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Anonymous Mission Statements

You don't have to be famous to write an inspiring mission statement. Some excellent mission statements
have been written by ordinary people, as seen in these anonymous examples.

My mission is to give, for giving is what I do best and I can learn to do better.
I will seek to learn, for learning is the basis for growth, and growing is the key to living. I will seek first to
understand, for understanding is the key to finding value, and value is the basis for respect, decisions,
and action. This should be my first act with my wife, my family, and my business.
I want to help influence the future development of people and organizations. I want to teach my
children and others to love and laugh, to learn and grow beyond their current bounds.
I will build personal, business, and civic relationships by giving, in frequent little ways.

Our Family Mission: No empty chairs.

I live to serve my talents as communicator, artist, and independent businesswoman. I create balance in
work, play, and community. I inspire those I interact with.

I want to be the kind of person my dog already thinks I am.

The mission of our family is to create a nurturing place of order, love, happiness, and relaxation, and to
provide opportunities for each person to become responsibly independent and effectively interdependent,
in order to achieve worthwhile purposes.
About the world
About life
About people
About myself

My family
My world

For my beliefs
For my passions
To accomplish
To do good
To be true to myself
Against apathy

The boat, don’t
let the boat rock me
Be a rock

Be Remembered

To be humble.
To say thanks to God in some way, every day.
To never react to abuse by passing it on.
To find the self within that does and can look at all sides without loss.
I believe in treating all people with kindness and respect.
I believe by knowing what I value, I truly know what I want.
To be driven by values and beliefs.
I want to experience life’s passions with the newness of a child’s love, the sweetness and joy of young
love, and the respect and reverence of mature love.
Finally, to go through life with a smile on my face and a twinkle in my eye.

Nothing less
Ben Franklin's governing values

Sometimes a mission statement can be a concise list of values, defined in your own words. Read through
Benjamin Franklin's list of values and definitions to see if they spark any ideas for your own mission
Temperance: Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
Order: Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.
Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.
Industry: Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
Sincerity: Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
Justice: Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
Moderation: Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.
Tranquility: Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
Chastity: Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your
own or another's peace or reputation.


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream

Read or listen to Dr. King's famous speech, delivered in 1963 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in
Washington, D.C. If you were going to give a speech that started with the words, "I have a dream," what
would it be about? See if Dr. King's dream gives you any ideas for your mission statement.

"I have a dream"

...I say to you today, my friends. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true
meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former
slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood... I have a dream that my four
little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the
content of their character. I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama... little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands
with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low,
the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the
Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."
This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we will be able to
hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the
jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to
work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom
together, knowing that we will be free one day...
From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every
hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children,
black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and
sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:
Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

Can you give an example of one?

Of course—here’s one:

“My vision is to be an honest, empathetic and impactful project leader and to be

recognized internationally within my industry. I am committed to growing as a leader and
delivering value-added projects to the end users. My mission is to create and lead a
dream team where everyone is playing to their strengths.”

Everyone’s will look and sound completely different. It’s important that it
encapsulates your values and aspirations, and that it makes you feel really good and
inspired when you read it aloud.

How does a vision statement differ from a mission statement?

Vision and mission statements are very similar but they have their differences. Let’s take
a deeper look:
Vision statement:

 A vision statement describes what you want to achieve in the future.

 The vision statement answers the question “Where do I want to be?”
 It defines the optimal desired future state—the mental picture—of what you want to
achieve over time, say in five, ten or more years.
 It inspires you to give your best and shapes your understanding of why you are
doing what you do.

Example: “My vision is a world where everyone is contributing with their full potential;
where each person uses their intrinsic genius and leadership to deliver outstanding value-
added projects.”

Sample Mission Statements

"Personal Mission Statement

I WILL… attempt to further my knowledge everyday either through taking classes, reading
books, or educating experiences so I can be as intelligent and insightful as my parents.

I WILL… be a better daughter, sister, student, teammate, and friend by improving on my

inferior qualities like organization, responsibility, and compassion.
I WILL… continue to exercise my body a few times a week in order to become lean and fit.
This way I will have the muscle and endurance to achieve my goals and live a long, healthy

I WILL… find a job every summer until I begin attending college in order to at least triple
my current bank account. The money I earn will be used to pay for college expenses, and
left untouched otherwise.

I WILL… treasure time spent with my family and friends above everything else by putting
aside time for them no matter how busy my schedule may become.

I WILL… become a respected and noted leader to those who surround me through taking
charge and succeeding in difficult situations."
-- Submitted by Marissa

"To create a profitable restaurant with an exciting atmosphere, great food, and excellent
service where people truly enjoy coming to eat. To provide a safe, healthy, and rewarding
workplace for our employees."

"Growing from strength to strength, XXX is dedicated to improving the quality of life,
making it better, safer and easier."
-- Submitted by Shaniz

"To provide high quality products that combine performance with value pricing, while
establishing a successful relationship with our customers and our suppliers.

To constantly strive to meet or exceed our customer needs and expectations of price,
service, and selection. To this end, we will perform periodic reviews of the marketplace to
improve our offerings.

To stay ahead of the competition by innovating new products and services based on the
needs of our customers and market demand."

"To be a profitable provider of high quality software solutions and services that provide
strategic value to our customers and create a company that can attract, recruit and retain
smart and talented employees. "

"Our Mission is to promote the value of learning, self-worth among students and staff,
quality performance among students and staff, and transition for students to productive and
responsible participation in society."
-- Submitted by Yvette Toro - these statements were written by teachers in a WASC focus
group on campus.

"To provide a safe and stimulating environment for bright and curious children to interact
with and learn from each other. To entertain children with educational offerings that provide
fun learning opportunities. To create a profitable website that generates strategic value for
our investors and partners. To provide a creative and rewarding work environment for our

"customer satisfaction is what we aspire for"

"minimize the cost of production"

-- Production result area mission statement

"To become more confident in what I do"

"I live my life as a solution to humanity - travessing all nations and races: giving hope and
future to the hopeless, the poor and the oppressed in and through Christ." -- Submitted by
Raymond for Accra Ghana

"Nurturing call center environment that provide excellent customer service" - Submitted by

"To provide continued customer satisfaction by maintaining value driven and positive work
attitude employees, and become the leading furniture maker, supplier in the market today".
-- Submitted by Edge V.A 09/28/05

"My purpose throughout each day of my life is to express my commitment to love and
cherish my family and friends, improve myself personally and professionally so that I can
advance within my career, lead a successful career that I will enjoy, and take on any
challenges that come my way." -- Submitted by Susana 07/29/06

"I dedicate myself to an attitude of gratitude in order to improve my health and my wealth.
With this attitude, I will generously share my time and my talents with my family, my
church and my community." -- Submitted by Rhea 08/27/06

"I will... be more determined to pass all my classes so that I will be able to play sports and
so I can graduate. I will also practice harder to become a better runner." -- Antohy

"I dedicate myself to be the best basketball player that I can be. I will be the very best
person that I can be. I will become confident in everything that I do in life. I will become a
better student, friend, and son. My mission is to become more respectful and more
responsible" -- Drew

"To empower our unemployed and underemployed tribal community members. To provide
the support services, assistance with barrier removal, job coaching and life skill workshops
that will uplift and bring them to a level of success"
-- Charlene of Mission of Tribal Social Services

"My purpose each day for the rest of my lie is to grow spiritually and serve as a vessel of
God's will. I will strive to make a positive difference in every person I interact with and
always continue to improve my body, mind, emotions and spirit with truth and love. I
remain teachable and grateful."
-- Tina Johnson
"To Provide Professional IT Services to the organization by building state of the art IT


-- Dan Hill

"To value and live in a manner that shows reverence for all living beings by fostering
healthy relationships and mutual respect for all so that those around me so that they may
be influenced and encouraged to live positively and fruitfully. Accordingly, I will do this by
continuing my education both academic and personal so that I may continue to grow and
learn in order to make a progressive, effective, and beneficial impact in my relationships
with other people and the environment."

"To be the most passionately reffered agent in the Real Estate industry, while striving to
provide my clients with the optimum service they deserve."
-- Amber Whisenhunt

"To work with utmost devotion and boost up the standard of organization with in flinching
efforts in challenging conditions and situations."
-- Ammer Joyo

"The REIGN mission

To Reach, Educate, Inspire, Grow, and Nurture today's Generation"

"My personal mission (permission) is to trust my intuition and inner guidance which will
provide meaning, purpose and direction in my life. In turn, this will bestow me with the
wisdom and courage needed to stand in my truth and become the leader I was meant to
-- Michelle Quaife

Enjoying life to its fullest. In every moment, there is a memory. The seemingly small
moments can be some of the most important. A hug, a chuckle, a friendly smile, a quiet
time, family and friends. How I receive these times and These Moments Make my life.
To Treat Others as I Would Want to be Treated I reap my own harvest. I get what I give. I
want to hold on to this:
The Golden Rule.
It takes me on the Greatest path and a wondrous journey.
Dignity, Honor, Justice, Love and Truth I hold these qualities dearly in my heart and soul. I
pray to keep them and abide in them, in God And in his Son Jesus.
To Know My Weaknesses and My Strengths
With this, I can find my way through the good and the bad times. I can use both of these to
help others. Sometimes just a friendly ‘hello’ can cheer, other times, just lending an ear.
There are many ways, big and small, that will help others along this path called life."
-- Andrea
"To work together as a team, to respect opinions and view of others. To be reliable &
accountable for our own team participation. To work together on assigned task &
challenges, accepting each member thoughts. As a team we will work together assigning &
taking on team tasks full filling our team position requirements. . As a team we will work
together to stay in touch, keeping the communication lines open offering support & help to
all members should they not be able to partake in a discussion. As a team we will identify,
create a plan of action utilizing everyone’s knowledge, soliciting input from all. Being
responsible and acknowledging each personal thought and efforts put in by each member.
To be successful as a team & as individuals."

"To live each day with passion, love, and faith so that I may become closer to the Lord and
make a difference in people’s lives. I will do this by spending time daily in the Word, seeking
out opportunities to help others, and by striving to live as Jesus Christ did."

"To enhance the lives of those I meet by helping them face demanding and challenging
situations with enthusiasm and strength."
- Chris

"I will live each day with faith,achievment, and adventure so that i could live my life with
freedom, joy, and success. I will be determind to graduate from a veternarian college, and
explore the world takeing care of any animal in need."
- Amy

"My mission is to provide my customers with courteous , affordable, quality technical and
exceptional customer service. To provide continued customer satisfaction to my customers,
to earn the trust of family and friends. Service is the heart of our business"
- Lurline

"To influence our clients with the spirit of progress by continually providing the means,
strategies and products that will help to enhance their net worth, protect their families
security, and help create prosperity in all of their business and private financial endeavors."
- David

"My purpose is to encourage others, and to live with honesty and integrity. I strive to live
like Jesus and live out His purpose for my life. I live each day being the best Mommy I can
be because my daughters deserve nothing less. I want to always continue to learn gaining
wisdom and knowledge daily." - Shannon

"To continually develop my potential by acquisition of key personal and professional skills
required for advancement into an executive management position within a frontline Nigerian
enterprise." - Zayah

"I will live each day with faith, individual worth, knowledge, good works and integrity
through continual personal progress and education, honesty, an open mind and belief
without concrete evidence. I will enjoy life to the fullest and pursue my goals with
confidence, an optimistic attitude and good health by living my values. I will play sports to
keep fun and physical fitness in my life. I will cherish above all else family and friends by
spending quality time with them." - Jennifer

"To provide millions of Indians - a comfortable, safe & affordable home - and a reason to
smile!" - Rajeev Khurana
"To appreciate and enjoy life situations more, I will look at situations from a positive light
and remember that I could find myself in anyone's shoes.

I value authenticity and joyfulness because seeing these traits in another makes me feel
comfortable around them and know that I can trust them. I want to be one who others trust
and feel comfortable with, so I will show my authentic, joyful self more often.

To live each day with joyfulness and authenticity will allow me to be myself at the same
time I attract others who long to be their true selves.

My positive outlook will bring me closer to friends, family members, co-workers, and send a
ripple of positive energy into the world." - Shari

"We dedicate ourselves to providing the highest quality of care and service to our residents.
Promoting a nutritious and healthier lifesytle. Maintaining a homestyle atomosphere that is
friendly and inviting that will be rewarding for both residents and staff."

Sample Vision Statements

For a restaurant: "Our restaurant is a place where people come to relax, have a good time,
and enjoy a great meal. From the moment our customers walk in the door, they are greeted
by a warm atmosphere, subtle music, and friendly and courteous staff.

We cater to large groups that are out to have fun, as well as romantic dinners for people
celebrating a special occasion. The restaurant is packed full of customers, and yet we
efficiently avoid long delays while they are being seated and while their food is prepared.

The lighting, table arrangements, atmosphere, and decorations all encourage our customers
to relax, let go of their concerns, and open up to new taste sensations. We provide
exceptional service all night long.

When they are done, we take care of their check quickly and efficiently. They leave happy,
satisfied, but not overly bloated or full. They leave with the desire of just one more bite of
our wonderful food."

"In every single act I seek to please God. I have my own small family. We all live in a very
quite life that is full of respect and love. We all have goals and missions in our life, we all
love our country and try to help our community. I’m very rich and in a decision making
position. I do change a life of thousands of people. And I raise smiles in every face I face. I
always try to keep my health in good status and always improve my knowledge and skills."
-- Submitted by Gabool (09/05)

For a High School: "Victor Valley High School is dedicated to providing the highest quality
educational program with the cornerstones of value learning, self-worth among students
and staff, quality performance among students and staff, and transition for students to a
productive and responsible participation in society at large." -- Submitted by Yvette Toro
For a youth ministry: From the Pit to the Palace "A year long youth ministry for male and
females focused on taking them from zero knowledge of God to ministry internships" --
Submitted by a reader (12/05)

"To be a leading entity to provide training, knowledge and consulting services all over the
world in the fields of self development and human resources development for individuals
and business societies." -- Submitted

"Within the next 12 months evolve the existing method of service into an environment that:

Promotes and nurtures service excellence.

Builds and maintains a customer-oriented culture.

Understands that service excellence at the front lines has to start with the concept
of service excellence at the level of top management.

Acknowledge that the service excellence concept must be a key part of the very
structure and operation of the organization.

Understands that people and systems in the organization must be constantly tuned
to customer needs and to management's evolving concept of service excellence."

"The classroom is one in which the potential for learning is open and free to every

"to be a leading organization to provide training, knowledge and service all over the
world in the environmental sanitation industry"

"using event to change the lives and mind of people and to bring the talent of
people(africans) and their culture to bare in the global world"

"To provide a distinctively-Christian environment of educational excellence while

challenging the academically accelerated individual and accelerating the
academically challenged individual."

"Within ten years, support and process ten million risk and error free investment
transactions per year for a million customers"

"Year after year, Kiwi Golf Tours will be widely recognised as the premiere provider
of innovative golf tours and services for Korean golf tourists."

"To be established as one of the top hospitality trainer in the country by means of
recognition well within and outside the company with constant technical &
psychological development by higher education and greater exposure"
"To reach out to those who feel inferior,& feel like they are enstranged from
God,with a message of greatness & mercy,bringing them to a point of greatness."
-- Ben Odiri

"To stand out as a region with passion for service professionally delighting our
customers whom we see as the essence of our operations"
-- Vision statement for utility provider

"I envision myself to become a great minister in the eyes of God. God will put all
the priorities before me if I continue to do his will and seek his face. With my walk
with God I hope to save a soul a long the way, so someone else can enjoy his
goodness as well. My goal is to finish the race, by staying obedient to every
command to enter the kingdom of God."
-- Lamar Graham

"Customer Experience: To give the Customer reasons to smile:)"

-- Niraj Thakur

"My vision is to see people of all ages and cultures come together unified and
empowered by sharing the belief that they hold the power to create and shape how
they live and grow within their own communities."
-- Michelle Quaife

"We will help our clients attain their financial goals, protect their families and
businesses and be a resource to all who require our services."
-- David
Mission statement:

 A mission statement describes what you want now and how you will achieve your
long term aspiration.
 A mission statement does not define a long term future state but is more
concerned with the present state. It answers the questions of: “What do I do?”,
“How do I do it?”, “Who do I do it for?”, “What makes me different”, and “What is
the benefit?”
 It talks about the present leading to the future, and how you will get to where you
want to be.

Example: “My mission is to help project managers transform into impactful project

In order to get the most value from this exercise I suggest you combine the two into a
vision and mission statement. Define the overall essence of what you want to achieve
and then look at what you are doing to achieve it.

What makes a good vision and mission statement?

 A good vision and mission statement is concise and inspirational.

 It’s easy to memorize and repeat.
 It should be clear, engaging, and realistic, and describe a bright future.
 It should furthermore state your intentions, summarize your values, and
demonstrate your commitment to living up to these values.

Ideally, the vision and mission statement should also be aligned with the values, culture
and possibilities of the organization you currently work for. If your personal values and
aspirations are being matched by your employer’s, it will be much easier to progress and
fulfill your dreams.

However, if your goals are far beyond what the firm can offer, you will need to be honest
and assess if the job is still a good match for you. With a strong vision and mission
statement, it’s easier for you to evaluate in which industry and company you should invest
your time and energy.

So, how do I go about writing it? What are the steps?

When composing your own statement, find a quiet place where you feel at ease and
where you will not be interrupted. Then follow the below steps and guiding questions.
Step 1: Answer the following questions as honestly as you can.

 What personal qualities do you most want to emphasize in yourself?

 How can you use and display these qualities in a working environment?
 What are the most important values you want to express at work?
Step 2: Visualize yourself five years from now.

 Imagine that you are managing and leading the project of your dreams. Envision
that everything is exactly the way you want it to be: the type of project you are
running, the industry it is in, its size and complexity, the people involved, and your
own capabilities as a project manager and leader. Imagine that you are every bit
as successful as you want to be. Feel it and see it.
 Keep imagining yourself in the future, and be as specific as possible in your
observations. Where exactly are you? Who is your client? What are you doing?
Who are you interfacing with? What does the project look like? How big is it? How
are you feeling? Why do you want to be exactly where you are? What is the bigger
impact you are having?
 Draw a picture of yourself and your surroundings five years from now. Draw the
elements you see, feel, and hear. Use as many colors as you want and be as
detailed as possible.
Step 3: Sum up your vision and mission.

 Write to the following questions: How can you sum up your vision and mission as a
project manager? What are the things you ultimately want to achieve? Who do you
want to be? What do you want to do? What is the impact you would like to have
and how would you like to be perceived?
 What will need to happen in order for you to feel proud of your progress as a
project manager in five years’ time?
Now, take everything—the envisioning, writing, drawing, dreaming—and use the
language and imagery to write your own vision and mission statement. Give yourself as
many drafts as you need to refine it. Remember it should express the values that you
would like to live and work by, and that above all you must feel excited and inspired by it
when you read it aloud.

Review your vision and mission statement.

As your view of yourself and the future changes, it is important that you review, update
and refine your vision and mission statement at least once every six months. If you feel
really inspired, you may even want to expand it with more detail and turn it into a personal
development plan. So get scribbling and imagine how nice it will be to start out in January
with a clear roadmap for where you want to go and how to get there!

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