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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893


The Daily Tar Heel
friday, september 10, 2010

sports | pages 5, 6, 7, 8
Check out The Daily Tar
Heel’s newest feature: Fraternities fight
the move of rush
The section replaces Sports-
Saturday and prepares you By Andy Thomason
Assistant University Editor
for the games ahead.
Looking back on the first two
weeks of classes, UNC fraternities
are pleased with a relatively quiet
But that alone will not save fall
At the beginning of recruitment,
fraternity leaders said they hoped
an incident-free rush would pre-
vent the University from moving
recruitment past the fall, a course
of action they said they oppose.
A committee of the Board of
Trustees — the University affairs
committee — is conducting a study
campus | page 3 dth/nushmia khan that will shape the board’s decision
Freshman Elizabeth Morris had her first early-morning shift at student-run radio station WXYC on Wednesday. She is one of 14 newly trained on how, or whether, to move rush.
BID DAY DJs. As a rite of passage, DJs start out with shifts in early morning hours. Morris’ first shift was from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. on Wednesday. The study will investigate how
well freshmen who join the Greek
Hundreds of women packed system acclimate to campus life,
Coker Arboretum to re- rather than focus on the preva-
lence of alcohol-related incidents.
ceive their bids to Panhel- The board’s decision, which
should come in November, will
lenic sororities. Afterward, likely complete the University’s
the women celebrated as they by Kristina Weeks review of the Greek system, which
staff writer
the administration has made a
raced to their houses. It’s 3 a.m.
Campus is deserted. Students are either
The board is considering four
sleeping soundly or tucked away studying
options: keeping fall rush, moving
in a library.
it to the spring, changing it to roll-
In the WXYC radio studio on the sec-
ing recruitment or implementing a
ond floor of the Union annex, freshman
performance-based rush based on
Elizabeth Morris’s first night as a DJ has
fraternities’ conduct.
just begun.
Board members said they hope
Photos, posters and stickers line the
they will be able to collaborate with
walls of the station, promoting eclec-
Greek leaders to reach a decision
tic bands and boasting snarky phrases.
after the completion of the study,
A stuffed figure of Father Christmas is
which will compare the academic
strapped by his arms next to a CD rack,
performance of freshman Greek
surrendering to the continuous stream of
organization members and inde-
pendent students.
The chaos of the room is more of a com-
“We could slam it through. But
campus | page 4 fort than a nuisance to Morris, whose first
graveyard shift was Wednesday morning.
we don’t really want to do that,”
said Alston Gardner, chairman of
“It feels like there’s a lot of history here,”
the committee.
“We will if we have to.”
The DTH community sports WXYC, the University’s student-run
The Interfraternity Council voted
public access radio station, hired a new
site gives club and intra- batch of DJs in early September.
to move dry rush up to the first two
weeks of school, a change that most
mural sports a way to share And for 14 fresh-faced trainees, it’s a rite dth/nushmia khan
fraternity members came to support,
of passage at the station to work the wee WXYC, the University’s student -run radio
their news, with some of our said IFC President Tucker Piner.
hours of the morning. station, tells its new DJs not to worry “I know so many guys who are
help. See page 4 for cover- Station manager Nicole Campbell, a about mistakes. The station is located on so pleased to have it over with,”
junior, told her trainees not to worry about the second floor of the Union annex.
age of an intramural flag he said, adding that rushees were
pleased to have an alcohol-free
football game. “Always try,” Campbell said. “If you say it
DTH ONLINE: Check out a video first two weeks.
with some weird accent, people will prob-
profiling Elizabeth Morris as part of “As fun as partying is and get-
ably think you’re saying it right.”
arts | online DTH Multimedia’s CloseUps series. ting drunk, they really enjoyed
Morris’ on-air name, Trillian, has been
talking to the guys and seeing who
a part of her identity since middle school.
Listen to WXYC they wanted to spend the next four
CANVAS It comes from the novel, “The Hitchhiker’s
On the radio — 89.3 FM years with,” he said.
Guide to the Galaxy,” which she read as a
The DTH’s arts blog has been On the web — Although the organization’s
executive board devoted a lot of
busy, reviewing last night’s Morris said that Trillian is more memo- dth/carter mccall
rable than Elizabeth. With a voice that she Before her shift, Elizabeth Morris reaches for a
Memorial Hall concert and calls “forgettable”, it’s helpful to have an See WXYC, Page 11 CD to play on the radio Wednesday morning. See Rush, Page 11
explaining the two-act nature
of PlayMakers’ “Happy Days.” ANALYSIS
Academic misconduct
Duke group could lose funds could go back years
Check the Canvas blog on for more.

this day in history by tarini parti

state and national editor
SEP. 10, 1931 … Duke University’s student gov-
The story so far
Bowles stands by “I think you can be
ernment made an unprecedented
English professor Edwin
Greenlaw, one of the first
decision Wednesday night by vot- March 16: Robinette officially It also asked all student organiza- Thorp, Baddour very, very proud
ing to de-fund and de-charter the
university’s College Republicans.
re-elected as chairman of Duke tions to draft non-discrimination of the way they’re
Kenan Professors of English, College Republicans. policies. by Sara Gregory
But it’s not
March 27: Robinette elected as End of May: anti-gay graffiti senior writer handling this.”
dies in Chapel Hill. over for the WILMINGTON — With his
co-chairman of N.C. Federation of discovered on the East Campus
Greenlaw Hall is later o r g a n i z at i o n arms around the two men leading erskine bowles, system president,
just yet. College Republicans Bridge at Duke University. on Holden thorp and Dick Baddour
UNC’s ongoing football investiga-
named after him. The sen- April 14: College Republicans’ June: Bridget Gomez creates a tion, President Erskine Bowles con- of the Board of Governors about
a t e’s b i l l t o executive board amends the Facebook group called “Petition firmed his trust in their judgment. the two ongoing investigations.
de-fund the impeachment process. Robinette is to Duke University to Take Action “I think you can be very, very The board, which meets monthly
Today’s weather club still needs impeached. Against the DCR.” proud of the way they’re handling and oversees the 17-school system,
to be signed
Last days of April 20: Duke’s student judiciary June: Robinette and some of his this,” Bowles told members of the requested the informal update at
into law by supporters receive anonymous Board of Governors. its regularly scheduled meeting.
Justin begins the trial - Robinette vs.
summer weather. Duke Student death threats. Bowles’ vote of confidence in Thorp and Baddour are leading
Robinette Duke College Republicans.
H 85, L 59 Government Chancellor Holden Thorp and ath- the school’s internal investigation of
helped file com- President Mike April 20: Duke University August: Robinette and seven
letic director Dick Baddour came academic misconduct alongside the
plaints against Lefevre, and administrators said an internal others file another lawsuit with
Saturday’s weather shortly after the pair acknowl- NCAA’s look into whether players
the club. the de-charter- audit of the organization was the Duke student judiciary against
edged it was possible the academic had improper contact with agents.
ing act needs conducted and no evidence of the College Republicans.
Yeah, I can live misconduct between players and a Both men said their fact-finding
to be approved by the Student Robinette misusing funds was Aug. 29: Duke student judiciary
with this. found.
tutor goes back several years. is nearly complete. Now the school
Organization Finance Committee denies Robinette and seven other It’s more bad news for a pro-
H 80, L 67 is looking to determine each player’s
— an extension of the senate that April 21: Judiciary rules in favor plaintiffs a hearing. gram that has seen the benching of eligibility on a case-by-case basis.
deals with recognizing and funding of College Republicans, saying the 13 players and an assistant coach’s “I feel like we have most of the
index student organizations. organization did not discriminate
Sept. 8: Duke’s student govern-
ment votes to de-fund and de- resignation within the past week. If facts,” Thorp said after the meeting.
police log ......................... 2 “Nothing has been decided on against Robinette. officials find players received inap- Those who sat out Saturday’s
this yet,” said Lefevre, who has two charter the College Republicans.
calendar ............................. 2 April 22: Duke Senate decided The bill needs to be signed, and propriate academic help in previ- game against Louisiana State
crossword ......................... 9 days to veto the senate’s decision. ous seasons, team records could be University won’t see field time until
“This has just happened.” not to suspend or de-charter the the act approved by the Student
nation and world ............. 9 College Republicans. Organization Finance Committee. at risk of being invalidated. both the NCAA and the University
opinion.............................. 12 Baddour and Thorp were speak-
See Duke, Page 11 ing Thursday to update members See football, Page 11
2 friday, september 10, 2010 News The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel DAILY Photos of the week

ta ke
one dai l y

Established 1893
117 years of
editorial freedom Romanian witch tax proposal rejected
SARAH FRIER jonathan

From staff and wire reports
EDITOR-in-chief jones
omania’s senators might have been afraid of some curses or spells when
office hours: T, TH they rejected a proposal to tax witches and fortune tellers Tuesday.
2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. emily evans, Lawmakers Alin Popoviciu and Cristi Dugulescu of the ruling
STEVEN NORTON jenny smith
Managing editor copy co-EDITORs Democratic Liberal Party drafted the law, in which witches and fortune
962-0372 dailytarheelcopy@
scnorton@email. tellers would have to produce receipts and would be liable for wrong predictions.
Carter McCall Popoviciu claimed lawmakers were frightened of being cursed.
C. Ryan barber
cfmcall@email. The proposed tax was part of the government’s drive to increase revenue. Maria
university EDITOR
843-4529 Campina, a well-known Romanian witch, told a TV station it’s difficult to tax thou- kelly mchugh
design editor sands of fortune tellers and witches partly because of the erratic sums of money dth/eliza kern
VICTORIA kbmchugh@email. they receive. UNC housekeepers delivered a formal labor grievance to Chancellor
Holden Thorp on Wednesday after a protest at South Building.
962-4103 Ryan NOTED. One hundred sixty-three couples QUOTED. “Anyone who gets out there with a kurtzman in Taiwan were married in a mass ceremony one-and-a-half meter python in a McDonald’s
graphics editor
Tarini Parti dthgraphics@ at 9:09 a.m. on Thursday, the ninth day of the car park – they’re pretty dumb.”
STATE & NATIONAL ninth month of the 99th year since the found- — Detective Sgt. Andrew Beams, after two
EDITOR, 962-4103 ing of their republic.
men were arrested for stealing a 5-foot black-
Nushmia khan
multimedia editor
The Chinese word for nine sounds exactly headed python named Boris and wrestling it
Nick Andersen like the word for longevity, which helped moti- in a McDonald’s parking lot. The python was
Arts Editor vate the Taipei city authorities to organize the returned to Totally Reptiles pet shop. The men
843-4529 allyson nine-filled nuptials. also stole a lizard, which is still missing.
linnie greene special sections
diversions editor EDITOr
BJ Dworak, sara gregory
lauren mccay Family Assembly Room’’ annual local chef event today titled
photo co-editors
manager today
dthphoto@gmail. “Chefs Who Shop the Carrboro
com edu Lunch discussion: Interested in Picnic: As long as this weather Farmers’ Market.” Seven chefs who
helping others? The UNC School of stays as beautiful as it has been, regularly shop at the market will cre-
➤ The Daily Tar Heel reports Law Pro Bono Program is holding a Fridays on the Front Porch should be ate themed dishes using ingredients
any inaccurate information roundtable discussion on “Providing a hit. There will be bluegrass music currently available. The event will go dth/kate locke
published as soon as the error Legal Assistance in Low-Income, Rural by Mel Melton and Wicked Mojos. until the food runs out. Sasha Dennis, 1, of Durham, plays in the fountains at the newly
is discovered. Communities in the South.” These A southern picnic and buffet, drink Time: 9 a.m. redesigned North Carolina Museum of Art completed this year.
students partner with several groups specials and comfortable seating Location: Carrboro Farmers Market,
➤ Corrections for front-page Visit to view the photos of the week.
to help deliver pro bono legal work to on the shady front porch and lawn 301 W. Main St.
errors will be printed on the low-income families throughout the complete the picture. There is no
front page. Any other incorrect communities in the South. They have cover charge. Come out and enjoy Spooky walk: Do you like
information will be corrected
on page 3. Errors committed
addressed concerns after Hurricane
Katrina, education and housing law
the music with your friends.
Time: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
ghost stories or history? Join the
Preservation Society of Chapel Hill Police log
on the Opinion Page have cor- issues, and drafted wills. Call (919) Location: The Carolina Inn for its tour of the old Chapel Hill n   Someone assaulted and reports.
rections printed on that page. 962-5665 to make a reservation. Cemetery. The first recorded burial robbed people at gunpoint at 8:23 Damage is estimated at $500,
Corrections also are noted in the Time: Noon Art walk: Love art, shopping and at the site was in 1798, just two p.m. Wednesday at 401 Umstead reports state.
online versions of our stories. Location: Love House, 410 E. food? Join fellow art lovers for the years after a land grant was given to Drive, according to Chapel Hill
➤ Contact Managing Editor Franklin St. Second Friday Art Walk. Several develop the University. Tour partici- police reports. n   Someone punctured tires
Steven Norton at scnorton@ art galleries and businesses will pants should meet at the gazebo on A $40 wallet containing three and threw rocks at the driver’s side with issues about Music lecture: Get in touch with stay open late for shopping. There the property. Admission is $5. Visit credit cards and $50 cash was sto- window of a car between midnight
this policy. your soul at Jason Perlmutter’s will be live music and maybe even http://www.chapelhillpreservation. len, reports state. and 7:20 a.m. Wednesday at 111
lecture on soul music. Perlmutter is refreshments. Maps are avail- com/ for more information. Pickard Lane, according to Chapel
Mail: P.O. Box 3257, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 the founder of, an able at each stop. Visit http:// Time: 10 a.m. n  A poisonous snake was found Hill police reports.
Office: 151 E. Rosemary St. online encyclopedia of soul music for Location: Chapel Hill Cemetery in a parking lot at about 3:48 a.m. Damage to the car is estimated
Sarah Frier, Editor-in-Chief, 962-4086 from the Carolinas. He is a former details. Admission is free. Thursday at the Chapel Hill Police at $575, reports state.
Advertising & Business, 962-1163 disc jockey and station manager of Time: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. To make a calendar submission,
News, Features, Sports, 962-0245
Department, according to Chapel
WXYC-FM, and he researched and Location: Various locations e-mail Hill police reports. n  Someone stole a $6,312 light
One copy per person; additional copies may be compiled the compact disc “Carolina Events will be published in the tower from a roadside work site
purchased at The Daily Tar Heel for $.25 each.
Funk.” Contact Liza Teril at (919) Saturday newspaper on either the day or the n   Someone broke the glass between midnight and 2 p.m. Sept.
Please report suspicious activity at our day before they take place.
distribution racks by e-mailing 962-4207 for more information. in a bus stop shelter at 4:58 p.m. 1 near Fordham Blvd. at Raleigh
Time: 5 p.m. Market celebration: The Carrboro Submissions must be sent in by Wednesday at 201 S. Estes Drive, Road, according to Chapel Hill
© 2010 DTH Media Corp. noon the preceding publication date.
All rights reserved Location: Wilson Library, Pleasants Farmers Market will host its eighth according to Chapel Hill police police reports.

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The Daily Tar Heel Top News friday, september 10, 2010 3

Sociologist wins Latina/o
distinguished book award House has chance for survival New
UNC sociology professor
Jacqueline Hagan has received the
2010 Distinguished Book Award
from the Latina/o sociology sec-
Historic Graham house up for sale website
tion of the American Sociological
by Chad Royal demolition by neglect ordinance.
staff writer The ordinance states that if the
A dilapidated three-story home owner fails to repair or demolish
The award recognized Hagan
that has been the residence of two the property by the end of the grace
for her book “Migration Miracle:

UNC presidents has been given period, he will be fined.
Faith, Hope and Meaning on the
another chance for survival. That grace period originally
Undocumented Journey.” The book
The owner of the Edward ended today.
also won the 2009 Distinguished
Kidder Graham house and According to Orange County
Book Award honorable mention
the group Preservation North Geographic Information Systems,
from the Association for Latina/
Carolina have come to an agree- the owner of the property, located
Latino Anthropologists, a section
of the American Anthropology
ment to find a buyer by the end of
the month.
at 115 Battle Lane, is Sherman
Research linked
Hagan’s book drew on more than
“The Edward Kidder Graham
house is a very important one,
Richardson did not return calls
for comment.
by relationships
300 interviews with men, women
not only to Chapel Hill but to the Dollar said the owner planned
and children and offers a contem-
state as well,” said Cathleen Turner,
by sara gregory
to renovate the property, but the
porary story of migrants’ reliance senior writer
the Piedmont regional director of repairs proved too extensive and
on their clergy, faith, cultural WILMINGTON — Members of
Preservation North Carolina, which much was left unfinished.
expressions and religious practic- the Board of Governors got a sneak
has partnered with the town pres- “It’s going to take quite a bit dth file photo
es as they travel from Mexico and peak at a website that will function
ervation society to help stir interest of renovation,” said Dollar, who Earnest Dollar poses in front of the historic Edward Kidder Graham
Central America. like a Facebook for researchers.
in the property. explained that the property is in house in February. Preservation North Carolina is trying to find a buyer.
Hagan, a fellow of the Carolina The website, dubbed REACH-NC,
Turner said the group is opti- very bad condition.
Population Center and the Center is still in beta and only includes data
mistic that a buyer will be found T he home, which housed District Commission, said now the “I think anything like that is
for Urban and Regional Studies, from two UNC schools. It’ll show off
soon. Edward Kidder Graham and Frank owner won’t be fined until 2012, but worth preserving,” Friday said, who
focuses her research on interna- connections between researchers,
“We’ve got several interested Porter Graham, has an extensive he still reserves the right to demol- added that Edward Kidder Graham
tional migration, social policy, reli- their work, grants they’ve earned
folks,” said Ernest Dollar, the exec- termite infestation and has holes ish the property at any time. was one of his heroes.
gion and human rights. and people they’ve worked with.
utive director of the Preservation in the floor and roof. Former UNC President Bill “It’s a vulnerable property
She is currently studying return “We’re spending a lot of time try-
Society of Chapel Hill. “We’re The property is selling for Friday lives down the street from because no one really cared for
migration to Mexico from the ing to make our research useful to
crossing our fingers.” $875,000. the house on 521 Hooper Lane. it.”
United States. the state,” said Steven Leath, the
Dollar said the owner was Stephen Rich, treasurer of the Friday said he walks past the UNC-systems’ vice president for
given a year to repair or demolish town preservation society and house each day and sees it become Contact the City Editor
Jenkins receives award for research.
the property under Chapel Hill’s former chairman of the Historic increasingly damaged. at “We want to be able to tell the
contributions to libraries story of what we’re doing and what
Carol Jenkins, director of the we’re capable of.”
UNC Health Sciences Library, will REACH-NC takes existing data
receive the Association of Academic and makes it easier to see the rela-
Health Sciences Libraries’ 2010 tionships between the system’s
Cornerstone Award. 15,000 faculty members, 1,000
The award honors a career of baccalaureate programs and $1.4
significant impact on the profes- billion in annual research funding.
sion of academic health sciences Look up “asthma” and it’ll show
librarianship and support of the every faculty member with an exper-
association’s mission. tise on the disease, the research
In a statement, the association they’ve produced, the classes they’ve
said Jenkins’ nominators were taught on the subject and the grants
particularly attuned to her lead- they’ve received.
ership of the Future Leadership Search among UNC’s chemistry
Committee. Jenkins served as the department, and the most prolific
committee’s co-chairwoman from researchers show up along with
2003 to 2009. who they work with and the pat-
Co-sponsored by the National ents they hold. A department head
Library of Medicine, the program could look for junior faculty that
has helped recruit new library direc- would benefit from mentorships
tors into leadership positions. with more experienced faculty.
Jenkins, who serves as a pro- The site should make it easier
fessor in the UNC School of to see potential candidates for
Information and Library Science, grants.
has directed the Health Sciences Because it can drill down into
Library for nearly 25 years. such specifics, others could use it to
poach faculty from within the UNC
system, a concern raised by several
UNC raises record breaking board members.
$803 million for research But all the information on the
site is already public, Leath said.
The University announced Someone intent on poaching from
Thursday that it raised $803 mil- UNC would already know the major
lion in research funding during the players and have access to the infor-
2010 fiscal year. mation elsewhere.
That total, which marked a 12.2 dth/stephen kirsch
Research Director Courtney
percent increase from the previous Four hundred and ninety-eight female students found out Thursday night which sorority they received a bid to in Coker Arboretum. Thorton said her office frequently
year’s $716 million, was the largest Members of Zeta Tau Alpha (above) cheer as the new pledge classes await opening the envelopes that contain their coveted bids. gets calls asking who in the system
in University history.

is doing research on a particular
According to the statement, most topic, and the website will make it
of the grant funding came from the easier to answer that question.
federal government, especially the Right now the site draws data
National Institutes of Health and from UNC-Chapel Hill and N.C.
National Science Foundation.
The American Recovery and Panhellenic sororities welcome new members A large sound system blared pop music as
the girls embraced.
State University.
All UNC-system schools will be
Reinvestment Act — also known Senior Clare White said she loved her job included by summer 2011, and part-
as the stimulus bill — accounted by Colleen Volz rodeo theme. as a recruitment counselor, but that it was nerships with Wake Forest and Duke
for $126 million in funding. staff writer As the potential new members filed into hard to keep her affiliation a secret. universities are being explored. RTI
Cheers, tears, and hugs swept through the center of the circle, each sorority yelled “The best part was seeing the look on International, a nonprofit research
City BRIEFS Coker Arboretum on Thursday as 498 female cheers in unison to help show their excite- their faces,” White said. organization based at the Research
students discovered their new sisters. ment. White said Bid Day was bittersweet since Triangle Park, has also expressed
Town of Hillsborough to Bid Day, the annual ceremony that wel- On one edge of the circle, a line of recruit- many of the girls in her recruitment group interest in being involved.
host Colonial Kids Day comes 10 new pledge classes to UNC’s ment counselors — Greek members who would not join her sorority, Alpha Delta Pi. Few other schools have such a way
Panhellenic sororities, provided an event- lead each recruitment group throughout the Freshman Jasmine Thompson said she was to organize their data. There are sim-
Hillsborough will hold Colonial ful ending to participants in the weeklong week — stood watching the action. elated to be invited to join Zeta Tau Alpha.
Kids Day Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 ilar sites in Michigan and Georgia,
rush period. But with about six weeks of As each group cheered, the counselors She said she felt an instant connection but they don’t include information
p.m. The event will coincide with the pledging on the horizon, it was also just the revealed their specific sorority shirt hidden with the girls when she first visited the
town-organized Family Fun Day. outside the biomedical fields and
beginning. beneath their “Go Greek” cover. house. don’t include data from as many
Children are invited to come “It’s the last day, everyone is just really At 6:25p.m., the moment had finally “As soon as I went, I knew these girls
to the Orange County Historical sources as UNC’s site will.
happy,” said Jill Zartman, Panhellenic come. The envelopes were handed out. would be my friends,” she said. The site should go live either late
Museum to play dress up in colo- Council vice president of recruitment. “One... Two... Three!” the leadership team Zartman said the girls and the current
nial clothing and play colonial this year or early next year. Anyone
Kayte Fry, coordinator for fraternity and chanted. members would go back to their houses to will have access to it, although the
games. From 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., the sorority life, said more than 680 girls signed Envelopes were frantically torn open and participate in celebrations.
museum will also offer a lesson in system is still trying to work out the
up to rush — 30 more than last fall. expressions ranging from joy to surprise to “There’s been a big push this year to make extent to which some information
colonial medicine. Fry said girls typically drop out during disappointment met the girls’ faces. them feel welcome,” Zartman said.
The museum boasts the nation’s will be displayed.
the rush process for financial or academic “I was just so completely excited,” said “They really want them to feel a part of “We want to get it right and then
only complete set of colonial reasons. freshman Lauren Burton, who received a bid the organization.”
weights and measures as well as we’ll promote it,” UNC President
Each of the 10 sororities sported unique from Alpha Chi Omega, her top choice. Erskine Bowles said.
memorabilia from the colonial, Bid Day themes ranging from Delta Delta “I feel like I’ve known these girls for so Contact the University Editor
antebellum, Civil War and indus- Delta’s ’80s theme to Zeta Tau Alpha’s long, you know?” she said. at
trialization eras. Contact the State & National
Editor at
Town of Chapel Hill website

Program to promote o≠-campus fire safety

wins a top national honor
The Town of Chapel Hill has
been awarded a Savvy, a top
national honor, for its website, by David Riedell wood paneling and layers of latex nationwide in 2011. staff writer paint, a central stairwell that would The event was personal for
A Savvy Award is provided by Against the symbolic backdrop act as a chimney, big industrial fans Perdue, whose son was a member
the City-County Communications of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity in the basement and fathers and of Phi Gamma Delta when the fire
& Marketing Association. house, Gov. Bev Perdue pledged sons sharing cigars together.” occurred.
The award recognizes local gov- her support Thursday to a fire safe- There were no fire sprinklers in “I’m a proud Phi Gam’ momma,”
ernment achievements in market- ty campaign targeting off-campus the house, which the fire chief at she said, adding that she was “scared
ing and communications. Entries student housing. the time told her would have saved to death” when she heard about the
are judged by several population The program, called “Help Save her son’s life. fire at her son Garrett’s fraternity.
groups. a Life, Get on the Truck,” will focus “We fought hard to make sure “That day was a life changing
on educating college students that happened, and in 2001, all experience for all of us,” she said.
Community Center to close about the need for sprinkler sys- the fraternities and sororities on Since January 2000, Perdue said
for annual maintenance tems and smoke detectors in off- this campus had fire sprinklers,” 84 percent of students who have
campus houses. Woodruff said. died in fires lived off campus.
The Chapel Hill Community Led by the Florida-based Michael Ed Comeau, a former chief fire “I believe this campaign can and
Center, located at 120 S. Estes Drive, H. Minger Foundation, the statewide investigator and publisher of the will save lives,” she said.
will be closed from Sept. 13 to Sept. program is funded by a $60,000 Campus Firewatch website, helped Dylan Castellino, president of
19 for annual maintenance. grant from the Department of the foundation write the grant pro- Phi Gamma Delta, said the frater-
The center will reopen Sept. 20. Homeland Security, which was posal. nity has been advocating for fire
During the maintenance, the awarded earlier this summer. “This fire was a turning point in safety since 1996.
Hargraves Community Center on The Phi Gamma Delta house national fire safety,” he said, adding “We’ve just been doing everything
216 N. Roberson St. will be available burned down May 12, 1996, claim- that there are about 90 fraternity we can to advocate for fire safety and
for gym use. The Homestead Aquatic ing the lives of five students. members working with the Chapel to make sure that this preventable
Center on 300 Northern Park Drive Bonnie Woodruff, whose son, Ben Hill Fire Department. tragedy never happens again.”
will be available for pool use. Woodruff, died in the fire, described dth/carter mccall
Though the program will focus
the situation as a “perfect storm.” on N.C. colleges this year, Comeau Contact the University Editor Gov. Bev Perdue gave a speech on the importance of fire safety at
-From staff and wire reports She said it was an “old house with said it could be implemented at the campus residence of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity on Thursday.
4 friday, september 10, 2010 News The Daily Tar Heel

Chatham courthouse
nearing reconstruction
Fire damage is
almost cleared
by Julie crimmins
staff writer
After catching fire last March,
the Chatham County courthouse is
nearly ready for full-fledged recon-
struction efforts to begin.
Contractors have almost fin-
ished clearing fire debris from the
interior of the building and repair-
ing the exterior walls, said Director
of Chatham County Public Works
David Hughes.
The fire destroyed the judges’
chamber and the district attorney’s
offices and also damaged the court-
room and the rest of the building,
District Attorney Jim Woodall
courtesy of cameron moseley
The district attorney’s offices
On Thursday night, team Mean Machine defeated Tarheels Finest 48-6 in one of the first intramural flag were hit particularly hard because
football games of the season. Both teams are in pursuit of the coveted intramural championship T-shirt. files were lost or damaged in the

Mean Machine vies

The process of restoring and
duplicating the files is about half-
way completed but is taking staff
away from other work, Woodall

for championship
said. For now, the district attorney’s
offices are using rooms behind the
courthouse annex.
So far the county has spent
$300,000 demolishing damaged
building components, repairing
by Seth CRAWFORD tion after the game about its oppo- the top of the exterior walls, cov-
staff writer nent’s inability to field a full team. ering windows with plywood and
Employing some offensive trick- “This is something I look forward salvaging roof copper, large beams
ery and equipped with numerous to. It’s frustrating. I have fun being and interior mahogany panels,
scoring options, the Mean Machine competitive,” junior Jacob Martin Hughes said.
demolished Tarheels Finest 48-6 age and a Mean Machine passing said. Martin had an interception that The south side of the traffic cir- dth file/bj dworak
Wednesday evening in one of the attack they could not halt. led to a touchdown, a touchdown cle in front of the courthouse will The Chatham County courthouse caught fire last March. This photo
first intramural flag football games On only one play — a touch- reception and a touchdown pass. be closed Monday and Tuesday to from April depicts the beginning of ongoing reconstruction efforts.
of the 2010 season. down bomb from junior Doug Mean Machine has competed in allow crews to install steel bracing,
Tarheels Finest could only field Morton to senior Darryle Bajomo more than 30 intramural seasons he said. committee, presented a report to the space more versatile for other
six players in the 7 on 7 competi- — did Tarheels Finest match Mean and has won 4 championships Crews will install a temporary guide reconstruction on Tuesday, uses.
tion. They suffered against snarling Machine’s dominant play. together in the past three years. roof in October so the building according to a press release. Woodall said many residents
blitzes, swarming secondary cover- Mean Machine expressed frustra- Junior Anderson Shore said he can start drying out, after which Recommendations, which were see the courthouse and the traffic
constantly thinks of ways to give an architect will be selected and a obtained through a survey of resi- circle as an official symbol of the
his team the edge, even drawing design for permanent reconstruc- dents, included retaining the his- town and county and are anticipat-
Ella Moss and Splendid Trunk Show up plays in class. tion will be made. toric courtroom on the second floor ing the restoration.
September 10th. Chapel Hill store. One day only! “Flag football is all about being Officials won’t know how much and adding new visitor areas to the “Everybody had a story of hav-
Hundreds of styles. Student discount available. creative and confusing the defense,” restoration will cost until after first floor like art displays, meeting ing some attachment to that court-
Martin said. building plans are drawn up. spaces and a museum. house or going there for some
Winning an intramural champi- Hughes said insurance requires “The consensus was they wanted memorable event in their life,” he
onship has proven to be a difficult that the repairs be completed by to rebuild the courthouse essen- said. “The loss of the structure
feat and the intramural champion- March of 2013, but he hopes they tially back the way it was,” Hughes caused a lot of sadness.”
ship T-shirt has long been a cov- will be done by the end of 2012. said.
eted badge of honor. “Everything but the exterior Courtroom changes the report Staff writer Rylan Miller
“Anytime you wear the shirt, you walls needs to be rebuilt,” he said. suggested included the addition contributed reporting.
get questions. It’s kind of like being The Chatham County Historic of modern lighting, audio and Contact the City Editorat cit-
a basketball player,” Martin said. Courthouse Task Force, a citizens’ accessibility features and making

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The Daily Tar Heel

Wood recovers,
What is this?
SportsFriday is a new
addition to The Daily
Tar Heel that will be in

nabs starting role

every Friday edition this
year. We’ve reincarnated
SportsSaturday and will
keep some of its elements.
Also, we will have feature
stories, previews of the
weekend’s games and even
some Q&As and predic-
Sophomore lives with her was aching to come out.
“To not be able to do something athleti-
tions. autoimmune disease cally was terrible,” Wood said. “To be able to
shut your mind down and let your body heal
is something that an athlete doesn’t really
INSIDE by kelly parsons know how to do.”
staff writer
When Rachel Wood’s name was called Watching from afar
over the loudspeaker prior to the start of
North Carolina women’s soccer’s first home Despite being more than 2,000 miles
game this season, the sophomore center back away, Wood remained in the thoughts and
joined the rest of the UNC starting lineup on hearts of her teammates and coaches back
Fetzer Field. in Chapel Hill during her absence.
To many, her short trip across the famil- Regular correspondence with the fel-
iar terrain was merely a pre-game ritual. low players and letters from coach Anson
But as Wood took her place among the Dorrance, who offered Wood a medical
Q&A with ERIK highsmith Tar Heel elite that evening, her return rep- redshirt, kept the dream of returning to the
Mark Thompson chats with WR resented a triumph over a yearlong struggle game in the forefront of her mind.
Erik Highsmith. PAGE 6 and the end of a journey that brought her “Her only goal through that whole time
back to where she belonged. was to be able to get back,” Rachel’s mother
She takes 25 pills a day, receives medicine Cindy Wood said. “Even on her darkest days,
by injection once a week and has received an hanging on to that dream was what made it
IV three times this season. possible for her to not just give up.”
And no one, especially the athlete herself, The 2009 season was a success for the
thought she’d see the day that she returned UNC women’s soccer program, and on Dec.
to form. 6, UNC defeated Stanford 1-0 for its 20th
NCAA title.
Plans on hold Though not on the field to help her team-
mates take the crown, Wood felt right there
dth/stephan grabner
After a slow recovery from knee surgery with them during their moment of glory.
and intense joint pains in the spring of 2009, “It was really hard to sit there and have to Redshirt sophomore
Schuler out vs. N.C. State Wood knew something just wasn’t right. watch it on TV and not be able to be there,” Rachel Wood sat out
UNC will be out its All-American “I was having problems turning a door- she said. “But I would get e-mails and text the entire UNC women’s
vs. the Wolfpack. PAGE 8 knob and squeezing my toothpaste,” she messages. I always felt a part of it.” soccer 2009 national
said. “It was really debilitating.” championship season
A trip to the doctor in her hometown of Back to the grind due to an autoimmune
Laguna Niguel, Calif. proved just how sick she disease. She returned
was. That April, Wood was diagnosed with While continuing to recover during the this season and grabbed
ulcerative colitis, an autoimmune disease that next six months, Wood wasn’t able to con-
a spot on the start-
affects the lining of the digestive tract. sistently train until June 2010 — just six
weeks before the soccer preseason.
ing lineup at center
She went back to UNC to finish the school
year before returning home for the 2009 Though out of commission for more than a back, where she played
summer, but that July, she realized she would year, Wood arrived in Chapel Hill to take part against Tennessee
not be returning to Chapel Hill in the fall. in a fitness test with the rest of the team. (below, right) last week
In and out of the hospital and unable to To Dorrance’s surprise, she finished just in only her fifth game
‘Jhay bird’ flies high eat, Wood was bedridden for four months. short of a perfect score. on the pitch in more
Jheranie Boyd dominated the Though rail-thin after losing 30 pounds than a year.
LSU defense last Saturday. from her 6-foot frame, the athlete inside See recovery, Page 8 dth/lauren mccay



r e l a x • u n w i n d • i n d u l g e
6 friday, september 10, 2010 SportsFriday The Daily Tar Heel

‘Jhay Bird’ flies high at the Georgia Dome

Sophomore WR has breakout game whole bunch of times in that game.”
When Boyd wasn’t making plays,
others were.
by Mark THompson “Oh, Jhay Boyd’s a gamer,” Senior tight end Zack Pianalto
Assistant Sports Editor sophomore wide receiver Erik caught eight passes for 74 yards.
Jheranie Boyd has a new nick- Highsmith said. “I mean, he might Highsmith caught three passes,
name. not practice very well during including a touchdown late in the
ESPN broadcaster Brent the week, but everybody knows game, and redshirt freshman Josh
Musburger, one of two broadcast- Saturday he’s ready to go, so he’ll Adams had four crucial grabs late
ers calling the Chick-fil-A Kickoff be there. … The kid can fly. He’s in the game.
Game, dubbed North Carolina’s tal- fast. He’s the fastest dude on the Boyd left the game a few min-
ented wide receiver “Jhay Bird” fol- team. That’s a good nickname for utes early after making a leaping
lowing one of his monster catches. him, Jhay Bird.” catch, getting the wind shellacked
“I didn’t realize he called me that For a team reeling in suspen- out of him by two LSU defensive
until somebody came in my class sions — including one to standout backs in the process.
and was like, ‘Hey, Jhay Bird,’ and senior wide receiver Greg Little — Still, Boyd ended up with more
I was like, ‘What are you talking Boyd’s performance was nothing than half of the Tar Heels’ receiv-
about?’ ” Boyd said. “When I finally short of timely. ing yards.
looked at the game I was like, ‘Oh, The sophomore showed signs “I would have never expected
OK.’ I don’t know why he called me of promise last season. A 59-yard that,” Boyd said. “I wasn’t really
that; maybe it’s a new nickname he touchdown reception against East paying attention to my stats until
gave me, but I don’t mind.” Carolina and a 70-yard grab against somebody told me after the game.
The moniker likely came as N.C. State are two prime examples It felt good. I was just trying to put
a response to one of Boyd’s six of his explosiveness. my team in a position to score and
catches against Louisiana State But Boyd tallied more receiving win the game.”
totaling 221 yards – the most any yards against LSU than he did all After one week, the receiving
receiver caught in week one across of last season. corps proved it could handle the
the nation. “He’s catching the ball so much load without Little in the lineup.
The sophomore had two catches better,” senior quarterback T.J. Maybe more importantly, if Little
of 75 yards or more in the game, Yates said of Boyd. “You can really is forced to sit out more games, the
including a school-record 97-yard tell how much more of a complete team now knows its aerial attack
haul that got UNC back into the wide receiver he became. He’s not shouldn’t suffer.
game in the fourth quarter. just a deep threat. He can run the Not on the wings of Jhay Bird.
The deep bomb also made the short routes. He can catch the tight dth/bj dworak
LSU record books for the longest throws against Patrick Peterson in Contact the Sports Editor Sophomore wide receiver Jheranie Boyd racked up 287 all-purpose yards in last Saturday’s season-opener
catch given up. the clutch. He came up huge for us a at against Louisiana State. Boyd had two receptions of 75 yards or more, including a 97-yard touchdown catch.

Erik Highsmith: the perfect WR for the hurry-up

Sophomore talks pets, Fresh Prince I was the only person out there. Wow did, they just call him Bow
I just felt my heart beat so fast. I Wow.
mean, I know I probably wasn’t
Erik Highsmith is a sophomore the only one out there, but I was
MT: Sure, it’s a little more mas-
Erik Highsmith: I mean, culine.
wide receiver from Vanceboro. As a we all came in there with the like, “Oh, throw me the ball.” I was
freshman last season, Highsmith mindset that we were going to ready for it, but unfortunately, we EH: Yeah.
was second on the team in receiv- win. But it just started off slow lost. MT: So your favorite show:
ing yards with 425 yards and two
for us. I mean at halftime the MT: I read that one of your pet The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Do
coaches still told us that we could peeves is when people do things you relate more with Will Smith
The 6-foot-3 wideout grabbed win, because we know we’re the or Carlton Banks?
slowly. Does that make you the per-
three passes against LSU last week- better team, we just got off to a fect wide receiver for the hurry-up EH: Will Smith. He’s just funny.
end, including a clutch touchdown slow start. Special teams kind of offense? I like him. He’s a great actor. Every
catch late in the game. killed us, but I kind of expected it
Highsmith took some time to to come down to the end anyway EH: (Laughs). Um, yeah. I kind movie he played in. He’s one of my
talk to Assistant Sports Editor of … yeah, I would say. I mean, I favorite actors, so I just like watch-
from jump street.
Mark Thompson about the LSU like going fast and I’m very impa- ing everything he’s in. He’s a really
game, his nickname and his secret MT: Very few of us play col- tient. I think I got that from my funny guy.
that everyone should know about lege football. On that second to mom, but yeah, I think that would
last touchdown, the one you had
MT: So if you’re Will Smith,
him. make me the perfect receiver for who would be the Carlton Banks
in the end zone, take us through this offense.
Mark Thompson: With that moment when you’re run- of the football team?
dth/bj dworak the LSU game, I know it was a ning ahead of the defender and MT: If you were in the NFL, I EH: (Laughs) Probably Todd
Erik Highsmith averaged 12 yards per catch in the early season and has tough loss, but did you guys expect you see the ball in the air. What’s read you would like to play for the Harrelson. He’s very cornball.
already caught a touchdown, which came in the final minutes on Saturday. it to be that close? going through your head at that Colts. I mean, they run a lot of hur- He’s funny too, but probably Todd
point? ry-up. Is that part of the appeal? Harrelson, (No.) 82.

one of the 25 Best

EH: I did a double move. The EH: Oh, yeah. I love their MT: I read that your mom is
first move I kind of set, looked offense. Peyton Manning, he a really influential person on your
(quarterback) T.J. (Yates) in the throws it fifty times a game, so he life. Why is that?

stores in America.
eye, then rolled out, and he bit on makes his receivers look good.
my fake. When I spun out, I just MT: Tell me about your nick- separatedEH: My dad and my mom
when I was young, like
* saw the ball in the air, and I went, name, “Mookie.” Where did that
“Oh shoot. There it goes.” And I come from?
elementary school. After that, I
seldom saw him around much,
just had to catch it, man.
EH: I had it all my life, since I except for holidays, maybe. But
MT: On those final two snaps, was a young, little boy. I think my then, as I got older, I rarely saw
you guys are six yards out of the mama gave it to me; I really can’t him, even on holidays. I mean, my
end zone. How fast is your heart remember. But, yeah, I’ve had it all mom really taught me everything
racing at that point? my life. As I grew up, they start- I know in life. She went outside,
EH: Oh, man. I can’t even ed calling me “Mook” instead of played how to
catch with me, taught me
throw a ball really, so it was
explain it. I mean, it seemed like “Mookie,” so I guess like Lil Bow
just me and her and my brothers
and sisters.
MT: Does she make it out to
any of your games?
25% OF EH: Oh, yeah. She comes
on fo F to every game she can, away or
Studeod with home.
nt ID
! MT: Was she at the game in
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MT: Just as pets or do you like
to go to the zoo?
EH: Nah, I just like pets. I
watch Animal Planet every night,
me and A.J. Blue.
MT: Do you have any pets,
EH: Not right now, I can’t.
MT: What kind of pet would
you get?
EH: I’ ll probably get a dog
pretty soon. I don’t know where
I’m going to keep it though, but I’m
probably going to get one.
MT: Do you like big dogs or
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The Daily Tar Heel SportsFriday friday, september 10, 2010 7

Boston matures quickly

Freshman thrust The E evator
into starter role On the rise
by Louie Horvath
senior writer
If one was to look for a microcosm
of the North Carolina defensive effort
T.J. Yates
against Louisiana State, one should Does T.J. Yates have any
look no further than Tre Boston.
Boston, a freshman who was
naysayers left? The senior
pressed into a prominent role after
fellow players were suspended,
struggled in the first half, but came
quarterback rebounded
in a big way following his On the decline
back to turn in a strong second half. rough junior season.
The secondary showed promise
against LSU, even though no mem-
Against LSU, Yates
threw for 412 yards (first
John Blake
ber of the active team entered the Johnny. Why are you
game with one start to his name. in D-I) and three touch-
calling an agent on your
“We had a little butterflies downs. In 7:55 of fourth-
because, like I was telling the boys, University-issued cell
quarter game-time, Yates
I went from being little brother phone? A day after losing
to being big brother,” safety Gene threw for 261 yards.
Robinson said. “Everybody looking
to LSU without most of his
at me, asking me what’s the call. I defensive line, Blake resigns
had to grow up real fast.” because of what’s best for
With roughly 2:28 left in the sec- Jheranie Boyd “this great University.”
ond quarter, the UNC defense trot-
ted out 10 defenders. They might No one expected Jheranie
have needed the 11th, because on
that play Boston got burnt by LSU
Boyd to reel in 221 receiving
yards, perhaps most of all All-
Marvin Austin
wideout Rueben Randle for a 51-
yard touchdown. America cornerback Patrick Austin is known for his
“With guys being young, you Peterson of LSU. charisma and antics both
knew that they were going to make on and off the field.
mistakes,” senior linebacker Bruce “Jhay Bird” accumulated
Carter said. “They kept their heads over half of the team’s passing That didn’t stop when he
up, and kept fighting. I think that yards. See more on page 6. was kept off the field but
was the key thing, just not to get still cheesed for the cam-
After that, Boston and his sec- Enzo Martinez eras at the LSU game last
ondary-mates settled down. Boston dth/BJ Dworak Saturday.
grabbed a pick with three sec- After LSU’s Rueben Randle burned Tre Boston for a touchdown near the On Sunday, Enzo Martinez
onds left in the first half, and that end of the first half, Boston and the secondary didn’t allow another score. provided all the offense UNC
momentum carried him through
the rest of the game. ing UNC a chance to come back. said Robinson of Boston. “After
needed to beat Seton Hall 4-1. Sean May
“It’s my first time out there. “I felt like I had to make a big play that touchdown there was confu- The sophomore midfielder Less than a month
80,000 fans, plus the Georgia for my team because I had just let sion in the secondary, but I told on the men’s soccer team after he signed with
Dome,” Boston said. “You don’t them down,” Boston said. “I had to him, just calm down because you’re
expect that for your first game. show them that I’m trustworthy.” going to make a play. All training
scored two goals and recorded the New Jersey Nets,
Once we calmed down, it was just Boston was not the only replace- camp, all he had been doing was an assist to help UNC rebound Sean May was cut from
like a regular game.” ment who stepped up under the making plays. He told me, he said ‘I from its 3-0 loss to Akron. the team.
For the final 30 minutes of the bright lights of the Georgia Dome, got you, big brother. I got you.’”
game, UNC’s defense pitched a he just stepped up the most. With two weeks to prepare Nets general manager
shutout, giving the offense a chance “Young guys who hadn’t played for the unorthodox Georgia Tech
to make a game out of it. The Tar much did a nice job,” UNC coach offense, the secondary is expect-
Billy King said May, who
Heels’ patchwork defense allowed Butch Davis said. “They came in ing their second half performance averages 6.4 points per
118 yards for the second half. and played well, made some plays. I to carry through the layoff and into game, suffered a stress
Boston himself had two forced think that they’ll clearly be better for their first game at Kenan Stadium.
fumbles, including a dramatic having had that experience.” “Now that we got that first game
fracture in his foot.
fourth quarter tackle that punched Despite watching Boston get out of the way, now, we’re ready to Now that he’s unem-
the ball loose from LSU running beat on the deep pass to Randle, go crazy,” Boston said. “We’re really ployed, he can start
back Stevan Ridley. North Carolina defenders all good, and we just found that out.”
Had Boston not forced the fum- thought that Boston had a big play putting the pounds
ble, LSU would have run out the or two left in him for the game. Contact the Sports Editor at back on.
clock and won the game without giv- “He’s a baller. He’s a playmaker,”



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8 Friday, september 10, 2010 SportsFriday The Daily Tar Heel

Schuler out for ACC opener vs. N.C. State

by Aaron taube at home by Portland in the second
Assistant Sports Editor round.
The North Carolina men’s soc- Just six other members of the No. 4 North Carolina vs.
cer team kicks off conference play Wolfpack saw playing time last N.C. State
Friday night with a trip to N.C. season, causing coach George
State. Tarantini to start five freshmen (1-1-0) Dail Soccer Field, Raleigh, 7:00 p.m. (1-1-0)
But if the No. 4 Tar Heels (1-1- in a 2-1 overtime loss to No. 13
0) are to avenge their penalty-kick Louisville on Sunday. HEAD-TO-HEAD
loss to the Wolfpack in last year’s “I hope the experience does fac-
ACC Tournament, they’re going to tor, that’s what I’m counting on,” UNC attack N.C. State’s defense combines grizzled veterans
with promising freshmen, but even without
have to do it without All-ACC for- Bolowich said. “Hopefully we will vs. N.C. State Billy Schuler the Tar Heel attack has too much
ward Billy Schuler. be a little more mature in the play.” defense firepower to be held in check. Edge: UNC
The senior preseason All- One place the Wolfpack does
American re-injured his right have some experience is along the N.C. State is going to need to find new goal-
shoulder Sunday against Seton back line. Despite losing Korede N.C. State
scorers. The Wolfpack lost its three leading
Hall after colliding with the oppos- Aiyegbusi to the MLS SuperDraft, attack vs. UNC scorers from last season. Lucky for them,
ing goalie late in the game. N.C. State boasts a pair of defend- defense defense has been UNC’s weakness. Push
Coach Elmar Bolowich says ers with a combined 109 starts in
Schuler’s status going forward will seniors Tyler Lassiter and Lucas Speedsters Enzo Martinez and Michael Farfan
be determined by the end of the Carpenter. are a problem for any defense, and dead-ball
Midfield artist Kirk Urso and 6-foot-4 Stephen McCarthy
weekend. The unit has additional prom-
can be lethal on set pieces. Edge: UNC
“That’s huge,” redshirt senior ise with the arrival of high school dth/will cooper
midfielder Stephen McCarthy said. All-American and Durham native Billy Schuler will sit out tonight’s game against N.C. State with an injury
Neither UNC’s Scott Goodwin nor N.C. State’s
“Our attack will definitely be deplet- Sonny Mukungu, who played to his right shoulder. Schuler led the team last season with nine goals. Will Mackvick have much starting experience
ed, but I think we could put some club soccer for a team Bolowich Goalkeepers coming into Friday. A breakout performance
other players in there and hopefully coached. lege soccer leagues in the nation. “The ACC games, they always from either could be crucial. Edge: Push
we can figure it out.” “He’s a wonderful kid.” Bolowich Last season, seven of the confer- are tough games,” Bolowich said.
Despite Schuler’s injury, the Tar said. “He’s a great individual, he’s ence’s nine teams qualified for the “They know us inside-out, they The Wolfpack come in with something to
Heels will still have a massive edge very, very athletic and he’s very 48-team NCAA Tournament and know how we play. They’re mak- prove after being ranked seventh in the ACC
in experience over host N.C. State. brave. And with that combination, three — including UNC — made it ing their adjustments. I expect a Intangibles preseason poll. They’ll also have the benefit of
The Wolfpack (1-1-0) returns you can go a long way.” to the College Cup. close game.” homefield advantage. Edge: NCSU
just four starters from a 2009 team Friday’s contest marks the first This year, five league members
that qualified for the NCAA tour- of eight matches for the Tar Heels are currently ranked in the top 10 Contact the Sports Editor The Bottom Line — North Carolina 3, N.C. State 1
nament before being eliminated in one of the most competitive col- of the NSCAA/Adidas rankings. at Compiled by Aaron Taube

recovery “She couldn’t have timed her return any

That’s What They Said from page 5
better… and it bodes incredibly well for
“Honestly, a healthy player
“We have these big girls that just want to fails this test on a regular basis,” our future.”
Dorrance said. “So I knew right
be fed by our munchkins, and so the then she was going to have a huge Anson Dorrance, unc women’s soccer coach
philosophy coming in on any set piece is to impact for us this fall.”
Though nervous to be returning true,” Wood said. “And then to be thinks, ‘I’ve got nothing to lose.’ ”
feed the yeti, feed the yeti, feed the yeti.” to the intensity of North Carolina
women’s soccer after a year away
able to start and give significant
minutes and to be able to contrib-
Because ulcerative colitis is a
chronic illness, Wood will live with
Anson Dorrance, UNC women’s soccer coach on the team’s mantra from the game, Wood was ecstatic ute — I don’t think anyone could it for life. A self-proclaimed perfec-
to be back in Chapel Hill ­— she had have imagined it.” tionist, Wood said the experience of
no expectations of receiving much having her dream ripped from her
“The last time I returned kicks? Had to playing time. A fresh start has put everything in perspective.
But Dorrance had something else Knowing she could get sick again
be my fourth game of my senior season in mind for the former reserve. In Saturday’s 7-2 victory against at any time, Wood said she’s not hesi-
in high school. They stopped kicking it to “She couldn’t have timed her
return any better … and it bodes
Tennessee, the defender’s powerful
leg sent two free kicks into the box
tating to soak all the experiences in,
and she thinks her newfound out-
me then, too.” incredibly well for our future,”
Dorrance said. “She came back not
that UNC drove in for goals.
Thanks to an online live stream of
look has made her a better player.
And for Wood, that’s just one
Patrick Peterson, LSU punt returner who had 257 all-purpose yards vs. unc only a better player but a better the game, Wood’s parents were able more reason to rejoice.
leader and an inspiration.” to see their daughter play the game “(I learned) to just live in the
After losing all-ACC center back she loves for the first time since her present moment,” she said. “When
“The resignation that I received on Whitney Engen to the pros last sea- return — even from the West Coast. I’m given a good day, it feels like a
Sunday was not surprising.” son, there was a large hole on UNC’s
roster for a leading defender.
It was a moment Cindy won’t
soon forget.
gift. When you have more bad days
than good and you get a good day,
A new and improved Wood was “What I loved was that I saw her it’s like, ‘go out and celebrate.’ ”
Dick baddour, unc athletic director on john blake’s resignation the right person to fill the space. smiling and laughing, and I saw her
“Just to be able to be back and really enjoying the game,” she said. “I Contact the Sports Editor
playing is more than a dream come think now, having been sick, she just at

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The Daily Tar Heel News friday, september 10, 2010 9

Shelter guidelines debated National and World News N&W

Jake Filip
staff writer
Some residents said the public
funding of the location represents
vices, being close to the HomeStart
women and children’s shelter and Know more on Imprisoned American civilian is
Discussion about the proximity
of a proposed homeless shelter to
a conflict of interest.
“Some of the framing brought on
Freedom House Recovery Center.
The soup kitchen will not be today’s top story: expecting release from Iran prison
other social services and preschools by the status quo tries to make this moved to the new location. TEHRAN and BEIRUT (MCT) locked up in Tehran’s infamous
dominated Thursday’s planning sound like a privately developed While the location was formally The imprisoned female — One of three Americans jailed Evin Prison.
department board meeting. project, but this is not true,” said proposed to the town in May 2008, is said to be suffering from in Iran last year after straying into A statement from the hikers’
The board addressed continu- Chapel Hill resident Mark Peters. the project received little public a serious medical condi- Iranian territory during a hiking mothers, who pleaded for their
ing concerns that the proposed He said in addition to the shelter attention until October 2009. tion and is expecting release trip will be released from prison release during a trip to Tehran in
Community House Men’s Shelter, being publicly unwanted by some “Projects such as this often Saturday morning. http://fxn. Saturday, an Iranian official said May, said: “We have seen the news
which would be operated by the but government-supported, he happen to be in the works for a ws/c9O6tI (via Fox News) Thursday. reports and are urgently seeking
Inter-Faith Council for Social is concerned about sex offenders while before people find out,” said U.S.-Iran relations are The Ministr y of Islamic further information. We hope
Service, would be too close to pre- staying at the shelter. planning board chairman Mike already tense but the month Guidance and Culture official did and pray that the reports are true
schools, a park and two other shel- State law mandates that sex Collins. “People don’t care until of Ramadan calls for an act not specify whether Joshua Fattal, and that this signals the end of all
ter-type facilities at its Homestead offenders may not live within 1,000 the bulldozers show up.” of goodwill. Iran said it will Shane Bauer or Sarah Shourd three of our children’s long and
Road location. About 10 people feet of schools. Planning board member John free a prisoner would be released. But observers in difficult detention. Shane, Sarah
attended the meeting. And Chris Moran, executive Ager said he thinks people should bV8Rd4 (via MSNBC) Tehran say that Shourd, a woman and Josh are all innocent and we
Several guideline amendments director of the Inter-Faith Council, take advantage of local govern- The White House calls in her 30s who has reportedly com- continue to call for their immedi-
to the project were proposed to has said on numerous occasions that ment’s accessibility. for the release of the hikers plained of medical problems, may ate release, so that they can return
address these concerns, including sex offenders will not be allowed to “Even in a town as active as (via be allowed to go home. home together.”
a distance separation from schools reside at the new location. Chapel Hill, life can get in the way,” Reuters) Friends and family say the Iranian officials have leveled
and neighborhoods, size limita- But opponents of the location Ager said. “But even then, the town three friends were on a hiking trip vague charges at the three, includ-
tions and increased security efforts said the shelter might violate this council is accessible and wants to Go to http://www.dai- in the scenic mountains of Iraqi ing trespassing and espionage.
for the shelters. rule on inclement weather “white- know what people think.” Kurdistan near the Iranian border A State Department official said
Residents opposed to the move flag nights”, during which the shel- The next planning meeting section/state to discuss on July 31, 2009, when they may it was unclear whether the release
said they thought there was not ter could be more inclusive about about the shelter is set for Sept. 28 U.S.-Iran relations have strayed inadvertently into had any broader significance for
enough public involvement in who is admitted. at 5 p.m. Iranian territory. They have been U.S.-Iranian relations.
choosing the location, which is Chapel Hill resident Tim Coyne
being leased by the University to the
town at reduced rate for 50 years.
Smith said the proposed location cre-
ates an inequity of distribution of ser-
Contact the City Editor
at American soldiers charged with crimes Afghan troops not
TACOMA, Wash. (MCT)— a skull and fingers, according to the prepared to lead
spin art New details in Army charge
sheets released Wednesday paint
charging documents.
One soldier is alleged to have ZHARI, Afghanistan (MCT)
a disturbing picture of deprav- stabbed a corpse last December. — A gunshot wound to an Afghan
ity, deceit and savage internal Three soldiers face charges of police officer and the poor perfor-
discipline involving at least 12 wrongfully taking and/or possess- mance of the Afghan army during
Stryker soldiers from Joint Base ing photographs of dead bodies. a three-hour firefight Thursday
Lewis-McChord in Washington The highest-ranking member of showed how police officers are
state during their recent deploy- the group, Staff Sgt. Calvin R. Gibbs, pushed into the front line of mili-
ment to Afghanistan. is accused of showing fingers from tary operations in the country and
The soldiers, all from the same a corpse to a soldier in an attempt how far the Afghan army must go
company in the 5th Brigade, 2nd to keep him from talking to Army before it can take over security and
Infantry Division, are charged investigators about his and other allow U.S.-led forces to leave.
with a total of 76 crimes, includ- soldiers’ alleged use of drugs. The Afghan police are rou-
ing the premeditated murders of Gibbs and four other sol- tinely called into major military
three Afghan civilians and the diers from Bravo Company, 2nd operations such as this U.S.-led
beating of one or more fellow Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment mission in Zhari district. Afghan
soldiers. face charges of murdering Afghan army troops refused to engage
Six of the men face charges noncombatants and conspiracy to the enemy, and in some instanc-
of keeping trophy body parts commit premeditated murder in es didn’t know how to use their
from Afghan corpses, including Kandahar province. weapons.

Think you’re pregnant?

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reshman Ioana Ungureanu adds red to her spin art Thursday afternoon in the Pit.
Call Pregnancy Support Services for:
Spin art, accompanied by free Italian ice from Rita’s, was hosted by the creative
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artistic ability by offering creative enterprises to all UNC students. Community resources

Pat on the back

Erskine Bowles is standing by
UNC’s investigation into the football
games team. See pg. 1 for story.

© 2009 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved. Prime real estate
Level: 1 2 3 4 The Edward Kidder Graham
house in Chapel Hill is looking for
a buyer. See pg. 3 for story.
Complete the grid
so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box (in
Get on the Truck
bold borders) con- Gov. Bev Perdue visited the Phi
tains every digit 1 Gamma Delta fraternity house to talk
to 9. fire safety. See pg. 3 for story.
Solution to
Thursday’s puzzle
Almost there
The Chatham County court-
house is almost ready to begin
reconstruction. See pg. 4 for story.

Kvetch overload
The Daily Tar Heel is doubling
the number of kvetches this week.
See pg. 12.


Pick up applications at 151 E. Rosemary Street.

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
(C)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Across 71 Balaam’s beast 31 “Fresh Air” airer 49 London classic, with

1 Spread __ 72 Radiate 32 Friend of Pooh “The”
6 Rises to great heights 73 Finishing stroke 33 Knowledgeable about 51 Cassis apéritif
11 Short nightwear? 35 Reason for grounding, 52 Yoga command
14 Series Down perhaps 53 Date
15 Speedpass brand 1 Canal protector 39 Coin in Tirana 57 Requested answers
16 Space in time 2 Colorful rings 40 Airport near Citi Field, 60 Eastern beef city
17 “Big Girl in the Middle” 3 Caribbean island nation briefly 61 It gives you the big picture
co-author Gabrielle 4 Dearth 41 Dandy 62 Half a sitcom signoff
18 Longtime DieHard rival 5 “__ America Tour”: 2006 42 Sabres’ org. 63 Ohio State basketball
19 Fake it CBS News event 43 Former U.N. secretary- coach Matta
20 Faultfinding brother? 6 Arizona’s “Red Rock general __-Ghali 64 Flag
23 Spat end Country” 44 Charges 65 Grammy-winning Steely
24 Carmelite, e.g. 7 Team members 47 One taken in Dan album
25 Daughter of Laban 8 Wheelset component 48 Sharon, notably
27 Lighten up 9 Mythical birds
29 Debris in the hayloft? 10 Arty type, maybe
34 Shivering causes 11 Controversial testing
36 Each component
37 WWII intelligence gp. 12 Nocturnal scavengers
38 Impervious to chutzpah? 13 Friday was one: Abbr.
42 Jordan was part of it: Abbr. 21 Heart
45 Dreamcast maker 22 Tirana is its cap.
46 Dona __ pacem: grant us 26 Stars of “Two and a Half
peace Men,” e.g.
50 What Michelle Kwan 28 Work unit
might do in a financial 30 Knock on
54 Pretense
55 First daughter of the ’60s
56 Boomer’s kid
58 Basso Berberian
59 Haystack-hiding
65 MGM motto word
66 D-Day beach
67 Wedding memento
68 Blow without distinction?
69 Not fresh
70 Green shampoo
10 September 10, 2010 Place a Classified: or Call 919-962-0252

DTH Classifieds DTH office is open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm

Line Classified Ad Rates Deadlines
Private Party (Non-Profit) Commercial (For-Profit) To Place a Line Classified Ad Log onto Line Ads: Noon, one business day prior to publication
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Announcements Child Care Wanted Child Care Wanted For Rent Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted
Deadlines are NOON one business day prior ing childcare for 10.5 month-old, approxi-
mately 4-5 hours, twice a week, in our home.
per week (days flexible) 3- 6pm for 5 year-old
boy. Prior child care, babysitting experience
to publication for classified ads. We publish
Monday thru Friday when classes are in ses-
sion. A university holiday is a DTH holiday too
Hours and schedule entirely flexible. We are
willing to drop off in your home, if it is child
preferred. Car required. Indoor, outdoor play
and transport to activities. Email resume,
safe. References required. 919-444-3372. references:
. (i.e. this affects deadlines). We reserve the • 11⁄2 miles to UNC
. right to reject, edit, or reclassify any ad. Ac- AFTERSCHOOL CARE: Need responsible, fun
o ceptance of ad copy or prepayment does not CARE FOR CHILD WITH SPECIAL
• 2BR/11⁄2 BA with 900 sq/ft
caring person to meet the bus, help with
f imply agreement to publish an ad. You may NEEDS. UNC faculty couple in homework, hang with my kids (6 year-old
$630/month & up
- stop your ad at any time, but NO REFUNDS or Hillsborough looking for cheerful re- girl, 9 year-old boy). Mondays and occa- • 3BR/2BA with 1200 sq/ft
d credits for stopped ads will be provided. No
advertising for housing or employment, in ac-
sponsible person to care for our 16 sional Wednesdays, other days possible. $750/month & up
r year-old son with Down Syndrome 919-969-8281.
g cordance with federal law, can state a prefer- 3:30-6:30pm Tu/Th. JP is fun and lov- • Rent includes water
e ence based on sex, race, creed, color, religion, ing. $10/hr. Additional hours avail- BABYSITTING OPPORTUNITY: Once a • Very QUIET complex on
d national origin, handicap, marital status. week (mostly evenings) for 2 kids (4
able. 919-732-1680.
year-old with high functioning autism “N” busline
and 1 year-old), Hillsborough, $11/hr. Ex-
AFTERSCHOOL CAREGIVER needed for 1 boy, perience and references required. Email
Real Estate Associates
LUSTRATION by local artist, Laura age 3 years, in our Chapel Hill home starting 919.942.7806
Brightwood at Society 6. Promote or, 919-321-2922.
buy a print for your own home. http://
early September. Hours 5:30-7 or 7:30 pm
(including school pickup), 1 or 3 afternoons CHILD CARE WANTED: Seeking babysitter per week, specific days are flexible. Previous for 2 children, ages 8 and 10, from 2:40-6-
wood/Locals_Only_Chapel_Hill_NC child care experience, own car and references pm Tuesday, Thursday and possibly Friday.
919-677-0102. essential. Contact Loren at 917-816-8546. OK if you can only work one day. Need a For Rent
reliable, energetic, responsible person who
ART SILENT AUCTION FOR CHAR- AFTERSCHOOL SITTER: Education major can help with homework and transportation
wanted! Sitter needed 2:45-5:15pm 4 days/ 4 BLOCKS TO CAMPUS BUT ONLY $690/mo.
ITY Fleet Feet Gallery Chapel Hill Friday to afterschool activities. We have a dog and 2BR/1BA apartments have W/D connections,
9/10 6-9PM; 150+ items, food, Andean wk. Help with homework, play games, have cats. Need safe car, clean driving record, ref-
fun. Email Donna at electric heat and great location. 415 N. Co-
music, raffle! Bidding online and live. erences and a sense of humor. North Chapel lumbia Street. Fran Holland Properties: herb- 919-260-1133 Hill. $13/hr. Contact: or call 919-968-4545.
BOOST yOUR DRIvER WANTED Hill. M-F. Great family seeking someone to
BIKE, WALK OR BUS FROM 14 Bolin Heights
(near Foster’s Market) to campus. 3BR/1BA
CHILD’S SkILLS! Looking for responsible sitter with car and pick up our 2 sons from Carolina Friends house with hardwood floors, W/D. Pets
Enroll today in weekend workshops for mid- great driving record to pick up my 7 year-old School, then Duke School, drive them home, negotiable. $850/mo. Email Fran Holland
dle and high school students! Call 684-6259 son from school at 3pm and hang out at my play with them, let them work on their piano Properties at or call
for more information. Space is limited! home until 5:30pm. Monday, Tuesday and ev- lessons, help with homework, play with chil- 919-968-4545.
ery other Friday. dren in the neighborhood, etc. You need a
dependable vehicle and a clean driving re- 3BR/1.5BA HOUSE NEAR University Mall
RED CLAy CO-Op AM CHILD CARE. Early morning mother’s cord. Please send your resume and a cover in quiet neighborhood. Hardwood floors,
Seeking members for fully equipped ceramics helper needed. 3 bilingual children (ages 4-8) letter. Email: fireplace, screen porch. $1,000/mo. Pets
studio at The Clay Centre, 402 Lloyd Street, near Chapel Hill campus need help getting negotiable. Email Fran Holland Proper-
Carrboro. Rooms for glazing, spraying, ready for school and on Saturdays. Perfect LOOKING FOR A RELIABLE and compassion- ties at or call
kilns, clay storage, studio space, all enclos- opportunity for student or someone with ate person to work with a 6 year-old autistic 919-968-4545.
ing a garden courtyard. Shared equipment: day job. Additional babysitting opportunities girl. Position involves child care and target-
wheels, slab roller, kiln, extruder. Raku fir- also available for close knit family. Contact ing goals. Schedule is: 11am-5pm Satur- COUNTRY SETTING 5 MILES TO CAMPUS.
ing facilities., days, weekdays as needed. Experience with 2BR/1BA duplexes are in North Chatham
919-357-4376. CHILD CARE For 2 girls (6 and 4) and 1 boy
child care preferred. If interested, contact
via email or cell
County. Hardwood living room floor, fire-
places, pets negotiable with fee. 1 mile Help Wanted Roommates Volunteering
(1). 20 minutes from campus. 2 evenings/wk 843-818-9355. to groceries, UNC park and ride lot. En-
Business 5-8pm (flexible days). $10/hr. Call 919-412-
2784 or email
joy quiet nature moments. $650/mo,
water included. Fran Holland Properties,
ing roommate. 2BR/2BA, furnished, pool,
minded, highly motivated. Come play with
Opportunities AFTERSCHOOL SITTER NEEDED for 2 ARE IN DEMAND! $585/mo. utilities included. 919-920-8061 or the child. We will train you. Play with a pur-
BABySITTER pOSITION fun loving boys (5 and 7) and a lab
puppy. Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- WALK ACROSS STREET TO CARRBORO Farm-
Earn $20-$35/hr. 1 or 2 week and weekend email pose. Heidy. 919-931-1794.
SCAvENgER HUNT, UNC student wanted to babysit twice a week day 2:30-5pm with potential for ers Market from this 3BR/2BA apartment lo-
classes. 100% job placement assistance. Ra-
leigh’s Bartending School. Have fun! Make
pUzzLE WRITER in the evenings from approximately 5-11pm,
for 10 year-old. $10/hr, for a total of $120
some early evening hours. Applicants
need reliable car. Email resume and
cated at 116-A Bim Street. Hardwood floors,
W/D connections. This apartment is available
money! Meet people! Ask about our SUM- Rooms teers needed for youth program. Classes
run on Monday or Wednesday 10-10:40am,
Seeking creative person interested in building per week. Linda Coerr,, MER tuition rates. Call now! 919-676-0774.
3 references to Julie at seblue2009@ for 8 month lease. Cats OK with fee, $750/ 10:45-11:25am, Tuesday or Thursday
scavenger hunts, puzzles, crosswords. Up to 919-451-1693. mo. with water. 919-968-4545. ROOM FOR RENT $350/mo. +1/2 utilities, on 1-1:40pm, and Thursday 10:15-10:55am, 11-
$100/day. Flexible hours. Interest in start ups a busline, free W/D, master bedroom, private 11:40am from 9/20 thru 12/9. No experience
plus. Send resume to CHILD CARE AFTERSCHOOL: Family looking pART-TIME bath, deck, two miles to campus or I-40. necessary. Register at 968-2810 or clani-
for part-time nanny for afterschool care of a
9 and a 10 year-old from 2:45-5:30pm, Mon-
German family is looking for a responsible,
For Sale OFFICE ASSISTANT 919-261-6436.
Child Care Services day thru Friday. Very close to campus. Refer-
ences required. Please call 919-730-2045.
reliable, happy babysitter who wants to have
ITEMS FOR SALE: Sofa, king bed, single
UNC alum owned business. 15-25 hrs/wk.
Flexible schedule. Answer phones, file forms, ROOM FOR RENT $600/mo. Unbeat-
VOLUNTEER for a variety of roles, all grades
fun playing inside and outside with our 3
kids (1-6 years-old). We need real playing, mattress, wheel chair, mini freezer. Call send emails, run errands. Minimum GPA able location: 308 W Cameron (inter- with Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools:
LICENSED HOME HAS full-time or part-time
spaces for ages 2 months-old to 12 years- pART-TIME TEEN CARE not just looking after them ;-) If you think 225-7687. 3.2. Prefer you are 21 or very mature. Must section Mallette), W/D, private bath.
3 great other UNC students. Large, Information on UNC campus in
you would be a good fit please email us: have car. $13-14/hr. Excellent opportunity to Student Union Room #3515 10am-3:30pm,
old. Multiple shifts and transport available. Folklore professor is looking for an experi- beautiful house, large backyard, fur- participate in an entrepreneurial setting and September 8, 9, 14, 16. Email: volunteer@
Located on Rosemary Street. 919-960-6165. enced and creative student to help with af-
terschool pick up and care for his 14 year-old Help Wanted make real decisions. 7 of last 12 now in law
school or grad school. Great opportunity for
niture available. 919-265-4411. 967-8211 ext. 28281.
daughter. Approximately 12 hrs/wk, every
Child Care Wanted other week. Must be available 3:45-6:30pm For Rent pre-law, business students. Email UNCas- YOUTH SOCCER COACHES are needed at the
CHCYMCA. Saturday only season runs 9/11
on M/Tu/Th/F, and perhaps some Saturday EGG DONORS NEEDED. UNC Health with letter of interest,
desired hours and schedule. Services and 9/25-11/6 at Homestead Park. Fun fo-
CHILD CARE: Afterschool care for 2 middle evenings, to pick up from East Chapel Hill
High School and travel to Creedmoor. $15/hr.
FAIR HOUSINg Care seeking healthy, non-smoking cused, recreational program serves girls and
schoolers 3 days/wk. Must have car and females 20-32 to become egg do- boys in divisions ranging from 3-4 year-olds
clean driving record. Email resume to sharpl- If you’re interested, please email glenn@unc. ALL REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL advertising in
nors. $2,500 compensation for ATTENTION MEDICAL MAJORS: Part-
FREE TURkISH LESSONS through 5th-6th graders. “Co-coach” with
edu or call 919-451-3950. Thanks! this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Carolina Turk Evi is offering free beginner COMPLETED cycle. All visits and pro- time job positions available for a friend or join other volunteers! Primary
Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal level instruction at Turkish House: 743 East
cedures to be done local to campus. people thinking about or majoring qualifications are enthusiasm and a positive
to advertise “any preference, limitation, or Franklin Street. Please contact carolinaturke-
For written information, please call in 1 of the medical fields such as approach to teaching the basics. Contact
Announcements Announcements discrimination based on race, color, religion,
sex, handicap, familial status, or national
919-966-1150 ext. 5 and leave your nursing, pre-med, physical therapy, Mike Meyen at or
current mailing address. occupational therapy or one of the 919-442-9622.
origin, or an intention to make any such
other medical disciplines but not a
preference, limitation, or discrimination.”
Tutoring Wanted
This newspaper will not knowingly accept HELP WANTED LANDSCAPING. NC Build- requirement. Can train, no experi-
any advertising which is in violation of the ing Company is looking for a bright, hard ence needed. Excellent opportu-
law. Our readers are hereby informed that working individual to complete land- nity to gain hands on experience. TUTORS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. Great pay.
all dwellings advertised in this newspaper
are available on an equal opportunity basis
scaping and small construction tasks for
our clients. No experience necessary.
Pays $12-$14/hr. Call for more
information. 919-932-1314.
Transportation is required. Must have avail-
ability Monday thru Thursdays 8am-4pm.
in accordance with the law. To complain of
discrimination, call the U. S. Department of Only hiring a few, please email ttsapps@ or call 919-661-1728 today.
OR CALL 962-0252
Housing and Urban Development housing

City Gymnastics has positions available for Art Gymnastics Center Chapel Hill looking for
discrimination hotline: 1-800-669-9777. enthusiastic, reliable individuals. Teach rec-
energetic, enthusiastic instructors. BCG of-
HOUSE SHARE: 2 miles from UNC. Busline fers competitive salary rates and flexible reational gymnastic classes. Children age 5
1 block. Lower level of private home with schedules. Experience is preferred, but not and up. Start now. Gymnastic experience re-
private room, bath to share with occupant. required. Email amaness@bullcitygymnas- quired. Mark, 919-929-7077, 919-732-2925.
919-225-7687. or call 919-383-3600 to start your
gymnastics career with us! If September 10th is Your Birthday...
2BR/2.5BA TOWNHOME IN THE OAKS Wood Homes For Sale
flooring down in living and dining rooms, PART-TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT: We are They say the devil is in the details,
new carpet upstairs in bedrooms. W/D con- looking for an energetic, hard worker and that will prove true for you this year.
nections, swimming pool and tennis avail- to give us a hand a few days each week MINUTES TO UNC-CH! Well maintained,
able. Walk, bike or bus to Meadowmont and (about 20 hours). Laid back, fun office updated 3BR. Private lot, 6+ car driveway. Work requires careful attention if you want
Friday Center. $850/mo, water inc. Fran Hol- setting at a newly renovated apartment Updated appliances, fixtures. New flooring. to achieve the best results. Think each
New roof, gutters, shutters, windows. $170K.
land Properties, or complex in Chapel Hill. Email resume to:
Keller Williams Realty.
assignment through carefully and then apply
call 919-968-4545. yourself diligently to refine the final product.
point, on busline, hardwoods, deck, fire- place, large kitchen. Open and light. $150K.
To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.

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Today is a 6 - Close contact with your Today is a 9 - You get more accomplished
Announcements Announcements Lost & Found boss involves communicating the
details of your work quickly and clearly.
by closing the door and working in seclu-
sion. Interruptions occur anyway, but at
Others need to understand this. least you have a head start.
FOUND: CAMERA. At dress to get ****** Taurus (April 20--May 20) Scorpio (Oct. 23--Nov. 21)
party Saturday night. Email grabner@email. Today is a 6 - Fearful communications Today is a 6 - If you wait for group efforts if yours. Must know brand, model to trickle down to your level, you waste a
combine with powerful techniques to
and appear on pictures to retrieve it.
produce the right results. An older per- lot of time. Request first drafts, knowing
LOST: HUGE UNC UMBRELLA Navy, white, son shows you how to unify efforts. that editing may be required.
dark blue case. Gift from beloved aunt, fits Gemini (May 21--June 21) Sagittarius (Nov. 22--Dec. 21)
3 dry people. Lost in Union or Davis (maybe) Today is a 7 - An older group member
8-26, evening. Reward: hugs, love, possibly
Today is an 8 - You’re tempted to keep
your thoughts to yourself. You haven’t stands alone with an opinion that you
quite decided the direction you want to question. To avoid a serious argument,
LOST: MOTOROLA CELL PHONE. Last seen take. Give your plan time to mature. approach the topic only from a tangent.
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Cancer (June 22--July 22)
Today is a 5 - Take the reasonable Today is a 6 - A phone call from a stranger
found, call 646-919-9775.
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ite people. They can be persuaded to balance before the call, but afterwards
Personals your point of view, if you present a
logical argument.
you’re on cloud nine.
Aquarius (Jan. 20--Feb. 18)
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best friend. You complete me. Love always, own needs and let others take care earlier. Persuade others through simple
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The Daily Tar Heel News friday, september 10, 2010 11

Mosque debates flare

from page 1

interesting name.
In the studio, Morris can

up as 9/11 approaches
explore new genres of music while
developing her own tastes. WXYC
requires certain songs to be played
each hour on rotation, but there’s
still freedom to explore different
UNC students advocate for tolerance 9/11 event
“It keeps me from staying safe
in one genre,” Morris said. “I put
on a lot of stuff that just looks
The Community Church of
by Elise young Muslims accountable for the 19 ter- interesting.”
Chapel Hill Unitarian Universalist
staff writer rorists who implemented the 9/11 With shelves packed full of CDs
With the ninth anniversary of is holding an interfaith service
attacks, he said. and records to choose from, get-
the 9/11 attacks coming up this on Saturday from 6 p.m. to 7
UNC students said they sup- ting stuck in one genre is a difficult
Saturday, tensions and emotions p.m. The service will be held at
ported tolerance and did not want task.
are reigniting. the Peace & Justice Plaza on
to stereotype. “This is, like, Egyptian,” Morris
Debates about the proposed East Franklin Street at Henderson
“People shouldn’t associate every said, holding up a CD at 5:30 a.m.
Park51 Muslim community cen- Street, Chapel Hill.
American Muslim with these for- “I normally wouldn’t even be able
ter near Ground Zero have drawn eign extremists,” said UNC senior There will be readings from to find Egyptian music, but here
varying view points, but UNC stu- Heather Giuffre. several sacred texts to celebrate it is.”
religious freedom in peaceful dth/carter mccall
dents send a message of tolerance The Park51 center is harmless, Campbell encourages her new
and a desire for community. said UNC history professor Roger protest of the Florida Quran hires to expand their tastes. Elizabeth Morris, known on air as Trillian, adjusts the controls at WXYC.
The debate is ultimately not Lotchin. burning which was scheduled for “Find new music, share new Her shift began at 3 a.m., but she arrived by midnight to pick out music.
about 9/11 or Park51, said UNC “I don’t see that it will hurt the same day. music,” Campbell said.
religious studies professor Omid anybody’s interests,” he said. Everyone is invited. Campbell trained the new DJs “I’m too delicate for coffee.” what they want to share so they end
Safi in an e-mail. “It won’t hurt us as a democracy to use the station’s equipment. In the time between her arrival up going into radio.”
“It is a debate about competing to see them carry out and exercise Contact: 919-542-6448 Her lessons were simple — how at the station and the start of her For now, Morris will continue
visions of America, whether we are their right to freedom of religion in close to get to the mic, how to lay shift, Morris searched the archives as a DJ for WXYC — leading her
going to be an inclusive society,” he this way.” received national attention when the needle on a vinyl record, what to plan her show. As she grows audiences on a musical exploration
said. Lotchin said the Park51 center he announced his plans of burning switches to flick. more comfortable in her position, into the early morning.
The Park51 center has mistak- will not hurt American political the Quran on Saturday. “It’s pretty intimidating,” said Morris hopes to plan playlists to “The goal of the radio station is
enly been characterized as the interests domestically or abroad. But after being condemned by Morris, just before Tuesday became prevent dead air. to be educational,” Morris said. “It’s
Ground Zero mosque, Safi said. Publicity should be given to the many nationwide including President Wednesday. Morris has no plans to make a an educational resource.”
“This manufactured contro- churches, synagogues, mosques, Barack Obama, he canceled the burn- Although her shift didn’t start career of her late-night DJing. She “But I don’t consider myself to
versy is the vicious campaign of a libraries and civic groups that see ing, McClatchy-Tribune Information until 3 a.m., Morris was in the stu- doesn’t want to be repetitive and be a teacher because I’m still learn-
patently xenophobic group that has America as a diverse, pluralistic Services reported. dio by midnight to pick out music. predictable, she said. ing, too.”
succeeded in misrepresenting the land, Safi said. For these early mornings, Morris “People who are into music go
Park51 community center.” Rev. Terry Jones, the pastor of Contact the State & National relies solely on stamina. find their own music,” Morris said. Contact the Arts Editor
Americans should not hold all a small church in Gainesville, Fla., Editor at “Coffee’s not my thing,” she said. “But I guess those people also know

rush duke The senate’s actions Wednesday

came after Robinette and eight football
from page 1 from page 1 from page 1
other plaintiffs were denied a hear-
time to ensuring that fraternities’ For months, the club’s former ing by the student judiciary last are content with their eligibility.
off-campus parties weren’t provid- chairman Justin Robinette, who month on allegations of harassment It’s not clear yet which players
ing alcohol, Piner said he trusted has claimed since April that he was and discrimination. The judiciary were benched because of academic
chapters to follow the policy. impeached by the organization’s had ruled that those allegations fell improprieties, misconduct with
“We tried to treat it as a case where executive board for being gay, has outside of its jurisdiction. agents, or both.
if they chose to risk it and go off cam- worked with his supporters to com- Some are now questioning wheth- Neither man would elaborate on
pus they took that risk,” he said. pile evidence and file complaints er a senate meeting was a fair setting how far back the academic miscon-
Jenny Levering, assistant dean of against the organization. for a decision of such magnitude. duct goes. When asked if he antic-
students for fraternity and sorority “I don’t feel vindicated, but I do “The senate is not an appro- ipated it extending back multiple
life, said the number of alcohol-relat- feel humbled by the senate’s deci- priate fact-finding body,” said the seasons, Baddour said yes.
ed incidents for the first two weeks of sion last night,” Robinette said. student judiciary’s Chief Justice “A lot of these players have been
school decreased from last year. Senators were presented dis- Matthew Straus. in school for awhile, so we’re look-
Piner said he is going to try to criminatory e-mails and anony- “They don’t have standards for ing at everything,” Thorp said.
maintain the strictness that charac- mous threatening messages evidence or standards for truth. I As he did in August when the
terized rush throughout the year. received by Robinette and others, don’t think either side was given an improprieties with a tutor were
“Sometimes these policies who have said they were harassed adequate setting,” Straus said. first revealed, Thorp apologized for
haven’t been that strictly enforced. by the members of the club. Chairman of the N.C. Federation negative spotlight the investigation
Those days are over,” he said. Although Lefevre said he was of College Republicans John Eick has brought the University.
But stricter enforcement likely shocked by the evidence, he said said the judiciary’s trial in April, Board members asked questions
won’t affect the ultimate decision he met with the club’s Chief of which ruled in favor of the College about the timeline of the investiga-
as to whether fall rush is moved. Staff Rachel Provost on Thursday Republicans, should have closed tion and the extent of the violations
That is the task of the University in hopes that members would con- the case. but repeatedly expressed their con-
affairs committee, who will base sider an internal recognition of “It seems to me to be an overkill,” fidence in UNC’s leadership.
their report on freshman adjust- their wrongdoings before he has Eick said. “Where does this stop?” “The board was completely sat-
ment, said Bob Winston, chairman to sign off on the de-funding. If Lefevre and the Student isfied,” Chairwoman Hannah Gage
of the board. “But I can’t coerce or create any Organizational Finance Committee said afterwards. “Everyone is com-
“Our concern is that it is dis- kind of change,” he said. approve the senate’s decision, the pletely confident. dth/sara gregory
tracting students from the primary The Student Organization College Republicans will still be “People just have to be patient.” Chancellor Holden Thorp, UNC-system President Erskine Bowles and
thing students should be doing and Finance Committee, the body now a “recognized” organization and Gage restated her belief that the athletic director Dick Baddour speak to the Board of Governors Thursday.
that is acclimating to student life,” in charge of the pending de-char- will be allowed to recruit and hold investigation was a “campus respon-
Gardner said. “This has been an tering, also met Thursday. meetings using their own funds. sibility” and said she had no reason
ongoing issue for 20 years.” “We’re getting everyone on the Members of the club could not to think the board would need to get
The committee will bring in peo- same page,” said Max Tabachnik, be reached for comment. involved beyond lending support.
ple — including students, adminis- chairman of the committee. “We JOBS that MATTER
trators and alumni — to interview, don’t have any details yet or a par- Contact the State & National Contact the State & National
members said. The committee has ticular timeline.” Editor at Editor at $10-15/hr
AAA Activism

been studying the Greek recruit-

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12 friday, september 10, 2010 Opinion The Daily Tar Heel

Sarah Frier
The Daily Tar Heel EDITOR, 962-4086
EDITorial BOARD members

Cameron Parker callie bost Sam Jacobson

“Sometimes these policies haven’t
Established 1893, Opinion EDITOR
Robert Fleming Mark Laichena
117 years
of editorial freedom
Pat ryan
Taylor Holgate Maggie Zellner always been strictly enforced.
associate opinion EDITOR Those days are over.”
Tucker Piner, IFC President, on rush alcohol policy

Featured online reader comment:

“It was compelling, boys and girls.
Sarah Dugan Stay tuned cause this ain’t going
Wellness and Wellbeing
Senior environmental health science away.”
major from Asheville.
E-mail: sdugan@email.Unc.Edu REdalert, on a hearing for Duke College
medicine Kvetching board: Special double edition
kvetch: Butch: Lose the navy; wear
Carolina blue.

is the
v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
Special extended kvetching Is it just me, or does the Campus
board! Because you really do Health answering machine lady

future complain that much... sound like a female Old Greg?

To the girl playing MASH in To the person who sneeze-farted
stats class: I’m having trouble in the UL on Tuesday morning:

making life decisions too. You’re lucky that most people
rugs. We all use them —

Beyond counting minorities

around you were wearing head-
whether recreationally To the girls at Weaver Street phones. Too bad I wasn’t.
or to treat medical prob- Market: Is that a co-op number
lems. And the thing is, we use under your arms? Oh no, that’s To the girl talking to Planned
them too often. just armpit hair. A lot of it. Parenthood at Davis: you might
want to lower your voice.
When you are choosing a treat-
ment for a medical problem, there Thoughts on diversity in response to the 2009-10 Report Dear Oblivious Science TA:
Dear male hipsters: Please stop
Saying phrases like “you have

are better treatment options for
t is easy, as we count the identified five goals: on campus? It’s not easy — this to firmly grab the tip with your wearing cut-off jorts. It’s dis-
you than prescription drugs.
increases in underrepresent- One, to define and publicize report hardly tries. hand” really does make us more turbing.
One of the biggest problems
with most prescription drugs is ed groups at UNC, to lose the University’s commitment to The office knows this: As interested... even if you’re only
Dear frat boy playing cornhole
that they treat the symptoms of sight of why we “do” diversity. diversity; two, to achieve the crit- part of the lead-up to a new talking about pipetting.
by yourself: Where are your
an ailment, without addressing The stats are useful, but can’t ical level of diversity across the Diversity Plan for the next four To the girl walking to campus brethren?
the root cause of the problem. measure success by themselves. university necessary to gain edu- years, it will conduct in-depth in a FULL glitter skirt: You are
The root of the problem most To the girl who sat beside me
Let’s consider the 2009-10 cational benefits; three, to make studies on the effect of diversity going to class, not a Lady Gaga
likely has to do with some aspect in Bio 101 on Thursday: We see
Diversity Plan Report, from diversity education available to and the climate within UNC. concert.
of your body being out of balance. each other all of the time on
the Office of Diversity and the UNC community; four, to One study will look at stu- To the girl in my philosophy campus and I think you’re very
While you were taught in high
school biology class that our bod-
Multicultural Affairs. create a climate where discus- dents, while others will focus class: I’m quite flexible for my pretty. We need to hang out
ies are based on chemical balanc- It addresses diversity at UNC sions of diversity, and diverse on faculty and staff. size. sometime.
es, one thing you probably weren’t during the past year, especially discussions, can take place; So this is an rare opportunity
To the old guy in my pilates Really DPS, a parking ticket on
taught is that our bodies also have as it relates to underrepresent- and five, to support research on for some collective reflection. my bike? How do you expect to
class: You should invest in
a balance of different energies. ed groups by race, gender and diversity and understand how it We need a substantive ever catch me?
some longer workout shorts.
For example, being stressed can sexual orientation. advances the university. campus conversation on the
trigger an imbalance of energies, There are highlights from So what does the report say meaning of diversity and how It’s a reason to worry when To the girl at the men’s soccer
putting a strain on your immune the data. We are a leading uni- about UNC on these metrics? it affects UNC. your genetics professors doesn’t game who yelled, “Oh crap, the
system, causing you to get sick. versity nationally for a diverse Departments are certainly From experiences in classes, know how to spell “mutation.” ball just hit the player’s head!”
An emerg- Yeah, that happens.
undergraduate student body. reporting progress on goals jobs, clubs and in and around To the Asian guy with an
at-large ing type of And there have been hirings one, three and five. Chapel Hill, everyone at UNC To my English prof who used the
Edward Cullen haircut that
COLUMNIST medicine called and promotions in UNC’s pro- But despite the demographic has a perspective from which keeps flashing his abs in front term “bromance” in class: Legit.
and Alternative Medicine (CAM fessional schools of historically data on student and faculty, it’s this university can learn. of the giant mirror at Rams
The sorority pledges’ cheers are
underrepresented groups. hard to declare much more. Some narratives will be Gym: I only see fat.
for short) heals by restoring the louder than Kenan on gameday.
energy balances within the body. One can deduce a feeling Perhaps our student body is inspiring. Others will be apa- Dear girl dancing while waiting
Reiki, (pronounced Ray-key), acu- across the university that a diverse enough — if “critical thetic or uncomfortable. To the person who drives a
outside our ANTH 280 class: You
puncture, and other techniques diverse body of students and level” means over 30 percent. But campus conversations will white ‘99 Subaru Legacy with
could make loads of money if
use touch and pressure points to employees is a good thing. Clearly we don’t know what help more than demographic PA plates: Me too. PS: Thanks
you danced like that while tak-
restore this energy balance. for the 45 minutes I spent in
But let’s step back and think this critical level is, or whether data as we try to move forward. ing your clothes off.
The other day, I was talking Morrison Lot on Tuesday night
more broadly why UNC works we’re getting all the possible If we don’t talk about what trying to determine why my key
with Sarah Gibson, a friend of TJ, sorry about all the anony-
for diversity. educational benefits. diversity means, then it’s just mous death threats last year... no longer worked.
mine who is a Reiki healer. She The 2006 Diversity Plan And measuring the climate numbers.
explained that Reiki is a Japanese erm... interested in bearing my
To LSU: Congratulations on beat-
healing technique that uses touch children?
ing a team with half of it’s start-

Keep on giving
and massage to heal the body and To the idiot that complained ers... barely. That’s like beating
restore natural life energy balanc- about MoTown’s basketball girl: up a girl who only has one arm.
es. Her first experience with Reiki Please don’t harp on hot girls in
came when she injured her foot a Dear bleeding heart liberals,
sports bras, especially when you
few years ago and had been hav- Would you protest me if I pro-
probably couldn’t take her.
tested your protesting?
ing ongoing pain. She met a Reiki
healer who worked on her foot, Giving must help UNC capitalize in a down economy To the freshmen girls who
Dear boy in Kenan parlor, I
decided the building is called

and afterward, the pain was gone. apologize for the show you got
After hearing this, I was skep- he news that annual Students donated more than hires now is crucial. “Day” Hall: Go Dey.
when I was “Marilyn Monroe-
tical and couldn’t help thinking donations to UNC have $71,400 this year, proving that Another large gift was a $1.3 ing” in front of the air vent. But
Go Greek! Join the 15% of
that Reiki sounded more like s t ay e d s t a b l e a m i d even a tuition bill can’t stop million grant from the Howard hey, this is an all girl dorm.
campus so that you don’t have
some sort of hippie trend than a a rough economic year is some from giving. Hughes Medical Institute to hang out with all the losers
legitimate healing tool. encouraging. The advantages UNC can and should capital- to support undergraduate To the person at the B-school
in the other 85%!
But I discovered that our that UNC can reap from these ize on these specific donations research. who stole my laptop cord, it
own UNC Hospitals regularly donations could be equally as to make strides in a vulnerable This aids UNC’s comparative To the freshman girl at Kessing is comforting to know that
use Reiki, acupuncture and sev- who said, “Holden Thorp is a corporate America is filled with
laudable. market. advantage in offering students
eral other integrative medicine man, right? Not a student?” Less people like you.
techniques to treat patients in
UNC received $268.1 mil- Of last year’s larger dona- opportunities to do genuine
time at the pool, more time in
the Lineberger Cancer Center. lion in gifts for the 2010 fiscal tions, some have already been research at the undergraduate Dear guy sitting beside me in
the library.
Providers there couple Reiki with year, marking an only 1 percent designated to fund projects level. the design lab: I know that you
chemo treatments to counteract decline from the previous year. for the University. The ability to progress for- To my girlfriend’s suite mates: are only here to edit photos
its destructive nature. There also was a $1.6 million The William R. Kenan Jr. ward when most schools are You didn’t have to be so loud of yourself for Facebook, and I
This coupling of Western medi- increase in commitments from Charitable Trust donated $5 falling back is only made pos- when you asked if that was saw you increase the contrast
a number two written on the in your midsection so your abs
cine and alternative techniques, the previous fiscal year, which million, designated for the sible by the faithful Tar Heels
bathroom door. look more defined. How about
called integrative medicine, is a include pledges to donate. recruitment of new faculty — who donate money. In a time just going to the gym?
model which is becoming increas- It is a hopeful sign that allowing UNC to strategically when headlines tend to point To the drunk girl, still dressed
ingly popular. In fact, according to University donors are still pour- put its name out in a market to cuts and budget woes, these up from rush, using drunken 12 minutes into class, I think you
the National Institutes of Health, ing in financial support, even where not many others are gifts are an invaluable silver sign language through our win- can take your helmet off. And
38 percent of American adults dow: We love you too. you better not be the owner of
with an uncertain economy. hiring. Making more valuable lining.
used complimentary and alterna- the Razor Scooter by the door.
tive medicine in 2007. To the pantsless girl who man-
aged to vomit in a clear plastic To the classmate who showed up
Often, when we think of “heal- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR in a cocktail dress and stilettos:
ing” in Western medicine, we water bottle on the P2P: You are
think of it in the physical sense of If no mosque allowed, then are still suffering from their loss- know, the American Red Cross both revolting and impressive. We’re not at the Oscars, we’re
the word. With a broken bone or es. I, for one, am disgusted. Blood Bank is at a nationwide at a nighttime on-campus film
YMCA should be banned To the UNC fans around me showing for Bollywood class.
a torn muscle, we get surgery, do This is a question of morals. critical low.
TO THE EDITOR: So long as we agree that Muslim The need for blood donations is that insisted on pumping up Just FYI.
the physical therapy and expect
I found myself agreeing with Americans ought not insist upon greater than ever, and every drop the crowd and trying to out-yell
our bodies to go back to the way To the guys in the Stacey laun-
Assemblyman Boyle’s letter convening so near the site of this counts. the LSU fans on every 3rd down
they were before the injury. dry room who were amazed
(“Ground Zero mosque can be tragedy, we ought to also agree This semester, the UNC chapter when WE had the ball: You are
Integrative medicine suggests that I got all my bedding into
built, but shouldn’t,” Sept. 8), but that for men to flaunt their gen- of the American Red Cross Club the reason we will always be
that the healing process must be one washer: I mean, I am a
I must take his principles and der in front of our faces is equally and our sponsors will be hold- just a basketball school.
more holistic, and must include woman. It’s my domestic duty.
a healing of the mind and the apply them one step further. objectionable. ing blood drives as usual in the Dear hallmate: I said you could
body’s energy fields. On 9/11, our country was Just as the Constitution offers Student Union. borrow my scissors, not mutilate Send your one-to-two
I encourage you to ask about attacked by men. As an American a male state representative from Thanks to the Carolina commu- them beyond repair. Replace sentence entries to edit-
integrative medicine the next time female, I too felt the impact of this New York the right to spread nity, last year we were the second- them before I mutilate the Justin, subject
you go to the doctor. Chances are, terrible crime. hateful propaganda and masked largest source of blood donations Bieber poster on your door. line ‘kvetch.’
your doctor will encourage you to Yet despite this, New York City racism via the media, most likely for the Orange County American
try it, but will warn you that it will planners have blatantly over- Americans agree that such actions Red Cross Blood Bank.
be expensive, since it is not covered looked that there is a YMCA locat- shouldn’t be taken, and that this This year, we would like to
by most medical insurance plans. ed blocks from Ground Zero. will only cause more gender bias. become the largest, and we are SPEAK OUT department and phone number.
YMCA, a community center Please, let’s show some sensitiv- counting on some good old Tar ➤ Edit: The DTH edits for space,
If enough patients ask about Writing guidelines: clarity, accuracy and vulgarity.
integrative medicine and enough for young American males, fos- ity to the women affected by the Heel support to do it. ➤ Please type: Handwritten Limit letters to 250 words.
doctors support it, eventually ters a sense of community and 9/11 attacks. Our first drive will be this Friday, letters will not be accepted.
camaraderie amongst men. I Sept. 10 from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. SUBMISSION:
insurance companies will have to ➤ Sign and date: No more than
acknowledge that males share the Rochelle Gagg in the Student Union Great Hall. two people should sign letters. ➤ Drop-off: at our office at 151 E.
cover it. So go ahead and ask away, Rosemary Street.
with your help our society can see same constitutional rights we all Graduate Student You can be a walk-in or make an ➤ Students: Include your year,
major and phone number. ➤ E-mail: to
progress toward more holistic, do, but I must ask, “Should the Philosophy appointment online at www.unc.
➤ Faculty/staff: Include your ➤ Send: to P.O. Box 3257, Chapel
integrative medical treatments. YMCA be allowed to remain?” Answer the call, Hill, N.C., 27515.
That men would be allowed Give blood at Red Cross Tar Heels, and help save a life.
Monday: to have a community center so
near the site where they attacked
drive today, save a life EDITOR’S NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily represent the opinions
Kyle Olson opines from his travels Nick Givens
of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel edito-
abroad in Argentina. our nation demonstrates severe TO THE EDITOR: Biomed Committee Chair rial board. The board consists of eight board members, the associate opinion editor, the
insensitivity toward those who For those of you who don’t American Red Cross opinion editor and the editor.

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