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Atlas v7.

Note: Only single span signal systems can be modeled in Atlas v7.0.
1. Disclaimer

The opinions, findings and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not neces-
sarily those of the Florida Department of Transportation.

The University of Florida, the Florida Department of Transportation, Dr. Marc Hoit and Dr. Ronald Cook dis-
claim any warranty, expressed or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranty of fitness for a par-
ticular purpose or accuracy of the ATLAS software. The developers shall not be liable for any damages
incurred through the use of ATLAS.

Prepared in cooperation with the State of Florida Department of Transportation.

2. Definition and Notations

The various definitions and notations used in ATLAS Manual are explained in this section.

Definition of Terms

2.1 Definition of Terms

PRIMARY - This indicates the primary (or upper) cable, also referred to as the catenary cable. The signals
and signs are hung from this cable.

SECONDARY - This indicates the secondary (or lower) cable, also referred to as the messenger cable.

BEAMS - This refers to the support poles at each end of the span.

CONNECTOR - This refers to the segment between the primary cable and the messenger cable.

LIGHT - This refers to the signal light.

LIGHT CENTER OF GRAVITY - This refers to the center of gravity of the signal light.

CLEARANCE - Is the distance from the ground line to bottom of sign or light.

INITIAL SAG - This is the sag in the cable due only to self weight and tension. Sag due to signal lights is
not included. This is used as a starting position for the solution procedure.

WIND - This refers to wind loads acting on the signal light, accessories, cables, and poles.

LOADS - This refers to the dead weight loads acting on the signal light and is used in combination with the
wind loads.

SIGNS - This load is for the dead load only applied to the primary cable. The load is identical to the LOADS
only applied to the primary cable.

OPERABILITY - Strength requirement where none of the components fail under the loading. (See Design

FUNCTIONAL VISIBILITY - Serviceability requirement where one half of the red bulb can be seen by a
driver at all times. (See Design Requirements)

Figure: 2.1.a illustrates the dead load solution (Messenger cable dead load is neglected). Figure: 2.1.b illus-
trates the dead and wind load solution (In Atlas v7 and later the wind can only be applied perpendicular to the
span). Figure: 2.1.c . illustrates the modeling of signal light.
Figure: 2.1.a Dead Load solution
Figure: 2.1.b Dead and Wind Load solution (wind applied perpendicular to span)

Figure: 2.1.c Signal Light Modeling

2.2 Notations
CD Wind drag coefficient.

CL Wind uplift coefficient.

cu The cohesive strength of the soil.

d The diameter or width of the concrete strain pole below the ground surface. This
includes the width of the footing.

e1 The horizontal eccentricity of the catenary cable. The horizontal distance from the con-
nection point of the catenary cable to the midpoint of the strain pole.

e2 The horizontal eccentricity of the messenger cable. The horizontal distance from the
connection point of the messenger cable to the midpoint of the strain pole

f A calculated distance used to determine the depth of embedment of strain poles in

cohesive soils. This distance plus 1.5d is the distance below the ground surface at
which there is zero shear in the strain pole.

FX,C The horizontal, X-direction, component of the tension force in the catenary cable at the
connection point on the strain pole.

FX,M The horizontal, X-direction, component of the tension force in the messenger cable at
the connection point on the strain pole.

FY,C The transverse horizontal, Y-direction, component of the tension force in the catenary
cable at the connection point on the strain pole.

FY,M The transverse horizontal, Y-direction, component of the tension force in the messenger
cable at the connection point on the strain pole.

FZ,C The vertical, Z-direction, component of the tension force in the catenary cable at the con-
nection point on the strain pole.

FZ,M The vertical, Z-direction, component of the tension force in the messenger cable at the
connection point on the strain pole.

g A calculated distance used to determine the depth of embedment of strain poles in

cohesive soils. One-half of this distance is above and one-half of this distance is below
the point of rotation of the strain pole. This length of the strain pole produces a resisting
moment developed from lateral soil reactions which balances the maximum moment
causing rotation of the strain pole.

H The height of the pole above the ground surface.

Ht The total length of the concrete strain pole. Ht = H* + L.

Kp The coefficient of passive earth pressure as calculated by the Rankine earth pressure
L The depth of embedment of the strain pole. (2.2 )

Mb The resultant base moment.

Mbx The base moment of the pole resulting from the applied X-direction loads calculated at
the point where the pole enters the ground.

Mby The base moment of the pole resulting from the applied Y-direction loads calculated at
the point where the pole enters the ground.

Mbz The base moment of the pole resulting from the applied Z-direction loads calculated at
the point where the pole enters the ground.

M The moment capacity of the concrete strain pole.

P The basic wind pressure in pounds per square foot.

Pb The base axial force of the pole resulting from the applied Z-direction loads and weight
of the strain pole calculated at the point where the pole enters the ground.

T The tensile force in a cable.

Tn The minimum required tensile strength of a cable.

V The design wind speed based on design location county and mean recurrence interval.

Vb The resultant base shear.

Vbx The base shear of the pole resulting from the applied X-direction loads calculated at the
point where the pole enters the ground.

Vby The base shear of the pole resulting from the applied Y-direction loads calculated at the
point where the pole enters the ground.

W The wind load acting on a component.

wX The X-direction distributed wind load on the surface of the concrete strain pole.

wY The Y-direction distributed wind load on the surface of the concrete strain pole.

z1 The vertical distance from the point of attachment of the catenary cable to the ground

z2 The vertical distance from the point of attachment of the messenger cable to the ground
The unit weight of the soil.

Strength reduction factor, Φ = 0.5 for cables [4] and as defined in appropriate standards
for other materials.

The estimated or measured angle of internal friction as determined from drained triaxial
or direct shear tests.

Table: 2.2.a Notations

Figure: 2.2.a Forces in the Z - direction

3. Atlas Program Menu

Atlas Generator Screen

File Menu
Edit Menu
Delete Menu
Poles Menu
Cables Menu
Lights Menu
3D View Menu
I/O Menu
Wind Menu
Options Menu
Design Status Menu
Run Menu

3.1 Atlas Generator Screen

Atlas Generator is the first form that is displayed on the screen when the program is started. (Click on Win-
dows Start Menu and under Programs, select BSI, then select Atlas to start the application). Figure: 3.1.a
shows, this screen contains a menu bar and a toolbar. Menu bar contains 13 items that helps in generating the
model, running the analysis / design and viewing the output. The toolbar contains some shortcut keys for file
operations and tools for viewing the model.

Figure: 3.1.a Atlas Generator Screen

3.2 File Menu

The File Menu Figure: 3.2.a has New, Open, Save, Print and Exit commands. New command has a sub
menu showing the two types of model that can be generated.
Figure: 3.2.a File Menu

Through the New command, a new One Point,or Two Point model can be generated. Upon clicking on one
of these two options, a rectangular grid is displayed on which the components of the model is placed. The rect-
angular grid shows the plan view of the model that will be created.

The Open command opens an existing project (*.in) to make a change or re-analyze. The Windows Open file
dialog will show up for the user to select an existing project. The opened project is displayed on the rect-
angular grid in plan view.

The Save command saves the information about the current project into an input file. On clicking the Save
command, the program will show a dialog, which allows the user to input the title description of the project.
After giving a title to the project, the Windows Save file dialog will show up for the user to specify the name
and path of the input file. The current project needs to be saved before the user opts to run the Analysis /

The Save As command will allow the current project to be saved in some other name. It works similar to the
Save command.

The Print command prints the contents of the picture box showing the plan view of the model. It will also print
the model in 3D view for deformed and undeformed plot. The printing will take place at the default printer con-
nected to the machine.

The Exit command will close the application prompting the user to save the file, if any changes have been

3.3 Edit Menu

The Edit Menu Figure: 3.3.a as Model, Lights, Cables and Poles commands. Each one will allow the user to
edit the respective property.
Figure: 3.3.a Edit Menu

Edit Model command allows the user to switch between One Point model and Two Point model.

Edit Lights command allows the user to change the property of a light by selecting from the defined light prop-
erties. Once the user clicks on a light that needs to be edited, Edit Light Property dialog is shown and available
light properties set by the user is listed in a combo box Figure: 3.3.b . The user can select his choice of Light
Property and "Return". The user can repeat this to edit more lights and then go back to the main menu by click-
ing on the "Blue" arrow on the toolbar.

Figure: 3.3.b Edit Light Properties

Edit Cables command has two sub menus: Mes – Type & Cat – Type. Mes – Type allows to edit the property
of Messenger Cable and Cat – Type for the Catenary Cable. In each case, once the user clicks on the cable
that needs to be edited, Edit Messenger / Catenary Property dialog appears and the user can select his choice
of Cable Property from the list. The Edit Cable Property dialog is similar to the Edit Lights dialog.

(Note: Inplan view, only one cable appears between two poles, whereas in actual there
are two of them, Catenary cable and Messenger Cable ).

Edit Poles command allows to edit the property of a Pole. It works similar to Edit Lights command. It is also
possible to change the ‘Z’ coordinate of the pole to enable the poles to have different ground elevation. Note:
The Z Coordinate is always considered 0.0 at the crown of the roadway

3.4 Delete Menu

The Delete Menu Figure: 3.4.a allows you to either delete a particular item of the model or delete the entire
Figure: 3.4.aDelete Menu

If the user tries to delete a cable with lights on it, the lights are also deleted along with the cable. Similarly, if a
pole is to be deleted, it will delete all the connected cables along with the lights on it. The user is prompted of
this in the form of a message and the user has the option of not showing this message box again in future.

Upon clicking on Lights command, any light can be clicked and deleted. The user can go back to the main
menu by clicking on the "Exit Mode" (Blue arrow on the toolbar). The Cables and Poles operate in a similar

3.5 Poles Menu

The Poles menu Figure: 3.5.a allows the user to add and modify the Pole Properties to the project database.
Once the property of pole is set, the user can place the poles on the rectangular grid.

Figure: 3.5.a Poles Menu

The property command will always have a default pole property. User Defined Pole Property and Modify
the current Pole Property sub menus allow the user to add and modify the user defined pole properties in the
project. Any added pole property is shown on the sub menu along with the default poles. The user has to
select on the property before placing the pole on the rectangular grid.

Upon clicking on the User Defined Pole Property sub menu, Add Pole Property dialog Figure: 3.5.b is
shown, in which the user can specify the pole type and enter the Compressive strength of concrete (f’c in psi)
for the pole property to be included in the project.
Figure: 3.5.b Add Pole Property

The Modify sub menu is similar to Add sub menu, except that when the Modify Pole Property dialog is shown,
the pole type and the concrete strength have the values of the selected pole property. To modify, the user
need to click on a Property from the sub menu and then click on Modify.

The Place command will open the span length data dialog, where the span length (in feet) can be entered and
the two current poles will be placed. Only single span signal system can be defined in Atlas v7.0. So the pro-
gram will limit the poles to 2 nos.

Figure: 3.5.c Enter the span length data.

3.6 Cables Menu

The Cables menu Figure: 3.6.a allows the user to add and modify the Catenary & Messenger Cable prop-
erties to the project database. Once the properties of cables are set, the user can place the cable on the rect-
angular grid.
Figure: 3.6.a Cables Menu

The User Defined and Modify Figure: 3.6.b in the Mes – Type & Cat – Type sub menu is similar to the one
in Pole Properties, wherein the user can specify the diameter and enter the Modulus of Elasticity (E in psi) for
the cable property to be included in the project.

Figure: 3.6.b User Defined Menu

The Place command will place the current messenger and catenary cable between the two poles.

3.7 Lights Menu

The Lights Menu Figure: 3.7.a allows the user to add and modify the Light Properties to the project data-
base. Once the property of pole is set, the user can place the lights on the cables. A default Signal Light prop-
erty is set initially.
Figure: 3.7.a Lights Menu

The Add - Modify Menu sub menu works in a similar way as in Poles and Cables menu. The Add sub menu
shows Add Light Property Figure: 3.7.b dialog, wherein the user can specify the data for the property to add.
First, the Light type should be set.
Figure: 3.7.b Add a Light
Figure: 3.7.c Add Signal

In case of Traffic Sign, only the Hanger type and the Auxiliary Sign type need to be specified. When the user
selects the Aux. Sign type, a dialog is shown asking for the weight per sq.ft. and ‘X" or ‘Y" direction the sign
faces. If "Other" type of Aux. Sign is chosen, in addition to the direction and weight, the user need to specify
the sign surface area and the eccentricity of the sign (distance from the center of the sign to the messenger
cable). On "Return", the Light property is added to the sub menu along with the default property.

The Modify sub menu is similar to the Add sub menu. It allows the user to switch between the Light types.
Figure: 3.7.d Modify Light
Figure: 3.7.e Modify Signal

The Place command on the Lights menu allows the user to place lights with the current selected property onto
the cable. As in poles, the light can be placed in two ways. The user can remove the last placed light by using
the toolbar button. The dropdown list box in the status bar shows the current light property selected. The user
has an option to change the light property while placing the light.

Right click the mouse in this mode to enter the coordinates using the keyboard.

Once, the Poles, Cables and Lights are placed, the rectangular grid looks like shown in Figure: 3.7.f . The
model is shown in the plan view.
Figure: 3.7.f Rectangular Grid 

3.8 3D View Menu

As the name suggests, the 3D View Menu Figure: 3.8.a displays the model in a three dimensions. There are
two commands: Undeformed plot showing the model created before running the analysis and Deformed plot,
showing the actual model and the deformed plot in conjunction after running the analysis. Figure: 3.8.a
shows the Undeformed plot of the model shown in Figure: 3.7.f . Different planes can be viewed using the
View Options displayed in the tool bar above the model.
Figure: 3.8.a 3D View Menu - Undeformed Plot

The check boxes in the status bar gives the user the option to view the plot with or without the Node markers,
Node numbers and Element numbers. The toolbar buttons allow the user to view the plot in different planes.
The plot can be maneuvered with the mouse as follows:

Left click and drag:  to rotate the Plot

Horizontal drag rotates @ screen Y axis.

Vertical drag rotates @ screen X axis.

Shift + Left click and drag: to Zoom in and Zoom out of the plot.

Ctrl + Left click and drag: to Zoom with a window.

Double Left Click:  to get back to the Default view. 

Right click on the screen will display the available mouse events.  

Deformed plot command will display the model in the displaced shape along with the actual shape Figure:
3.8.b . The user can toggle between the undeformed plot and the deformed plot with toolbar buttons. The
deformation scaling factor can be changed by entering a new value in the text box provided in the status bar.
All the mouse options and the toolbar button operations explained in undeformed plot are also valid for the
deformed plot.

Figure: 3.8.b 3D View Menu - Deformed Plot 

3.9 I/O File Menu

The I/O File menu Figure: 3.9.a has two commands: View Input file & View Output file. Both of these oper-
ates in a similar fashion by showing a new screen with contents of the current input / output file.

Figure: 3.9.a I/O Menu

The View Input File command shows the activates Notepad Figure: 3.9.b showing the current input file in
text format. The user can scroll down to see the full contents. The user can print the contents of the input file
to the default printer connected to the machine.

Figure: 3.9.b View Input File

View Output File in a similar way, activates Notepad showing the current output file in text format. The out-
put file can be viewed only after running the analysis during the current session.
Figure: 3.9.c View Output File

3.10 Loads Menu

Loads Menu Figure: 3.10.a allows the user to define the loads acting on the structure.

Figure: 3.10.a Loads Menu

Shown below is the Define Loads dialog Figure: 3.10.b . The wind is applied perpendicular to the span
length. The user can specify wind velocity in miles per hour, load factors, drag coefficient, and directionality.
For simplifying the design procedure, the drag coefficient should be adjusted to consider the effect of uplifting.
In Atlas v7.0, uplift coefficient is defaulted to 0.0. When LRFD limit state is selected, the default values for
dead, and wind load factors and directionality factor is 1.10, 1.00, and 0.85, respectively.
Figure: 3.10.b Define Loads

Define Loads dialog can be further expanded, as shown in Figure: 3.10.c , by clicking on "Info >>" button.
The Info panel gives additional information helpful for designing the signal system.
Figure: 3.10.c Define Loads (Expanded View)

3.11 Options Menu

The Options menu activates the Change Default Options & Grid Dimensions dialog Figure: 3.11.a .

Figure: 3.11.a Options Menu

The Default Options are used to change dimensions of the structure. The Clearance parameter represents
the distance from the ground to the lowest point of the lights. The difference between cables is the smallest
distance between the Catenary and Messenger cable. The percentage of sag is used in calculating the height
of Catenary cable and can be modified as well.

The Grid Dimensions allows the user to change the maximum grid dimension as well as the grid subdivision.
These values are not stored when the file is saved and hence they remain only for the current session. By
default, the maximum grid dimension is 200 ft. and grid subdivision is of 10 ft.

3.12 Design Status Menu

Design Status Menu Figure: 3.12.a allows the user to specify the execution state for ATLAS as well as the
soil properties when these are needed.

Figure: 3.12.a Design Status Menu

Analyze command is chosen when it is required to analyze an existing model. This option does not require
any Design Parameters. By default, Analyze is the execution state for ATLAS.

Check command is chosen when there is a need to check an existing model or design. In such cases ATLAS
analyzes the model and then checks for the adequacy of the elements as well as the foundation. Therefore,
the soil properties are required. Check command activates the "Design Parameters" dialog Figure: 3.12.b .

Figure: 3.12.b Design Parameters

The type of soil has to be chosen first which can be Cohesive or Non-Cohesive and based on that the rest of
the properties. For Cohesive soil, the coefficient of cohesion (Cu in psf) is required. For Non-Cohesive soil,
the saturated unit weight of soil (g in pcf) and the friction angle (phi) are required. The value of resistance factor
should also be entered for soil as well as for wire, which has a default value of 0.6, and 0.5, respectively.

3.13 Run Menu

Run command activates the ATLAS program to execute the analysis / design check of the model in session
depending on the design status chosen. When the execution of the program is in progress, the status bar
shows the current stage of analysis. The number of iterations required in each cycle to get to the wind solution
is also displayed in the status bar. Once the analysis is complete the deformed shape of the model can be
viewed from 3D View menu and the output can be viewed from I / O File menu. If in any case, the analysis
could not be completed, the program will display a message and the incomplete output can still be viewed.
4. Signal System Design in Atlas

The current version of ATLAS provides an automated design capability in addition to its function of performing
a static nonlinear analysis for wind forces. Most engineering design requires judgment based on generally
accepted and proven criteria. This judgment requires a human aspect that cannot be replaced by a program.
The recommended sections given as output in ATLAS are therefore, still subject to engineering judgment of
the user. The criteria and assumptions used in ATLAS are given in 7.

The design in ATLAS is based on allowable stress design. The expected dead and wind loads are compared
to the allowable force or moment permissible in each element of the traffic signal cable system. For strain pole
design ATLAS compares the moments shown in Tables 1 and 2 of FDOT Standard Index 17725 to the com-
puted moments at the pole bases and selects the minimum pole size. Note that the computed moment from
the cable tensions will be different than the computed moment from the analysis. This is because the moment
calculation is based on the vector sum of the cable tensions to create the maximum possible moment. The
analysis calculates the moments about X and Y axes. The dead load is compatible to data from man-
ufacturers of traffic signals, and ASTM standards. For cable design Atlas checks both load cases: DL only
and (DFactor*DL + WFactor*WL) with user defined load factors. Atlas compares cable dead load and the
factored load forces to cable tension multiplied by wire resistance factor.

Though the ATLAS program permits the selection of the hanger type for the light connection, it is important to
note that this version of ATLAS does not perform a design of the hanger. The designs performed by ATLAS
are; cable design, pole design and the foundation design. These designs are further explained in subsequent

Design Option
Cable Design
Traffic Lights Configurations
Strain Pole Design
Non-Standard Pole Design
Foundation Design
Design Loads
Wind Loads
Poldatnew File Format
Design Example

4.1 Design Option

The design procedure that is adopted in this report is provided in the Florida Department of Transportation
Design Standard for Cable Supported Traffic Control Devices Report, which from now on is referred to as ref-
erence [1]. The pole selection is made to comply with 2008 FDOT standard index 17725 The ATLAS program
provides three design options.
Figure: 4.1.a Design Status
Option 1 - Analysis only
Option 2 - Check section

Option 1 performs only the analysis of the system, and Option 2 performs a design check for adequacy of the
chosen members of the sections given in the input file. The ATLAS program relies on pre-specified sections,
given in reference[1] as the available design sections. Attempt to select sections outside this list will result in
an error statement being printed and an exit from the program. In the event that sections other than those lis-
ted are to be analyzed, the analyze only Option 1 should be selected.

Note: Additional concrete poles can be added to the design database. Allowable stress
design has been assumed for the design of the cable and poles are checked against service and ultimate.

Cable Design
Strain Pole Design
Foundation Design
Design Loads
Design Example

4.2 Cable Design

Cable sections and properties assumed available in the ATLAS design program are as follows:

Cable type Diameter Nominal Weight Minimum Reqd Tensile strength

ASTM A-475 specification Area
(in) (in2) (kips/in) (kips)

Siemens-Martin Grade. 1/4 0.034 0.00001 3.15

Class A
Utility Grade. 3/8 0.079 0.0000225 11.5
Class A
Utility Grade 7/16 0.116 0.0000333 18.0
Class A
Utility Grade 1/2 0.15 0.0000433 25.0
Class A

Table: 4.2.aAvailable Cable Sizes

The cable data is fixed into the program. Only the cable diameters shown in Table: 4.2.a are available.
4.3 Traffic Lights Configurations

Projected surface areas for different configuration of signals/signs are shown below. For signals only, add dis-
connect box area (144 in^2) to the given surface areas.

“Distance” is the vertical length between the node connection on the messenger cable and the center of grav-
ity of signal/sign. In distance calculation we consider following assumptions:
1. For signals only, a hanger length of 7 in is considered connecting the signal top to the node connection on
the messenger cable.
2. The calculation does not account for backplate.

Figure: 4.3.a Distance calculation from the center of gravity of signal/sign and the node connection on the
secondary (messenger) cable.

Example for hand calculation of the “Distance” values from the messenger cable are as follows:

Figure: 4.3.b Light configuration type 6 and Light configuration type 7 (“X” is the side dimension of individual
signal section)
For light configurations type 6

For light configurations type 7

For 8” signal face, the signal section side dimension is, X = 10.26 in
For 12” signal face, the signal section side dimension is, X = 14.04 in

Summary of hand calculations for the surface areas and “Distance” values of different light configurations are
as follows:

Light Configuration Type 1

Figure: 4.3.c Light configuration type 1 without backplate. and Light configuration type 1 with 6in backplate.

Description Surface Area (in2) Distance (in)

8" signal face without backplate Area = 10.26 · 10.26 Distance = 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 105.27 Distance = 12.13
8" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (10.26 + 2·6) · (10.26 + 2·6) Distance = 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 495.51 Distance = 12.13
8" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (10.26 + 2·8) · (10.26 + 2·8) Distance = 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 689.59 Distance = 12.13
12" signal face without backplate Area = 14.04 · 14.04 Distance = 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 197.12 Distance = 14.02
12" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (14.04 + 2·6) · (14.04 + 2·6) Distance = 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 678.08 Distance = 14.02
12" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (14.04 + 2·8) · (14.04 + 2·8) Distance = 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 902.40 Distance = 14.02
Light Configuration Type 2

Figure: 4.3.d Light configuration type 2 without backplate and Light configuration type 2 with 6in backplate.

Description Surface Area (in2) Distance (in)

8" signal face without backplate Area = 10.26 · (2 · 10.26) Distance = 2 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 210.54 Distance = 17.26
8" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (10.26 + 2·6) · (2·10.26 + 2·6) Distance = 2 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 723.90 Distance = 17.26
8" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (10.26 + 2·8) · (2·10.26 + 2·8) Distance = 2 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 959.02 Distance = 17.26
12" signal face without backplate Area = 14.04 · (2 · 14.04) Distance = 2 ·14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 394.24 Distance = 21.04
12" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (14.04 + 2·6) · (2·14.04 + 2·6) Distance = 2 ·14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 1043.68 Distance = 21.04
12" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (14.04 + 2·8) · (2·14.04 + 2·8) Distance = 2 ·14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 1324.16 Distance = 21.04

Light Configuration Type 3

Figure: 4.3.e Light configuration type 3 without backplate and Light configuration type 3 with 6in backplate.

Description Surface Area (in2) Distance (in)

8" signal face without backplate Area = 10.26 · (3 · 10.26) Distance = 3 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 315.80 Distance = 22.39
8" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (10.26 + 2·6) · (3·10.26 + 2·6) Distance = 3 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 952.28 Distance = 22.39
8" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (10.26 + 2·8) · (3·10.26 + 2·8) Distance = 3 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 1228.44 Distance = 22.39
12" signal face without backplate Area = 14.04 · (3 · 14.04) Distance = 3 · 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 591.36 Distance = 28.06
12" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (14.04 + 2·6) · (3·14.04 + 2·6) Distance = 3 · 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 1409.28 Distance = 28.06
12" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (14.04 + 2·8) · (3·14.04 + 2·8) Distance = 3 · 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 1745.92 Distance = 28.06

Light Configuration Type 4

Figure: 4.3.f Light configuration type 4 without backplate and Light configuration type 4 with 6in backplate.

Description Surface Area (in2) Distance (in)

8" signal face without backplate Area = 10.26 · (4 · 10.26) Distance = 4 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 421.07 Distance = 27.52
8" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (10.26 + 2·6) · (4·10.26 + 2·6) Distance = 4 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 1180.67 Distance = 27.52
8" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (10.26 + 2·8) · (4·10.26 + 2·8) Distance = 4 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 1497.87 Distance = 27.52
12" signal face without backplate Area = 14.04 · (4 · 14.04) Distance = 4 · 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 788.49 Distance = 35.08
12" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (14.04 + 2·6) · (4·14.04 + 2·6) Distance = 4 · 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 1774.89 Distance = 35.08
12" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (14.04 + 2·8) · (4·14.04 + 2·8) Distance = 4 · 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 2167.69 Distance = 35.08

Light Configuration Type 5

Figure: 4.3.g Light configuration type 5 without backplate and Light configuration type 5 with 6in backplate.

Description Surface Area (in2) Distance (in)

8" signal face without backplate Area = 10.26 · (5 · 10.26) Distance = 5 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 526.34 Distance = 32.65
8" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (10.26 + 2·6) · (5·10.26 + 2·6) Distance = 5 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 1409.06 Distance = 32.65
8" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (10.26 + 2·8) · (5·10.26 + 2·8) Distance = 5 · 10.26 · 0.5 +7
Area = 1767.30 Distance = 32.65
12" signal face without backplate Area = 14.04 · (5 · 14.04) Distance = 5 · 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 985.61 Distance = 42.01
12" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (14.04 + 2·6) · (5·14.04 + 2·6) Distance = 5 · 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 2140.49 Distance = 42.01
12" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (14.04 + 2·8) · (5·14.04 + 2·8) Distance = 5 · 14.04 · 0.5 +7
Area = 2589.45 Distance = 42.01

Light Configuration Type 6

Figure: 4.3.h Light configuration type 6 without backplate and Light configuration type 6 with 6in backplate.

Description Surface Area (in2) Distance (in)

8" signal face without backplate Area = 5 · (10.26 · 10.26) Distance = 1.7 · 10.26 +7
Area = 526.34 Distance = 24.44
8" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (2·10.26 +2·6) · (3·10.26 +2·6) – Distance = 1.7 · 10.26 +7
(10.26 · 10.26) Distance = 24.44
Area = 1285.94
8" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (2·10.26 +2·8) · (3·10.26 +2·8) – Distance = 1.7 · 10.26 +7
(10.26 · 10.26) Distance = 24.44
Area = 1603.14
12" signal face without backplate Area = 5 · (14.04 · 14.04) Distance = 1.7 · 14.04 +7
Area = 985.61 Distance = 30.87
12" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (2·14.04 +2·6) · (3·14.04 +2·6) – Distance = 1.7 · 14.04 +7
(14.04 · 14.04) Distance = 30.87
Area = 1972.01
12" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (2·14.04 +2·8) · (3·14.04 +2·8) – Distance = 1.7 · 14.04 +7
(14.04 · 14.04) Distance = 30.87
Area = 2364.81

Light Configuration Type 7

Figure: 4.3.i Light configuration type 7 without backplate and Light configuration type 7 with 6in backplate.

Description Surface Area (in2) Distance (in)

8" signal face without backplate Area = 5 · (10.26 · 10.26) Distance = 1.9 · 10.26 +7
Area = 526.34 Distance = 26.49
8" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (3·10.26 +2·6) · (3·10.26 +2·6) – Distance = 1.9 · 10.26 +7
4 · (10.26 · 10.26) Distance = 26.49
Area = 1409.06
8" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (3·10.26 +2·8) · (3·10.26 +2·8) – Distance = 1.9 · 10.26 +7
4 · (10.26 · 10.26) Distance = 26.49
Area = 1767.30
12" signal face without backplate Area = 5 · (14.04 · 14.04) Distance = 1.9 · 14.04 +7
Area = 985.61 Distance = 33.68
12" signal face with 6” backplate Area = (3·14.04 +2·6) · (3·14.04 +2·6) – Distance = 1.9 · 14.04 +7
4 · (14.04 · 14.04) Distance = 33.68
Area = 2140.49
12" signal face with 8” backplate Area = (3·14.04 +2·8) · (3·14.04 +2·8) – Distance = 1.9 · 14.04 +7
4 · (14.04 · 14.04) Distance = 33.68
Area = 2589.45

Auxiliary Traffic Signs

Figure: 4.3.j Street Name Sign D31, Regulatory Traffic Sign R10-5, Regulatory Sign R11-2, and School
Zone Sign SCH respectively
Description Surface Area (in2) Distance (in)
Street Name Sign D31 Area = 10 · 24 Distance = 10 / 2
Area = 240 Distance = 5
Street Name Sign D32 Area = 8 · 24 Distance = 8 / 2
Area = 192 Distance = 4
Street Name Sign D33 Area = 6 · 24 Distance = 6 / 2
Area = 144 Distance = 3
Regulatory Traffic Sign RX Area = 30 · 24 Distance = 30 / 2
[eg. D4-1, R10-5, R10-10, R10- Area = 720 Distance = 15
One Way Sign R6 Area = 12 · 36 Distance = 12 / 2
[eg. R6-1, R6-2] Area = 432 Distance = 6
Cardinal Direction Marker M31 Area = 12 · 24 Distance = 12 / 2
[eg. M3-1, M3-2, M3-3, M3-4] Area = 288 Distance = 6
Regulatory Sign R11 Area = 30 · 48 Distance = 30 / 2
[eg. R11-2 Area = 1440 Distance = 15
School Zone Sign Area = 48 · 102 Distance = 48 / 2
[eg. SCH Area = 4896 Distance = 24
“OTHER” Sign Area = “user-defined” Distance = “User-

4.4 Strain Pole Design

The standard pole sections are pole types PIV, PV, PVI, PVII and PVIII as per the FDOT Standard Index
17725. User can define “user-specified” pole sections using the “poldatnew” file. These new customized pole
sections have been implemented into ATLAS analysis engine and user interfaces. The custom poles are ana-
lyzed in the same manner as the standard pole sections. The properties of the poles printed in the output are
computed at effective heights to represent a prismatic beam stiffness approximately equivalent to the tapered
beam stiffness of the poles. The effective beam heights and pole heights are obtained as shown below in Fig-
ure: 4.4.a .
Figure: 4.4.a Equivalent Pole Configuration

Where xe is height to equivalent prismatic properties.

Poles are characterized as concrete poles. The properties of the tapered poles are obtained at equivalent sec-
tion using effective height. In order to find the equivalent section, we assume the configuration shown in
above figure.

The xe for the equivalent prismatic beam area, xea, is computed as follows:

The xe for the equivalent prismatic beam moment of inertia, xei, is computed as follows:

xea and xei = Computed in ft.

α = 0.162 in/ft (For concrete pole)
L = Length of pole equivalent section (ft)
tt = Pole thickness at the top of equivalent section (in) [refer to FDOT standard Index 17723, & 17725]
r = Radius of the conduit hole at the top of equivalent section (in) [refer to FDOT standard Index 17723, &
The pole equivalent properties, namely effective cross sectional area (Ae, in2), moment of inertia (Ie, in4), and
torsional moment of inertia (Je, in4), are computed from the following equations.

For concrete pole (pole cross section is square):

Note that the equivalent axial stiffness is calculated at a different height compared to the bending stiffness.
The required pole height given as output from a design or check analysis in ATLAS is the total height of the
pole above the ground, rounded to the nearest foot increment, plus the minimum embedment required. The
total is then rounded to the nearest even foot increment (2 ft increment)[2]. The minimum pole height per-
missible in ATLAS is 20 ft. This is because of the 17 ft - 19 ft clearance requirement between traffic signal light
and finished road surface[1]. Minimum pole capacities for the different poles are obtained from the following
equations, which represent Table: 4.4.a and Table: 4.4.b in the FDOT Standard Index 17725 (Service and
Ultimate moments).

For pole type PIV: M = -10.359 + 1.72D – 0.008D2

For pole type PV: M = 53.333333 + 1.633333D
For pole type PVI: M = 68.373 + 2.859D – 0.0011D2
For pole type PVII: M = 104.880 + 3.241D – 0.0011D2
For pole type PVIII: M = 138.928 + 3.511D – 0.0013D2

Table: 4.4.a

For pole type PIV: M = 41.978 + 2.0846D

For pole type PV: M = 93.324 + 2.8140D
For pole type PVI: M = 127.640 + 2.8228D
For pole type PVII: M = 187.730 + 3.7846D
For pole type PVIII: M = 256.240 + 4.6772D

Table: 4.4.b

Note that M in the preceding equations is in kip-ft and the pole height to the base D, at ground line is in feet.

The above pole types are precast, prestressed concrete poles with compressive strength of concrete (f'c) at
release of about 3400 psi and 6000 psi at 28 days.

During the design and check type of analysis, the poles are checked for capacity using the above moment
equations. The appropriate pole is selected by comparing maximum moment at the ground surface level to the
maximum section capacity at the base. The required pole stiffness is computed from the Ae, Ie, Je equations
above and compared to that assumed.

4.5 Non-Standard Poles

Analysis with non-standard concrete poles or steel poles:

If non-standard concrete poles or steel poles are to be used the Engineer may conduct an analysis only
(Design Status - select: Analysis).

Select: Poles – Property – User defined property – Add pole property. From the drop down menu select one of
the standard concrete pole types and type in the appropriate concrete strength so that the EI of the user
defined pole will be equal to the EI of the non-standard concrete or steel pole. The program computes the E
(elastic modulus) from the supplied concrete strength as

Once you run the analysis you must check the pole base moments and drilled shaft design against appropriate
FDOT standards.

It is advisable to experiment with a simple file first in order to develop a confidence level before proceeding
with a complex problem.

4.6 Foundation Design

The ATLAS program classifies all soils as either cohesive or cohesionless soils. The minimum embedment
length required is computed for each pole according to Brom's method. For cohesive soils, two forms of
Brom's method are provided in ATLAS, the modified Brom's and the standard Brom's method. The differences
in the two methods can be seen in the assumed soil resistance profile shown in Figure: 4.6.a and Figure:
4.6.b .

Cohesive soils

CASE I (L <= 3d), when the depth of embedment required is less than or equal to 3 times the thickness of
the foundation (d).
Figure: 4.6.a Modified Brom’s Method For Case 1 (L ≤ 3d)

Note that the soil resistance profile is assumed to vary from 1cd at the top of the foundation to 9cd at depth
3d, where d is the thickness of the foundation. This thickness, d, is set to 3.5ft for all embedment (refer to Sec-
tion 5.4.2 ). b1,b2, b3 are computed as follows:

Eqn: 4.6.a

At a distance of x1 below the ground surface the shear force at the base of the pole will be balanced by the lat-
eral soil reaction. This distance x1 can be calculated as follows:

Eqn: 4.6.b
A distance x2 + x3 is added to the embedment length of the pole to provide a force couple which will balance
the maximum moment causing rotation of the pole.

To greatly simplify the solution of x2 and x3 , a conservative assumption will be made that the lateral earth
pressure at depth x1 + x 2 is equal for both passive and active soil pressure. This is equal to b1. Therefore,
the maximum moment causing rotation can be found as follows:

Summing moments at the point of zero shear and using the top portion of the pole.

Summing forces for shear equilibrium of the bottom portion of the pole.

Eqn: 4.6.c

Summing moments at the depth x1 + x2 and using the bottom portion of the pole.

Eqn: 4.6.d

x2 and x3 can be obtained from the above Eqn: 4.6.c and Eqn: 4.6.d by iteration. To perform the iteration in
ATLAS, the Newton-Raphson method for nonlinear systems of equation was adopted.

Vb = Shear force at the base of the pole
Mb = Moment at the base of the pole
c = Soil cohesion
The depth of embedment, L can then be calculated as:

CASE II (L > 3d) , when the depth of embedment is greater than 3d.

Standard Brom's method, yields a more conservative depth of embedment and is not used for length of embed-
ment less than 3d. For length of embedment greater than 3d, Standard Brom's method is used to compute the
embedment length.

Figure: 4.6.b Standard Brom’s Method for Case 2 ( L > 3d)

The depth of embedment is calculated from;

Eqn: 4.6.e

Cohesionless soils

Brom's method for cohesionless soils is as provided in reference[1]. The depth of embedment is calculated
Eqn: 4.6.f


γ = Unit weight of soil (pcf)

φ  = Internal angle of friction in degrees
The recommended embedment length given in the output of ATLAS is the largest embedment length required
from pole foundation designs. This conforms with actual construction practice of one uniform embedment
length for each Traffic signal construction site.

In order to design the foundation, additional input is required. The input required for foundation design is as fol-

Cohesive soils:  Recognized as soil type 1, needs the soil cohesion, Cu, in psf, as input.

Cohesionless soils: Recognized as soil type 2, needs the unit weight of soil, γ, in pcf, and internal angle of fric-
tion,φd, in degrees, as input.

Both soil types require input of a Phi factor appropriate for the soil. The load factored moment is divided by this
user input Phi factor and this value is then used in the Broms strength solution to determine embedment

The output from foundation analysis gives the computed embedment length required and the minimums recom-
mended from standard specifications [2]. These minimums are as follows:

1. Minimum permissible embedment length of 7 ft for types PIV and PV poles

2. Minimum permissible embedment length of 8 ft for type PVI poles
3. Minimum permissible embedment length of 9 ft for type PVII poles
4. Minimum permissible embedment length of 10 ft for type PVIII poles

4.7 Design loads

ATLAS performs two analyses, the dead load analysis and the dead plus wind load analysis. The dead load on
the system is computed from the dead weight of the cables, traffic signal heads and/or the traffic signs. The
weights of the various components of the traffic signal system depend on the material from which they are con-
structed. Different weights that make up the traffic signal system are given in Table: 5.2.b .

The wind loads on the structure are based on the wind speed and are internally generated in ATLAS. More
detailed discussion about the wind loading is provided earlier in this report in the ATLAS - Changes and
Enhancements section. (See Wind Loads)

4.8 Wind Loads

The following describes how ATLAS calculates the wind loads on the structure. In the first release of the pro-
gram, the user was required to calculate the applied loads on the traffic signals or signs and include them put
them the INPUT file. This user-supplied load was kept constant during the analysis. The current version of
ATLAS handles the wind loading in a more realistic manner. It allows the user to specify the wind speed as
well as selecting the lights (the areas and weights of which are embedded in the software). In doing so the pro-
gram calculates the applied loads on the corresponding nodal points internally, based on the specified element
areas of the LIGHT elements in each plane. The loads are calculated in each cycle of the nonlinear process
beginning with Dead Load only and then applying the load factored combination of DL_Factor * (Dead Load) +
WL_Factor * (Wind Load). Therefore, the applied loads in each cycle change with the rotation angle of the
light. Thus the loads are more realistic since they change with the swinging of the light. Figure: 4.8.a shows
how the uniform wind pressure is applied to the light. The pressure is obtained from the equation below.

p = 0.00256 * kz * gust * Df * V2

V = Wind velocity (mph)
kz = 1.0
where Alpha = 9.5 (constant)
gust = Gust correction factor = 1.14 (constant)
Df = Directionality factor

Figure: 4.8.a Applied Wind Pressure and Resulting Forces on Light Elements

When the pressure is obtained, the total applied load is calculated using the following formulas.

 W H = CD p A
 W L= CL p A

p = Pressure orthogonal to the surface; see Figure: 4.8.a (psf)
W H = Load in the horizontal direction (lb)
W L = Load due to Uplift (lb)
CD = Drag coefficient for horizontal loads
CL = Coefficient of Uplift (In Atlas v7.0 and later CL= 0.0)
A = Surface area (ft2)

The coefficients, C D is user defined or variable (0.7 for signal w/backplates, and 0.8 for signal w/o back-

It should be noted that the WIND load block of the INPUT file can still be used to specify any additional point
loads on the light's nodes. The loads from this section are not affected by the rotation angle and thus, they
stay constant throughout the analysis. More detail refer to 6.9.2 .

Note: The wind load is only applied on the signals and signs. NO wind load is applied to
the poles. Wind load on the poles can be added using hand calculated loads. In Atlas
v7.0, uplift coefficient is defaulted to 0.0

4.9 Poldatnew Input Format

User-specified poles can be added in the User Interface (UI) by making use of the “poldatnew” file. Spe-
cifically, the “poldatnew” file should be placed in the same location as the Atlas install directory (e.g., C:\Pro-
gram Files (x86)\BSI\Atlas).

For instances where the “poldatnew” file has been created and placed as noted above, both the UI and ana-
lytical engine read the “poldatnew” file. Listed below is the required format of data entry.

NAME=type CON1=a,b,c CON2=c,d T=tt R=r FC=fc (For concrete poles)
… (subsequent lines can be added for additional poles)

For concrete poles:

type = Name to delineate pole type (up to five letters can be used)
a,b,c = Coefficient for service moment equation of the custom pole
d,e = Coefficient for ultimate moment equation of the custom pole
tt = Width at the pole top (in)
r = Radius of the void in the pole (in)
fc = Concrete strength (psi)

Service moment capacity equation (k-ft) = a + b * height + c * height^2

Ultimate moment capacity equation (k-ft) = d + e * height

An example format of data is given as (For representational purpose only):

NAME=CPOLE CON1=-10.359,1.726,-0.008 CON2=-5.941,2.454 T=8.5 R=1.25 FC=6000

For concrete pole (considered strain pole P-IV [1])
CON1 = -10.359, 1.726, -0.008 – coefficients for service moment equation [2].
CON2 = -5.941, 2.454 – coefficients for ultimate moment equation [2].
T = 8.5 (in) – width of pole top diameter [1]
R = 1.25 (in) – pole base thickness [1]
FC = 6000 (psi) – concrete strength (considering Class V Special concrete [1])

1. FDOT Design Standards FY 2016-17, “Concrete Poles”, Index no. 17725 (Rev. 07/15).
2. FDOT Instructions for Design Standards FY 2016-17, “Concrete Poles”, Topic No. 625-010-003, Index
17725 (Rev. 01/16).

4.10 Modelling Examples

The purpose of the following examples is to demonstrate the general procedure for using ATLAS to create
models of cable-supported signal lights, signs, and support poles. The dual cable, two point supported system
(constituting Example 1 - Dual Cable) is shown in Figure: 4.10.a , and the single point system (Example 2 -
Single Point) is shown in Figure: 4.10.g .

4.10.1 Example 1 – Two Point Supported System

The following two point supported signal system is created in ATLAS ( Figure: 4.10.a )

Span Length = 100 ft

Pole Type PV, f’c = 6000 psi
Catenary Cable with Diameter = 3/8 in
Messenger Cable with Diameter = 3/8 in
Signal Light (45 ft from left Pole) - Hanger diameter = 3 in
Material = Aluminum
Number of Brackets = 1
Type of Lens = 12 in
Backplate = 6 in
Light Configuration = 3
Wind Speed = 140 mph (Applied perpendicular to span)
Signal clearance = 17.5 ft
Figure: 4.10.a Dual Cable Supported System

The structure can be created as described in the following steps:

1. Open ATLAS, click on File menu → New → Two Point ( Figure: 3.2.a ).

2. The poles should be placed first, then the cables, and lastly the lights. The active pole property type is “PV:
f’c – 6000 psi (Default)”. Click on Poles menu → Place, to open the "Enter Span Length Data" dialog.

3. Enter the length of span (100 ft for this example) in the "Enter Span Length Data" dialog, and click the
"Return" button ( Figure: 4.10.b ). This will create two poles with the required span length.
Figure: 4.10.b Placing Pole #1 and Pole #2

4. The cables can now be defined in the model. The active properties for the catenary and messenger cable
are “Dia -3/8in, E - 24500 ksi (Default)”. Click on Cables menu → Place a Pair of Cables. Note that the
cables are placed between the two poles. Also, note that both cables are placed, however this appears as
only one cable in plan view. (The tension in the messenger cable is defaulted to 1 kip for two point models, and
can be edited, as the level of tension is a function of cable size and span length).
Figure: 4.10.c Cable Placed Between Pole #1 and Pole #2

5. The lights can now be defined in the model. The active light type is “Signal Light, Aluminum, 3.00 in-Hanger,
Conf-3, 1 Bracket, 12in Lens, 6in Backplate (Default)”. Click on Lights menu → Place. This will change the
mouse pointer and activate "Lights Placement Mode". Move the mouse pointer to (95,100) and left click. Note
that a light is placed at a distance of 45 ft from Pole #1 ( Figure: 4.10.d ). Click on the “Exit mode” button to
exit the "Lights Placement Mode".

Note that the number of brackets dictates how many signal directions are assumed. Two brackets indicate
that two directions of traffic will exist. The identical light configuration will be used in both (or all) directions.
The main purpose for this option is to achieve the correct total signal weight. See Traffic Light/Sign Inform-
ation for Light Configurations.
Figure: 4.10.d Placed Traffic Signal on the Cable.

6. At this stage, the structural model is complete and we are ready to specify the loads. The load data con-
sists of the wind velocity, load factors, drag coefficient, and wind pressure factor. Click on Loads menu →
Define Loads. This will open the “Define Loads” dialog ( Figure: 4.10.e ). Default wind velocity is 140mph,
and then click “Return”.
Figure: 4.10.e Define Loads.

7. Set the values for the signal clearance and the distance between the cables. Click on Options menu.
“Change Default Options & Grid Dimensions” dialog Figure: 4.10.f ) will appear with the current values dis-
played. The default clearance is set to 17.5 ft. The minimum spacing between the catenary and secondary
cable is set to the default of 1 ft. Edit these values as needed and click “Return”.

Figure: 4.10.f Check Default Option Settings

8. Select the analysis type. Click on Design Status → Analyze.

9. Save the input file. To save the current model, click on File menu → Save As. Enter “filename” and click
10. Run the analysis. Click on Run menu.

11. The results can be viewed after the analysis has completed. Click on I/O File menu → View Output

4.10.2 Example 2- Single Point Supported System

The following one point supported signal system is created in ATLAS ( Figure: 4.10.g )

Span Length = 100 ft

Pole Type PV, f’c = 6000 psi
Catenary Cable with Diameter = 3/8 in
Messenger Cable with Diameter = 3/8 in
Traffic Sign M31 (25 ft from left Pole)
Signal Light (45 ft from left Pole) - Hanger diameter = 3 in
Material = Aluminum
Number of Brackets = 1
Type of Lens = 12 in
Backplate = 6 in
Light Configuration = 3
Wind Speed = 140 mph (Applied perpendicular to span)
Signal Clearance = 17.5 ft

Figure: 4.10.g Single Point Supported System

Example 2 is similar to Example 1 except for the cable support condition (one point connection) and a traffic
sign (Type M31).

The structure can be created as described in the following steps:

1. Open ATLAS, click on File menu → New → One Point ( Figure: 3.2.a ).

Steps 2 through 7 are similar to that explained in Example 1.

8. Add the Traffic sign to the system. Click on Light menu → Property → Add a Light Property. “Add a
Light Property” dialog box appears. From Light Type, select “Traffic Sign” and Custom, 1.00 in Hanger. Select
"M31" from the “Type of Aux. Sign” section, enter the weight as 5 psf, and set the sign to face the Y axis ( Fig-
ure: 4.10.h ). Click on “Return” button.
Figure: 4.10.h Creating First User-Defined Light Type

9. Place the traffic sign on the cable. Click on Lights menu → Place. This will change the mouse pointer and
activate "Lights Placement Mode". Move the mouse pointer to (75,100) and left click. Note that a traffic sign is
placed at a distance of 25 ft from Pole #1 ( Figure: 4.10.i ). Click on the “Exit mode” button to exit "Lights
Placement Mode".
Figure: 4.10.i Place the Traffic Sign on the cable.

10. Select the analysis type. Click on Design Status → Analyze.

11. Save the input file. To save the current model, click on File menu → Save As. Enter “filename” and click

12. Run the analysis. Click on Run menu.

13. The results can be viewed after the analysis has completed. Click on I/O File menu → View Output

4.11 Design Example

The wind and dead load computation is done automatically in ATLAS. The Input file has been generated using
the ATLAS program and modified to be similar to the example presented in report 1 [1]. It should be noted that
the assumed stiffness for the strain poles in report 1 is different from that shown below, because of con-
sidering effects of taper Section (4.4 ). The Information assumed in the generating the example below is as fol-

Non-Evacuation Route
Alachua County, 10 yr Wind Event. i.e. Wind speed of 60 mph is assumed
3 - 12" Aluminum Signal Heads
Vertical Distance from base of pole to crown of roadway = 6"
Minimum clearance from crown of roadway to signal light = 19 ft.

Node numbering adopted for this example is shown in Figure: 4.11.a below.

Figure: 4.11.a Design Example, Node Numbers and Dimensions

Dead loads consist of the weights of the signal light, cables, and accessories and are provided in Table: 5.2.b
. The preprocessor generation of the cable system example is as follows:

Concrete Strain Poles:

2 Type PVII poles
f 'c = 6000 psi
Catenary Cable - 7/16" Diameter Cable
Messenger Cable - 7/16" Diameter Cable
E = 27500 ksi
Light Type:
1-1/2" Diameter Standard Steel Pipe
1 signal light (Note: 2-way bracket implies 2 signal lights at 1 box connection)
12" Glass Lens
6" border Backplate
1 Disconnect Box
Type 3 Face configuration (Refer to Sec. 4.3 )
Design Information:
Analysis Only and Check mode used sequentially
Cohesionless soil Type is assumed.
Soil properties: Unit weight = 127 pcf and Internal angle of friction = 32 degree
Wind Information:
Wind Speed = 60 mph (Perpendicular to the cable span)

Input and output file are given below.




NODES = 11
CLEAR = 289.12
SPEED = 60.00
ANGLE = 90.00
GUST = 1.14
DIRECT = 0.85
DRAG = 0.75
1 3 7 S= 5.00 W= 3.333E-05 P= 0
2 2 6 T= 1.00 W= 3.333E-05 P= 1
1 X= 6.0000000E+02 Y= 1.2000000E+03 Z= -6.0000000E+00
2 X= 6.0000000E+02 Y= 1.2000000E+03 Z= 2.7712000E+02
3 X= 6.0000000E+02 Y= 1.2000000E+03 Z= 3.4912000E+02
4 X= 6.2400000E+02 Y= 1.2000000E+03 Z= -6.0000000E+00
5 X= 1.8000000E+03 Y= 1.2000000E+03 Z= -6.0000000E+00
6 X= 1.8000000E+03 Y= 1.2000000E+03 Z= 2.7712000E+02
7 X= 1.8000000E+03 Y= 1.2000000E+03 Z= 3.4912000E+02
8 X= 1.8240000E+03 Y= 1.2000000E+03 Z= -6.0000000E+00
9 X= 1.2000000E+03 Y= 1.2000000E+03 C= 1
10 X= 1.2000000E+03 Y= 1.2000000E+03 Z= 2.7712000E+02
11 X= 1.2000000E+03 Y= 1.2000000E+03 Z= 2.4906000E+02
1 DOF= f f f f f f
2 DOF= r r r r r r
3 DOF= r r r r r r
4 DOF= f f f f f f
5 DOF= f f f f f f
6 DOF= r r r r r r
7 DOF= r r r r r r
8 DOF= f f f f f f
9 DOF= r r r r r r
10 DOF= r r r r r r
11 DOF= r r r r r r
2, 1
1 A= 0.1160 E= 2.75000E+04
1 3 , 9 M= 1 C= 1
2 9 , 7 M= 1 C= 1
2, 1
1 A= 0.1160 E= 2.75000E+04
1 2, 10 M= 1 C= 2
2 10 , 6 M= 1 C= 2
1, 1
1 A= 0.7990 E= 2.90000E+04 I= 3.10000E-01, 3.10000E-01 \\
J= 6.20000E-01 G= 1.11538E+04
1 9, 10, 3 M= 1
1, 1
1 A= 0.7990 E= 2.90000E+04 I= 3.10000E-01, 3.10000E-01 \\
J= 6.20000E-01 G= 1.11538E+04 S= 1 B= 6 P= 1.55328E+03, 1.55328E+03
1 10, 11, 3 M= 1
4, 1
1 T= NVII X= PVII FC= 6000.0
1 1, 2, 4 M= 1
2 2, 3, 4 M= 1
3 5, 6, 8 M= 1
4 6, 7, 8 M= 1
9 F= 0.00000E+00, 0.00000E+00, -8.26795E-02
9 F= 0.00000E+00, 1.79598E-02, 0.00000E+00
10 F= 0.00000E+00, 1.79276E-02, 0.00000E+00
3 F= 0.00000E+00, 0.00000E+00, -1.00180E-02
7 F= 0.00000E+00, 0.00000E+00, -1.00180E-02
9 F= 0.00000E+00, 0.00000E+00, -2.40860E-02
10 F= 0.00000E+00, 0.00000E+00, -4.05000E-03
11 F= 0.00000E+00, 0.00000E+00, -5.45436E-02
CLEAR=19.00 VELOCITY=60.0 ANGLE=90.0 STAT=2 SAG=0.050 DIFF=1.00
P=1 X=50.0 Y=100.0 Z=-0.50 M=1
P=2 X=150.0 Y=100.0 Z=-0.50 M=1
M=1 D=7,7 E=27500,27500 T=1.00
W=1 POLES=1,2 M=1
M=1 R=1.50 S=1 D=12 E=W6 L=AL G=3
S=1 X=100.0 Y=100.0 M=1 C=1
S=2 F=0.00 W=0.60 G=127.00 P=32.00 WR=0.50

Note that STATUS = CHECK means that the program checks for the adequacy of the
elements as well as the foundation. For detailed explanation of the above input file see the User's

4.11.2 OUTPUT File

After running ATLAS, the following output except

| |
| D E S I G N S E C T I O N |
| Units: Kips, Feet |
| |



A resistance factor is used in the calculation of maximum

cable force, which is given below:
Wire resistance factor = 0.50

Cable Number = 1

* Catenary Cable - Custom Cable *

Starting Node = 3
Ending Node = 7
Cable Tension (k) = 0.469
Required Cable Sag (%) = 4.342
Required Cable Diameter (in) = 0.438
Required Cable Area (sq. in) = 0.116
Cable Weight (lb/in) = 0.033
Allowable Cable Force (k) = 9.000

Cable Size is Adequate for current Tensile Force

Load Combination 2: 1.10*(DL) + 1.00*(WL)
is used for the design of this cable
Cable Number = 2

* Messenger Cable - Custom Cable *

Starting Node = 2
Ending Node = 6
Cable Tension (k) = 1.582
Required Cable Diameter (in) = 0.438
Required Cable Area (sq. in) = 0.116
Cable Weight (lb/in) = 0.033
Allowable Cable Force (k) = 9.000

Cable Size is Adequate for current Tensile Force

Load Combination 2: 1.10*(DL) + 1.00*(WL)
is used for the design of this cable



The design of following pole is controlled by

service pole moment capacity.

Pole Number = 1
Pole Node Numbers = 1 2 3

Input Pole Type = PVII

Base Shear (kips) = 2.051
Base Moment (kft) = 51.133

Input Pole Capacity (kft) = 299.729

Required Embedment Length (ft) = 5.733
Minimum Embedment Length (ft) = 9.000
(=0 if custom pole, engineer must check!)
Pole Height Above Ground (ft) = 29.593

The Pole specified in the INPUT is adequate to support

the base moment.

NOTE : The min. required pole capacity depends on whether

Load Combination 1: DL only [i.e. SERVICE] or
Load Combination 2: 1.10*(DL) + 1.00*(WL)
[i.e. ULTIMATE] controls.

The design of following pole is controlled by

service pole moment capacity.

Pole Number = 2
Pole Node Numbers = 5 6 7

Input Pole Type = PVII

Base Shear (kips) = 2.051
Base Moment (kft) = 51.133

Input Pole Capacity (kft) = 299.729

Required Embedment Length (ft) = 5.733
Minimum Embedment Length (ft) = 9.000
(=0 if custom pole, engineer must check!)
Pole Height Above Ground (ft) = 29.593

The Pole specified in the INPUT is adequate to support

the base moment.

NOTE : The min. required pole capacity depends on whether

Load Combination 1: DL only [i.e. SERVICE] or
Load Combination 2: 1.10*(DL) + 1.00*(WL)
[i.e. ULTIMATE] controls.

4.12 References

 1. Cook, Ronald A., Hoit, Marc I., Ashley, Frances K., Christou, Petros M., Drost, Kirk and Wajek, Stacey
L., "Computer Aided Design Program for Signal Pole and Span Wire Assemblies with Two Point Con-
nection System - Florida Department of Transportation Design Standard for Cable Supported Traffic Con-
trol Devices", Department of Civil Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1993. 108 pp.

2. Florida Department of Transportation, "Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specification for

Road and Bridge Construction 1991", Florida Department of Transportation, Section 641, 1991. pp 574 -

3. Econolite Control Products Inc., "1993 Catalog", Econolite Control Products, 1993. 196 pp.

4. Southern Building Code Congress International "Standard Building Code - 1994 Edition" Southern Building
Code International, Alabama, 1994. Section 1606.4, pp 381.

5. Computer Aided Design Program for Single Pole and Span Wire Assemblies with Two Point Connection
System, April 1997. U of F PN# 49104504533-12 FDOT contract #B-9924

6. Development of Hurricane Resistant Cable Supported Traffic Signals, July 2007. University of Florida pro-
ject #00054246 FDOT contract #BD545 RPWO #57.
5. FDOT Design Standard

Design Requirements and Design Loads
Cable Design
Pole Design
Sign and Signal Hardware Design

5.1 Introduction

The purpose of this section is to provide a comprehensive design standard for cable supported traffic control
devices. The design standard includes design loads, serviceability requirements, and design requirements for
these systems.

This section provides the loading and serviceability requirements for cable supported traffic control devices.
Detailed design requirements for the individual cables, cable hardware, the concrete strain poles, and the
foundation requirements for the concrete strain poles, and the hardware used to hang the traffic control
devices are included. These requirements are applicable to cable supported systems with both one point and
two point connection systems.

5.2 Design Requirements and Design Loads

Loads applicable to traffic signal support structures in the state of Florida shall consist of dead and wind

Design Requirements
Dead Load
Wind Loads

5.2.1 Design Requirements

It is recommended that all traffic signal systems meet functional visibility requirements. All traffic signal
systems shall meet operability requirements. Functional visibility requires that one half of a bulb can be
seen by approaching vehicles during the wind design event noted in Table: 5.2.a for functional visibility.
This can generally be accomplished by limiting signal rotation from vertical to 30° for 12" signal heads or
26° for 8" signal heads (see Figure: 5.2.a and Figure: 5.2.b ). Operability requires that none of the com-
ponents fail under the imposed loads occurring during the wind event noted in Table: 5.2.a for operability.
Components include the poles, catenary and messenger cables, the adjustable drop hanger, the signal or
sign, and miscellaneous hardware.

Wind Design Event Mean Recurrence Interval(years)

Road Classification
Functional Visibility Operability
Evacuation Route 25 50
Non-Evacuation Route 10 25

Table: 5.2.aMean Recurrence Interval For Wind Design Event (years)

Functional visibility requirements can be met by 1) increasing tension in cables, 2) increasing the distance
between the cables, or 2) adding weight to signals.

Operability requirements can be met by increasing the size of the components.

Figure: 5.2.a Allowable Traffic Signal Sway

Figure: 5.2.b Signal Head Detail

The following example shows how the limiting angle for functional visibility is determined for a typical signal

where Downward Tilt = 5° provided by manufacturers

Bulb Height = 12 for 12" signal heads
8" for 8" signal heads
Visor Length = 9" for 12" signal heads
7" for 8" signal heads
therefore Limiting Angle = 30° for 12" signal heads
26° for 8" signal heads

5.2.2 Dead Load

The dead load shall consist of the weight of each component as given in Table: 5.2.b .

Item Weight
12" Signal Section[13]*
Polycarbonate 7.5 lbs
Aluminum 11 lbs

8" Signal Section

Polycarbonate 4.0 lbs
Aluminum 8.0 lbs

Polycarbonate 0.77 lbs/ft2

Top and Bottom Brackets

Two Way 5.3 lbs
Three Way 8.1 lbs
Four Way 10.1 lbs

Signs (1/8" thickness) 5.0 lbs/ft2

Disconnect Box 16.4 lbs

Hanger - Standard Weight Steel Pipe

1" 1.7 lbs/ft
1¼" 2.3 lbs/ft
1½" 2.7 lbs/ft
2" 3.7 lbs/ft
3" 1.0 lbs/ft

Catenary and Messenger Cables

1/4" 0.12 lbs/ft
3/8" 0.27 lbs/ft
7/16" 0.40 lbs/ft
1/2" 0.52 lbs/ft

Table: 5.2.bMinimum Dead Loads

* These weights are for signal heads with glass lenses. For polycarbonate lenses, weights will be
slightly different.

5.2.3 Wind Loads

Basic Wind Pressure, P

The Basic Wind Pressure shall be calculated by the following formula:

P = 0.00256 * kz * gust * Df* V2

P = Pressure orthogonal to the surface; see Figure: 4.8.a (psf)
V = Wind velocity (mph)
kz = 1.00
gust = Gust correction factor = 1.14 (constant)
Df= Directionality factor

Wind Velocity

Wind velocity speeds, V (mph), shall be user defined.

Wind Load on Individual Components

The wind load on the individual components shall be found using the following equation.

W = P * CD * A

Where the drag coefficient, CD, and the projected area, A, are given below Table: 5.2.c .

Note: W is in pounds for signals and signs and in pounds per foot for hangers,
cables, and poles.

Application of Wind Loads

For the design of the cables and the adjustable drop hanger, the wind load, W, shall be applied normal to
the span at each component's respective geometric center.

For the design of the concrete strain poles the effects of wind from any direction shall be considered as
applied by the cable reactions on the poles. For other wind effect considerations the user may apply
forces at the pole-cable connections. This may account for a pole surface wind load normal to the span of
the cables. An additional 20% of the design wind load may be applied in the transverse direction at these
connections. Reference [2]

Item Projected Area2 Drag Coefficient1 (CD)

One 12" Signal Section 1.3689 ft2 *

One 8" Signal Section 0.7310 ft2 *

Signals with Backplate (See Section 4.3 )

Disconnect Box 1.0 ft2 *

Sign Panel Length*Width *

(See Section 4.3 )


1/4" Diameter 0.021 ft2/ft 1.10

3/8" Diameter 0.031 ft2/ft 1.10

7/16" Diameter 0.037 ft2/ft 1.10

1/2" Diameter 0.042 ft2/ft 1.10

Sources: 1. Reference [2]

2. Manufacturers
* User defined in ATLAS. See Wind Loads

Table: 5.2.cMinimum Projected Areas and Drag Coefficients

5.3 Cable Design

This section discusses four typical span types and presents the design requirements for the catenary and
messenger cables for any type of span.

Span Type
Cable Requirements

5.3.1 Span Type

Perpendicular Span

This type of system is used at an intersection to support a single span of traffic signals, signs and/or
other traffic control devices. The cable assembly is attached to two support poles or structures, located
on opposite sides of the roadway, and extends across the roadway at an angle of approximately 90
degrees to the roadway approach.

Diagonal Span

This type of system is used at an intersection to support a single span of traffic signals, signs and/or
other traffic control devices. The cable assembly is attached to two poles, located in opposite quadrants
of the intersection, and extends across the intersection at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the
approach lanes of the intersection. Traffic control devices for all approaches are located at appropriate loc-
ations on the cable assembly.

Box Span

This type of system is used at an intersection to support a perimeter of four spans of traffic signals, sign
and/or other traffic control devices. The cable assemblies are attached to four poles, one located in each
quadrant of the intersection. Each span extends between two poles at an angle of approximately 90
degrees to the roadway approaches. Traffic control devices for an approach are located on the cable
assembly on the far side of the intersection.

Special Design Span

This type of span is used to support two or more spans of traffic signals, signs and/or other traffic control
devices for one or more roadway approaches. The individual span assemblies are attached to three or
more poles.

Note: Atlas v7.0 and later can only model single span signal system.
5.3.2 Cable Requirements

Material Type
Span Length
Size Selection and Strength Requirements
Initial Conditions Material Type

Catenary and messenger cables shall be Utility Grade 7-wire strands manufactured in accordance with
ASTM A-475. If tether cables are used, they shall be Siemens-Martin Grade. All cables shall be provided
with a Class A zinc coating. Exceptions to this requirement shall be specified on the plans. Span Length

The length of the span shall be the straight-line distance between the points of attachment of the catenary
or messenger cable. Size Selection and Strength Requirements

The load case which creates the maximum cable tensile force shall be used to determine the cable size.
The cable sizes and corresponding nominal tensile strengths of each cable size shall be determined from
Table: 5.3.a .

Note that Table: 5.3.a is based on materials specified in Section 5.3.3.

Nominal Nominal Minimum Required Tensile Strength, Tn

Cable Type Diameter Area (pounds)
(inches) (in2)

Catenary 1/4 0.034 3,150

and 3/8 0.079 11,500
Messenger 7/16 0.116 18,000
1/2 0.150 25,000

Tether 3/16 0.021 1,900

Reference [5]

Table: 5.3.aMinimum Required Tensile Strength of Cables Initial Conditions

As a rule of thumb, initial calculations may be made using a variety of different conditions. The ease and
method of installation should be considered in determining which constraint to use.

(a) Location of Cable Connections

Typically, the distance between the connection points of the catenary and messenger cables is about 6%
of the span length (5% of span length plus 1 ft.).

(b) Initial Condition for Catenary Cable

For initial condition of the catenary cable, the initial sag of the cable must be given. This initial sag may be
taken as 5% of the span.

(c) Initial Condition for Messenger Cable

The initial condition of the messenger cable is defaulted to an initial tension of 1000 lbs.. This value may
be changed in the input file as described in the user's guide.

(d) Minimum Clearance Between Catenary and Messenger Cables

The minimum clearance between the catenary and messenger cables may be taken as 12 inches.

Note: Initial cable tensions, sags, and clearance may need to be adjusted to satisfy
strength and functional visibility requirements.

5.4 Pole Design

This section outlines the design of a concrete strain pole. It includes a guide for determining the required
depth of embedment using Bengt Broms' methods for either a cohesive or cohesionless soil strata. This
section contains the information necessary to select the required strain pole type using a calculated pole
height and applied loads. There is also discussion of necessary strain pole details.

Pole Height above Ground Surface

Foundation Requirements
Pole Type Selection

5.4.1 Pole Height Above Ground Surface

For one and two point connection system, the height to the top of the pole from the ground surface, H*,
shall be taken as the sum of the following:
1. The vertical distance between the base of the pole and the crown of the roadway.

2. The clearance between the lowest traffic control device and the crown of the roadway (17-19 feet

3. The vertical distance between the bottom of the lowest traffic control device and the connection of that
device to the messenger cable.

4. The vertical distance between the messenger cable and catenary cable at the location of the lowest
hanging traffic control device (12" minimum).

5. The vertical distance between the point where the catenary cable attaches to the strain pole and the
connection of the catenary cable to the vertical hanger for the lowest traffic control device.

6. The clearance between the point where the catenary cable attaches to the strain pole and the top of the
strain pole (12" minimum).

Figure: 5.4.a Single span, one point connection system

Figure: 5.4.b Single span, two point connection system

Note: The Z Coordinate is always considered 0.0 at the crown of the roadway

5.4.2 Foundation Requirements


The footings shall be designed in accordance with reference [14], Article 641-3.3. This section reads as
follows: "The footings for concrete strain poles used for cable support of traffic signals (types P-IV
through P-VII) shall be 3'6" in diameter and the depth shall be as specified in the plans. The footings for all
other concrete pole applications shall be as specified in the plans. The footings are to be constructed with
Class I concrete as specified in Section 641-2 (of reference [12]). For steel poles, footings shall consist of
a drilled shaft constructed with Class III or IV concrete.

Cohesive Soils, Clays:

The calculations for determining the necessary depth of embedment for the applied loads on the concrete
strain pole are derived from Bengt Broms' paper, "LATERAL RESISTANCE OF PILES IN COHESIVE
SOILS". Broms' method for calculating the ultimate lateral resistance of short free-headed piles in cohe-
sionless soils is the most applicable in determining the required depth of embedment for cable supported
traffic control devices with one or two point connection systems.

In Broms' method for cohesive soils, the lateral soil reaction is assumed to be zero from the ground surface
down to a depth of one and a half times the diameter or width of the footing, 1.5d. The lateral soil reaction
below a depth of 1.5d is then assumed to be 9cd. This distribution of lateral soil reactions is a conservative
assumption, and will be used for pole embedment length of greater than 3d. However for embedment length
of less than 3d, 1.5d can account for a significant distance. Therefore, Broms' assumed lateral soil reaction
will be modified to vary linearly from 1cd, at the ground surface, to 9cd, at a depth of 3d below the ground sur-

Using Broms' method and assumptions, the depth of embedment, L, for cable supported traffic control
devices with one or two point connection systems in cohesive soil is derived as follows:

CASE I (L <= 3d) When the depth of embedment of the strain pole is less than or equal to 3 times the
width or diameter of the footing, the depth of embedment, L, shall be calculated as presented in .

CASE II (L > 3d) When the depth of embedment of the strain pole is greater than 3 times the width or dia-
meter of the footing, the depth of embedment, L, shall be calculated using the standard Brom's method
presented in .

Cohesionless Soils, Sands:

The calculations for determining the necessary depth of embedment for the applied loads on the
concrete strain pole are derived from Bengt Broms' paper, "LATERAL RESISTANCE OF PILES IN
COHESIONLESS SOILS". Broms' method for calculating the ultimate lateral resistance of short
free-headed piles in cohesionless soils is the most applicable in determining the required depth of
embedment for cable supported traffic control devices with one or two point connection systems.
Broms' method begins with some basic assumptions. The surface of the pile is assumed to be frictionless.
This assumption makes it possible to calculate lateral earth pressures by Rankine earth pressure theory. At
failure, it is assumed that the lateral deflections are sufficiently large as to develop the full passive res-
istance. Full passive resistance will then be said to be equal to three times the passive Rankine earth pres-
sure from the ground surface down to the location of the center of rotation. It will be assumed that this lateral
earth pressure is independent of the shape of the cross-sectional area of the laterally loaded pile. This is a
conservative assumption. Active earth pressures, which develop at the back face of the pile, are assumed
to be sufficiently small compared to the passive earth pressure, which develop at the front face of the pile,
and therefore will be neglected in the calculations. This is also a conservative assumption.

Using Broms' method and assumptions, the depth of embedment, L, for cable supported traffic control
devices with one or two point connection systems in cohesionless soil is derived as follows:

GIVEN: Vb, Mb, φd, γ

The embedment length, L, can then be solved by iterating:

where .

More info at Foundation Design Cohesionless Soil

5.4.3 Details

Strain Pole Shear Reinforcement:

Concrete strain poles shall contain the recommended shear reinforcement as specified in Table: 5.4.a
which is a reproduction of Figure 641-5 of reference [14].

TYPE Size at Top Shear Reinforcing


P-II 6" Sq. 9 Ga. Spiral @ 6"

P -III 6" Sq. 6 Ga. Spiral @ 6"

P -IV 8" Sq. 5 Ga. Spiral @ 6"

P -V 10" Sq. 5 Ga. Spiral @ 6"

P -VI 12" Sq. 5 Ga. Spiral @ 6"

P -VII 14" Sq. 5 Ga. Spiral @ 6"

Table: 5.4.aConcrete Strain Poles

1. The total taper of all poles shall be 0.162"/ft.
2. The minimum cover shall be 1".
3. Spirals are to be provided for the entire length of the pole.

Points of Attachment:

Connection bolts shall be 3/4-inch diameter oval eyebolts. A flat washer shall be place on the end of the
eyebolt on the opposite side of the pole with a nut tightened over it until the eyebolt is unable to rotate.
The hole for the eyebolt used to attach the catenary wire shall be provided by the pole manufacturer. The
eyebolt holes for the messenger and/or tether cables shall be provided by the manufacturer or drilled in
the field by the contractor at the locations specified on the plans.

A maximum of two 3/8-inch diameter catenary wires may be connected to a strain pole with one 3/4-inch
diameter oval eyebolt. A maximum of one 7/16-inch diameter catenary wire may be connected to a strain
pole with one 3/4-inch diameter oval eyebolt.

A 3/4-inch diameter alloy steel eyebolt (ASTM F 541, Type 2) and a 3/4-inch heavy hex nut (ASTM A 563,
Grade C or D), both zinc coated in accordance with ASTM A 153, Class C, may be used to connect more
that one 7/16-inch diameter catenary wire or one 1/2-inch diameter messenger or catenary wire to a single
strain pole. Alternatively, the Engineer may design a special connection for this case.

5.4.4 Pole Type Selection

Concrete Strain poles shall be selected using a pole type which has a moment capacity, M, greater than
the maximum applied moment from Load Comb. 1, and 2. The moment capacities of each pole type
shown in Table: 5.4.b and Table: 5.4.c FDOT Standard Index 17725 and are selected by Atlas using the
equations shown in the Strain Pole Design.

Only strain poles on the Florida Department of Transportation's Qualified Products List, at the time of pole
proposal shall be used.
Table I
Minimum Required Allowable Service Moment Capacity (Ms)
H (feet) Type of Strain Pole
P-IV (k-ft) P-V (k-ft) P-VI (k-ft) P-VII (k-ft) P-VIII (k-ft)
20 21 86 121 165 204
22 24 90 126 171 210
24 26 93 131 176 215
26 29 97 135 182 221
28 32 101 140 187 227
30 34 104 144 192 232
32 37 108 149 197 238
34 39 111 153 202 243
36 41 114 157 207 248
38 44 117 161 212 253
40 46 120 165 217 258
42 48 123 169 221 263
44 50 126 173 226 268
46 52 129 177 230 272
48 54 132 180 235 277
50 56 135 184 239 281

Table: 5.4.bMinimum Required Allowable Service Moment Capacity

Table I shall be used for checking allowable stress in concrete for dead load only.
Ms ≥ MDL, where MDL = moment due to dead load only.

Table II
Minimum Required Ultimate Moment Capacity (φMn)
H (feet) Type of Strain Pole
P-IV (k-ft) P-V (k-ft) P-VI (k-ft) P-VII (k-ft) P-VIII (k-ft)
20 84 150 184 263 350
22 88 155 190 271 359
24 92 161 195 279 368
26 96 166 201 286 378
28 100 172 207 294 387
30 104 178 212 301 397
32 109 183 218 309 406
34 113 189 224 316 415
36 117 195 229 324 425
38 121 200 235 332 434
40 125 206 241 339 443
42 130 212 246 347 453
44 134 217 252 354 462
46 138 223 257 362 471
48 142 228 263 369 481
50 146 234 269 377 490

Table: 5.4.c Minimum Required Ultimate Moment Capacity

Table II shall be used for checking ultimate moment strength under factored loading combinations of dead
load plus wind load.
φMn ≥ Mu = DeadLoadFactor*MDL + WindLoadFactor*MWL, where MDL = moment due to dead load,
and MWL = moment due to wind load.

5.5 Sign and Signal Hardware Design

All signs, signals and other traffic signal assembly accessories shall conform to the requirements of the
current editions of Reference [17] and Reference [10]. Only hardware on the Florida Department of Trans-
portation's Qualified Products List, at the time of the systems proposal shall be used.

Cable Accessories
Adjustable Drop Hanger Requirements

5.5.1 Cable Accessories

All cable connection devices shall be capable of transmitting 100% of the minimum required tensile
strength (see Table: 5.3.a ).

5.5.2 Adjustable Drop Hanger Requirements

Aluminium-Alloy Drop Hanger

According to Reference [10] No. Crt-659-0, the adjustable hanger shall be constructed of a rust resistant
type metal ASTM B26. The hanger shall be designed using forces from ATLAS program and in accord-
ance with Reference [2].

Steel Pipe Drop Hanger

The steel pipe shall be designed to resist forces and moments obtained from the ATLAS program in
accordance to Reference [2].
5.6 References

1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, "Standard Specifications for
Highway Bridges", 12th edition, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offi-
cials, Washington, D.C., 1977

2. American Association of State Highway Officials, "Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for
Highway Signs, Luminaries and Traffic Signals", 2nd edition, American Association of State High-
way Officials, Washington, D.C., 1985.

3. American Concrete Institute, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-89) and
Commentary-(ACI 318R-89)", 2nd Printing, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan, July
1990, 353 pp.

4. American Iron and Steel Institute, "Manual for Structural Applications of Steel Cables for Buildings",
1st printing, American Iron and Steel Institute, New York, New York, 1973, 25 pp.

5. ASTM, 1988 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 1, Vol. 01.06, ASTM, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 1988, A 475-78, pp. 96-99.

6. Ansley, Marcus, "Concrete Strain Pole Program", Version 1.65, Florida Department of Transportation,
Structures Design Office, April 1992.

7. Bowles, Joseph E., Foundation Analysis and Design, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,
New York, 1988 pp. 768-82 and 886-91.

8. Broms, Bengt B., "Lateral Resistance of Piles in Cohesionless Soils", Proceedings of the American
Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Soil Mechanics And Foundation Division, Vol. 90, No.
SM3, May, 1964, pp. 123-156.

9. Broms, Bengt B., "Lateral Resistance of Piles in Cohesive Soils", Proceedings of the American Soci-
ety of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Soil Mechanics And Foundation Division, Vol. 90, No. SM2,
March, 1964, pp. 27-63.

10. Florida Department of Transportation, "Evaluation Criteria For Traffic Control Devices", Florida
Department of Transportation - Traffic Engineering Office, May 1, 1991, pp.25-27.

11. Florida Department of Transportation,"Florida Department of Transportation Roadway and Traffic

Design Standards", Florida Department of Transportation, January, 1992, Index Numbers 17727,
17733 and 17841.

12. Florida Department of Transportation, "Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specification

for Road and Bridge Construction 1991", Florida Department of Transportation, 1991.

13. Econolite Control Products Inc., "1993 Catalog and Manufacturer's notes", Econolite Control
Products, 1993. 196 pp.
14. Florida Department of Transportation, "Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specification
for Road and Bridge Construction 1991", Florida Department of Transportation, Section 641 revi-
sion, December 20, 1991, 10 pp.

15. Hays, Clifford O., Jr., John L. Davidson, E. M. Hagan, R. R. Risitano, "Drilled Shaft Foundation For
Highway Sign Structures", Research Report D647F, Engineering & Industrial Experiment Station
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, December, 1974, 93

16. Nilson, Arthur H., Design of Prestressed Concrete, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987,
592 pp.

17. U.S. Department of Transportation, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices For Streets and High-
ways, Federal Highway Administration, 1988.
6. Engine Input Users Guide

The following sections provide a guide to the user to prepare a data file. The data, as shown in the following
sections, is entered in blocks. Each block starts with a header and it ends with a blank line. A blank line is spe-
cified when a colon ":" is provided at the first column. The order of the blocks is arbitrary. The required data
consists of nodal information, the element definition and the applied loading. The nodal information consists of
the nodal coordinates and boundary conditions. The positive sign convention follows the right hand rule and is
shown in Figure: 6.6.a .

Figure: 6.6.a Right Handed Rule Corresponding to Global System

The element definition consists of the element properties such as the Area, the Young’s modulus, the moment
of inertia etc. and the element connectivity such as the staring and ending node for each element. The applied
loading consists of the gravity loads and the applied wind.

Control Block
Cable Element Data
Joint Coordinate Data
Boundary Condition Data
Three Dimensional Beam, Connector, and Light Elements
Signal Light Dead Weight Loads
Generate Block
Design Data
6.1 Introduction and Comments

ATLAS, "Analysis of Traffic signal Lights’ And Signs’ supports", is an analysis/design program which is
used for the analysis and design of signal lights and signs supported by the dual cable system. The analysis
consists of an iterative technique which is a combination of the Force Density Method (FDM) and the Direct
Stiffness Method (DSM). The FDM is ideal for the analysis of cable structures whereas the DSM is the
most widely used technique for the analysis of framed structures. The nature of the structures under con-
sideration lead to the development of this analysis technique which is a combination of the two methods.
The design follows the guidelines that are provided in Part I of this report.

In order to run ATLAS the user is required to prepare a data file which contains information about the struc-
ture. The required information consists of the structure's geometry, boundary conditions and loading pattern.
The input and output file names will be prompted for using a standard dialog box.

A model can also be created using the graphics preprocessor and the simplified data under the GENERATE

ATLAS is a product of a research project funded by the FDOT and it was developed by the Civil Engineering
Department at the University of Florida.

All input is free-format. The input data is prepared with an editor that has the capability to manipulate text
(ASCII) files. The data is stored in a data file and the user is required to supply the name of the data file dur-
ing run time. Blanks or commas are used to separate data. The following section provides the conventions
used for input.

1. A "#" in any column of any line denotes that the contents of that line after the ‘#’ sign are comments.
2. A double back slash "\ \" at the end of information on the any line allows the next line to be interpreted
as a continuation of the first line.
3. A colon ":" indicates the end of information on a line. Any information entered to the right of the colon is
ignored by the program. This space can be used to provide additional comments within the input file.
4. If a blank identifier is specified, the data string is assumed to be the first data string of the record.
5. If fewer data exist than are specified, the values returned will be either a zero or blank according to the
type of data expected.
6. Real numbers do not require decimal points: E formats with + or - exponents are accepted.
7. Simple arithmetic statements may be used within the input. The functions that can be used are +,-,*,/.
The order of evaluation is sequential, not hierarchical as in the FORTRAN language.

6.2 Control Block

The CONTROL block is required to provide general information about the structure. Some of the specified
data is required for the analysis whereas some data is optional. The optional data should be provided only in
cases when it is desired to change the defaults of ATLAS. The header of this block is CONTROL as shown

The data:
CONTROL (Block Heading)
TITLE = Title
MODEL = Model
NODES = Nodes
CLEAR = Clear
CABLE = Cable
SPEED = Speed
ANGLE = Angle
STATUS = Status
GUST = Gust
DIRECT= Direct
DEADLOADFAC = Dead Load factor
WINLOADFAC = Wind Load factor
COEFFFLAG = Coefficient Flag
DRAG = Drag Coefficient
UPLIFT = Uplift Coefficient
CUSTOMFLAG = Custom Flag

*** Additional lines - only for advanced use *****

CYCLES = cycles
WINTOL = wintol
GRVTOL = grvtol
ITER = iterations

Title = Problem Title which can be up to 72 Characters long

Model = Type of Structural system

Model = ONE - Single Point Cable Support
Model = TWO - Dual Cable Support

Nodes = The number of nodes in this model.

Clear = The clearance to the lowest point on the catenary cable.

Cable = The number of cables. This is only for ONE and TWO point systems. A cable is defined as the span
between two poles. (A two pole system has only a single cable. A four pole sys-
tem with cables going from corner to corner has four cables.)

Speed = The velocity of the wind (in Miles per hour).

Angle = The angle of the wind. The angle is measured from the X axis, counter clockwise positive.

Status = The type of analysis to be performed.

Status = "ANALYZE" - is to analyze only.
 Status = "CHECK" - is to analyze and check the structure’s capacity and give the foundation requirements.

KZFAC =1.00

Gust = Gust Effect Factor = 1.14(constant)

DIRECT = Directionality factor

DEADLOADFAC = Dead Load Factor

WINLOADFAC = Wind Load Factor

COEFFFLAG = 0 , automatically calculate drag and uplifting coefficient.

= 1, apply user defined drag coefficient.
= 2, variable drag coefficient.

DRAG = Drag coefficient is provided by user (When COEFFFLAG = 1).

= 0.7 for signal w/ backplate and 0.8 for signal w/o backplate (When COEFFFLAG = 2).

UPLIFT = Uplift coefficient is internally defined as 0.0 (As per FDOT, the drag coefficient should be adjus-
ted to include the uplifting)

CUSTOMFLAG = 0, LRFD limit state is selected

= 1, Custom option is selected

Below are some additional parameters that may be helpful on non-standard structures.

Cycles = The maximum number of cycles (iterations between the cable and pole solution process) to allow.
This should only be changed in you are sure the structure is solvable at lower wind levels.
The default is 200.

Grvtol = The tolerance for convergence of the gravity load (in percentage). The default = 3%

Wintol = The tolerance for convergence of the wind load (in percentage). The default = 5%

Iterations = The number of iterations for either the shape finding or stiffness portion of the solution. The
default = 200.

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.3 Cable Element Data

This section is required to provide data for the catenary and messenger cables. One line of data must be sup-
plied for each cable. The header of this block is CABLES as shown below.

CABLES (Block Heading)

(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

ND = Cable number
NI = Cable starting node number
NF = Cable final node number
SAG = Cable initial sag
(NOTE:The sag is given as a percentage of the span. It must be an integer. If sag is not
specified it is defaulted to 5%. If T is specified the program uses T and back calculates
the initial sag)

TEN = Cable initial tension

WGT= Unit weight of the cable per unit length
P = Type of Cable
P = 0 - Catenary Cable
P = 1 - Messenger Cable

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.4 Joint Coordinate Data

This section defines the nodal coordinates in a right handed cartesian coordinate system as shown in Fig-
ure: 6.6.a . The header for this block is COORDINATE as shown below.

COORDINATE (Block Heading)

ND X=X1 Y=Y1 Z=Z1 or C=C1
(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

ND = Current node number
X1 = X coordinate for node ND
Y1 = Y coordinate for node ND
Z1 = Z coordinate for node ND
C1 = Cable number that node ND belongs

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.5 Boundary Condition Data

This section defines the boundary conditions of the structure to be analyzed. All the boundaries must be spe-
cified in the global coordinate system using the sign convention that is shown in Figure: 6.6.a . The bound-
ary conditions are defined in terms of degrees of freedom, which can be fixed or released, according to the
support conditions and the types of elements. The following lines of input describe the state of the degrees
of freedom. The header of this section is BOUNDARY as shown below.

BOUNDARY (Block Heading)

ND DOF=F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6 
(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)
ND = Number of node in which the degree of freedom is specified
Fi = State at which the i-th DOF can have, either fixed or released. Therefore Fi can have ONLY either of the
two following values;
Fi = f is for fixed
Fi = r is for released.

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.6 Primary

PRIMARY (Block Heading)


NM = Number of primary cables
NP = Number of primary material property sets

Primary Element Material Property Lines - NP lines


MID = Material property set number
AA = Axial area
EM = Modulus of elasticity

Primary Elements Connectivity - NM lines

(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

NN = Member identification number
NI = Element starting node
NJ = Element end node
MP = Material property set number
CN = Cable Number

This section MUST be terminated with a blank line.

6.7 Secondary

SECONDARY (Block Heading)

NS = Number of secondary cables
NP = Number of secondary material property sets

Secondary Element Material Property Lines - NP lines


MID = Material property set number
AA = Axial area
EM = Modulus of elasticity

Secondary element connectivity - NS lines

(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

NN = Member identification number
NI = Element starting node
NJ = Element end node
MP = Material property set number
CN = Cable Number

This section MUST be terminated with a blank line.

6.8 3D Beam, Connector and Light Elements


The beam element if a full 3-D beam which serves as a pole in the structure. The connector elements are
treated as 3-D beam elements and they are physically present to connect the primary with the secondary
cables. Finally the lights are also treated as 3-D elements so that they develop moment at the connections.
All the three dimensional beam elements are used to model members that have bending stiffness about the
two principal axes, torsional and axial stiffness. Shearing deformations are assumed to be zero. The mem-
bers must be prismatic and are connected between two points I and J. A third point is used to specify the dir-
ections of the principal bending axes. Axis Xm is specified at the I-J direction; Axis Ym is normal to axis Xm
and is in the I-J-K plane; Axis Zm is normal to the plane formed by the Xm and Ym axes and completes the
right hand rule. The orientation of the axes is shown in Figure: 6.8.a . The following lines of input are
required to define frame elements:
Figure: 6.8.a Detail of the Forces on a 3-D Frame Element at Node I

6.8.1 Connectors

CONNECTORS (Block Heading)


NM = Number of frame members
NP = Number of material sets

Connector Material Property Lines - NP lines


MID = Material property set number
A = Axial area
J = Torsional moment of inertia about the Xm axis
I3 = Moment of inertia about the Zm axis, I3
I2 = Moment of inertia about the Ym axis, I2
E = Modulus of elasticity (Young's modulus), E
G = Shear modulus, G, only used to calculate the torsional stiffness.

Connector Member Connectivity - NM lines

(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

NN = Member number
NI = Element starting node, I
NJ = Element ending node, J
NK = Orientation node, K
MP = Material property set for this member

This section MUST be terminated with a blank line.

6.8.2 Lights

LIGHTS (Block Heading)


NM = Number of frame members
NP = Number of material sets

Light Material Property Lines - NP lines

MID A=A E=E I=I3, I2 J=J G=G S=S B=B P=P1,P2

MID = Material property set number
A = Axial area
J = Torsional moment of inertia about the Xm axis
I3 = Moment of inertia about the Zm axis, I3
I2 = Moment of inertia about the Ym axis, I2
E = Modulus of elasticity (Young's modulus), E
G = Shear modulus, G, only used to calculate the torsional stiffness.
S = 0 - for Sign
S  = 1 - for Signal.
B = 0 - for Signs and Signal with 0" backplate
B = 6 - for Signal with 6" backplate
B = 8 - for Signal with 8" backplate
P1 = Surface area of light/sign in Y direction.
P2 = Surface area of light/sign in X direction.

Light Member Connectivity - NM lines

(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

NN = Member number
NI = Element starting node, I
NJ = Element ending node, J
NK = Orientation node, K
MP = Material property set for this member

This section MUST be terminated with a blank line.

6.8.3 Beam

BEAM (Block Heading)


NM = Number of frame members
NP = Number of material sets

Beam Element Material Property Lines - NP lines


MID = Material property set number
TYPE = Pole type used in version 5 and earlier
XTYPE = Pole type used in version 6 and later
FC = Compressive strength of pole material
ES = Modulus of Elasticity (Only applicable for STEEL Pole)

Beam Element Connectivity - NM lines

(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

NN = Member number
NI = Element starting node, I
NJ = Element ending node, J
NK = Orientation node, K
MP = Material property set for this member

This section MUST be terminated with a blank line.

6.9 Signal Light Dead Weight Loads

The following sections contain the loads. The SIGNS block contains the loads that are used to obtain the grav-
ity solution. In order to obtain the gravity solution only the primary cables are considered. Therefore, the ele-
ment (lights, connectors, cables) weights are applied on the nodes connected to the primary cables. The
header of this block is SIGNS.

The LOADS block contains the applied loads on the structure. These loads are the loads that maintain their
magnitude throughout the analysis. Therefore, they are not functions of the element rotation angles as the
wind loads are. This block contains the magnitudes of the different element weights as they are distributed to
the element nodes. The header of this block is LOADS.
The WIND block is optional and may contain loads that remain constant throughout the analysis. It is very sim-
ilar to the LOADS block. The header of this block is WIND.


6.9.1 Signs

SIGNS (Block Header)

(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)
NF = Node on which the load is applied
FX = Load corresponding to the X translational degree of freedom.
FY = Load corresponding to the Y translational degree of freedom.
FZ = Load corresponding to the Z translational degree of freedom.

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.9.2 Wind

WIND (Block Header)

(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

NF = Node on which the load is applied
FX = Load corresponding to the X translational degree of freedom.
FY = Load corresponding to the Y translational degree of freedom.
FZ = Load corresponding to the Z translational degree of freedom.

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.9.3 Loads

LOADS (Block Header)

(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

NF = Node on which the load is applied
FX = Load corresponding to the X translational degree of freedom.
FY = Load corresponding to the Y translational degree of freedom.
FZ = Load corresponding to the Z translational degree of freedom.

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.10 Generate Block

The GENERATE block is created to aid the creation of INPUT files for Atlas when using the graphics pre-
processor. It contains simplified information related to the structure under consideration. The information is
expanded by the preprocessor which creates INPUT files in the proper format for Atlas to run.

It is important to understand that the information under the GENERATE block is useful only to the pre-
processor. In the same manner the analysis/design program requires the data from the rest of the blocks in
the INPUT file and disregards the information under the GENERATE heading.

The data required for the GENERATE block (and subsequent sub-blocks) is sufficient to completely define
a model provided you use the preprocessor to create the INPUT file.


6.10.1 Generate

The form of the GENERATE block which consists of several sub-blocks is described below.

GENERATE - (Block heading)


CL = Clearance parameter which corresponds to the distance from the ground to the lowest point of the
lights whichever this might be
(Note: Note that this parameter is not the same as the clear parameter that is specified
in the master control line (second line) of the INPUT)
V = Wind speed in miles/hour
A = Angle that the wind blows with respect to the X-axis (Horizontal) ( 0 to 90 degrees)
S = Defines the state of execution. It is the same as that of the master control line.
 = 2, "CHECK" = Check an existing design for adequacy
 = 3, "ANALYZE" = Analyze only
SG = Sag of catenary cable
D = Difference between messenger and catenary cable in feet

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.10.2 System

SYSTEM (Block Heading)


MT = Type of model
 "ONE - POINT" = One point attachment system
 "TWO - POINT" = Two point attachment system

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.10.3 Poles

POLES - (Sub-block Heading)


MID = Material number
T = Pole type used in version 5 and earlier
X = Pole type used in version 6 and later
FC = Concrete strength
ES = Elastic Modulus (Only applicable for STEEL Pole)

(Note: The material lines may be repeated as many times as needed)


(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

POL = Number of pole
X = X coordinate of the pole base
Y = Y coordinate of the pole base
Z = Z coordinate of the pole base
M = Material property corresponding to the properties above
(Note: The pole element lines directly follow the material lines and may be repeated
as many times as needed)

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.10.4 Wires

WIRES - (Sub-block Heading)

M=MID D=D1,D2 E=E1,E2 T=T

MID = Number of material property
D1 = (Diameter of the catenary cable) * 16
D2 = (Diameter of the messenger cable) * 16
E1 = Young's modulus of the catenary cable
E2 = Young's modulus of messenger cable
T = Initial tension in messenger cable


(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

W = Number of cable
P1 = First pole that the cable is attached to
P2 = Second pole that the cable is attached to
M = Material property corresponding to the properties above
(NOTE: The wire element lines directly follow the material lines and may be repeated
as many times as needed)

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.10.5 Signal

SIGNAL - (Sub-block Heading)

M=MID R=R N=N A=A1 or A=A1,A2 C=C W=W D=D

MID = Material property number
R = Hanger diameter in inches
N = Differentiates a traffic sign from a signal light
 YES = Traffic sign
(Note: This parameter is only required when a traffic sign is defined)
A1 = Type of aux sign
A2 = Sign surface area(in^2)
C = Distance from the light centroid to the messenger cable that is attached to
(Note: A1 defines the type of sign. If a standard sign is used the A2 and C parameters
need not be specified. If on the other hand a different type of sign is to be
used then A1 should equal OTHER and A2 as well as C have to be spe-
W= Weight per sqft
D = Direction of sign face
D = X - Sign facing X Direction
D = Y - Sign facing Y Direction
S = Number of brackets
DIA = Diameter of the lenses
E = Type of backplate
L = Type of material that the light is built of
 AL = Aluminum
 PC = Polycarbonate
G = Configuration type
(Note: There are two types of elements that can be defined in this sub-block. For each
element type the appropriate material property line must be used to define
it. Thus, for the traffic signs the first property line must be used whereas for
the signal lights the second)


(Note : Repeat the same line as many times as required)

S = Light element number
X = X-coordinate of the light
Y = Y-coordinate of the light
M = Material property line that corresponds to those specified above
C = Cable number that the light belongs to.

This section MUST end with a blank line.

6.10.6 Design

The following section provides information about the design parameters of the foundation. The data in this
block includes the type of soil and its properties as well as the factor of safety to be used in the calculations.

DESIGN - (Block Heading)


TYPE = Type of soil
 TYPE = 1 - Cohesive soil
 TYPE = 2 - Non Cohesive soil
FOS = Factor of safety (obsolete in version 6 and later)
SR = Soil Resistance Factor (Default = 0.6)
C1 = Coefficient of cohesion
(Note: C1 is required when TYPE = 1 and is not required otherwise)
G1 = Unit weight of the soil
P1 = Angle of friction
(Note: G1 and P1 are required when TYPE = 2 and are not required otherwise)
WR = Wire Resistance Factor (Default = 0.5)

This section MUST end with a blank line.

7. Assumptions and Hints

This section summarizes the key assumptions used during the analysis and model creation as well as offering
some hints on how to modify the INPUT for special conditions.

1. Pole Node Location Assumptions

2. Fix for Uneven Base of Poles
3. General Program Solution Process
4. Hint on Analyzing a Problem

7.1 Pole Node Location Assumptions

The pole node locations are calculated in the preprocessor using the following values:

Figure: 7.1.a Pole Node Location

Note that the Default separation between the messenger and the catenary can be changed under the
OPTIONS menu in ATLAS. To change the top of the pole node locations, the user must specify the Z coordin-
ate of the nodes under the EDIT - POLES option of the menu. Use the 3-D view in ATLAS to get the node num-
bers at the tip of the poles.

7.2 Fix for Uneven Base of Poles

If the ground at the base of the poles is not level, the user must use the menu option EDIT, select pole and
enter the Z coordinate of the pole base. This information will be saved in the input file for use by ATLAS.
Figure: 7.2.a Pole Orientation and Moment Capacity Check

The pole orientation is generally assumed to be in the direction of the cables connected between the poles.
This is exact for simple two pole configurations.

Figure: 7.2.b Pole Orientation

When signs "OTHER" are chosen in ATLAS, the user is requested for the sign eccentricity. The eccentricity
is defined as:
Figure: 7.2.c Sign Eccentricity Definition

When defining either signals or signs, they are both oriented with the primary area facing the Y direction. This
means that a 90° wind, (acting in the Y direction) will have the greatest area on which to act. This is generally
not significant for signals since the side and front area is approximately the same. For signs, this is very
important since the area is zero for a side wind. The following figure shows the sign orientation with face in Y

Figure: 7.2.d Default Sign Direction

If the direction of the signs needs to be changed, navigate to EDIT Menu -> Signal and click on the sign.

7.3 General Program Solution Process

The general solution process for the cable systems functions in a cycling manner between two solution tech-
nologies: 1) Cable only solutions (Shape Finding) and 2) Pole solutions (Pole movement due to cable forces).
The reason for this cycling is because the cable systems are very unstable and do not solve in standard stiff-
ness programs. This is the reason for the development of the cable solution strategies.

The cable solution portion takes a standard pole-cable-light system as shown below:
Figure: 7.3.a Single span signal system

And converts it into two problems. The first problem is the cable only solution as shown below:

Figure: 7.3.b Cable only solution

The second problem is the solution of just the poles due to the cable tensions in from the cable problem (as
shown below).

Figure: 7.3.c Pole solutions using the cable forces.

Due to the cable tensions, the poles move. The pole movement causes the fixed supports on the cable prob-
lem to be moved and a new cable solution is required. The solution cycles between these two problems until
the pole movement does not change the support locations for the cable problem. Then the entire structure is
put back together and a standard finite element solution is run in order to recover the hanger forces.

The gravity solution is accomplished first. For this solution, the dead weight of the signals and signs are used
as loads. Then the cable tensions are adjusted so that the specified clearance is achieved. This is done in a
single cycle. Next, the wind plus gravity loads are applied and the cycling process repeated. In the wind case,
the first cycle takes the longest because it finds the approximate position of the light. Subsequent cycles are
much faster because they begin from the previous cycles position.
7.4 Hints on Analyzing a Problem

When solving a two pole configuration, ATLAS should be able to solve just about any problem. However,
the more unstable the system or higher the loads, the more difficult the solution. Many time, the reason
ATLAS won’t solve the problem is that there is an error in the input file. Often, data is missing or the wind is
in all in-plane. If ATLAS won’t solve, try the following:

1. Look at the input file at the property lines. Make sure the values are reasonable. Things to look for are
I= for the moment of inertia, E= for Young’s modulus etc. Often these are in error and cause the prob-
lem to not solve.

2. Reduce the wind velocity to 30 or 40 Miles per hour and see if the system can be solved. If it can, then
the structure is probably specified correctly. Then, increase the wind by percentage and try again.
Note: This should be done in the ANALYZE mode!

 If the system is solving correctly at the lower wind speeds, but fails at some of the higher speeds, the fol-
lowing can be tried:

a. If the number of cycles reaches 200, the system will stop without a solution. Assuming you have fol-
lowed step 2), then try increasing the maximum number of cycles allowed (CONTROL BLOCK in
b. You can also reduce the convergence tolerance for the wind loading (WINTOL), also in the CONTROL
BLOCK. This will allow a solution with a little more equilibrium error to occur.

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