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Dara Marquez

Introduction to Elementary Education

Observation Assignment #4: School/Classroom Culture

A. Physical Characteristics: The physical areas of Addeliar Guy E.S. give an atmosphere of

order and structure, the physical areas are comfortable to be in; one does not feel

unsafe or threatened in any way, and the educational setting throughout the school

seems to be consistent and positive.

1. The school building is mostly brick and appears to be solid. There are three sets

of double doors at the entrance of the building. There is also one portable on

the school grounds and it is located on the North East side of the school building.

There is also a bicycle rake on the North East side of the school building that is

fenced in. The school grounds are clean and there was no debris along the

grounds. Fencing is kept around the school grounds and it is a chain link fence.

There did not seem to be any damage to any of the fencing. All of the

equipment that I witnessed was in working order such as the computer in the

front office for checking in. Along with the laptops used in the classrooms (1

laptop for each group of students). The landscaping is mostly done in desert

landscape with small pebbles along the planters with trees and bushes. The

parking lot is in front of the school and the spaces are clearly marked with paint.

There are crosswalks along the 4-way intersection to the North East side of the

school and the 4-way intersection to the North West side of the school. The
school has a large enclosed letter board in the corner of the North East side of

the school on the grounds displaying important upcoming dates and events. Ex:

4/27/16 Class Picture Day.

2. The interior of the school is supported by the outside and clean as well. There

was no trash in the hallways or anything out of place or untidy about the interior

of the school. The halls are painted white and the walls were clean. The flooring

was mostly low-cut carpet with tile in the bathroom and sink areas. The light

was overhead and covered. The light source was large and long fluorescent light

bulbs so the school was bright and well lit. All the doors were working and most

were decorated with construction paper pictures or labeled with the teacher’s

name and the grade. There were several windows in the hall ways coming off of

the front entrance which also allowed light into the school. There were small

windows in the classrooms and they were located in the more top section of the

wall and in a square shape with metal framing. As far as entrance security goes,

all the doors are kept locked except the far left one (standing directly in front of

them from the outside). Also the entrances along the surrounding fences were

kept locked during school hours. They were unlocked for admittance into the

school (for a set time) and then locked again until it was time to pick students


B. Culture of the School: The school’s mission statement is: To ensure a safe, nurturing

and cooperative environment, where all children have the opportunity to achieve

academically, develop socially, and grow emotionally.

The school’s motto is: “I Can and I Will.”

The school’s mascot is: An Eagle

1. The school is showing community pride through a career day on April 21st. They

will be having a choir concert on April 28th for an activity.

2. Interactions between staff and visitors in the main office is mostly positive. All

the staff is very attentive and usually will go directly up to any visitor versus

speaking to them from behind their desk. The faculty and student interactions

throughout the school is also positive from what I observed. Most staff greets

the students and students will engage appropriately or simply wave and say hi to

the other staff members. Names are commonly used between the students and

staff. Ex: “Hi, Mrs. M.” Says a student. “Hello Logan.” Says Mrs. M.

3. Students are more active and mobile during their time outside and will usually

use many different areas of the outside space while walking/running around

instead of standing in one particular area. Outside of the classroom and while

the students are in the halls the students are expected to stay quiet and stand in

straight lines (one line for girls and one line for boys). Dr. Caisse stated to me

that she sometimes has trouble with the student’s actions/behavior while they

are at the “specials” (art, music, PE, etc.). The students are attentive during Dr.

Caisse’s instruction time and are usually placed in small groups to complete

assignments. While the students are in the small groups socializing does occur.

Dr. Caisse allows some talking amongst the groups as long as the work is getting

4. The school is organized well and every door is numbered and labeled with the

teacher’s name. The multipurpose room is to the right once you walk through

the front entrance and after you pass the office doorway which is to the right in

the waiting area. Directly across from the hall from the multipurpose room is

the nurse’s office. Then from there continuing straight there will be a hallway to

your right with classroom doors (labeled with a number and teacher’s name).

Then to the left of the hall is the library and to the right is a restroom. Then

more classroom through other hallways as well. If you go through the office

there is an adult restroom (left for the men and right for the women) then a

small copy room leading into the break room to the right. To the left are offices

and a small conference room.

C. Culture of the Classroom:

1. Dr. Caisse has high expectations from her students as far as their learning and

success goes. She has lessons that cater to each student and as a class as a

whole. I saw great cooperative learning. Dr. Caisse enables the students to work

through problems on their own and encourages them to ask for help from one

another. All the while the students are also welcome to go to her for help if they

want/need to.

2. There is a high level of student participation because of how she has the lesson

and assignments planned out. She has the students seated in groups and each

group works together on the given assignment. At times the students may chose

who they work with. Ex: An assignment was given that was to be done
independently but the students were able to move seats and decide who they

wanted to work alongside. Every student participated in the class because they

had to participate within their group. Some students (equal amount of boys and

girls about 2 boys and 2 girls) did not participate as much as the others but they

still worked on the assignment as it was getting done.

3. When I was evaluating the interactions between Dr. Caisse and the students I

saw that they all had a strong rapport with each other and that Dr. Caisse knew

them well. Since she has a good rapport with them she knows how to keep

them on track and what they will need help with. She could work with the

students if there was an issue within a group and keep things running smoothly.

For the most part the students worked cohesively with one another and I feel

that is because they are used to the fact that they have to work in groups and

that if they have any problems they can talk to Dr. Caisse. She treats her 5th

grade class with great respect and earns it back from them. The students and Dr.

Caisse both have respect for one another. Since the students respect Dr. Caisse

she is able to fulfill her role as a teacher and make sure the students are learning

versus dealing with behavioral problems. I feel that because the students

respect Dr. Caisse they are willing to listen to the lesson and any corrections that

she may have for them whether it be about academics or behavior. Dr. Caisse

holds the power in the classroom and the students are aware of that. If a rule

does have to be enforce Dr. Caisse is able to alter the consequence depending

on the student’s misdoing.

Overall the culture of the school is that of working together and learning. The

teachers and staff have a good relationship with the students and that shows in the

behavior the students have in and out of the classroom.

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