
tdesign Actual thickness of shell 0.125 in
t Minimum required thickness of cylindrical shell 0.09 in
Values in italics are calculated.

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L  27.24in D_o  10.0in t_design  0.125in

 2.724

 80

A  0.00065

B  5500

4 B
P 
3   

 t_design 

P  91.7

Minimum allowable thickness:

t  0.09in

 2.724

 111.111

A  0.00045

B  3750

4 B
P 
3  
D_o 

 t 

P  45

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P is greater than the external design pressure. Therefore, the design thickness of the
vessel is acceptable. The minimum allowable thickness of the pipe was determined to be
approximately 0.09 inches.

For the helium supply nozzle:

Variable Value
Do Outside diameter of cylindrical shell 1.050 in
L Total length of shell 2.28 in
Pdesign External design pressure 44.1 psi
P Calculated value of maximum allowable external pressure 2055.2 psi
tdesign Actual thickness of shell 0.083 in
t Minimum required thickness of cylindrical shell 0.009 in
Values in italics are calculated.

The total length of the shell (nozzle) was assumed to be the maximum length from the
helium vessel to the supply header.

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L  2.28in D_o  1.050in t_design  0.083in

 2.171

 12.651

A  0.015

B  19500

4 B
P 
3   

 t_design 

P  2055.2

Minimum allowable thickness:

t  0.009in

 2.171

 116.667

A  0.00055

B  4250

4 B
P 
3  
D_o 

 t 

P  48.6

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Based on the assumption of a 0.083-inch thick pipe, P is significantly greater than the
external design pressure. Therefore, the design thickness of the supply nozzle is
acceptable. The minimum allowable thickness of the pipe was determined to be
approximately 0.009 inches.

For the helium return nozzle:

Variable Value
Do Outside diameter of cylindrical shell 3.5 in
L Total length of shell 3.67 in
Pdesign External design pressure 44.1 psi
P Calculated value of maximum allowable external pressure 868.6 psi
tdesign Actual thickness of shell 0.12 in
t Minimum required thickness of cylindrical shell 0.022 in
Values in italics are calculated.

The total length of the shell (pipe) was assumed to be the maximum length from the
helium vessel to the return header.

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L  3.67in D_o  3.5in t_design  0.12in

 1.049

 29.167

A  0.008

B  19000

4 B
P 
3   

 t_design 

P  868.6

Minimum allowable thickness:

t  0.022in

 1.049

 159.091

A  0.0007

B  5750

4 B
P 
3  
D_o 

 t 

P  48.2

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Based on the assumption of a 0.12-inch thick pipe, P is greater than the external design
pressure. Therefore, the design thickness of the return nozzle is acceptable. The
minimum allowable thickness of the pipe was determined to be approximately 0.022

2.4 UG-34 Unstayed Flat Heads And Covers

This section gives the minimum required thickness of unstayed flat heads, cover plates
and blind flanges.

Variable Value
tdesign Actual thickness of shell 0.125 in
t Minimum allowable thickness of the head 0.651 in
Pdesign Internal design pressure 73.5 psi
S Maximum allowable stress value in tension 12.1 ksi
E Lowest efficiency of any joint in the head 0.45
d Outer diameter of flat head 9.75 in
C Factor as listed in UG-34(d) and shown in Fig. UG-34 0.33
Values in italics are calculated.

This head appears to best fit the case described in sketch (h) of Fig. UG-34. C is
therefore 0.33.

C  0.33 P_design  73.5psi d  9.75in

S  12100psi E  0.45

C  P_design
t  d 
S E

t  0.651in

The minimum thickness of the head must therefore be 0.651 inches.

Other requirements of this section are as follows:

1. ts must be at least 1.25 times tr. ts, the shell thickness, is 0.125 inches. The greatest
required value for the thickness is taken from section UG-28 (Thickness of Shells and
Tubes Under External Pressure) and is 0.09 inches. Therefore, this requirement is

2. The weld must conform to the requirements of UW-13e and Fig. UW-13.2, sketches
(a) to (g) inclusive, and also to UG-93(d)(3).

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The design appears to be closest to example (c) of Fig. UW-13.2. This requires that
dimension a (the height of the weld) plus dimension b (half the thickness of the weld)
be at least 2ts. 2ts is 0.25 inches. The height of the weld (a) cannot be less than ts, or
0.125 inches. tp, the distance from the edge of the weld to the edge of the head, must
be greater than 0.125 in.

3. Per UW-93(d)(3), when a flat plate thicker than 0.5 inches is to be used to form a
corner joint in a pressure vessel, before welding the weld joint preparation in the flat
plate must be examined by either magnetic particle (if a magnetic material) or liquid
penetrant methods as described in UW-93(d)(4). After welding, the exposed area of
the flat plate and the weld must be reexamined by this method.

2.7 UG-37: Reinforcement Required for Openings in Shells and Formed Heads

This section determines whether additional reinforcements are required for the nozzle
attachments which are welded to the pressure vessel.

For the helium supply nozzle:

Variable Value
A Total cross-sectional area of reinforcement required
in the plane under consideration
Aavail Total area available for reinforcement with no
reinforcing element
d Finished diameter of circular opening 1.050 in
t Specified vessel wall thickness 0.125 in
tr Required thickness of seamless shell for pressure 0.09 in, for external
tn Nozzle wall thickness 0.083 in
trn Required thickness of seamless nozzle wall 0.009 in, for external
fr1 Strength reduction factor = Sn/Sv 1.0
fr2 Sn/Sv 1.0
F Correction factor 1.0
E1 Weld factor 1.0
Sn Allowable stress in nozzle 12.1 ksi
Sv Allowable stress in vessel 12.1 ksi

(c) A pressure vessel which is subject to either internal pressure or both internal and
external pressure must meet the requirements given by the equations below (Fig. UG-
37.1, page 47). Aavail must be greater than A.

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d  1.9in t  0.25in t_r  0.09in t_n  0.083in

t_rn  0.009in f_r1  1.0 f_r2  1.0 F  1.0

E1  1.0 S_n  12100psi S_y  12100psi t_e  0.3in

A  d  t_r  F  2  t_n  t_r  F  ( 1  f_r1) A  0.171in

A1 is the larger of:

A1_1  d  ( E1  t  F  t_r)  2  t_n  ( E1  t  F  t_r)  ( 1  f_r1) A1_1  0.304in
A1_2  2  ( t  t_n )  ( E1  t  F  t_r)  2  t_n  ( E1  t  F  t_r)  ( 1  f_r1) A1_2  0.107in

Therefore A1  A1_1

A2 is the smaller of:

A2_1  5  ( t_n  t_rn )  f_r2  t A2_1  0.093in
A2_2  5  ( t_n  t_rn )  f_r2  t_n A2_2  0.031in

Therefore A2  A2_2

A_avail  A1  A2
2 A_avail > A -- YES
A_avail  0.335in

For the helium return nozzle:

Variable Value
A Total cross-sectional area of reinforcement required
in the plane under consideration
Aavail Total area available for reinforcement with no
reinforcing element
d Finished diameter of circular opening 3.5 in
t Specified vessel wall thickness 0.25 in
tr Required thickness of seamless shell for pressure 0.09 in, for external
tn Nozzle wall thickness 0.12 in
trn Required thickness of seamless nozzle wall 0.022 in, for external and
internal pressure

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fr1 Strength reduction factor = Sn/Sv 1.0

fr2 Sn/Sv 1.0
F Correction factor 1.0
E1 Weld factor 1.0
Sn Allowable stress in nozzle 12.1 ksi
Sv Allowable stress in vessel 12.1 ksi

(c) A pressure vessel which is subject to either internal pressure or both internal and
external pressure must meet the requirements given by the equations below (Fig. UG-
37.1, page 47). Aavail must be greater than A.

d  3.5in t  0.25in t_r  0.09in t_n  0.12in

t_rn  0.022in f_r1  1.0 f_r2  1.0 F  1.0

E1  1.0 S_n  12100psi S_y  12100psi t_e  0.3in leg  0.1875in

A  d  t_r  F  2  t_n  t_r  F  ( 1  f_r1) A  0.315in

A1 is the larger of:

A1_1  d  ( E1  t  F  t_r)  2  t_n  ( E1  t  F  t_r)  ( 1  f_r1) A1_1  0.56in

A1_2  2  ( t  t_n )  ( E1  t  F  t_r)  2  t_n  ( E1  t  F  t_r)  ( 1  f_r1)

A1_2  0.118in

Therefore A1  A1_1

A2 is the smaller of:

A2_1  5  ( t_n  t_rn )  f_r2  t A2_1  0.123in
A2_2  5  ( t_n  t_rn )  f_r2  t_n A2_2  0.059in

Therefore A2  A2_2

A_avail  A1  A2 A_avail > A -- YES

A_avail  0.619in

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3.0 Exceptions

3.1 Use of Niobium and Niobium-Titanium

Paragraph UNF-5 states that “[a]ll nonferrous materials subject to stress due to
pressure shall conform to one of the specifications given in Section II and shall be
limited to those listed in Table UNF-23 except as otherwise provided in UG-10 and
UG-11.” This allows Grades 2 (UNS R50400) and 3 (UNS R50550) titanium, but not
niobium or niobium-titanium alloy.

However, paragraph UNF-15 further states that “(a) Other materials, either ferrous or
nonferrous, may be used for parts of the vessels provided that they are suitable for the
purpose intended.”

Both niobium and niobium-titanium, though not discussed in the BPVC, are
commonly used in cryogenic accelerator design and have proven themselves over
years of service. For both materials, the modulus and the yield strength increase at
cryogenic temperatures. Based on these factors, it is judged that niobium and
niobium-titanium are acceptable materials for use in the cryomodule.

3.2 Titanium-to-Niobium-Titanium Weld

According to paragraph UNF-19, “Titanium or zirconium and their alloys shall not be
welded to other materials.” In this helium vessel, titanium is welded to a 55-45
niobium-titanium alloy transition piece which is in turn welded to a niobium piece.
Titanium-to-NbTi welds have been used in previous helium vessel designs (see, for
instance CRM9007010-0047 and 115400-1020) and have proven durable.

Because this weld could not be analyzed using the BPVC, a finite element analysis
was performed to verify the strength of the weld joint. Results showing that that the
stresses in the weld are no higher than in the surrounding base metal are shown
below. For the analysis, an internal pressure load of 5 psi was applied. Note that
resulting stresses should be compared to the cryogenic yield strengths of Ti, Nb, and NbTi.

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Figure 1: Stress and displacement of helium vessel head under a 5 atm internal
pressure load.

3.2 Use of Fillet Welds

According to the specific requirements for titanium given in paragraph UNF-19, “For
vessels constructed of titanium or zirconium and their alloys, all joints of Categories
A and B shall be of Type No. (1) or No. (2) of Table UW-12.” That is, all titanium
welds must be either a double-welded butt joint or a single-welded butt joint with
backing strip. Nevertheless, fillet welds were used in locations in which butt welds
were not feasible. The use of these is supported by past experience: previous helium
vessels made of titanium have often used fillet welds in similar locations. See for
example, CRM9007020-1001, “Probe End Head Weldment,” and CRM9007020-
0002, “Top Assembly (W/o Liq Lvl Probes)” for comparable fillet welds used on the
SNS Helium Vessels.

4.0 Conclusion

The above analysis verifies that the High-Current Cryomodule helium vessel design
meets the requirements of the BPVC with the exception of those instances noted in
Section 3.0. Justification has been provided for these discrepancies.

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