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Jedi Temple
A Universe Far, Far Away

A position as a Media Assistant, where I can enhance my background in
Media to create new ideas that multiplies the company’s growth as well as
to my skills as a Media worker.

Jedi Academy, Jedi Temple, Coruscant A long time ago
Jedi Master
Trained under Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Master Yoda on the
planet of Dagobah.

Head Jedi Master, Jedi Temple, Coruscant A long time ago.
Jedi Temple.
Started a new Jedi temple in order to train the next generation of Jedi
Discovered and trained a new generation of Jedi Knights, recruited from
within the New Republic.
Communed with deceased Jedi Masters such as Anakin Skywalker, Yoda
and Obi-Wan Kenobi in order to learn the secrets of the Jedi Order.

General, Rebel Fleet (various locations) a long time ago.

Rebel Alliance.
Led legions of troops into battle while demonstrating bravery,
competence and honor.
Created complicated battle plans in conjunction with other Rebel leaders
in order to ensure the greatest chance of success against a better-armed,
higher-funded, well-trained enemy.
Defeated Darth Vader in single combat, and convinced him to betray his
mentor, the Emperor, in order to ensure the end of the Empire.

Lieutenant Commander, Hoth a long time ago.

Rebel Alliance
Destroyed the Death Star by utilizing the Force to find its only weakness
and deliver a torpedo to the center of the ship.
Commanded a squadron of TIE fighters into battle, as well as using the
squadron to mount a defense of the Rebel Headquarters on Hoth, enabling
the leaders to escape unscathed.
Defeated an enemy AT-AT single-handedly after ship was destroyed.
Awarded a medal of valor and bravery in battle for the successful
destruction of the Death Star.

Moisture Farmer, Tattooing a long time ago.

Uncle Owen's Moisture Refinery
Replaced damaged power converters.
Performed repair and maintenance operations on droids.
Performed menial labour throughout the farm in order to ensure its
continued operation.

Additional Skills
Combat Abilities.
 Completed Jedi Master training.
 Built a lightsaber from scratch in order to do battle against the
 Defeated a Rancor to rescue Princess Leia from Jabba the Hutt.
 Competent pilot and an excellent shot with any weapon.

References and Additional Documentation Available On Request.

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