History of Water Treatment - AWWA 032006

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Water treatment

the ages
F orty centuries ago, a medical philosopher set forth in Sanskrit
these precepts for treating water to be used for drinking.
It is good to keep water in copper vessels, to expose it to sunlight,
and to filter it through charcoal.
Impure water should be purified by being boiled over a fire . . .
or heated by the sun or by filtering it through sand and coarse gravel.

Today’s version: Disinfect by the oligodynamic action of met-

als, ultraviolet light, or heat; use activated carbon to adsorb
organic matter; remove suspended matter by filtration through a
bed of sand supported on a layer of gravel.
Is there nothing new under the sun?
About the same time, the Chinese discovered the purifying
effect of boiling water. No doubt some Number One Son said,
“Pop, if you mix some of the dried leaves from that bush with
the boiling water, it will take away the flat taste.” Thus, tea!
George E. Symons This article was originally published in 1981 in Centennial, a magazine produced by AWWA to commemorate its 100th anniversary.

2006 © American Water Works Association SYMONS | 98:3 • JOURNAL AWWA | MARCH 2006 87
Water contributes much In Rome, Greece, Carthage, and Egypt,

Health to health
The earliest depictions of Egyptian water
purification devices date from the 15th and
13th centuries B.C. One tomb painting
shows a sedimentation apparatus made up of
large jars and siphoning hoses. Another
shows wick siphons.
The wick siphon also was known to the
Greek civilization, which maintained about
the same level of technology as the Egyptians
the end of the aqueduct-building period (343
B.C.-226 A.D.) saw the construction of stor-
age or settling cisterns at the point of aque-
duct discharge. The cisterns removed silt by
plain sedimentation. This treatment process
probably was the first ever used for public
water supply systems.
Various first century writings indicate that
single, double, and triple filtration were used
to produce pure water. Most likely, the treat-
ment was used for individual, not public
during the second millennium. Later, Hip-
pocrates, the Father of Medicine, observed water supplies. It is doubtful that these
that “. . . qualities of water differ from one to ancient cures for bad water played a real part
another in taste and other qualities . . . in the development of present-day water
[which] one should consider carefully . . . for treatment practice.
water contributes much to health.” He also A dark age
recommended that “rain waters be boiled From about 500 to 1600 A.D., water
and strained through a cloth bag” (later treatment seems to have undergone a dark
called a Hippocrates Sleeve), “otherwise age, although, especially in Europe, many
they could have a bad smell.” water sources were established and trans-
In Hippocrates’ time, water procure- mission lines, wells, and cisterns were
ment was more important than water treat- constructed.
ment. Today, the ruins of graceful aque- The great Elizabethan philosopher, Sir
ducts pay mute praise to the skill of Roman Francis Bacon, chronicled a thousand scien-
engineers. Toward the end of the second tific experiments conducted during the pre-
century A.D., Rome’s water supply system ceding 1,000 years. Only 10 of them per-
was delivering approximately 130 million tained to water treatment. Included were
gallons daily, or roughly the volume of percolation or filtration, boiling, distillation,
modern-day Honolulu’s supply. aeration, infiltration, and clarification.
15th century B.C.

5th century B.C.


Sedimentation, Hippocrates Sleeve, Van Leeuwenhoek invents

Egypt Greece microscope, discovers

88 MARCH 2006 | JOURNAL AWWA • 98:3 | SYMONS 2006 © American Water Works Association
Bacon concluded that “clarifying water tion and straining followed by filtration
tends to improve health and increases the through sand. The filter contained two com-
pleasure of the eye.” partments (one downward flow, one
Although Bacon’s life work revolution- upward). Gravel separated the filter unit
ized scientific research, he still believed the from the top of the first compartment, which
notion current in the time of the Caesars that contained a perforated-plate strainer.
digging a pit on the seashore would produce The momentum of late 17th century
fresh water from the salty sea. developments carried over into the 18th,
Toward the latter part of the 17th century, then stalled for almost 50 years. The most
two unrelated events occurred. They were to important comments being made during this
play important parts in the future of water time were simply restatements of ancient
treatment. cures, such as boiling. A Dr. Pluche stated
The first was a discovery by an unas- that “rivers fouled by the filth of cities could
suming Dutch inventor, Anton van be improved by sedimentation and exposure
Leeuwenhoek. His experiments with optics to the sun.” This idea was not new; it just
led to the invention of the microscope and meant that municipal pollution was recog-
discovery of the tiny animals he called “ani- nized, if not understood.
macules.” The scientific community
accused van Leeuwenhoek of inaccuracy The first patent
and at best regarded his findings as inter- Water treatment on a large scale began
esting but unimportant curiosities. It with the granting of the first patent on a
remained for scientists of the 19th century water filter. The year was 1745 and the
to make the connection between the ani- inventor, a Frenchman named Joseph Amy.
macules, water, and health. Amy thought that sand and copper in house-
About the time van Leeuwenhoek first hold filters were bad for health. Instead, he
saw microorganisms, an Italian physician proposed sponges as the filtering medium in
named Luc Antonio Porzio designed the first lead or earthen containers. Amy promoted
multiple filter. He described the filter in his his patents on the grounds they eliminated
book on mass sanitation in army camps the danger of copper poisoning, unaware
(1685). The process used plain sedimenta- lead was a greater health menace. Despite


Porzio designs multiple Amy’s sponge filter patented, Dr. Francis Home
filter, France experiments with water
Italy softening,

2006 © American Water Works Association SYMONS | 98:3 • JOURNAL AWWA | MARCH 2006 89
the promotion efforts, people did not lower filter chamber before actually reaching
respond enthusiastically, and Amy’s filter dis- the filter media. The remaining sediment
appeared from the market by 1760. would be strained out by material particles of
French domination of the water treatment decreasing size. Reverse-flow cleaning,
scene ended after the first half of the 18th another feature of the Peacock filter, was one
century. From 1750 through most of the of the basic elements of the later mechanical
19th century, the Scots and English gained filter. Peacock also expounded a third inno-
ascendancy. vation—the need for grading the straining
The Lancashire filter was the predecessor media from large stones at the bottom, to
of the slow sand filter, which, along with small sand particles on the top layer. Today,
chlorination, was probably the most impor- filters based on the upflow cleaning principle
tant invention in the history of water treat- are common.
ment. Little is known of its origin except that In the mid-1700s Dr. Francis Home of
it was invented some time before 1790. Scotland conducted the first series of experi-
Of crude design, the Lancashire filter uti- ments on water softening. His findings led
lized the principle of slow sand filtration. him to suggest that water softening should be
Water was allowed to seep through layers of applied to public water supplies.
sand and gravel, which entrapped the sedi-
Industrialists pioneer early filtration
ment. The sand was scraped off and cleaned
As history passed into the “Age of
periodically and respread over the filter bed.
Progress,” as the 19th century has been
Like many subsequent filters, the Lancashire
called, the level of sanitation in European
was applied mostly in industrial works.
and American cities was scarcely better than
The English architect James Peacock
in medieval times. The Royal Commission
spent considerable time designing filters as
issued this description of a typical London
well as buildings. Peacock received the first
slum of the 1880s:
British patent on a water filter, 46 years after
the patent on Amy’s sponge filter. The Pea- Drainage was wholly inadequate and so were the
cock apparatus used upward-flow filtration sanitary facilities. As often as not, sewers were open
and incorporated a unique underdrain sys- trenches running down the middle of the street. Pure
tem. Peacock theorized that gravity would water was a luxury, and parks and trees in working-
cause some sediment to be deposited in the class areas were nonexistent.


Lancashire Filter utilizes slow Gibb installs filter serving municipal

sand principle, water supply,
England Scotland

90 MARCH 2006 | JOURNAL AWWA • 98:3 | SYMONS 2006 © American Water Works Association
The connection between impure water bution system. Engineer Thomas Telford
and disease had been strongly conjectured devised the treatment process, which
for centuries. The irrefutable proof provided included plain settling basins and filter
by the yet unborn science of bacteriology was cells. The filters failed within a year or so
needed to dislodge public indifference to because of the high turbidity of the Clyde
water treatment. Until that time, clarification River. New filter cells were designed, but
remained the central concern for public they also failed.
water suppliers. Disenchanted with sand filtration, the
The first modern water filter plant was Glasgow Water Works constructed the first
installed in 1804 by John Gibb to supply his successful public water supply infiltration
bleachery and the townspeople at Paisley, gallery. The company tunneled under the
Scotland. It was a municipal water system at Clyde River to a peninsula of sand, where the
last, although distribution was limited to the gallery was installed. James Watt, inventor of
water cart. the steam engine, furnished the idea for a
To clarify the muddy, industrial waste- flexible-jointed pipe for use in the underwa-
laden water of the Cart River, Gibb used a ter crossing.
roughing filter and sedimentation, followed A practical-minded manufacturer finally
by double filtration. The Gibb filter was solved the problem of the Glasgow filters. In
designed in three concentric rings. In the the late 1820s Robert Thom, a cotton mill
center was the clear water basin, ringed by a operator, observed that water filters in the
sand filter, then a gravel filter enclosed by a Glasgow area were failing because of surface
settling basin. This design resembles the clogging. He designed a self-cleaning filter
modern Dorrco-Aldrich-Perifilter. with a false bottom and a reverse-flow action
The Paisley bleacher even devised a way to for washing.
pump water under pressure through pipelines
as part of a fire-extinguishing system. Public outcry answered
Following the success of Gibb’s filter, During the same decade, Londoner James
three related events advanced the methods of Simpson appeared on the scene. His obser-
water treatment in the British Isles. vations and experiments led to the invention
In 1807 Glasgow became the first city to of the slow sand filter and a new age in the
have a municipal water treatment and distri- history of water treatment.


Pamphlet circulated decrying Simpson’s slow sand Bleaching powder used

foul drinking water, filter put into use, to purify foul-smelling water,
London, England London, England England

2006 © American Water Works Association SYMONS | 98:3 • JOURNAL AWWA | MARCH 2006 91
In his capacity as engineer for the Chelsea Of all the historic filters described, the
Water Works Company, Simpson was faced slow sand filter is the only one still used by
squarely with the public’s demands for better some municipalities.
drinking water. The source of all London One man focused his attention on soften-
water works was the Thames, at that time lit- ing during this era of filtration milestones.
tle more than an open sewer. The year of Thomas Clark, a chemistry professor at
Simpson’s first trip to inspect successful fil- Aberdeen, Scotland, patented a process for
ters in operation, an unprecedented public softening water by adding lime. Although
outcry against foul drinking water occurred water had been softened for ages by using
in the form of a thick and scathing pamphlet. soap, wood ashes, and alkaline salts, it
The pamphlet led to commission hearings remained for Clark to propose a practical
and reports and doubtless spurred Simpson process. As a result of Clark’s work, several
and the Chelsea Water Works in their work. softening plants were built, primarily for
Inspection trips and discussions with industrial supplies. In general, indifference
Telford and Thom culminated in Simpson’s toward water softening prevailed into the
1827 experimental filter. The system con- 20th century.
sisted of two square settling reservoirs con-
nected to the filter, also in the shape of a The US takes the lead
square. The filter media was coarse-to-fine After a bold but unsuccessful start, the
gravel and sand, with the coarsest material on development of filtration in the United
the bottom. The reservoirs worked alter- States was interrupted until after the Civil
nately, filtering 90,000 gallons every 24 War—almost a 40-year gap. Soon after the
hours. In addition to backwashing, the sand country was reunited, the United States
in the filter was periodically scraped off and became a leader in the art of water treat-
carefully washed. ment—a position it retains to this day.
Three years later, after the experimental That first abortive attempt at a filter plant
filter had proved successful, the Chelsea was an upward-flow backwash system built
Water Works Company put a permanent fil- in 1832 at Richmond, Va. It failed almost
ter into use. It was constructed exactly as the immediately. By that time slow sand filtration
experimental bed, but on a larger scale. was well established in Britain, but Ameri-



Kirkwood publishes book Slow sand filter installed Koch discovers TB bacillus,
on use of filters at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Germany
for municipal supplies, United States
United States

92 MARCH 2006 | JOURNAL AWWA • 98:3 | SYMONS 2006 © American Water Works Association
cans did not pursue further experiments. Although coagulation had reached a stage
Among 146 water works in the United States of acceptability, softening languished as a
and Canada, there was only one filter plant. treatment process until English civil engineer
If, as Shakespeare said, “the past is but pro- John Henderson Porter improved the 40-
logue to the future,” then the latter part of the year-old Clark process. He made mechanical
19th century marks the beginning of today’s improvements and added soda ash to remove
water industry. Engineers, chemists, and other permanent hardness of sulfates. In 1897,
scientists began to apply scientific study prin- Winnipeg, Canada, installed the first suc-
ciples to the investigation of water treatment cessful municipal softening plant in America.
processes and the design of related facilities. Vestiges of old practices persisted
James P. Kirkwood produced the first book in throughout the period, however. A case in
any language on the use of filters in municipal point: plain sedimentation without filtration.
water supplies (1869). Material for the book In the United States plain sedimentation was
came from Kirkwood’s tour of 19 European fil- the only technique used until the late 19th
ter plants, undertaken for the city of St. Louis, century, and most of the plants were too
Mo. He recommended that St. Louis provide small to perform satisfactorily.
filtration, but city fathers rejected the idea
while Kirkwood was traveling. Slow becomes fast
From the laboratory of M.C. Jeunnet in The United States saw its first slow sand
Algeria came the first detailed experiments filter installed at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., in
using alum as a coagulating agent. Sanitari- 1872. Thirty years later there were still only
ans disregarded Jeunnet’s findings and 20 in the United States and Canada, mainly
adhered to their prejudice against using because successful rapid sand filtration was
alum. Once more, in the mid-19th century, introduced at Somerville, N.J, in 1882.
implementation lagged behind technology. Rapid sand filters quickly outdistanced slow
Somerville and Raritan, N.J., were the sand, and by 1940 the ratio was approxi-
first municipalities in the United States to mately 23 to 1.
use chemical coagulation. After 1885, coagu- The first rapid filter was a drum-shaped,
lation installations grew in numbers slowly cast-iron apparatus totally unlike slow sand
but steadily. beds. In rapid filtration, a size-graded



Rapid filtration introduced National Board of Health Hazen’s pioneer treatise

at Somerville, N.J., publishes study on water on filtration,
United States pollution, United States
United States

2006 © American Water Works Association SYMONS | 98:3 • JOURNAL AWWA | MARCH 2006 93
media was used, with the coarsest gravel at detect pollution in water. The study, pub-
the bottom. lished in 1883, became the forerunner of
The larger interstices between the size- Standard Methods for the Examination of
graded particles allowed the water to pass Water and Wastewater.
through quickly. Another feature of the rapid
filter was mechanical stirrers used during The era of safe water
backwashing to break up accumulated sedi- Today, most city water utilities supple-
Safe ment on the sand surface.
Today, with beds enclosed in plant build-
ings, rapid filters are used by most American
The Lawrence Experiment Station in
ment sedimentation and filtration with chlo-
rine disinfectant. Although bleaching pow-
der had been used in textile mills since the
18th century, it was first used to purify foul-
smelling water in the 1830s. It took more
Massachusetts became the backdrop for the than 70 years for chlorine to gain widespread
most active period in the history of American use in public water supplies.
water treatment. One of the chief chemists at The reason for the lag between discov-
Lawrence was Allen Hazen. He conducted a ery and application was the lack of a theo-
series of studies that unequivocally proved retical framework. The discovery that dis-
the effectiveness of filtration. ease was caused by living organisms had to
By 1893 sanitation finally had been admit- be made.
ted to the realm of science. A young man The great London cholera epidemic of
named George Warren Fuller was trained in 1848 made it clear that disease was no
the new field and became Hazen’s successor at respector of class or income. The “sanitari-
Lawrence. Fuller did for rapid sand filtration ans,” as they were called, made some
what Hazen had done for filtration in general— attempts to secure pure water supplies for
proved, through careful experimentation, that the cities. Limited in their knowledge of dis-
it was an adequate and effective technique. ease, they ascribed it vaguely to “filth.” Their
Pollution from population and industry cleanup efforts helped, but typhoid and
had not tainted surface waters much, but it cholera held sway as the most virulent killers
was recognized this situation would not last. A until the end of the century.
year before AWWA was founded, the National The discovery science needed was
Board of Health started extensive tests to announced by Louis Pasteur. But Pasteur’s


Bleaching powder added Winnipeg installs municipal Town of Middlekerke installs

to water supply stops softening plant, chlorine disinfection system,
typhoid epidemic, Canada Belgium

94 MARCH 2006 | JOURNAL AWWA • 98:3 | SYMONS 2006 © American Water Works Association
“germ theory” was resisted for a long time with chlorine liquid and gas and convinced
by the scientific community. Then, in 1882, the company that chlorine purification was
a young German doctor named Robert the way to go. Meanwhile, the water com-
Koch discovered the tuberculosis bacillus. pany flatly refused the court order arising
“The golden age of bacteriology” was from the lawsuit. Leal continued his experi-
launched. In the mid-1880s the cholera bac- ments, and the water company went ahead
teria was discovered and water identified as with designs for a chlorination plant. Dr.
its carrier. Leal’s perseverance lead to further litigation,
Once it had caught on, nothing in the after which the court held that chlorine was
field of water purification spread as rapidly an effective disinfectant. After providing ser-
as chlorination. After bleaching powder was vice for two years, the Boonton plant was
used to stop a typhoid epidemic on the Adri- approved in 1910.
atic Sea, there followed a long list of “firsts” In the wake of this landmark case, chlori-
in the use of chlorine disinfection. nation treatment began springing up all over
Middlekerke, Belgium, was the first city in the country. In 1900 there were 36 deaths
the world to install a permanent chlorine dis- from typhoid per 100,000 population. By
infection system. The year was 1902. The 1950 the typhoid death rate had dropped to
United States followed in 1908 with two mile- 0.1 per 100,000. The widespread use of
stones of its own. The first effective demon- chlorine made the difference.
stration in the United States of hypochlorites
in water purification occurred at the Bubbly Consumer and government
Creek filters of the Chicago, Ill., stockyards. demands
The first large-scale chlorination of a munici- The first two decades of the 20th century
pal water supply took place in spite of the were marked by continued research and
efforts of the city fathers of Jersey City, N.J. development and (to use George Warren
The town council filed a suit against the pri- Fuller’s words) “. . . started the era of refine-
vate water company for violating its contract ments and extensions.” For the consumer,
to provide “a supply of pure and wholesome taste, odor, and color of drinking water are
water” from Boonton Reservoir. just as important as its healthful properties.
Dr. John L. Leal, the company’s sanitary The use of charcoal for improvement of
adviser, conducted a series of experiments drinking water dates back 40 centuries, but




American experiments with Chlorine introduced to Bubbly Chlorine purification

ozonation in New York, Creek Filters at Union Stockyards at Boonton, N.J., plant
United States in Chicago, Ill., United States approved after 2 years
of operation,
United States.

96 MARCH 2006 | JOURNAL AWWA • 98:3 | SYMONS 2006 © American Water Works Association
modern treatment practice began in 1924 supply problems but for two important
when powdered activated carbon became details: The process requires too much
available. It was first used to remove tastes energy and maintenance. Although distilla-
and odors caused by algae. Granular acti- tion is generally prohibitive to the United
vated carbon was introduced later, but did States and other energy-importing countries,
not find favor until about 1970 when devel- it has been ideal for the energy exporters.
opment of onsite reactivation systems made Fortunately, distillation is not the only
its use more feasible. desalting technique. Reverse osmosis forces
Ozonation as a disinfection process was water through a plastic membrane, leaving
tried experimentally in 1906 in New York the salt behind. It is a one-step method,
City after it had been installed in several using relatively small amounts of energy.
European cities. Adoption of the process Reverse osmosis is gaining acceptance in
was hampered by the high cost of installa- the United States, particularly in areas of
tion and operation. France is the only coun- brackish water, and its future looks most
try to use ozone on a large scale. The promising.
United States has adhered to chlorination During the 20th century, the state of the
for disinfection. art of water treatment has improved, knowl-
By far the most dramatic and promising edge of water and health has increased, and
20th century development in water treat- society’s use of water has become more
ment and supply is desalination. Distillation complex. In addition, government regula-
of seawater had been limited mostly to ship- tions have multiplied and created much
board installations until around 1940 when controversy.
the first land plants were built in desert loca- Probably the single most important
tions. Toward 1960 the US Department of event of the 1970s for the water supply
the Interior Office of Saline Water began industry was passage of the Safe Drinking
research on several systems for desalting Water Act, which still is in early stages of
brines and seawater. In the mid-1960s a implementation. Regulations developed
large municipal desalting plant was installed under the act will have a profound effect on
at San Diego, Calif. the course of water treatment research,
Distilling brackish water is one method process developments, and refinements for
that would seem to solve the world’s water decades to come.



Baylis tests Desalination plant Municipal Safe Drinking

powdered built on land, desalination plant Water Act passed,
activated carbon United States installed at San United States
to remove tastes Diego, Calif.,
and odors, United States
United States

2006 © American Water Works Association SYMONS | 98:3 • JOURNAL AWWA | MARCH 2006 97
A prolific writer, Symons authored more than
700 published pieces—technical articles, editori-
als, columns, technical meeting reports, and
practice manuals. His first article in JOURNAL
AWWA, a two-part report on the bacteriological
pollution of the Niagara River, appeared in
1939. His last article in the JOURNAL—on acid
rain—was published 45 years later, in 1984.
Symons His son, Jim Symons, became well-known in the
1970s for his work assessing the problem of halo-
genated organics in chlorinated water.
In addition to being president of AWWA,
Symons was recognized by the association by
honorary membership and induction into the
Water Industry Hall of Fame. He also received
AWWA’s Diven Medal and Fuller Award, and
George E. Symons (1903–2001), AWWA presi- he served AWWA as chairman of the General
dent in 1973–74 and a well-known environmen- Policy Council, a member of the board of direc-
tal engineering writer and editor, had a long tors, and chairman of the Water Quality Divi-
and varied career working in the water and sion. During Symons’s term as president, he
wastewater industry. proposed a separate membership classification
Symons was born Apr. 20, 1903, in Danville, for operators and a publication directed specifi-
Ill., and 12 years later had his first water-related cally at them—both of which were later realized,
job—as a water boy on a water supply dam pro- the latter as OPFLOW. He was interviewed by
ject. At the age of 16, he got a summer job as an the editor of JOURNAL AWWA in its June 1989
afternoon-shift operator at the filter plant where issue about the role and impact of the magazine
his father worked. Later, he would teach at the in its 75-year history, and he was the subject of
university level, work as a chemist in water and a lengthy profile in the April 1990 issue of The
wastewater plants, and work in the water and Diplomate, the magazine of the American Acad-
wastewater industry as an editor and consultant. emy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE).
After receiving his doctorate in sanitary His work with the Water Environment Fed-
chemistry from the University of Illinois, eration earned him that organization’s Emer-
Symons became the chief chemist for the Buffalo son Medal, the Bedell Award, a special award
(N.Y.) Sewer Authority in 1936. Symons moved for preparing the group’s 50-year history, and
to New York City in 1943 to be an editor with honorary membership in the group. He was a
Water and Sewage Works for eight years; then, diplomate in AAEE, a fellow in the American
following a stint as an environmental editorial Society of Civil Engineers and the American
consultant, he was employed as the editor of Public Health Association, and a life member of
Water and Waste Engineering for six years. (The the American Chemical Society, the American
two magazines merged in 1981 to become Water Institute of Chemical Engineers, the National
Engineering & Management.) Then after a Society of Professional Engineers, and the Amer-
period as a freelance writer and editor, Symons ican Public Works Association. His biography
joined the consulting firm Malcolm Pirnie as a was listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s
manager of special projects, an area that later Who in Engineering, Engineers of Distinction,
became marketing and communications. After American Men and Women of Science, Chemi-
he retired in 1978, he was a member of a special cal Who’s Who, Community Leaders in Amer-
team for the US Environmental Protection ica, and Who’s Who in U.S. Writers, Editors,
Agency that studied acid rain in the Northeast. and Poets.

98 MARCH 2006 | JOURNAL AWWA • 98:3 | SYMONS 2006 © American Water Works Association

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