Classroom Management Plan

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First Day of School

1. Arrive to school early and make sure everything is organized and in place.
o The classroom will be arranged and decorated prior to the first day
2. Greet students at the door.
o As the students walk through the door, hand them an index card with a name of
a famous person on it.
o Students will then have to find the picture that matches their famous person.
That is where they will sit.
3. After the bell rings, call students to attention and pass out school handbook and/or
school folders.
4. Pass out syllabus, guidelines, student/parent contract.
5. Tour around the room
6. Introduce myself
7. Getting to know the students
o Ice Breaker
8. Once the bell rings, vocalize to the students that the bell does not dismiss them, I do
Entering the Classroom
1. Enter the classroom quietly without running or pushing.
2. Sit in your assigned seat
3. Take note of the daily agenda.
4. Wait for further instructions from the teacher.
If You Are Late
1. Walk in quietly and make as little noise as possible.
2. Take your assigned seat.
3. Join the activity in progress. If you are unsure of what to do, raise your hand until
the teacher sees you.
If You Are Absent
1. Kindly ask your table partner what you missed. If you still do not know what to do,
quietly raise your hand and wait until I can reach you.
2. Gather any missing assignments from the absent folder.
Turning in Assignments
Occasionally, homework, group-work, or individual work will be collected. Make sure
your full name is clearly legible on the paper. Every day your assignment is late, half a
letter grade will be docked from your assignment.
Getting Your Attention
There will be times when I need to gather everyone’s undivided attention so that I can
clarify, answer questions, or if the noise level gets too loud. During this time I will say
the following:
“Holy moly” the students will then respond with, “Guacamole!”
When I say this phrase students must:
1. Finish the phrase.
2. Stop talking and look at me.
3. Wait for me to speak.
End of Class Dismissal
Before the bell rings student should be in their assigned seat with materials ready and
wait for the teacher to dismiss the class.

When You Finish Early

If you finish all of the assigned work you may:
o Read independently.
o Work on an assignment for another class.
o Write
o Draw
Restroom Policy
A maximum of 2 people may go to the restroom during any given period. You may go to
the restroom if:
o The class is working on an individual assignment (no passes during teacher
o You have not abused this privileged in the pass.
o You have not used up all of your restroom passes.
Classroom Rules
1. Respect teacher, classmates, and material.
2. Follow directions.
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
4. Be in the classroom when the bell rings.
5. Be engaged.
1. 1st time: Warning
2. 2nd time: Conference with teacher
3. 3rd time: Detention with teacher and parent contact
4. 4th time: Lowered grade (by 1 letter grade)
5. 5th time: Meeting with administrator
Students who follow the rules will obtain:
1. Their name entered into a raffle in which they may win prizes or candy.
2. Positive parent contact.
This classroom management plan was produced and achieved in an eighth grade English
Language Arts class and a seventh grade science class. The plan covers a variety of topics
including: procedures, behavior, consequences, rewards, and policies. This plan allows for there
to be no confusion regarding management in my classroom due to the extensive range of
possible disruptions.
This artifact encompasses a diverse group of students that any classroom could employ.
It delivers effective instruction, understandable consequences, and respect to an assorted
group of learners. The plan intersects a wide range rules, procedures, and policies that occur in
all classrooms.
I find a classroom management plan extremely important for any classroom to have. It
provides a nurturing and safe environment for my students, as well as diminishing any
behavioral issues that will make the class run efficiently. I believe classroom management is of
the upmost importance when governing student learning. It maintains equilibrium throughout
the class so learning can come more easily.
I have attended many professional development opportunities that focus on classroom
management and how to implement it in the classroom. As I continue my journey to becoming
an educator, I plan on continuing those professional development opportunities to better

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