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Software Requirements Speci cation for

Student Management System

Oct 30, 2017
By NIKHITH P Custom Search
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This is the Software Requirements Specification for Student Management System, SUBSCRIBE:
Which is developed using .Net and SQL Server.
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1: Introduction

1.1 Purpose SUBSCRIBE

Our product is student management system gives all the services that must be provided
to a student over the internet to find fee details provided by that administrator of the
This product contains each and every data regarding student, payment etc., personal

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details which can be updated by the student and viewed by the administrator. It provides Categories
the detailed information about the fee details and the location (place) of college. Our Select Category
product is a subpart of university management system.

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1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The intended audience for this Student Management System document is the internal
guides of the organization where the team has developed the project. Further kalpana Anandharaj on
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modifications and reviewing will be done by the organization and deliver a final version.
The final version of this document is reviewed by the Internal Guides and Head of the
Department of the college. kavya on Latest Civil
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1.3 Project Scope kalki on Two Wheeler

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Our Student Management System product usage makes work done at the faster way the
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organization and student can edit his personal details which can be viewed by the
administrator. Swapnil Thakur on
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2: Overall Description
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2.1 Product Perspective Entries RSS

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Student Management System is capable of managing each and every data regarding
student, payments etc. Student Management System helps us in managing in an
extremely efficient way. This Student Management System works in an efficient manner.

We have two modules in this project. One is admin and other is the user. Admin can
maintain the fee details of students and can generate the reports can export the details to
excel. User module can edit their personal details and can view the fee details.

2.2 Product Features

Reduces the manual workload.
Complete details of the student can be stored and retrieved.
Admin can see all the student’s payment details and also export to excel sheets.

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The student can view all his details, payment details and the location of the college.

2.3 Design and Implementation Constraints

The Student Management System software is designed in such a way that the user can
easily interact with the screen because of GUI. The admin and the user are the two users
who use the project. The admin inserts the details of the students and the fee details that
the students have paid. User/ student can view his/her details, update if required and
check the fee details.

Software requirements:
• Microsoft .Net framework 3.5
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
• Microsoft ASP.Net 3.5
• Microsoft C#.Net language
• Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Hardware Requirements:
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or more

Ram: 1 GB or more

Hard disk: 40 GB hard disk recommended for the primary partition.

2.5 User Documentation

In our user manual, we are going to keep the information regarding our product which
can be understandable by a new person who is going to use it. If a new person is using it
online help will be provided in that we are going to explain each and every step clearly by
our product can be useful for any user.

3: System Features
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This Student Management System project is divided into 2 modules

1. Administrator and
2. User

Module Description

Admin: Admin is a person whose responsibility is to maintain the database that

contains each and every data regarding the all the student. Admin can add student
details into the database, can be able to delete student details and can update the student
fee details.
Admin has some other responsibilities they are
• Admin is can maintain the fee details of each and every student.
• Admin can generate the reports of the students and
• Admin can export the details to excel.

User: Here the user means the student. The responsibility of the student is to login into
the site and can view his/her fee details and can able update his/her personal details if
there is any wrong details are present. Whenever the student will register his/her name
then the student will be given by one individual username and password. When the
student will type the correct username and password then the will enter into another
page. In that page, the student can select two options that are updated details and view
details. A student can able to update his/her personal details and can be able to view the
fee details but cannot update the fee details.

4: External Interface Requirements

Hardware Interfaces
We require LAN connection for interacting with the database and local computers for
any help or any other requirement. We use TCP/IP protocol for communicating with
local hosts. We also need a system with P4 processor; 1GB RAM and database memory.

Software Interfaces

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We use MS.Net 3.5 and C#.Net 3.5 Programming language for writing the code for the
project. ASP.Net 3.5 for creating the web pages, using GUI for login screens and
interacting with the database. SQL server 2005 is used for creating the local and global
database (server). Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 IDE for writings the programs.
Operating system: Windows XP or higher version.

Communications Interfaces
The communications functions required by this product are LAN connection within the
whole company so that the Admin, employee, and customer can interact with each other.
We use TCP/IP protocol.

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