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consciousness directs energy towards matter for change


First we shuld have a clear idea of what we want.


Aka- shadowy body It has map of physical body

Fastest Esp class

T>Task >Put everything aside,Focus On task at hand

I>Inside>Take conscious control of your breathing,relax your body,focus on the
Lower dantian inside
E>Expanding Awareness>Focus on a single point,Expand vision,Become one with

Exercise:Get comfortable.Pay attention to breath focusing on dantian.Focus on a

spot about 30degrees above eyelevel. .While focusing on spot spread your
vision.While focusing on the spot let your vision spread out then downwards and
then back.Notice the colors you are picking.

While in this state you will notice colors and also movement.

Repeats the above exercise.

Pick a spot.While focusing on spot let your vision spread out and down and back.It
gets you into Alpha state.In Alpha state both spheres of brain are working
together.It puts you in alpha sttae with your eyes open.

Exercise:Muscle testing while being in the alpha state as above.

In normal state testing for positive thoughts is strong.testing for negative
thoughts is weak.
While in alpha state the muscle testing for both positive and negative thoughts is

Four Questions:


Day 2:

consciousness(3 levels:uni,uhane,amuakua)
Energy(mana(energy of body),manamana(will power),manaloa)

Super consciousness

There is no direct connection between consciousness and super consciousness.But

there is direct connection between unconscious and super consciousness.

The primary way to increase energy is through breathing and focused thought.

While thinking that iam taking surplus charge of man breath deeply through nose and
exhale slowly through mouth.

Image the space around you filled with golden sparkling energy.while doing that
above while breathing in lift your hands up slowly while exhaling bend at your
waist and bring down hands slowly.

Ha Breath:Each breath contain four elements fire,air,water,earth.

Taking inhaling,holding,exhaling,stopping in ratio of 1:1:1:1 balances all the four

elements.ex:to the count of 4.

Taking inhaling,holding,exhaling,stopping in ratio of 1:1:2:0 is the breath of


Energy flows of the body:we have physical body and aura called energy body.disease
first appears in energy body.when we make changes in energy body then physical body
can be rectiifed.

energy comes through energy centers called chakras.

There are two major meridians.governing meridians and conception meridians

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