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1. There is water everywhere

2. My parents love me dearly.
3. We must chew our food slowly.
4. We reached our school early.
5. Priya sing beautifully.


Conjuction is a word which joins two words or sentences.


1. Rina and Tina are friends.

2. Anil did not go to school because he was sick

Some of the conjuctions are-

and ,but, because , so , as since , if, that , yet , or , untill

1. He is a kind and lovely man.

2. He will help you.
3. You are tall but my brother is taller.
4. The boy looks happy because they won the match.
5. The plant was given enough water so it grow quickly.
6. You can not eat your snacks untill your recess time.
7. The grandfather is old but strong.
8. Two and three make five.
9. You will get a prize if you work hard.
10. I asked him question but he did not answer.
11. Do you want popcorn or icecream.
12. Will you have tea or coffee?
13. The baby cried because it was hungry.
14. she opened the book and started to read story.
15. He pushed hard but could not open the door.
16. It was cold so I wore jacket.
17. Sonu went to bed early as he was tired.
1. Lesson-Plants

1. Fill in the blanks

1. We get oil for cooking by crushing oil seeds of some plants.

2. we use wood from trees to make furniture.

3. Trees are home to many birds and animals.

4. Trees gives us fresh air and shade.

2. Answer the following

a. Name any five uses of plants?

Ans. Plants gives us food, wood, shade, paper and they keep the air clean.

b. What do plants need to grow?

Ans. Plants need air, water, sunlight and soil to grow.

3. Name the following

2. Lesson-The world of animals

A. Fill in the blanks using word from bracket

( lather , load , meat ,food , purses, fuel )

1. We use animal dung for fuel and manuse.

2. We use the skin of some animals for making lather.

3. A donkey carries heavy load.

4. Goat gives us meat.

5. Purses and belts are made from lather.

B. Circle the correct word

1. Dogs guards our home / trees .

2. Bulloks plough jungle / field .

3. The hen gives us fruits / eggs .

4. Silkworms give us fibres / milk .

C. Match the following and re-write the answer.


1. Sheep Carry loads

2. Horse Give us wool

3. Buffaloes gives lather

4. Donkey give milk

5. Snakes pull carriages

1. Sheep - Give us wool

2. Horses - pull carriages

3. Buffaloes - give milk

4. Donkey - carry load

5. snake - give lather

D. Put √ OR ×

1. The crocodile is a domastic animal.

2. Horses carry people on their back.

3. Camel pulls cart and carry load.

4. Pet animals are friendly.

5. domastic animals are dangerous.

E. Name the following

1. Two animals that help farmer.

Ans. Oxen, snake, Cow.

2. Two animals that gives lather.

Ans. Crocodile , snake , sheep , Camel , buffaloes.

3. Two animals that gives milk.

Ans. Cow, goat , buffaloes

4. Two animals that gives us meat.

Ans. Sheep , goat , duck
5. Two birds that gives eggs.
Ans. Hens , ducks

6. Two animals that gives us wool

Ans. Sheep , rabbit

7. Two animals that gives us pleasure

Ans. Dogs , cats, rabbit, parrots

8. Two animals that carry heavy loads.

Ans. Elephant , donkey , camel , horse.

2. Lesson-Festivals

A. Name the following

1. The festival of colour -Holi

2. The land of many festivals - India
3. The festivals of light - Diwali
4. The birthday of Guru nanak-Gurupurnima
5. The birthday of jesus christ- Christmas
6. The festival celebrated of the muslims fast for thirty days. - Ramzan Eid

B. Fill in the blanks

1. On Diwali day people pray to godess Lakshami.

2. Navroz is the new year of parsis.
3. Gurunanak Jayanti is the festival of Sikhs.
4. Santaclaws brings gift for childrens on christmas.
1. Name the two national festivals , when do we celebrate them?
Ans. 1) Independence day is celebrated on 15th August
2) Republic day is celebrated on 26th January.

C. match the following and re-write

1. christmas a) Bonefire
2. Gurupurab b) Parsi new year
3. Navroze c) 25th december
4. Holi d) Easter eggs and goodies
5. Ramzan e) month of fasting
6. Easter f) langar food cooking

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