Teenage Love Relationships

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Lot 12 Blk. 2 Rositaville Subdivision, Concepcion Uno, Marikina City

Teenage Love Relationships

It Is Not Important To Be Involved In A Relationship While A Teenager

In partial fulfillment, of the requirements in the subject, “Research”

Presented To:

Emanuel M. Piñero

Presented By:

Mark Nelson Rabano



January 31, 2015


The researcher used this opportunity to express his gratitude to everyone who supported him throughout this

research. He is thankful for their aspiring guidance, invaluably constructive criticism and friendly advice during

the research work. He is sincerely grateful to them for sharing their truthful and illuminating views in a number

of issues related to the topic.

The researcher expresses his warm thanks to Mr. Manuel M. Peñero for his support and guidance at his research.

The researcher would also like to thank his research external guides, which are his parents, and all the people

who provided him with the classes being required and conductive conditions for his research.

The Researcher also thank the authors of the references he used in his research. Without them, he would not

finish his research.

The researcher also thanks all his respondents, which is the teenagers at Gentle Angels School, who answered all

of his survey questions. Without them, he wouldn’t be able to finish this research.


This research is dedicated firstly, to the researcher’s parents, who taught him that the best kind of knowledge to

have is that which is learned for its own sake.

It is also dedicated secondly, to his subject teacher, Sir Manuel M. Peñero, who taught him that even the largest

task would be accomplished if it is done one step at a time.

And last but not the least, his respondents, the teenagers at Gentle Angels School, who are the main cause why

he chose this topic.



Most of the teenagers nowadays are being involved to a relationship that is commonly known as
boyfriends/girlfriends. The researcher heard some of the teenagers’ complaints. It includes both good and bad
effects. But bad effects are greater than the good effects. The researcher decided to take the opportunity to
choose this topic, the “Teenage Love Relationships”. This research paper includes proofs that having a
relationship while a teenager is not important and is definitely wrong.

Now, the researcher was urged to conduct a survey about teenage love relationships. He asked some teenagers at

the high school students in Gentle Angels School some questions that will prove if having a relationship while a

teenager is right or wrong.


Teenage Love Relationships


It Is Not Important To Be Involved In A Relationship While A Teenager.


Most of the teenagers nowadays are being involved to a relationship that is commonly known as

boyfriends/girlfriends. The researcher heard some of the teenagers’ complaints. It includes both good and bad

effects. But bad effects are greater than the good effects. The researcher decided to take the opportunity to

choose this topic, the “Teenage Love Relationships”. This research paper includes proofs that having a

relationship while a teenager is not important and is definitely wrong.

Now, the researcher was urged to conduct a survey about teenage love relationships. He asked some teenagers at

the high school students in Gentle Angels School some questions that will prove if having a relationship while a

teenager is right or wrong.


1 What are the Good Effects of having a Relationship while a Teenager?

2 What are the Bad Effects of having a Relationship while a Teenager?

3 Should the Parents allow or forbid their Sons/Daughters to have a Relationship while a Teenager?

4 Is it Important to be have a Relationship while a Teenager?

5 Is it Right or Wrong to have a Relationship while a Teenager?


1 Enumerate the Good Effects in having a Relationship while a Teenager.

2 List the Bad Effects of having a Relationship while a Teenager.

3 Explain why should the Parents allow or forbid their Sons/Daughters to have a Relationship while a


4 Is it Right or Wrong to have a Relationship while a Teenager? Explain why.


In order to test ideas if having a relationship is right or wrong, this researcher will test thirty high school students

in Gentle Angels School on how it affects them.

The students will answer the questions according to the choices shown on the example survey.

Name: Gender:


1. Do you have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Crush?

Yes None

2. How old are you the first time you had a GF/BF/Crush?

11 - 13 14 - 15 16 +

3. Do your parents know about it?

Yes Maybe No

If yes, Do they forbid you in having a BF/GF/Crush?

Always Sometimes Never

4. How many times did you had a BF/GF/Crush?

1 2 3+

5. Does it cause Good Effects?

Yes Maybe No

6. In what ways does it affect?

7. Does it cause Bad Effects?

Yes Maybe No

8. In what ways does it affect?

9. For you, is it important to have a BF/GF/Crush while a Teenager?

10. For you, is it Right or Wrong to have a relationship while a Teenager?



1. 87% of the total respondents said that they have a BF/GF/Crush.

13% of the total respondents said that they don’t have a BF/GF/Crush.

2. 100% of the total respondents said that they first had a BF/GF/Crush at the age of 11 – 13.

3. 57% of the total respondents said that their parents know about them having a BF/GF/Crush.
27% of the total respondents said that they don’t know if their parents know about it.
16% of the total respondents said that their parents do not know about it.
3% of the total respondents said that their parents always forbid them in having a BF/GF/Crush.
57% of the total respondents said that their parents forbid them sometimes.
40% of the total respondents said that their parents never forbid them.

4. 30% of the total respondents said that they once had a BF/GF/Crush.
20% of the total respondents said that they twice had a BF/GF/Crush.
50% of the total respondents said that they trice or more had a BF/GF/Crush.

5. 50% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush has good effects.
50% of the total respondents said that having a BF.GF/Crush has no good effects.

6. 60% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush causes inspiration.
17% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush causes good studies.
17% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush causes nothing.
7% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush causes experience.

7. 83% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush has bad effects
17% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush don’t have bad effects.

8. 60% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush causes bad effects.
17% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush affects time.
10% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush causes nothing.
3% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush affects relationship to their parents.
1% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush affects health.
7% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush affects emotionally.

9. 13% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush is important.

87% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush is not important.

10. 17% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush is right.
83% of the total respondents said that having a BF/GF/Crush is wrong.


1. Do you have BF/GF/Crush?

Yes: 26 – 87% None: 4 – 13%

2. How old are you the first time you had a BF/GF/Crush?

11 – 13: 30 – 100% 14 – 15: 0 – 0% 16+: 0 – 0%

3. Do your parents know about it?

Yes: 17 – 57% Maybe: 8 – 27% No: 5 – 16%

If yes, do they forbid you about it?

Always: 1 – 3% Sometimes: 17 – 57% Never: 12 – 40%

4. How many times did you have a BF/GF/Crush?

Once: 9 – 30% Twice: 6 – 20% More: 14 – 50%

5. Does it cause Good Effects?

Yes: 15 – 50% Maybe: 12 – 40% No: 3 – 10%

6. In what ways does it affect?

Inspiration: 18 – 60% Studies: 5 – 17% None: 5 – 17% Experience: 2 – 7%

7. Does it cause Bad Effects?

Yes: 10 – 33% Maybe: 15 – 50% No: 5 – 17%

8. In what ways does it affect?

Studies: 18 – 60% Time: 5 – 17% None: 3 – 10% Parents: 1 – 3% Health: 1 – 3%

Emotional: 2 – 7%

9. For you, is it important to have a BF/GF/Crush while a teenager?

Yes: 4 – 13% No: 26 – 87%

10. For you, is it right or wrong to have a relationship while a teenager?

Right: 5 – 17% Wrong: 25 – 83%


Being involved in a relationship or having a Boyfriend/Girlfriend while a teenager is not really important and is

definitely wrong. The teenagers that have BFs/GFs said that it has good effects and bad effects, but when the

researcher conducted a survey and when it comes to the question if it is important and right or wrong, as seen in

the summary, many teenagers admit that it is not important and is wrong because it is not the right time nor the

right age to have a BF/GF. However, it has some good effects but the bad effects are more. Overall, most of the

results say that it is not really important and definitely wrong to be involved in a relationship or to have a BF/GF

while a teenager.

In any case, it is obvious that being involved in a relationship or having a BF/GF is not really important and is

definitely wrong.


Based on the results of this research, it is recommended that the teenagers have to stop having relationships to

avoid the bad effects happen to them. Parents should be stricter to their sons and daughters in having a BF/GF to

help them to avoid the bad affects.


Relationships are a delicate topic when it comes to any age group, but the high school years are often
overlooked, deemed to be not particularly important. The minds of adolescents are not fully developed and
therefore are not capable of knowing what is or isn't beneficial in terms of romanticism at the time. Speaking out
of experience, I am nowhere near certain of whether or not my high school relationship was detrimental or
advantageous for myself, and it is a question that lingers on the tip of my tongue countless hours of the day: Is
being in a high school relationship honestly worth it?

The initial answer for a still maturing young man such as myself would've been no, but rushing to such an
answer is irrational. Many individuals who never experience a high school relationship may just picture two
naïve teens who are taking on more responsibility than they can possibly handle, and in many cases, those people
are probably right. The majority of the times, high school relationships do not last, as only two percent of new
marriages in North America are compromised of "high school sweethearts." But the fact that these relationships
do not last until marriage in no sense means that they do not teach those involved valuable lessons.

Going through a relationship while young can ripen a young individual's mind, while helping them discover what
it is they'll want out of future relationships in life. Every person someone dates during their life will teach them
what they do and do not want, and obviously that is no different for high school students. If the parties involved
are mature and stable enough to realize what they have gained, or what they have learned, then it would
unquestionably have been worth it. It is much better to have discovered what it is you're looking for in a partner
early on in life through experience and looking back to gauge the mistakes made, rather than marry someone not
suited for you when you're older and then realize shortly after that you have made an impulsive decision.

There is also the romantic's way of looking at things: the idea that it isn't entirely unimaginable that the person
whom you could spend the rest of your life with could be sitting next to you in first period English class. It's the
thought that love, no matter how intense, can be found at any age, despite a person's maturity level or
innocuousness. It would be insensitive and pessimistic to call these romantic types blind. A romantic would
argue that these things are most definitely possible, no matter how slim and desperate the chances.

Despite all the arguments in favor of high school relationships, there are an equal amount of negatives that must
also be stressed. A high school environment is not a healthy place for an intense romantic affair, what with the
drama involved in adolescence and the fact that a relationship takes away from the things that are truly important
at such a fruitful age -- mainly a steady and focused education. Students should primarily be focusing on the
universities they're going to attend and how they are going to get in, not daydreaming of what to buy a girlfriend
for her birthday. Additionally, there is the chance of having to experience heartbreak at a possibly life-altering
time. Someone who goes through an especially harsh breakup in high school is undoubtedly more prone to being
emotionally damaged by it than an older individual, because high school students are still maturing. Falling in
love and having that not reciprocated could stunt a young man or woman for the rest of their lives, disrupting
their abilities to trust or feel that way towards anyone in the future.

Different relationships affect teenagers in various ways. Friends impact teenagers almost the same amount as
their parents. Teenagers go to their friends for help or to ask questions that they could not ask their parents about.
Most of the time their friends give them good advice but then there is the down side when they put pressure on
their friends to do something like to smoke, drink, and do drugs. In most cases they tell their friends how to dress
and act when around certain people. Love relationships just make it even harder for a teenager to get a good

Some start to fail in school because they are hanging out with their boyfriend or girlfriend instead of doing their
work. Throughout adolescence, teenagers are positively and negatively impacted by several relationships such as
friends, family, and love relationships.
Friends have a big influence on teenagers because they can say and do many of things to teenagers who think
they were friends. They also start rumors and take their friends girlfriend or boyfriend and have them cheat on
their friend. Some go out to drink, smoke, or to do drugs just to have fun but some think of driving home and
most teenagers do not even make it to their driveways. Some teenagers who are so depressed about their social
problems even think about committing suicide. Most start to hurt others turns into “Goth’s” by dressing in all
black. Many of depressed people show how they feel by dressing differently by acting out and hurting others in
Parents have a big influence on teenagers because their children look up to them and 90% of them grow up to act
and do things just like their parents did with them. Teenagers who have parents that are in jail, or do drugs do not
always have a good education or a household. “Children who have experienced a family break-up may have
lower achievements than children brought-up in an intact family” (Ernisch). Some even get into trouble and end
up with their parents in jail. Many teenagers pass away every year from doing drugs because they copy what
their parents do like, for example a big one is going out to sell drugs. Research says, “Additionally, it is shown in
research that a parent’s failures are also “associated with a number of other disadvantageous outcomes for having
a higher risk of unemployment, smoking, psychological distressed in early adulthood” (Ernisch). Families should
stay intact or their teenagers will develop many problems,
Love relationships affect teenagers because some become less interested in their education and more with their
boyfriend or girlfriend. Most teenage girls have reported about being abused by their boyfriend. As shown in an
article, “They note that over 25 percent of adolescents are victims of dating violence or aggression, and that
dating violence precedes martial violence in up to 50 percent of cases”(as qtd. Teen Relationships). This is
happening at young ages: “The strongest risk factor for sexual intercourse is in grades 7th through 12th” (as qtd.
In “Teen Relationship”). Many teenagers are abused every day, some die, and others survive by running off with
their “soul mate”, or every get married because of an unexpected pregnancy. Many teenagers go missing every
day of the year because of these reasons. Some teenagers have search parties looking for them but most are never
found and if they do 9 out of 10 times they are found dead.
As previously stated, teenagers are affected by many relationships which involve their friends, family, and their
love relationships. The relationships affect them so much that most teenagers change their ideas about how they
should live their lives in a different way and to change their future goals. They should be influenced to help
themselves or to help others.
They should also be role models for young students at school. Teenagers should get more involved with their
community as stated in the first few paragraphs. If they get more involved in other activities there will most
likely be a drop in teen violence. The community could be a cleaner and safer place for teenagers if they get
more involved in their towns and cities.
They should also volunteer for jobs like being as firefighter, highway trash collector, nurse that goes around and
helps the elderly. If teens get involved in those jobs they would be helping the whole community.

9Puppy love and childhood crushes turn to teenage dating activities for at least half of all high school students.
With the onset of adolescence, teens spend less time with family and more time with peers. In the early teen
years, mixed-gender groups predominate. By mid-teens, up to two-thirds of high school students report they
have dated or are in a romantic relationship. Having a boyfriend or girlfriend in high school can have significant
effects on a teenager's social development and personal identity.

Healthy Relationships

Characteristics of healthy teen-dating relationships are open communication and trust between partners of nearly
the same age, says Sarah Sorenson in "Adolescent Romantic Relationships," published online by ACT for Youth
Center of Excellence. Experts disagree on the impact of having a boyfriend or girlfriend in high school, with
some experts expressing concern for the need for personal identity before becoming involved in a dating
relationship, while others believe that teen dating is an important part of the process of establishing self-identity.
Benefits of dating while in high school include development of social skills, interdependence, cooperation,
empathy and sensitivity.

Dating Age

Although many negative effects of dating during the pre-teen and early adolescent years are noted -- poor
academic performance, low educational aspirations, delinquency, enduring poor social skills, sexual activity,
depression and drug use, having a boyfriend or girlfriend during the high school years seems to have a more
positive effect. With greater emotional development and social skills, dating in later teen years can facilitate the
development of personal identity and coping skills. Sorenson reports that tenth graders, becoming increasingly
more autonomous from their parents, gain social support from dating relationships, trumped only by close

Parental Influence

Violence among teen dating partners has garnered national attention and has been called a public health problem
that leads to adverse health outcomes. In "Teens and Dating: Tips for Parents and Professionals," Kate Fogarty
says teens who feel warmth and support from parents experience more positive and secure friendships. Fogarty
further reports that teen girls who have strong relationships with their mothers and who are not involved in
steady dating have higher academic achievement than girls in romantic relationships. Parents can help their
teenagers avoid negative dating experiences by keeping communication open in a warm and supportive


Teenage students who are abstinent from sexual activity have higher academic achievement, according to Robert
Rector and Kirk A. Johnson in "Teenage Sexual Abstinence and Achievement." Statistics indicate that abstinent
students are 60 percent less likely to be expelled from school, 50 percent more likely to graduate and twice as
likely to complete college. However, it is not necessarily the sexual abstinence that gets the credit for the greater
academic performance. It may be that the characteristics of the student who abstains are the same characteristics
that help the student succeed academically -- impulse control, perseverance, ability to resist peer pressure and
more respect for parental and societal norms.

Teenage relationships have become increasingly commonplace. While in the older times, people thought about
things like love, relationships and sex only after attaining a certain degree of biological maturity, age is no longer
a bar for the cupid to strike.

As the advent of internet exposes more and more teenagers to issues of love and sex, more and more of them are
getting into relationships and dating at a young age. However, it has been noticed that teenage relationships are
extremely susceptible to quick disintegration. Moreover, teenage relationships lead to numerous other damaging
outcomes on the physical and emotional health of the youngsters. While sometimes it is circumstantially
unavoidable, teenagers must try to not get into relationships at a very tender age on account of the following
reasons –

As the advent of internet exposes more and more teenagers to issues of love and sex, more and more of them are
getting into relationships and dating at a young age. However, it has been noticed that teenage relationships are
extremely susceptible to quick disintegration. Moreover, teenage relationships lead to numerous other damaging
outcomes on the physical and emotional health of the youngsters. While sometimes it is circumstantially
unavoidable, teenagers must try to not get into relationships at a very tender age on account of the following
reasons –

Disadvantages Of Teenage Relationship

Biological Under-development
First and foremost, teenagers are biologically immature to deal with relationships. A teenager’s brain is not fully
armed with the requisite experience and knowledge to be able to distinguish between the right person for them,
and the wrong.
Teenagers are more driven by the push of hormones rather than logic and feelings. As a consequence, they often
end up taking the wrong decisions and dating just for the sake of it or dating people who they are crushing upon,
rather than those with whom they are compatible and comfortable.
Furthermore, if a teenager gets physical with a person they’re dating, it leads to extremely detrimental
consequences on their health and emotional state. A teenager’s body is in the process of development and is
definitely not ready for any physicality, much less sex.
Teenage pregnancies and how often they fail are glaring examples of the catastrophic fall outs of having sex at
an extremely young age. Another important point is that teenagers are not completely aware of the
precautions that must be taken and other details, and often end up taking the wrong steps which leads to sexual
health disorders.
Teenage is in fact, the stage of preparation where a person undergoes important biological metamorphosis and
the body readies itself for adult experiences. If love, sex and other relationship related issues come before time,
naturally the body and the mind goof up and retaliate on account of lack of preparedness.

Emotional Instability
Teenagers are prone to extreme emotional instability, mood swings, contradictory feelings and reckless actions.
Emotional maturity is a matter of time, age and experience. While some teenagers are definitely more mature
and serious about life than others, there can be completely no denying the fact that none of them whatsoever are
completely ready to handle the emotional stress and responsibility that a relationship entails.
As a consequence of their emotional ineptitude, they are unable to deal with the many problems associated with
a relationship. They feel possessive, they get hurt easily, they are prone to fall into depression post break-ups,
they become completely dependent on their partners for their happiness and well-being, and they begin to circle

their existence solely around them, ignoring other healthy parts of life like family, studies, and quite often, even
friends. Teenagers are emotionally unripe and any majorly hectic experience, like a relationship, can do severe
harm unto them!

Life-long Scars
Teenage is an extremely sensitive territory. Every experience, good or bad, creates a deep and irascible imprint
on the mind of a youngster. Every incident in a child and a teenager’s life accounts for numerous takeaways and
More often than not, teenage relationships backfire completely and leave irrevocable scars of the emotional
make-up of a person. Many teenagers are known to develop unnatural behavioral tendencies – like permanently
being put-off relationships, commitment phobia, continuous one night stands etc. Thus, teenage relationships
often scar you for life. They create a lot of negativity in a person and make him/her age much before time.

Other Things Sidelined

Ideally, a teenager’s life should be spent in making good friends, having great times with them, studying hard,
crushing on a lot of people and other pleasant things. A relationship at such a tender age, basically exposes them
to the kind of anxiety and trauma that married people go through! Falling into a relationship erases the brighter
and the more important aspects of a teenager’s life.
They begin to sideline issues that are more important. Although some people do manage to retain dedication
towards studies and career, most of them become distracted and disinterested. This inevitably leads to regrets and
problems later on in life. Moreover, teenagers often waste their hobbies, skills, talents and aptitude by investing
all of their time and energy in their hypothesized bubble of “love”.
Teenage dating also makes a person more and more distant from their friends and family. They center their
social existence completely on their boyfriend/girlfriend. Very often, they hide their activities from them and
create unnecessary complications in their lives.
Sometimes, teenagers even end up permanently damaging their career and their filial and friendly relationships,
which naturally causes a lot of unhappiness and distress in the long run.

However, it is important to note that not all teenage relationships are disadvantageous. If they are lucky,
teenagers may find true love at their young age and hence enjoy a consistent support system from their partner.
Teenage relationships, even when they go wrong, provide a lot of experience to the youngsters and make them
stronger, more mature and more armed to deal with relationship issues in future. They also help them decide
about what kind of man/woman they actually want in their life. A successful teenage relationship can do
wonders for the self-assurance of a person and make them feel much happier and positive about life.
As a matter of fact, the entire issue is extremely subjective and boils down to the attitude and nature of the
teenager. If the teenager can intelligently take decisions about such important issues, handle problems with calm
and composure, and multi-task and devote time to every aspect of life without side-lining any, then a teenage
relationship shall cause none of the above mentioned problems. However, such a situation is very rare and most
teenage relationships are, regrettably, plagued by many teething troubles, and hence, must be avoided as far as


 Are High School Relationships Worth It?


 The Effects Of Teenage Relationships.


 What Are the Effects of High School Students Having a Boyfriend or Girlfriend?


 5 Negative Effects Of Teenage Relationship



Name: Mark Nelson I. Rabano Age:13 Gender: Male

Address: #12 Balubad Street Brgy Nangka, Marikina Email @: marknelsonrabano@yahoo.com

Date of Birth: February 12, 2001 Place of Birth: Quezon City

Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo

Father: Nelson D. Rabano Occupation: Employee PMFTC Contact no:

Mother: Ellen I. Rabano Occupation: None Contact no:



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………………………………… i

DEDICATION ………………………………………………………………………… ii

PANELIST APPROVAL ………………………………………………………………………… iii

I. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………… 2




D. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ....…………………………………………….... 3


F. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ………………………………………………………… 4


II. SURVEY QUESTIONS ………………………………………………………………………… 5

III. FINDINGS ………………………………………………………………………… 6

IV. SUMMARY ………………………………………………………………………… 7

V. CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………………… 8


VII. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ….……………………………………………… 9 - 12

VIII. BIBLIOGRAPHY .………………………………………………………………… 13

IX. CURICULUM VITAE .………………………………………………………………………… 14

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