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// *
// *
// *
// *
// * Main features :
// * - Prediction : calculate future datas based on past data, past volume and
past low/high
// * - Spectral analysis : compute sharp and clean spectrum of the data and plot
it in Decibels
// * - Find up to 10 or more dominant cycles from the data
// *
// *
// * Native AFL for maximum speed without needed external dll
// * Many criterions for auto order selection : FPE, AIC, MDL, CAT, CIC ...
// * + 2 optionnal VBS Scripts (one for experimentation about rounding, the other
for PolyFit detrending)
// *
// *
// *

// *
// *
// * compute AR (Auto-Regressive) model from the data.
// * Burg method is called too Maximum Likelihood, Maximum Entropy Method (MEM),
// * Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis (MESA). All are the same.
// * Yule-Walker method is based on the Autocorellation of the data and by
// * the Least Square error between model and data.
// *
// * Purpose of AR modeling are to obtain a simple model to describe data.
// * From this model we can for two main application :
// * - Calculate future data (make prediction). It is possible because the model
// * described by a mathematical expression.
// * - Make spectral analysis to exctract main cycle from the data. Spectral
Analysis is
// * more powerfull this way than classic FFT for short horizon data and for
spectrum wich
// * have sharp frequency (cyclic signal)
// *
// *
// * 1- AR_Burg: to compute AR Burg model
// * 2- AR_YuleWalker: to compute AR Yule Walker model
// * 3- AR_Predict: to predict future data based on the computed AR model
// * 4- AR_Freq: to compute the spectrum from the computed AR model
// * 5- AR_Sin: to find main frequency in the computed spectrum (dominant cycles
from the data)
// *
// *
// * All the source is commented, so you can learn a lot from it.
// * There are many sources paper on the net about the subject.
// *
// *

// *
// *
// *
// *
// * Main parameters for AR modeling :
// *
// *
// * Price field = Data to predict
// * AR Model = Burg model or Yule-Yalker model
// * Length to look back = Horizon used on the data to compute the model
// * Order AR = Order wanted for the AR model
// * Number of bar to predict = Length prediction
// * Auto AR order = Find automatically the best order
// * Auto AR criterion = Criterion to use for Auto AR order
// * FPE: Final Prediction Error (classic old one)
// * AIC: Akaine Information Criterion (classic less old
// * MDL: Minimum Description Length
// * CAT: Criterion Autoregressive Transfer
// * CIC: Combined Information Criterion (good one)
// * Mixed: An upper averaging from all those criterion
(best, recommended)
// * Burg: Hamming Window = If Hamming Window is applyed during model
computation (only Burg model)
// * Burg: Double Precision = If Double Precision is used to compute the model
(only Burg model)
// * Y-W: Biased = If Autocorrelation estimator should be biased (Yes) or not-
biased (No) (only Yule-Walker model)
// *
// *
// *
// * Pre-Processing begore modeling AR model :
// *
// *
// * Intraday EOD GAP Filter = For intraday data, first data of the day is same
than last data of yesterday day
// *
// *
// * Periods T3 = Periods for Tillson's T3 filter (high order low pass
// * Slope T3 = Slope for Tillson's T3 filter (0.7 to 0.83 for usual value)
(Higher value mean more dynamic filter)
// *
// *
// * Detrending method = Method to use to detrend the data
// * None: no detrending is done
// * Log10: log10(data) detrending is done (usefull for
trend wich increase with time)
// * Derivation: differentiation one by one from the
data (prefered method because is sure to kill the linear trend)
// * Linear Regression: substract linear regression from
the data (good method too if fitting is ok)
// * PolyFit: substract n-th order polynomial regression
from the data (order 3 can give nice result)
// * PolyFit Order = Order for the PolyFit detrending method (usefull just if
you choose this method of detrending)
// *
// *
// * Center data = Remove the bias in the data (substract the mean).
// * AR modeling NEED NOT BIASED data, so this sould be always
left on "Yes".
// *
// *
// * Normalize = Scale data between [-1;1] (usefull for better computation
because less rounding error)
// *
// *
// * Volume HL weight on data = Multiply data by a factor computed from volume
and high/low information from the data
// * !!! This is experimental feature !!!
// * Strength Volume = Strength of volume weighting
// * Strength Fractal = Strength of High/Low (Fractal) weighting
// * Periods Fract (even) = Periods to compute the fractal factor (an even
period is needed)
// * Scale Final Weights = Final dynamic of the weights (high value increase
difference between low weight and high weight)
// * Translate Final Weights = Final strength of the weights (high value bring
all the weights near their maximum)
// * Scale / Translate is based on Inverse Fisher Transform and work like a
limiter/compressor of the weights
// *
// *
// * Time weight on data = Apply time windowing on data so more recent data are
more weighted than old data to compute the AR model
// * Weighting Time Window = Choose the strength of the weights
// * Log: natural logarithm, small time weigthing on
the data
// * Ramp: a ramp, linear time weigthing on the data
// * Exp: exponential, strong time weigthing on the
// *
// *
// *
// * Post-Processing before plotting predicted data :
// *
// * Retrending method = Choose if trend should be added back to predicted data
// * Trend is automatically added back for "Log10" and
"Derivation" methods,
// * so data stay in good scale
// *
// * Color PolyFit = Color to plot the curve from "PolyFit" detrending method
// * Color PolyFit = Color to plot the line from "Linear Regression" detrending
// *
// *

' Called by ARG_Burg AFL funct. to compute Ki in Double Precision
function Compute_KI(f, b, W, i, LongBar)
n = LongBar - 1

for j = i to n
Num = Num + cDBL(W(j))*( cDBL(f(j))*cDBL(b(j-1)) )
Den = Den + cDBL(W(j))*( cDBL(f(j))^2 + cDBL(b(j-1))^2 )

KI = 2*Num/Den
Compute_KI = KI

end function

function Gaussian_Elimination (GE_Order, GE_N, GE_SumXn, GE_SumYXn)

Dim b(10, 10)
Dim w(10)
Dim Coeff(10)

for i = 1 To 10
Coeff(i) = 0

n = GE_Order + 1

for i = 1 to n
for j = 1 to n
if i = 1 AND j = 1 then
b(i, j) = cDBL(GE_N)
b(i, j) = cDbl(GE_SumXn(i + j - 2))
end if
w(i) = cDbl(GE_SumYXn(i))

n1 = n - 1
for i = 1 to n1
big = cDbl(abs(b(i, i)))
q = i
i1 = i + 1

for j = i1 to n
ab = cDbl(abs(b(j, i)))
if (ab >= big) then
big = ab
q = j
end if

if (big <> 0.0) then

if (q <> i) then
for j = 1 to n
Temp = cDbl(b(q, j))
b(q, j) = b(i, j)
b(i, j) = Temp
Temp = w(i)
w(i) = w(q)
w(q) = Temp
end if
end if

for j = i1 to n
t = cDbl(b(j, i) / b(i, i))
for k = i1 to n
b(j, k) = b(j, k) - t * b(i, k)
w(j) = w(j) - t * w(i)

if (b(n, n) <> 0.0) then

Coeff(n) = w(n) / b(n, n)

i = n - 1

while i > 0
SumY = cDbl(0)
i1 = i + 1
for j = i1 to n
SumY = SumY + b(i, j) * Coeff(j)
Coeff(i) = (w(i) - SumY) / b(i, i)
i = i - 1

Gaussian_Elimination = Coeff

end if
end function

function PolyFit(GE_Y, GE_BegBar, GE_EndBar, GE_Order, GE_ExtraB, GE_ExtraF)

BI = BarIndex();

GE_N = GE_EndBar - GE_BegBar + 1;

GE_XBegin = -(GE_N - 1) / 2;
GE_X = IIf(BI < GE_BegBar, 0, IIf(BI > GE_EndBar, 0, (GE_XBegin + BI -

GE_X_Max = LastValue(Highest(GE_X));

GE_X = GE_X / GE_X_Max;

X1 = GE_X;
GE_Y = IIf(BI < GE_BegBar, 0, IIf(BI > GE_EndBar, 0, GE_Y));

GE_SumXn = Cum(0);
GE_SumXn[1] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X));
GE_X2 = GE_X * GE_X; GE_SumXn[2] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X2));
GE_X3 = GE_X * GE_X2; GE_SumXn[3] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X3));
GE_X4 = GE_X * GE_X3; GE_SumXn[4] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X4));
GE_X5 = GE_X * GE_X4; GE_SumXn[5] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X5));
GE_X6 = GE_X * GE_X5; GE_SumXn[6] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X6));
GE_X7 = GE_X * GE_X6; GE_SumXn[7] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X7));
GE_X8 = GE_X * GE_X7; GE_SumXn[8] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X8));
GE_X9 = GE_X * GE_X8; GE_SumXn[9] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X9));
GE_X10 = GE_X * GE_X9; GE_SumXn[10] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X10));
GE_X11 = GE_X * GE_X10; GE_SumXn[11] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X11));
GE_X12 = GE_X * GE_X11; GE_SumXn[12] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X12));
GE_X13 = GE_X * GE_X12; GE_SumXn[13] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X13));
GE_X14 = GE_X * GE_X13; GE_SumXn[14] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X14));
GE_X15 = GE_X * GE_X14; GE_SumXn[15] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X15));
GE_X16 = GE_X * GE_X15; GE_SumXn[16] = LastValue(Cum(GE_X16));

GE_SumYXn = Cum(0);
GE_SumYXn[1] = LastValue(Cum(GE_Y));
GE_YX = GE_Y * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[2] = LastValue(Cum(GE_YX));
GE_YX2 = GE_YX * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[3] = LastValue(Cum(GE_YX2));
GE_YX3 = GE_YX2 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[4] = LastValue(Cum(GE_YX3));
GE_YX4 = GE_YX3 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[5] = LastValue(Cum(GE_YX4));
GE_YX5 = GE_YX4 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[6] = LastValue(Cum(GE_YX5));
GE_YX6 = GE_YX5 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[7] = LastValue(Cum(GE_YX6));
GE_YX7 = GE_YX6 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[8] = LastValue(Cum(GE_YX7));
GE_YX8 = GE_YX7 * GE_X; GE_SumYXn[9] = LastValue(Cum(GE_YX8));

GE_Coeff = Cum(0);

GE_VBS = GetScriptObject();
GE_Coeff = GE_VBS.Gaussian_Elimination(GE_Order, GE_N, GE_SumXn, GE_SumYXn);

for (i = 1; i <= GE_Order + 1; i++)

printf(NumToStr(i, 1.0) + " = " + NumToStr(GE_Coeff[i], 1.9) + "\n");

GE_X = IIf(BI < GE_BegBar - GE_ExtraB - GE_ExtraF, 0, IIf(BI > GE_EndBar, 0,

(GE_XBegin + BI - GE_BegBar + GE_ExtraF) / GE_X_Max));

GE_X2 = GE_X * GE_X; GE_X3 = GE_X2 * GE_X; GE_X4 = GE_X3 * GE_X; GE_X5
= GE_X4 * GE_X; GE_X6 = GE_X5 * GE_X;
GE_X7 = GE_X6 * GE_X; GE_X8 = GE_X7 * GE_X; GE_X9 = GE_X8 * GE_X; GE_X10
= GE_X9 * GE_X; GE_X11 = GE_X10 * GE_X;
GE_X12 = GE_X11 * GE_X; GE_X13 = GE_X12 * GE_X; GE_X14 = GE_X13 * GE_X; GE_X15
= GE_X14 * GE_X; GE_X16 = GE_X15 * GE_X;

GE_Yn = IIf(BI < GE_BegBar - GE_ExtraB - GE_ExtraF, -1e10, IIf(BI > GE_EndBar,
GE_Coeff[1] +
GE_Coeff[2] * GE_X + GE_Coeff[3] * GE_X2 + GE_Coeff[4] * GE_X3 +
GE_Coeff[5] * GE_X4 + GE_Coeff[6] * GE_X5 +
GE_Coeff[7] * GE_X6 + GE_Coeff[8] * GE_X7 + GE_Coeff[9] * GE_X8));

return GE_Yn;
function Time_weighting(data, window, BegBar, EndBar) {
BI = BarIndex();
if (window == "Log") alphatime = log(Cum(1));
if (window == "Ramp") alphatime = Cum(1);
if (window == "Exp") alphatime = exp(Cum(0.01));
alphatime = Ref(alphatime, -BegBar);
alphatime = alphatime - alphatime[BegBar];
alphatime = alphatime / alphatime[EndBar];
alphatime = IIf(BI < BegBar, 0, IIf(BI > EndBar, 0, alphatime));
return alphatime*data;

function Volume_HighLow_weighting(data, coef_vol, coefdim, period, scale,

translation) {
// Coefficient Volume
highvol = V; highvol = HHV(Median(V, 5), 5000);
nbr_vol = coef_vol*highvol/(1 - coef_vol) + 1;
alpha_vol = V/nbr_vol;
alpha_vol = IIf(alpha_vol > 0.99, 0.99, alpha_vol);
alpha_vol = IIf(alpha_vol < 0.01, 0.01, alpha_vol);

// Coefficient High/Low (Adpated from FRAMA from John Ehlers)

coefdim = coefdim * 2 - 0.01;
N = 2*floor(period/2);
delta1 = HHV(Ref(High, -N/2), N/2) - LLV(Ref(Low, -N/2), N/2);
delta2 = HHV(High, N/2) - LLV(Low, N/2);
delta = HHV(High, N) - LLV(Low, N);
Dimen = log((delta1 + delta2)/delta)/log(2);
alphadim = exp(-coefdim*Dimen);
alphadimnorm = Min(Max(alphadim, 0.01), 0.99);

// Mix Volume and High/Low, and scale them with Inverse Fisher Tansform
alpha = alphadimnorm + alpha_vol;
data_av = scale*(alpha - translation);
alpha = (exp(2*data_av) - 1)/(exp(2*data_av) + 1);
alpha = Min(Max(alpha,0.01),0.99);
return alpha*data;

function Filter_GAP_EOD(data) {
time_frame = Minute() - Ref(Minute(), -1);
time_frame = IIf(time_frame < 0, time_frame + 60, time_frame);
time_frame = time_frame[1];
day_begin = 152900 + 100*time_frame;
day_end = 215900;
delta = 0;
timequote = TimeNum();
for (i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) {
if (timequote[i] == Day_begin) delta = data[i] - data[i-1];
data[i] = data[i] - delta;
return data;

function T3(data, periods, slope) { // High Order Low-Pass filter

e1 = EMA(data, periods);
e2 = EMA(e1, periods);
e3 = EMA(e2, periods);
e4 = EMA(e3, periods);
e5 = EMA(e4, periods);
e6 = EMA(e5, periods);
c1 = -slope*slope*slope;
c2 = 3*slope*slope + 3*slope*slope*slope;
c3 = -6*slope*slope - 3*slope - 3*slope*slope*slope;
c4 = 1 + 3*slope+slope*slope*slope + 3*slope*slope;
result = c1*e6 + c2*e5 + c3*e4 + c4*e3;
return result;

function f_centeredT3(data, periods, slope) { // Centered T3 Moving Average

slide = floor(periods/2);
centeredT3 = data;
centeredT3 = Ref(T3(data,periods,slope),slide);
centeredT3 = IIf( IsNan(centeredT3) OR !IsFinite(centeredT3) OR IsNull(centeredT3),
data, centeredT3);
return centeredT3;

function f_detrend(data, BegBar, EndBar, ExtraF, method_detrend, PF_order) { //

Detrend data
BI = BarIndex();
LongBar = EndBar - BegBar + 1 ;
detrended[0] = 0;

if (method_detrend == "Log10") detrended = log10(data);

if (method_detrend == "Derivation") detrended = data - Ref(data, -1);

if (method_detrend == "Linear Regression") {

x = Cum(1); x = Ref(x,-1); x[0] = 0; x = Ref(x, -BegBar);
a = LinRegSlope(data, LongBar); a = a[EndBar];
b = LinRegIntercept(data, LongBar); b = b[EndBar];
y = a*x + b;

global detrending_parameters;
detrending_parameters = y;

y = IIf(BI < BegBar, -1e10, IIf(BI > EndBar + ExtraF, -1e10, y));
Plot( y, "Linear Regression", ParamColor( "Color Linear Regression",
colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") );
detrended = data - y;

if (method_detrend == "PolyFit") {
Yn = PolyFit(data, BegBar, EndBar, PF_order, 0, ExtraF);
Yn = Ref(Yn, -ExtraF);

global detrending_parameters;
detrending_parameters = Yn;

Yn = IIf(BI < BegBar, -1e10, IIf(BI > EndBar + ExtraF, -1e10, Yn));
Plot( Yn, "PolyFit", ParamColor( "Color PolyFit", colorCycle ),
ParamStyle("Style") );
detrended = data - Yn;

return detrended;

function f_retrend(data, Value_BegBar, BegBar, EndBar, method_detrend) {

BI = BarIndex();
retrended = -1e10;

if (method_detrend == "Log10") {
retrended = 10^(data);

if (method_detrend == "Derivation") {
retrended[BegBar] = Value_BegBar;
for (i = BegBar + 1; i < EndBar + 1; i++) retrended[i] = data[i] +

if (method_detrend == "Linear Regression") {

retrended = data + detrending_parameters;

if (method_detrend == "PolyFit") {
retrended = data + detrending_parameters;

return retrended;

function durbinlevison(Autocorr, OrderAR, LongBar, AutoOrder, AutoOrder_Criterion)

{ // for Yule Walker method only
// Initialization
AR_Coeff = 0;
alpha[1] = noise_variance[1] = Autocorr[0];
beta[1] = Autocorr[1];
k[1] = Autocorr[1] / Autocorr[0];
AR_Coeff[1] = k[1];

// Initialize recursive criterion for order AR selection

if (AutoOrder == 1) {
FPE = AIC = MDL = CAT = CIC = -1e10;
CAT_factor = 0;
CIC_product = (1 + 1/(LongBar + 1))/(1 - 1/(LongBar + 1));
CIC_add = 1 + 1/(LongBar + 1);

// Main iterative loop

for (n = 1; n < OrderAR; n++) {

// Compute last coefficient

for (i = 1; i < n + 1; i++) AR_Coeff_inv[n+1-i] = AR_Coeff[i];

temp = 0;
for (i = 1; i < n + 1; i++) temp = temp + Autocorr[i] * AR_Coeff_inv[i];
beta[n+1] = Autocorr[n+1] - temp;

alpha[n+1] = alpha[n] * (1 - k[n]*k[n]);

k[n+1] = beta[n+1] / alpha[n+1];
AR_Coeff[n+1] = k[n+1];

// Compute other coefficients by recursion

for (i = 1; i < n + 1; i++) New_AR_Coeff[i] = AR_Coeff[i] - k[n+1] *
New_AR_Coeff[n+1] = AR_Coeff[n+1];

// Update
AR_Coeff = New_AR_Coeff;
noise_variance[n+1] = alpha[n+1];

if (AutoOrder == 1) {
i = n + 1;
// Compute criterions for order AR selection
FPE[i] = noise_variance[i]*(LongBar + (i + 1))/(LongBar - (i + 1)); // Final
Prediction Error
AIC[i] = log(noise_variance[i])+2*i/LongBar; // Akaine Information Criterion
MDL[i] = log(noise_variance[i]) + i*log(LongBar)/LongBar; // Minimum
Description Length
CAT_factor = CAT_factor + (LongBar - i)/(LongBar*noise_variance[i]);
CAT[i] = CAT_factor/LongBar - (LongBar - i)/(LongBar*noise_variance[i]); //
Criterion Autoregressive Transfer
CIC_product = CIC_product * (1 + 1/(LongBar + 1 - i))/(1 - 1/(LongBar + 1 -
CIC_add = CIC_add + (1 + 1/(LongBar + 1 - i));
CIC[i] = log(noise_variance[i]) + Max(CIC_product - 1,3*CIC_add); // Combined
Information Criterion

// End main iterative loop


if (AutoOrder == 1) {
// Clean data because of rounding number for very low or very high value, and
discard small changes
FPE = IIf(abs(LinRegSlope(FPE, 2)/FPE[1]) < 0.005 OR abs(FPE) > 1e7, -1e10,
AIC = IIf(log(abs(LinRegSlope(AIC, 2)/AIC[1])) < 0.005 OR abs(AIC) > 1e7,
-1e10, AIC);
MDL = IIf(log(abs(LinRegSlope(MDL, 2)/MDL[1])) < 0.005 OR abs(MDL) > 1e7,
-1e10, MDL);
CAT = IIf(log(abs(LinRegSlope(CAT, 2)/CAT[1])) < 0.005 OR abs(CAT) > 1e7,
-1e10, CAT);
CIC = IIf(abs(LinRegSlope(CIC, 2)/CIC[1]) < 0.005 OR abs(CIC) > 1e7, -1e10,

// Find lower value

Mixed_Order = 0;
FPE_Order = Mixed_Order[1] = LastValue(Max(ValueWhen(FPE == Lowest(FPE) AND
IsFinite(FPE), Cum(1), 1) - 1, 2));
AIC_Order = Mixed_Order[2] = LastValue(Max(ValueWhen(AIC == Lowest(AIC) AND
IsFinite(AIC), Cum(1), 1) - 1, 2));
MDL_Order = Mixed_Order[3] = LastValue(Max(ValueWhen(MDL == Lowest(MDL) AND
IsFinite(MDL), Cum(1), 1) - 1, 2));
CAT_Order = Mixed_Order[4] = LastValue(Max(ValueWhen(CAT == Lowest(CAT) AND
IsFinite(CAT), Cum(1), 1) - 1, 2));
CIC_Order = Mixed_Order[5] = LastValue(Max(ValueWhen(CIC == Lowest(CIC) AND
IsFinite(CIC), Cum(1), 1) - 1, 2));

// Mixed array is an averaging from all criterions taking in consideration

order choose by criterions is often too low
Mixed_Order_array = Median(Mixed_Order, 5); Mixed_Order =

// Print informations about best order for each criterion

printf("\nFPE Order : "+FPE_Order);
printf("\nAIC Order : "+AIC_Order);
printf("\nMDL Order : "+MDL_Order);
printf("\nCAT Order : "+CAT_Order);
printf("\nCIC Order : "+CIC_Order);
printf("\n*** Mixed Order *** : "+Mixed_Order);

// Mark best order in a[1] wich is returned at the end of the function
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "FPE") AR_Coeff[1] = FPE_Order;
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "AIC") AR_Coeff[1] = AIC_Order;
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "MDL") AR_Coeff[1] = MDL_Order;
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "CAT") AR_Coeff[1] = CAT_Order;
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "CIC (good)") AR_Coeff[1] = CIC_Order;
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "Mixed (best)") AR_Coeff[1] = Mixed_Order;

AR_Coeff[0] = alpha[OrderAR]; // noise variance estimator

return AR_Coeff;

function AR_YuleWalker(data, BegBar, EndBar, OrderAR, Biased, AutoOrder,

AutoOrder_Criterion) {
BI = BarIndex();
Data_all = data;
Data = IIf(BI < BegBar, 0, IIf(BI > EndBar, 0, Data));

LongBar = EndBar - BegBar + 1;

// Window Hamming to make it more stable for non-biased estimator

if (Biased == 0) {
pi = atan(1) * 4;
x = Cum(1); x = Ref(x,-1); x[0] = 0;
W = 0.54 - 0.46*cos(2*pi*x/(LongBar-1));
Wi = Ref(W,-BegBar);
data = Wi*data;

// Compute Autocorrelation function

for (i = 0; i < OrderAR + 1; i++) {
temp = 0;
for (j = BegBar; j < EndBar + 1 - i; j++) {
temp = temp + data[j]*data[j+i];
if (Biased == 1) Autocorr[i]=(1/(LongBar))*temp; // biased estomator (best,
model is always stable), small variance but less power
if (Biased == 0) Autocorr[i]=(1/(LongBar-i))*temp; // non-biased estimator
(model can be unstable), large variance
Autocorr=Autocorr/Autocorr[0]; // normalization (don't change result, to be less
exposed to bad rounding)

// Compute AR parameters with Durbin-Levison recursive algorithm for symmetric

Toeplitz matrix (Hermitian matrix)
AR_Coeff = durbinlevison(Autocorr, OrderAR, LongBar, AutoOrder,
// End
AR_Coeff = IIf(BI > OrderAR, -1e10, AR_Coeff); // usefull for AR_Pred and AR_Freq
return AR_Coeff; // AR_Coeff[0] is noise variance estimator

function AR_Burg(data, BegBar, EndBar, OrderAR, Window, AutoOrder,

AutoOrder_Criterion, DoublePrecision) {
BI = BarIndex();
LongBar = EndBar - BegBar + 1; // LongBar = the number of data

// Initialize recursive criterion for order AR selection

if (AutoOrder == 1) {
FPE = AIC = MDL = CAT = CIC = -1e10;
CAT_factor = 0;
CIC_product = (1 + 1/(LongBar + 1))/(1 - 1/(LongBar + 1));
CIC_add = 1 + 1/(LongBar + 1);

// Hamming window if selected

if (Window == 1) {
pi = atan(1) * 4;
x = Cum(1); x = Ref(x,-1); x[0] = 0;
W = 0.54 - 0.46*cos(2*pi*x/(LongBar-1));

// Create data, forward and backward coefficients arrays

y = Ref(data,BegBar); // y[0:LongBar-1] are the data
y = IIf(BI < LongBar, y, 0); // to be sure not to compute future data
f = b = y; // initialize forward and backward coefficients

// Initialize noise variance estimate with data variance (= data

noise_variance = Cum(y^2);
noise_variance[0] = noise_variance[LongBar-1]/LongBar;

// Main loop
for (i = 1; i < OrderAR + 1; i++) {

if (Window == 1) Wi = Ref(W,-i); // center Hamming Window

else Wi = 1;

b_shifted = Ref(b,-1);
if (DoublePrecision == 0) { // single precision
k_temp = Sum(Wi*f*b_shifted, LongBar - i)/Sum(Wi*(f^2 + b_shifted^2), LongBar
- i);
k[i] = 2*k_temp[LongBar - 1]; // k is reflection coefficient computed from i
to LongBar - 1, like Burg tell it (!!! on Numerical Recipes it is computed from 1
to LongBar - i !!!)

--------------------------------------------------------- */

// Use for FOR loop instead SUM function give different result (neither good,
neither bad, but just different) because of rounding single-precision in AFL. De-
comment this part to use FOR loop.
Num = 0;Den = 0;
for (j = i; j < LongBar; j++) { // compute from i to LongBar - 1, like Burg tell it
(!!! on Numerical Recipes it is computed from 1 to LongBar - i !!!)
Num = Num + Wi[j]*( f[j]*b[j-1] );
Den = Den + Wi[j]*( f[j]^2 + b[j-1]^2 );
k[i] = 2*Num/Den; // k is reflection coefficient, a is AR coefficient


--------------------------------------------------------- */

// If you wish Double Precision, VBS script must be used (result are more precise
than SUM or FOR loop, but computation is a lot more slower)
if (DoublePrecision == 1) { // double precision
KI_VBS = GetScriptObject();
KI = KI_VBS.Compute_KI(f, b, Wi, i, LongBar);
k[i] = KI;

noise_variance[i] = (1 - k[i]^2)*noise_variance[i-1]; // update noise variance


if (AutoOrder == 1) {
// Compute criterions for order AR selection
FPE[i] = noise_variance[i]*(LongBar + (i + 1))/(LongBar - (i + 1)); // Final
Prediction Error
AIC[i] = log(noise_variance[i])+2*i/LongBar; // Akaine Information Criterion
MDL[i] = log(noise_variance[i]) + i*log(LongBar)/LongBar; // Minimum
Description Length
CAT_factor = CAT_factor + (LongBar - i)/(LongBar*noise_variance[i]);
CAT[i] = CAT_factor/LongBar - (LongBar - i)/(LongBar*noise_variance[i]); //
Criterion Autoregressive Transfer
CIC_product = CIC_product * (1 + 1/(LongBar + 1 - i))/(1 - 1/(LongBar + 1 -
CIC_add = CIC_add + (1 + 1/(LongBar + 1 - i));
CIC[i] = log(noise_variance[i]) + Max(CIC_product - 1,3*CIC_add); // Combined
Information Criterion

// Update all AR coefficients

for (j = 1; j < i; j++) a[j] = a_old[j] - k[i]*a_old[i-j];
a[i] = k[i];

// Store them for next iteration

a_old = a;

// Update forward and backward reflection coefficients

f_temp = f - k[i]*b_shifted;
b = b_shifted - k[i]*f;
f = f_temp;

// End of the main loop

if (AutoOrder == 1) {
// Clean data because of rounding number for very low or very high value, and
discard small changes
FPE = IIf(abs(LinRegSlope(FPE, 2)/FPE[1]) < 0.005 OR abs(FPE) > 1e7, -1e10,
AIC = IIf(log(abs(LinRegSlope(AIC, 2)/AIC[1])) < 0.005 OR abs(AIC) > 1e7,
-1e10, AIC);
MDL = IIf(log(abs(LinRegSlope(MDL, 2)/MDL[1])) < 0.005 OR abs(MDL) > 1e7,
-1e10, MDL);
CAT = IIf(log(abs(LinRegSlope(CAT, 2)/CAT[1])) < 0.005 OR abs(CAT) > 1e7,
-1e10, CAT);
CIC = IIf(abs(LinRegSlope(CIC, 2)/CIC[1]) < 0.005 OR abs(CIC) > 1e7, -1e10,

// Find lower value

Mixed_Order = 0;
FPE_Order = Mixed_Order[1] = LastValue(Max(ValueWhen(FPE == Lowest(FPE) AND
IsFinite(FPE), Cum(1), 1) - 1, 2));
AIC_Order = Mixed_Order[2] = LastValue(Max(ValueWhen(AIC == Lowest(AIC) AND
IsFinite(AIC), Cum(1), 1) - 1, 2));
MDL_Order = Mixed_Order[3] = LastValue(Max(ValueWhen(MDL == Lowest(MDL) AND
IsFinite(MDL), Cum(1), 1) - 1, 2));
CAT_Order = Mixed_Order[4] = LastValue(Max(ValueWhen(CAT == Lowest(CAT) AND
IsFinite(CAT), Cum(1), 1) - 1, 2));
CIC_Order = Mixed_Order[5] = LastValue(Max(ValueWhen(CIC == Lowest(CIC) AND
IsFinite(CIC), Cum(1), 1) - 1, 2));

// Mixed array is an averaging from all criterions taking in consideration

order choose by criterions is often too low
Mixed_Order_array = Median(Mixed_Order, 5); Mixed_Order =

// Print informations about best order for each criterion

printf("\nFPE Order : "+FPE_Order);
printf("\nAIC Order : "+AIC_Order);
printf("\nMDL Order : "+MDL_Order);
printf("\nCAT Order : "+CAT_Order);
printf("\nCIC Order : "+CIC_Order);
printf("\n*** Mixed Order *** : "+Mixed_Order);

// Mark best order in a[1] wich is returned at the end of the function
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "FPE") a[1] = FPE_Order;
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "AIC") a[1] = AIC_Order;
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "MDL") a[1] = MDL_Order;
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "CAT") a[1] = CAT_Order;
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "CIC (good)") a[1] = CIC_Order;
if (AutoOrder_Criterion == "Mixed (best)") a[1] = Mixed_Order;

// End of the function, return AR coefficients and noise variance estimator for the
current selected order in a[0]
a = IIf(BI > OrderAR, -1e10, a); a[0] = noise_variance[i-1]; // usefull for AR_Pred
and AR_Freq
return a;

function AR_Predict(data, AR_Coeff, EndBar, ExtraF) {

BI = BarIndex();
OrderAR = LastValue(BarCount - BarsSince(AR_Coeff) - 1);

// Print some informations about AR coefficients and noise variance

sum_coeffs = Cum(AR_Coeff) - AR_Coeff[0]; // ARCoeff[0] store noise_variance
printf("\n\nNoise Variance Estimator : " + NumToStr(abs(AR_Coeff[0]), 1.9));
printf("\n\nSum of AR coeffs : " + NumToStr(sum_coeffs[OrderAR], 1.9));
for (i = 1; i < OrderAR + 1; i++) printf("\nCoeff AR " + NumToStr(i, 1.0) + " = "
+ NumToStr(AR_Coeff[i], 1.9));

// Pass the data into the AR filter

data_predict = IIf(BI > EndBar, -1e10, Data); // clear data after EndBar
for (i = Endbar + 1; i < EndBar + ExtraF + 1; i++) {
data_predict[i] = 0;
for (j = 1; j < OrderAR + 1; j++) data_predict[i] = data_predict[i] +
AR_Coeff[j] * data_predict[i-j];

--------------------------------------------------------- */
global BegBar;
data_predict = IIf(BI > EndBar, -1e10, Data);
for (i = BegBar + OrderAR; i < EndBar + 1 + ExtraF; i++) {
data_predict[i] = 0;
for (j = 1; j < OrderAR + 1; j++) {
data_predict[i] = data_predict[i] + AR_Coeff[j] * data_predict[i-j];
if (i > EndBar) u[i] = 0; else u[i] = data[i] - data_predict[i];
data_predict[i] = data_predict[i] + u[i];
global noise_variance_filterburg;
noise_variance_filterburg = StDev(u, EndBar - (BegBar + OrderAR) + 1);
noise_variance_filterburg = noise_variance_filterburg[EndBar]^2;
printf( "\n\nNoise variance from filtering process : " +
NumToStr(noise_variance_filterburg, 1.9));
--------------------------------------------------------- */

// Return data and data predicted from (EndBar + 1) to (EndBar + ExtraF)

return data_predict;

function AR_Freq(AR_Coeff, step) {

BI = BarIndex();
pi2 = atan(1) * 8;
OrderAR = LastValue(BarCount - BarsSince(AR_Coeff) - 1);
noise_variance = abs(AR_Coeff[0]);
if (noise_variance == 0) noise_variance = 0.000001; //seven-th digit to one

S = -1e10; // usefull to determine the number of data for AR_Sin function

f = Cum(1); f = Ref(f,-1); f[0] = 0; f = IIf(BI > 0.5/step, -1e10, f);
f = step*f;

// Danielson-Lanczos algorithm to fast compute exponential complex multiplication,

using vector formulation AFL for multiple frequency in one-time recursion
W_cos = cos(pi2*f); W_sin = sin(pi2*f); // initialize cos and sinus constant for
each frequency f
W_Re = 1; W_Im = 0; // initialize for recursion real and imaginary weight for AR
Re = 1; Im = 0; // initialize real and imaginary part of the denominator from the
spectrum function
for (j = 1; j < OrderAR + 1; j++) {
W_Re_temp = W_Re; // Begin Danielson-Lanczos part
W_Re = W_Re*W_cos - W_Im*W_sin;
W_Im = W_Im*W_cos + W_Re_temp*W_sin; // End Danielson-Lanczos part
Re = Re + AR_Coeff[j]*W_Re; // real part of the denominator
Im = Im + AR_Coeff[j]*W_Im; // imaginary part of the denominator

/* Just for experimentation about speed between classic and Danielson-Lanczos

algorithm, here is basic computation */
//Re = 1; Im = 0;
//for (j = 1; j < OrderAR + 1; j++) { Re = Re + AR_Coeff[j]*cos(pi2*f*j); Im =
Im + AR_Coeff[j]*sin(pi2*f*j); }

S = noise_variance/(Re^2+Im^2); // S the spectrum function

Sdb = 10*log10(abs(s/noise_variance)); // Sdb the spectrum function in dB (power)
with noise_variance as reference (so if Sdb is negative, power at this frequency is
less than noise power)
return Sdb;

function AR_Sin(S, nb_sinus) {

// Initialization
nb_data = LastValue(BarCount - BarsSince(S));
step = 0.5/nb_data;

// Process data to keep only signifiant peaks

slope = LinRegSlope(S,2); // derivation
peaks = Ref(Cross(0, slope), 1); // find maximums of the spectrum
value_peaks = IIf(peaks == 1 AND S > 0, S, 0); // erase maximum wich have less
power than the noise

// Find the reduced frequency of the most powerfull cycles

sinus = -1e10; sinus[0] = 0; // to detect error or no cycle
for (i = 0; i < nb_sinus; i++) { // save nb_sinus dominant cycles
sinus[i] = BarCount - LastValue(HighestBars(value_peaks)) - 1; // save higher
peak position
value_peaks[sinus[i]] = 0; // erase new detected peak for next iteration

sinus = 1/(sinus*step); // convert reduced frequency in periods

sinus[0] = Nz(sinus[0]); // no cycle found

return sinus;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------- DEMO -------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

// Choice of the parameters

empty = ParamList("Main parameters", "", 0);
data_source = ParamField("Price field",-1);
ARmodel = ParamList("AR Model", "Burg (best)|Yule-Walker", 0);
length = Param("Length to look back", 200, 1, 5000, 1);
OrderAR = Param("Order AR", 20, 0, 100, 1);
ExtraF = Param("Number of bar to predict", 50, 0, 200, 1);
AutoOrder = ParamToggle("Auto AR order", "No|Yes", 0);
AutoOrder_Criterion = ParamList("Auto AR criterion", "FPE|AIC|MDL|CAT|CIC (good)|
Mixed (best)", 5);
HammingWindow = ParamToggle("Burg: Hamming Window", "No|Yes", 1);
DoublePrecision = ParamToggle("Burg: Double Precision", "No|Yes", 0);
Biased = ParamToggle("Y-W: Biased (Yes: best)", "No|Yes", 1);

empty = ParamList("*** PRE-PROCESSING : ***", "", 0);

empty = ParamList("1- Intraday EOD GAP Filter", "", 0);
FiltrageGAPEOD = ParamToggle("Filtrage GAP EOD", "No|Yes", 0);

empty = ParamList("2- Denoise", "", 0);

periodsT3 = Param("Periods T3", 5, 1, 200, 1);
slopeT3 = Param("Slope T3", 0.7, 0, 3, 0.01);

empty = ParamList("3- Detrend", "", 0);

method_detrend = ParamList("Detrending method", "None|Log10|Derivation|Linear
Regression|PolyFit", 3);
PF_order = Param("PolyFit Order", 3, 1, 9, 1);

empty = ParamList("4- Center", "", 0);

PreCenter = ParamToggle("Center data", "No|Yes", 1);

empty = ParamList("5- Normalize", "", 0);

PreNormalise = ParamToggle("Normalise data", "No|Yes", 1);

empty = ParamList("6- Volume weight on data", "", 0);

PonderVolHL = ParamToggle("Weighting Volume and H/L(Fractal)", "No|Yes", 0);
coef_vol = Param( "Strength Volume (- +)", 0.5, 0.01, 0.99, 0.01);
coefdim = Param( "Strength Fractal (- +)", 0.5, 0.01, 0.99, 0.01);
period = Param( "Periods Fract (even)", 16, 2, 200, 2);
scale = Param( "Scale Final Weights", 1, 0, 10, 0.01);
translation = Param( "Translate Final Weights", 0.3, 0, 1, 0.01);

empty = ParamList("7- Time weight on data", "", 0);

PonderTime = ParamToggle("Weighting Time", "No|Yes", 0);
PonderTimeWindow = ParamList("Weighting Time Window", "Log|Ramp|Exp", 0);

empty = ParamList("*** POST-PROCESSING : ***", "", 0);

method_retrend = ParamList("Retrending method", "Add back trend|Prediction without
trend", 0);
empty = ParamList("For Derivation or Log10 :", "add automatically the trend", 0);

// Initialization
Title = "";
BI = BarIndex();
current_pos = SelectedValue( BI ) - BI[ 0 ];//1500
printf( "Position: " + NumToStr(current_pos) + "\n" );

// Adjust users choice depending number of bars data available or

detrending/retrending necessity for derivation method
if ( method_retrend == "Prediction without trend" AND (method_detrend ==
"Derivation" OR method_detrend == "Log10") ) method_retrend = "Add back trend";

BegBar = current_pos - length + 1;

slide = floor(periodsT3/2);

if (BegBar < 6*periodsT3) Title = Title + "\n\n\n\n\n\n!!! WARNING : YOU HAVE NOT
move Position Bar !!!\n\n\n\n\n\n";

if (BegBar < 1) {
BegBar = 1;
length = current_pos - slide;
Title = Title + "\n\n\n\n\n\n!!! WARNING : YOU HAVE NOT ENOUGH DATA HISTORY -
Reduce \"Length to look back\" parameter OR move Position Bar !!!\n\n\n\n\n\n";

EndBar = current_pos - slide;

if ( EndBar + ExtraF > BarCount - 1) {
ExtraF = (BarCount - 1) - EndBar;

if (AutoOrder == 1) OrderAR = floor(length / 2);

if (OrderAR >= length) {
OrderAR = length - 1;
Title = Title + "\n\n\n\n\n\n!!! WARNING : ORDER AR IS MORE HIGH THAN (LENGTH
TO LOOK BACK - 1) - Reduce \"Order AR\" OR increase \"Length to look back\"
parameters !!!\n\n\n\n\n\n";
data = data_source;
data_filtred = f_centeredT3(data, periodsT3, slopeT3);

/* -------------------- BEGIN PROCESSING -------------------- */

// Filter GAP End of the days - only needed for intraday

if (FiltrageGAPEOD == 1) data = Filter_GAP_EOD(data);

// Denoise data
data = f_centeredT3(data, periodsT3, slopeT3);

// Detrend data
if (method_detrend != "None") data = f_detrend(data, BegBar, EndBar, ExtraF,
method_detrend, PF_order);
data = IIf(BI < BegBar, 0, data); // fill with 0 before BegBar to be able to
compute native MA Function AFL

// Center data
mean_data_before = MA(data, EndBar - BegBar + 1);
printf( "\nMean data not centered : " + WriteVal(mean_data_before[EndBar]) +
"\n" );
if (PreCenter == 1) {
data = data - mean_data_before[EndBar];
mean_data_after = MA(data, EndBar - BegBar + 1);
printf( "\nMean data centered : " + WriteVal(mean_data_after[EndBar]) +
"\n\n" );

// Normalize data
if (PreNormalise == 1) {
max_data = HHV(data, EndBar - BegBar + 1);
data = data / max_data[EndBar];

// Weigthing only for the data which will feed the AR_Burg function (modeling AR),
not the AR_Pred function (prediction)
data_weighted = data;
// Volume and High/Low (Fractal) weighting
if (PonderVolHL == 1) data_weighted = Volume_HighLow_weighting(data_weighted,
coef_vol, coefdim, period, scale, translation);
// Time weighting
if (PonderTime == 1) data_weighted = Time_weighting(data_weighted,
PonderTimeWindow, BegBar, EndBar);

// Compute AR model
if (ARmodel == "Burg (best)") { // Burg model (MEM method) (better than Yule-Walker
for sharp spectrum and short data history)
AR_Coeff = AR_Burg(data_weighted, BegBar, EndBar, OrderAR, HammingWindow,
AutoOrder, AutoOrder_Criterion, DoublePrecision);
if (AutoOrder == 1) { // In case of AutoOrder, a new computation to find
coefficients with the ideal order is needed
OrderAR = AR_Coeff[1];
AR_Coeff = AR_Burg(data_weighted, BegBar, EndBar, OrderAR,
HammingWindow, 0, AutoOrder_Criterion, DoublePrecision); // Compute the AR from
if (ARmodel == "Yule-Walker") { // Yule-Walker model (Autocorrelation method)
AR_Coeff = AR_YuleWalker(data_weighted, BegBar, EndBar, OrderAR, Biased,
AutoOrder, AutoOrder_Criterion);
if (AutoOrder == 1) { // In case of AutoOrder, a new computation to find
coefficients with the ideal order is needed
OrderAR = AR_Coeff[1];
AR_Coeff = AR_YuleWalker(data_weighted, BegBar, EndBar, OrderAR,
Biased, 0, AutoOrder_Criterion); // Compute the AR from AutoOrder
noise_variance = abs(AR_Coeff[0]);

// Prediction based on the computed AR model

data_predict = AR_Predict(data, AR_Coeff, EndBar, ExtraF);

// De-normalize
if (PreNormalise == 1) {
data_predict = data_predict * max_data[EndBar];
noise_variance = noise_variance * max_data[EndBar];

// De-center
if (PreCenter == 1) data_predict = data_predict + mean_data_before[EndBar];
// Add the trend back again
if (method_detrend != "None" AND method_retrend == "Add back trend") data_predict =
f_retrend(data_predict, data_filtred[EndBar], EndBar, EndBar + ExtraF,

// Translate along value axis filtered EOD GAP data or not retrended data, so no
gap occurs
if (FiltrageGAPEOD == 1 OR method_retrend == "Prediction without trend") {
delta = data_predict[EndBar + 1] - data_filtred[EndBar];
data_predict = data_predict - delta;
data_predict = Ref(data_predict, 1); // so there is no discontinuity (but
there is one data less for forward prediction)

// Plot AR Prediction and Burg predicted channels based on ATR and noise variance
(if prediction is bad, channel will be larger)
dataATR = ATR(periodsT3); // no need to detrend or center ATR before prediction
(considerer centred without any trend)
printf("\n\nATR AR model for Channel prediction :\n");
AR_Coeff_ATR = AR_Burg(dataATR, BegBar, EndBar, OrderAR, HammingWindow, OrderAR,
AutoOrder_Criterion, DoublePrecision);
data_predict_ATR = AR_Predict(dataATR, AR_Coeff_ATR, EndBar, ExtraF);
DeltaBand = 2*(data_predict_ATR + noise_variance);

Data_reconstruct = -1e10;
Data_reconstruct = IIf( BI <= EndBar AND BI >= BegBar, data_filtred, IIf( BI >
EndBar, data_predict, Data_reconstruct));
Plot(Data_reconstruct, "AR("+ NumToStr(OrderAR, 1.0) +") Prediction", IIf(BI >
EndBar + slide, colorRed, IIf(BI > EndBar AND BI <= EndBar + slide, colorBlue,
colorBrightGreen)), styleThick, Null, Null, 0);
Plot(Data_reconstruct + DeltaBand, "AR("+ NumToStr(OrderAR, 1.0) +") Prediction
Upper Channel", IIf(BI > EndBar + slide, colorRed, IIf(BI > EndBar AND BI <= EndBar
+ slide, colorBlue, colorBrightGreen)), styleDashed, Null, Null, 0);
Plot(Data_reconstruct - DeltaBand, "AR("+ NumToStr(OrderAR, 1.0) +") Prediction
Lower Channel", IIf(BI > EndBar + slide, colorRed, IIf(BI > EndBar AND BI <= EndBar
+ slide, colorBlue, colorBrightGreen)), styleDashed, Null, Null, 0);

--- */
/* Demo for density spectrum power (DSP) analyse based on AR modeling (parametric
method) */

// Compute spectrum based directly on AR model. Decomment following line to plot

spectrum begining in first Bar (Bar[0])
Sdb = AR_Freq(AR_Coeff, 0.001); // 0.001 is the step for frequency resolution
//Plot( Sdb, "Spectrum in decibels", ParamColor( "Color Spectrum in decibels",
colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") );

// Look for the frequency which are the more powerfull (dominant cycles)
sinus = AR_Sin(Sdb, 10); // 10 is the maximum number of frequency to look for
Title = Title + "\nDominant periods: " + WriteIf(sinus[0] >= 0 AND
IsFinite(sinus[0]), NumToStr(round(sinus[0]),1.0), "");
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) Title = Title + WriteIf(sinus[i] > 0 AND
IsFinite(sinus[i]), ", "+NumToStr(round(sinus[i]),1.0), "");

/* End DSP demo - For more information look for MEM or MESA
--- */

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------------------- END DEMO ----------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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