Ontario Motorcycle Handbook M1 M2

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Driving is not a right...

It is a privilege
This booklet is a guide only.
For additional information,
please refer to the
Highway Traffic Act of Ontario.

In order to get u~to-date information, obtaining the
latest Edition of th~ booklet~ strongly recommended.

Cop) right tO 1995-2007 Canadian Express Card Inc. All rights reserved
Al rial, 1111ned. Nol*l of'lhil book shlll be rqiroduccd. stoml 1n a n:tneval S)stem, or transmitted b) 1111) means. el«troruc.. mechanical. phococ:opyilg
•CU Rs1•GJ111:1r._. wilhilul wlillU pamiSllon &om the publisher. No palent liabiht) is assumed with respect to the use of the information COIUlned
Alllk• pevay ....,am Im bem taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omission.
NI l k ii 1111 lilllilily 1n1ned raulhng &om use of the information contained herein.
C l .ASS 0 1' Cl.ASS ()I·
1 . 1 c1: ~cE 1.101<:...,c•:
A Any co111b111at1on 01 · u tractor- trailer. Any combin11tion of vehicle and towed vehicle up to 11000 kg
G provided the towed vehicle is not over 4600 kg
(car, van, -.mall trul·k) ~-==="--

Level C>ne (l~la:-.s GI) of graduated licensing Replace>

Gl Holden; may dri\C Class(] vehicles '''hen accompanied Cl:bS l
by a fully liccn,.cd driver \•cith at least 4 years llf
driving expcricncc•.r\dditional conditions may apply.
Level Two (('la.~s 02) of graduated licensing ~UO!W)
G2 I loldcrs nla) drive C lass Ci vehicles \\flhout an ~taiu.,
accompanying driver, but arc also subject to ccnain condition?.
D . . Motorcycles

M llolderi; may dn\ e ( ' lass l'i vehicles under the cond" ions
that appl, to a ('lass Cl I licence holder.

E School Bus with n1ax1111un1 24 passengers.

Cla;s R
Level one (Class MI) of graduated licensing licence
Ml Holilcrs 1nay drive a 1nuturcycle under cenain conditions.

Bus '' ith 1naximun1 24 passengers Level Two (Class 1\.12) of graduated licensing
F capacity and ambulances M2 R'!'loce>
Holder" n1ay drive a motorcycle. but only w·ith a zer1 Probationary
blood-alc:ohol lcvcl. Holders may also dri\ e Class G Statu>
vehicles under 1he conditions 1hat apply to a Class Ci
licence holder.

New Ontario Residents
As a new resident, if you have a motorcycle licence from another province, state or country, you are pennitted to drive for 60 days.
lfyou wish to drive for more than 60 days, you n1ust obtain an Ontario motorcycle licence.
Visitors to the province of Ontario
A visitor to Ontario who want to drive while here must be 16 years old and have a valid motorcycle licence from their provinces ,
state or country. If you \vant to stay for more than 3 months you need an international driver's pennit from your own country. If you don't
have one, you can apply for an Ontario licence.
Drivers from Canada, S\vitzerland and United States
If you can prove that you have been driving for two years or more, with a valid motorcycle licence fro1n the countries listed above, you
may get a full class M licence without taking any tests, You 1nust, however 1neet all the medical requirements, including a vision test. lf
you have between one and two years driving experience, you may get credit towards Level T\vo of the graduated licensing system.
Drivers from Other Countries
If you are a licensed 1notorcycle driver froLn a country other than Canada, the United Stales, or Switzerland , you must meet all the medical
requirements and pass a vision test. You must also pass a computer or written exam to test your knowledge of the rules of the road and traffic signs
~ . ' - -" -- . , .... - ~~ t
. . - ' . . . " 't
. . . . .,_

lfyou have acceptable proof of2+ years of driving experience, you 1nay take the Level Two (Class M2) Road Test to earn full driving
privileges. If you do not pass, you will apply for Level One (Class MI ) licence. You n1ay i1nmediately schedule a Level One road test

If you have less than 2 years experience, and if you can prove that you have the driving experience required for Level One (Class MI ), you
can immediately schedule Level One (Class M 1) If you pass, you will move up to Level Two (Class M2).

If you do not have proof of ex erience, ou will be considered a new driver and ou will have to start at the beginning of
Level One (Class MI ).
C1F=neD'P'"* Ca••oa cg1h•lc••a To conYert ldlometen to •lln:
m • meter kg • kilogrun Te -"•rt meten to fft't: ldlaa-. " .62 - miles
cm • ~11•i11.cer ma - mm;.,_ _ ....,a 3.3 = , _ so lunlb - 31 mph
m • Dlllllim t 1 ml • milliliter
30 m • I00 ft so
80 lunlb - mph
aa• • Oilbic cen11,,..., mph - mila per hour
110 m • 350 ft To-wrt ........... to pouda:
ft • feet 60 m • 200 ft kilopqla ll 2.20 - pounda
·e~---- 150 m - 500 ft
23 q • SOU..
How to obtain your licence
Applying for a licence
To apply for a licence, you must show proof of your legal name, date of birth The follo"lng dl)(uments are acceptable for proof of signature:
{must stale the day, month and year of birth) and signature. Documcnis must be Binh Cenificate (Canadian and U.S)
original and valid. Photocopies and expired documenis are nol acceplable. Driver's Licence (Canadian and U.S. Only)
lden11ty Card with Mgnature (issued by Canadian provincCitclTitory
Tiit fol.lowing documeats •rt aettpllblf: or U.S. \tote authonty)
Any one of the following documents may be used to satisfy the rcquimncn1 to Canadian Cen1ficate of Indian Status
provide proof of legal name, complete date of birth and signature. Ontnno Student Card with signature
Passpon {Canadian or Foreign, valid) Ontario Health Card wilh applicant's signature (Clients may choose to
Canadian Citizenship Card with photo produce their Ontario Health Card for proof of signature. The Health
Card and llealth Number will not be recorded or photocopied)
Ptrmuent lmmigntioa Documents, (l·lfid)
Permanent Residen1 Card (PRC) or Note:
Record of Landing (IMM I000) or An opphcant will be ~uired to provide additional documenb 1fthe
Confinna1ion of Pennanent Residence (IMM 5292) documen1 p~ntcd from lhe list abo'e does not indicate legal name
Temporary Immigration Documents (l-alid): (e g n.ime has been changed or arc dtffemu on the "'o documents ptCSClltcd).
Student Authorii.ation (Th1}.1 1442) The 1pphcant w111 be rcqwrcd to pro' idc additional documenb to pro\e legal
Employment Authorization (1~1~11442) name from lhc documents hsted below.
To pro\.'C change of legal name. the following documents arc acceptable:
V'isilOf Record (~11442)
\1amage Certificate (Canadian or Foreign. go\.emmcnt issued)
Temporary Resident's Pennit (Thi}.i 1442) ,. al) M_., mr1•mof M-'•pa11111l
Change of ·a.me Ccrufican:
Refugct Swus Claim (Thi}.1-1434) Coun Order for adopuon, change or name or d1\orcc (Must bear legal
Acknowledgment of Intent 10 Claim Refugee S1atu:. ( l~iM 7703 with photo) name. date ofb1nh and court seal)
Repon Pursuan1 lo the Immigration Act (Th1M 1442 with photo) To confirm complete do1e ofbinh where no or only panial date ofbinh is available:
Sworn affidavit Mating reaJ>On why pan:ial or no dale is available. with
\ ote: suppon1ng documents. Please contact the Ministry ofTransporuuon'l>
An applicant will be required 10 provide additional documents if lhe document Driver and Vehicle Licensing Call Centre at (416) 235-2999.
presented from lhe liSt above does not indicate the legal name, complete date of toll free 1-800-3117-3445 (Canada-wide) for further information.
binh (day, month, year), or signature. The applicant will be required to provide
additional documenlS proving the missing or incomplete information (i.e. legal name, 'lotc:
complete date of birth and signature) from the documents listed below. Direct 1dentification by a parent or guardian will no longer be acceptable.
ACanadian or US. Birth Certificate plus any one of the acceptable documents for The applicant w111 be ~u1 red to present an acceptable document w11h tu~ or her
proof ofsignature may satisfy proof of legal name. complete date ofbinh and signature. own s1gnn1urc. For fu nher dctoib 'i it the Ministry ofTranspona11on's web
site DI "''v'''.mto.gov.on co 3
Graduated licensing S)'Stem
l\e\\ driver"> applying for their fin.I car or motorcycle licence Level T\\O (Cla\\ i\12) require ments
must enter the Ontario graduated Iiccns1ng sy'ltcrn. This sy<:.tcm LC\CI T\VO (Cla-,., \12) lasl:. ror 22 1nooth:..
is a 2-stcp process.'' hich i!> u ually completed o'er a 20-month If you pass an approved 11101orcycle safety course you can
time-span Thb is an optin1al period ofti1ne to ullO\V the llC\V reduce the ti111c spent in Level fwo (Class M 2) by 4 111onths
dnvcr to uc4u1re the ski Its and the necessary driving experiences At this ll!vcl. you arc given n1ore privileges, becausl! you n1ay
that arc very essential to bcco1ning a confident and safe driver. have \Vider range of driving experience. A<:. a result. }OU can
dri'c al night and on any road.
Le, el ()nc (Class ~I I) require m e nt ~
Le\ el One (Class i\11) la...ts a n1inimun1 of 60 day.,. It is "a lid for •
90 days. l\.1ake sure to book Level One (Class MI) road test 1-Your blood Mcohol lcvel mutt be Z11110; t0 you 11mst nor
ahead to avoid a long delay. drive ifyou have been dr•nk•ng.
After your rnandatory 27 month-. at Le\'el T\\O (Cla.-.s M2) is
co1nplcted you 111ay take a road test. You must pass a test of
your driving skills in order lo qualify for full licence pn\ ilcges.

Road test:
After each level. you have 10 take n road test \Vh1ch you n1us1
eventually pa~~ to becon1e fully licensed. These tests
check your driving sk ills on the n1olorcyclc and in LrafTic.
You '"ill be tc:.tcd on safe dri' ing and )Our ability to appl) the
ntfes of the road. '!'our perfom1ancc during each test ''ill
tell you \\·hethcr or not you need more pracucc .
\Vhen you arc confident enough to take the road test, contact
the Ministry of Transportation Driver Exan1inalion Center
al ( 4 16 )325-8580 or (905)874-4080 or 1-888-570-6110
to make an appointment. You 1nu-.1 bring your O\\ n vehicle
for lhe road test. \1akc sure it 1:- in good \Vorking order and
that the vehicle i!> raniiLiar lo you ..
1. When you are slowing down or stopping you should...

0 l) Lean to the lefi

0 2) Make sure you downshift after you stop
• 3) Downshift as you slow down
0 4) Use just your front brakes
Tips: \'ou ... hould use both brake., to slo'' do'' n and !>top cffccuvcly.

2. Why is the front brake more important than the rear brakes?

0 I) It is easy to reach
e 2) It provides 3 quarters of the stopping power
0 3) It provides all of the stopping power
0 4) It provides l quarter of the power
Tips: Appl}tng the brake-. 100 hard n1ay lock up your tire!> and you may skid.

3. What should you do if you see a slippery surface ahead?

0 I) Brake hard whil.e downshifting

~ 2) Slow down as much as possible before you get there
0 3) Increase your speed while crossing it
0 4) Try to keep the same speed while croosing it
Ti p~: Aslippery surface affects lhc motorcycles Lraction and increase!> chances of falling.

4. How does fatigue affect your abiUty to operate a motorcycle?

~ 1) It slows down your reaction time in emergencies

0 2) It increases your reaction time in emergencies
0 3) It helps you to be more alert
0 4) It helps you to relax
Tips: When you are tired sick or upset. .. Don't drive, as it 1nay affect your judgement and concentration.

5. What part of the lane should you ride to discourage others from trying to share the right lane?

0 1) In the right tire track

0 2) In the right part of the lane
& 3) In the left part of the lane (left tire track)
0 4) In the centre of the lane
Tips: The best way to stop lane sharing is to keep your blocking position, a little to left
or right of the centre of the lane where the tires of a four-whee l vehicle would travel. This spot is referred to as " tire track".

6. When you are approaching an intersection the greatest danger to you is ...

0 1) Car A
0 2) CarB
o 3) Care
0 4) CarD
Tips: One of the n1os1 common causes of a collision in the intersection between a motorcycle and a
vehicle is the vehicle turning left in front of the motorcycle.
• Answ(rs cnn be found on page 38
7. What should you do to lessen the impact if you must ride over an object or pot-hole on the road?

~ I) Rise slightly on the footrests so that you can absorb the shock
with your knees and elbows
0 2) Hold onto the handlebars firmly
0 3) Brake hard rigl1t on impact
0 4) Sit straight on your seat
Tip!I: SIO\\ dO\\ll to reduce 1mpac1. keep your motorcycle upright and U\Oid turning. Hold handgrip tightl> so that you do not lose your grip

8. A motorcycle is not designed to carry cargo. If you must carry cargo on your motorecycle you should ...

0 I) Place it on your legs and gas tank

® 2) Use a carrier or saddle bag and keep the load low. Distribute
the weight evenly and secure the load
0 3) Tic the load to the gas tank
0 4) Tie the load and secure it to the seat, then sit on it
T ips: Don't pile the load against the fra1n1: on the back ofth1: seat. This \VIII change the ccnrrc or the gnl\'11) and d1,turb the balance ofthc 1nounc)clc.

9. As the driver of motorccyclc, it is your resipoosiblity to advice your passenger to ...

0 I) Keep at least one foot on the footrest

0 2) Wear wann clothing
0 3) Don't talk to the driver so he/she will not get distracted
~ 4 ) Keep both feet on the footrest at all times, even when the
motorcycle is stopped
Tip~: Passenger' should a\'oid unnecessary mo,cmcnt and hold tightly to your ''aist or hips.
8 •'"'"m ( n be f.,und on l\l!!C JS
10. Riding in a stagger ed formation can be safely d on e on an open area of the road, however, rider s
should change to a sing le lin e \Vhen. . . . ..,. ,,,

O 1) Approaching a bridge
•• •
O 2) Approaching a tunnel
3) Entering or leaving freeways, on curves and in turns

O 4) On the freeways when dri ving over 80 km/h an hour
Tips: \lc\cr drl\c along-,1de another 111oton.:y~lc If you con1c ,1cro-.., "on1crhing or there i-. another vehicle on thl' road. you 'viii
11'1\ e 1111 plal1.: lo co to ,1\oid thl'n1
11. To carry a passenger, your n1oto rcycle mu st be equipped \vi th . ..

O 1) Safety bar on the back of the motorcycle

O 2) A stro ng engine to carry the load
0 3) Wide tire lo handle the wobb le that might be cau ed by a large load
~ 4) A large sea t to hold both of you and separate footrests fo r the passenger
Tips: \\ 11hout" hrn1 loo11ng ~our pa ...scn •er l.111 t:11J and :ilso pull) 1111 oil 1he 'chicle ..__.._ _ _ _ _...;;i-..____..J

12. When a pproaching a n inter ectioo and an oncoming vehicle is signa ling for a left turn you s hould ...

e I) Take a de fensive lane positi on, slow down and move to the ri ght \.· ~
of the lane :.1 -
0 2) Slow down and 1nove to the left of the lane
0 3) lncrea e your peed to get out of the way
0 4) Increase you peed and 1nove to the left of the lane ~.__ __.
Tips: Pr~rare 1• ,10,, <lu\\n and proc~ed "uh c.11.. 100 \)11\c ,,, tar a' pos,1bk 10 thc nght lane 10 gl\e 1nnrc d1,1.1ncc bc1,vccn you .111d lhc \Chide .
• AllS\hl'"!> b.: ~ lW1d on f'J-- l~ 9
13. It is important to remember that Fatigue, Drugs and Alcohol can affect your ability to ...

0 I) Drive a motorcycle in the rain

0 2) Operate a motorcycle at night
a 3) Operate a 1notorcycle safely
0 4) Drive a motorcycle fast
f1p\ lk"a. ~o • Ir • drug k , prl-Xnpllon drug:' e\-en non-prcscnptiool can alTcct
}Our abiht) to operate a tnotorcyclc ~fd) .

14. As a responsible motorcycle driver you should always begin your trip with ...

~ I) Protective clothing, a proper helmet, and a check of the condition of the motorcycle
O 2) An extra helmet for the passenger
0 3) Repair tools, just in case your motorcycle breaks down
0 4) Safety bars for the passenger to hold onto
1 ips: \lotorc)clc:-. rcqu1n.· n1ore at1cn11011 than c..ir,. abo. the con,cquents of 'omcthing going \\Tong arc n1uch 1nore sc\erc on a motorcycle.

15. Why should drivers keep their both feet on the footrest \vhen riding a motorcycle?

0 I) It helps to relax your feet

0 2) It is more comfortable
• 3) It helps to maintain your balance
0 4) It helps you to access foot controls more easily
l'ips Don't drag vour tell along the ground Keep your feet firm!\ on the footrc,1 .
16. You should not shift gears while you are turning because...

@ 1) Rough or jerky downshifting can cause the rear wheel to • • .... ' • "T- •

lock, resulting in a skid

0 2) It is hard to do.
0 3) It takes your concentration away from the traffic around you
0 4) You should keep your hands on the handlebars only for brakjng
Tips: II it> a good idea to shift gea~ before entering a turn. Applying too n1uch power can cause the rear tire lo lose traction resulting in a skid.
17. What is one of the most important things you should do while driving a motorcycle?

0 l) Wear the right clothing

~ 2) Beware of your surroundings. Keep scanning the road ahead,
beside and behind.
0 3) Change gears often
0 4) Avoid slippery surfaces and pot-holes
Tips: Don't look at one point more than 2 seconds, trouble could be developing in one place \Vhilc you arc looking so1ne ,.,,here else.

O l) They always have their feet on the footrest

O 2) They wear brightly coloured clothing
O 3) They drive within the speed limit
f> 4) They scan their surroundings constantly and understand possible
problems before they arise.
Tips: Learn to look as far ahead as you can ~cc. Loolong \veil ahead '"ill g1\'c you enough time to adjust to the road condiuons and a\ 01d any problems.
•An.wers can be round Oil page 311 11
19. You should avoid driving in the centre lane of a multi-lane road with 3 or more lanes because....

0 I) You are not allowed to drive in that lane

0 2) It is hard to drive in centre lane
® 3) You don't have a (blocking position)
0 4) The centre lane is only for fast moving vehicles.
Tips: Blocking posi1ions discourage other dri' crs from rrying 10 squccle pass
you in lhe san1e Jane.

20. If you have to make an emergency stop on a slippery surface or ~·et pavement you should . ..

0 I) Only use the rear brake

O 2) Only use the front brake
@ 3) Use the front and rear brakes together
0 4) Only change gears
Tips: Using both brJkes l(lgcth1.:r j., 1norc cffccli\e than U'>ing one bral.c alone.

21. Any sudden change in speed or direction on a slippery surface can cause a skid. Therefore you should ...

® l ) Tum, brake, accelerate or change the gear as smoothly as possible

0 2) Drive as fast as possible
0 3) Avoid driving on a slippery surface
0 4) Slow down before you get there
Tips: Ori\ ing 111 the rain can be n~ky. the road ''slippery, 11re 1ract1on mny be poor. ' 1sibili1y is reduced
and your brake' can be le 'cffecti\c.
22. When riding on the freeway or open road you should ...

0 I ) Not change lanes on open road or freeways

0 2) Look at the edge of the road
~ 3) Look as far ahead as you can see
0 4) Not look at the on coming traffic
Tip :Looking \vell ahead gi\CS you time to adjust to the road conditions and avoid panics ops or su

23. Why Lane splitting is extremely dangerous and should not be done?

0 I) It is only dangerous for new drivers

8 2) It puts you too close to the other vehjcles where the drivers
don't expect a motorcycle to be
0 3) It is only dangerous if you have a passenger
0 4) It puts you in the blind spot of another vehicle
Tip!»: ..lune splitting" is \Vhen 1notorcycle drivers. drive between vehicles in adjacent
lanes. Any slight 1noven1ent from another\ ehicle could cause a collision a., there is insufficient space.

24. The best way to handle the high-speed wobble is to ...

0 I) Apply the brake as hard as you can

~ 2) Gradually close the throttle and let the motorcycle slow down .
Don't apply the brakes
0 3) Fight the wobble and increase your speed
0 4) Apply only the front and rear brakes together
Tips: Applying the brakes could make the ''obble \\Orse. Don't ti) to fight the '"obblc. Firmly grip the handlebars and never accelerate.
' \n'" er> .:an be found on r:i11c 38 13
25. Why is it important to wear a face protection shield every time you ride a motorcycle?

0 I) It keeps your face wann in the winter

0 2) It looks nice and prevents sun damage
0 3) It might protect your eye glasses
e 4) [twill protect your face and prevent eye damage from fl ying objects
Tips: If you arc hil in the eye by a !lying object or 1f your face protection shield becorncs
smeared or damaged \.,;hile in n1ot1on. n1along it diffi.cuh 10 see. Don't let it affect
your control. Keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the handlebars. When . afe to do so pull off the road and fix it.

26. What is the safest practice \Vhen being followed very closely?

® I) Increase the distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you
0 2) Apply your brakes to scare the other driver
0 3) Move closer to the vehicle in front of you
O 4) Use the blocking position to discourage the other driver
Tips: lncn:as1ng the distance bctv.ccn you and the 'chicle ahead of you'' ill give the
tail-gater 1norc tinic to react in an emergency. If someone is folio\\ ing you close. change lanes rf posible and let the tail-gater pass.

27. Generally the most slippery part of the lane on a wet road is ...

O I) The right tire track on the lane

® 2) The centre of the lane
O 3) The left tire track on the lane
O 4) Near to the curb side of the lane
Tips: AYord ,Jippery area., 'uch as near 1ntc~cctions 5tanJing ,,·ater. rnud. and piled up lea\ es.
14 •.\n."1.:r-. •'llll P.. found on Plh"C \l\
28. What should you tell your passenger when approaching a turn?

O I) To hold onto the safety bar

O 2) To lean more than you if the tum is too sharp
8 3) To lean with the motorcycle on turns as you Jean
O 4) To lean less than you if the tum is too sharp
Tips: Don't assume your passenger kno\'.:S "hat to do, even if he 'she 1s a motorcycle dn' er.

29. Drinking and riding can ...

t> 1) Cloud your judgment and decrease your driving skills

0 2) Be more relaxing
0 3) increase your riding skills
0 4) Not make any difference
Tips: Alcohol will ancrc:ise your chance of ha' ang a collisaon. Don't drink and drive.

30. When braking hard or accelerating the motorcycle you should ...

O I) Lean the motorcycle to the left

O 2) Lean the motorcycle to the right
f> 3) Keep your motorcycle straight up, as vertical as possible
O 4) Not do anything because it makes no difference.
Tips: The motorcycle's two wheels must have good tracuon to stay upright \\h1le dn\ing.

31. When riding on the road, the most dangerous position to be is...

I ) In the blind spot of another vehicle

0 2) In front of another vehicle
0 3) Behind another vehicle
0 4) Right next to another vehicle
Tips: Don't drive in oLtier 'chicle's blind spot and do not let another vehicle drive in your blind spot.

32. You should do all your braking before you .. .

0 I) Put your signal lights on

f.> 2) Enter a tum
0 3) Change gears
0 4) Enter the intersection
Tips: If you ha,·e to, be careful not to appl) the bralo. cs too hard. too 1nuch brake po\vcr cnn cause the \vheels 10 lock. Locked wheels produce skid.

33. T he foot pedal on most motorcycles controls the brakes on which wheel?

® 1) The rear wheel

O 2) The front wheel
0 3) None of them
0 4) Both wheels
Tips: Some control'> on all motorcycle1't may not be in the same place. It i~ good idea to
leant "here the controls an: located and \\'hat the) do.
1 ~
34. When cha nging lane or ma king turn \vhich one of the following will m a ke your motorcycle noticeable
to other drivers ...

0 1) The engine size

0 2) The tire size
0 3) The co lour
4) T he tum signal
Tip': II \Ou '1gnal. other dri,cr~ \\Ill ,cc ~ou .1nu niakc roon1 for }OU \11•nal \\hcne\er }'OU change lane' ·''hethcr someone else j, around or not

35. W ha t signa l do the m otorcycle drivers use to let others kno''' th at they need help?

I) Put their helmet on the ground near the road

0 2) Leave their engine runing •
0 3) Put thei r head lights on
0 4) Put the ir tail lights on
Tip\: Pull your n101on:yclc as far ;i., oil the rn<td <I' you can 'Jc\ er pa1~
on the tra\cllc<l portion of the road

36. As level one (Class Ml ) driver you are pern1itted to carry passenger s only if...

0 1) Your passenger is wearing a he lmet

.. ·.



2) You are not permitted to carry passengers under any circun1stances

0 3) There is a seat for the passenger
0 4) Your motorcycle is equipped to carry passengers
Tips: It'' illegal for le,·el one (Clas~ f\.1I ldrl\cr'111 carry pa,~cngcr, , I \Cll "tth lc,~·l t\\O. )OU ' hould
a\oid earl") 1ng passengers or largc loads.
37. When carrying a passenger, because of the extra \Veigbt of the passenger your motorcycle \Viii. ..

O I) Respond faster with the passenger onboard

O 2) Not make a difference \Vhat oe\1er
0 3) Help to keep your ba lance better
4) Respond more slo\vly
r ip\: 1 he he.\ .1.:r h1. P··''1.:ng1.r. lhc lo\\ Cf the rC,Jll>n ...c 111 the \Chicle. It 1:1J..e, longer to 'peed up. 'Ill\\ llo\\n or 1un1 .

38. If you have engine seizure should you?

0 I) Apply the brake hard as soon as you can and pull over
@ 2) Squeeze the clutch lever to disengage the engine from the rear \Vhcel
0 3) Put your four-way fla sher o n
O 4) Start do\vnshifiing and slo\v do\vn
--.,. ·-· .'

~-- "'
l'ip\ : I ng1ne c11u1 n1c·1n ... lhat the 1.ng1nc hi1.i..., or lrcc1e~ . There i u... uall) '>0111c all' ancc.:
\\urning 1>fthc engine trouble 1h.11 \\Ill gl\c.: )OU enough tune to pull O\Cr ,,., 'oun as possible. Do not \'iUit until the \\heel loc i.. ~.

39. If your front tire blo,vs out \Vhile driving you s hould ...

I} Shift your \veight as far back as you can

O 2) Shift your weight to the fro nt of the motorcycle
0 3) Shift your \Veight to lhe right
O 4) Shi ft your weight to the left
l 1p': 'tou 11.~d to ..: ~ '"' 111 l.eer .\our I- '11.1. Uuld the handgnp, 11gh1I~ and con1.cntra1c
on '>leering. l.it·l\ ofl'the hrakc,. lf)uur front tire blo''' out. }Our 'leering '' ill fee l hca\y.
40. A highly skilled motorcycle driver is one who ...

0 l) Is not prepared, but takes action when the ti1ue comes

0 2) ls faster than other drivers on the road
ff> 3) Is always prepared for the errors of the other drivers
0 4) Is slower than the other drivers on the road
Tips: The best \Vay to avoid the trouble is to sec it corning, and avoid panic or sudden n1ove1nent \vhich can cause further trouble.

41. Where is the front brake operator located on most motorcycles?

~ 1) A hand lever on the right handlebar

0 2) A hand lever on the left handlebar
0 3) A foot pedal on the right side
0 4) A foot pedal on the left side
Tips: Apply the broke to the front\\ heel by squee7ing !he lever ro,vard the handgrip. It is
always a good idea lo use the front and rear brake together .

42. When a group of motorcycles are travelling together, the proper way to drive together is ...

0 1) To dr1ve beside each other

0 2) To drive behind each other
0 3) To drive beside each other, but in different lanes
® 4) To form a staggered formation
Tips: This staggered fom1ation allo\vs the group to sray close 1oge1ber \\'illtout reducing
follo\ving distance and \Vithout having drivers drive alongside each other.
•An,.-ers can be found on JXlgc Ji\ 19
43. Adjust your mirror s so tha t t hey let you to see .. .

• I) As much of the lane next to you as possible and part

of the lane behind you
0 2) Only the lane next to you
0 3) Only the lane behind you
0 4) There is no need for 1nirrors in heavy traffic
Tip\: Check you 1n1rror C\el") S to 7 sccondi- to kcep crack of traOic con1ing up
behind you. Al\\ a)!> 1un1 your hcad ,1nd chcck O\ er your shoulder before you take any action.
44. If you have to stop while in a turn you should use . ..

t> I) Both the front and the rear brake at the sa1ne ti1ne
0 2) Only the front brake
0 3) Only the rear brake
0 4) Downshifting would be enough
Tip~ : Use all your tin gen;" hen .1ppl) 1ng 1he clutch and front hrakcs 1hi, en,ures there arc no jerky 1no\ cn1cn1,. r"ou can also slo\\· do\\ 11 b) do\\n~hi11ing.

45. If your rear tire blows out while d r iving you should ...

0 I) Shift your weight as far back as you can

0 2) Shift your weight to front of the motorcycle
e 3) Stay where you are don't shift your weight
0 4) Shift your weight to the right
Tips: 'lou need to react qu1ckl) 10 keep )Our balance Hold the handgr•r~ 11ghtl~ and
conccntrJte on steenng. Stay oil the hrJke,. If the rear'' heel goc~ flat. the back of the rnotorc}clc '' 11l 1cnd to ,lidc fron1 ,jde to ,jJe.
46. W hen you have decided to ma ke a lane change to t he left lane, befor e the la ne cha nge you should ...

O I) Check your left mirror then change lane

O 2) Check your right mjrrors then change lanes if it i afe to do so • •
O 3) Slow do\vn change the gear and apply both brakes
@ 4) Signal and check your left rnirrors, then look over your shou lder M
. - --·

to see if you can proceed safely
1 ips: Rcn1c1nhe1 that 1nirr\lr.., do not ~·i\e the \\·hole tratlic picture. fherc is an area on
each .,,de ofy1lur n1oton:vclc thut you l'an't sec in your 1nirror. ...11 )llll need to look O\er :.houldcr to -.cc the car in the next left Ia n~

47. T he cold \Veather may a ffect your motorcycle's performa nce by .. .

0 I) Lowering the engine oil temperature

2) Lowering the ti re pre sure
0 3) Freezing the handlebar
0 4) Freezi ng the brake fluid
'l'ip'i: It j., \Cl"\.' i1nportanl Lo check \0111 Luc prc:...,urc regular().

48. lf you got caugt1t driving in a fog tha t ra pidly decreases your visibility you sho uld ...

O I) Move to the fast lane and drive fast to get out of the fog area
O 2) Always drive slowly in fog but sound your horn
O 3) Put your fla hers on and park in the left lane of the road
4) Move off the road into a safe parking area and wait for the fog to c lear
Tip\: Don't 'top on 1he Ira\ clled por11on ot 1hc rnad. \ou could be h11 fro1n behind b) other \d11clc1,.
\J1'\l<'f\ ,,111 ~~ hlllllll <•ll p.1g.· J~ 21
49. What is the best ~vay to avoid a collision if a vehicle ahead of )' OU stops suddenly or pulls out and pa rtly
blocks vour lane'?

0 I) Sound your horn

@ 2) Make a quick turn or movement
0 3) Use both brakes and stop
0 4) Use only the front brake
T ips: So1ncun1c~ even a quick ~lop 111ay not he enough 10 keep you fro111 hnting so1ncthing
111) our path fhc key to mal..1ng a quicl.. ;;\ven e is lo get the motorcycle 10 lean quickly in direction you \\·ant 10 1um .

50. While driving it is da ngerous to try a nd . ..

G I) Adjust your mirrors

0 2) Look around you
0 3) Put your four-way flashers on
0 4) Cany a passenger
Tip~ : t\11rrors arc not sub~lltutc for looking over your shoulder.

51. When motorcycles a re in staggered formation the dista nce between car A a nd C should be at least .. .
0 I) Five seconds
0 2) Ten seconds
• 3) T\VO seconds
0 4) Four seconds
Tip :S1aggcrl.'.d formauon n1us1 bl.'. done 1n a way that is not dangcrou~ and dtX's not
11111.'.rlcre '' ith 1hc Oo'~ of trallic.
52. When approaching an inter section where a vehicle to your right is stopped at a stop sig n yo u should .. .
® I) Move to the left tire track and slow down - pi
O 2) Move to the right tire track and slow dow n
O 3) rncrease your speed and rnovc to left
O 4) Increase your speed and move to the right
Tips: By 1110\ 1ng to the left tire track. you 1ncrca._,e the chance of other driver 'ceing ;vou bener.

53. What part of the paved hvo lane road is most likely to collect sand a nd gra,rel?

O I) A long the centre of the paven1ent or road

O 2) Near the centre of the paven1ent or road
O 3) A ll over the pavement or road
8 4) Al ong the s ide of the pavement or at the edge of the road
Tips: The \\ind or tire~ of fa!>l mo' 1ng \chicle\ u~uall} pll!>h tht> :.and or gr<.l\ cl near to the -;ide
or to the edge of the road. Sta} a\\ a~ fro1n edge of the road "hen you enter or exit the free\\ a) or\\ hilc making sharp tum-.. <ll the inter-;ecrion!>.

54. While stopped behind another vehicle at an intersection, and you see a vehicle approaching fron1 behind
that might hit you and cause a collision you should get ready to ..

O I) A ccelerate your motorcycle and change lanes

O 2) Move closer to the vehi cle ahead of you
O 3) Stay as you are
@ 4) Move out of the way and pull alongside the car ahead of you

Tips: )ou 'hould a)\\3}5 keep checking the trallic around you every fe\\ <tcconth or so. even if you arc 1.,1opped at the intersection.
• \n."'<I' '"" ~ li>und tln page ~' 23
55. What kind of mirrors make other vehicle or objects look further away than they really are?

0 1) Broken mirrors
e 2) Convex mirrors
0 3) Flat mirrors
0 4) Tinted mirrors
Tip : You should not rel) only on your mirrors to see the trdllic around )OU. lum your head and check 1l as well.

56. When you are about to operate an unfamiliar motorcycle should you test ...

0 1) The brake as soon as possible

O 2) The helmet as soon as possible
0 3) The style of the motorcycle
O 4) The size of the motorcycle
Tips: So1nc conrrols may not be 1n the sa1ne place on all 111otorcyclcs. The first step 'hould be to
check an<l bcco1ne fan1iliar \\ ith vehicle's controb.

57. It is the law in Ontario you and your passenger must...

0 L) Not drive at night

O 2) Have tools with you at all times
0 3) Wear bright clothing at all times
e> 4) Wear approved helmets with the chin-strap secure ly fastened
every time you drive
Tips: \n appro' e hcln1ct is one that 1nects the standards approved for use Ill Ontario. It n1us1 be 1n good condition.
?A • \n,11 ~r. •an be f.1uml on p;sg~ 3ll
SS. Wearing protective clothing will protect you from ...

@ 1) Injury in a fall or collision and the impact of wind, rain,or debris

O 2) Sunburns on hot summer days
0 3) Flying insects in summer
O 4) Mosquitoes in the northern region
Tips: Protective clothing can help reduce fatigue by keeping you wann in bad weather.
\.Vcaring bright colours and reflectors 'viii rnake you more visible lo other drivers on the road.

59. To have a better control of the motorcycle when you are braking hard or accelerating you should ...

e 1) Keep the motorcycle as vertical as possible

O 2) Lean to the left
0 3) Lean to the right
O 4) Shift your weight as far back as possible
·rips: I lold the handgrips firmly enough that you" ill not lose your grip if the motorcycle
bounces. Hold your knees finnly against the gas tank for better control.

60.The motorcycle's headlights must be turned on ...

0 1) Only at night
0 2) Only in day times
e 3) At aU times even in daylight
O 4) On ly from sunrise to sunset
Tip11: Headlights increase and impro,·e }Our chnncr~ of being seen by other \chicle~.
•A11>v.m C3ll bt found on p;igc J~ 25
61. In order to keep control of your steering you should ....

0 1) Avoid putting your head lights on

@ 2) Avoid braking while turning
0 3) Downshifting while stopping
O 4) Avoid changing lanes
1·ips: Approach turns \Vith extra caution and sll.1\v dov•n before you enter a tum. Do all braking before you enter a tum.

62. What are two leading causes of a motorcycle's collision at an intersection?

0 1) Not using both front and rear brakes

0 2) Not having your headlights on at all times
0 3) Vehicles driving through the intersection
® 4) Pulling out from a side street or another vehicle making a
left tum across your path
Tips: Some dn' en. ha\e a hard ttn1e seeing a n1otorcyclc coining tO\\ ards thcn1. Approach
the intersection slo\vly. move as far away as you can fron1 other vehicles or objects that could block tht.: other drivers view.

63. It is especially important to check your mirrors before you ...

0 I) Stop at the intersection

Qt 2) Change lanes, turn, slow down or stop
0 3) Start your motorcycle
0 4) Begin your long trip
Tip~: Remember to u:.c your brake light!-> to signal that you arc ~ 10,ving do,vn. It is
c~peciaJly 1n1portant 10 rerncmber that \\'hen do,vnshifting the br.1ke lights do not acti\'ate.
26 "An~11cn. c11n be loundon page 1~
64. What riders should do or \'V ear to make th em more visible at night'!

@ I) Put headlight and tail-lights on and wear brightl y coloured

clothing and always v,1ear a helmet ..
O 2) Wear protective clothing
0 3) Put their four-way fl ashers on at all tirnes
O 4) Wearing dark clothing at ni ght w ill help
Tip~ : 'tcllovv. orange, red anti othcr hnght co l o u r~ arc highly \ 1-.1hlc. l 011..,1dcr
\vcunng a rct1ectivc ve~ t and adding rc llcctive tape to you 1 clothing and to the heln1c1 \\ 111 al1'o hclp.

65. In a blind curve \Vhere you can not see a ll the \Vay around the curve you should .. .

0 I) Put your four-way tla her on o the o ther driver \Vi11 cc you
0 2) Drive in the middle o f the road
0 3) Drive close to the edge of the road
4) Put yourself in a pos itio n where you can see a m uch a po sibl e
o r the road ahead
"Fi t>~ : I.ool. nhcttd and scan the road uhcad for slippery !-> pots. bu1np:; and hroken paven1enl.

66. You may drive on a paved right shoulder of road, if yo u are .. .

0 I) Pa ing a right turning vehicle

® 2) Pa ing a left turning vehicle
0 3) Bei ng fo llowed by a large vehic le
0 4) In an emergency
Tip~: You 1:an 11111 pass on the right shoulder 11111-.. nut pa\cd ) ou ean nnt pass nn the ten shouluer 1\hcrher 11 is pa\e<l or not.
67. When you are being passed by a vehicle from behind you should ...

0 I ) Move to the right of the lane

O 2) Not change your position
@ 3) Move to the centre o f the lane
0 4) Increase your speed so the vehicle cannot pass
Tips: A'oid being closer 10 a passing vehicle rhan you need to be. A '> lightest
mistake by either driver could cause a sidcs\vipc \Vith disa),trou), consequences.

68. When driving in cities by keeping to left tire tack you may avoid .. .

0 I ) The heavy c ity traffic

0 2) Being hit from behind by another vehicle
0 3) Being run over by a large vehicle
e 4) The dangers of, people stepping out from between vehicl es
and opening the vehicle's door
Tips: Drive at speeds at \Vhich you can stop safely and always be ready for the unexpected.

69. You should keep a safe distance and avoid driving behind trucks becaus!lie•.•· ·- - - - - •

@>1) Trucks create air turbulence that can seriously affect

the control of your motorcycle
0 2) It is illegal to drive behind large vehicles
0 3) You mjght not see the other vehicles on the road
0 4) Dri ving behind large vehicles is not allowed
Tip : It is more difficull aod can be dang.:Jou:. 10 pass a truck oo a 1no1on:ycle They also block ) our \'iC\\ and might blo\\ debris in your face.
28 •Anv.\cr..c.tn be fl•uml on pa~c 3~
70. Why is the centre of the lane not a good driving position for motorcycles?

0 I) Because most of the potholes are in the centre of the lane

O 2) Because you don't have a blocking position in the centre of the lane
0 3) Because the centre o f the lane i usually covered by sand and gravel
4) Becau e it i coated with oil from other vehicles and
gets lippery when wet
Tips: An 011 or 'ir1kc tlu d l~J.. 1 llTI1'' in' frorn the \ehrcles can huild up 1n the lentrc of the lane .ind 1Her u long period and 11 gch \Cf! ~lipper) ''hen \\Cl.

71. What should a motorcycle driver do to create a larger blocking position \Vhen making a right turn ?

9 I) Angle your motorcycle 45 degrees across the lane

0 2) Angle you 1notorcycle 25 degrees across the lane
0 3) Drive very clo e to the curb
0 4) Drive in the centre of the lane
Tips: By 1naJ..ing a 45 degree 111rn. )ou 1nake )llllr~e l t inure v1-;1hle to dn\crs behind )OU.
\lti\C lO the CllffCl"I po 'l l lllll alle1 l"Oll1ph: lillg )\l ll tum.
72. The best protection you can have as a motorcycle driver is ... ·~~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~
~ -,.,.
0 1) To keep a sa fe di tance between you and the curb
0 2) To keep
@ 3) To keep
a safe distance between you and the shoulder lane
a afe distance between you and the other drivers
0 4) To keep a afe distance between you and the passi ng lane
Tips: Ah, ay~ J..ccp cu,h1on ol 'pace around )OUr \Chicle This gi\cs you 11n1e to 1.1J..c ac1111n
rn ca'e of .in erncrgenc) .ind !_!I\ c') 1lU a pl 11:e to gl) It aho gl\ e... other dn' er' a chance to -.cc) ou an1l 3\ ord :i colli...1011.
73. When starting a motorcycle on the lane of the hill, to prevent from rolling back you should ...

0 I) Use your rear brake \Vhile shifting into fir t gear

0 2) Use both front and rear brakes
0 3) Start your engine, shift into first gear and proceed
~ 4) Use the front brake to hold the motorcycle while starting
the engine, and shift into first gear
Tip\: \her you placed the o;hift into gear U'>e the foot bral-c to hold the n1otorcycle \~h1 l e
}OU t" 1-.t the throttle and gradually relea.,c the clutch. l 'hen release lhc foot brake \vhcn the clutch begins to engage.

74. Driving faster than the traffic around you is dangerous because ... ~1!11

0 I) Your brakes might not work

0 2) Your motorcycle's engine might cease
t> 3) You will not be able to react quickly in an emergency situation
0 4) You might get speeding ticket
Tip\: £)n\c at a ~•eady -,peed and keep checking tranic around you. Scan the road ahead at the sides and behind. Ah\·ays be ready for the unc\pcctcd.

75. When entering a freeway you should ...

0 I) Signal and change your lane quickly

0 2) Slow down and wait for a right time to enter quickly
0 3) Signal and enter quickly and sharply
e 4) Signal and accelerate to match freeway speed,
to ensure smooth merging into the traffic flow
I ip~ : \Vhc:n }OU are on the n1n1p l()(lk ahead and check blind 'pot~ and 1n1rrors. 1\n1icipa1c the merging point before mo' 1ng into the ncan.-st lrcc\\U} lane
30 •'"'"c" .an~ found"" 1\1 cl~
76. Never attempt to ma ke a la ne change in traffic until you a re sure t ha t you have ...

0 I) Your headlights tt1med on

.-,. "'
O 2) Your e1nergency flashers are on • •
0 3) Checked your engine pressure
4) Put your signal on and checked your 1nirrors and blind spot to make
sure the lane change can be 1uade safely
f·•, .• iiit .1

Ti1>s: Ahvays check your hi ind spot hy looJ...ing over your shou l<lcr in the direc1ion of lhc lane change. Steer gradually into the 11C\V
lane. Rc1ne1nbcr ii is dangerous and illegal ror :-IO\Ver n1oving vehicles to cut in Ji·onl or faster 111ov ing vehicles.

77. W hen leaving a freeway you should ...

0 1) Slow down and wa it for the ri ght mo1nent to exit

. •'
0 2) Signal and change your lane quickly
0 3) Exit the highway fast and harp ~
4) Signal and nlove into the exit lane safely. Once you are
in the exit lane reduce your speed grad ually to the indicated speed for the exit ran1p
Tips: It is a l \vay~ good practice to read 1·rccway <>igns a:. they inforn1 dri vers \Veil in advance \I.hen to n1ake lane change safely. If you
1nissed )'Our exit don't '>lop or re\crsc on the fn!e\\ a). simpl) taJ..e the next exit.
78. If a tra in is a pproaching a nd the signa l lights a re flashing a t a ra ilroad crossing you should .. .

0 1) Stop at least 10 metres fro1n the nearest rail

0 2) Stop at least 20 metres from the nearest rai l
e 3) Stop at least 5 111etres fro111 the nearest rail
0 4) Stop at least 8 n1ctres fro111 the nearest rail
fips:lt is dangerous and illegal to drive around. under or through rail\\·ay gates or barrier:-\\ hile the:. an: being opened or closed,
'\ll>"Cl'o ,Jr i>c t; llOd UO flJ~~ 1\
79. When you are approaching railroad or streetcar tracks that run parallel to your path you should ...

@ 1) Pass over them at a distinct angle to prevent gening stuck

in the tracks or losing control
O 2) Pass over the tracks in a straight angle
O 3) Pass over the tracks in a parallel angle
O 4) Increase your speed and S\Verve directly over tJ1e tracks
f'ips: \~ord braking or turning\\ hrlc on the trncks. Don't s\vel'\ c d1rectl> over the track-... \Vatch out for possible burnps.

80. Why is night driving risky for motorcycles?

0 l) Because people tent to drive fast at night

0 2) Because motorcycles should not be the road at night
0 3) Because headlights of n1otorcycle i not bright enough
4) Because you cannot see fa r ahead or be seen by other drivers as well as in daytime
Tips: Reduce your speed. \Vear rcllccti vc clothing. and increase your distance from other vehicles. Keep your head and tail-lights clean.
Lcvcl one (Cla' ' 1\11 l <lri\ er<- are not allo\\ cd 10 drh e at night because of their inc\pcriencc

81. You must notify the ministry of transportation of a change in your name, address and o\vnership of a vehicle ...

0 1) Within one month

2) Within 6 days
3) Within 6 months
= 1111111111 111 •
--- ::. .....
0 4) Al your convenience
Tips: '\our \chicle pcmu1111u,1 ha\c an accurate de-;criptiun of)our 1nOll1rcyclc. an) changl!'i mu,1lil: reported
::: -- ~'::7~ •

82. What areas becomes icy first as the temperature drops below the freezing level in winter?

8 1) Shaded areas bridges, an overpass and wet roads

O 2) Private or public drive\.vays
0 3) Major highways and expressways
O 4) Sidewalks and parking lots
l 'ip : Look ahead slow dO\\n and <1nllc1pa1c problems. Generally. asphalt should look
grcy-\vh11c in colour. If the road ahead lool..s black und ... hiny. it rnay be covered \Vi th a thin layer of ice (knO\\n as blac
\'ou must dri' c \Vith C\tr.1 caution.
83. Your motorcycle might slide off of the road and crash if you ...

0 1) Drive slowly on turns or curves

~ 2) Tum fast or brake hard on a turn or curve
0 3) Drive fast on highways
0 4) Don't pay attention to rules of the road
Tipi.: Colhs1on., 111\ol' 1ng motorc>clc an~ olien c.1uscd b) the rider' n1jsJudg1ng their o,;peed r.....;;i...;.ii__.,.:.a
and turning too fast They then over react and brake too hard causing "heels to lock and locked \\ heeli. resulting 111 a sldd

84. If the throttle gets stuck you should . ..

0 I) Keep playing with it until it works

~ 2) Pull in the clutch and tum the engine off with the kill switch
0 3) Use both front and rear brakes and come to a complete stop
I 0 4) Keep driving until the motorcycle slows down then stop
-~ 110\: Rela' and let up on the thronk If 1l doe., nut ha\c a kill'" 11ch. pull in the clutch ''h1le holdlllg it and apply the broke' until you ~top.
• \n>1•m. <"311 bt fowi.l un ragr 111 3
85. A motorcycle' s chain can brea k or fail. This is usua lly caused by?

0 I) When is not the right brand

O 2) When the chain is the wrong s ize
~ 3) When the chain is worn or stretched
O 4) When the driver brakes too hard
I ips: If the chain luck, the rear" heel. )OU" 111 not he able 10 J1,engage it and
11 '' 111 cau...e) our n11)torc) cle to ,1; id. Tl} to n1ain1a1n control and pull o\ er 1, ...oon as po,-;1blc \\ hcn it '' 'ali: to do ...o .

86. Buyers cannot place their O\Vn licence plates on their ne'v vehicle unless th e

0 I) Brand new Iicence plate

0 2) Clean dri ving record obtained w ithin tbe last 36 day
0 3) Sa fety tandard issued w ithin the last 2 n1onths
4 ) Valid insurance, a valid licence plate, and va lid safety standard • i -I
certificate is ued within last 36 days • 1
l ' i1>s: You 1nus1 lake the vehic le portion of the pcnni1 and the used vch1c lc 1n li1rnu11ion package provided by the ~cl l cr Ill register as a
new O\\'ncr \vi thin 6 clays of the :;ale.

87. Over driving your headlights at night means ...

0 I) When you dri ve without your headlights turned on

0 2) When your headlights are not properly adju ted
0 3) When your headlights are not working properly or are broken
4) When you drive so fast that your stopping di tance is further than you can see w ith your headlights
Tip\: I ht' '' Jan1?1.:r11u' h..:l , ... ) 1•u '' 111 not ha\ e l'nough 'pai:e to ''or ' 111;1\ \h\ J)' Ix rlJJ\ to t<ike proper ... l·t111'l tor thl .100.:\po.:i:tcd l ..:nt
34 • \ '"' l
88. To be certain of seein g the car in the next la ne, t he r ider has to .. .
0 1) Look in the left n1irror
o ·:
~ -= ....
O 2) Turn his/her head right to see it
3) Tum hi /her head left Lo see it
~ ••
O 4) Look in the right mirror
Tips: A hvay~ turn your hcnd and check over your shoulder befo re you take
nny action ns there is an area on each side of your n1otorcyclc that you can't sec in your n1irror..

89. Onta rio has compulsory motor vehicle insu rance lvhich mea ns that ...

___ .._

~ 1) You n1ust insure your n1otorcycle '0 •O •O•O•

0 2) You don't need i11surance for your n1otorcycle ._...,..-\'_,..__..,._""__ --··-- ,.

0 3) Onl y larger vehic les need insurance

0 4) You don't need insurance to drive your motorcycle ·----- __
.. .... '
l 'ip : E' el') reg1~tercd vehicle 1n pro,·ince of Ontano n1ust be insured for third part) liabilit) \\ ith a n1inin1u1n of at least $100.000.

90. When you are drivin g your 0\\ n or someone else's vehicle, \vhat
• 1n-.1Jrt11n<1e
documents may a police offic er require you to produce'? J;·~ ---

0 1) Your birth certificate

0 2) Your passpo11
0 3) Your identification card -=
~ 4) Your insurance liab ility card, the vehi cle's ownersh ip and a valid driver's li cence
Tip : lf}'ou don't ha'c a pinl.. ltabtlit) card "·ith !11u \\hen the police olliccr a~i..~ for iL you con be fined up tu 5200. --- 35
~---;;;.-,,. t~
• ..... • .r-"!.

. ' ,' .

Ontario Driver Examination Centres

(Within 2 hours of Toronto)
Location address Telephon e Fax
Aurora I Hender on Drive. Unit 4 (905) 713-6941 (905) 7 13-7314
Barrie 520 Bryne Drive, Unit 7 (705) 739-6622 (705) 739-6625
Burling ton Po,ver Center 1250 Brant Street, Unit #2 (905) 632-0446 (905) 681-2377
Brampton 59 First Gu lf Blvd. Unit #9 (905) 793-4340 (905) 793-5257
Guelph 255 Woodlawn Road W.. Unit I06 (5 19) 824-2790 (519) 824-56 14
Han1ilton 3 70 Kenora Ave . Stoney Creek. (905) 561-7822 (905) 561-6806
Kitch en er 1405 Otta\va Street N.. Unit 11 (5 19) 893-71 10 (519) 893-5259
Oakville 2035 Com\vall Road (905) 845-0451 (905) 842-9532
Orangevill e 50 Fourth Avenue (519)941-6861 (519) 941-9493
Orill ia 404 Laclic Street. Unit 3 (705) 326-9293 (705) 329-0260
Osha\va Midto\vn Mall 200 John St. \.Vest (905) 728-7616 (905) 728-0522
Pete rboro u ~h 749 Erskine Ave (705) 745-9066 (705) 745-26 15
St Catharincs St Bunting Square 285 Bunting Rd , Unit I (905) 646-2957 (905) 646-5804
Toronto Oo,vns vie\v 37 Carl Hall Road (4 16) 398-3577 (416) 398-3677
Toronto Etobicokc 5555 Eglinton Ave. W. (416) 695-0621 (4 16) 695-9459
Toronto North York Victoria Terrace Plaza 1448 La\vrence Ave E., (4 16) 757-2589 (416) 757-9564
Toronto ca rborough 65 Grand Marshall Drive (41 6) 724-7520 ( 416) 724-4896
General in forn1ation
General Information (4 16) 235-4686
Gradu ated l~ i ce n s in g Info rmation ( 416 ) 235-2999
Road Test for cniors ( 416) 325-8572
For all Ontario' Driver Exa1nination Centre or Metro Licensing olliccs please visit our \VCb ltC at:

www.licensingoffice.com 37
'. ~
... . .
1) 3 16) 1 31) 1 46) 4 61) 2 76) 4
2) 2 17) 2 32) 2 47) 2 62) 4 77) 4
3) 2 18) 4 33) I 48) 4 63) 2 78) 3
4) 1 19) 3 34) 4 49) 2 64) 1 79) 1
5) 3 20) 3 35) 1 50) 1 65) 4 80) 4
6) I 21) l 36) 2 51) 3 66) 2 81) 2
7) I 22) 3 37) 4 52) 1 67) 3 82) 1
8) 2 23) 2 38) 2 53) 4 68) 4 83) 2
9) 4 24) 2 39) 1 54) 4 69) 1 84) 2
10) 3 25) 4 40) 3 55) 2 70) 4 85) 3
11) 4 26) 1 41) I 56) 1 71) I 86) 4
12) 1 27) 2 42) 4 57) 4 72) 3 87) 4
13) 3 28) 3 43) I 58) 1 73) 4 88) 3
14) 1 29) 1 44) 1 59) I 74) 3 89) 1
15) 3 30) 3 45) 3 60) 3 75) 4 90) 4
Pa. t 2 Road Tests
According to government stati stic , new dri vers are more like ly to be involved in a serious o r fatal
collisions. In order to make sure that new drivers develop better and safer driv ing skills, in 1994 the Ontari o
Government introduced the graduated licensing system for all new drivers apply ing for their motor
vehicle or motorcyc le li cence . T he graduated licensing ystem he lps new dri vers to gain their driving
experience and s kill g radually.

The two-step licensing process, which has two road tests, takes a 1nini111un1of 20 months lo con1plete.

Oae (Clw Ml) Road Tat:

Level One (Class MI) Road Test: deals with basic driving skills and driver control. Jt includes a 3 part
motorcycle skill test. Sets of 2 cones placed one metres apart, with each set 4.5 metres apart, are used to
test your knowledge and skills in manocuvcring your motorcycle.

Two(Clau Ml) Road Test:

Level Two (Class M2) Road Test: deals wi th more advanced knowledge and dri ving skills w hi ch are ga ined
\Vith driving experience. At the Le, el T\\O road test. the exam iner will follow you in another vehicle and
talk to you by radio through a earpho ne. T he examiner will give you d irections. As you complete the dri ving
tasks, the examiner wi ll watch to make sure you successfull y perform the actions.

The follo\\•ing is onl y a guide.

Level One (Class Ml) Road Test:
Le' cl One (Cla , \I I) l{oad ·rcsr: deals \vith basic dri ving kills and driver control. It includes a 3 pan
motorcycle skill te t. els of 2 cones placed one metres apan. \vi th each set 4.5 rnetre apan. are used to test
your kno,vledge and kill in manoeuvering your mo1orcycle

Walk Test
You will be a kcd to \Valk the motorcycle
around the cone in a figure 8 shape with
both hand withou1 topping or lo ing control.
Stop the front \vheel on 1he stop line

Serpentine Ride
Relax and drive slowly in a way that you can have
good control over you r motorcycle. While both
of your. feet are on the foot rest. drive in an
scrpenllne pattern.

Straight line brake test

Dri ve slowly in straight line between the rows of
cones while both feet arc on the foot rest. After
pass ing 1he rO\VS of cone , tun1 around and accelerate
and be prepared 10 le t the brakes. Stop safely with Finish Finish Finish
the front wheel on the fini sh line. Start I Start start

On the road
driving route •••••••••••••••••••••••••
•• •••
demonstration r

• •
• •
•• ••
This illustration demonstrate ••
• •
·~ •
•• ••
a typical driving route used •• ••
•• •
at the driver examination ••
center s across
:::=::'.J:• ~~ ·
•• •••••••• •
the province of Ontario. • •• ••
••••••••••••• ••••
•••• ••• • •••
••• • •• • ••
•• • •• • •••
•• • • ••
•• • • ••••••••
• ••
·• --~ •• ::==
•• ••
•• ••

•• ••
•• ••
•• •
• ••

• ••
••• ••

Level Two (Class M2) road test
Level Two (Class M2) Road Test: deal with 1nore advanced knowledge and driving skills that are gained with
driving experience. At the Level Tl\O road test. the exam iner vvill follow you in another vehicle and talk to
you by radio through a earphone. T he exa1niner will give you directions. A you complete the driving tasks, the
examiner will watch to make sure you succe sfully perfonn the actions.

Left and right turns T/1e approac/1

JJ7ren tbe ra<111hlc1t a~ _rot~ 10 uu1J.:1 '' ittj1 c>r right twnju\t, h lji1rq .t·ou r,1(.!;e/J tb.tT iuten;f<;tiuii.
1rwke vtm w do tllc• J{)llfl · tH~·
Traffic Look around you by looking over your hou lder to check
check your blind pots. To check traffic behi nd you. •
use your mJrrors. ~
Lane If you have to change lane . 1nove 10 the far left or far right lane.
change As soon as the \vay i safe, Make a left tum fron1 the one-,, a~ roa d
Use the left tire track lo 1nake a left tum . Fro1n h'1o-)anr road use
the right tire track (called blocking positions).
l Signal Put your s igna l on. If there are vehicles waiting to enter fro 111 s ide roads or pri vate entrances,
wait until you pass then1 then put your ignal on.
Reduce your speed gradually as you approach the intersection (or turning poi11t). Downshift into a
lower gear as you s low down, but niake sure you use both brakes as wel I. Not only will it help to
reduce the speed but also your brake light wi ll let other drivers know that you are slowing do\vn.
Space Remernber to keep at least a 2-3 second gap between your vehic le an d the one in front of you.

Left and right turns /j'stop11ed

f/ i,rou cC£rtnu( conrplew t>VUr rum u'itiicJUl s,'uppt~ due w a red ligh1, wp 5'ign. or 1he
road is Olli t:fcttr. do tile jolf.nwi1ig.
Stop You have to come to a complete stop at the stopping point.
Whi le still keepi ng your both brakes on put your left foot down
when you can do so without dragging it along the ground Once
stopped don't let it roll for\-vard or backward . When the traffic
condition allows you to 1nove, check the traffic and 1nake sure it is
clear and safe to make your turn.

pace When you stop at the intersection, behind another vehicle. leave enough space . Leaving more space \Viii protect
you in many \vays. lfthe vehicle in front of you breaks do\vn, you can pull out '"'ithout backing up. lfyou get hit
fro1n behind, it prevents you fron1 being pushed into vehicle in front of you. Furthennore, you have enough
space if the vehicle in front of you rolls backward. Leave n1ore space for larger vehicles.
Stop If you are the first veh icle approaching an intersection with a red light or stop sign, stop behind the niarked tine
line on the pavement. If there is no line, stop at the croSS\valk. If there is no crosswalk, stop at the edge of the
sidewalk. lftbere is no sidewalk, stop at the edge of the intersection.
Lane When you are stopped u e the "blocking position" (bloclii1g po:Siiiau 111c11~ usilig ihe con-ut lire 1rach. u11ere
Position ~itulzv otfler vebicfe \, lil'C!.S 1t'<r1tld trar<!/} to block other vehicles fro1n pulling beside you .. Pointing your
niotorcycle in the direction of the tum will serve two purposes; first you let others know you are turning, secondly
you wi ll block then1 fron1 pu ll ing up beside you.

1 Left and right turns
As you U!llAe' tJta lrrrn. 1f!11ietuhi r to cJa thc',fbllowri11.g:
Traffic Keep checking the traffic around you while you are waiting for the green
check light to tum left, or for the way to be clear of pedestrians to turn right. .
As you enter the intersection, look right, t11en ahead, and then left to ensure
that the road is clear. Obey the right-of-\.vay. lf doubtfu l, try to rnakc eye ~
contact with pedestrians or drivers. Check your blind spots before you turn. '-----~--

Both Keeping both feet on the footrest throughout the tum will give you n1aximum control and n1ai 111ain your balance
feet \Vhen you need it the most. Don't drag your feet along the ground or \Valk your motorcycle in or around traffic
You are at risk fron1 other traffic \Vben tun1ing.
Shiftin g In order to have more control over your niotorcycle, you shou ld not shift gears while turning, because any
Gears inco1Tect gear change during the turn n1ight cause your rear wheel skid.
Proceed within 4 to 5 seconds after it is safe to start. Increase your overall speed so that engine does not
stall. but slo\.v enough to keep your balance and maintain ful l control over your n1otorcycle, without slowing
down the other tTaffic . Co1nplete the turn. Adjust your speed to the conditions of the road after the co1npleting
the rum.
La ne
change ·run1 into the corresponding lane \Vithout going over the lane n1arking or curbs.

Left and right turns Co111pleti11g t/1e t11 r 11

The action.\ you 111ust co111ple1e 11•he1i railing an i11tersectio11 and relur11i11g 10 111)rt11f tf trc{(fic. . -k:L
La ne You have to end your turn in the lane that corresponds to the lane fro111 \. ~ ,
cha nge which you turned. If you are ttLrning left onto a 111ulti-lane road, end the ...... ....:=..
tum in the left ti.re track. Adjust your speed to the conditions of the road ~ ~ tJil'
and 111ove into the curb lane, only \.vhen it is sa fe to do so. If you are turning ~
right onto a road where the right lane is blocked, move LO the next available lane on ly when it is safe to do so.
Traffic As you turn onto the new road, check the traffic 360° arou11d you to beco1ne aware of the traffic and the
check regulations of the new road you just turned onto. Turn off your signal.
Speed Blend in with the traffic around you by accelerating s1noothly. Accelerate 111oderately in light traffic.
You may have to accelerate 1nore quickly in heavier traffic.

St«?P intersection Tire approac/1

The aclions you ncterl tu c·o111plete before co111i11g to a co111plete stop at an intersection . •
Traffic The first thing you should do is to check the traffic around you. Check
check your blind spots by looking over your shoulder and check your mirrors.
Reduce your speed gradually as you approach the intersection. Downshift
into a IO\\'er gear as you slow down but make sure you use both brakes as
well. Jt will help to reduce the speed. Your brake light will also Jet other drivers know that you are slowing
down. Drive at a speed that will allow you to keep your balance and 111aintain full control over your 1notorcycle.
Space Always keep a reasonable distance, at least 2-3 seconds, fron1 the vehicle in front of you.

Stop intersection .Tlie stop

The dcfians you need f€l co111ph~te 11'h ile you are stopped and 1vaiJh1g lo proeeetl through the i11tersecfio11:.
You have to co1ne to a complete stop at the stopping point (Use bloc/ring position
tactic) While still keeping your both brakes on put your left foot down when you
can do so without dragging it along the ground. Once you have stopped don't let
the n1otorcycle roll forward or backward. \\Then the traffic condition allows you
to 1nove check the traffic, and make sure it is clear and safe to proceed.
Space When you stop at the intersection, behind another vehicle, leave enough space. Leaving 1.nore space wi ll protect you in
many ways. If the vehicle in front of you breaks dO\\'n, you can pull out without backing up. If you get hit fro1n behind,
it prevents you fro1n being pushed into vehicle in front of you. Furthennore, you have enough space, if the vehicle in
front of you rolls back\vards. Leave 1nore space for larger vehicle.
Lane When you arc s1oppcd u e the'"blocking po ition .. 10 block other 'ehicle fron1 pulling up beside you.
Position If you are stopped behind a large vehicle make you sure the driver of the larger vehicle secs you in his/her 1nirror .

Stop If you are the first vehicle approaching an intersection with a red light or stop sign, stop behind the marked line on
line 1hc pavement. If 1hcre is no line, stop at the crosswalk. Lf there is no cro swalk, stop at the edge of the side\valk.
If there i no ide,valk. stop at the edge of the inter ection. When the traffic condition allows you, you may proceed
\vilh caution.

Stop intersection Drivi11g t/1ro11gl1

T1rc Uc/fa r I iJ IUW Dt. i11t1T trCU01J anJ joiU 11~/Jl> t/w llfl/!fl111J (J!ajj1r•.
UIJ:. (I ) ''tt drn thmu_.y/J tfl._
Traffic Keep checking the traffic around you 'vhile you are \vaiting for the
check green light or for the \vay to be clear. As you about to enter the
intersection, look to the right, left, and then ahead to 111ake sure that
the road is clear and safe to proceed . Always obey the right-of-\vay
and try to n1ake eye contact \Vith pedestrians or nearby drivers.

In order to have 111ore control over your n1otorcycle, you should not
hi ft gears \vhile proceeding through the intersection. If you have to

I Gears shift gears do it right after n1oving, but before vvell into the intersection
You may shi fl gears in an intersection "vider than 4 lanes. if not doing so would slow down the traffic.

Traffic As you return to normal traffic peed. check the traffic 360° around you to become a\varc of the traffic
check situation. Obey rcgula1ions if any changes occur after the intersection ..
Speed Proceed \vithin 4 10 5 seconds after it is safe 10 start Retun1 your speed to norma l by adju ting your speed to
blend in with the traffic flow around you and accelerating sn1oothly. Accelerate moderately in light traffic. You
have 10 accelerate more quickly in heavier traffic. Shift gears a you increase your speed.
Through intersection The approac/1
Take 1hese ac>tion.s a~ tile i111ersec1ioa tvl1ere.rau 111ay no1 n(f(ld to slap. 7Jtis task brtgirisji·o111
the pi1l11t i1'hvn you can see rite i11tersectio11 cuul ends j ust l1efora yo11 enter the inJersection.

Traffic As you approach the intersection, check the traffic ahead, left and to the right
. . r .-::•
check If you have to slow down, check the traffic behind you by using your mirrors. ~..~... _._.,_
Maintain speed as you drive through the intersection. Cover or hold your
foot over the brake pedal. Always be prepared to slow down or stop
Speed suddenly. Watch for pedestrians about to cross the intersection, or vehicles edging into it. Reduce your speed
gradually as you approach the intersection. Downshift into a lov.1er gear as you slow down but make sure you use
both brakes as v.1ell, as it will help to reduce your speed. It will also Jet other drivers know that you are slowing
down. Drive at a speed that will allow you to keep your balance and maintain full control of your motorcycle.
Space Reme1nber to keep at least 2-3 seconds distance between you and the vehicle in front of yot1.

Through intersection Driving tlirough

Tukc1 Jliese actions uf th:u i-11f'ersectio11 thrrt you arf! crossing. Tms tecsk begin8 j i·o111 tlw pain1
you e11tt•11 I/re i11terseciio11 1u1/i.) .~·011 hal'e crossed i i and Hrejoini11g the nornirtl traffic ..

Lane Stay in your Jane. Do not 1nake a lane change or cross the lane 111arkings.
change If another vehicle is turning left, or a vehicle is edging into the intersection
fro1n the right, or the lane is blocked, slow do\.vn or stop. Do not try to go - - · - · -
around the vehicle.
Gears In order to have more control over your motorcycle, you should not shift gears while proceeding through
the intersection. If you have to shift gears do it right after rnoving, but well before entering the intersection.
You may shift gears in an i11tersection wider than 4 lanes, if not doing so \vould slow dovvn the traffic.
Traffic As you are retu1ning to normal traffic flow, check the traffic 360° around you to become aware of the traffic
check Obey the regulations if there are any changes on the road .

Freeway E11teri11g
Tb~ s~ al."1ioo~ bl!gin Oil the entranco ra11y1 to i1.frttt!ll'G.\' a11tl ond 11/1£'a .vo11
lrc11·t!joun:d s111oothl)· to tilt! 11orn1al traffic vpced 011 rite fit·eu·1tv. R1J11wnJhcr
to <lo the follouv11g,:
Traffi c While you are on the ramp, put your signal on. Just as soon
check as you see the traffic approaching from behind, look over your
shou Ider to check your blind spots and the traffic bch ind you.
Watch the other vehicles in front of you on the ran1p and keep
a safe distance.

Space While trying to rncrgc w ith freeway traffic, drive in the left tire track, keeping at least 2-3 seconds distance fro1n
the vehicle in front of you. If you cannot keep an ideal following distance, adjust your speed with the tTaffic
conditions, to get the best spacing possible. Adjust your merge time, so you do not 111ove in beside another
vehicle or into rhe blind spot of another vehicle. Stay inside the Jane markings.
Speed While you are on the ra1np, adjust your speed to the condition of the ramp. When you are in the acceleration
lane, increase your speed to match that of the freeway traffic in order to merge s moothly.
Mer ge When you are merging with the traffic flow, make s ure your n1ovement is gradual and smooth. Move to the left
tire track of the nea rest freeway lane. Do not rnake a sharp entry onto the freeway.
When you have con1plctely rnerged with traffic, turn off your signal.

FrCC\vay Drivi11g "/011g

11 71.tlc JflH l.l1l' d.J·i'ring a/on~ 1/111.f.-c<'l\"ll_l , 1nake .\ "l1re 10 d" the: fi1llP'll'ing.·
rraffi c
check While driving along the freeway, keep checking traffic all
around you. Look into your mirrors every 5 to I 0 seconds.



peed Do not exceed the speed limit or drive unrea onably l>IO\\. Adjust your peed to the condition of the traffic. Look ahead.
and anticipate "'here you are going to be in the next 12-15 seconds. If there is any danger or obstacle. you can avoid
them by changing your speed or lane.
pace Remember to 1naintain a 2-3 second distance from the vehicle in front of you. If the vehicle behind you follows too
closely, give yourself more space or change lane . Do not drive in the blind spots of another vehicle. Keep 01ne space
on both side of your motorcycle. Avoid driving behind large vehicles as their size tends to block your vie\v of
the traffic ahead .. Remeber to use the correct blocking position
Free'' ay £.\·iti11g
JI'" J a" tkt:ide to 111tf. fl' l 11tt Lhat1f! or ii f 1'"' jr<;,, 1~ur. llltt!.w tUn to do 1!1. /r1ll<11 in ·
·1gnal Put on your signa l before you reach the exi t lane. ~..,; •Cl ....
~~::'!'II!------------------ ~-.
Check the traffic around you by looking over your boulder and
checking your blind spots. Check the lanes to the left and right . •• •
Check behind your vehicle, using your mirrors .You should check ....
all of them before 1noving into exit lane ~
£\It Enter tbe exit lane gradually and smoothly. Do not n1ake a sharp exit into the ex it lane. Stay inside the lane markings.
Ian<' Do not cross the solid lines on the pavernent. Dri ve in the l e~ tire track
\peed Slow down gradually only when you arc completely in the exit lane. and not before. Wh ile you are on the curve of an
exit ramp, adju t your speed to the curve' condition. U e both brake to slo\v down. This \viii let other drivers know
that you are IO\ving do\vn. Shi ft gear a you reduce ~peed.

!!Ip nee Maintain a 2-3 second distance fron1 the veh icle in front of you.
Cancel When you arc co111pletely on the exit ra111p, tum on·your signal .
Lane change
W/Jen y(;J~d,..;..f, f• w11•;Jl.~ u lane NUfll~< ' fJW~C '>UIT! to do tlu:.fil/J(>l1iinfj:
Traffic Check the tTaffic around you. Look over your shoulder to check your
check blind spots. Check the lane you are 1noving into to avoid colliding with

another vehjcle which might be moving into the lane at the same tin1e.
Put your signal on before you nlake the lane change. T his wi ll give

enough tin1e to the drivers beh ind you to react to the signal. Before
you move into the lane, check the traffic again to 1nake sure the lane you are moving into is clear.
Space Be careful not to n1ove into the blind spot of another vehicle, or move into another vehicle's lane.
Keep a 2 to 3 second distance from the vehicle in front of you.
Speed Move smoothly and gradually into the ne"v lane. Adjust your speed to 1natch the speed and condition of the new
lane and ttse the correct b locking position as soon as you have co111pleted the lane change. After
co1np letion of the lane change, tu.m off your signal. .

Roadside stop T/1e tt/Jproac/1

1!111t:1i lirt! aurr11mn1• tt"'lw ;:011 £0 $lflf) 1u111WJbcr t.o do the jalloii·iJJR:
Traffic Before slo\ving do\vn, check your mirrors for traffic behind you.
check C heck your right blind s pot for pedestrians or tTaffic overtaking
you on the right side.
Signal Put your signal on. lfthcrc are vehic les wait ing to enter frorn a side road or private entrance, wait until
you pass them, then put your signal on. Check your blind spots aga in by looking over your shou lder.
Speed Gradually reduce your speed as you approach the stopp ing point. Oownshift as you slow down. Use both b rakes
to s lo"v do\.vn. This wi II let other drivers kno\.v that you are slowing. Come to a complete stop without weaving.
Position Stop parallel to the curb and about 30 cm from it. lfthere is no curb, stop as far as possible fron1 the travelled
part of the road. Make sure nor to block entrances or other traffic.
Roadside stop Sto11
111, ' ll ltllt'X CIJll' w 0c:o1.f'Jft:u 'f.q/1. Ill.I. I ti , , dtl {/IL}• ~"''"' •.
Signal Tun1 your signal off, and put on your four-way flashers. (Hazard Iight. ).
Purl. Try to posicion your motorcycle o it \vill be stable \vhen the kick rand i •
do\vn. Shi ft into neutral, tum ofT the engine. then put the kick cand down . ~
Roadside stop Re~ 11111e
th< road. nutlw ~1J/l1' fr:J (/1) Ll1t'.fblfU'o11nl•.
Ii h1·it ·Yltf! <!:ru111 b11·1 as/;\ )'flli fll 1111e>va back uatu
Sturl While holding the motorcycle steady put the kick stand up and turn on
the engine, and get ready to move.

Traffi c
Turn ofT your fou r-way fla hers, and put on the correct left signal.
Look over your shoulder to check the left blind pots and look ahead, just •
., • M

before pu lling away frorn the side of the road.

Speed Join the traffic al a non11al speed, srnoothly and gradually. In lighter traffic accelerate 1noderately. In heavier
traffic accelerate quickly. Shift gears s1noothly as you increa e your speed. Tum off your ignal once you
return 10 the road. Drive in the left tire track
la , lit tu:·fitu~ tt·hcrn rvu I.fl in o cunu
When you are approaching a curve, look for signs that sho\v the speed limit,
shape of the curve, and type of road on which you arc driving. Adjust your
speed to the conditions of the curve when you are 30 m into it. In a blind
Speed curve \vhcre you cannot see far ahead. slow down in case oncorning traffic
\vanders into your lane. While in a curve. don't change gears. This \Viii you give 1~1ore control over your
motorcycle and reduces the risk of your \vheels locking while do,vn hifting. If you have to change gears do it
before you enter the curve. Dri ve at a speed that balances the forces created by turning on the curve.

Lane While on the curve don't look directly in front of you Look as far ahead as possible, This will help you to stay
in a smooth line throughout the curve. D1ive in the tire track which will give you the n1ost visibility, of the road
ahead. If the curve is to the left, use the right tire track. Tf the curve is to the right, keep as far left as possible.

Business section
l.Jfl1en rw-1 cuu in 11 bushress 5<!f"l in11 of tbe roac'- ft?1Wt11ber 10 d-o 1.iie.fotlm.rillg:

Since there are 1nany obstacles to observe in a business section,

l 'raffic
you should be extra careful. Tn these locations, vehicles or - - ... .
... · ·-
-----:--a - = ,,,
·- - .. -
• • • '"

pedestrians are likely to enter rhe road. There arc also busine s
entrances, construction sites, as well as pedestrian and rai Iway

crossings . Look both ways constantly to check for vehicles and
pedesnians that may at any ti1ne enter onto the road. - - ---
Check While driving or pa ing through a business section. check your n1irrors and the traffic around you every 5
seconds or so.

Lane. Drive in the curb lane. if the curb lane is blocked use the next available lane. Stay in the centre of the lane
change n1arkings. Look ahead to anticipate where you are going to be in the next 12- 15 seconds. To avoid danger or
obstacles, you should change lanes and use the best tire track for the road conditions.

Speed Adjust your speed to the road conditions. Look around you, as well as ahead, to anticipate \Vhere you will
be in the next 12-1 5 seconds. Avoid driving unreasonably slow.
Spacing Always keep a 2 Lo 3 econd distance fro1n the vehicle in front of you. If the vehic le behind follows too closely,
give yourself more space in front. Avoid driving in the blind pots of other vehicles. Do not drive too closely
behind large vehicles as they will block your view of the traffic ahead. Keep enough space on both ides of
your vehicle.
Residential Area
R~nAJllihl1P w da tfw.,e Oil d1.r ~•rtright 'ie< iWn ofa rcsi.ife11IiJ1/ or rwal road.
There are many obstacles you have to watch out for on a residential road.
check Examples include school entrances, pedestrian crossings, driveways,
sidewalks, and any locations vvhcre there 1night be traffic hazards.
On a rural road. watch out for entrances to farn1s, businesses, industrial
sites, and residences. At all these locations, scan around you by looking
to the left and right of your vehicle and be ready for the unexpected.
\Urror Check your 1nirrors every 5 to I0 seconds. In heavy traffic or when vehicles are 111oving at different speeds.
check check your 1nirrors 1nore often.

Lane Drive in the lefl tire track. lf there are no lane niarkings, keep to the travelled portion of the road. Try lo stay in the
change centre of the road. This will keep you away fron1 parked cars and pedestrians. If you can not see far ahead because
of a curve or hill on the road, drive in a tire track that will keep you fro1n colliding with an oncoming vehicle that is
traveling over center line. Look ahead for dangerous situations. Always be prepare for the unexpected. Look far
ahead where you thi.nk you wi ll be in the next 12 to 15 seconds.

peed Adjust your speed to the conditions of traffic. Look around you and ahead to anticipate where you will be in lhe next
12 to 15 seconds. Avoid dri ving unreasonably slow. Drive at steady peed.

pace Re1nember to ahvays keep a 2 to 3 econd distance from the vehicle in front of you. If the vehicle behind you
follows you too closely, give yourself more cushion of space in front of you, or change lanes. Do not drive in the
blind spots of other vehicles. Keep enough space on both sides of you r n1otorcycle. Do not drive too close behind
large vehicles that block your view of traffic ahead of you.

Criminal Code offences:
Your licence ' viii be ~ u sp cnd cd if you arc convicted any of foll o'' iog Crin1inal Code offences:
• Driving or being in control of a vehicle \Vhilc your ability is impaired by alcohol or drugs.
• Refusing to submit to a breath test for alcohol.
•Failing or refusing 10 pro\ ide a breath test sample1 for roadside testing.
• Ori\ ing or being in control of a vehicle'' hen your blood alcohol concentratton 1s more than 80 milligrams in I00 milliliters
of blood (0.08). Any 1nore than 0.08 is against the la\v.
• failing to remain at scene of a collision to escape criminal or civil liability.
• Dangerous driving.
•Causing bodily harm by criminal negligence.
•Causing dealh by criminal negligence.

tl ln1
Son1e 1night thi nk that wearing hchnets arc uncomfortable. They have, however, saved lives and 1noncy.
Put your helinet on und require your passenger to do the satnc.

r '
Driving aggressively i~ dangerous. as it puts the lives of everyone around you 1n danger. The one '"ho loses
the most. is always the aggressive driver.

I 'll l 1n1d l 11\ Ill\•

Jfyou have been drinking don't even think about driving. Do not put everyone in danger. Reme1nber the other drivers or
the people on the road 1nigh1 be your loved ones. Most imponantly. think of the consequences ..
I. Do not drink and drive. Do not drive when you are taking n1edication, (/0//011· the rules on the prescription u·lren
_i·ou are 1e1/..i11g 111e<ltcatio11) or illegal drugs that will affect your ability to drive safely

2. Always wear your helmet. You arc also responsible for making sure your passenger wears a helmet as well.

3. Adjust your speed to the conditions of the road and obey the posted speed limit.

4. Be patient, don't take risks, don't cut people off, don't make a sudden lane change, and don't run yellow ligl1ts.
You n1ay get to your destination a few 1ninutes late, but alive and safe.

5. When you are tired, sick or upset. .. don't drive as it 1nay affect your judge111ent and concentration.
'6. Let other drivers go first if you are ever doubtful, and yield the right-of-way. Be courteous to other drivers.

7. Keep a 1nini1num of at least two second space fro1n the vehicle in front of you. To check distance: when the vehicle
ahead of you passes a fixed object, start cot1nting. "One thousand and one" and "one thousand and two". When your
vehicle reaches the sa1ne fixed object, stop counting.

8. Always try to e li1ninate distractions.

9. Look over both shoulders to check your blind spots and double-check your mirrors before making lane changes.

10. Always be extra careful and check the traffic in all directions before entering an intersection.
A a new driver, choo'iing professional driving • Strategic dri ving skills
instruction may be the best way to put yourself • Risk perception and managernent
safe ly in the driver's scat. • Freeway driving
A clr11·er trainin,I!, co11r\e or a clri1·er • Driving in adverse condition
educatio111Jrogr<11n. appro\ed b) the provincial
go,emmcnt. can teach you boch chc nccc!) ary skills • Instructor qualifications and experience
a \veil as the hO\\ -to become a responsible driver. • Regu lar in tructor upgrading
You ma) al o be eligible to take your road test sooner • Student progrc and eva luation reports
and save 1noncy on your insurance prcn1iums. • Certi licatc of con1pletion
Look for a progran1 that offers high-quality instruction • Motorcyc le provided for 14 hours of practice
and a comfortable learning cnviron1ncn1. • Training n1atcrials
The school should also be equipped \vith up-10-date • Use of a vehicle fo r the road test
\'ideotapes. OYer-hcad..,, and other 'i~ual aid'>. • Certificate fee
• Registered educational institution
To help you choose thi.: best course and driving school
• Tuition receipts
for you. use this checkli st or features:
• Tcstin1011ia ls
• Course in lo rn1at ion package
• Nun1ber of years in business
• Personalized progra111
• Con umer protection insurance
• Classroom facili tic
• Low student/teacher ratio For more inforn1ation about rnotorcycle dri ver
• Audio visual cquiprnent training, cal l your loca l co1n1nunity college, local
• Personal instruction fro m expert driver Examination Centre, or this toll free number
• Basic 1nanocuvcr 1800-267-6292
Before starting out, Get in the habit of doing a daily 10-point check of your vehicle and make sure the vehicle
is in good working condition- before leaving the driveway

If you are going to drive a vehicle that you are not familiar with, explore the controls, learn where they are and
\vbat they do. As \vcll as the brakes, steering and transmission, learn how to use the vehicle's headlights, turn
signals, hazard lights and wipers. Plan your route think about the driving tasks you'll face the kinds of turns,
the type of traffic, and so on.

~toto rcycl c Circle Check

• Tires fully inflated with good tread
• Brakes \Vorking properly
• Clutch and throttle \vorking smoothly
• Cables free of kinks and breaks
• Headlight, tail, brake light and turn signals clean and working
• Horn working
• Adjust and clean rnirrors
• Check gas and oil levels
• Check drive chain condition and tension
• Remember to buckle your helmet securely
It is a good idea to record your driving experiences each time you drive, n1ake a note of the conditions of
the road the weather, the main driving skills you have practiced and the distances you have driven.
Weather and Road Conditions Driving Skills
N - night PRK - parking
0- day TRN - turns
C - clear OTP - overtaking and passing
R - rain BAK - backing up
S - snow INT - intersections
F - fog STP - stopping
I - ice BRK - braking
W - wind CC - ci rcle check
FR - freezi ng rain ROW - right of way
DN - dawn SP - spacing
DK - dusk SC - speed control
RR - residential road LC - lane changes
GR - gravel road UT- U-tum
DR - dirt road 3PT - three point tum
MLR - multi-lane road RWY - rail\vay crossing
HT - heavy traffic
LT - light traffic
New Driver's and Motorcycle's Long Book

Date Co nditio ns S kills Co mments Km 's Dri ve n

llun 11 N ,R R,L T l T ,ROW Practici ng Ri ght of wa y I5

Tota l

We atso have 1·0 !!0,v!ng Stu dy G uides


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is book has been independently published and has no affiliation with the Ministry of Transportation.
This easy-to-use Driver's Permit Study Guide has been reviewed and highly praised by several organizations, such as The Ontario Safety League
nl the driving schools' Instructors. Our goal is to make it easier for everyone to understand the regulations and the rules of the road.
for any additional information, please refer to the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario.
visit our web site for following and much more•••
dythe Knowledge test for Cars , Motorcycle's and truck's Online as many times as you wish All New
~DC\;k for the latest changes in the rules and regulation if any.
iew the latest version of this book, the computerized version,Truck's and motorcycle's study guide or check the test samples
k for all the licensing matters (Motorcycle, Hunting & Fishing, Truck, Pilot, Business, Marriage and more).
se an approved driving school. All listed driving schools on our web site are approved by Ministry of Transportation.
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