ATT OETT Newcastle

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The Newcastle Pacer

Changing the way students learn

ECC puts grant money to good use

ir By Andrew L Basden

g Technology to help in the

ir advancement of youth is The
e now available at Newcas-
ewcas- E C C
ds tle’s Early Childhood
ood also has
ck Center. access
w A grant from to a liaison
the Oklahoma who visits the
Educational Tech- h- school multiple
nology Trust has made times within a
it possible for the ECC to give year and provides
its teachers and students
tudents access to technology train
e, ing and support to the
leading edge technology.
The OETT wass created ed in 2001 after teachers.
w- AT&T Oklahoma and former fo Attorney Teachers are now able to
n General Drew Edmondson
Edmon ndson focus on continuous
continuuous improvements
improvements, teacher
e, came to an agreement overr the collaboration, an and equitable access to tech-
e; company’s transition to a mod- nology througho
throughout the center.
tt ernized form of regulation. “The new techtechnology we received through
n With a $30 million gift ift the grant has tot totally changed the way teach-
from AT&T and the vision n ers engage the their students in ways to help
ce of Former Oklahoma At-- them learn eeven more than we thought
torney Drew Edmondson,, possible,
possible,” said Lindsey Pickle, first
or the Oklahoma Educationall grade te
ce Technology trust was cre-- Indee
Indeed it has changed how these
ce ated. young lea
leaders of tomorrow are learn-
te Since 2003 the OETT has ing. From pplaying a fun game of Bingo
d idual
funded $17 million to individual to completing
completin an art assignment, the
h schools. In total $17 millionllion students ar
are adapting very well.
h has reached 268 schools. s. It “The students
stu are able to complete
ve has helped shape the minds ds of assignm
assignments using the iPads and
d plied
109,000 students and supplied save ttheir work online in their
d more than 7,000 teachers with very oown individual files that par-
the necessary tools to betteretter ents aare later able to access and
shape the minds of our future. look at ffrom another smart device,”
Andrew L. Basden/The Newcastle Pacer Recently Newcastle’s Early Childhood said Ally Audas, K20 Center Field Special-
ECC Principal Kristi Ferguson asks a group of first graders Center received a $65,000 grant from the ist.
about the assignment they are working on that is on OETT as well as 130 iPads.
one of the five iPads that their class received thanks to The grant provides technology for the stu- More ECC on page 3
a grant the school received from the OETT. dents and teachers.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Newcastle Pacer

ECC: Technology a hit G




From page 1 •Tammy Bolles-Title I Read-

ing Teacher
On February 12, representa- •Korri Maple-Library
tives for the OETT visited the •Diane Medrano-Kinder-
ECC to see how they were in- garten
tegrating the iPads into their •Lindsay Pickle-First
everyday curriculum. They discussed the issue of
Susie Graves, Foundation more training on the Ipads for
Management Inc., Terri Silver, the teachers.
OETT Grant Reviewer, Dr. “Mrs. Bolles has done an
Nicki Watkins, K20 Center amazing job working with the
Phase II Director, Dr. Sharon district to get us more train-
Wilbur, K20 Center Phase I ing time with this technology,”
Director and Ally Audas, K20 said Ferguson.
Center Field Specialist were The students and how they
all in attendance for the visit. are acclimating to the new
They started off with a tour technology was another point
led by ECC principal Kristi of interest.
Ferguson. This allowed for “I was hesitant at first, but
them to see first-hand how the after watching my students
technology was being used by using it, I find myself wanting
teachers and students. more and more of it for them,”
Next it was time to meet said Kindergarten teacher, Di-
with the OETT Leadership ane Medrano.
Team for the ECC. “We need technology in every
A Leadership team is a classroom and in every student
group made up of a variety and teachers hands, because it
of teachers. Members of the is the pen and paper of our time,
OETT Leadership Team for and it is the lens through which
the ECC are: we experience much of our
•Kathy Bergt-Pre-K world.” -David Warlick.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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