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Summer Internship Report




Vinit Kumar Pandey
MBA Class of 2009-2011

Under the Supervision of

Ms. Nidhi Vishnoi Sharma
Department of Marketing & Sales

In Partial Fulfillment of Award of Master of Business Administration



MBA program is one of the most reputed professional courses in the field of management.
This course includes both theory and its application contents of curriculum.
Summer training is an integral part of the MBA in Amity Business School. Each student is
required to undergo summer training from an institute of repute after 1st Year. As
complimentary to that, every trainee has to prepare and submit a report on the work conducts
by the student during his/her Summer Training.
This report is at continuation of the above tradition. This summer training was done at
“Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd.”, Bhubaneswar (ODISHA). The topic of the training was
“Door TO Door Sale – A Forgotten Channel”
This Topic is an attempt to present a report on account of meeting and dealing with the
customers & behavior of sales people towards the customers.

Vinit Kumar Pandey



Certificate from Industry Guide

Certificate from Faculty guide


S.No. Chapter Name Page No.

1 Introduction 1-7

2 Literature Review 8-14

3 Research Methodology 15-16

4 Data Interpretation & Analysis 17-35

5 Suggestions, Recommendations & Conclusions 36-38

Appendices 39

References 40

Annexure 41-46

I am Vinit Kumar Pandey do hereby declare that the project done in Godrej & Boyce
Manufacturing Co. Ltd. submitted by me entitled “Door To Door Sale – A Forgotten
Channel” under the guidance of Mr. Niladri S. Chatterjee ( Dy Manager as corporate guide)
Ms. Nidhi Vishnoi Sharma ( Faculty Guide) during 10th May, 2010 to 21st June 2010, in
partial Fulfillment Of the requirement for the Summer Internship Program of MBA is of my
own and it has not been submitted earlier to any other institution including this college or
published elsewhere.

Place: Bhubaneswar Vinit Kumar Pandey

Date: Amity Business School


This is to certify that the project work entitled “Door To Door Sale – A Forgotten Channel”
Submitted by Vinit Kumar Pandey, in fulfillment of the requirements for the Summer
Internship Program of MBA from Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Co. Ltd.( Bhubaneswar)
, is a record of an independent work done by me under the guidance and supervision of Mr.
Niladri S. Chatterjee ( Dy Manager as corporate guide) & Ms. Nidhi Vishnoi Sharma
(Faculty Guide). My work is original and has not been elsewhere submitted. I am pleased to
say that their performance during the period of live project was extremely satisfactory. I wish
to them to get success in their life.

Date: Ms.Nidhi Vishnoi Sharma

Place: Amity Business School


I am indebted to Mr. Niladri S. Chatterjee, Dy. Manager, Direct Sales, Appliance division,
Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Bhubaneswar, for giving me an opportunity to work as a
summer project trainee in this esteemed organization. His knowledge and experience was a
great motivating factor. This effort would not have been possible without his able, efficient,
valuable and timely advice, insights and thoughts. I am very much thankful to sir for his
valuable guidance and support.

I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to my faculty guide Ms. Nidhi
Vishnoi Sharma Faculty of Amity Business School. I am thankful to sir for his valuable
support and guidance throughout the project.

I extend my sincere thanks to all the respondents, and sales people of Godrej who helped me
for my project.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family members and friends whose unbounded
support facilitated the successful completion of the project.

Project Title


Project Location

Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. - Appliances Division, Bhubaneswar.


(i) To know the viability and sustainability of “Door to Door Selling” with
reference to Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd.

(ii) To know the role of salesman in direct selling.

(iii) To know the customer satisfaction regarding direct sales.

(iv) To know the level of involvement of sales person in dealing with the customer

(v) To determine that whether customers are getting proper after sales service.

(vi) To know the impact of sales person on customer’s behavior.

(vii) To know the perception of the customers regarding Godrej’s products.

Research Methodology

The research was mainly of primary research consisting of descriptive research

and exploratory research. The secondary research consisted of literature search
and Internet search.
Chapter-1: Introduction

1.1 Scope of Project: The project was based on the viability and sustainability
of the Door to Door selling technique adopted by the Godrej, and collection of
data were done basically in two cities like Cuttack & Bhubaneswar.

1.2 Limitations
 Research was limited within three cities

 People were not providing exact data as per the questionnaire ( reluctant
to give information)

 Some part of the survey was telephonic which did not provide
appropriate data.

1.3 Company Overview & Achievements

1.3.1 History

The Company celebrated its centenary in 1997. In 1897 a young man named Ardeshir
Godrej gave up law and turned to lock making. Ardeshir went on to make safes and
security equipment of the highest order, and then stunned the world by creating toilet soap
from vegetable oil.

Ardeshir Godrej Pirojsha Godrej

His brother Pirojsha Godrej carried Ardeshir's dream forward, leading Godrej towards
becoming a vibrant, multi-business enterprise. Pirojsha laid the foundation for the sprawling
industrial garden township (ISO 14001-certified) now called Pirojshanagar in the suburbs of

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Mumbai. Godrej touches the lives of millions of Indians every day. To them, it is a symbol of
enduring ideals in a changing world.


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Godrej and Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd

Godrej & Boyce manufactures a spectrum of consumer products and industrial products. The
Consumer products include Appliances (Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Air Conditioners,
Microwaves, and DVD Players), Locks, Furniture, Security Equipment, Office Automation,
Conferencing Solutions, and vending Machines. Industrial Products include Storage
Solutions, Automated Warehousing, Material Handling Equipment, Process Equipment,
Precision Components & Systems, Machine Tool Service, Electrical & Electronic, Tooling,
and Construction Material & Services.


Established in 1897, the Company was incorporated with limited liability on March 3, 1932,
under the Indian Companies Act, 1913.

Branches (Sales and Service) and Retail Showrooms

1. MUMBAI, Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur, Pune,• Raipur

2. NEW DELHI, Chandigarh, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Jaipur, Kanpur,• Lucknow
3. CHENNAI, Bangalore, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Kochi, Pondicherry,•
Trivandrum, Visakhapatnam
4. KOLKATA, Bhubaneswar, Guwahati, Ranchi,• Patna

The Company has a network of 38 Company-owned Showrooms, more than 2,200

Wholesale Dealers, and more than 18,000 Retail Outlets.
The Company has Representative Offices in Sharjah (UAE), Nairobi (Kenya), Colombo (Sri
Lanka) and Riyadh (Saudi Arab)

1.3.3 Description of the Company:

To the faithful the Godrej narrative starts with an event a young man gave up law and took up
lock making. What an unspecular beginning for a story!
For, have not other young men before and since taken similar decisions and made good?

What was spectacular and unique was not the event. Events in the godrej story are only the
small visible pieces of a larger, continuously emerging picture – a picture witch event in 1897

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had already formed, Invisible to the word, yet alive and palpable in the mind of one man: the
young lawyer-turned-lock maker –Ardeshir Burjorijee Godrej.

Ardeshir Godrej was different. He was intensely interested in the now but only in relation to
the always. Time present was important but he was convinced the timeless was what one
should strive for.

His lock was his first demonstration of the fact that we could do it the first stroke in making
his picture a reality. It is all very well to dream of durability. Ardeshir knew that it does not
just happen. It had to be built into the very concept and design of every product. In a manner
of speaking a product had to stand the test of time, before it actually existed.

Thus was he led to develop a fireproofing compound for his new line of business-safes. This
compound, he said could deafly the most catastrophic fires. (Years later he was proved right
when Bombay was rocked by the terrible dock explosion of 1944. mortar and mangled bodies
lay scattered over a mile radius. Among the cinders and the rubble, his safes were found-
contents unsigned, even the onionskin letterheads instate!)
His locks and his safes were meeting with acceptance. The picture was taking shape; the
background was right and he perspective clear. It was left to another man to enlarge the
canvas to stunning and rewarding proportions.

1.3.5 Division of Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Ltd.

There are mainly division of Godrej & Boyce mfg. ltd those are :
1. Appliances
2. Interio
3. Marketing
4. Service
5. Retail
6. Commercial

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The company has been divided into 6- zones & Lucknow city comes under central zone.
- Appliances section is headed by Mr. Rajeev Dubey who is general manager of central zone.
- Marketing section is look after by Mr. Saurabh Surry.
- Service section is taken our by G.M. who site at Mumbai. At Luck now Mr. Deepak Nagar
has the authority who is Service Manager of central zone.
-Interio section is look after by Mr. Manoj Sadavart who is AGM.
- Commercial section look after by Mr. M.A. khan
- The retail section is dealt by Mr. R.R. Dordi who is RSM and looks after Godrej life space
store at Lucknow & Kanpur.





Jamshyd n. Godrej has been the “managing director” of Godrej & boyce manufacturing co.
ltd. since 1991. mr. Godrej serves as the president of the world wide fund for nature-India. he
served as public interest director of Bombay stock exchange limited from september 28, 2006
to september 28, 2008. mr. Godrej served as president of the Indian machine tool
manufacturers' association. he has been closely associated with the confederation of Indian
industry and was its president ...

during 1993-94. he has been the chairman of the board of Godrej & boyce mfg. co. ltd. (also
known as Godrej & boyce manufacturing co. ltd.) since 2000. he has been the chairman of
geometric software solutions co. ltd. since 2000. he also serves as the chairman of aspen
institute-India. he joined the board of Godrej & boyce mfg co. ltd. as a director in 1974.

since April 29, 1990. he serves as director of haldia petrochemicals limited, breach candy
hospital trust, Singapore-India partnership foundation and great lakes institute of

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management. he served as a director of wadala commodities ltd. until June 10, 2008. he
served as a non-executive independent director at Bajaj holdings & investment limited. until
february 20, 2008. he served as an independent non-executive director of Bajaj auto finance
ltd. he is an ardent yachting enthusiast and has done extensive cruising along the west coast of
India.He was the recipient of Padma bhushan award in April 2003, conferred by the president
of India. mr. Godrej completed his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and masters
in business administration, both from the Illinois Institute of Technology.


K. A. Palia serves as “director of finance at Godrej & boyce mfg. co.” ltd. dr. palia joined
Godrej & boyce manufacturing co. ltd. (g&b) on february 2, 1970. he has considerable
expertise and experience in financial management, business strategy and corporate

He heads the finance function of g&b. he is also in charge of the electrical and electronics,
construction and property development businesses of g&b. dr. palia serves as an executive
director of Godrej ... & boyce mfg. co. ltd.

He is a fellow of the institute of chartered accountants of india and also of the institute of cost
& works accountants of india. dr. palia holds a master's degree in commerce and a diploma in
managerial accounting from the mumbai university, and a ph.d. in business administration
from the Oklahoma state university, USA.

PRESIDENT AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR and has been associated with the Company
since 1975. Prior to joining Godrej, he was a partner in the Solicitors firm of Payne & Co.

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Vijay Crishna:
Vijay Crishna is the Executive Director of Lawkim Motors Group. He joined Lawkim Ltd,
a bankrupt light engineering company taken over by the Godrej Group at the behest of N.P.
Godrej in 1977 after eight years of management experience in Kolkata.

Anil Verma:
Anil Verma is the Executive Director (Personnel & Administration) of the Company and has
been associated with the Company since 1983. He is an Engineering graduate and has an
MBA from the prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.

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Chapter-2: Literature Review


A door-to-door sale is a legitimate sales technique used by both small and large companies. A
door-to-door sale is a marketing channel utilized by both small companies and large
corporation was first used around the time 1850.

Benefits: The ability to acquire customers who do not respond to mass media, direct mail,
telemarketing or other marketing methods. Door-to-door sales are achieved in a small
geographic area allowing businesses, particularly those providing a service, to operate more

Disadvantages: Door-to-door marketing is the most expensive form of marketing in terms of

Cost per Impression. The CPM (Cost per 1000 impressions) can run as high as $5000 for a
direct marketing campaign. It is difficult if not impossible to deliver a consistant marketing
message. A small percentage (less than 2%) of potential customers are alienated due to being
offended by directly soliciting them at their home.

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Door-to-door is a sales technique in which a salesperson walks from the door of one house to
the door of another trying to sell a product or service to the general public. A variant of this
involves cold calling first, when another sales representative attempts to gain agreement that a
salesperson should visit. Door-to-door selling is usually conducted in the afternoon hours,
when the majority of people are at home.


As the Consumer Protection Division of the government of British Columbia, Canada points
out, there are many companies out there that put sales people on the street to go door to door
and sell their products. It is understandable that the average homeowner is on guard when a
stranger comes knocking at their door. If you take the time to learn the proper sales techniques

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then you can help to put some homeowners at ease. In the end, they may listen to what you
have to say.

The following are some basic roles of a sales person which he has to perform:

1. According to door to door sales expert "Mr. Cold Call," your appearance can help you to
put the customer at ease right away. Dress in a professional manner. If your company
issues you a particular uniform, make sure it is clean and neatly pressed. If you are able to
choose your own attire then wear a neutral colored business suit with darker shades such
as gray and dark blue. Avoid hats and sunglasses as you want the customer to be able to
see your face. Wear a large name tag that prominently displays your name and your
company's name. Smile when the customer answers the door, but avoid reaching out your
hand to shake hands until you are able to get a conversation going with the homeowner.

2. Your Pitch
The website suggests that you should knock loudly at the door so the
homeowner knows you are there. Once they answer the door, avoid throwing a canned pitch
at them right off the bat. Try to engage the customer for a minute or two with quick questions
that let them give short and simple answers. Try to create questions that pertain to your topic,
but use these preliminary questions as a lead-in to your pitch. Try to avoid yes or no
questions, and open with a little humor if you feel comfortable with that. Once you feel the
customer is at ease, you can then begin to move into your sales pitch.

3. As a professional door to door salesperson you want to give the impression that you are
there on business, and that you do not pose a threat to the homeowner. The United
Subscription Agency is a resource for subscription sales organizations, and they suggest
backing away from the door once you have knocked or rang the bell. If you can step off
the porch without being too far away, then this may help put sufficient distance between
you and the customer. Do not try to look through any of the front windows, and avoid
being helpful by presenting the customer with their mail. Going through someone's
mailbox is a federal offense, and it is also a sure way to get a door slammed in your face.


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2.2.1 Qualities of salesperson engaged in Personal Selling
It is very difficult to enlist the qualities of people engaged in personal selling. The quality will
vary from time to time and from situation to situation. It also depends upon the customers’
demand and nature of the product. However, there are certain common qualities, which every
salesman should possess in order to become successful in their life. These qualities are listed
i. Physical quality:
A salesman should have a good appearance and an impressive personality. He should also
have a sound health.
ii. Mental quality:
A good salesman should posses certain mental qualities like imagination, initiative, self-
confidence, sharp memory, alertness etc. He should be able to understand the needs and
preferences of customers.
iii. Knowledge of the product and the company:
A salesman should have full knowledge of
• The product and the company he is representing. He should be able to explain each
• Every aspect of the product i.e. its qualities, how to use it, what precautions to be
taken etc.
iv. Good behavior :
A salesman should be co-operative and courteous. Good behavior enables one to win the
confidence of the customers. He should not feel irritated if the buyer puts up many questions
even if the questions are irrelevant. It is also not necessary that the person he is trying to
convince buys the product. The salesman has to remain and courteous in every case.
v. Ability to persuade:
A good salesman should be good in conversation so that he can engage the person he is
attending in conversation. He should be able to convince him and create the desire in his mind
to posses the commodity.


Personal Selling is extremely important as it helps in increasing sales. But there are other
features as well which make it important. Let us discuss the importance of personal selling
from the point of view of manufactures as well as consumers.

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2.3.1 From manufacturer’s point of view
I. It creates demand for products both new as well as existing ones.
II. It creates new customers and, thus help in expanding the market for the product.
III. It leads to product improvement. While selling personally the seller gets acquainted
with the choice and demands of customers and makes suggestions accordingly to the

2.3.2 From customer’s point of view

I. Personal selling provides an opportunity to the consumers to know about new products
introduced in the market. Thus, it informs and educates the consumers about new
II. It is because of personal selling that customers come to know about the use of new
products in the market. The sellers demonstrate the product before the prospective
buyers and explain the use and utility of the products.
III. Personal selling gives an opportunity to the customers to put forward their complaints
and difficulties in using the product and get the solution immediately.


Prospecting Presentation
& Pre-Approach Approach &

Follow-Up Closing Objections

The personal selling process consists of the following steps:

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1) Prospecting: Prospecting refers to identifying and developing a list of potential clients.
Sales people can seek the names of prospects from a variety of sources including trade shows,
commercially-available databases or mail lists, company sales records and in-house databases,

2) Pre-approach

Before engaging in the actual personal selling process, sales professionals first analyze all the
information they have available to them about a prospect to understand as much about the
prospect as possible.

3) Approach

The approach is the actual contact the sales professional has with the prospect. This is the
point of the selling process where the sales professional meets and greets the prospect,
provides an introduction, establishes rapport that sets the foundation of the relationship, and
asks open-ended questions to learn more about the prospect and his or her needs.

4) Making the Presentation

During the presentation portion of the selling process, the sales professional tells that product
"story" in a way that speaks directly to the identified needs and wants of the prospect. Sales
professionals should strive to let the prospect do most of the talking during the presentation
and address the needs of the prospect as fully as possible by showing that he or she truly
understands and cares about the needs of the prospect.

5) Overcoming Objections

Professional sales people seek out prospects' objections in order to try to address and
overcome them. When prospects offer objections, it often signals that they need and want to
hear more in order to make a fully-informed decision. If objections are not uncovered and
identified, then sales professionals cannot effectively manage them.

6) Closing the Sale

Although technically "closing" a sale happens when products or services are delivered to the
customer's satisfaction and payment is received, for the purposes of our discussion I will

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define closing as asking for the order and adequately addressing any final objections or

7) Follow-up

Follow-up is an often overlooked but important part of the selling process. After an order is
received, it is in the best interest of everyone involved for the sales person to follow-up with
the prospect to make sure the product was received in the proper condition, at the right time,
installed properly, proper training delivered, and that the entire process was acceptable to the

2.5 Best practices to succeed in Door to Door Sales:

For companies that have customers with high lifetime value and products that benefit from
personal selling, there are five best practices for succeeding with door-to-door sales:

1. In deciding whether to recruit an in-house sales force or to contract with vendors,

consider your organization’s capabilities and constraints, as well as the products or
services you are selling.

2. Make sure that you have dedicated recruiting processes and that they cover all bases in
reaching likely candidates.
3. Establish ongoing training that includes a confidence building component, as well as
information on new products; consider a mentoring program that matches seasoned
reps with new hires.

4. Constantly adjust the incentive system to increase sales per rep per day, and encourage
the sales force to sell the highest-margin products and services.

5. Develop a retention program that identifies short- and long-term goals and offers
appropriate rewards for the most successful performers.

No. of
Travel Time

attitude & Hustle in the Field
culture Page | 14
Territory Density
Rep training &

No. of Visit per day

Percentage of
No. of territory accessible
Sales Incentive
per rep Programme
per day
Multiple Sources

SALE No. of Recruiting

Tools for Processing
ES feet on

Mix of short and

long-term sales

(Source-BCG Analysi
Training and

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Chapter-3: Research Methodology
The methodology used in the present study includes both descriptive and exploratory one.
Primary data is collected through a well designed questionnaire cum-schedule. Personal
interview & focus group discussion is also conducted. Literature survey is done through
published sources on consumer appliances industry. Identifying the competitors analysis and
their details and in-depth interview of retailers and company representative. Statistical tools
like measure of central tendency i.e. mean, median, mode, standard deviation, etc used.
Convenient sampling technique is followed for the study.

3.1 Method of Data Collection:

In order to study the consumer perception on door to door selling initiative by Godrej
appliances in Cuttack & Bhubaneswar both primary and secondary data were collected. The
nature of the data that has been used in the project under study is both primary and secondary
in nature.

 The primary data was collected by using a questionnaire based, so as to give a

precise, accurate, realistic and relevant data.
 The secondary data as it has always been important for the completion of any
report provides a reliable, suitable, equate and specific knowledge. The data was
collected from various magazines, fact sheets newspapers and websites published
by the company.

3.2 Sampling Method

For this study convenience sampling was used from the consumers of Godrej appliances.

3.3 Sample size

The total number of sample taken for this study is 210 respondents from Cuttack &
Bhubaneswar who own any product of Godrej appliances.

3.4 Research tools

The tools used in this study were Questionnaires.

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3.5 Sample Area
In order to make a detailed analysis on consumer’s perception about door to door selling with
respect to Godrej appliances, the data for the study has been collected through a survey of
consumers based in Cuttack & Bhubaneswar.

3.6 Data Compilation and Analysis

After the data has been collected, it was tabulated and findings of the project were presented
followed by analysis and interpretation to reach certain conclusions.

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Chapter-4: Data Analysis & Interpretation

1. Which appliance have you purchased from Direct Sales?

Product No. of respondents

Refrigerator 128

Washing machine 53

AC 14

Microwave oven 13

DVD player 2

Water purifier 0


Others 0

Table no-1

Chart no-1

Data collected- The above data was collected to know which appliance respondents are

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Analysis- We can analysis that 60.95% of the respondents are using refrigerators, 25.23%
are using washing machines, 6.67% are the users of A.C and 6.19% are using Microwave

Interpretation- We can easily interpret from the above data that majority of the respondents
own a refrigerator or a washing machine.

2) Why you Purchased appliance from Direct Sales?

Options No. of respondents

No time spent on finding a dealer 21

One to One consultation 42

Exchange offer 106

Sales person 12

Competitive pricing 26

Any other 3

Table no-2

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Chart no-2

Data collected:
The above data was collected to know why people are opting for direct sales. This question
will help us in knowing what benefits the consumers see in buying through direct sales.
From the above data collected we found the following
• 10% of the respondents are buying from direct sales as they don’t have any time for
finding a dealer.

• 20% of the people are opting for direct sales as they are getting one to one

• 50.5 %of the respondents are finding the exchange offer with direct sales attractive

• 5.70% of the respondents are of the view that due to the sales person’s influence they
bought from direct sales.

• 12.4% of the respondents said that due to competitive pricing they opted for direct
sales and 1.40% went for direct sales for other reasons.

From all the response to this question we conclude that majority of the people are opting for
direct sales as they are finding the exchange offers attractive or they don’t have the time to
find a dealer.

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3) Are you satisfied with your decision of opting for Direct Sales as your mode of

Decision No of respondents

Yes 166

No 44

Table no-3

Chart no-3

Data collected:
The above question shows the people’s response to the above question i.e., whether people are
satisfied with their decision of opting for direct sales or not.

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The response shows that 79.05% of the respondents are satisfied with their direct sales
decision while 20.95% of the respondents are not satisfied with their decision.

From the response it can be derived that majority of the respondents are satisfied with their
decision of buying form direct sales.

III.1 The following graph shows the satisfied respondents and the
reason for their satisfaction with their respective products.


In the case of refrigerator and washing machine around 40% and 32% respondents are
satisfied because of the schemes Godrej offered. While for AC, Oven, DVD 22%, 32% and
100% respondents are satisfied due to the quality of product.


Thus we can infer that schemes and quality are the main eason for the satisfaction of the

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III.2 The following graph shows the dissatisfied respondents and the reason for their
dissatisfaction with their respective products.


In the case of refrigerator and washing machine around 72% and 78% respondents are
dissatisfied because of the service Godrej provided. While for AC & Oven 80%, 95%
respondents are dissatisfied due to the service of product.


We can easily see that aftersales service of Godrej is not up to the mark. Consumers are
highly dissatisfied because of the service.

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4) Are you getting timely after-sales service?

Option No. of respondents

Yes 155

No 55

Table no-4

Chart no-4

Data collected:
The above data was collected to know whether the respondents are getting the timely after
sales services or not.

The data collected shows that 73.81% of the respondents are getting timely after sales services
while the rest 26.19% of the respondents are not getting it.

It can be interpreted that majority of the people are getting the after sales services at the right

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5) How was the behavior of the sales person?

Options No. of Respondents

Very good 30

Good 124

Fair 43

Poor 10

Very poor 3

Table no-5

Chart no-5

Data collected:
The Above data was collected to have an idea about the respondent’s perception about the
behavior of the sales people.
It can be analyzed from the above data
• 14.30% of the respondents are of the view that the behavior of the sales person was
very good.

• 59% of the respondents thought that the sales person’s behavior was good.
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• 20.50% of the respondents gave the reply that the sales person behaved in a fair

• The rest 4.80% and 1.40% of the people said that the sales person’s behavior was
either poor or very poor respectively.

Interpretation: It can be interpreted that the respondents gave a positive response to the
sale’s people’s behavior as majority of them gave either very good or good, while the
respondents giving a negative response were negligible.

6. Was the appearance of the salesperson satisfactory?

Option No of respondents
Yes 190
No 20
Table no-6

Chart No.6

Data collected:

The above data was collected to know what the respondents feel about the appearance of the
sales person.

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It can be analyzed from the above table and pie chart that 94% of the respondents are feeling
satisfactory about the appearance of the sales person while the rest 6% are not so satisfactory
about the sales person’s behavior.


It can be interpreted that majority of the people are satisfied with the appearance of the sales

7) Was the sales person able to answer all your queries?

Option No. of Respondents

Yes 169

No 41

Table no-7

Chart no-7

Data collected:
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The above data was collected to know whether the sales people were able to answer all the
queries of the respondents or not.


94% of the respondents are of the view that the sales person was able to answer all the queries
correctly while the rest 4% gave us the replay that the sales people were unable to answer the


It can be interpreted that majority of the people are positive about the sales people’s know
how about the Godrej products.

8) If given a chance will you opt for buying/recommending a product through

Direct Sales?

Option No. of respondents

Yes 112

No 30

May be 68

Table no-8

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Chart no-8

Data collected:

The above data was collected to know whether the respondents will recommend buying from
direct sales to others or not.


73% of the respondents said that they will be recommending to others while 13% of the
respondents said no to the above question and the rest 14% of them said they might
recommend direct sales to others.


It can be interpreted that majority of the people will recommend direct sales to others.

Cross Tab-1:
The Following cross tab shows the appliance purchased by the customer and the reason for
which they have purchased that appliance. The Following table shows the cross tabulation of
question no.1 and 2.

Page | 29
Which appliance have you purchased from direct sales? * Why you purchased
appliance from direct sales? Cross tabulation


Why you purchased appliance from direct sles?

No time
spent on
finding a One-to-One Exchange Competitive Any
dealer Consultation Offer Salesperson pricing other Total

Which appliance have Refrigerator 8 21 73 8 16 2 128

you purchased from
direct sales? Washing 9 10 27 2 5 0 53

AC 3 4 2 1 3 1 14

Microwave 0 6 4 1 2 0 13

DVD 1 1 0 0 0 0 2

Total 21 42 106 12 26 3 210

Chart no.-9

Page | 30
Chart no. 10

It can be seen that for refrigerator and washing machine around 58% & 51% of the
respondents respectively purchased the product because of Exchange offer. Also for AC &
Oven 29% & 47% of the respondents respectively purchased the product because of One to
One consultation.

The above data shows that in the case of Refrigerator and Washing machine Exchange offer
is the primary reason why customer went for it. Whereas in the case of AC and Oven One to
One consultation was the major reason.

Cross Tab-2:
The following cross tabulation is to show the appliance purchased by the respondent and
whether they are satisfied or not. The Following table shows the cross tabulation of question
no.1 and 3.

Page | 31
Which appliance have you purchased from direct sales? * are you satisfied with your
decision of opting for direct sales as your mode of purchase? Cross tabulation


are you satisfied with your decision of

opting for direct sales as your mode of

yes no Total

which appliance have you Refrigerator 103 25 128

purchased from direct sales?
washing machine 42 11 53

AC 8 6 14

Microwave Oven 11 2 13

DVD 2 0 2

Total 166 44 210

The above chart shows that around in the case of refrigerator and washing machine around
78% respondents are satisfied with their decision and for Oven and DVD 80% and 90%
customers are satisfied respectively. While only 65% of the AC owners are satisfied.


Page | 32
Satisfaction level for all the appliances is very high except AC. For the case of AC
dissatisfaction level goes to 35% which is a matter of concern for the company.

Cross Tab-3:
The following cross tabulation is to show the appliance purchased by the respondent and
Satisfaction Level for After Sales Service. The Following table shows the cross tabulation of
question no.1 and 4.

Which appliance have you purchased from direct sales? * are you getting timely after
sales service? Cross tabulation

are you getting timely after sales


yes no Total

which appliance have you refrigerator 100 28 128

purchased from direct sales? washing machine 40 13 53

AC 6 8 14

Microwave Oven 8 5 13

DVD 1 1 2

Total 155 55 210

Page | 33
Page | 34
Interpretation: we can easily interpret that most of the consumers are satisfied with the
aftersales service of the company.

Cross Tab- 4:
The following cross tabulation is to show the appliance purchased by the respondent and its
recommendation in future to friends and family. The Following table shows the cross
tabulation of question no.1 and 8.

Which appliance have you purchased from direct sales? * would you
recommend/opt Direct Sales channel to friends & family? Crosstabulation

would you recommend/opt Direct Sales channel to

friends & family?

yes no may be Total

which appliance have you refrigerator 70 17 41 128

purchased from direct sales? washing machine 26 9 18 53

AC 6 4 4 14

Microwave Oven 8 0 5 13

DVD 2 0 0 2

Total 112 30 68 210

Page | 35
Analysis: We can see that for refrigerator and washing machine around 50 %and 40%
respectively agreed to recommend while for AC, Oven and DVD 45%, 65% &100% will
recommend them respectively.

Interpretation: Most of the respondents agreed to recommend their product to others, but the
case is not same for AC as 30% people owing AC said that they may recommend to others
and around 28% said that they will not recommend Godrej AC to others.

Chapter-5: Findings, Suggestions & Recommendation

Page | 36
5.1 Findings:
• Most of the respondents about 61.0% people are using Godrej refrigarator,25.2%
people using washing machine,6.7% AC, 6.% microwave,1% DVD, water purifier
and the ups users are almost negligible.

• Most of the people purchased Godrej products due to the exchange offer provided
by the company and due to the reason which is they do not have to spend any time
to find a dealer

• 79.05% people told that they are satisfied with their decision of purchase from
direct sales and 20.95% people are not satisfied with their decision.

• 73.81% people got proper timely after sales service where as 26.19% people did
not get proper timely after sale service. They have some problems with the
products, they have purchased.

• Most of the people were satisfied with the behavior of the sales people and they
give them good and very good rank.

• Almost 90.48% people like the appearance of the sales person where as 9.52%
didn’t like their appearance

• 80.48% people were able to get answer of their quarries about the products they
have purchased.

• 53.33% people are fully ready for recommending others to purchase the products
from direct sales, 14.29% people are not ready to give recommendation and the
other 32.38% may or may not recommend others to purchase the products from
direct sales.

• All most all the customers are satisfied with Godrej EON Refrigerators.

• Customers are not aware about the certain features of the products ( e.g., EON ref.)

• Customers are not fully satisfied with after sales service.

Page | 37
5.2 Suggestions:
• The sales person should provide information about the product to the customer at the
time of selling.

• Company should provide new product updates to the customer(Through Tele-calling)

• After sales service should be provided at regular interval.

• The company should take proper care of his sales person and also collect regular
information about them, so that they should not able to cheat the company.

5.4 Recommendations for Sales Person to Improve Sales:

Success in sales depends upon some basics few points may be taken for the success in sales:
1. Sales people have to be sincere with people. Too many sales people act in a manner
that seems artificial or they only feign interest in their prospects' problems and
concerns. People are smart and see right through such insincerity.

2. It is vitally important to constantly hone your sales and communications skills.

Continuous growth and training in formal professional selling techniques is also very

3. Sales person’s prospects and customers are all different so you should treat them

4. Sales persons have to find out what their prospects want and then give it to them.

5. If sales persons cannot give their prospects what they want tell them so and help them
find what they are looking for elsewhere or at least point them in the right direction.

The consumer feedback form which is recommended to evaluate the satisfaction level among
the consumer along with a flowchart of doing it is attached in the annexure part.

Page | 38

“Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of the prospect”

The above quote by William Clement Stone clearly says that the sales of the company is
mostly depend upon the attitude of the salesman, only the sales man can increase the sales of
the company even if you have the best product or services.

In case of Door to Door sale it is the responsibility of the sales man to provide adequate
information to the customers which ultimately increase the sales of the company.

Due to this summer project I can conclude that door-to-door sales can be a powerful means of
acquiring customer and increasing revenues. But door-to-door sales forces are often more
difficult to manage than other sales channels, and they usually require a skill set that most
companies lack today.

Lastly I would like to conclude that I am very great full to work as a trainee in such a big
organization. And also very much thank full to Mr. Niladri Chaterjee ( Project Guide & Dy.
Manager) of Godrej appliances ltd. I have experienced a lot of things in this two months of
SIP and also like to work with this organization if I get a chance in near future.

Page | 39
List of Charts & Tables:

Si No. Title Page

1 Which appliance have you purchased from direct sales? 17

2 Why you purchased appliance from direct sales? 18-19

3 Are you satisfied with your decision of opting direct sales as 20-22
your mode of purchase?

4 Are you getting timely after sales service? 23

5 How was the behavior of the sales person? 24

6 Was the appearance of the sales person satisfactory? 25

7 Was the salesperson able to answer all your queries? 26

8 If given a chance will you opt for buying/ recommending 27-28

through direct sales?

9 Which Appliance have you purchased & why? (Crosstab-1) 29-30

10 Which appliance have you purchased & whether satisfied or 31

not? (Crosstab-2)

11 Which appliance purchased & whether getting timely after 32-34

sales service or not? (Crosstab-3)

12 Which appliance purchased & would you recommend/opt for 34-35

direct sales channel? (Crosstab-4)

Page | 40
1. Kotler , Koshy, and Keller,Jha, K.L.(2009), Marketing Management

2. Marketing research By A.K Malhotra

3. Market research by Hair/ Bush/ ORTINAU

4. www.

5. www.





10. Consumer Behavior by WEIKAMA EMMA




14.Antonides, G. and van Raaij, W.F. (1998), Consumer Behavior:

15.A European Perspective, 1st ed., John Wiley & Sons,

Page | 41

Annual Household Income (in lacs ) :
1) Which appliance have you purchased from Direct Sales? Specify model
□ Refrigerator
□ Washing Machine
□ Air conditioner
□ Microwave Oven
□ Water Purifier
□ Others

2) Why you Purchased appliance from Direct Sales?

□ No time spent on finding a dealer
□ One-to-One consultation
□ Exchange offer
□ Sales person
□ Competitive pricing
□ any other____________

Page | 42
3) Are you satisfied with your decision of opting for Direct Sales as your
mode of purchase?
□ Yes
□ No

4) Are you getting timely after-sales service?

□ Yes
□ No

5) How was the behavior of the sales person?

□ Very good
□ Good
□ Fair
□ Poor
□ Very poor

6) Was the appearance of the salesperson satisfactory?

□ Yes
□ No
7) Was the sales person able to answer all your queries?
□ Yes
□ No
8) If given a chance will you opt for buying/recommending a product
Direct Sales?
□ Yes
□ No
□ May be
• Any suggestions for improvement_________________________________
Page | 43


Thank you very much indeed for taking the time to complete this
questionnaire. Your responses will be kept confidential and utilized alongside
others (and not attributable to your individual organization) solely for the
purposes of knowing what the customers think about door to door selling.

Page | 44

Product Name:_________________________________________________
Model Number:________________________________________________
Dealer Name/Sales Person Name:_________________________________
Purchase Date:_________________________________________________

1) Is the product the same that you ordered?

□ Yes
□ No

2) Has the demo been given to you?

□ Yes
□ No

3) How was the demo?

□ Very good
□ Good
□ Fair
□ Poor
□ Very poor

Page | 45
4) Was the technician able to answer all your queries?
□ Yes
□ No

5) Have you received your gifts? (if applicable)

□ Yes
□ No

6) Are you satisfied with the Product ?

□ Yes
□ No

Any Suggestions for Improvement



Page | 46
Page | 47

Deliver The

After 7 Days

Log Respective
Is the If Complaints &
take Necessary
Satisfied? No Action

If Yes


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