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Lesson 9 Glides

1. Objective: Observe the correct production of vowel, and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends,
GLIDES, etc. (EN7F-Ia-3.11)
2. Task: Observe the correct production of glides
3. Materials: word cards, word charts, worksheet, video lessons (click the hyperlink given)
4. Procedure
a. Review
Directions: Read aloud the text accurately. Self-correct when you misread a word.

The Clown Who Lost Her Smile

In a small town far away, there was a clown who had lost her smile. Some days her face
had a frown. Some days her face had a scowl. A black cloud seemed to hang over the clown.
The people of the town thought that clowns with frowns spoiled their day. If a clown has a frown,
the king frowns too. And he is such a grouch with a crown without a smile. The people went from
house to house looking for the clown’s smile. They looked all around. They looked up and down.
No one found the clown’s smile. Then they saw a wise owl. The owl said, “You are looking in the
wrong place. The clowns smile will never be found around the town. The clown’s smile must
come from inside the clown.” The people had to make the clown smile. They hired a funny
mouse. The people sat the clown on the couch. They had the mouse bounce and howl for the
clown. The clown had never seen such a silly mouse. It made the clown smile. It made the king
smile. And that made everyone around the town smile.

For the projectable version of the story click the hyperlink

Rubrics Source:


b. Today we are going to read consonant words with glides. Examples of words included in this group
are will, why, and quick, flower you, cube, and onion.

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c. Modeling
Let’s study the words on the chart. Listen as I read each word.

/w/ y sound /j/

Win yes
Sweet you
Rewind beyond
Write toy
Wrap day
Wrist year
When yeast
Why yearn
While accumulate
Quit failure
One onion
Choir opinion

For video lesson click the link here:

d. Practice
Directions: Pick a card then read the words in it correctly.


yes one choir yellow

wow yard quick yogurt
yell what you flower
woman yawn wife young
while now your quite


beyond know failure sweet

while pure kayak yacht
few what young row
cure view value white
win canyon question rewind

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sweet beyond quit yes

accumulate rewind win day
wrap yeast you write
toy while wrist failure
when year yearn why

Note: If a student reads correctly 14 and below words, ask him to go back to the set of words which he finds difficulty.
Have him practice until he can read the word correctly. Have him select a new card and read the words in it correctly

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Lesson 9 Glides

1. Objective: Read words, phrases, clauses, sentences and paragraphs using the correct production of
vowel, and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends, GLIDES, etc. (EN7F-Ia-3.11.1)
2. Task: Observe the correct production of glides
3. Materials: word cards, word charts, worksheet, video lessons (click the hyperlink given)
4. Procedure
A. Review
Select a word card and read the words in it correctly. (Use the word cards A, B and C in the
preceding lesson)

B. Presentation

Let us read the word in each family again. Listen as I read the phrases, repeat after me.

ran quickly paint it yellow

queen in the winter you are tired
win now yell in the canyon
be quiet your kayak floated
white flower beyond the canyon.
taste sweet yawn when you are tired
quit the choir eat the yellow yogurt
wonderful queen year were you born

Note: If a student finds difficulty in reading the words in the phrases, go back to the words in the word cards. Have him
point to the word which he finds difficulty. Model reading the words. Have him repeat those words.

C. Modeling

Listen as I read the sentences. Try reading the sentence as accurate as possible.

1. Your kayak floated beyond the canyon.

2. You yawn when you are tired.
3. You are going to eat the yellow yogurt.
4. I saw the queen in the winter.
5. William won the quick race.
6. I know he quit the choir.

Note: If a student fails to read the 6 sentences correctly, go back to the sets of words in the presentation. Reread the
words until the student is able to read the words correctly. Have him reread the sentences.

D. Practice
Read aloud the story below. Try to produce the vowel sounds correctly, particularly on the
underlined words.

William and the Winter Queen

In a small farm near a canyon, there live man named William who likes to eat a yellow yogurt every day.
He also likes to ride in his kayak. One stormy day he and his kayak floated beyond the canyon. They landed on
the place of the winter queen. The winter queen was so angry because her white flowers were destroyed by
Williams kayak. He begged for forgiveness but the winter queen was so angry and she wants to make William her

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prisoner. William challenges the queen on a kayak race. He told the queen that if he won the race she would
allow William to go home. The queen agreed and they quickly ran to each of their kayak. William won the race
and was allowed to go home.

Rate the students’ performance using these rubrics:

No. of correct words read correctly Percentage

(only the underlined words)
20 100
19 95
18 90
17 85
16 80
15 75
14 70
13 65
12 60
11 55
10 50

Note: If a student got 70 and below, have him practice reading the words again. Have him read aloud to monitor the
production of word sounds. Have him try reading the phrases and sentences.

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