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Thomas Gordon’s "Discipline as Self­Control"

Kinds of Authority

•E: (expertise) is inherent in a person’s special knowledge, expertise, training, skill,

wisdom, and education

•J: (job) comes with one’s job description

•C: (commitments, agreements, or contracts) comes from the daily interactions,

agreements, and contracts people make

• P: (power) is evident in a person’s ability to control as opposed to influence others

The Behavior Window*

Behavior Window Acceptability to Teacher Skill Clusters

Student’s behavior causes a  Acceptable Helping Skills:

problem for the  Behavior 1. Use listening skills
student. Student owns the 
problem. ­passive listening, acknowledgement, 
door openers, active listening

2. Avoid roadblocks

­giving orders, warning, 
preaching, advising, lecturing, 
criticizing, name calling, 
questioning and withdrawing

Student’s behavior does not Acceptable Preventive Skills:

cause a problem for either  Behavior 1. Use preventative I­messages
the student or teacher. 2. Set rules collaboratively

No problem. 3. Use participative class management

Student’s behavior causes a  Unacceptable Confrontive Skills:

problem for the  1. Modify the environment
teacher. Teacher owns the  Behavior 2. Identify/Respond to primary feelings
problem. 3. Send regular I­messages
4. Shifting gears

5. Use No­Lose conflict resolution

Problem Solving Process
1. Identify and define the problem or situation.
2. Generate alternatives.
3. Evaluate the alternative suggestions.
4. Make the decision.
5. Implement the solution or decision.
6. Conduct a follow­up evaluation.

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