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ISSN: 1024-5332 (Print) 1607-8454 (Online) Journal homepage:

Tuberculosis in acute leukemia: A clinico-

hematological profile

Pravas Mishra, Rajat Kumar, Manoranjan Mahapatra, Sanjay Sharma, Ashish

Dixit, Tathagat Chaterjee, D. R. Choudhry, Renu Saxena & V. P. Choudhry

To cite this article: Pravas Mishra, Rajat Kumar, Manoranjan Mahapatra, Sanjay Sharma,
Ashish Dixit, Tathagat Chaterjee, D. R. Choudhry, Renu Saxena & V. P. Choudhry (2006)
Tuberculosis in acute leukemia: A clinico-hematological profile, Hematology, 11:5-6, 335-340

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Hematology, October/December 2006; 11(5/6): 335-340 informa

Tuberculosis in acute leukemia: A clinico-hematological profile



1Department of Hematology, AIIMS, New Delhi, India, and 2Department of Radiology, AIIMS, New Delhl~ India
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(Received 12 June 2006; accepted 19 July 2006)

We studied 130 consecutive cases of acute leukemia over a 2-year period and identified 9 cases (6.9%) with active tuberculosis
(TB). Eight patients with TB had acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Patients with AML were more likely to develop TB as
compared to patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) despite the wider use of steroids and radiotherapy in ALL
protocols {OR 4.41 (el 0.53-36.44)}. Only 1 patient died of disseminated TB during post induction neutropenia. All other
patients were successfully managed using current anti-tuberculous therapy (ATT). On the whole, TB did not cause any undue
delay in chemotherapy and did not flare up during subsequent chemotherapy cycles. However it is not a commonly described
infection in acute leukemia and a high index of suspicion is warranted especially in areas endemic for TB.

Keywords: Acute leukemia, tuberculosis, neutropenia, cell-mediated immunity

Introduction leukemia, or within 6 months after completion of

treatment for acute leukemia.
The predisposition of patients with acute leukemia
Out of 130 acute leukemia patients (86 acute
to infections is well known [1,2]. Host defenses
myeloid leukemia (AML) and 44 acute lymphoid
including cell-mediated immunity are low in cases of
leukemia (ALL)), 9 patients were identified to have
acute leukemia due to disease or secondary to
TB. Radiological features, Ziehl-Neelsen staining for
therapy. These infections are mainly bacterial and
acid-fast bacilli (AFB), culture, polymerase chain
fungal. Tuberculosis (TB) has not been a common
reaction analysis (peR) and response to treatment
infection in most series. TB in acute leukemia might
were taken into consideration while diagnosing TB.
have been underestimated, due to use of drugs like
Response to anti-tuberculous treatment was defined
amikacin and quinolones that are also effective
when patients became afebrile and the lesions
against TB. We present retrospective data on TB in
subsided. Presence of AFB on Ziehl-Neelsen staining
acute leukemia patients admitted for therapy in our
and culture was taken as definitive evidence of TB
whereas radiological data and a response to treatment
were taken as possible evidence for TB.
Material and methods TB was managed with four drugs (rifampicin
10mg/m2, isoniazid 5 mg/m2, pyrazinamide 30 mg/m2
Data on acute leukemia patients admitted in the
and ethambutol 20 mg/m2).
hematology department from January 2003 to
December 2004 was analysed. Patients who were
diagnosed to have TB were identified. TB was
considered to be associated with acute leukemia if it
was diagnosed 6 months before diagnosis of acute The clinical and laboratory features of our cases are
leukemia, concomitantly or during treatment of acute summarized in Table I.

Correspondence: P. Mishra, Department of Hematology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.

ISSN 1024-5332 printiISSN 1607-8454 online © 2006 Informa UK Ltd.

DOl: 10.1080/10245330600915818
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P Mishra et al.

Tuberculosis in acute leukemia 337

Of the 9 patients with TB, 8 had AML and 1 had to western data on account of the higher prevalence of
ALL. Thus patients with AML were more likely to TB in the general Indian population.
develop TB disease {OR 4.41 (CI 0.53-36.44)}. The previously reported cases of acute leukemia are
There were 8 males. Four cases (cases 1-4) were summarized in Table II. Forty nine cases including the
diagnosed to have TB after induction therapy. All 4 9 cases in our study were identified. This includes 6
patients had recovered their neutrophil counts by day cases of atypical mycobacteria. There were 25 AML and
30 post chemotherapy. Cases 1-4 were in remission at 13 ALL patients. Information regarding type of acute
the time of diagnosis of TB. Case 3 developed a leukemia in the other 11 was lacking. It is interesting to
pyopneumothorax after induction. Her symptoms and note that the three Indian series had exactly two cases
general condition improved after the start of anti- each. Our study covers a broader period than the other
tuberculous therapy (ATT). Chest lesions resolved Indian studies which confined themselves to the
with lung expansion and drying of fluid. She received neutropenic period or autopsy findings.
two further consolidations with high dose cytosine TB can present in any site and cases of disseminated
arabinoside, but died of an Escherichia coli sepsis TB with hepatosplenic involvement can be confused
(blood culture positive) during neutropenia following with candida [11]. Thus an aspirate/biopsy of the
the third consolidation. Case 5 continued to have fever target lesion showing granulomas, AFB or a positive
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 10:02 01 March 2016

in spite of improving neutrophil counts and developed culture for mycobacteria is essential to differentiate
ascites, which showed AFB. He did not respond to mycobacterial infection from other infections.
ATTand died. It was suggested that intensity of treatment
Two patients (cases 6,7) had TB before diagnosis of increases the likelihood ofTB especially, with addition
acute leukemia. These cases were found to have acute of radiotherapy and steroids [5]. Treatment with
leukemia within 2 months of diagnosis of TB. At the steroids and other immunosuppressive therapies, like
time of diagnosis ofTB, neither case had any evidence methotrexate result in defective cell mediated immu-
of acute leukemia on peripheral smear. nity. Therefore an increased prevalence of TB would
One patient (case 8) was diagnosed concurrently be expected in ALL. However, our own cases and the
with acute leukemia. He received chemotherapy after review of literature show a predilection for AML,
resolution of chest and abdominal lesions. a group of patients less likely to receive steroids or
The last case of acute promyelocytic leukemia radiotherapy. The reason for AML preponderance is
(APML) developed a chest wall abscess 2 months after not clear and could reflect monocyte/macrophage
completion of maintenance therapy with mercapto- dysfunction.
purine, methotrexate and tretinoin. Pus from the There have been few studies on the association of
abscess stained for AFB. mycobacteria with acute leukemia patients treated
None of the patients were neutropenic at the time of with conventional chemotherapy. They have been
diagnosis of TB. No patient had a past history of TB mostly reported in isolation or as part of general
and all were human immunodeficiency virus negative. studies on infection in acute leukemia. On the other
N one of the cases had evidence of any other infection hand there have been several studies on mycobacteria,
after detailed investigations. including atypical mycobacteria, in stem cell trans-
plant patients [22-27]. In these patients, total body
irradiation, chronic graft versus host disease, and
underlying lung disease (chronic pulmonary disease,
TB infection is acquired by inhalation of infectious bronchiolitis obliterans) have been identified as risk
droplet nuclei. It is estimated that 10% of infected factors for both typical and atypical mycobacterial
persons eventually develop active TB. The average infection [22-27]. These patients were estimated to
prevalence of all forms of TB in the general Indian be twice at risk for developing TB disease as compared
population is 5/1000 [3], with a 1.5% annual risk to the general population even in endemic areas [24].
of acquiring TB infection [4]. TB disease is the result Even so, the risk is lower than solid organ transplant
of reactivation of endogenous infection. The risk of and AIDS patients, who have lifelong and more
developing disease after being infected depends on intense immunosupression [24]. We have studied only
endogenous factors such as the patients' innate those patients with acute leukemia, who have received
immunity and defects in cell mediated immunity. conventional chemotherapy alone.
Thus it is possible that patients with acute leukemia TB has been associated with a very high mortality
are at a higher risk of developing TB. (33-100%) in other hematological malignancies like
The estimated prevalence in acute leukemia varies Hodgkin's disease, chronic myelogenous leukemia
from 3 to 4/1000 new cases of acute leukemia in and multiple myeloma [5], but usually follows a
western literature [5,6] to 22-28/1000 new cases benign course in acute leukemia with a good
in Indian data [1,2,7,8]. In our study population TB response to anti-tuberculous treatment. Except for
was seen in 6.9% of the cases, a prevalence of69/1000 case 5 in our series, TB did not have any adverse
new cases. We have a higher prevalence as compared outcome post-induction in the remaining cases.
338 P Mishra et al.


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