Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Persuading

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* Come on. * This is once in your lifetime, don’t • Please!

* Give it a try. waste it. • Not even for me/for my sake?

* Try them on. * It’s your only chance, try it. • Just this once!
* Believe me, you’ll have fun times. * You wouldn’t find them twice, • You’re not going to let me down,
* Don’t be a spoilsport. come on! are you?
* It will be fun, I’m sure. * You’ll never feel sorry about it. • How I can persuade you to …?
* You’ll enjoy it. Go. • Would it be possible for you to …? • Could you/Couldn’t you be
* You won’t regret it. • Won’t you …, please? persuaded …?
• Why don’t you …?

Joni : Hai Ita, how are you?

Ita : I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Joni : Pretty well. Do you have some plan in your holiday?
Ita : I don’t have. And do you have some plan?
Joni : Yes I have. In holiday I will go to Bali, I will stay in my uncle’s house.
Why don’t you go with me to Bali.
Ita : Hmm, I confused. I never go away from home. This is will be the fist trip to Bali for
Joni : Come on, Give it a try.
Ita : I will think for this.
Joni : You’ll enjoy it.
Ita : Ok. I will go with you.
Joni : That’s great.

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