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Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora

It is evident that the value individuals ascribe towards a particular phenomenon can only be

equated with the kind and extent of sacrifice that is offered by the individuals. This statement is

true as it is evidenced in the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora where the character

Janie dream about love. This character wonders whether having love will be available when one

is married. This character is determined to find her voice and she strives at ensuring that she has

her own independence and attempts to fight against the stereotypes that are placed towards


Her dream of achieving this however, undertakes at least three decades and three marriages

before she finally is able to find her own voice. The different men she has married over the

course of three decades affect and impact her differently. The journey of the marriages she

undergoes through all showcase her as being not broken from the inside, rather she is a character

who is ready to endure all the hardships as well as the challenges that are all unique to her course

and still emerge victorious at the end. While she is young, it is evident that Janie has the strength

and fortitude to answer as well as be able to leave a man and run away. This kind of actions

indicates that Janie is slowly yet steadily trying to find her voice. She is determined as to never

be a slave to any of her husbands. When she marries Joes and comes to learn that he was not the

kind of person she thought he was, she slowly loses her voices over the years but at the end of it

all, she regains her voice as a woman and is not ready to play any more second fiddles in

marriage. Thus, the value with which Janie attaches to having the ideal romantic relationship is

vindicated at the end through the illustration of the manner in which she seeks t attain it

throughout the novel with different men in different marriages.

It is evident throughout the novel the idealism of the character Janie as one which she desires not

only to achieve romantic love but also be able to have a connection with the natural as well as

folk life that surrounds her. Janie’s picture of romantic love can only be equated to blossoming

pear tree which is kissed by singing bees. Her marriage to three different men does illustrate the

point of the kind of sacrifices she is ready to undertake so as to achieve the ideal romantic love

that she has always dreamt about. Although the pathway of achieving the idea of romantic love

for Janie is one which does show the perils one has to undergo in whatever conquest one desires

to conquer.

Work Cited

Hurston, Zora N. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press,

1990. Print.

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