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One of DCIS most important core values is diversity, Through the DCIS global domain,

investigate the world, each and every student is encouraged to step out of their comfort
zone and immerse themselves in intercultural activities. I was fortunate enough to
experience some of those intercultural activities myself. Throughout my classes I
selected some pieces of my work that I felt truly embody the idea of Diversity and
investigating the world. These artifacts feature work completed from various classes
from economics to english to history I was able to demonstrate the importance of
diversity through investigating the world.
My first reflection comes from my economics class that I took for a semester back in
2015. At the beginning of the class I was really struggling to keep up with all of the work
that we had to complete. The class focused on macroeconomics and business. In it we
were taking a look at supply versus demand and took a part of an activity where we
staged a modern day supply vs demand scenario. We later graphed our data and found
the equilibrium point. I slowly began to immerse myself in what was being taught to us.
The class encouraged me to challenge myself and ask questions and further investigate
the business side of economics. Although the course was just a semester It taught
many valuable things about economics and about myself. I learned what type of
personality I had and how to effectively communicate with others. I believe that even the
hardest courses can be those that you learn from most. This artifact demonstrates my
use of investigating the world because even though economics was challenging and
difficult I still found the passion in me to share the materials with others and learn
further more about them.
My second reflection is from my Ap world history class I took in my junior year of my
high school career. Every week or so we were expected to complete a chapter from our
textbook and submit at least a page of notes. To me world history seemed pointless,
that these events already happened in the past and that there was no need to further
study about them. Gradually my bordism for the class decreased and my interest
increased. I got the opportunity to conduct a study on my ancestors and how they lived
from day to day. The teacher also encouraged me to keep an open mind and
investigate how our predecessors walked this earth. My notes on chapter 29 is
composed of four pages as I started enjoying reading about how civilization came to be.
The class helped me investigate the world by pushing me and encouraging me to
understand the people and the choices they made and how it continues to affect us
My third reflection is from my Theater 1 class that I took in my first semester as a
junior. In that class we learned about stage direction and how to embody the characters
that we portray on stage. We also performed monologues embodying someone that we
admire, I choose to perform a monologue as Muhammed Ali, the boxer. I admired him
because of his courage inside and outside of the boxing ring but still many aspects of
his life remained unknown to me. Upon me sitting down and researching about his life I
was able to understand the kind of person Muhammed Ali was and why he dodged the
vietnam war draft. It continued to spark curiosity within me and lead me to search about
the black rights movement that occurred during the 1960s.
My fourth artifact comes from my AP english literature class which I also took as a
junior in high school. The first part of the class we studies one of shakespeare's well
renowned works ​“King Lear”. ​This play revolves around a king who lost it all including
his sanity. As a class we performed an analysis on King lear and understood the binary
oppositions and the dichotomies that were present during the play. It further allowed us
to investigate the world because we as student are used to reading book usually from
our current era and modern genres but King lear allowed us to look into the lives of
authors during that time.
These four artifacts helped me Investigate the world here at DCIS by challenging me
to look into and analyze the lives of others and to understand a culture that would be
unfamiliar to me. Through investigating the world I was able to connect to the core value
of diversity by exploring subjects that would be foreign to me.

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