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If you want thing to be perfect → superego, (there is white there is black, but they want to be
clear cut, i.e you want your fruit cut up to be line up perfectly).
Ego→ realisticly mixing the fruit up for salad instead of separting itinto individual

Freud not only have theory but he tested it out in clinical

Defense mechanism, i.e denial

Important concept primary gian- if you allow client avoid the anxiety and not delaw ith real
problem, it will have a longer

Secondary gain- can make the problem last longer.

Freudian Theory and Nursing

- transference (therapist that treat a client), countertransference (you look like my grandma
and ill be more nice/listen to you)

Sullivan-interpesonal relationship, bc of this theory there is Peplau theory

Systemic desenization- see picture of snake then touch the snake

Aversion therapy (which is negative)- do something bad, negative enforcement to correct the

Cognitive Theory- how you perceive the problem that ill change your behavior, if you are
negative thinking then you would act differently
- Ellis- irrational beliefs
- Beck-distorted belief

Maslow- humanistic care

Elements of the Effective MilieU

Milieu- safety is priority, all the hazard are out.
Limit setting (i.e tell client that they are not allowed to kiss the nurse, when you tell a child that
they are not allow to opent he fridge, that is limit setting.

Question-superego-want perfection

Nurse-patient relationship, melieu and medication

You want patient to be independent so they can take care of thekselves

Social Relationship
- d
Therapeutic Relationship

Necceasy Behaviors For Nurses



Orientation Phase- the initial contact with the patient.

Wprking Phase
Terminaion Phase- either the patient is discharge or the nurse is off the shift/ mov on to other
unit. Soemtimes patient can have emotional responses to this phase, some in acceptance some in
The Communication Process- involve message sender

Factor that affect communication


Communication Technique

clarifying technique

Nontherapeutic communication technique

if client said I hate my mother, don’t agree or disagree just restate the client statement

Attentding behaviors

- core function
- assessment- take the data
- policy development
- assurance
o we are saying that the services we say are there for them is actually there and the
quality is there
population-children ine lemmentary school, subpop is children with eating disorder in
elementary school

we can either asses something or diagnose the problem

*primary (prevent ), secondary (screen for things that is happening) and tertiary prevention (
maintain the same level of health)
rehab can be acute or subacute care depending on what the focus of the nurse is.

Public health- is policy and public safety

Community is home care, school nurses, etc

Know the name of the people and what they are associtd with

Post war , we did different kind of rehabilitation, nursing kob grow, hospital became place for

4 phase

Consider intial refer for care (notification from other professional but can eb by family to
request for service).
Calrify refer, purpose, gather data( what has been taught), share information with the
client family.


Review referral (why do the client need the referral), conclusion, time place, purpose during call
(let client know how to reach you or agency, and how long the visit will take).
Ask insurance,

-when traveling, think about personal safety.

Lock puse or wallet in trunk, do not take personal item with you intot he home
Belonging out of sigth
Client watch for you
Accurate direction
Confer with colleague

Windows up, doors lock

Note surroundings
Park in open, lighted area
Telephone access
Don’t leave car
Calrify intention
Nursing assessment (intervention, etc)
Joint decision between nurse and family
Plan for future appointment with date and time

Post visit
Nursing intervention

document the step of the nursing process

document phone call, even if they pick up or not.

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