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Computing N Bodies System

Professor Shabangu

April 29, 2015



Since The three body problem three bodies interacting via the gravitational force is an
important problem that cannot be solved analytically, we will do and numerically integra-
tions. Then from 3 bodies system we go to N bodies.We’ll use the nice and old Newton
gravitational model:
X X Ri − Rj
Fi = Fi = m i Gmj
|Ri − Rj |3

Note that Fij is the force on the ith body by the j th body. Recall that Fij = Fji

Output and Analysis:

This is my bodies system.

Figure 1: three bodies simple system

In this system I made the moon and the sun to go in opposite direction

Figure 2: Sun-Earth-moon system

Idealized motion of sun-earth-moon system

Figure 3: Ideal Motion

Since the scale is too big to visualize the moon’s orbit around the earth. I will add its
orbital position.

Figure 4: Orbital positions

And Now for my N bodies system:

Figure 5: Predicted simulation of N bodies

Figure 6: Simulated N bodies

Figure 7: Proper motions of planets(solar system)

So if we used G = M s = M e = M m = 1 and got a simple idealized motion, is sort of
made infinity sign but that was dependent on the initial conditions. all the simulations
are directly proportional to the initial conditions that is the position and the momentum
which varies the Energy principle.

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