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ROQUE, Tristan Troy V.

3ECO2 2/5/2018

Reflection paper about the panel discussion

Since the dawn of civilization man has consistently told stories and epics
by passing it down orally from generation to generation. However, everything
changed when the philosophers of Greece started writing it down. Hence,
literature was born. The classical period of literature was one of the most
important moments of humanity since it allowed people to set the yard stick on
how literature should be written: Balance, Order, and Restraint.

The activity held last meeting allowed me to better understand the utmost
importance of literature. Since it has given me an insight on how literature
evolved from being passed down orally through tradition to the literature that we
know today. It has given an zoom-in-zoom-outlook a bird’s eye view of the topic.

It has portrayed literature as a moving force for society because literature

continually progress as traditions, beliefs, and cultures progress. Literature has
defined human perception of himself and the things around him. From the epics
of Greece, the writings and the rhetoric of Rome, to the aesthetic literature of the
renaissance era, to the literature of today all have defined humanity thus;
humanism has become a central focus in many writings. The everyday human
experiences have become the main focus of literature.

Moreover, the activity has allowed an analysis of how literature has also
allowed us to see through the lenses of the pass by narrating difference events.
For example, through literature we have a glimpse of how our country has been
established by the narratives of Antonio Pigafeta. Thus, literature allows us to go
back in time in the defining moments that made us.

In addition, Literary works describe gave us a glimpse on how powerful

literature is. It has shown that writings such as poems, epics, and other types of
literature can change societies and the way people think. Lastly, Literature has
reflected the greatest and worst of humanity has to offer. This is why literature is
importance cannot be understated because everyday literature evolves as
humanity progress.

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