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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2012) 58:495–501

DOI 10.1007/s00170-011-3412-5


Experimental examination of the wear behaviour of the VAlN

tool coating by strip drawing process
M. Liewald & S. Wagner & D. Becker & C. Ziebert &
P. Pesch & S. Kolozsvári

Received: 14 October 2010 / Accepted: 6 April 2011 / Published online: 15 June 2011
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011

Abstract Resistance to wear, and therefore the lifetime 1 Introduction

of forming tools, can be increased by surface function-
alisation using novel, multifunctional coatings. Thereby, Due to the appearance of wear on the tool surface when
the tribological requirements on the coating are an drawing high-strength sheet metal materials, enormously
essential factor. Within the scope of the research work high and unpredictable costs can be incurred. For this
presented here, tribological examinations were carried reason, it is of great interest to be able to evaluate the wear
out on a metastable vanadium aluminium nitride (VAlN) resistance of a tool surface before determining the tool
tool coating when drawing the high-strength sheet metal material and especially the expensive tool coating.
material DP 800. It was shown that the wear of the VAlN In sheet metal forming, the wear examinations are
tool coating can already be determined at stable frictional carried out on suitable test stands. These examinations
behaviour (μ<0.085). The wear analysis was carried out generally include an extremely large number of test trials
considering the topography and change in hardness of the (>1,000), with a concomitant high consumption of sheet
tool surface during the drawing path of 110,000 mm under metal. A qualitative and quantitative statement regarding
a contact stress of 150 MPa. the tool wear can be made based on the geometric change
of the tool contour at the "critical wear location" [1, 2].
Keywords Friction coefficient . Hardness distribution . Often, the wear is indirectly estimated by tribometer tests.
Wear evaluation However, the decisive limitation of these examinations is that
they are carried out in a "closed loop". This means that the
tool, sheet metal material and lubricant contact with each other
frequently. Even the contact-mechanical model according to
Archard, in which the wear coefficient is calculated by wear
M. Liewald : S. Wagner : D. Becker (*) volumes/wear rates, can only be accepted with reservations
Institute for Metal Forming Technology (IFU), for the deep drawing process.
University of Stuttgart,
Holzgartenstr. 17, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany
2 Modelling tool
C. Ziebert
Institute for Material Research I, (IMF I), This article introduces and discusses experimental exami-
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
nations on the qualitative and quantitative "preventive"
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1,
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany wear estimations of a newly developed tool coating for
deep drawing of high-strength sheet metal material DP 800
P. Pesch : S. Kolozsvári (ThyssenKrupp). For the new coating, a nanocrystalline,
Technology Centre for Surface Engineering,
metastable, super-hard vanadium aluminium nitride (VAlN)
Rheinbreitbach GmbH (TZO),
Maarweg 30, layer was developed [3] at the IMF I in laboratory scale on
53619 Rheinbreitbach, Germany a Leybold Z550 system and scaled at the Technology
496 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2012) 58:495–501

Centre for Surface Engineering, Rheinbreitbach GmbH surfaces and the strip in motion can be measured. The
(TZO) on two similar modelling tools A and B (Fig. 1) in following parameters can be considered:
a CC800/8 type coating system from CemeCon. The
& Strip drawing velocity
developed process allowed 2–3-μm-thick layers to be
& Surface topography of tool material
separated in Ar/N2 atmosphere at a power of 3 kW and a
& Surface topography of sheet metal strip
substrate temperature of 350°C using a VAl20 filling target
& Kind and amount of lubrication
(V target with 20 Al fillings, geometry patented by
& Tool material/tool coating and
CemeCon AG) [4]. The scaled layer had a crystal size of
& Normal pressure between inserted block and sheet surface
4–5 nm, determined by X-ray powder diffractometry, and
hardnesses of up to approx. 4,000 HV0.001, as well as During the test trials, a high-contact stress of 150 MPa
good adhesion for the tools. was used in contrast to the real contact stresses in the
blankholder when deep drawing high-strength steels
(3–10 MPa). This was done so that all possible contact
3 Results stresses could be covered within the forming zone as well
as to accelerate the tool wear. A total of 200 test strips
3.1 Friction behaviour (drawing path 110,000 mm) at a drawing speed of 100 mm/
s without addition of lubricant were drawn through and
The friction examinations were carried out at the “Institute evaluated. Figure 3 shows the change in the coefficient of
for Metal Forming Technology (IFU) using a strip drawing friction μ with the drawing path of modelling tool A.
test machine without deflection [5] and only using tool A. It is apparent from Fig. 3 that the newly developed VAlN
Modelling tool B was used as the reference tool. tool coating has very good tribological characteristics when
Figure 2 shows a device for strip draw testing designed forming DP 800. The friction coefficient was less than
for friction coefficient measurement. Configurable inserted μ=0.09; there were no adhesion effects on the tool surface
blocks on the upper and lower sides of the strip can be used and no scratches regardless of zinc wear of DP 800. At the
to simulate tool contact surfaces under load at various start of the test series, a certain diffusion/instability of the
roughness values. The test rig is also equipped with a determined coefficients of friction was observed during
driving motor to draw the strip up to a speed of 200 mm/s. formation of the tribologically active layer, but already, from
A hydraulic cylinder in the top area provides different approx. 40,000 mm drawing path, the friction system
levels of contact pressure from 2 to 200 MPa. Utilizing this stabilised and the coefficient of friction was only μ=0.067–
kind of specimen, contact pressure between inserted 0.077 up until the end of the trial.

Fig. 1 Modelling (drawing) tool geometry: a 2D and b 3D views. Contact area, 150 mm². Tool material, 1.2379 (X155CrVMo12.1)
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2012) 58:495–501 497

Fig. 2 Strip draw test, normal

pressure up to 200 MPa [5]

It must be noted that by the less contact stress of 3–10 The arithmetical mean heights of drawing tool A rose
MPa, the friction coefficient amounted to μ=0.07 (drawing from Sa=0.183 to Sa =0.622–0.672 μm and stabilised
path 440 mm). from around 55,500 mm along the drawing path. The
root mean square heights Sq rose accordingly from Sq=0.24
3.2 Surface topography to Sq = 0.907–0.926 μm and stabilised from around
80,000 mm along the drawing path (Fig. 6). The measuring
Parallel to the strip drawing tests, the topography of the was made with an objective with ×50 magnification, for the
tool surface was determined using the μsurf mobil optical measurement field 320×320 μm; the dissolution in z
3D measuring system (manufactured by Nanofocus). The direction amounts to 2 nm, and in x,y direction, to 0.7 μm.
images are made by this device using confocal LED
microscopes (Fig. 4), whereby the ISO 25178 international
standard for characterization of the spatial 3D surface
structure [6] was observed in determining the parameters
(Fig. 5).
In contrast to the friction coefficient, the arithmetical
mean heights Sa and the mean root square height Sq of the
tool surface changed dramatically along the drawing path.



Friction coefficient µ




Coating: VAlN
Tool contact area: 150 mm²


0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000

Drawing path in mm

Fig. 3 Coefficient of friction with drawing path. Sheet metal material,

DP 800; tool material, 1.2379; coating, VAlN (TZO); contact stress,
150 MPa; normal force, 22,500 N; drawing speed, 100 mm/s Fig. 4 Functional principle of the confocal measurement
498 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2012) 58:495–501

During this procedure, the mean values and the standard

deviations of the material parameters of two contact areas
on each drawing tool were determined, each with nine
measuring points.
The indentation process of the Vickers pyramid during
the hardness measurement is displayed in Fig. 7a. The
material to be tested (drawing tool) is formed under the
pyramid-shaped penetrator (diamond) both plastically (inden-
tation depth hc) as well as elastically (indentation depth he). It
therefore follows that the indentation surface lying on the
penetrator, and which therefore transfers the force, is solely
determined by the plastic indentation depth hc: AS(hc).
However, only the sum hc +he of the plastic and elastic
components under force can be measured [7]. HM is
therefore calculated as follows: HM ¼ ASFðhÞ. AS(h) is the
surface of the penetrator up to the distance h from the tip.
Note that the measured indentation depth h=hc +he also
includes the elastic component. Surface AS(h) is therefore
larger than the real contact area AS(hc).
In Fig. 7b, a significant difference can be recognised
between the hardness values of drawing tools A and B in
the topmost area up to approx. 800–1,000 nm away from
the surface. For the unstressed, VAlN-coated tool surface,
the HM=14,700–13,630 MPa at an indentation depth of
100–300 nm (drawing tool B); after a drawing path of
Fig. 5 Tool surface with drawing path. Coating, VAlN. a Tool surface 110,000 mm, the Martens hardness drops to HM=6,500–
after the coating. b Tool surface after 110,000 mm drawing path. 7,200 MPa (drawing tool A).
Measuring field, 320×320 μm; magnification, ×50 To explain the cause in this drop in hardness, both
drawing tools were examined by scanning electron
3.3 Hardness distribution microscopy (SEM) combined with energy-dispersive
X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) (Fig. 8a, b). It was proven
The change in nano-hardness of the tool surface is even that in comparison to drawing tool B, the largest peaks of
more pronounced. Figure 7 shows the distribution of the the elements of the tool coating (Al, V and N) had either
universal hardness (Martens hardness HM) pertaining to the disappeared on drawing tool A or had considerably lost in
indentation depth of the tested modelling tool A in intensity. Furthermore, new chromium (Cr) and iron (Fe)
comparison to unstressed reference tool B. Hardness peaks appeared on the measured EDX spectra of the
measurements were carried out and evaluated at the IFU drawing tool, which could be assigned according to tool
using the PICODENTOR HM 500 (test load, 300 mN/20 s). material .2379 and sheet metal material DP 800. It can

Fig. 6 Change of arithmetical 1

mean height Sa and the mean arithmetical mean height Sa
root square height Sq of the tool mean root square height Sq
Surface parameters in µm

surface along the drawing path. 0,8

Sheet metal material, DP 800; 0,7
tool material, 1.2379; coating,
VAlN (TZO); contact stress,
150 MPa; drawing speed, 0,5
100 mm/s 0,4




0 27750 55500 83250 111000
Drawing path in mm
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2012) 58:495–501 499

a b


Fig. 7 a Principle of instrumented indentation test compliant to DIN EN ISO 14577. b Hardness distribution. Drawing tool A: drawing path
110,000 mm at 150 MPa. Drawing tool B: drawing path: 0 mm (unstressed)

therefore be concluded that at some locations of the tool 3.4 Wear evaluation of the VAlN tool coating
surface (drawing tool A) during the drawing path with
150 MPa contact stress, there occurs a sheet metal material Finally, an evaluation of the tool was made after the strip
transfer together with severe wear to the VAlN coating drawing trials with specific wear values. To this end, the
right up to the substrate of the tool. function parameter (volumes) was determined together
Fig. 8 a Element distribution
on drawing tool B. Tool materi-
al, 1.2379. Coating, VAlN. b
Element distribution on drawing
tool A after the drawing path,
110,000 mm. Contact stress,
150 MPa. Tool material, 1.2379.
Coating, VAlN. Examination
methods, EDXS and SEM
500 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2012) 58:495–501

normal force was FN =22,500 N (Fig. 1) and the hardness
was 1,800 HV0.03.
0,6 One of the research goals was to evaluate the wear of the
Amount of wear Wv in µm³/µm²

new VAlN tool coating. Therefore, the authors of the paper

0,5 tried to compare the wear resistance of a VAlN-coated tool and
an uncoated tool 1.2379. Unfortunately, a strong adhesion
0,4 took part at 5-MPa contact stress by strip drawing with the
uncoated tool. That is why the wear rate, wear performance
figure, wear coefficient and wear factor of the uncoated tool
1.2379 cannot be calculated. Currently, it is being worked on
conducting further research on the VAlN ternary coating
systems by adding carbon (C) as a fourth element. With that, a
0 27750 55500 83250 111000
higher resistance to wear while drawing high-strength sheet
Drawing path in mm metals shall be achieved.

Fig. 9 Amount of wear with drawing path. Sheet metal material, DP

800; tool material, 1.2379; coating, VAlN (TZO); contact stress,
150 MPa; drawing speed, 100 mm/s 4 Summary

The investigations have shown that multifunctional meta-

with height parameters Sa and Sq. The core material stable nanocrystalline super-hard layers have good proper-
volumes Wmc of the tool surface along the drawing path ties to be used as tool coatings for deep drawing of high-
were taken as the wear volumes. The amounts of wear strength steels. The new developed metastable VAlN tool
were very small and hindered by zinc wear of DP 800. coating shows good tribological characteristics for contact
For this reason, the tool surface was cleaned carefully pressures of 3–10 MPa when drawing sheet material DP
before the measurements with acetone and ethanol. The 800 without additional lubrication. The considerably
measurements themselves were made and evaluated in increased contact pressure up to 150 MPa during the strip
the same areas as the hardness measurement at nine drawing test makes it possible to quantify the wear of the
different locations; the measuring field of each measure- VAlN tool coating when drawing DP 800, using a relatively
ment was 0.320×0.320 mm (Figs. 7 and 8). low number of tests and a relatively small amount of sheet
The non-linear increase of the total amount of wear (Wv) up metal material. The wear behaviour was determined by the
to Wv =0.68 μm³/μm² can be seen in Fig. 9. From a drawing change of tool surface topography after a drawing path of
path of approx. 55,000, the value of Wv stabilises until it 110 m. The coating wear was particularly perceptible
starts to drop at a drawing path of 83,250 to Wv =0.62– through a loss of hardness in the upper ranges up to a
0.66 μm³/μm². By comparing the amount of wear with depth of 500 nm. By using EDXS, it was visible that the
friction behaviour (Fig. 3), it can be seen that an increase of loss of hardness could be explained by the reduction of the
Wv comes along with instability of the determined coef- main elements (Al, V and N) of the tool coating and by a
ficients of friction. That means that during forming of the transfer of sheet metal material into the tool coating. The
tribological layer in the drawing process, a strong wear of the longer the drawing path, the more sheet metal material was
VAlN-coated tool is taking place. found in the tool coating. Within the next step, the wear of
Table 1 summarises the rate of wear KVR , the wear the VAlN ternary coating by adding carbon will be tested.
performance figure KVK, the wear coefficient according to The experimental method, suggested in this paper, allows to
Archard KAr and the wear factor KVK [8, 9] of a VAlN- conduct quantitative cost-efficient wear investigations and a
coated tool 1.2379 after a drawing path of s=110 m. During direct comparison of newly developed super-hard tool
this procedure, the friction coefficient was μ=0.07, the coatings for deep drawing of high-strength sheet metals.

Acknowledgements These examinations were carried out within the

Table 1 Evaluation of the wear framework of the "Innovative methods for designing forming tools in
vehicle construction" project (IMAUF). This research and develop-
Wear rate Wear performance Wear coefficient Wear factor ment project is financed by the Federal Ministry for Education and
(mm³/m) figure (μm³/Nm) acc. to Archard Research (German: BMBF) within the conceptual framework "Re-
search for the production of tomorrow" under grant ID 02PU2000, as
dW v H
KVR ¼ dW dS
KVK ¼ mFdWN d
KAr ¼ dW vH
FN dS KVF ¼ mF N dS
well as being supported by the project organisation, Karlsruhe
7 10 8
4:4  10 2:7  10 3:56  10 2:52  107 (German: PTKA), in the field of production and manufacturing
technologies (German: PFT).
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2012) 58:495–501 501

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