Muhammad Junaid Khan L1F15MBAM0039

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Volunteers in Service Program



Volunteer’s Name:


+92 334 9499949

Campaign Duration:
4th to 6th November, 2017

How I Came to Know?

Before starting there was no clarity in my mind about VIS. I started to inquire about
it from the students and friends who had already done it in different organizations.
They told that it is related to social welfare and you have to give your contribution
for the betterment of people.

I came to know about the campaign from the VIS office. I went to inquire about VIS
and the requirements for it. I was told that it is a non-profitable act and anyone can
perform it for the welfare of mankind and to help the poor and the needy people
without any discrimination of race, religion etc. It is basically social welfare program
which university offers to students as compulsory program for the degree

During this discussion I was told that there is a Cloth Bank Campaign that will start
soon. The mission, on the whole, was to provide maximum numbers of new
sleeping matresses to the needy. I was told about the requirements and also the need
for doing this work.

Because of the upcoming cold weather and old people who find difficult to sleep on
cold and hard surfaces that only creates more hardships for the poor people. Warm
blanket and a soft surface may help in reducing their hardships. So the campaign
required new finest quality mattresses. The requirement was easy to carry foldable
matresses so that people could carry them easily.

As sharing my part in helping the needey, and I registered myself in this campaign.

I along with other students submitted the required number of matresses to the VIS
office that were later sent to be distributed among the needy.

VIS department is doing a lot of efforts for the social welfare. It helps in meeting the
needs of poor people by providing different types of funds and basic requirements to
different social organizations with a sole purpose of volunteerism.

Key Learnings:

 VIS helped me to understand the value of letting go what is important to me,

for those whom I don’t know.
 Understood the problems of lower class of society
 Understand the importance and necessity of the flow of income from upper to
lower class
 Personal growth and learning of being a helping hand
 Spirit of volunteerism
 Learned that earning money is not everything, earning good deeds are way

Working Pictures:


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