Managing Heat and Immune Stress in Athletes With Evidence-Based Strategies

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International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2014, 9, 744-750
© 2014 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Managing Heat and Immune Stress

in Athletes With Evidence-Based Strategies
David B. Pyne, Joshua H. Guy, and Andrew M. Edwards

Heat and immune stress can affect athletes in a wide range of sports and environmental conditions. The classical thermoregula-
tory model of heat stress has been well characterized, as has a wide range of practical strategies largely centered on cooling and
heat-acclimation training. In the last decade evidence has emerged of an inflammatory pathway that can also contribute to heat
stress. Studies are now addressing the complex and dynamic interplay between hyperthermia, the coagulation cascade, and a
systemic inflammatory response occurring after transient damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Damage to the intestinal mucosal
membrane increases permeability, resulting in leakage of endotoxins into the circulation. Practical strategies that target both
thermoregulatory and inflammatory causes of heat stress include precooling; short-term heat-acclimation training; nutritional
countermeasures including hydration, energy replacement, and probiotic supplementation; pacing strategies during events; and
postevent cooling measures. Cooperation between international, national, and local sporting organizations is required to ensure
that heat-management policies and strategies are implemented effectively to promote athletes’ well-being and performance.

Keywords: immune function, athlete, practical strategies

Athletes in a variety of sports train and compete in environments thermoregulatory model of stress centers on the heat-balance equa-
that potentially pose a risk to health and performance. In particular, tion relating heat production during exercise or physical activity with
athletes competing in outdoor sports in the summer months can be various mechanisms of heat dissipation (ie, evaporation, conduction,
exposed to conditions of high heat and humidity during training and convection, and radiation). The magnitude of the hyperthermic
competition. The international federations responsible for the conduct response (driven by ambient conditions and/or exercise) has long
of these sports are aware of the underlying risks to health and have been considered the primary determinant of exertional heat illnesses
implemented measures to help protect the health and well-being of including heat syncope, heat exhaustion, and, in rare cases, heat
their athletes.1 The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Medical stroke.3,4 Heat stroke is characterized by central nervous system
Commission has reviewed the relevant scientific evidence, developed dysfunction and initiation of the coagulation cascade, which can
practical safety guidelines, and identified research priorities on the culminate in multiorgan failure and death.5 Heat therefore effects
environmental challenges faced by Olympic and other international- a broad range of thermoregulatory, immune, inflammatory, and
level athletes. Much of this work is focused on the traditional thermo- neuromuscular systems down to the tissue and molecular level.
regulatory model of heat stress. However, in the last decade evidence In the context of exercise and sport, the exertional factors that
has emerged of an inflammatory pathway that can also contribute to influence heat stress include the volume and intensity of acute
heat stress, mediated principally via release of endotoxins from the bouts of exercise, the cumulative stress of training over an extended
gastrointestinal tract. While understanding of the complex physi- period, the competitive demands of different events and sports,
ological regulation of heat stress continues to evolve, it is timely to and the underlying environmental conditions, particularly ambient
review the causes, management, and treatment of heat illnesses. The temperature and relative humidity. In addition to these exertional
IOC Medical Commission and international sport federations have factors, the degree of passive exposure to heat and humidity in
implemented new guidelines and taken additional steps to mitigate everyday living is a consideration. Hyperthermia appears to involve
risks of heat illness even further.2 The aim of this review is to describe both intrinsic and extrinsic modulators.6 Intrinsic factors include
new insights into the thermoregulatory and inflammatory models of genetics, fitness level, degree of heat acclimatization, diet, current
heat stress, explore the interaction between heat stress and immune medications, and sleep quality.3 Extrinsic factors include exercise
responses, and summarize evidenced-based practical strategies for intensity and duration, ambient temperature and relative humidity,
minimizing risks to health and exercise performance. and the degree of solar radiation. A complete understanding of the
causes and factors regulating heat illness is needed to facilitate
design of more efficient prevention and treatment strategies.
Physiological Models of Heat Stress In addition to classical thermoregulatory factors, recent
Classical Thermoregulatory Model of Heat Stress studies indicate that heat stress can affect neuromuscular func-
tion, skills, and technique that underpin sports performance. For
Uncompensable heat stress can have substantial effects on thermo- example, neuromuscular-system integrity of the lower limbs was
regulatory control, health, and exercise performance. The classical compromised immediately after tennis match play in hot and cool
conditions as a consequence of the development of peripheral
Pyne is with the Physiology Dept, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, fatigue.7 The larger and persistent strength losses observed under
Australia. Guy and Edwards are with the Inst of Sport and Exercise Science, heat stress were associated with greater levels of central fatigue,
James Cook University, Cairns, Australia. Address author correspondence especially during sustained contractions. In another study, skill
to David Pyne at performance in field hockey was decreased after intermittent high-
Managing Heat and Immune Stress   745

intensity shuttle running, with the magnitude of decrease greater moderate core temperatures below 40°C. The inference drawn here
in hot environmental conditions. The exact mechanism for this is that it is not solely hyperthermia that drives heat stress. Other
decrement in performance is unclear but was deemed unlikely to field-based observations of individual variability to heat stress
be related to classical physiological indicators of low glycogen point to more complex regulation involving both thermoregulatory
concentration or dehydration.8 It may be more plausible that this and inflammatory processes. Anecdotal reports indicate that some
is a feature of complex brain regulatory control, mediated through individuals have succumbed to heat stress in environmental condi-
reductions to neural drive.9 tions similar to those where previously they successfully tolerated
the thermal load.
Other evidence for an inflammatory process in heat stress comes
Inflammatory Models of Heat Stress from animal models. Sedated animals protected from the effects of
heat load in the absence of endotoxemia survived, whereas animals
Several researchers have pointed to a more contemporary inter- with endotoxemia died under exactly the same environmental condi-
pretation of an integrated thermoregulatory/inflammatory model
tions.14 Administration of medication to reduce the heat-induced rise
of heat illnesses. In the last decade there has been accumulating in plasma LPS therefore appears to reduce morbidity and mortality
evidence that heat stress can also occur when thermoregulation in primates. In human subjects, endotoxemia has been detected
is compromised by circulatory and metabolic demands leading in heat-stroke patients15 and in healthy runners after endurance
to systemic inflammation.3,10 The redistribution of cardiac output races.15–17 Mild endotoxemia during exercise can occur at core
from internal organs to peripheral tissues increases hypoxia and temperatures around 38°C.18 During the late 1990s and early 2000s
oxidative stress and disturbs the gastrointestinal epithelium. Gram- the view emerged that heat stroke is triggered by hyperthermia but
negative bacteria present in the gut form the human intestinal
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driven by endotoxemia characterized by an acute-phase response

microbiome, and their release into the circulation is considered and systemic inflammation.19 A preexisting inflammatory state can
one of the primary intrinsic modulators of hyperthermia. This
exacerbate heat stress in both animals20 and humans. A 12-year
disturbance can damage the intestinal mucosal membrane, increas-
clinical study of soldiers presenting with heat stroke in a military
ing permeability and resulting in leakage of endotoxins into the
hospital in Thailand indicated that 95% of cases were preceded by a
circulation. Exercise-induced endotoxemia has been attributed
bout of low-grade fever or upper respiratory tract infection.21 Illness
to translocation of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from the intestine
accompanied by a fever in the lead-up to exercising or competing
to the portal circulation. When the rate of LPS clearance by the
in thermally challenging environments also appears to be a risk
liver is overwhelmed by LPS leakage from the gut and there
factor for heat stroke.
are insufficient levels of anti-LPS antibodies, endotoxemia will
The combination or interaction of the dual pathways of classi-
ensue.11 Anti-LPS antibody capacity might be reduced because
cal thermoregulation and endotoxemia present an interesting chal-
of a preexisting illness or inflammatory process or some other lenge to the regulation of body temperature. A study of 60-minute
unknown exercise- or training-related cause. In severe cases, the running at 70% VO2max in moderately trained individuals in either
resulting endotoxemia is a major contributing factor to multiple hot (33°C, 50% relative humidity) or cool conditions (22°C, 62%
organ failure associated with exertional heat stroke. Production relative humidity) indicated that intestinal permeability is affected
of inflammatory mediators, primarily muscle-derived pyrogenic primarily by exercise, whereas exercise-induced endotoxemia is
cytokines, is a major contributing factor to the onset of heat-stroke- influenced more by environmental conditions.22 An increase in intes-
related morbidity and mortality. In mild cases, the endotoxemia tinal permeability may not be sufficient to trigger exercise-induced
might be the cause of subclinical fatigue resulting in impaired endotoxemia per se, while post-LPS translocation from the gut to
thermoregulation and possibly exercise performance and recovery. the portal circulation and beyond could be the primary mechanism
It appears that a complex and dynamic interplay between heat driving an increase in inflammatory processes. In any case, both
cytotoxicity, coagulation, and a systemic inflammatory response the demands of exercise and environmental conditions need to be
occurs after damage to the gut and other organs.10,12 considered in the context of thermoregulatory and inflammatory
The so-called tight junctions between the epithelial cells processes. A disturbed immune system, either preexisting or exercise
lining the gastrointestinal tract play an important role in main- induced, may be a contributing factor. Future studies will address
taining gut permeability. The stress of heat and oxidative damage issues around the complex interplay of classical and inflammatory
during exercise causes disruption to the intestinal epithelial cells’ models to determine whether they operate independently or in an
tight-junction proteins, resulting in increased permeability to integrated manner. Once key regulatory processes have been better
luminal endotoxins. The endotoxin moves into the blood stream, characterized, the effectiveness of practical interventions that target
leading to a systemic immune response. Tight-junction integrity gut health and status of the immune system, as well as traditional
is altered by the phosphorylation state of the proteins occludin physiological indicators of heat stress, can be evaluated.23
and claudin and could be influenced by the type of exercise per-
formed.11 Prolonged and high-intensity exercise could lead to an
increase in key phosphorylation enzymes that ultimately cause Heat Stress and the Immune System
tight-junction dysfunction, but different mechanisms might be
involved.11 Protein markers of gut permeability can be quantified The effects on the human system of heat stress during exercise in
in blood, urine, or stool samples, which largely precludes simple hot conditions have been investigated using both experimental and
field-based monitoring of athletes. observational studies. Impacts are generally modest and athletes can
There are several lines of evidence supporting the involvement train and compete in warm to hot conditions with the confidence
of both the classic thermoregulatory and inflammatory pathways in that immune function is unlikely to be impaired, provided preven-
regulation of heat stress and heat stroke. Some athletes, and indi- tive strategies are followed. Most of the available evidence does
viduals in occupational or military settings, can perform adequately not support the contention that exercising in the heat poses a great
with a core temperature exceeding 40°C.13 In contrast, other reports threat to immune function.4 During exercise or physical activity the
indicate that athletes can suffer the effects of heat stress at more hypothalamic set point remains the same, but mechanisms of heat
746  Pyne, Guy, and Edwards

dissipation become compromised, causing body temperatures to to the assertion that physical exercise increases tolerance to elevated
rise. This response is different from the increase in body temperature ambient temperature and oxidative stress.29 It has been known for
associated with a fever mediated by an increase in the hypothalamic a long time that physical fitness confers some advantages in terms
set point. This difference has been confirmed experimentally using of improved heat tolerance. Another explanation for this benefit
incubation (passive heating) studies. In moderate to hot environ- is possibly related to improvements in control of oxidative-stress
mental conditions there is a modest increase in the circulating mechanisms.30
concentrations of leukocytes, stress hormones, catecholamines,
and immunoregulatory cytokines. In contrast there are only limited
effects of heat stress on functional activities of neutrophils, mono- Practical Intervention Strategies
cytes, and natural killer (NK) cells.4 Some studies, however, show for Athletes
that stimulated lymphocyte responses are lower after exercise in the
heat. More work is needed to clarify the sequence of events involving International federations and national sporting organizations have
prolonged and/or intensive exercise, high ambient temperatures and the primary responsibility in implementing policies and procedures
humidity, and perturbations in the immune system that culminate for minimizing or reducing the risk of heat illness. While polices,
in up-regulation of inflammatory processes. programs, and procedures are carefully developed, their implemen-
Cytokines are intracellular peptides that exert both proinflam- tation and effectiveness can be impaired as a consequence of limited
matory and anti-inflammatory effects24 and can act as both mediators resources, poor communication, or inadequate engagement of local
and protectors in the resolution of inflammation. The interaction authorities, officials, coaches, and athletes. For example, contempo-
between proinflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and immunoregula- rary guidelines appear to be inadequate for fully assessing the risk
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tory cytokines is complex, situation specific, and likely dependent of heat stress and are likely too conservative in informing safety
on environmental conditions, demands of exercise, and individual decisions in professional beach volleyball.31 Another study reported
level of fitness. A strong inflammatory response after heat stress is only a low proportion of surveyed US high school football programs
involved in both damage-generating processes and repair mecha- complied fully with all 17 nationally and internationally mandated
nisms during the recovery phase in hours and days after strenuous guidelines. Fortunately, however, many heat-illness-prevention
exercise. In normal circumstances, the inflammatory response is strategies were voluntarily implemented. State-level-mandated
transient and diminishes quickly as homeostasis is reestablished. exertional-heat-illness prevention guidelines may increase compli-
Uncoupling of the regulatory balance between proinflammatory and ance with recognized best-practices recommendations. Ongoing
anti-inflammatory cytokine responses is thought to exacerbate tissue longitudinal monitoring of compliance is also recommended.32 A
damage. One study explored the relationship between cytokine pro- summary of planning and policy recommendations for sporting
duction and release of LPS. LPS-dependent ex vivo cytokine release organizations and event managers to consider in preparation for
was strongly influenced by exercise, and these changes could only competitions is presented in Table 1.
in part be attributed to changes in messenger RNA.25 Assessment of Mass-participation events in distance running and triathlon
interleukin (IL)-1ra, IL-6, and IL-10 pointed to a less pronounced present challenges for organizers dealing with large numbers of
anti-inflammatory response in women than in men. Early production competitors with a wide range of fitness levels.33 It appears that
of IL-10 by peripheral blood cells in response to exercise has also exercise intensity, in this case running velocity, can influence the
been reported,25 although this effect may be blunted by repeated rate of increases in core body temperature. Analysis of 30,000
exposures to exercise in the heat.26 performances at the Chicago Marathon indicated that intermediate-
NK cells also appear to be involved in up-regulation of an level women were consistently better pacers than intermediate-
immune response during exercise in the heat. Exercise in the heat level men, and this difference was magnified from cold to warm
increased free plasma heat shock protein (HSP) concentration, and race temperatures.34 In contrast, elite men and women runners had
HSP colocalized with CD94 on NK cells, highlighting links between similar pacing strategies. In hotter temperatures, novice runners are
exercise and activation of the innate immune system.27 A study of 2 advised to implement a slower initial velocity to maintain or increase
bouts of treadmill running 45 minutes apart indicated that leukocyte, running velocity later in the race.34 Another study also showed that
neutrophil, and basophil counts can increase substantially after running velocity was a good predictor of the likely elevation in core
exercise in hot or cold environments, with a greater increase likely in temperature during a 21-km road race.13
hot environments.28 Lymphocyte and neutrophil antioxidant enzyme The key preventive strategies for reducing the risk of heat ill-
activities and carbonyl index increased or decreased substantially ness and heat stroke center on undertaking an environment-specific
after exercise only in the hot environment. The lymphocyte expres- heat acclimation or acclimatization program before training and
sion of catalase, HSP72, and superoxide dismutase was increased competition and employing a range of cooling methods suitable
in the hot environment. Taken together these results support the for the particular sport or activity undertaken (see Table 2). How-
notion that increased core body temperature during exercise can ever, on the basis that heat stress is regulated by both classical and
elicit an acute-phase immune response and immune-cell adaptations inflammatory processes, it follows that prevention, management, and
to counteract the oxidative stress.28 treatment should also incorporate a combination of interventions.
Antioxidant status is another factor that can influence the On the classical thermoregulation side, athletes and coaches are
inflammatory response to exercise. Adaptations to exercise and train- encouraged to attend to a range of practical issues including cloth-
ing include a higher level of antioxidants and lower concentration of ing, rehydration, training scheduling, preexercise and postexercise
lipid peroxidation products. Physical exercise at an elevated ambient cooling methods, and provision of appropriate sports-medicine
temperature caused lower changes in oxidative-stress indices than personnel.35 On the gut health and inflammatory side, athletes and
did sauna bathing.29 Exposure to the sauna bathing induced a shift coaches should review training prescription and load management,
in pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance toward oxidation, although the dietary practices, stress levels, and sleep quality and quantity, during
shift was lower in the athletes than in the untrained men. This leads both training and competitions.
Managing Heat and Immune Stress   747

Table 1  Planning and Policy Recommendations for Sporting Organizations and Event Managers to Consider in
Preparation for Competitions
Issue Details
Preevent planning International federations.
National and local sporting organizations.
Event organizers.
Adverse-weather policy.
Medical coverage Appoint medical personnel.
Provide postevent cooling modalities.
Provide emergency facilities and equipment.
Postseason and competition review of adverse events and future planning Review all adverse events.
Review effectiveness of medical coverage.
Obtain input from athletes, coaches and support personnel.
Summarize key points for future planning.
Note: Derived from material in references 1, 2, 31–33, 50, 59, 60.
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Table 2  Checklist of Evidence-Based Practical cold water, hosing, and use of cold-soaked towels are other useful
Strategies for Limiting Heat and Immune Stress in options. Cooling is likely to benefit both the thermoregulation and
Athletes inflammatory processes that underpin heat stress. Tissue cooling
reduces intestinal permeability and whole-body cooling can reduce
Timing Recommendation References
circulating levels of LPS and the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α
Preevent Health status. 1, 2 and IL-1α.15 These immediate treatment strategies in situ are well
Attend to hydration needs. 50–53 established. However, less is known about the subsequent manage-
ment in the days and weeks after an episode of heat illness.
Precooling. 36, 37
Probiotic supplementation. 57, 61 Training Interventions
Short-term heat-acclimation training. 40, 45, 46 Heat-Acclimation Training.  Short-term tolerable increases
During and (~20%) in training load over a few weeks appear to offer some
within events Attend to hydration needs. 50–53 protection against developing endotoxemia during exercise in
Energy needs—carbohydrate. 54, 55 the heat.40 Further work is needed to define how both short- and
long-term training can improve heat tolerance. Heat-tolerance
Pacing strategies. 13, 47–49 testing has been proposed as a potential tool that, when combined
Postevent Implement postcooling strategies. 37, 38 with appropriate clinical information, may assist in return-to-play
decisions. However, currently no standard of care is available for
performing heat-tolerance testing. The Israeli Defense Forces
heat-tolerance-testing protocol, developed over decades of careful
research, has proven useful for military personnel and is used by
Precooling and Postcooling other militaries to assist in return-to-play (or duty) decisions.41 It
is likely that improvement of heat tolerance by physical fitness is
Early intervention and rapid cooling are the key considerations for caused by a greater cardiovascular capacity that permits greater
managing heat illnesses in athletes. In recent years there has been LPS tolerance and not only enhanced perfusion of heat-loss
systematic investigation of precooling as a means of reducing the tissues but also via maintenance of a better gastrointestinal tract
impact of challenging environments on health and performance.36 blood supply, thereby better maintaining the normal barrier to
The most effective options include application and ingestion of cold movement of endotoxins from gut lumen to plasma. Sedentary
drinks (water, ice, or ice slurries),37 separately or in combination, and relatively inactive individuals, with their lower cardiovascular
immediately before exercise. Although many studies have observed capacity, redistribute more blood flow away from the gut during
improvements in exercise capacity or performance after precooling, environmentally induced hyperthermia, thus allowing endotoxin-
some strategies are more logistically challenging than others and induced fever to aggravate hyperthermia.42
often impractical for use in competition or field settings. A rethinking of current heat-acclimation strategies has been
Rapid cooling by any means available can reduce the risk of suggested, as most research and advice for improving physiological
adverse effects, tissue damage, morbidity, and mortality. Cold-water strain in the heat include maintaining hydration using long-term
immersion is the most effective method38,39 but may not always acclimation protocols (>10 d). These strategies have typically used
be available when needed in sporting venues, particularly during untrained or moderately trained subjects. As short as 4 or 5 days
training or traveling away. Pouring and/or spraying of cool or of heat training can be effective in achieving partial acclimation in
748  Pyne, Guy, and Edwards

sports such as cricket43 and field hockey.44 Meaningful physiological the replenishment of sodium and carbohydrates to assist with
and performance improvements occurred for highly trained ath- intestinal absorption of water and muscle-glycogen replenishment.
letes using a short-term (5-d) heat acclimation under hyperthermia Gastric emptying is proportionally slowed by carbohydrate-rich
control with dehydration.45 Adaptations may be more pronounced (hyperosmolar) solutions, yet to prevent hyponatremia, avoiding
after fluid regulatory strain from a dehydration-acclimation regi- overhydration is recommended.51
men. Furthermore, highly trained athletes may have physiological It is also apparent that the optimal fluid-replacement beverage
gains similar to those who are less trained using short-term heat should be customized according to specific physiological needs,
training. However, research has tended to focus on untrained or environmental conditions, intended benefits, and individual char-
moderately trained participants, and more information is required acteristics and taste preferences.52 Hydration regimens should be
for highly trained athletes. HSP70 response is up-regulated with individualized, preplanned, and rehearsed well before competition.
short-term heat training, indicating that this marker could be useful In a study of tennis in hot conditions53 a preplanned hydration regi-
for monitoring thermoregulatory tolerance and protective adaptive men and ad libitum fluid consumption restricted losses in body mass
changes. Physiological adaptations after heat acclimation are rela- to <1%. However, undertaking match play in a euhydrated state
tively short term and may vanish only a few days or weeks after attenuated thermal, physiological, and perceptual strain. Maximal
removal from heat exposure. Short-term heat training of 4 or 5 days voluntary strength in the lower limbs and repeated-sprint ability
can be effective, less expensive, and less likely to disrupt the taper- deteriorated similarly in both conditions but were restored within
ing for competition in elite performers. More information on the 24 hours.
time course of acclimation decay would be valuable for teams and
athletes preparing for competition,45,46 particularly when combined Carbohydrate and Protein.  Heat stress might attenuate the effects
of carbohydrate on immunoendocrine responses to exercise by
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with long-haul travel.

increasing endogenous glucose production and reducing the rate of
Pacing Strategies in the Heat.  Variables relating to fluid balance exogenous carbohydrate oxidation. One study compared the efficacy
were not associated with any core temperature parameters or of carbohydrate consumption on immune responses to exercise
pacing.13 Hyperthermia, typically defined as core body temperature in temperate versus hot conditions.54 Carbohydrate ingestion
exceeding 39.5°C, is common in trained individuals undertaking attenuated neutrophil counts during exercise in hot conditions,
outdoor distance running in environmental heat without evidence whereas it had no substantial effect on any other immune variable
of fatigue or heat illness. Most studies investigating pacing during in either temperate or hot conditions.54 Protein ingestion could
prolonged exercise in ambient temperatures have observed a fast be beneficial during recovery from stressful training55; however,
start, followed by an even pace strategy in the middle of the event, research is warranted to determine whether the benefits of protein
with an end sprint in the final minutes of the race. A reduction in supplements for enhancing recovery of fluid balance after exercise
pace observed at commencement of the event is often more evident affect subsequent performance levels in the heat.
during exercise in hot environmental conditions. Furthermore,
reductions in power output and muscle activation occur before Probiotics.  New prophylactic approaches with probiotic supple­
critical core temperatures are reached, indicating that subjects can mentation in individuals undertaking high-intensity physical activity
anticipate the exercise intensity and heat stress they will be exposed offer promise in promoting anti-inflammatory effects and enhancing
to, resulting in a tactical adjustment of power output. Both climatic the intestinal mucosal barrier function.56 One study reported a
stress and pharmacological manipulation of the central nervous substantial enhancement in performance in a group of moderately
system have the ability to elicit changes in endurance performance.47 trained subjects after a course of probiotic supplementation.
Consideration should also be given to cognitive and perceptual Probiotic supplementation substantially improved run time to fatigue
issues related to sports performance given, their likely impairment in compared with a placebo (37:44 ± 2:42 vs 33:00 ± 2:27 min:s).
adverse environmental conditions.48 Pacing is also an issue in routine However, mean core body temperature during exercise was similar
training, particularly higher-intensity interval training common in between trials (probiotic 38.1°C ± 0.2°C, placebo 38.1°C ± 0.1°C).57
both individual and team sports. A combination of performance and Serum LPS concentration increased postexercise, while there was
perceptual markers for athletes to self-determine both work and rest a moderate to large reduction in preexercise and postexercise
in interval training in hot conditions is advisable.49 concentration after probiotic supplementation. Although there is
evidence that numerous supplements can enhance immune function,
8 weeks of bovine colostrum supplementation saw a counterintuitive
Nutritional Countermeasures increase in gut permeability in recreational runners training 3 times
a week. The increase in intestinal permeability with colostrum may
Fluids.  It is apparent that fluid replacement in the heat is not a have been related to greater leakiness of tight junctions between
just a simple matter of hydration and electrolytes, although they cells of the gastrointestinal tract or by increasing macromolecular
are key considerations.50 A range of other nutrients (principally transport as it does in neonatal gut.58
carbohydrate) and compounds are often included in fluid-
replacement beverages to augment physiological functions Medical.  Much of the information on medical interventions
unrelated to hydration, such as the provision of energy. The optimal applies to the relatively infrequent cases of heat exhaustion or heat
composition of a fluid-replacement beverage depends on the source stroke. A medically administered treatment plan involving blood
of the fluid loss, whether from sweat, urine, respiration, diarrhea, cultures, imaging, and vasopressor administration to modulate
or vomiting. The interaction of digestion of foodstuffs and fluids hypotension has been suggested for more serious heat illnesses.6
with exercise can lead to gastrointestinal disturbance. A reduction Prescription of antibiotics is discouraged, given an increased risk of
in perfusion of the gut can damage mucosal surfaces, and increase disturbing the gut microbiota, as well as enterocolitis or candidiasis,
allergen absorption, gut permeability, and release of LPS (or collectively outweighing the likely therapeutic benefit.24 There
endotoxemia). The goal of exercise rehydration is to take in more is increasing interest in military settings in the effectiveness of
fluid orally than the amount lost in sweat. Sports drinks provide various behavioral and therapeutic approaches targeted at both
Managing Heat and Immune Stress   749

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