Hatanaka 1988

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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (1988) 27:470--473 Applied

© Springer-Verlag 1988

Production of vitamin B12 by a fermentor

with a hollow-fiber module
Hidetaka Hatanaka*, Enhao Wang, Masayuki Taniguchi, Shinji Iijima, and Takeshi Kobayashi
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464, Japan

Summary. To improve the microbial production productivity because vitamin B12 usually accumu-
of vitamin BI2, we applied a hollow-fiber module lates in the cells. We tried high concentration cul-
to cultivation of the vitamin producers. By the re- tivation (Yamauchi et al. 1983; Mori et al. 1981)
moval of growth inhibitors, very high concentra- and have also recently established a cultivation
tions of cells and vitamin BI2 were obtained com- system with a filtration unit. The latter was very
paring to the batch culture. We obtained 227 g dry effective for the high concentration cultivation of
cells/1 and 52 mg vitamin Bl2/l with Propionibac- the microorganisms that themselves produce a
terium shermanii and 33.4 g dry cell/l and 92.5 mg growth inhibitor (Taniguchi et al. 1987a, b). In
vitamin B12/1 with Butyribacterium methylotrophi- the case of the vitamin producers we used, or-
cure by this cultivation. ganic acids such as propionate and butylate were
produced, which inhibited bacterial growth
(Nanba et al. 1983). Therefore, we applied a culti-
vation system with a hollow-fiber module. The
apparatus enabled the metabolites which inhi-
Introduction bited the cell growth to be removed and high con-
centrations of cell mass and vitamin B12 to be ob-
Vitamin B~2 is an important cofactor for metabol- tained.
ism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and nu-
cleic acids. The vitamin is thus an important addi-
tive in animal feeds. Vitamin BI2 is also used in Materials and methods
chemotherapy, especially against pernicious
anaemia. Up to now vitamin B12 has been pro- Microorganisms. Propionibacterium shermanii PZ-3 and Escher-
ichia coli 215 were kindly provided by Drs. A. Nanba and K.
duced by fermentation on an industrial scale, Sato of Hiroshima University, respectively. Butyribacteriurn
since chemical synthesis of the vitamin is very dif- methylotrophicum (ATCC33266) (Zeikus et al. 1980) was ob-
ficult (Florent 1986). For the microbial produc- tained from American Type Culture Collection.
tion of the vitamin, Rhodopseudomonas (Florent
1986), Propionibacterium (Yongsmith and Api- Batch cultivation. P. shermanii was cultivated in a tube con-
taining 10 ml of a medium at 30 o C for 24 h. The medium con-
raktivongse 1983), Butyribacterium (Zeikus et al. tained 1% peptone, 0.5% yeast extract, 0.05% KzHPO4,
1980), Pseudomonas (Florent 1986) and Methano- 0.0015% COSO4 • 7 H 2 0 , 2% glucose, pH 6.5. The seed culture
sarcina (Mazumder et al. 1986) were used and was then transferred to a jar-fermentor (working volume
cultivated in batch or fed-batch system. By these 600 ml) containing the same medium (except that it had 3%
glucose) under N2-gas atmosphere. The fermentor was agi-
fermentations, relatively low concentration of the tated slowly (100 rpm) and pH was controlled at 6.5 by adding
vitamin was produced. 14% w / v of ammonia solution.
High concentration cultivation seemed likely
to be the most effective means of achieving higher B. methylotrophicum was cultivated in the medium containing
2% peptone, 0.6% yeast extract, 0.09% N H n P O 4 , 0.15%
K2HPO4, 0.003% FeSO4- 0.0006% COC12 • 6H20, 0.0002% re-
* On leave from Morita Co. Kosugaya, Tokoname-shi, Ai- sazurin, 0.45% Na2CO3, 9 ml/l of the trace mineral solution
chi-ken, 479, Japan (Zeikus et al. 1979), 5 ml/1 of the vitamin solution (Wolin et al.
Offprint requests to: T. Kobayashi 1963), pH 7.5. After autoclaving the medium, methanol, cys-
H. Hatanaka et al.: Vitamin BI2 production with hollow-fiber bioreactor 471

teine. HCI and Na2S-9H20 were added to final concentra-

tions of 1%, 0.025% and 0.025%, respectively. The bacterium
was cultivated in a tube with a stopper containing 7 ml of the
medium at 37 ° C for 24-48 h, then the bacterium was inocu-
lated to the 200 ml of the medium in a glass bottle with a tight
cap and cultivated at 37°C for 24-28 h. Then, a 100 ml of this ®
seed culture was transferred to the fermentor containing
600 ml of the medium and the bacterium was cultivated at
37°C and pH 7.5 under N2-gas atmosphere. Since B. methylo-
trophicum is obligate anaerobe, the bacterium was cultivated
under a strict anaerobic condition. I-

High concentration cultivation with filtration. Figure 1 shows

the schematic diagram of the cultivation system with a hollow-
fiber module (2) (Microza PW103 made of polyolefin, Asahi Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the fermentor equipped with hol-
Kasei Co., fiber inner diameter: 0.7 mm, 400 fibers, effective low-fiber module. 1: fermentor (1 1), 2: hollow-fiber module,
filtration area: 0.2 m 2, pore size: 0.1 Ixm). Before use, the fiber 3: fresh medium, 4: level controller, 5: pH-controller, 6: feed
was treated with 3% formalin, then with 0.3-1% sodium hy- pump, 7: circulation pump, 8: valve
pochlorite solution and washed with sufficient autoclaved hot
water at about 80 ° C. The broth was circulated with a roller
pump (7) (Tokyo Rika Kikai Co., RP-60). The filtration flux 0.4- 10 100
was controlled with the valve (8). The fresh medium was reple-
nished with the pump (6) by the aid of a level controller (4).
For the cultivation of B. methylotrophicum, NazS - 9H20 was
? o.~-
omitted from the replenishment medium and only 0.075% cys-
~0 o°
teine was added as a reducing agent.

Analyses. Methanol, acetate, propionate and butyrate concen- _

1 +- c
o 0
trations were measured by a gas-chromatograph with Chro-
mosorb 101 after removal of the cell from the broth. Glucose
was measured by the method of Somogyi and Nelson (Nelson
1944). Vitamin B12 was determined by a bio-assay with E. coil
215 after the extraction of the broth with K C N (Sato 1983).
The optical density of the broth at 570 n m (OD57o) was mea-
sured by a spectrophotometer and the values were multiplied 5"P" o - o O.Ol o1
0 20 40
by a conversion factor to obtain dry cell weight per liter of
broth. The conversion factor was 0.289 for P. shermanii and CuLtivation time [hi
0.275 for B. methylotrophicum. For the measurement of the op-
tical density, B. methylotrophicurn cells were washed with 0.9% Fig. 2. Batch cultivation of P. shermanii. (O) dry cell weight,
NaCI solution and suspended in the same solution to remove ( 0 ) CN-B12 concentration, (/x) accumulated CN-B~2 per cell,
resazurin which hampered the spectrophotometric measure- ( • ) propionate concentration, ([]) acetate concentration and
ment. ( • ) glucose concentration

In the batch cultivation, we attained some pro-

Results and discussion duction of vitamin B12, however, the growth stop-
ped at a low cell concentration. Since vitamin B12
Cultivation of Propionibacterium shermanii accumulated in the cells, high concentration culti-
vation is expected to improve the productivity as
Figure 2 shows the results of the batch cultivation described previously (Iijima et al. 1987; Tanigu-
of P. shermanii. The bacterium grew logarithmi- chi et al. 1987a, b). We applied the cultivation sys-
cally with a specific growth rate of 0.138 h -~ for tem with a hollow-fiber module to remove acetate
initial 25 h, then the growth rate decreased grad- and propionate that may be major growth inhibi-
ually, possibly due to growth inhibition by meta- tors (Nanba et al. 1983) and to attain high cell
bolites and 6.5 g dry cells/1 was finally obtained. concentration. Figure 3 shows the cultivation re-
The final vitamin B12 concentration was 2.14 rag/ sults with the hollow-fiber module. The filtration
1, which corresponded to 0.33 m g / g dry cells. The was started at 27 h before the growth inhibition
concentrations of propionate and acetate in- became evident. By the removal of the medium
creased with cell growth and reached 8.4 and containing metabolites, the cells grew logarithmi-
3.4 g/1 at 50 h, respectively (Fig. 2). The ratio of cally up to 59 h with the specific growth rate of
these acids (acetate/propionate) was 0.41, which 0.136h -~ which was substantially the same as
was the similar ratio reported previously (Nanba that obtained with the initial part of the batch cul-
et al. 1983). ture (Fig. 2). The filtration flux was increased
472 H. Hatanaka et al.: Vitamin B~z production with hollow-fiber bioreactor

tration was 0.91 g/1 (OD57o=3.3). The concentra-

tion of vitamin B12 was 3.65 mg/l which corre-
sponded to 4.0 m g / g of dry cells. This vitamin
~.~ I ~, I I = content was ten times higher than that of P. sher-
o~ ~oo i 1ooo
manii (0.33 m g / g of dry cells) in Fig. 2.
20 ~ Since the cell concentration was very low in
~ 1o 1oo
the batch cultivation of B. methylotrophicum, the
bacterium was cultivated in the fermentor with
0,2- ~ 1 10 ~ o the filtration unit so as to remove butylate which
.T= +.o may inhibit growth. The filtration was started at
°o.1 1 ~ ]1 27 h in late-logarithmic growth phase. As shown
in Fig. 5, the bacterium grew logarithmically and
0.1- o o ~ I the final dry cell concentration at 131 h was
33.4g/1 (OD57o = 121.5). This cell concentration
z 0 - 0.0011 20 40 60 0.01 0.1 ~-
CuLtivation time [h] 5- 1

Fig. 3. Cultivation of P. shermanii with filtration. Symbols, see

Fig. 2 ~ 4- ~ 20
2 0.5 ~= 10
gradually with cell growth by controlling the
valve in Fig. 1 and it was adjusted at the maxi-
"-: 2-- 1
mum (1.4 l/h) in the late stage of the cultivation.
However, the flux decreased gradually due to 0.2 a 6 ~
.7 0.5
high cell concentration. Therefore, acetate and
propionate concentrations increased in the latter m ~0.2 '~
stage of the cultivation. Forty litres of fresh me- zo 0 - . I I I 0.I ~ 3.1
0 10 20 30
dium was fed during the cultivation using hollow-
fiber module. A dry cell concentration of 227 g/1 CuLtivation time [hi
(OD57o=787) and a vitamin B~2 concentration of Fig. 4. Batch cultivation of B. methylotrophicum. (O) dry cell
52 mg/1 were obtained at the end of the cultiva- weight, ( 0 ) CN-B~2 concentration, (A) accumulated CN-B12
tion. The cell and vitamin concentrations were 35- per cell, (A) butyrate concentration, (D) acetate concentra-
tion, and ( I ) methanol concentration
fold and 24-fold respectively of those in the batch
cultivation. Final vitamin B12 content was 0.23
m g / g of dry cells. The vitamin content per cell in-
creased with the growth in fed-batch culture o~" I
(Fig. 3). On the other hand, it decreased slightly p~0.5
after starting the filtration. This may be due to the ~ 0 / , 1 1 I I I I
physical stress by circulation of the broth or re- 4 100 . ~
moval of activators and precursors of the vitamin
due to the filtration.
~ lO- <
Cultivation orB. methylotrophicum

Since B. methylotrophicum is known as a good

producer of vitamin B12 (Zeikus et al. 1980), we
also cultivated the bacterium in the fermentor.
Figure 4 shows the results of the batch cultivation.
The bacterium grew logarithmically up to 10 h 0.1
and then the growth rate decreased gradually. z 0 • II I I I I I 1oo5 0.1 ~
Since B. methylotrophicum produces butylate (Zei- 0 40 80 120
kus et al. 1980), the decrease of growth rate may cultivation time [hl
be due to accumulation of the acid as shown in Fig. 5. Cultivation of B. methylotrophicum with filtration. Sym-
Fig. 4 (1.76 g/l at 30 h). The final dry cell concen- bols are the same as shown in Fig. 4
H. Hatanaka et al.: Vitamin Bt2 production with hollow-fiber bioreactor 473

was 37-fold that in the batch cultivation shown in system described above, we would obtain a high
Fig. 4. Vitamin B12 concentration also increased production rate of the vitamin (3.9 mg/1 per
logarithmically with the cell growth and reached hour), which would continue for a certain period.
92.5 mg/1 at 131 h. This was 1.8-times as much as From the similar consideration and the data at
the amount obtained by the high-concentration 122 h shown in Fig. 5, 3.3 mg/1 per hour of the
cultivation of P. shermanii shown in Fig. 3. The vitamin would be produced with B. methyltrophi-
vitamin content in the cells was 2-3 mg/g-dry cell cum. We are trying to establish this type of bio-
through the cultivation. However, the content de- reactor which can produce the vitamin contin-
creased just after starting the filtration, which uously.
may also partly be due to the same reason as with
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moter with E. coli strain carrying a recombinant Taniguchi M, Kotani N, Kobayashi T (1987a) High concentra-
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59 h was calculated to be 17.1 g/1 per hour. There- methylotrophic, acidogenic anaerobe, the Marburg strain.
fore, if cells could be withdrawn continuously at Current Microbiol 3:381--386
this rate from the fermentor using the filtration Received April 9, 1987/Accepted August 4, 1987

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