Beck Kearns Unit 53 Lo3 Lo4 Feedback

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LO3 & LO4 Feedback.

Current Grade for LO3: Merit

Current Grade for LO4: Merit

The current grade is calculated on the work that is present on your blog. You may have missing
items, or vastly incomplete sections of work. Please improve this. If you require help with any of
this work, or need to show me work before re-submitting to check the quality, please do so.

Remember, the highest grade you can achieve on this learning outcome 3 is a Distinction
Grade, and learning outcome 4 is a Merit Grade, even if you have achieved this, if there are any
minor corrections or additions, can you please ensure these are made.

Please ensure all of the work is uploaded on the blog.

Remember – Don’t overwrite the blog posts, make new blog posts that are clearly labelled with
the words “Re-Submission”.

Overall: Beck you have created and developed a good radio broadcast but you need to ensure you
complete your proposal and running order in more detail.

LO3: Your edit logs are detailed and focus perfectly on how your group made changes to
develop and improve your radio broadcast. However your proposal (which you have
included in LO2) needs to be completed and other areas completed in more detail. Your
running order must also be in more detail so it is able to justify the length of each section
of your radio broadcast. In regards to your radio show, it is entertaining and relevant and
subsequently compliments its target audience with the inclusion of a certain sound for
your jingle as well as choosing news bulletins which serve the purpose of promoting new
music and bands.

LO4: Your radio broadcast pitch was detailed and you discussed each section to a good
standard. However the pitch will benefit from you being more elaborative rather than
simply reading from a presentation. Radio companies will want to see that you are
enthusiastic about your radio show and that you are able to explain why you incorporated
different elements into it.

The resubmission deadline is: 26th February 2018.

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