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Allison Dryer

Figure Drawing
Vicenza Sketchbook
Corn Mask
Drawings and Paintings


Culinary Institute
820 East High Street
Study: Daycare Center - Shigeru Ban
Scripting Fabrication
Skyscraper, Times Square
(Re) Building Blocks
Stockholm Public Library
Granite + Gables
West Village Trolley Competition
Figure Drawing

University of Virginia
Fall 2006

figure drawing
Sketches from the Veneto

The Vicenza Program,

University of Virginia
Summer 2005

The program provided an introduc-

tion to Italian culture through the
study of architecture, landscape archi-
tecture, and city planning.

I spent 5 weeks in Italy drawing

perspectives, analytical diagrams, and
axonometric sections in my sketch-

Drawings were produced with graph-

ite, orange charcoal, and red wax

vicenza sketchbook
vicenza sketchbook

With Alex Fluker, Good Fulton &

Farrell Architets, Dallas TX. The
mask was produced for a charity auc-
tion to help fund Support our Troops.
The mask was constructed out of
dried corn, hominy, and corn husks.


Above: “18th Century Waterskiing”


Left: “But I’m Not Sorry...” Etching.

and painting
Culinary Institute

Barcelona, Spain
Studio 602
University of Virginia

The proposed culinary institute

and restaurant occupies an under-
utilized plot of ground in the city
nursery atop Montjuic.

The institute is oriented to take

advantage of available sunlight
to reduce energy consumption,
and it works with the topography
to maximize access to panoramic

820 East High Street

Bushman Dreyfus Architects

Charlottesville, Virginia

I produced an in-depth report on

the design and construction of
820 East High Street, a mixed-use
project consisting of two offices
on the ground level and six apart-
ments on the upper floors. Bush-
man Dreyfus Architects occupy
one of the office spaces in the
building; they renovated an exist-
ing concrete masonry brick-clad
structure, adding two floors of
dwelling units framed in wood and

Using SketchUp and Adobe InDe-

sign, I drew a series of axonomet-
ric illustrations of the construction
of a portion of the building.

building section
Study: Daycare Center

Imai Daycare Center

Shigeru Ban

I constructed a 3D model of the

structure and cladding of the
daycare center in order to study
the geometry of the project. I
was also able to use the model to
approximate the effects of daylight
on the interior of the building.

digital model
Inspiration Scripting Fabrication

Project Description Honeycomb Morphologies

The inspiration for the project came from
“Generative Algorithmic Definition: Honey-
comb Morphologies” by Andrew Kudless,
Achim Menges et al, a thesis that explored
the fabrication of an irregular system of
honeycombs that could “colonize vari-
able geometric envelopes within the limits

of fabrication” (84). The geometry of the

honeycomb cells adjusts to conform to the
constraints of a user-defined surface. “This
integral form-generation and fabrication
process can create honeycomb systems in
which each cell can be unique in shape,

size and depth, allowing for changing cell

densities and a large range of irregularly
curved global geometries” (85). The dif-
ferences in the honeycomb cells create
variable performance characteristics that
allow the construction to adapt to different
structural and environmental situations.

My project attempts to recreate and

extend the process developed in Honey-
comb Morphologies into a translation of a
digital surface into a physical object with a
cellular structure whose geometry can be
defined by the user as having either 3, 4,
or 6 sides. Changing the geometry of the
cells affects the structural characteristics of

the construction, changes the process of

assembly, and greatly modifies its appear-

Source: Menges, Achim. “Polymorphism.” Architectural

Design. Ed. Michael Hensel; Frei Otto; Achim Menges. Vol-
ume 76, Issue 2, Date: March/April 2006, Pages: 78-87
n Process

Project Definition
Basic Module
Developing the script began with a
User-defined surface.
preliminary description of the goals of
the project, along with the variables
and proposed process. Next, a series
The user controls the number of component pieces indirectly through a definition of surface, net- of prototypes consisting of physical
work type, and offset. The script only accepts certain values within a range appropriate to the laser and digital models helped to further
refine the scope of the project, reveal-

cutter dimensions and the material out of which the pieces will be fabricated. All of the variables
are subject to constraints which will be made clear to the user. ing the steps required to make the
script work. The final version of the
Variable States script evolved out of a combination of
pre-existing code from various internet
The surface is defined by the user, but it is constrained in certain ways to ensure that the form can sources and new code, combined
be fabricated. The vertices will be defined at the intersections of the U and V on the surface. I am through trial and error in Rhino.

introducing another choice for the user, in that the number of lines extending from each vertex is
a variable integer from 3 to 9. This means that geometries such as triangles or pentagons can be
tested at different densities. The offset is also constrained to a certain extent, but still subject to user

Method of Transformation

I was interested in the project in the “Polymorphism” article about the honeycomb morphologies;
the idea is that you start with a surface, find points, connect them with a network of lines, offset the

network, and connect twin vertex points, then all the planes that are created perpendicular to the
original surface are somehow extracted and ‘formatted’ so that they can be cut on a lasercut-
ter and are labeled for assembly. The process allows for areas of different density and a range of
variation in form though the fundamental geometry stays the same. My project allows the user to
define the offset and to allow geometries other than hexagons.


Menges, Achim. “Polymorphism.” Architectural Design. Ed. Michael Hensel; Frei Otto; Achim Menges. Volume 76,
Issue 2, Date: March/April 2006, Pages: 78-87 (Unfold Subroutine Script)
photo credit top:
PseudoCode Scripting Fabrication

Script Structure

start: create surface

Sub Main

select number of sides

Call Subroutine: Numsides Box
3, 4, or 6

select polysurfaces FALSE user selects 6

Call Subroutine: Unfold

create Array enter panel name, X spacing, # of panels, create layer “Borders” (255, 255, 0) select surface
Call Subroutine: Honeycomb
Y spacing, text height

name the original panel select curves and send to layer Exit Sub input uDiv, vDiv

unroll the surface create layer “Scoring Lines” (255, 0, 0) End Sub choose height option: constant,
curvature, inverse curvature

name the unrolled panel select polysurfaces and send to layer FALSE
user selects constant

Function PointAtDistance move the unrolled panel create layer “Text” (255, 0, 0)
enter min cell height,
create Array (cellHeight, 0) enter constant cell height create Array (minHeight, max Height)
enter max cell height

create borders from the unrolled surface select text and send to layer FALSE
reDim uDiv, vDiv, arrStrip(uDiv * vDiv)
reDim Borders A-D
End Sub
label the panels Get uMax and vMax
from source surface

End Sub uInc = uMax(1)/uDiv

vInc = vMax(1)/vDiv

FOR i = 0 TO uDiv

Functions MyDraw DHDV,

uVal(i) = i * vInc create BigArray
Mydraw VDHD, MyDraw HDVD

FOR i = 0 TO uDiv
Functions MyDraw DVDH,

This diagram illustrates the steps execut- Mydraw HDVD, MyDraw VDHD uVal(i) = i * vInc Function MinMaxCurvature

ed by the script. The “Honeycomb” and create Array arrStrip find out which direction has more points Function Checklayer
“Unfold” subroutines were written by
Andrew Kudless and Thomas Wingate begin drawing loop for
1st half of surface
Function OffsetInvCurveCalc
Function Ranger, Function VectorScale,
Function VectorAdd

respectively, and they were modified

begin drawing loop for
slightly (hacked) to work together. The 2nd half of surface
Function OffsetCurveCalc

“Main” subroutine and “NumSidesBox” draw surfaces (borders) Function AddStrip Function OffsetCalc

call these subroutines, and add another

layer of user input to the process. The End Sub

3-sided and 4-sided geometrical options

represent an avenue for future develop-
ment of the script.
n Prototypes

Digital Prototype Physical Prototype

surface points arrayed on surface polylines extruded to cells

First, I cut a basic strip with 1” x .5” tabs
and gaps of equal size. Then I used an
exacto knife to score under the tabs
and along their sides, and bent the

surface in strips strips unrolled strips dropped to borders strip. The finished construction could
be deformed in that the cells could
collapse or expand, but they could
not collapse or expand parallel to the
cell walls without permanent damage
to the construction.

The digital prototype was created

“by hand” in Rhino. I built a model of
the honeycomb surface by drawing
each polyline, extruding it, and then
reduced it to a 2D drawing using the
UnrollSrf command.

two views of the digital model

Fabrication Scripting Fabrication

Project Renderings Materials and Assembly

The script produces a 3D digital
model of the honeycomb sur-
face that can be rendered to test
various configurations and honey-
comb densities prior to fabrication

The physical realization of the


honeycomb surfaces requires flat

sheets of foldable material (pa-
per, plastic, or metal, for example)
along with some form of adhesive,
such as tape or glue.

To build the surface, bend the

strips along the scored lines in an
alternating pattern and glue cor-
responding facets on each strip
together. A potential future modi-
fication of the script might incorpo-
rate a tab and notch system of as-
sembly that requires no adhesive.

The script arrays 2D cutting paths

on the drawing surface in even
rows and columns that are defined
by the user. To arrange the pieces
for maximum efficiency, a Plug-in
called Rhino Nest 1.1 is recom-
mended. The plug-in may be
downloaded from here:

physical model laser cutter path

n transportation and recreation infrastructure

the spiraling running track connects

via a ramp to the subway system,
providing public access.
mi to boston

Sports Skyscraper skygardens function as a vertical

extension of the new york city park
hia Times Square,
New York City

georgeA double-helix yankee

spiral running track

winds its way around a 45-story of-



fice tower located a few blocks from

Times Square, providing circulation
for a vertical park. An apparel com-
pany occupies new 50%
york of the build-
ing; sponsored athletes test out new
on river products on the track and utilize the to la guardia

courts. The other 50% of the office

east river

shea stadium
space is rented out to assorted busi- metro north commuters

nesses; all the tenantslegend

may use the
ct ny

athletic facilities located throughout lower manhattan

the building. A retail outlet for the
grand central

apparel company is located on the

ity ro
- to chinatown
little italy
lower east side

ground floor.
on qu
ns east village
n greenwhich village
- to
Software: Microstation XM, Adobe

times square parks

Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator. to jfk
upper west side
recreation centers
upper east side
sports clubs

- to train stations


washington heights
subway lines






bridges bridges
tunnels tunnels

w4 1st
1st str
str eet




w4 0th
0th stre
et 1” = 30’-0” et
1” = 30’-0”

w4 w4
1st 1st
str str
eet eet




w4 w4
0th 0th
et 1” = 30’-0” stre
et 1” = 30’-0”
the aerodynamic form of the tower reduces turbulence
and facilitates natural ventilation.
at the skygarden levels, pressure differentials are uti-
lized to draw air through the space.

air that heats up inside the double skin facade is pulled

into the building and exhausted at the top.

the long axis of the ellipse is oriented northwest-

southeast to reduce the exposure to the cold winter
wind and the strong sunlight on the south. the ramp
and associated glazing act as a sunshade, windbreak,
and rainscreen, varying in opacity according to expo-

the ramp also functions as a gutter, collecting water

that runs down the facade and taking it to an under-
ground cistern. it is pumped up through the building
to water the vegetation in the skygardens.
although the facade of the building is a double
skin, the distance between the two layers of glass summer
is too wide for it to function in the typical

the outer skin is glass of varying degrees of

transparency. it functions as a rainscreen. the
inner skin can be single glazed because of the
shading effect of the ramps and the blinds on
the outside of the unitized window.

hot air that builds up in the cavity in the sum-

mertime is drawn inside and exhausted out the
top of the building. mechanical systems provide
cooling. in the winter, the hot air can be gath-
ered for heating in extreme cases when the oc-
cupants and equipment in the building do not
produce enough heat.

ten stacked spirals visual basic code double helix ramp
Sub make_helicalspiral()
segments ' Procedure makecircle to draw a circle as a series of line segments
y axis = 0.59x
thirty six ten degree increments
degree increment = change in radius per degree
Dim originPoint As Point3d
Dim point As Point3d
Dim degr As Single, degrinc As Single
Dim radius As Double, radians As Double
Dim distx As Double, disty As Double x axis
Dim numspirals As Double
30’ heightfloor 30’ heightfloor Dim radiusincrement As Double, heightincrement As Double
111 - 115.5’ radius 115.5 - 120’ radius Dim heightfloor As Double, numstepsperrev As Double
radius 0 degree increment
0 degree increment
thread positive thread negative
' Coordinates are in master units
originPoint.X = 0#
originPoint.Y = 0#
heightfloor originPoint.Z = 0#
radius = 120 'radius of helix
radiusincrement = 0# 'change in radius value
degr = 0#
thread (negative)
numspirals = 1 'number of floors in effect
heightfloor = 15#
perimeter of ellipse: 564 ft 30’ heightfloor degrinc = -10# 'spiraling direction
change in height: 15 or 30 ft 30’ heightfloor numstepsperrev = Abs(360 / degrinc)
slope of ramp: 2.65% or 5.31% 111 - 115.5’ radius 115.5 - 120’ radius
heightincrement = heightfloor / numstepsperrev
0.11 degree increment 0.11 degree increment point = originPoint
description thread positive thread negative
' Initiate Drawing of Circle while number of degrees less than 360
the ramp is a variable double helix spiral con- ' Start a command
structed out of straight line segments. CadInputQueue.SendCommand "PLACE SMARTLINE"

eight types of spirals were generated using While Abs(degr) <= Abs(360# * numspirals)
visual basic code: two sets of four spirals with
the same radius, the smaller set of which ' Convert degrees to radians using system constant pi
threaded in the positive direction, the larger of radians = (Pi * degr) / 180
which threaded in the negative.
' Determine x value and y value of Point
15’ heightfloor 15’ heightfloor distx = Cos(radians) * radius
to increase the variation, a change in the disty = Sin(radians) * radius
radius over the distance of the sweep of the 111 - 115.5’ radius 115.5 - 120’ radius
spiral was introduced. this altered the hori- 0 degree increment 0 degree increment
zontal position of the spiral above relative to thread positive thread negative ' Send a data point to the current command
those below it. point.X = originPoint.X + distx
point.Y = originPoint.Y - disty
point.Z = point.Z + heightincrement
the individual spirals were stacked in such a CadInputQueue.SendDataPoint point, 1
way as to account for variations in the section
of the building due to the larger program ' Increment the number of degrees of revolution of the point
volumes. degr = degr + degrinc

' Increment the radius for each turn

the elliptical shape was derived through a radius = radius + radiusincrement
scaling operation in which the circular helical 15’ heightfloor
spirals were reduced along the Y axis to 0.59
15’ heightfloor
115.5 - 120’ radius Wend
percent of the X axis value (see ramp diagram). 111 - 115.5’ radius
0.11 degree increment
0.11 degree increment ' Send a reset to the current command
thread negative
thread positive CadInputQueue.SendReset

0.112808460634548 – degree increment for a 4.5 foot change in radius over 360 degrees End Sub
structural system is hybrid: stiffened core tube lateral resistance gravity
inner core consists of four full-height concrete
elements, connected by trusses that span be-
tween them over an atrium space

at the edge of the floorplate, a tube structure

of cylindrical concrete columns support the
double helix spiral ramp, and provide further

floorplates hang from trusses that wrap the el-

liptical edge of the building on skygarden


prevailing winds

building height: 750’

core width: 85’
(Re) Building Blocks
-architecture as a system of reconstructing the city

In New Orleans, ‘…the urban landscape is better

seen as an ecology or economy of architecture, a
system of relationships, than as a collection of
resources...the architectural fabric was intricately
adjusted to maintain customary social separations in
very densely packed neighborhoods. Invisible pat- t
(Re) Building Blocks
terns extend beyond the individual household to the
city as a whole.’

‘High Ground’ Occupation

Insertion plan 1” = 200’
Insert plan 1” - 200’
New Orleans, LA
- Dell Upton
Competition Entry with James Pressly
This proposal for high density housing on the ‘high ground’ argues for the critical integration of what

The proposal for high density housing on

Upton describes as the unique ‘architectural ecology’ of New Orleans into the future of the recon-
structed city. The built environment of New Orleans reflects the imbalanced social environment, most
particularly in the housing block. Analysis of these blocks reveals a carefully manipulated structure
the ‘high ground’ argues for the critical
that accommodates a multiplicity of use and habitation while maintaining autonomy between struc-
integration of the unique ‘architectural
Multiplicity and autonomy drive the structuring of the program along the site in
separate striations, of incorporates
each of which New Orleans elements of theinto
program:the future
parking, address and egress, garden, commercial and community spaces in nuanced
of the reconstructed city.
Site Plan:

Multiplicity and autonomy drive the

The relationships of scale between the housing units, the subsequent relationships created with the
‘courtyard gardens’ and the transitions to and from parking offer possibilities for new social condi-
tions within a New Orleans block. Analysis of existing typical blocks illuminated a unique system of
structuring of the program along the
residence, corridor, open and public space. This analysis led to a nuanced site plan that embraces
idiosyncratic yet integrated organization. To address both the industrial scale and the residential
site in separate striations, each of which
scale found around the site, larger residential towers are oriented along the river, staggered for
views, and shorter towers are oriented toward the city, internally staggered for light and views. A
boardwalk along the levee wall with ramp access to the planned riverfront park by the City Center
incorporates elements of the program:
connects the striations as a public gesture.

Housing Units: housing,

I, i, L parking, address and egress, gar-
den, commercial and community spaces
The thin housing units are designed in response to climatic conditions. The orientation allows for
abundant - but not overbearing - natural light; cross ventilation is encouraged as well. Three unit types

age additions and in nuancedcreate “i” withiterations.

were devised to meet square-footage requirements: “I” is the median size unit. Modular square foot-
subtractions a large porch, and “L” which supports a cantilevered
volume. The autonomous units are paired to create a larger, systemic residential system. The varied
pairing of units from one structure to the next reflects a consideration of the relationship between the
buildings. Affordability is not dictated architecturally - it is a product of economics; however, the
Software: Microstation XM, AutoCAD
affordable units are dispersed throughout the scheme to allow for a choice of each unit type.

Sustainable Strategy:
Diagram of ‘striation’ from Chartres St. looking North.
2006, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustra-
The units along the river incorporate tilted photovoltaic roof panel structures, and runoff is managed
through the elevated gardens and pervious concrete parking. Reclamation of the brick currently on
the site for paving and walls reduces waste of resources. Sustainable material choices, such as
bamboo flooring and recycled denim insulation, underpin much of the scheme. The close proximity of
the site to the Mississippi River provides ample natural ventilation due to the strong breezes; each
unit accomodates cross ventilation through the central circulation corridor.

high density on the high ground

Section Perspective towards City Center 1/8” - 1’

To Park

4th Floor Plan 1/50” - 1’ A Elevated Gardens / Circulation

B Boardwalk and Ramp to Park

Circulation Route from street

to Park



To Park
Circulation from Street A City Center
to Park
B Commercial Space

Ground Floor Plan 1/50” - 1’ C Community Center

D Foyer
stockholm public library
Stockholm Public Library

Stockholm, Sweden

The project for an addition to Gunnar

Asplund’s Stockholm Public Library
began with an analysis through draw-
ing and models of “Saint Jerome in
his Study,” painted by Antonella da
Messina in 1475.

The Asplund Library sits adjacent to

one of the last remaining expressions
of Stockholm’s geologic past - an
esker topped with the city observatory.
The library addition will occupy the
edge of the hill, extending out into the
fabric of the city.

Software: Rhino, Microstation XM,

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.
structure and shape support and extend redefine topography frame and support enclose and protect
the terrain the hill create new ground the interior
Regularly Occupied Space Area with Views

Regularly Occupied Space Area without Views

Not Regularly Occupied Space

0 10 20 40 Feet

LEED NC SSc8.2 Views from 90% of Spaces Job #: 06288.01

File Name: LEED NC 8.2 Residential Typical Floor.pdf

GRANITE + GABLES Uptown Mixed Use Date: 8.19.08

Dallas, TX Drawn by: AD

Granite + Gables Uptown Mixed Use Project LEED Documentation

07.30.08 calculations by Allison Dryer
SSc5.1 Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat
Native or Adapted Plant Area
Office Native or Adapted Plants SF 10046
Not Native or Adapted Area Res. Native or Adapted Plants SF 9593

Residential Tower Site Area Office % of Site Area Native or Adapted 100.76%
Residential % of Site Area Native of Adapted 107.22%

Office Tower Site Area Residential Office Office Site Area SF 48613
Residential Site Area SF 54169
Dividing Line
Office Building Footprint SF 38643
Res. Building Footprint SF 45222

Office Open Site Area SF 9970

Res. Open Site Area SF 8947

SSc5.2 Site Development - Maximize Open Space

Office Total Open Space SF 21276

Residential Total Open Space SF 27545

Office Site Area SF 48613

Residential Site Area SF 54169

Office % Open Space 43.77%

Res. % Open Space 50.85%

Residential Office

LEED EXHIBIT Job #: 06288.01

SSc5.1 & 5.2 - Percent Native and Adapted File Name: Native and Adapted Plant

Granite + Gables Uptown Mixed Use Project Date: 07.30.08

Dallas, TX Drawn by: AD

Granite + Gables Uptown Mixed-use

Good Fulton & Farrell Architects, Dallas, TX
granite + gables
Under Construction

Granite + Gables consists of a platform of retail and parking linking two twenty-story towers, one commercial (LEED gold) and one
residential (LEED certified). My contribution to the project consisted of the preparation of LEED exhibits as well as extensive work on construc-
tion documents and contract administration services. The project will be completed in the summer of 2010.

Software: AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator. Rendering Credit: Nicholas McWhirter, Good Fulton & Farrell Architects
west village trolley stop competition

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