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MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ‘THE PEARL RIVER VALLEY WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT HELD ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2018 AT 9:30 A.M. AT THE DISTRICT’S MAIN OFFICE LOCATED AT MADISON LANDING, RIDGELAND MISSISSIPPI A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Pearl River Valley Water Supply District was held at 9:30 a.m., on Thursday, February 1, 2018, at the District's main office located at Madison Landing, Ridgeland, Mississippi. ‘Members Present: Shannon Armstrong, Bruce Brackin, Billy Cook, Phillip Crosby, Ben Evans, W. C. Gorden, Jennifer Hall, Samuel Mitchell, John Pittman, John Skains, and Jack Winstead Members Absent: Doug Berry, Kenny Latham, and Tedrick Ratcliff Jr. Others Present: John Sigman, Cindy Ford, Craig Hunt, Susan McMullan, Philip Huskey, Marcial Forester, Bobby Cleveland, Greg Burgess, Mark Beyea, Josh Harkins, Brent Powell Board President Jennifer Hall called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. President Hall thanked all the board members for changing their schedules to accommodate the special board meeting. President Hall welcomed Senator Josh Harkins and Representative Brent Powell to the meeting and thanked them for coming to update the board on current legislation active at the Capitol. Senator Harkins addressed the board and reviewed some of the current bills active that would possibly impact the Pearl River Valley Water Supply District. Representative Powell spoke to the board next and reviewed the House activities. The board members thanked them for their update. Mr. Harkins and Mr. Powell left the meeting at this time. President Hall asked for the presentation contract award for the breakwater project. Mr. Greg Burgess reviewed the Madison Landing Boating Facility Breakwater Project. Mr. Burgess noted the project was based on grant funding in the total project, amount of $400,000. Mr. Burgess stated that bids were requested for a base bid for conerete piling project, with an alternate for add/deduct lengths of piling and an altemate base bid for steel piling project, with an altemate for add/deduct lengths of piling. ‘Mr. Philip Huskey then outlined the bidding results. On or about January 24, 2018, the Pearl River Valley Water Supply District opened sealed bids for the Madison Landing Breakwater Project. Overall, the District received three bids for the project which included a base bid for concrete pilings, altemate add/deduet length bids for concrete pilings, as well an alternate base bid for steel pilings and alternate add/deduetion length for steel pilings. The apparent low bidder for the conerete piling base bid was Walters Diving and Marine, Inc. of Pascagoula, Mississippi, having bid $397,066.00 for the base bid. Walters Diving did not fill in the blanks for the alternate add/deduct length categories on the bid form for the concrete pilings. This 113 Board Minutes 1 February 2038 Page? ‘constitutes an irregularity on the bid form. The second lowest bidder for concrete pilings ‘was Hemphill Construction Company with a base conerete piling bid of $425,000.00 and add/deduct lengths for piling of $785.00 and $587.00 per linear foot. ‘The third lowest bidder was Malouf Construction LLC, with a conerete piling base bid of $454,200.00 and add/deduct lengths for concrete piling of $1,600.00 and $1,575.00 per linear foot. The District also requested an alternate base bid for steel pilings for which Hemphill Construction Company was the low bidder, with a bid of $395,000.00 and add/deduct steel alternates of $785.00 and $587.00 per linear foot. ‘The second lowest bidder for the stecl alternate was Walters Diving and Marine, Ine. with an alternate base bid for steel pilings of $418,204.00. Walters Diving did not fill out the blanks on the bid form for the alternate add/deduct length for steel pilings. This omission also constitutes an irregularity on the bid form. Malouf Construction LLC did not bid on the altemate base bid for steel pilings or the alternates for steel pilings. Based upon the evaluation of the bids, the District finds that the bid of Walters Diving and Marine, Inc. in the amount of $397,066.00 should be rejected because Walters did not complete the bid form in its entirety and this fact constitutes an irregularity in the bid involving price. Therefore, it is an irregularity that cannot be waived by the District. Furthermore, the base bids for conerete pilings of Hemphill Construction and Malouf Construction in the amounts of $425,000.00 and $454,200.00, respectively, are hereby rejected as being over of the District’s budget for the Madison Breakwater Project. Given the District did not receive an acceptable bid for its preferred method of installation of conerete pilings, the District found that the low bidder for the altemate base bid for steel pilings is Hemphill Construction Company in the aforementioned bid amounts and recommends to the Board of Directors that Hemphill Construction Company be awarded the alternate base bid for steel pilings, with no alternates included, The District recommended to the Board that it award the base altemate steel bid in the amount of $395,000.00 to Hemphill Construction Company for the Madison Breakwater Project and to authorize PRVWSD staff move forward with the Madison Breakwater Project. ‘The board members discussed the bid results and use of concrete vs steel pilings. Mr. Billy Cook made the motion to reject all bids and alternates for the concrete pilings base bid, and award the contract to Hemphill Construction Company for the alternate base bid for steel pilings, with no alternate add/deduct lengths in the amount of $395,000.00. Mr. John Pittman seconded the motion. President Hall asked for any questions or comments. None were offered. ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Gorden, Hall, Mitchell, Pittman, and Winstead. Abstained: Skains. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED BY MAJORITY. President Hall then asked for a motion to enter Closed Session. Mr, Billy Cook made a motion to enter Closed Session to discuss the need for Executive Session. Mr. Samuel Mitchell seconded the motion. ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Gorden, Hall, Mitchell, Pittman, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16 Board Minutes February 2018 Pages Mr. John Pittman then made a motion to enter Executive Session to discuss personnel issues relating to the job performance of a person for a specific position, with Susan McMullan, Philip Huskey and board members to remain in session. Mr. Ben Evans seconded the motion. ‘The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Gorden, Hall, Mitchell, Pitman, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The board entered Executive Session. No action was taken in Executive Session. Mr. John Pittman made a motion to exit Executive Session. Mr. Phillip Crosby seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Gorden, Hall, Mitchell, Pittman, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Bill Cook made a motion to increase the salary of the Executive Director to ‘the maximum amount currently available under Mississippi State Personnel Board guidelines, with the increase taking effect for the February 20" pay period. Mr. Phillip Crosby seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Gorden, Hall, Mitchell, Pittman, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ‘Mr. Billy Cook made motion to adjourn. Mr. Phillip Crosby seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: For: Armstrong, Brackin, Cook, Crosby, Evans, Gorden, Hall, Mitchell, Pittman, Skains and Winstead. Abstained: None. Against: None. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There being no further business 10 come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:04 a.m. 17

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