Vorticist Art, Fascism, & Qi Gong in Dr. Seuss' 5,000 Fingers of DR

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2/19/2018 Vorticist Art, Fascism, & Qi Gong in Dr. Seuss’ 5,000 Fingers of Dr.

T – Jay's Analysis

Jay's Analysis

Philosophy. Film. Geopolitics. Theology.

Vorticist Art, Fascism, & Qi Gong in Dr. Seuss’

5,000 Fingers of Dr. T

Posted on October 23, 2015 by jay008 in Books/Literature, Culture, Esoteric/Speculation, Film Review/Analysis,
Geopolitics // 7 Comments

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/the_5_000_fingers_of_dr_t-688124953-large.jpg)
Guest Post by: Mark Burns

In 1953, Theodor Geisel, be er known to us as popular children’s author Dr. Seuss, set about, along with
producer Stanley Kramer and director Roy Rowland, to create a surrealistic, fantasy musical, the
intention of which was to explore “themes of world dominance and oppression coming out of World
War II” in The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. Strangely enough, at the time, everyone dismissed it, including
Seuss. Audiences walked out of the theater at the premiere, and Seuss would go on to call it a
“debaculous fiasco” essentially flushing it down the memory hole and castigating it as outside his more
renowned body of work.

In this regard, it joins other surrealist musicals and/or nightmarish explorations of oddball
instrumentation such as “Their Satanic Majesties Request” by The Rolling Stones and “Bluejeans and
Moonbeams” by Captain Bee eart (albums whose cover art and sonic atmosphere could also be said to
conjure up starscapes and visions similar to the props and pieces shown in the film, and much like 5,000
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(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/electrified-barbed-wire.png)The Terwilliker Institute

Fingers were entirely disowned by both creator and fans alike). I suspect 5,000 Fingers’ devotee Jello
Biafra (Dead Kennedys) might agree. Many, myself among them, have wondered if Labyrinth and Return
to Oz weren’t at least partially inspired by the film. This author considers it one of his personal favorite
films, a fifties’ cinematic gem that needed neither Marlene Dietrich nor Judy Garland (although,
interestingly enough, Rudolph Sernad was the art director for the film, in addition to Judgment at
Nuremberg, a piece of Holocaust cinematography starring both actresses). A cult classic with a devoted
following, let’s look at some of the “inexplicable phenomenon” strewn about artfully in the film.

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/dr-seuss-real-meaning-of-titles.jpg)
Dr. Seuss: Puppet of the New World Order?

The opening scene shows Bart Collins (not to be confused with Bartholomew Cubbins
(h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_500_Hats_of_Bartholomew_Cubbins)) dreaming of being chased
about what appears to be some sort of burnished, haunted playground consisting almost solely of
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mounds, by a group of spandex-clad men carrying technicolor rainbow nets, no less. Jung might’ve
chimed in by reminding us that dreams of being chased symbolize the conscious mind’s estrangement
from the unconscious. Was Bart being pursued in this dream merely by his own inner rage toward his
no-show father? What is this villainous entity, whose arms are outstretched in Christ-like fashion (while
his hat blasts forth purple light (h ps://www.jackkruse.com/ubiquitination-24-are-myopia-light-and-
aging-linked/)), subconsciously communicating? The viewer is left to speculate.

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/crown-chakra.jpg)Bart’s Crown Chakra opened?

All we come to know in the minutes that follow is that his father has died and his mother, the sort of
fifties era female that would like her son to receive classical training in piano, is subjecting him to
stressful activities conducive only to deep, delta sleep (serving no utilitarian value in Bart’s mind).

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/bartleftwingrightwing.jpg)
Somewhere Between Left Hand and Right Hand Paths?

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Shortly before Bart collapses into sleep, where he will go to a dream world for the next eighty or so
minutes of the film, we are introduced to a character named August Zabladowski–a possible reference to
Benjamin Zabludowski, leader of Warsaw’s Jewish Community council during WWII (Stanley Kramer,
himself of Jewish origin, might’ve been able to confirm this; I remain unconvinced, but it’s possible).
Zabladowski is the Collins family plumber, a ho hum, easy going guy who Bart sees as a friend and a
father figure. But let’s move on…

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/practice-makes-perfect.jpg)Practice Makes Perfect

Bart finds himself at a grand piano suited for 500 li le boys, who the evil dictator Terwilliker intends to
have perform for him en mass there at his academy, a sort of psychedelic prison surrounded by
electrified barbed wire (a no-doubt reference to the Nazi’s Grenzhochspannungshindernis). After ge ing
acquainted with Terwilliker in this context, Bart begins to run from the piano as Terwilliker ascends to
his abode. The two-story piano itself is the centerpiece of the whole place, another stunning visual,
winding about the main drag like something out of a Salvador Dali painting. Suess was no Dali, but he
beckons you to take him seriously as an aesthete with the distorted architecture and random slopes that
Bart finds himself running through and about.

Eerie, Nazi-like omens abound throughout the institute, repeating memes such as “Practice Makes
Perfect” (got that Allen Iverson?)–even mentioning Bart’s own name before robotically informing him
that “the happiest years of your life” will be entirely inside this all too Orwellian compound. The
disembodied face of Terwilliker not only resembles Big Brother dictating via Telescreen, but could also
be a reference to vorticist art, a short-lived neo-reactionary counterpart to the more unabashedly
modernist cubism, and whose founding fathers were (in some cases) openly fascist (see Ezra Pound
(h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVdelS1J0as) and Wyndham Lewis
(h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVx67nfFmAo)). Mark E. Smith of The Fall has mentioned Lewis
(h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=960bF9soNOE) as a major influence; the aformentioned Jello once
called 5,000 Fingers “the most punk film he’s ever seen”.

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(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/disembodied-terwilliker.jpg)
Vorticist Art, Orwellian Telescreen

One theme that runs constant throughout the film is mind control. From the hypnotic hold Dr.
Terwilliker has over Bart’s mom, to what could be a reference to water fluoridation (albeit under the
label “sanitation”), autocrat and aristocratic despot Terwilliker has the entire racket under his thumb.
Just in case it wasn’t clear enough that Terwilliker is a right-wing control freak, he even asks Mrs.
Collins, “Have I not graciously condescended to take your hand in marriage?” (note to feminists: trigger

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/blast-manifesto.jpg)
Blast Manifesto: Where Punk Rock, Modern Art, Futurism, and Extreme Right Politik Converge

Gargoyles of the Seussian sort abound, alluding to this being some sort of parallel dimension to Nazi-
occupied Old Europe, orbiting somewhere around or about Planet X (in actuality, however, Bart still
dreams it as being within America). As if that weren’t enough, twins on roller skates, a ached at the
beard, are shown chasing after Bart. This spectacle is fifties retro-futurism on display, as well as a

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utilization of doppleganger mythos, the twins being a harbinger of impending doom. One wonders if a
young Billy Gibbons (Moving Sidewalks) didn’t have Terwilliker’s henchmen (characters Johnson and
Whitney) embedded somewhere deep in his psyche.

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/twinszztop.jpg)
Black tie, silk suit…and I don’t know where I am going to

Bart eventually finds himself ascending a ladder leading to… nowhere at all….

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/jacobsladderbartpiano.jpg)Jacob’s Ladder?

The spiraling staircases featured throughout, as well as the ladder-to-nowhere imagery (Bart ascends the
ladder before parachuting to a safe landing) all serve to remind the cultured viewer of such famous art
as William Blake’s “Jacob’s Ladder” and the 12th Century “Ladder of Divine Ascent” icon in Saint
Catherine’s Monastery (Egypt). It remains a mystery if religious imagery was Suess’ conscious intent,
although religion and “theology” get explicitly referenced in another one of his animations (see The
Hoober-Bloob Highway (h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4sHhlfBfQQ)), a short film which bears
striking resemblance to 5,000 Fingers. [Regardless of intent, synchronicity and the inner workings of the
subconscious sometimes work in tandem to produce great works of art.]

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Shortly after Bart’s eluding Terwilliker’s thugs, he pops out of an air vent , finding himself in the
company of the plumber Zabladowski, who, for seemingly no real reason, makes a reference to the king
of Persia. Perhaps somewhat interestingly, later on in the film will see Terwilliker himself decked out in
Persian military uniform (Persian monarch Reza Shah was friendly with Hitler and the Axis Powers
before being deposed). Soon thereafter Zabladowski agrees (at Bart’s behest) to look into at the welfare
of Mrs. Collins, where he finds her inside her room behind some curtains. She emerges forth and they
begin to make contact before Terwilliker intrudes, making reference to Gnostic healing incantation ‫אברא‬
‫“( כדברא‬Abracadabra”) and engaging in what can only be described as a qi gong docey doe
(h ps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu99GRUUN6Y) of sorts with the plumber (qi gong itself is an
ancient healing art vindicated in the West by electrophysiology; it can also be used in the context of
fighting or kung fu).

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/masonic-
handsign.jpg)Lion’s paw?

After their daffy dalliance, Terwilliker engages in pure revelation of the method, admi ing to being a
villain and a “loathsome racketeer,” prompting Zabladowski to accuse him of all show but no substance
to back it (cue L. Frank Baum), while Mrs. C demonstrates doublethink after Dr. T gives her a knowing
look, parroting off that “the sole purpose of our endeavor is the musical be erment of American youth.”
All very interesting and curious when you know the WWII backstory to the film. Fla ery (and even
bribery) is engaged in, pu ing the plumber’s mind at ease, and the three then proceed to dance about a
giant portrait of Terwilliker in masonic pose.

When the silliness comes to a halt, Zabladowski returns to Bart, declaring everything to be fine, having
been effectively hoodwinked. We are then shown Dr. T’s true colors once more, and a death warrant for
Zabladowski is put out (to the “physics laboratory” no less; calling to mind Joseph Mengele, Joseph
Goebbels, or some other Waffen-SS covert operation).

Mrs. Collins is put away in her “Lock-Me-Tight,” with some sort of fractal geometry pa ern adorning
the outside. The film carries on, reminding you that this is a Seuss musical meant to entertain younger
audiences. After a brief falling out over the trickery, Bart and the plumber make up. Bart is informed

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Zabladowski is being paid in “pastoolas” (pasta? Italy? Mussolini?), and that Dr. T isn’t paying him in
American money (which he keeps “all to himself”).

Other phony currencies are ra led off, such as kratchmuks and zlobecks. Bart then agrees to pay him in
American money, the real deal, in order to have him working on his behalf. Eventually finding his way
upstairs, he nabs the key to the safe while Dr. T is asleep, snoring away, and Bart shortly thereafter
stumbles upon a certificate of “disintegration” (another Holocaust reference no doubt), wri en in
calligraphy and featuring a skull and crossbones. Inexplicably, the numbers “37 -5” appear at the top–
375 A.D. being the year Valentian II (a four-year old boy–Bart?) was proclaimed co-emperor of Rome
alongside his regent-mother Justina (Heloise Collins?), largely due to fear of usurpation. Could this be a
reference (even if unconsciously) to Dr. T as usurper of the Collins family home, paralleled in Bart’s
dream as this surreal boys camp-prison? It certainly could be a reference to Yale, and a nod to its
masonic club “Skull and Bones” (322), which is mentioned toward the end of the film (alongside other
Ivy League schools, such as Harvard and Princeton) as being in competition with Terwilliker’s institute.
Was Seuss implying these schools are every bit as much a racket as the school in this film?

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/execution-order.jpg)
Yale’s masonic secret society and-or Byzantine imperialism?

The film carries on, with the alarm going off and Bart finding himself running toward God-knows-
where. He slides down a pole into the dungeon. After a lengthy jam by Dr. T’s condemned jazz
musicians (“Negermusik (h ps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negermusik)” was prohibited in the Third
Reich), Bart escapes out of the dungeon in Super Mario fashion, where he is reacquainted with his
wanna-be-dad pal once more. They are apprehended, and Bart is forced to join the other boys bussed in
to perform for the glory and honor of Terwilliker’s ego on the grand piano suited for 5,000 happy li le
fingers. Before he’s decked out in Persian military a ire, we see Terwilliker looking awfully like Caesar
as he phones in to the loudspeaker-intercom you’re never once shown (save in the dungeon). A halfway
campy scene ensues, as he sings:

I want my undulating undies with the maribou frills

I want my beautiful bolero with the porcupine quills

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I want my purple nylon girdle with the orange-blossom buds

‘Cause I’m going doe-me-doing in my doe-me-doe duds?

…perhaps suggesting a homosexual undertone to Terwilliker’s totalitarianism (pink swaztika?). Even

still, could Dr. T (in this scene and in others) have been a prototype for David Bowie’s mid-seventies
cabaret-fascist persona, the icy cold Thin White Duke? There’s just enough camp -just enough
aristocracy- to leave us guessing.

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/david-bowie-portrait.jpg)
Dr. B: Portraying Himmler’s sacred realm of…dream reality?

The film ends with a silly makeshift “musicfix” stifling Terwilliker’s grandiose dreams of top-down total
control. Bart and Zabladowski made it out of bubblegum, a ping pong ball, a jack knife, bu ons, a yo-yo,
checkers, a top, a whistle, a buckle, and a marble. This is that part in the film where some
disappointment may be warranted. The climactic scene of the school boys busting loose into a more
anarchic sound on the now-deposed Terwilliker’s majestic double piano could have inspired Gerald
Scarfe’s music video for the Pink Floyd hit, “Another Brick in the Wall (Part Two).” The Thelemic Aeon
of Horus, the crowned and conquering child, also comes to mind. Not long after, Bart awakes, only to
see find himself in the company of his plumber friend, who proceeds to “man up” and take Mrs. Collins’
out on a date, fulfilling Bart’s dreams for a father figure.

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This theme, which runs through the entire film, has been explored more in-depth by other reviewers of
the film. For the most part, my intent has been to hone in on other aspects that I feel have been
overlooked and which may serve to highlight some deeper meaning buried within; perhaps the answer
lies more in deleted scenes. There are purportedly deleted scenes, such as Bart’s descent into the
dungeon, where the executioner/elevator operator makes explicit reference to the Holocaust, mentioning
gas chambers and such. Dr. Seuss’ original script was over a thousand pages, ten times more pages than
your typical script at the time. It’s unlikely the film will be reconstructed in its entirety, but it has been,
to a large part, vindicated as a children’s classic, complete with a devoted cult following, and is most
definitely a rare moment of darkness in Seuss’ otherwise whimsical catalog.

(h ps://jaysanalysis.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/bartsladder1.jpg)St. Jon Climacus’ Ladder?

-Mark Burns can be contacted here: mark.d.burns.24@gmail.com

dr seuss
jaysanalysis 2016
qi gong
silver screen
world war II
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7 Comments on Vorticist Art, Fascism, & Qi Gong in Dr. Seuss’ 5,000 Fingers
of Dr. T

1. romeosyne // October 24, 2015 at 8:23 pm // Reply

Great post. Bee eart’s Bluejeans and Moonbeams is referenced. One of my favorite albums, despite
being thought of as a “bad Bee eart record” by some.

Mark // October 24, 2015 at 9:08 pm // Reply

Thanks James, glad you liked it. That album is a favorite of mine as well.

2. John // October 28, 2015 at 3:24 pm // Reply

Jay, I have thoroughly enjoyed your analysis and ability to break free of the Academy. Thanks for the
Vorticist nod, it’s a movement I had not really looked into before. I would offer that with Vorticism,
Facism, Futurism and now the end Modernism we can see these seeds are bearing the fruit of
Transhumanism. But what of our existential and spiritual evolution? It seems to be one question you
are wrestling with on your blog. So many materialists are giddy from dancing on the corpse of the
white haired old man in the robe that they fail to see the abyss yawning beneath them.

As our senses are evolving to perceive that which has not been perceived before. As Boccioni the
Italian Futurist states “una forza psichica divinatrice che dà ai nostri sensi la potenza di percepireciò
che finora non fu mai percepito”, translated as, “that gives our senses the power to perceive that
which has never been perceived up until now”. The question I would ask is are we prepared for what
we will see? I appreciate that with your blog there is at least some honest discussion of what is being
uncovered as so quickly it is covered up with a shiny reflective veneer.

jay008 // October 28, 2015 at 3:58 pm // Reply

This is a piece by Mark Burns. You can contact him at the email above.

johnwadepayne // October 28, 2015 at 4:01 pm //

Thanks Jay, I will. My comments were directed to both of you.

3. johnwadepayne // October 28, 2015 at 3:43 pm // Reply

Sorry if this is am duplicate comment, thanks for the Vorticist nod, it’s a movement I had not really
looked into before. I would offer that with Vorticism, Facism, Futurism and now the end Modernism
we can see these seeds are bearing the fruit of Transhumanism. But what of our existential and
spiritual evolution? It seems to be one question you are wrestling with on your blog. So many
materialists are giddy from dancing on the corpse of the white haired old man in the robe that they
fail to see the abyss yawning beneath them.

As our senses are evolving to perceive that which has not been perceived before. As Boccioni the
Italian Futurist states “una forza psichica divinatrice che dà ai nostri sensi la potenza di percepireciò
che finora non fu mai percepito”, translated as, “that gives our senses the power to perceive that
which has never been perceived up until now”. The question I would ask is are we prepared for what
we will see? I appreciate that with your blog there is at least some honest discussion of what is being
uncovered as so quickly it is covered up with a shiny reflective veneer. I have thoroughly enjoyed
your analysis on Dr T and ability to break free of the Academy.

4. Negentropic // October 31, 2015 at 8:02 am // Reply

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Carl Jung was pro-Hitler and pro-National Socialist before 1945.

“There were two types of strong men in primitive society. One was the chief who was physically
powerful, stronger than all his competitors, and another was the medicine man who was not strong
in himself but was strong by reason of the power which the people projected into him. Thus we had
the Emperor and the Pope. Hitler belongs in the category of the truly mystic medicine man. His body
does not suggest strength. The outstanding characteristic of his physiognomy is its dreamy look. I
was especially struck by that when I saw pictures taken of him in the Czechoslovakian crisis; there
was in his eyes the look of a seer.”

“He is the loud-speaker which magnifies the inaudible whispers of the German soul until they can be
heard by the German’s conscious ear. He is the first man to tell every German what he has been
thinking and feeling all along in his unconscious about German fate, especially since the defeat in the
World War, and the one characteristic which colors every German soul is the typically German
inferiority complex, the complex of the younger brother, of the one who is always a bit late to the
feast. Hitler’s power is not political; it is magic.”

“To understand magic you must understand what the unconscious is. It is that part of our mental
constitution over which we have li le control and which is stored with all sorts of impressions and
sensations; which contains thoughts and even conclusions of which we are not aware. Besides the
conscious impressions which we receive, there are all sorts of impressions constantly impinging
upon our sense organs of which we do not become aware because they are too slight to a ract our
conscious a ention. They lie beneath the threshold of consciousness. But all these subliminal
impressions are recorded; nothing is lost. Someone may be speaking in a faintly audible voice in the
next room while we are talking here. You pay no a ention to it, but the conversation next door is
being recorded in your unconscious as surely as though the la er were a dictaphone record.

Now the secret of Hitler’s power is not that Hitler has an unconscious more plentifully stored than
yours or mine. Hitler’s secret is twofold; first, that his unconscious has exceptional access to his
consciousness, and second, that he allows himself to be moved by it. He is like a man who listens
intently to a stream of suggestions in a whispered voice from a mysterious source, and then acts
upon them..

In our case, even if occasionally our unconscious does reach us through dreams, we have too much
rationality, too much cerebrum to obey it–but Hitler listens and obeys. The true leader is always led.

We can see it work in him. He himself has referred to his Voice. His Voice is nothing other than his
own unconscious, into which the German people have projected their own selves; that is, the
unconscious of seventy-eight million Germans. That is what makes him powerful. Without the
German people he would be nothing. It is literally true when he says that whatever he is able to do is
only because he has the German people behind him, or, as he sometimes says, because he is
Germany. So with his unconscious being the receptacle of the souls of seventy-eight million
Germans, he is powerful, and with his unconscious perception of the true balance of political forces
at home and in the world, he has so far been infallible.

That is why he makes political judgments which turn out to be right against the opinions of his
advisors and against the opinions of all foreign observers. When this happens it means only that the
information gathered by his unconscious, and reaching his consciousness by means of his exceptional

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talent, has been more nearly correct than that of all others, German or foreign, who a empted to
judge the situation and who reached consclusions different from his.” ~ Carl Jung – interviewed in
Omnibook Magazine, February, 1942, page 134 – “Is Tomorrow Hitler’s?”

h p://www.oldmagazinearticles.com/pdf/Carl_Jung_on_Hitler.pdf

“Freud did not understand the Germanic psyche any more than did his Germanic followers. Has the
formidable phenomenon of National Socialism, on which the whole world gazes with astonishment,
taught them be er? Where was that unparalleled tension and energy while as yet no National
Socialism existed? Deep in the Germanic psyche, in a pit that is anything but a garbage-bin of
unrealizable infantile wishes and unresolved family resentments.” ~ Carl Jung – The State of
Psychotherapy Today ( 1934)

More on Wyndham Lewis, Ezra Pound and the Vorticist movement here:

h ps://concen.org/oldforum/thread-44181.html

“Energy depends on one’s ability to make a vortex-genius meme at the cross-conflicts of art and
ideology.” — Ezra Pound

“The intelligence suffers today automatically in consequence of the a ack on all authority,
advantage, or privilege. These things are not done away with, it is needless to say, but numerous
scapegoats are made of the less politically powerful, to satisfy the egalitarian rage awakened.” —
Wyndham Lewis

“Any reasonable person who reads these pages may see for himself that whatever he does, whether
the outcome accords with his ideas of success or not, is conditioned, if not absolutely determined, by
mental and physical laws that he did not make and that he must perforce obey. The be er he obeys,
the be er he succeeds. All applied science is witness to this, and the wonders of our inventive age are
so many demonstrations that our success in any field of endeavor depends on the accuracy with
which we measure the forces operating in that field.” — Paul Foster Case, The True and Invisible
Rosicrucian Order

An Introduction to the Economic Nature of the United States – (1930)

h p://www.yamaguchy.com/library/pound_ezra/economic.html

Jefferson and/or Mussolini – Ezra Pound – (1935)

h p://www.yamaguchy.com/library/pound_ezra/jeffmuss_1.html


h p://www.yamaguchy.com/library/pound_ezra/radioPound.html

America, Roosevelt & the Causes of the Present War (1944)

h p://www.yamaguchy.com/library/pound_ezra/present.html

Barbara Villiers or The History of Monetary Crimes by Alexander Del Mar (Note: Del Mar’s
amazingly valuable books were re-discovered and championed by Ezra Pound)

https://jaysanalysis.com/2015/10/23/vorticist-art-fascism-qi-gong-in-dr-seuss-5000-fingers-of-dr-t/ 13/14
2/19/2018 Vorticist Art, Fascism, & Qi Gong in Dr. Seuss’ 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T – Jay's Analysis

h ps://ia802304.us.archive.org/10/items/AlexanderDelMar/AlexanderDelMar-

h ps://archive.org/details/@negentropic

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