Issue 103 Organic Consumers Association

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February 22, 2007 · Issue 103 Food and Consumer News Tidbits with an Edge… From the Organic Consumers Association Please forward this publication to family and friends, websites, print it, & post it. Knowledge is power!

Demand a New Truth-in-Labeling Standard For Vitamins How Natural or Organic are Your Vitamins?
Your favorite vitamin and supplement brand may OCA is building an expansive database of companies that meet
label itself as “food-based” or “natural”, but strict NOS standards for being 100% naturally occurring and
the overwhelming majority of today’s sup- organic. To find out if your favorite vitamin/supplement is
plements are actually laced with synthetic truly natural, please submit that company’s name when you
chemicals, GE ingredients, or even nanopar- sign the Nutri-Con petition (see above). We will be posting an
ticles. The FDA, in accordance with the wishes online database over the next two months, listing how the var-
of the large pharmaceutical com- ious companies rank.
panies who supply the feedstocks THE NEW NATURALLY OCCURRING STANDARD
for 90% of all dietary supplements, WILL ALLOW CONSUMERS TO KNOW WHETHER
allows vitamin companies to label A VITAMIN OR SUPPLEMENT PRODUCT: Children’s Plastic Lunch Boxes
their products as “natural,” “food- · Contains synthetic ingredients Last week, documents obtained under the Freedom of
based,” or even “organic,” even if · Contains GE ingredients Information Act were released that show the US gov-
these supplements are composed of · Only contains ingredients found in nature ernment’s Consumer Protection Safety Commission
90% synthetic ingredients, includ- · Only contains ingredients that are (CPSC) concealed evidence indicating dangerously
ing genetically modified organ- sustainably harvested and fairly-traded
high levels of lead in children’s plastic lunchboxes. In
isms. The Organic Consumers · Is Organic
2005, the nonprofit Center for Environmental Health
Association (OCA), along with the made national news when their investigations found
Naturally Occurring Standards Group, is launching a new “truth high levels of lead in children’s vinyl lunchboxes. The CPSC imme-
in labeling” campaign that will enable consumers to distinguish diately countered that report by saying its own studies revealed
between those vitamins and supplements that are truly natural no problems. On the contrary, documents released last week show
or organic, and those that simply claim to be. the agency’s own tests actually found lead contamination up to
In order to make clear to the $20+ billion supplements indus- 16 times higher than what is allowed in lead paint. The govern-
try that consumers want truth-in-labeling for vitamins & supple- ment’s motivation for a cover-up that threatens the health of the
ments, please sign our online petition at: nation’s children is unclear, but an allied group of state Attorney Generals is being organized to ultimately remove these lunch-
Stay tuned to the Nutri-Con section of the OCA website for fur- boxes from the marketplace.
ther developments: Tip: The lunchboxes to avoid are made of PVC. These are typically
the squishy plastic type of “bag” boxes. You can also order a lead
FDA Still Accepting Comments on Cloned Food Approval lunchbox testing kit from the Center for Environmental Health:
The FDA is accepting public comments on their controversial pro-
posed regulations that would allow milk, eggs and meat from
cloned animals on the market, without labeling or safety test- Senate Poised to Cut Sustainable Ag Program Funding
ing. One major concern for organic consumers is the fact that it’s Last week, the Senate passed a resolution that would immediately
impossible to determine via laboratory testing whether a partic- end funding for a federal program crucial to sustainable agri-
ular meat or animal by-product came from a cloned animal or culture. The Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
its offspring. In other words, as the FDA approves conventional (ATTRA) program was designed to provide farmers with infor-
milk, eggs and meat from cloned animals, these same clone mation on how to integrate sustainable practices into their own
foods could find their way into foods labeled as “organic”, even farms. This successful federal program has become one of the
though foods from cloned animals cannot technically be labeled most successful and cost-effective tools used by farmers to make
“organic”. According to a report by Jim Riddle, former Chair of their agricultural operations safer for human health and the envi-
the National Organic Standards Board, labeling of cloned ani- ronment. Beginning early next week (February 26) Congressman
mals and their products is essential in order to “prevent entry Boozman (R-AR) will begin circulating a sign-on letter to request
of cloned animals, their progeny, and products into the organic the continued funding of ATTRA. Call your representative and
food system.” senator and ask them to sign onto Congressman Boozman’s let-
Take action: ter. Take action:
Organic Bytes #103 · February 22, 2007 · page 2

Wild Medicinal Plants to Be Protected Amla: Medicinal Food & Source of High Quality Vitamin C
A much needed global standard for wild medicinal plant har- The Amla berry (Emblica officinalis) is a traditional food and
vesting was launched at the World Organic Trade Fair last week. medicine that inspires awe in the mind of the serious herbalist
Over 70,000 species of plants are traded internationally every due to its many known nutritional and medicinal benefits and
year, and 80% of these are harvested from the wild. Due to uses. Amla berries have the highest amount of naturally occur-
unchecked harvesting practices, many of these plants are in ring vitamin C of any ripe fruit in the world used as a traditional
danger of extinction through over-harvesting and habitat food. Numerous studies conducted on Amla fruit suggest that
loss. The new standard, known as the International it has anti-viral properties and also functions as an anti-bac-
Standard for Sustainable Wild Collection o f terial and anti-fungal agent.
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ISSC-
MAP) is already eagerly being embraced
by many retailers around the world Planting Peace
to ensure plants used in medicine Frustrated by the inability of Congress to pass a resolution
and cosmetics are not over-exploited. opposing President Bush’s policies in Iraq, state legislators
Consumers can expect to see products across the country are pushing forward with their own resolu-
with this labeling as early as winter of Liz Welch tions. Resolutions denouncing Bush’s Iraq Escalation have been
2007. introduced in over twenty states. Vermont, California and Iowa
have each had a chamber approve a resolution rejecting Bush’s
Ending Bottled Water Addiction Will Save Environment escalation. Constantly increasingly military spending means less
Bottled Water Isn’t Necessarily Cleaner federal resources are available for our states and local commu-
According to the San Francisco Chronicle and lawsuits from the nities for sustainable agriculture, health, education, and other
Environmental Law Foundation, 40% of bottled water is really vital programs. The horrors of Hurricane Katrina proved that
just repackaged tap water. Maybe that’s a good thing, consider- the states need the National Guard here for the inevitable disas-
ing federal standards for tap water are actually higher than those ters of the urgent climate crisis. Ultimately, we need to break our
for bottled water. addiction to oil to bring an end to oil wars.
Bottled Water And Oil Please write your state legislators to urge them to “plant peace”
Supplying Americans with plastic water bottles for one year and pass anti-war resolutions.
consumes more than 47 million gallons of oil, according to the For more information on anti-war organizing, go to OCA’s
Container Recycling Institute. That’s enough to take 100,000 cars Planting Peace page and visit our Planting Peace ally, Voters For
off the road and 1 billion pounds of carbon dioxide out of the Peace:
atmosphere. Add in the additional amount of oil it takes to ship
the bottles thousands of miles from extraction source to recipient, Please Donate to the OCA
and your drink of H2O could be categorized with the “Hummers” As a nonprofit, we need your donations so we can continue to
of the world. move forward. You can donate online at:
Bottled Water And Biodegradability
Buddha’s bones turned to dust a long time ago. But if he had been Or mail your tax deductible donation to the OCA:
a bottled water drinker, that plastic would still be lying around. Organic Consumers Association
It takes two minutes to drink a bottle of water, but it takes thou- 6771 South Silver Hill Drive · Finland, MN 55603
sands of years for that piece of plastic garbage to go away. Or by phone: 888-403-1007 (toll free).
Buy a water filter and a non-plastic water container of your pre- For many more food issue daily headlines:
ferred size. Fill it up in the morning before you go to work or
school. Do a quick online search, and you can also find afford- Organic Bytes is a publication of the Organic Consumers
able portable water filters for when you are traveling. You’ll save Association · 6771 S. Silver Hill Drive · Finland, MN 55603
yourself and the environment a lot of expense. Phone: 218·353·7454 · Fax: 218·353·7652
Note to co-op and natural food store subscribers: Organic Bytes is
Monsanto Fined for False Advertising a great tool for keeping your staff and customers up to date on the
A French court has fined the US biotech behemoth Monsanto latest issues. Feel free to print Organic Bytes for posting on bul-
for falsely advertising its pesticide Roundup as non-toxic. letin boards and staff break tables. You are welcome to use this
Monsanto’s ads claimed the product is biodegradable and leaves material for your newsletters.
the soils clean after use. In actuality, the chemical, which is one Subscribe to Organic Bytes:
of the most commonly used pesticides in the US, is deemed by the
European Union as “dangerous for the environment” and “toxic
for aquatic organisms”. Written and edited by Craig Minowa & Ronnie Cummins

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