Lms Template - Tutorial Chap 5

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Learning Management System

Subject Name Chemistry 1

Chapter 5

Topic Kinetics

Name : ……….…………………….……………….. Lecturer : .................................

Intake : …………………..………….…..………...…. Date : .………..…………......

1. (a) What is a rate equation?

(b) (i) Write the differential rate equation for the following reaction.

2H2 (g) + O2 (g) 2H2O (g)

(ii) When the concentration of H2O (g) increases at a rate of 0.58 mol dm-3 s-1, what is

the rate of concentration change for O2 (g)?

2. Consider the reaction


It is a first order with respect to A and zero order with respect to B.

If the initial concentrations of A and B are 1.5 M and 3.0 M respectively, calculate the
initial rate of reaction. The rate constant for this reaction is 3.45 X 10-3 s-1.

3. (a) For the reaction, A products, the rate equation is:

-d[A] = k [A]
What is the concentration of A after 5.5 minutes if the initial concentration of A is 0.2

mol dm-3 and the rate constant is 0.40 min-1?

(b) With the aid of Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve, explain the effect of

temperature on reaction rate.

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Learning Management System

4. The results of a kinetic study of the reaction between aqueous solutions of chlorine
dioxide and hydroxide ions are given below.

Experiment [ClO2] / mol dm-3 [OH-]/ mol dm-3 Initial rate/ mol dm-3 s-

1 0.0421 0.0185 8.21 X 10-3

2 0.0522 0.0185 1.26 X 10-2

3 0.0421 0.0285 1.26 X 10-2

The chemical equation for the reaction is:

ClO2 (aq) + 2OH- (aq) ClO3- (aq) + H2O (l)

(a) Determine the overall order of reaction for this experiment.

(b) Calculate the rate constant, k, for the reaction.

5. (a) Explain what is meant by activation energy.

(b) The rate constant for a reaction is 0.19 mol dm-3 min-1. If the original concentration of
the reactant is 1.0 mol dm-3, how long will it take for the concentration of the reactant
to decrease to 0.62 mol dm-3?

(c) The acid hydrolysis of sucrose

C12H22O11 + H2O 2C6H12O6

is a first order reaction with a rate constant of 3.55 X 10-3 min-1. Calculate the time
needed for 50% of 1 kg of sucrose to react.

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Learning Management System

6. Hydrogen peroxide reacts with potassium iodide in the presence of hydrochloric acid
according to the equation

H2O2 + 2I- + 2H+ 2H2) + I2

The rate equation for the reaction is as follows:

Rate= k [H2O2] [I-]

(a) What is the order of reaction wrt

(i) potassium iodide (ii) hydrochloric acid

(b) What is the overall order of reaction?

(c) The table below shows the experimental results obtained. Predict the values of x, y
and z in the experiment.

Initial rate/ Initial concentration/ mol dm-3

mol dm-3 s-1 [H2O2] [H+] [I-]

1.0 X 10-4 0.1 0.1 0.1

2.0X 10-4 x 0.1 0.1

1.0 X 10-4 0.1 0.2 y

z 0.2 0.1 0.2

(d) Calculate the rate constant for this reaction.

(e) If the reaction is carried out at a higher temperature, how would the value of the rate
constant change?

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7. The hydrolysis of methyl ethanoate produces ethanoic acid and methanol.


When methyl ethanoate was hydrolysed in the presence of hydrochloric acid at a constant
temperature, the following results were obtained.

Time (s x 104) Concentration of ester (mol dm-3)

0 0.240

0.36 0.156

0.72 0.104

1.08 0.068

1.44 0.045

(a) State the reason for using hydrochloric acid in the hydrolysis of methyl ethanoate and
the reason for maintaining the reaction mixture at a fixed temperature.

(b) By using a graphical method, show that the reaction is first order with respect to
methyl ethanoate.

(c) Determine the rate constant for this reaction.

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