Data Dictionary: Domain: Technical Attributes

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DOMAIN: Domain is a central object which defines the technical attributes Of a table field
Technical such as a short description, documentation, data types, length, decimal places, Sign,
Attributes Lower case, conversion Routines Fixed values and value table.
A conversion routine converts values from display format to Internal format for the
fields or components that refer to the domain.
It is defined as a five-place name and stored as a group of two function
Conversion_exit_<routine name>_input
Conversion_exit_<routine name>_output

The subroutine is executed automatically when entries are saved in the Screen field
or when values are displayed in the screen field Output conversion is also triggered
with WRITE and WRITE TO. The conversion routine can occur frequently with lists
Domain can be created from the T Code: SE11 and Displayed from T Code: SE12

Values entered in the fixed values or interval s attributes are the only possible values
that table fields or components referring to this domain can have.
Fixed values can be used during the input check in screen templates. If no other means
of help (such as search help or foreign key ) is defined for a field, the fixed values
are offered in the input (F4 ) help.

If both the check table and fixed values are defined for a table field, only those values
that exist in both the check table and fixed value can be entered in that table field

Value Table:
If all the table fields referring to the domain are checked against the value of a
certain table, that table is known as the value table. The system proposes the value
table as the check table when a foreign key for the field is defined. The user can
Override the proposal. Entering the value table does not implement the check.
The check against the value table only takes place when a foreign key is defined.

For example, assume that Table EQUI is the value table for domain EQUNR, and Table
T000 is the value table for domain MANDT. Whenever a foreign key is assigned to the
field referring to the domain EQUNR, the system proposes EQUI as the check table for
that field. You can override the proposal, however.

DATA Data elements can be considered to be elementary or reference data types
ELEMENT : Data elements in the ABAP Dictionary describe individual fields
Describes the business function of a table field. Its technical attributes are based on a
domain, and its business function is described by its field labels and documentation.

STRUCTURE A structure is a sequence of any other data types from the ABAP Dictionary, that is,
data elements, structures, table types, or database tables
When you create a structure in the ABAP Dictionary, each component must have a
name and a data type.

TABLE TYPES Table types are construction blueprints for internal tables that are stored in the ABAP

TABLE 3 Types of tables in ABAP DATA Dictionary
Transparent table: Exists with the same structure both in dictionary as well as in
database exactly with the same data and fields.Both Opensql and Nativesql can be used.
Pooled & Clustered Tables: These are logical tables that are arranged as records of
transparent tables. One cannot use native sql on these tables (only open sql).
They are not manageable directly using database system tools.

VIEW A View is a "Virtual Table" containing fields from One or more DB tables which does not
contain any data but instead provides an application-oriented view.
4 Types of Views in ABAP:
Database View: Implemented with an equivalent view on the database.
Projection View: Used to hide fields of a table (only projection).
Help view: Used as selection method in search helps
Maintenance View: permit you to maintain the data distributed on several tables for one
application object at one time.

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