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Volume XVI. Z-123.

Milledgeville, Georgia, Saturday, November 8, 1941
e No. 7

Frosh Elect Bowman^

Hancock In Run-over
Trapnell, Council, Duke, Bradfield
Also Named Class Heads
In the fittial freshman elections, held Wednesday, Caro-
line Bowman was elec/jfed president of the cl'ass.^She (de-
feated Faye Hancock by only nine votes, having deceived
137 as compared with, 128 in the
run-over election, . • . .'
State Students Other presidential candidates,
who were eliminated in the .pr,i-
mary e l e c t i o n , were LQu,ise
Still Carrying Knapp, Leslie Rees, Marjoi-ie
Shepherd, and Prances Stone..
On Action The primary was held| Monday,
six weeks after the fall term be-
The five-man committee from gan, "but a run.over was neces-
the Board of Regents of the Uni- gary Wednesday for all Iresh-
versity System of Georgia has nian offices,
been meeting, this week with the
investigating group from the HANCOCIi, VICE PRESmEN*
Southern Association of Colleges ^^ ^^^ ^ace for vice-president,
Recently elected to membership in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universi- and .Secondary Schools in At- Dorothy Donald, Harriet Ployd,
ties are a group of GSCV\^ students. Above are pictured the newly elected members and, lanta. The results of these dis^ Vivian Pulliam, and Nancy Schip-
also last year's members who were re-elected. Left to right: Mrst row: Mary Sallee, cussions will not be publically ^^^ ^^^e eliminated, leavlug,
Martha Daniel, Mary Zelma Gillis, Lorree Bartlett, Katherine McGriff, Mildred Farr, and announced, until the association Katherine King and Mary Hani
, Margaret Baldwin. Second row: Betty Jordan, Elizabeth Home, Florrie Coffee, Doris boardCONTINUED convenes in December.
*^°^^^ ^°^ run-overs. The final vote
^ ^ ^ ^^^ Hancock; 169, Kathe-
Wamock, Judy Krauss, Rebecca -Taylor, Marguerite Bassett, Nancy Ragland, and Mary Although enough action may ^^^^ King, 96.
Jeanne Everitt. Third row: Jessie Marie Brewtion, Lucia Rooney, Ann Stubbs, Merle be taken to clear the system from Laura Jean Trapnell, candi-
McKemie, Blanche Layton, Mildred Cain, Blanche Muldrow, Hazel K^Uingsworth, Vir- loosing credit, the students of date for secretary .defeated Ra-
ginia Collar and Louise Ray. the 16 state colleges are contin- chel Diefeey, 171-93. The nomi-
uing their program to have a nees included in th,e primary
^special meeting of th^ legisla- were Ann Beers, Jerry Glover
Golden Slipper Contest Drew Pearson ture called. and Jane Holland.
Saturday, November 1, stu- TREASURER. COUNCIL

Slated November 14 Lectures Wed. dents from 14 Georgia colleges June Council, defeating Anna
were present at an organizational Frances Archer with a 140-123
meeting in Macon. Several de- vote, was elected treasurer. Yli'-
The freshman, and sophomore classes will vie for the cov- Drew Pearson, famed co-au- (Continued, on page 4) (Continued, on page 4)
eted Golden Slipper Fr'iday evening, November 14, in Rus- thor of "Tbe Washington Merry-
sell auditorium. This is an annual award made .yearly to Go-Round," will address the stu-
dents of GSCW at 8:00 Wednes-
the class presenting/ the best play.
day night, November 12, in Rus-
^The sister classes support eacb
other. Seniors Give sell auditorium under the au-
spices of the Lyceum Course com-
Under the direction of their mittee.
ad-viser, Miss Mary Thomas Max-
well, the sophomores will pre-
Class Dance Drew Pearson isi a tall, slender,
professional-looking individualist,
sent a drama adapted from a whose prime amusement and oc-
The annual, senior dance will
siiort story iby Mary Owens Sal- be given November 16, from 8 cupation is observing the merry-
lee. The tentative cast includes: to 12, in the gymnasium. The go-round of national politics.-
Marion Stewart, Jane Sparks, central theme will be autumn He was born in Evanston, Hli-
Jean Peterson, and< Dot Lewis. and the idea of the "little red ois, in 1897, and* was graduated
The sophomore committee heads schoolhouse." from Swarthmore college in 1919.
are as follows: Sara Sims and Imbued .with high Swarthmore
Jane Bowden, story; Lottie Wal- Loree Bartiett ana Jane Simp- ideals, he went to the Balkans
lace, stage; Mary Whitehead, son are joint chairmen of all with the British Red Cross, and
putijlicity; Djilsey jArthiur, cos- dance committees. The other later became head of the Quaker
tumes; Joyce Slate, songs; El- working committees are: Refresh- Relief work in Siberia, Albania,
eanor Webb, decorations; Mary ments, Elizabeth Tatum and Jean and Montenegro.
Ann McKinney make-up; Evelyn Stewart; stags. Dot Eley and After two years of this fee re-
Jones, typist. Betty Thurman; decorations, Vlr.
turned to teach in the Univer-
The sophomore play is entitled ginia Ryals and Blanche Layton; sity of Pennsylvania, but after
"Receive The Dream." invitation, Virginia Stewai't.
a year of it, he heard the East
The tea dance will be held in
PRESH»IAN CAST a-calling and he started on a
Sanford Dining hall from 4 to 6,
Mrs. Henry Rogers will assist with the Auburn Plainsmen play- world merry-go-round of his own.
the freshmen in llje presenta- ing for both dances. The decora- In it»:i2 he shipped as a sea-
tion of their play, "The Pall of tion theme will be the same as man on the S. S. President Mad-
the House of Ushev" adapted for the main dance. ison out of Seattle and landed
from a short story by Edgar Al- These entertainments have al- in Yokohama, where he wander-
lan Poe. E'lizabeth Branch, Mar- ways been a highlight of the "fall ed north to Saghalien and Nike-
tha Wright, Martha Duke, and quarter; and this year plans, have laevsiki and back to Vladivostokk.
Ann Lunsford make up the cast. been made to make the event Here, being" out of funds, he per-
The following girls will be in even "bigger and better" than suaded a girl In the passport of-
charge of the various commit- ever before. 'Hie gym will be fice to give him a passport for
tees; Dot Donald, story; Laura decorated as a schoolhouse; a bar of chocolate, and so to Ja-
Joan Trapnell, production; Mary blackboards will be on the wall pan and a letter of cred^it.
Ann Pate, decoration; Praces with classwork written on them; His travels brought him along In the freshman run-over election Wednesday, Caroline
Stone, publicity; Caroline Bow- the place cards will be pictures the China coast to the Philip- Bowman, pictured above at the right, was elected president
man, house; Ann Beers, music. of little boys wearing dunce caps. pines and eventually to Austra- of tihe class, and Mary Hancock, left, was elected vice-presi-
(Continued on page <) (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 6) dent.
Saturday, November 8, 1941 THE COLONNADE P«fe Ttiree
Page Two THE COLONNADE Saturday, November 8, 1941 ^^2
^ • ^ —

Cowles Gives Account Oi Supper Features Covin and Luecker Star In

Letters To The Editor Gadabout Campus Camera Home Products
Dear Editor, By BLANCHE LAYTON Present European Situation The class in advanced food study
"Man Who Came to Dinner"
In regard to isome misunder are only two Mary Martina at Now, did you ever see such a gave a Georgia Products supper
standing I would lW<e to mak^ GSCW and neither wrote the let- wonderful play as "The Man Who By Dorothy Miller ^"''' " " ° " ? " ' " " " ' ' " ""''"^ By Jiveiyn
^y Evely;n Pope
clea.r the fact that I had ahso- ter. When an article such as, the Came to Dinner?" It was a grand LOOKING ,FOR TROUBLE by Virginia Cobles is one To t ~ f memb'ero?th7rome f^om the very front row to the last seat^in the peanut
luteiy. nothing to d-o with the one of which I am speaking is success! . i.1-- best
of the 1---1. journaHstic
-• 1. i.-. accounts
_, i._ of
_u! the
i.1 present4. European
Tn.,« ^^ economics
. department.
., o-a (irv—niiite a crowd, wasn't
gallery—quite wasnt itit?? Well, what would you
letter signed Mary Martin in last published, the first idea that pops '^^ skating party was wonder- sftuatiom and events leading up to World War II expect for "THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER?" After
week's Cplonnade in the Letters jnto each reader's mind is," I ^"1 on Tuesday night. Girls had Georgia products were used to seeing this production, as t h e
Miss Cowles' most amazing feat
to the Editor column. I am def- wonder who that girl is." And a lovely time dancing, too, make an attractive low cost meal
was t h e covering of t h e Spanish IRC Convention ''''''' '''-'''' ' ^'"'"^ "^"^
initely giving all my support to go she proceeds to ask her friends I ^^^ *io»t know why Vera
the five girls who are in charge to please'point out the freak to Bennett was so happy on Mon
war from both sides; Hfer ac-
count of t h e life In Madrid, V a -
Read A Book and autumn decorations- made a
background for the candle light- J J g J ^ J n L a G r a U f f e
true. Hoards of people crowdfeti
out of the auditorium with such
of our campaign. her, I'll tell you, it's no fun to day. It couldn't have been that ed tables. . . . . . . « .^ r,c«Txr exclftmatlona as, "Wasu't It Just
lencia, a n d other tombed cities
be stared at and to hear girls she and Winans Ash decided to
whispering things about you get together agtilu.
of '^paln^ fthe attitudtes of t h e ForBookWeek A delegation from the GSCW adorable"-.'^I>idn't you Ju'st l&re
The clas^ used pickles, relishes international Relations club at- meeker?" "A/l'vfeflflmfefe^
people a n d t h e carrying on of r• and meat loaf which they had- tended the third Georgia Insti- f ' -^^ecker? As ^^6 8610 06
Sophomore everywhere you go. The Alpha Psi Omega members GRADUATED AT THE HEAD OF
THEIR ClAjyOF 140 fROfA THE daily life despite the w a r gives . » . , fore every olay 1 see at QSGW
And so, Madam Editor, I'd like gave a supper to the play cast By SARAH SARRETa'E
MECHANICAU ENGINEERING one of t h e most vivid accounts of canned and fruits, nuts and veg- tute of International Relations ' *^^ ^ ' ' ,"
Dear Editor: to clear up the mystery as to on last Tuesday. I could tell you O0UR5E AT NEW YORK U.
First let me commend you on the Identity of the author of that how many eggs iMr. Luecker ate, one or tne most vivia accounts or Book Week! Let'a^ read a book, ^^^^j^g ^^^^-^ ^^e grown in at LaGrange, Friday and Satur- ®®^^ ^^^^^^ ^^°- ^^^^^^''
HI; Pimm mi 95, HER;S 94.8/
your splendid reply to a certain letter. The other Mary Martin and hut I won't. the Spanish revolution yet writ- ^ good book; one that will make Georgia for the meal which cost evening day, October the institute
24-25. .Onwas ad- With,
Friday The an playeasywentconscience I can
off beautifully.
Miss Cowles was the only wom-
ten. even after we finish it. Books are
us think, one we will remember ^^^^ 33 ce^ts per plate. dressed by Mrs. John E. Minter
evening the institute was ad- With, an ( say that it waa perfectly cast,
letter which was published in a i both want the students of an reporter to cover the Russo- f e e to everyone, libraries are whose subject was "The Uncon- Mr. Leo Luecker, as Sheridftn
jrecent issue of The Colonnade. GSCW to know that we had no
Kathleen Youmans is quite t h e \17
girl t o know these days. She r e - OF THE RICHEST ' Finnish war, and her account of close enough to supply everyone quered Chinese." Mrs. Minter, an Whiteside, gave a performance
in which the writer reprimanded part in writing the article and
the plan that we are following furthermore have no idea who
ceived t w o boxes of candy over
the past week-end from the same
the fighting in the Arctic circle
is most illuminating, Her re
who desires ttf use them. Yarborough American missionary, was filled which could not have been ex-
with admiration for the coopera- celled by Lionel Barrymore. I
concerning our fight for our uni- did write it. On the contrary, I A book is a curious thing. It is
A TOTAL EN- ports on the last days of Czecho- tion and patience of the people really think Hollywood is sut-
yersity system. I feel justified in am giving my all to support
expressing my opinion concern- your plan and I know that my
young gentleman.
Di(^ you see the pretty a n d
slovakia, the Sudetenland, her
only a bunch of words, sentences
and pages that may or may not Speaks For she has served for four years, fering without him. So, bouquets
Her description of her experi- to Mr. Luecker for what promises
last 24 hours in Paris before be worth a lot. Some books are
ing this letter—which has cer- "name-twin" is too. I'd like the nicely arranged bulletin boards i
tainly toeen in the limelight on giri who wrote those words to on National Book week In the
the campus in the past few days know that I'm proud of my name, library and in the Education POULTRY POrTMEN/
France fell,, and how she reached
London just in time to witness
not worth the paper they are
printed on, and all the money
Health Club ences in the occupied sections of to be the best performance of
China was very vivid. the year.
ROBERT E. PHILUP;, WHILE A nUDEhXT IN the Blitz gives the reader a bril- in the world could not buy the Maurice Hindus, a foreign cor-
—for you see, my name was sign- but that I am particular about building? POUlTRf HUSQANDRY AT KANSA9 ^TATE liant picture of some of the ma- vaiue or
ed- to the .masterpiece. where I wan^t it published, and OOU£QE, MADE HENf LAY &»S CONTAtNING •value of some DOOKB. »onie
some bookiS:. UUUAB
Some books Dr. Y. H. Yarborough, assist- respondent just returned from Mildred Covin, as the insulted
If you see "Jessie Perry Atkin- PERSONAL MESTAOeS-/ THROUGH A PAINLES!? jor events of the war. can make us think beautiful ant superintendent at the State Russia, addressed the institute Maggie Cutler, gave a superb
I hate to kill the writer's joy I hardly think that I want: it con- OPERATION HE WSmBO A HOLpIN CORK OON- thoughts, teach us priceless les- Mental institute, was guest 'Saturday morning on the sub- characterization. I say, small
son wearing sergeant's stripes, LOOKING FOR TROUBLE is a
by Informing her that she has nected with such an article. TAININ6 THE MESS'AfiE IIITO THE OVIDUCT IN sons, make a path for our feet speaker at this month's Health Ject, "What's Happening In Rus- ^^o^^^r she s president of Alpha
you'll know they'r^ from t h e air PLACE OP 1HE YOLK. THE EG6 FORMS NIM.- unique personal history as only
very little ground to stand on in Sincerely, --•- " Mr. Hindus central theme ^^^ Omega.
base in, Savannah. MALLY AROUND IT •• •
backing her article, but I feel MARY DUDLEY MARTIN,
that I must tell her that there Freshman peraonaiuy a,na ine inst.nantt ex ^^^ possibly the lives of others. November 3. Dr. Yarborough was his belief that Russia could But my very favorite characteir
Jane McConnell and Ann W a t -
"^'5^e'^bo°ok wriUen '°in a bru' ^ ^ '^'"^'^ ^^^ ^'"'^ ^° ' ' ' ^ ' ^ ^ ° ^^ ^ well-known Georgia not be conquered, and in his ^ , 3 3,^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^.,1^ 1^^ ^^^
erson were visitors on t h e cam-
pus this past week-end. Our Appreciation llanteasilv'readable lournalistic ^° ' ' ^ ^ ^^' "^^""^ °^ ^ ° ° ^ ' '^^^^ psychiatrist, spoke on mental hy- speech bore a marked similarity ,g^i, ^ eombination of the Marx
mo Wrote the Letter? Have you completed your phy- When tile schools of the University Syaliemi wjere found-
stv^e T i l o r t a T L al^r^^^^^^^ ''^^^ mean, something to us. to he giene in general, giving as exam- to Mrs. Winter's. He said that^al- brothers.
siyie, IS important Because u is ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^j^^ p^^^ &^QGm(t cases at Georgia's though all of European Russia
a serious examination, in spite of most out of what we read, and Mental Institute.
j . ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^.^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^
Mter reading the above letters it is evident that neither ^''^^ ^^^"^ • ^^^^ ^^'^ «^°^« ^^''» ^^> *^ere were a number of privately owned colleges in should be occupied there would j ^ ^ ^ . ^^^j.^ ^^^ Marlon Stewiirt
its amusing) Incidents, of thje share our Joys of reading with . still be Siberia to retreat to and ^^ Lorraine Sheldon, who ,l*er.
of the Mary Martins on the campus composed the letter ^°"'''' ^^^^"^ '^°"'* ""^^'' P^^^^" Georgia. Many of them rajnked among the outstanding, forces and events now chang- , " — - . — ",
Also at the meeting, Maiy ^i^^^ - that the
the Russians
Russians inin the
the occu-
occu ^^^.^^^ ^j^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ !
sent to The Colomiade last week. The letter was published " schools m the Uinited Stajfces. ing the face of Europe, ° ' Frances Morehead and Lila Wal- pjg^ territory would make oc-
and ainswered in order to give the student body an oppor- The seniors are getting new It has been said that a feehng of rivalry grew up be- Books—let usi make the most lace were elected joint treasur- pupation unprofitable ,and un- Bert Jefferson (Major Bill
of one of the most priceless gifts ers, and Evelyn Lane was named Wealthy for the Germans through Hope) was typically a small-
tunity to see that perhaps there were some girls not in ^^e^ing dresses galore. Next week tween the state owned schools and the denominational in- , ^ Name It— to mankind. secretary a t t h e October meeting. ^-^^ scorched earth policy and town newspaperman. Dr. Mack
favor with its action. ' ^°^ ^^ *^® .^®^^°'' sititutions. If there has-been such a feeling, it no loinger ^' (Continued from page 2) Doris Dunn,-president of the club, g ^ j . ^ ^ warfare. His enthusiasm Swearlngen a s dear old gulllbliB
" AS
A«i It
if appeals
nnnPi^rsi now
nnw\nmpnnp whrt is
someone, wno i« not
nof- aa stuaen^,
«tudpnl' nas
has are
^^^^^- ^^'^, music
to furnish Auburnfor the
mag- „ exists.
. . . The. students
., ». ..ofZJprivate
•, .«andTstat?e
H ^ ' institutions
^^. a t. are self-consclouis a n d reticent, yet i t • presided during t h e elections and for t h e Russian cause makes one Dr. Bradley really stole the, show,
dared write a letter to be published in the paper, and nificent occasion ^ united now m the fight ^o keep the University System on should burnish t h e incentive for the open discussion held a t t h e ^yonder if t h e United States needs Mr. Joseph Black, who really
forged a student's name. The,person who wrote the letter the accredited list of Southern Association of Colleges and Us to develop the most pleasing Seniors Give— conclusion of Dr. Yw'borough's ^^ ^^ go concerned about t h e is from Hollywood, was excel-
personality possible. Those who (Continued from pae 1) address. Russian w a r . To hear Mr. Hin- lent as the actor from Hollywood,
believed that' he would trap or raise doubt in our minds, ent^-taine'f orFrWay al^e^-nZ ^^'^^^^^^ S^^^^'^^' ^ , . . . . . aren't blessed with naturally dus' version of t h e war in Rus- Beverly Carlton. Mr. Black says
Has he done so? Each of his questions were answered last \^ Beeson Rec haii by Mrs Bea- ^ ^® programs have been adopted on these campuses curly hair can take more time Intermingling with this; idea, the -____ sia, one is led to believe t h a t the he thinks there is a lot of talent
week. man and? Mrs. O'Callahan. to cooperolfle with us in informing the people of Georgia of to make their hair an asset, too, seniors plan to carry out the au-
the situation. Russians have t h e task of tiring here on the GSCW campus, anij
r... The person who wrote the letter,may have thought that „ ^ , ,, ^, Girls with figures that aren't so tumn theme with cornstalks and A n n o u n c e m e n t out the Germans well in hand. that he h a s really enjoyed work^
It would be believed and is a fa'ct that the i private schools well proportioned can help rem- baskets of apples in t h e corners. The Granddaughters club will
" " - " —^.— . 1 — - . i__ 4>'KA /\/M4'r\n««c«
i i : Ti/r T\/r J-- i-T. Tj £ j-r. • Today was the .deadline for Officers for t h e new year were ixig on this production.
the Mary Martins on the campus would approve of their ^^^,^^..^^ ,„^, ^^^^ Corinthian. The will prosper if we are taken from the accredited list. The ed.y this by wearing (flattering hold their regular meeting T h u r s - elected Saturday morning. / Al- other good performances were
signaiture on such a document; they do not, and want the staff is working unusually hard unselfishness of these students is deeply appreciated by clothes. Some can modulate their
Bliss Speaks of day night, November 13, in Bee- bert Crenshaw, of Emory, was rendered by Settle Sue Smith, ais
the 16 colleges of the University System. voices to make them more pleas-
school to know that tTiey are cooperating with the student for an unusually nice issue. son recreation hall. Plans will elected president and Sarah Tay- the indispenslble Miss Preen;
body. The youth of the sUate is consid,ering our Georgia as a ing. Those who suffer from
timidity can develop t h e a r t of
RAF Tonight be made for getting out the col- lor, of GSCW, w a s elected re- Alxauder Hblman as the spine-
cording secretary.
• The writer of the ^tetter is certainly an outsider because ^^f ^[^ l^^J^^^^ tloTLXme whole, not as a state with divided aaid separate centers of being a good conversationalist.
« ^,, » Al. lege directories.
Cadet John C. Bliss of t h e "'^'' " less) son, John, and the persistent
no student who knows the handbook would ask such ques- •^irhen Peggy Ennis acquired a learning. GSC\\5 wishes to thank the students of Mercer, If 'a girl h a d all of these qual-
Royal Air Force will speak i n Mr. Stanley played by our own
Agnes Scott, Brenau, Shorter, and all the other colleges II U £ 1 1 1 U t t U a i l Ul. l,u\3av> «jiuM»- Dr. Charles Taylor.
tions. Someone who was against us thought he was throw- similar one.
ing a bombshell iiito our plans, but the bombshell didn't —
37= who have hel|ped so earnestly in carrying on our* cam-
« paign.
ities, it seems a s though she formally on t h e development of
^ o u l d surely (be attractive. She ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ P^^t ^^ the pres- Wliat Do You have That As the main subject on oiir
little to'othbrusli conferences thi's
eixlplode. More comment has been madie on the campus to T h e students a n d faculty of would to some, b u t to most peo- ^^^t w a r Saturday evening, No-
strengthen our fight' by that letter. observations unconsciously, b u t
ple h e r personality would be shaU vember 8, a t 7:30 in Russell a u -
A Fresliman Would Like? morning, fromi my own opinion,
and what I hear "fHE MAI<I WHO
The students did not agree with the letter as shown by
the action which they took 'toward IJhe Mary Martins.
GrSiCW; wish t o express their
sympathy to R u t h Adams for
Name It we have "sized' up," t o a certain
extent, everyone we have m e t .
low a n d mediocre unless she h a d ditorium. H e will be t h e guest
some concrete standards by which °^ *^^e International
By Lulane McBride
CA.ME TO DlNJCER" was really
a smash hit. Here's to more pro-
inAeeA h her e r own
own lifelife. She She Glubs of GSCW
^ ' " " o "'• - - - " • a n d GMC —* — - - a smasn iiu. ineio» lu m
It may be necessary in the future for the editor to speak the loss of her grandmother.
# •

must as this
m l f be he considerate
considerate of of others "^^tll
^^^11 recently
recently Mr. Mr. Bliss
Bliss was

Of course we all have differ- others was ^ ^ a t do you have t h a t means more t h a n Christmas t o ^^^^^^^^ ^- entertaining
peKsonaUy with any girl who writes a letter to the editor. If you attended Religious E m -
ent standards by which we meas- T d then she must believe firmly i^ the London office of the Scot- , ^ ^ e t h i n g you wouldn't swap for all of t h e Christmas , , « .
All letters must be signed, but, if disturbing parties who phasis week, y o u will remember in certain things. What does, that land Yard government sei^ice, ^^^^^^^^ .^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ _ _ _ _ _
ure people, but each individual
have nt> right (to air their opinions in our paper continue to the illustration Rev. Pierce H a r - have to^do with personality, you ^^d is now enr ^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ juniors • - « 1 i.
, ^ ^, has certain outstanding charac-
say? Just t h i s ^ a person is con- aviation course^ at Cochran Field ^^.^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ got various erine McGriff thinks it would be M a S S e y S p C a k S t O
fQrge student's names, all letters will be investigated: before us gave about the young man teristics. Those who were nomi-
printing. Quotable who when asked what he could ^^ted for class officers have dis-
fn;thinr n t •"°" ' V'' ^'^^'^ ^^^'^•^rship ability, or they
tlnually having crises. Human be- ""'^T f Si'°"; • ^ l " " I w! TIZ
inga aren't thoughtful enough to 'Panied by friends who is a so ^^^^
answers-anything from a foun- bard to get along without moc- ^
^^ ^^ ^^^^^.^^ ^^,^^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^ p^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^, r i O S I l A
- y ^ "

The Colonnade Quotes 7T.uJl\^ ^ r ' "nmediate-

ly concluded that the youth could
,,ever would have been trusted
^ ^ h the duties of that office
cease ludelng when you are go- well informed on aviation his-
r t i ~ a c^^^^^^^^^^ moment, tory and both will take part In ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ , J ^ r s . ust belter-
no'rhyme nor reason dbbons of all sorts and kinds, At
At thethe memeeting of the Fresh-
and Nell Moore say>, don't trust a man Y club Monday, Novemb^
Publishecl weekly during school year except during holi- do nothing well. When, I asked They even criticise you more a general discussion after the ^.^^^ ^^^^^„ ^^^ ..^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ , ^^, , , ^ 4 , In Ennis Rec^ hall Mr. H. N .
days and examination period^s by the students of the Geor- The Dartmouth graduate of to- what the subject of this column I haven't noticed many "hav- ^ at this time. If you "lose speech
closely —'' ^ that" umbrella! A bladk| evening skirt Massey led a discussion on per-
gifi S t a t e College for Women, Milledgeville, Georgia. S u b - f^^ ^^ ^^ easy time preparing .vas to be and someone answered ing" beauties on the ca'm'puis but your-head," what does a person ^ Since we asked these worldly is graded A plus by Betty Jor- sonal relations, emphasizing boy
scription price $1.00 p e r year. E n t e r e d a s second-class m a t - ^ ^ ^ f ! / ' ' " ' ° ' ' ' ' " ^ ' ° ' . " ' ! . ZlT "'^"'^ anything," I realized that there are many attractive girls. think of you, then? If you have M a m a g e DlSCUSSeCl wise juniors who are very ef- dan and Bit King gives perfume and girl relations^, Boxes are be-
ficient at their advanced age, we a high rating, too. ing Placed In, all freshman dorml
ter•' Octotier• 30, 1928, •in the post office, Milledgeville, Geor- ^^'^^ ^d to °^ commencement compar- i .^as a t a complete loss, becauseSome a r e fortunate enough t o be certain convictions in which you ^ , C | ^ « | l M e e t
seniors in the early days i didn't know anyt^hing about able to attract attention by their resolutely believe, you will not 't\l O U F i i ITA«;CI/ thought the I'resnmen wouia nice A numoer oi me s"ia °"'" "'-^ tories —
thought the freshmen woiild like A number of the girls said they for any - qnestlohs
- . In
gia, under tlie act of March 3, 1879. of the college. Judah Dana, Dart- ,,^^^^ i , , ^ j ^ ^^..^^ ^^^^^ ^^ pj^y^,^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^_
UjpjA ROQIfEY Editor niouth i7J5, recorded tnat ms i^agt i have an introduction! ity have to throw on their glam-
PApLiA BRETZ Managing Editoi ^°"^'^^^^°^"^®^^t dress consisted our in another way This phrase
^.^r , .xT^ ™ . ., Of a "'black coat, waist coat and Smce I have been at GSCW I \H..., ^"^""^^ ^^^' ^^^^ Phrase
EVELYN Mm •. Business Manager 3„,,11 ^,^,,^^^^ l^^.^^ 3,,,,.. 3 , , , ^eard a girl say. "There are , { . f ^ f ^f Mention *^^* «ou^^^^ f, » « in wWoh Bro«P,w« wouM m o « T dub »Weli ™ t In B^'"- ' ' " J * ' ^ ^ X n s id she thmta er U ngr t o o - t u t f Uaf Irurtes, cu.sloas 1. to prepare the <re»1i-
RUTH ADAMS, Associate Editor buckles, black silk gloves and a Jot of cut© girls here, and a lot I \ '^ ^ self-center- be d.8.1He(i-tho attractive, or son Bee hall Thuradajr Novem- ' * » ' " " ° " f 7 ^ ^ " * / J ' „ ^ ^ ^ Ihbe, * » » " « ' « » . «»« ' n ^ ">"' "" '"» ' " " " " ' « <" ' ' ' " ° ' ' "
BETTY PARK ...' News Editor black cocked hat, with my hair who aren't so cute." How could LcelLrilv ^'sino«'''wl L"^^^^^ the unattractive; we,m«»t keep in her a. At this meet ng P a n a j e r e « - ^ ™ » f ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^f, r v " p ! Now that you have Relation, which iegin. Decern-
MARY PIVEASH , .' Exchange Editor « " f ^ ^ ^ ^^^"^ a black ribbon
and my head and hairpowdered
she make such an analysis? How ,^,, ,^,,^
does she measure girls who are f<„„^ „ ., \ ;
^^ J '^^^ ^V"
Ti '^ n,l»d ' « » « - *>-* »° S = 7 ' / , ' ' " " » ^ * ' ° ; . r i . e h T a : '
the Burtace o r our physical lea- wWeh _^will be held
2 t idu' « e a n S .or J Z their answers, we hope they her 1 ied hy Mrs. Gr.c. S.oan
^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^, ^^^_ ^^^^^ ^^_^, Overton,
ymaiNiA HUDSON . Photographic Editor „»j^g «,iwf«
^l^j^e „„ ^^ M,. ^j^^ A^t,,^„
^^.j^^^ =r.«w"
^^^^n .^^.y „M—,1,.,, attractive and those who
., ..... „«„„!„all,„,,
. ^^^^^ „ , ,When
the time. , , some
tures. lUBBuuE.
Mary EnunA Shultz, Emma Hagan .Circulation Managers Woo-woo! aren't? Sometimes we make these (JntinL^^^
THE COLONNADE Saturday; November' 8; 1941
-?age Four Saturday, November 8, 1941 THE COLONNADE Page Five

Library Museum Has Relics Alpha Psi Honors Faculty Attend p^^f^ (j|yg„ Qf
Cast With Supper
Ot Georgia Pre-War Days
By Araminta Green
Alpha Psi Omega entertained
with a supper Tuesday night pre-
ceding dress rehearsal in Peatoody
luncheon in honor of the cast
. "My family is reduced to my wife and two daughters. of "The Man Who Came to Din-
Teachers Meet Mative Land
Dr. Harry Little spoke Wednes-
day, November 5, to teachers of
Since Tuesday, morning I've
• •

Campus Sportations
year. The music was better and

in 216 Education building. All


.The older one married and is seldom with us any more. ner."
Those in charge of the supper
ColumlJia county at Harlan and been repeating over and over to
attended* tiye state meeting of myself, "This is my ow'fl, my
Forget that you didn't get to
go home this week-end and come louder, there were more skates,
and'^ the organization showe*
REC Calendar Debate Club old members and the ones who
signed on the bulletin boards to
school superintendents in Atlan-' native land." I say it in a most over to the gymnasium for Play-
Our home is quite isolated, but being on the R. R. about were Mildred Covin, Blanche
midway between New Orleans and Mobile, we have the fac- Layton, and Blanche Muldrow.
ta November 7-8. unliterary, sing-song manner, but
Peahody High school teachers it'a still jtHinjUing in my inner
night at 8:00. Books will be at
the entrance for you to sign in
splendid forethought and plan- MONDAY—
ning. You missed something if Plans For
4:00 Sports equipment rented
join are requested to be present.

Itity of getting away protection from a desire to go". you did't go! or checked out
are attending a meeting in Me- ear. It all' started when I sort and out and the table' tennis and
This quotation is taken from • ' ridian, Mississippi ou Saturday. of wandered into the library to badminton equipment will be
4:15 Hockey
State Forum Ragsdale Elected
4:30 Plunge
a letter writen by Jefferson tory clul), 84 in numtoer, prom- ready for your use. Whether a To State Office
Davis to T. W. Drayton in 1886. jge^ to bring one relic back to
The letter , may be. found on the school in the fall,
NYA News Miss McDaniel and Miss Miriam find the new issue of Life and
Fullbright attended a meeting of practically stumbled over tlie dis- certain boy is your date or your
roommate's—if he is a good jit-
At a call, meeting of the Tennis
club Thursday afternoon, Ann
7:15 Executive board meeting
8:00 Modern Dance club
Resolved: That the freedom of
June Ragsdale, a junior, was
Calhoun county high school play of American Guide Books. 8:00 Swimming club speech and press should be cur-
<Jeorgia Historical Museum pn During that year the club By SARAH SARRETTE teachers in Leary, Georgia on To sort of give vent to my wrath terbugger or prize waltzer, meet Haddle, sophomore physical edu- tailed during the time of national elected state secretary for the
the second floor of Russell li- worked to collect relics for the November 4. him and "dance away" to the new cation major, was elected presl- TUESDAY— emergency. This is the subject Baptist Student Union at Athena
Last .Friday, October 31, the I started thumtoing through them,, dient of the club due to the resig- 4:00 Sports equipment rented
brary. museum. They put on a drive in records that have heen bought for the fourth annual Georgia November 1. She Is a member of
NYA girls were entertained with Last week the first edition of one by one, slowly and methodi- nation Of Jane Reeve. or checked out
The museum also has a valu- ^i^g school; they advertised for especially for the Recreation as- Debate Forum, which will be BSU council and president of
a Hallowe'en party by the NYA the Education Bulletin was pub- cally examining all the really 4:15 Hockey
able collection of stamps, includ. j,gii(,g jn all of the state news- sociation; Rememher—Saturday held at GSCW on December 6. YWA, a unit orgatiization of BSU,
boys at the Madison project. The lished and mailed to last year's lovely Illustrations. Margaiitet Baldwin handed ,in 4:15 Tennis club
Ing one stamp used during Rev- papers; they staged plays to night 8:00—Playnlght! More than 25 colleges have been
group played a series of eight stud'ents. The purpose of this her resignation as secretary and 4:30 Plunge The new state president is
olutionary times. There is a ^aise money for buying cafses; I found that these books are THANKS, MARY FRANCES invited to 'send teams.
games, such as pinning the tail bulletin is to help teachers in Lucy Nell Cunningham, freshman, 7:15 Folk Dance club Gainer Bryan, Jr., of Mercer uni-
Creelc Indian burial u m which ^J^Q to^^yj^ of Milledgeville made
on the cat, telling fortunes, fish- the field and to tie the teacher the results of a project sponsor- SCOTT, for a grand fllaatlng par- was elected hy the members to WEDNESDAY— Those on the committee who versity.
was uncovered near Milledgeville. donations. Dr. and Mrs. J. L.
ing and such, for which scores education program at GSCW def- ed by the Federal Government ty! "Several people think that we fill this vacant office. 4:00 Sports equipment rented chose the subject for debate were
In the urn was found the skel- Beeson, Judge John B. Hutche- and managed through the Stat© should have more than one skat-
eton of a child whose tooth gon, and Mrs. C. B. McCullar. were given. After these games, initely Into the needs of the Writers' Projects of the WPA. ing party a year (because they Future plans for the year were or checked out Winifred 'Greene, Mary Zelma
would indicate its age to be -^ygre most helpful. the scoi'es were added and the schools of the state. The bul- 4:15 Hockey Gillis, and Lucia 'Roony, mem-
There is a complete book ahout had such a good time Tuesday discussed. TenjUls club players
about eight years. The skeleton goon the museum outgrew its boy and? girl with the highest letin is published once a month every state in the union, most of night. The party this year was from GSCW will match their 4:30 Square Dance group bers of Pi Kappa Delta and Mr. SENIORS—Ciet ready for the
itself crumbled as- soon as air j-oom on the second floor of scores were crowned "kji'-ng and and is edited Toy various members even more successful than last skills with some of the best play- 4:30 Plunge George Haslam, new faculty ad-
the territories and large rivers,
reached it at excavation, but the parks hall and outgrew Its three queen. of the department. This year's ers from GMC Tuesday after- 7:00 Modern Dance club viser for the Debate club. This dance. Bring your eveningr
and a few cities. They tell al- ia a subject of wide-spread inter-
tooth and the Indian beads found glass cases. In the third year of Music was supplied by a six- suibjects and editors are: noon. Mlss BUlle Jennings Is fac- THURSDAY—
most everything; historic land- est at the present and one that dresses to
with it have been preserved with jtg existence Dr. Beeson, then piece band, made up of the proj- October, "Nutrition" — Miss ulty adviser for the club. 4:00 Sports equipment rented
the urn. president of GSCW, promised to ect boys. Spooks, gobblins, and Margaret Abercromble markis and little scraps of his- is causing much comment.
College Dept. or checked out
tory which just can't be found 4:15 Hockey
These relics are only a few in ^j^ji^ ^ special museum room in' witches'were turned out for the November, "Health"_Mrs. J. The following chairmen of
•the collection contained in the Russell library, which was under evening and helped to make it G. Lowe
'as easily anywhere else.
At the General board meeting 4:30 Plunge committees have been chosen for Protective Cleaners
Georgia Museum whose value construction at that time, if the a spooky and hilarious occasion. December, "Christmas" — Miss To some people, neighhors' Store of the Recreation association 7:15 Cotillion club this event: Dot Hall, social;
has "been estimated at $2000. ^i^^^ would continue its work in Black cats, bats, owls, also corn Lolita Anthony fields always seem gr^iener, but Monday night, Gene Staley was FRIDAY— Olivia Schram, reception; and Phone 3230
Tlie museum i'fVrst began to collecting relics, January, "Citizenship"—Mrs, I was most Interested in the book elected to act as chairman of 4:00 Sports equipment rented Lucia Rooney, publicity.
stalks and pumpkins for decora-
take shape in the fall of 1929. instead of one room, two tions add'Sd to the Halloween Joe Jacobs ahout our own Georgia. I learned managers and skill club presi- or checked out
dents. Gene, playnlght manager 4:30 Plunge Tryouts for the teams to rep-
Plans, however, had been made ^ooms were given to the museum. spirit. Refreshments were served. FelDruary, "Conservation" — things which I could have scarce-
Visit Your resent GSCW will be held Mon- ^
:In the spring of that year Avhen rJ^l^Q f^j-st is used for cases con- Mrs. Inez Dolvin ly believed possible if I hadn't this quarter, will also sit on Ex- SATURDAY—
2:00 Sports equipment rented day, November 10, at 4:00 In
Dr. Amanda Johnson, of the his- taining historical Georgia relics, March—"Acquiring Tools of seen them right there in black ecutive board.
tory'department, suggested that <f^Q second is a picture room The NYAdventure, the quarter-
Literary—Oral Speech" — Miss and white. I found accounts of
Country Store Or checked out Arts 16. Stationery and Envelopes
This position was held by Jane 10c Each
.tiie History club start a Georgia containing |pictures "ot famous ly newspaper of the ' National Miriam Fullbright things about my home town I'd And try the best 8:00 Playnlght.
Reeve until she handed in her
museum with the $17.12 Avhich Qeorgia men and scenes. It is Youth Administration at GSCW, never even heard the very oldest Hamburgers Box Stationery 25c
resignation Monday. At the meet-
remaiaed in the club'js ^r'eaisj- •^Q^Q that GSCW has a case 'organized its staff Monday, Oc- April, "Acquiring the Tools of citizen whisper around the. fire
ing of managers and skill club
ury. Each member of the His- showing doUs dressed in the dif- \obeY '26. Evelyn Oldham was Literacy' — Reading" — Miss on winter nights. I heartily rec-
ferent uniforms once required to elected editor-in-chief with a Katherlne Butts ommend that everybody go
presidents November 17, a new Squre Dance The FTA club will hold Its
•regnlar meietlng ( Wed<nes,day
G. S. C. W. Labeled

be worn by all of its students. staff of: Blondell Ray and Wilma straight to the library and learn Special Values Ladies'
secretary will be elected.
night, November 12, at 7 oclock Rose's 5 & lOe Store
Co-Ed Theatre In this room are also the signa- Paschall, new)S: .retporters; Cor- Frosh Elect-
tures of famous Geoi^gia gover- rinne Quinn and Eulalia Barlow^
about the town, the state and the
country In which she lives, Silk Stockings
Club Formed
A Martin Theatre nors. alumnae news gatherers; Sara (Continued from page 1) The date of the annual Barn
students of Georgia Military
Milledgeville, Ga.
Monday and Tuesday
Bach year some new articles Dasher and Dell Williams, recrea-
has been added to the museum. tion editors;
Among its treasured relics is an Lane, gossip reporters; Alma
Eloise Fan and Mable
glnia Collier, Peggy Harper, and
Eugenia Turner ran in the Mon-
day elections for this office.
I'm not the only person who is
enthusiastic ahout these
guide books. Lewis Manford says
Rayon Top and Heel.
Full Fashioned
dance will be November 22 and
the starting time Is 7;'30 o'cloclt.
I£ you don't have a gingham
College and Georgia State Col-
lege for Women have organized a
November 10 and 11 For representative to court, Square Dance cluh on the cam- Monday and Tuesday
old Louisville Gazette telling of Stafford and Leona Odom, fash-
Martha Duke won the 179 votes
in the New Republic: 79c to $1.00 dress or patched overalls, start
pus under the direction of Miss
the first wagon load of docu- ion columnists; Ruby Pike, (busi- looking for them now. The at-
. in and was followed by Edith Kirk- "This series of, American guide If you want the Best, Shop at Grace Potts. Their first perform-
ments to be moved from Louis- ness manager. tendance last year was 900 but
ance of the year was held Sat-
"My l i f e WJth ville to Milledgeville when this The paper will include news of land with 95. Jane Harrell and books Is the first attempt, on a this time at least 1000 are ex-
urday night when they did a floor
town was made the capital of Margie Sutcliffe were eliminated* comprehensive scale, to make the E. E. Bell's pected.
Caroline" Georgia. There is also an urn, the project, the campus, and a in the Monday election. country Itself worthily known to show arrangement of square
Anne Bradfield defeated Con- Americans. We need no longer The Barn dance, sponsored by dancing at the annual GMC Hal-
With which stood on the porch to Al- Who's-Who contest. The first of loween dance. "The membership
stance Martin 160-103 in the rep- depend upon the Chamber of Com- the Folk club, was a great suc-
' ANNA LEE exander Stephens' home. Tlie lat- these papers will come off the N e w under-arm
resentative to council race. Only inerce leaflet and the gasoline sta- cess, last year. The gym was| turn- of the group has Increased very
Also News and "Meet Jimmy est addition is a set of three press in December.
much due to the gaining popu-
tlie Chump" arithmetic book's dating back to one other candidate, Marjorie tion guides for. clues' as to where Cream Deodorant ed Into a barn with all the fix-
larity of square dancing. The
the year 1803. The books are Cole, ran for this office. We are and where we might go. ings—wagon wheels, plows, corn,
Wednesday, November 12
The girls who have been been These guide books are the finest safely pumpkins, sacli^ of feed, hoes following girls with their part-
"Bowery Boy" in the hospital recently are Joyce ners were well received by their Free ticket today to Miss Dori® Carlini
Odom, Virginia Kiriaand, Mary State Students—
contribution to American pa- Stops Perspiration and rakes. In the "ole hay loft"
audience last Saturday night:
With triotism that has been made in the dancers found a keg of apple
Golden Slipper— Brewtpn, Corrlne Quinn, Sarah (Contlnuedl from pae 1) our generation. They give to cider and troughs full ot pop- Harry Hamilton—^Marle Har-
(Continued' from pago 1) Barrett and Nina Newman. nomlnatioal colleges were repre- Americans the opportunity to corn, , grove Wednesday Only
CAMBELL, JIMMY LYDON, sented. At this meeting plans Iqnow and understand Intimately
In addition to the play, music Seymour Herbst—Carolyn Ed-
ROGMl PROYER Start i)racticlng now on corn
and decorations will be consider- Miss Beatrice Horsbrugh, a vio- were made to send letters and their country, as they never had wards
"Also News and Cartoon shuckin' and hog-callln' and
'ed by the judges in determining lin teacher of Wesleyan Conser- personally contact "members of the opportulty, without a life- Eugene Matthews—Margaret
the winner of the Golden Slip- vatory played two solos, a Rus- the state legislature. think ahout a good "corny" skit
Thursday and Friday time of leisure, to do before."
per. GEORGIA TEOH for your dormitory to present.
November 13 and 1* sian dance and a minuet, in chapel I defy you to even briefly pe- W. H. Lindsey—Myrtle Keel.
ROBERT MONTGOMERY Georgia Tech and the Univer- 1. Does not loc dresses or men's You will learn new and excit-
Monday. ruse just one of these hooks and ing dances so come on, grab a At MuMrray (Ky.) State Teach-
sity of Georgia were dropped shiits. Doos noc irritate skin.
ipiONAl:;DEFENSE, from the roll of the American
not "sing-song" with me, "This is 2. No, waiting to dry. Can be partner, and let's square dace! ers College, 156 students hold
"Here Comes Mr. 'ag^aijilt^iliiiid'ery runs.'j Father Cassidy To Association 'of Uriiversitiea lasit
my own, my native land!" used right after shaving,
3. Instantly stops perspiration 'workshlps' under which they
Jordan" week. This is an honorary organ- for I to 3 days. Removes odor earn $22,993 a year.
Be prepared! Don't let Conducts Vespers Sun.
|a sudden run spoil
your day! Just a drop
ization whose rigid- requirements
for membership had been met by
For a delightful week-end
from perspiration.
4. A pure, white, greaseless,
stamless vanishing cream.
SENIORS! Since 1696, Harvard University
CLAUDE RAINS, EVELYN of RUN-R-STOP—the At Vespers a seines of discus- only these two units of the Uni- If you want a career, has ofered a $500 scholarship for Free ticket today to Mia(s Helen Gill
^ ^ Meal 5. Arrid has been awarded the an Englishman or Indian from
KEYES famous colorless liquid, sions on what it means to be a versity System. Approval Seal ofthe American enter these 2 contests- "Petaquamscot in the Narra-
STOPS runs and snags in- . Take your friends to Institute of Laundering for
Also "Science" and Cartoon Catholic, Jew and Christian will
stantly and permanently, in COUNTY CHAIR^IEN Thursday and Friday
all silk ana Nylon hose! begin Sunday evening at 6:45
The county chairmen of' the
Ennis Coffee Shou being harmless to fabrics.
Arrid is the U;RGEST SELLING
• Voguo's Prix de Paris gansett country otherwise called
Saturday, November 15 Easy to carry; easy to use; when Father Cassidy, the new lo- King's Province."
The Best Food aiid Service DEODORANT. Try a j'ax today 1 • Vogua'f Photo Confost
DON "RED'' BARRY easy to remove. Comes in a
gay colored vanity. Cairy
cal priest of the Catholic church
GSCW student organization are
asked to check on the letters sent
General Sylvanus Thayer's sue. CITY OF JfeoM/ieah AND JiappmeU!
in cessful superlntendency of West
^UN-R-STOP In your hand-
jbag, and end runs! Get it to-
will speak. Dr. and Mrs. Paul
Boesen will render a vocal se-
out last week. More letters are AKKIII WRITES CAROLYN ABBOH
VOOUE, 4 2 0 LEXINGTON AVENUE Point from 1817 to 1833 earned m. - \
'Wyoming Wildcat'' ;day! 100 at all dept., drug, ^ lection.
available in the College Govern- .^ At all aloroa eoUiiiB toilet goodi him the title of "the Father of S-.
shoe, hosiery & 10^ stores./ ment office to be mailed to alum- Odorless Cleaning 39ft a JM (ri,oli»10)S«udS9)ij«r»)
the United States Military Acad-
vi With
JULIAN DUNCAN, SYD Rabbi David -Marx of Atlanta ^nae and friends. Emory Univer-
One Day Service emy." \A
Mso'Ckftobn and "King of the Morristown, N.J.
will speak November 16, and Dr. sity has sent letters to alumni
W. A. Smart of Emory university and legislators, Student, Counc^
Onei Dress Cleaned Free to
LES'LIE EEEiS' ^r" 'Y That Beai^tiful Fostoria Glass for Gifts is tops.
Dr. William S. Carlson, direc-
tor of registration at the Uni-
Royal Mounted" will complete the series Novem- at Georgia Tech Is forwarding Good For 6 Days Only See it at versity of Minnesota and an ex->
Vtube with vanity
ber 23. the movement on that campus. pert on the Arctic, has been as- ISMHIII
Wbotten's Book Store signed to the bomber ferry com- Free ticket toda» to Mia|g Jane Darvis
mand as a. technical advisor on
Greenland air bases.

Saturday. November 8,1941
'Page Six
room for all those who had at-
the Geneva Naval conference. In # ^ V | i « - a t « l - i ]Vrf^#^:xc! tended Sunday school every Sun- HAtve your SHOES SSPAXBED
Drew Pearson— 1928, he accompanied Secretary \ j l l l i r C J l i l O i C S
day in October. at
(Continued from pae 1) of State Kellogg on his trips to
lia, where he tied up with a lec-
Paris and Dublin, and accom-
8:00 Holy Communion
Maybess Murphy will have Harper's Shoe Shop
panied President Coolidge to Ha- charge of the devotional at PSA
ture bureau and lectured for six 10:30 Sunday School m S. Wayne Street
vana. Sunday, Novemiber 9.
months in Australia and New 11:30 Morning prayer and eer-
Sunday School 10:00 Phone 516S
Zealand. In 1929, he joined the Wash- mon. The victory double trio of
Church 11:30
Thriftily arranging to write foi ington sti^f of The ^Baltimore the Aeolian Guild will sing. Vespers B;00
newBjpapera in [©very importaoKt Sun and that year covered the 2:15 Young peoples organiza-
Australian city, he sailed for London Naval conference. In tion at rectory BAPTIST—
London. He continued to write for 1931, his report on the Cuban METHODIST— About 25 BTU members hiked
these papers and for papers in Revolution received honorable 10:00 Sunday School out to Lake Laurel . yesterday Are you eoing home this
India and South Africa for t!i« mention for the Pugaley award 11:30 Church afternoon. After a weiner roast,
next ten years. on the best journalistic work of 2:30 League games were played and., a camp Week-end?
On his way to London, he the year. fire service was held. Camp was
stopped over in India and visited , Mr. Pearson is one of the lead- Newman club met in the rec- brolqen this morning after break-
the jail and the home of Mahat- ing experts and writeiis on foreign tory Friday afternoon;, Novem- fast and morning watch. It's the Best Way
ma Gandhi. Sunday School 10:15
affairs in the United States. His ber- 7, at 5 o'clock
In Europe he interviewed Eu- extensive contacts make him one B.T.U. 2:30
ropes 12 greatest men for a of the greatest sources of public PRESBYTERIAN— Bus Station
Monday night, November 2, All those who wish to attend
. news syndicate. His whole trip information in Washington, Phone 4237
took him a year and six months. Mi-s. Harry Jennings, the college church, Sunday night are asked to
He started with $700 and re- Presbyterian S u n d a y school meet in.front of Atkinson hall
With Robert S. Allen, he is au- teacher, gave a supper in the tea at 7:15.
turned with $734. thor of the boolos, "Washington,
Once again he resumed teach- Merry-Go-Round," "More Merry-
ing, this time at Columbia, but Go-Round" and "The Nine Old
travel called him again and he Men," He is co-author with Con-
returned to Japan and China, stantine Brovm of "The Ameri-
crossing the Oobi desert and vis- can Diplomatic Game."
iting the Tibetan border.
Admission is 50 cents plus five
All this time he was writing ^ti?5
cents tax, except for students. .^^
for American^ magazines and
lA*-''' \
newspapers. In 1926, he became ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^..^^g tl^eji. i^ursar's
foreign editor of the United
Popular twini of itage and screei\
States Daily. In 1927 he covered card for admission.


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