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AFPCOE Organization

I. Functional Organization

1. For Direction, Control and Supervision:

A. For CSAFP (Total AFP) ……………… OTCE, GHQ, AFP

B. For CSAFP ---- National Development Support Command



D. For CG, PA …………………………… OACE, HPA

E. For CG, PAF ………………………….. AFCE, HPAF

F For FOIC, PN ………………………….. TNCE, HPN

2. For Design & Evaluation ……………………. OTCE, GHQ, AFP

MS Chief Engineers

3. For Construction ………......... Engineer Brigades & Battalion (S):

51st Engineer Brigade

52nd Engineer Brigade
53rd Engineer Brigade
54th Engineer Brigade
55th Engineer Brigade
525th Engineer Construction Bn (S)
355th Aviation Engineer Wing
Naval Construction Brigade (Seabees)

4. For Management of Military Real Estate Property (Land) ----AFPREO

5. For Maintenance Repair and Operations of Facilities

And Utilities …………………….. Post/Camp/Base/Stn Engr Units

6. Support to Construction and Maintenance/Repair:

A. For Maps and Surveys ………….. MIG 18, Intel Svc, AFP
B. For Maintenance and Repair of Engr Equipment …… Engineer
Maintenance Support Battalions

7. Support to Military Operations:

A. For Combat Support ………Engr Combat Bns organic to Inf

Div/Bde, PA

500th Engr Sqdns, 355 AEW, PAF

Navy Const Bns, NCF, PN

Major Engineer Units

B. For Formal Training ………Svc Sch, Maj Svcs

II. Type of Engineer Organizations

Types of engineer organizations are organic or are assigned to commands of the

AFP to render direct support to subordinate units or commands. These types of
organizations are:

1. Headquarters Type. For direction, supervision and coordination of

assigned units.

A. Hq & Hq Engr Bdes, PA

B. Hq & Hq, Avn Engr Wing,PAF
C. Hq & Hq, NCF
D. Task Force (Group) Hqs

2. MIG 18 (Mapping Center), Intel Service, AFP

3. Battalions.

A. Construction . Engr Const Bns, PA

Avn Engr Sqdns PAF
Naval Construction Brigade (Seabees)

B. 525th Engineer Battalion (Sep)

C. Combat Support. Engr Cbt Bns organic to Inf Div/Bde, PA

D. Gen Spt. 357 MSS, AEW, PAF………………... Provisional

4. Companies.

A. Construction. Engr Const Coy, PA

Gen Const Coy, PN
Spl Const Coy, PN

B. Combat Support. Engr Cbt Coy, PA

C. Equip and Maintenance:

1) EMC, PA


3) Equip Coy, PN

4) Maint Coy, PN

D. Const Support. Engr Const Spt Coy, PA

E. Gen Support. Engr Coy, ASCOM

F. Portworks. Portworks Coy, PN

G. Waterfront and Dredge. Waterfront

H. Motor Transport. Motor Transport Coy SVC

Engr Svc Coy

5. Detachment. Post/Camp/Base/Stn Engr Detachment

A. Post/Camp Engr Det, PA

B. Civil Eng’g Sqdn, PAF

C. Post Engr Units, PN


1. Aside from the functional organization of the AFP Corps of Engineers
operating on the level of its mandate, there are organizations created to exist within a
specified period of time to execute tasks relative to the implementation of construction
projects. The elements/units composing these organizations are not limited to the
members of the AFPCOE but other components of the AFP involved in the execution of
engineer-related tasks or projects. Their structure and duties are as follows:


TCE/MCE Over-all

(Engineer Unit)


2. Duties & Responsibilities. The offices/officers primarily involved

with the implementation:


1) Designate a project administrator of a project and the

manner by which is it shall be implemented.

2) Determine whether consultancy services for the design of

management of a project is needed. Said consultants shall be hired in accordance with
the provisions of the NEDA guidelines.

3) Ensure that funds are available for a certain project before

the preparation of detailed plans is started.

1) Prepares and evaluates plans, estimates & specifications of
all construction projects.

2) Recommends to CSAFP/MSC the manner by which the

project shall be undertaken and the Project Administrator for the project.

3) Issues Construction Directive to the Project Administrator.

4) Monitors and exercises technical supervision on all

construction projects through the Project Administrator.

5) Accepts and turns-over all completed projects.

C. Project Administrator (For By-Admin Projects)

1) Administers the projects in accordance with the approved

plans/ specifications as directed by TCE/MSE.

2) Prepares supporting documents for the payment of

completed works.

4) Recommends the acceptance of the completed projects to


5) Submits regular status/progress report of the construction

projects to TCE/MSE.

6) Designates his representatives to the TIAC.

7) Liquidates all obligations incurred in the implementation of

the project prior to turn-over to the end-users.

8) Be administratively liable for the defects in the project or

failure in the completion of the project.

D. Project Implementor/Contractor (For By-Contract Projects)

1) Undertakes the actual construction of the project in

accordance with approved plans & specifications.

2) Renders required periodic reports to the Project


3) Prepares administrative documents pertaining to the projects

for action/evaluation of the Project Administrator.
4) Informs the Project Administrator of the scheduled
pouring/concreting, anchoring and other similar jobs on all major structural components
of the project.

E. End-User

1) Assists in the identification of planning requirements and in

the periodic review during the preparation of plans and specifications.

2) Monitor and conduct inspection of on-going project intended

for its use, in coordination with the project administrator.

3) Accepts the completed projects.

F. Project Manager (other functions are cited in SOP Nr 31 –

“Contract Implementation of Infrastructure Projects”

1) Directly responsible to the Project Administration and

supervision of projects undertaken by contractors.

2) Ensures that the approved plans and specifications are met.

3. Technical Inspection and Acceptance Of Construction Projects

A. The TIAC is tasked to ensure that infrastructure projects are

implemented based on approved scope of works, plans and specifications and that
construction materials delivered are in accordance with the specifications and quantities
stipulated in the procurement documents

B. TIAC Composition for Infra Projects:

1) User Logistics Officer

2) Post or Staff Command Engineer

3) Headquarters Commandant
4) In cases where a project includes specialized item works
such as communications, mechanical, industrial systems etc., a technical
officer/CE specialist should be designated as an additional member of the TIAC.

C. Composition of the TIAC may change depending on the nature of

the project. Should there be a need to create a TIAC centrally organized and
composed of different staffs of different units; the committee composition must be
covered by an order or directive emanating from higher headquarters. On
special cases this situation occurs for projects where different units or offices are
involved in the execution.

D. Detailed provisions for the TIAC composition and functions are

provided in AFP Logistics Letter Directive Number FI-08-02 dated 24 March 2008
titled “Technical Inspection and Acceptance Committee for Infra Projects”

E. Policy for TIAC for construction supplies (for infra projects of “by-
admin” mode of implementation) is provided in J4 Letter Directive dated07 July
2009 entitled “Creation of the Technical Inspection and Acceptance Committee (TIAC)
for Program 4 Unit Procurements at GHQ”

F. The TIAC shall have the following tasks and responsibilities:

1) Check plans, scope of work & specifications

2) Check variation orders/additional works and as-built plans

3) Check list of latent defects corrected

4) Check quality of materials & workmanship

5) Check functional utilization of the project such as water,

lights, drainage, communication system, plumbing system, fire exits, doors, windows,

6) Check warranties

7) Check as-built plans

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