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Dara Marquez

Introduction to Elementary Education 201

Observation Assignment #6: Observing A Student

I had to discreetly observe one student during instruction time. Initially before

going into the classroom I felt that I would gravitate towards a more difficult student or

one that had a more challenging time with the lesson. That was not the case however.

Ariana was the student I observed. She is a Hispanic student and right away

engaged me in conversation when I arrived the first day. The students had returned

from their room after getting their breakfast and she came up to me and asked my

name. After our introductions I decided to observe her because I was curious about

how she would interact with the teacher and other students. What I found out as I

observed her was that she has a high level of learning ability.

The lesson I observed her through was on text evidence. They had to read a

chapter from the book Dr. Caisse read to them from in the mornings and create their

own version of the scene from the details within the text of the chapter. Dr. Caisse

explained the assignment and what was required of the students. While Dr. Caisse was

speaking Ariana listened and focused on the directions. While Dr. Caisse read the

chapter Ariana followed along. When the class was prompted to start the assignment

Ariana independently gathered her materials. She then asked Dr. Caisse if she could

move to a different seat by her friend. Dr. Caisse was allowing the students to pick their

own seats for the assignment so that was fine. Ariana and the other young girl chatted

quietly while they began their assignment. Ariana used specific materials such as: a
ruler, markers, and a pencil. She stayed on task and would talk to her friend about the

assignment as they were going. She went to another group and asked to use one of

their markers. She interacted nicely with her peers and was positive when speaking

with them. I could tell that she is serious about her learning.

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