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gi|281307152|pdb|3KBH|C Chain C, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Coronavir

us Receptor- Binding Domain Complexed With Its Human Receptor

gi|281307150|pdb|3KBH|B Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Coronavir
us Receptor- Binding Domain Complexed With Its Human Receptor

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Run BLAST Find regions of similarity between this sequence and other sequences u
sing BLAST.Identify Conserved Domains View conserved domains detected in this pr
otein sequence using CD-search.Protein 3D Structure
Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Coronavirus Receptor- Binding Domain Comp
lexed With Its Human Receptor
Source: Homo sapiens, Human coronavirus NL63
Method: X-Ray Diffraction
Resolution: 3.31 ÅIdentical proteins for 3KBHB
Chain D, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Coronavirus Receptor- Binding Dom
ain Complexed With Its Human Receptor [3KBH_D] Chain D, Crystal Structure Of Nl6
3 Respiratory Coronavirus Receptor- Binding Domain Complexed With Its Human Rece
gi|281307154|pdb|3KBH|DChain C, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Coronaviru
s Receptor- Binding Domain Complexed With Its Human Receptor [3KBH_C] Chain C, C
rystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Coronavirus Receptor- Binding Domain Comple
xed With Its Human Receptor
gi|281307152|pdb|3KBH|CChain A, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Coronaviru
s Receptor- Binding Domain Complexed With Its Human Receptor [3KBH_A] Chain A, C
rystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Coronavirus Receptor- Binding Domain Comple
xed With Its Human Receptor
gi|281307148|pdb|3KBH|ASee all...
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BLink BLAST Link. Pre-computed sequence similarity results (BLAST) including ali
gnments for the current protein against the NCBI nr protein database. Organism s
pecific, RefSeq and other database subsets are available as well as access to a
pre-computed multiple alignment.Related Sequences Protein sequences related by s
equence similarity (BLAST) score to the current records.Identical Proteins Prote
ins with identical sequences to the records in the current set.3D domains Three-
dimensional structural domains present in the proteins in the current proteins.C
DD Search Results Results of Conserved Domain Database search using RPS-BLAST wi
th the current protein.Conserved Domains (Concise) Concise set of conserved doma
ins present in the current proteins as determined by a Conserved Domain Database
search using RPS-BLAST. This set includes only shows only the best scoring doma
in model, except non-specific hits, for each region on the query sequence.Conser
ved Domains (Full) Full set of Conserved domains present in the current proteins
as determined by a Conserved Domain Database search using RPS-BLAST. This set i
ncludes all domain models that meet or exceed the RPS-BLAST threshold for statis
tical significance.Domain Relatives Conserved Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool
(cDART) results for proteins in the current set. cDART identifies proteins that
have similar kinds of conserved domains with similar organization.Full text in
PMC Free full-text articles in PubMed central that cite protein records in the c
urrent set.PubMed PubMed articles that cite the protein records in the current s
et. These are articles that report the International Nucleotide Database Collabo
ration (DDBJ, EMBL, GenBank) records. These articles are also linked to Referenc
e Sequences derived from the GenBank records.Related Structure Related structure
sRelated Structure List List of related structuresStructure Three dimensional st
ructure records that are the sources of the protein records in the current set.T
axonomy NCBI Taxonomy entries and classification information for the source orga
nisms of the current set of records.Recent activity
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Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Coronavirus Receptor- Binding Dom
... Chain B, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Coronavirus Receptor- Binding
Domain Complexed With Its Human Receptor
gi|281307150|pdb|3KBH|BProteinChain C, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Cor
onavirus Receptor- Binding Dom... Chain C, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory
Coronavirus Receptor- Binding Domain Complexed With Its Human Receptor
gi|281307152|pdb|3KBH|CProteinChain D, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Cor
onavirus Receptor- Binding Dom... Chain D, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory
Coronavirus Receptor- Binding Domain Complexed With Its Human Receptor
gi|281307154|pdb|3KBH|DProteinhuman (2231316) Proteinmyosin [Arabidopsis thalian
a] myosin [Arabidopsis thaliana]
gi|433663|emb|CAA82234.1|ProteinYour browsing activity is empty.
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gi|281307148|pdb|3KBH|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Nl63 Respiratory Coronavi
rus Receptor- Binding Domain Complexed With Its Human Receptor

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