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Nirma University of Science and Technology

Institute of Law
Semester End Examination ( IR/RPR ), November - 2008
B.A. LL.B. (Hans.), Semester-I

Roll / Supervisor's initial I

Exam No. with date
Time: 3 Hours
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions.
2. Figures to right indicate full marks.
3. Section wise separate answer book to be used.

1. Explain the relationship between Jajmani System and Caste System in 08

Rural India.

2. Discuss the salient features of Multi-Religious Structure in India. 08

2. Explain how Law has brought changes in the Institution of Marriage in 08

5. Write short notes on ANYTHREE: 15

(a) Constitutional provisions for upliftment of Schedule Caste.
(b) The various welfare measures for OBC.
(c) Constitutional provisions for empowerment of Women in India.
(d) Social disabilities of Schedule Tribes.

4. Answer the following in brief. (1 Mark Each)

(a) A PIL can be filed under which Article of the Constitution of India?
(b) Explain the term "UBI JUS I BI REMEDIUM".
(c) Article 21 of the Constitution of India deals with which right?
(d) What do you understand by the term "AVUNCULATE"?
(e) Explain the concept of RULE OF AVOIDANCE.
(f) What is the concept of Exogamy Marriage?
(g) As per the Varna system of Indian society what was the prime
occupation of Kshatriyas?
(i) What is Talaq?
(j) Explain the term EXTENDED Family.
(k) Explain the term "SEZ".
5. Answer Any Six of the followings: (5 Marks Each)
(a) Defme the term "Environment", as per the provision of Environment
Protection Act, 1986.
(b) Explain the various drawbacks of the Rehabilitation and Resettlement
Policy of 2006 in India.
(c) State the various factors influencing the Joint Family System in India.
(d) What are the various theories of Divorce? Discuss one of them in brief.
(el Explain the concept of Precautionary Principle related to the concept of
Sustainable Development.
(f) Provide the classification of Marriage based on various parameters.
(g) Enumerate the various non-permissible activities provided in the Costal
Regulation Zone Notification of 1991 in India.
(h) Discuss the concept of Kinship in sociological context /. relevance.

6. Write short notes on ANYTWO. (5 Marks Each)

(a) Joint Family System in India.
(b) Precautionary Principle.
(c) Lok Adalat.

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