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Time Track Application Help File

TIMETRACK is comprehensive Human Resources Management Software
designed to handle all Attendance and Leave Management functions. It has a future rich
Personnel Information System. Listed below are the tables of contents

1.1 View Text / Excel Files 3
1.2 Punch Info 4
1.3 Leave Setup 6
1.3.1 Leave Types 7
1.3.2 Leave Conditions 8
1.3.3 Leave Controls 9
1.4 Shift Time 11
1.4.1 Shift Time Wizard 13
1.5 Holiday 15
1.6 Password Rules 16
1.7 Year End Operations 17
1.7.1 Leave Transfer 18
1.8 User Management 19
1.9 Report Rights 20
1.10 Error Reporting 21
2.1 Main 23
2.2 Personal 24
2.3 Address 25
2.4 Qualification 26
2.5 Health 27
2.6 Accounting 28
3.1 Receive Punches 30
3.2 Update Muster 32
3.3 Attendance Entries
3.3.1 Punch Entry 33
3.3.2 Adjustment Entry 34
3.3.3 Gate Pass Entry 35
3.3.4 Exception Entries 36
3.4 Shift Scheduling 37
3.5 Shift Assign 39
3.5.1 Shift Manual Assign - GUI 41
3.5.2 Shift Scheduling 42
3.5.3 Shift Rotation 43
3.5.4 Shifts Applicable 45
3.5.5 Shift Manual Assign Entries 46
3.5.6 Shift Rotation Cyclical 47

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3.6 Leave Grant & Cancel 48
3.7 Leave Credit Encash 51
3.8 Overtime Entry 53
3.9 Leave Reconciliation 55
V 5.1 REPORTS 59
6.1.1 Report Designer 61
6.1.2 Letter Planner 64
6.1.3 SQL Query Planner 65
6.1.4 User Table Designer 67
6.1.5 User Table Data Entry 68
6.1.6 Report Print 69
7.1 Online Leave Application 71
7.2 Online Leave Grant 74
7.3 Attendance Query 76
7.4 Password Change 77

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Setup – View Text / Excel Files

View Text / Excel Files

All the reports created by TIMETRACK and saved as a Text file or Excel file can
be viewed through this menu. All the files are displayed in the file selection list. Double
click the desired file to open the file.

How To
• Double click on the desired file to open and view the file.

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Setup - Punch Info

Attendance information can be calculated accurately only when there is a

minimum of 2 punches or in multiples of 2. But due to the policies followed and practical
considerations there may not be 2 punches for all the employees. Through this menu the
punch status of the employee can be set. There are four options available.
 NO PUNCH – The employee is marked present even if the employee has not punched.
The employee is marked present on all days except his off days (rest).
 ONE PUNCH – One punch is sufficient to be marked present. If even punches are
there attendance information like work time etc are also calculated. But if odd punches
are there (3 or 5) the employee is marked absent.
 ODD PUNCH – Irrespective of the number of punches (1 or more) the employee is
marked present. (SONEPAT: Based on the punch first half or second half is marked
present for the shifts other then Night Shift.).
 EVEN PUNCH – The employee has to punch twice. In and Out. In case any one
punch is missing the employee will not be marked as present.

How To
1. Select any one of the options.

2. Select department, category, designation or grade from the listed information. Any
combination can be selected. Grade above C1, in Staff Category and Production,
HR department can be selected. Selected information will be highlighted in blue
color. Clicking on the selected information will remove the selection.
3. Click ‘Show Emps’ button.
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4. The employees selected will be highlighted by blue color. Any individual
employee can be selected or deselected by clicking on the employee.
5. Press ‘Save’ to save the selection.

This information is stored in the employee master and can be viewed in Employee menu.

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Setup – Leave Setup

Leave Setup
This menu is an initial one-time operation. This menu has all the options regarding
Leave and its rules. The following are the operations covered by this menu

1. Leave Types -All leave names, the muster mark and the type of leave
(Paid or unpaid) can be setup using this menu
2. Leave Conditions -Leave Conditions like CL should not precede a
Rest (weekly off) can be setup using these options
3. Leave Controls -Various Controls such as how many days to grant
Maximum leave, to include Rest (weekly offs) or not, the
maximum number of times the leave can be grated etc can
be setup using this option.

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Setup – Leave Setup – Leave Types

Leave Setup – Leave Types

Various types of leaves can be recorded here. Muster marks for leave can be
entered here which will be printed in Muster Reports. Leave will be determined as Paid or
unpaid through the entry made on the paid leave column
How To
• Select the last row in the grid, which will be an empty row.
• Double Click on the
Leave Name column in
the last row.
• Enter the Name of the
Leave. Press Enter.
• Double Click on the
leave mark column in
the last row.
• Enter the Leave Mark.
Press Enter.
• Double click on the
Paid Leave column in the last row.
• This column will alternatively display ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Select the desired one.
• Press Save to Confirm.

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Setup – Leave Setup – Leave Conditions

Leave Setup – Leave Conditions

Leave Conditions specify that these rules should be considered on granted leave.
For example - If some employees take casual leave (CL) before and after an off day (OO)
then the off day will also be considered as casual leave. Then you have to enter the Pattern
From as CLOOCL and the Pattern To as CLCLCL. The system will mark the intervening
off day (OO) as casual leave (CL).
You can select the leave marks from the leave selection list. Since there
will be different patterns for different group employees you can make many patterns and
assign the pattern to an employee.

To Create or Edit a Condition

1.Select or Enter a Pattern

Name. To edit select
modify check box.
2.Select the Leave Mark from
the Leave Selection list.
3.Double click on the Pattern
From cell to enter the
condition to look for.
 Repeat steps 2
and 3 to enter a
condition e.g.
4.Select the Leave Mark from
the Leave Selection list (2)
& Double click on the
Pattern To cell to enter the condition to change.
 Repeat step 4 a change condition e.g. CLCLCL.
 Press Save to save the pattern.

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Setup – Leave Setup – Leave Controls

Leave Setup – Leave Controls

Leave Controls are used to set up controls for granting or crediting leave.
Since all the employees in an organization wont have the same leave privileges and
controls, you can make different patterns and assign these patterns for employees.
The various leave controls include the minimum and maximum number of Days to
Credit, Times to Credit, Days to Grant, Times to Grant, Days to En-cash, Times to En-
cash etc. For example - Earned Leave (EL) can be taken for a minimum of 5 Days and a
maximum of 20 Days. It can be granted only 5 times (Times Grant), Maximum carry
forward is 15 Days and minimum encashment is 10 days. These kinds of leave controls
can be setup. You can also set whether any leave can be granted even if no balances exist
(e.g. Maternity Leave, Leave Without Pay etc.) by making No in the Check Balance
For leave granting, you can also setup whether to include by default the Off Days
and Holidays (most companies include off days and holidays as a part of Earned Leave).

To Create or Edit a Pattern

1. Select or Enter a Pattern Name. Select Modify to Edit.

2. Select the leave period. This is the start of the leave month. For some
employees (Workmen) it may be January (Jan) and for some others (Staff) it
may be April (Apr).

3. All the Leave types created are displayed. The Leave Controls include

Crediting -Minimum, Maximum and No of Times to Credit

Granting -Minimum, Maximum and No of Times to Grant

Encash -Minimum, Maximum and No of Times to Encash

Carry forward -Maximum

Check Balance -Whether to check the balances when leave is being granted.
The current granted leave is check against the
current balance available.
 Advance Allowed - Whether advance leave can be granted (without
 Holidays, Off Days - Whether to include in calculating no of leave days
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 Lapse Date - This is especially for special type of leaves (CEO),
which have to be availed within a specified time
 Double click on the required cell to set up a control. Type in the no of
Days/hours and press Enter.
 Repeat the above step till you have set all the control.
4. Press Save to save the pattern.

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Setup –Shift Time

NOTE: This menu is for display only. Entries in this menu are blocked based on the
user feedback that this is complicated. Use the wizard to enter the shift information.

Wizard Wizard for setting up Shift Timings.

Shift Time
Shifts are the predefined work hours. After defining, these shifts are assigned to
employees. Many manufacturing companies work rounds the clock and the employees
rotate in shifts of 8 hours. You can create any number of shifts. The shift should minimum
have a Name, an IN time and an OUT time. Apart from this shifts will have many
parameters. Options are provided to enter these parameters. Every shift entry has three
rows where you can define the parameters for the concerned shift. If you would like to
know what to enter in any cell, single click the mouse on the cell and the information
about that cell will be displayed on the top of the window.
First Row Parameters
1. The name of the shift.
2. The shift mark.
3. The Shift IN Time.
4. Enter the Break OUT Time.
5. Select Yes if there is break timings for the shift
6. Enter the Break IN Time.
7. Enter the Shift OUT Time. If it is for night shift and the OUT time is
morning 06.00 Hours, just enter 06.00 and not 30.00 (Do not add 24 Hours).
Second Row Parameters
1. Shift Color - Select a color for the shift, will be useful in Attendance
verification and shift Schedule.
2. OT - If there is a maximum Early OT, enter the hours.
3. Tolerance - Enter the Tolerance time for coming to a shift - i.e. If the shift
starts at 06.00 hours and the employee’s work time is not cut if he comes
within 06.05 enter 00.05 in this cell.

4. Cut Slab - Enter the slab Amount of time to cut if the employee comes after
the tolerance time. For example - If Employee comes at 06.06 and you want
to cut 30 minutes and if he arrives at 06.31 you want to cut 60 minutes, then
enter 00.30. If the actual time is to be taken leave it blank.
5. Cut Slab - The slab time to cut if the employee is going early during break.
6. Tolerance - The tolerance time allowed going early during the break.
7. Lunchtime to Deduct if the employee is not punching during break.
8. Cut Slab - The slab time to cut if the employee is coming late during break.
9. Tolerance - The tolerance time allowed coming late during the break.
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10. Cut Slab- The slab time to cut if the employee is going early at Shift OUT
11. Tolerance - The tolerance time allowed going early at Shift OUT Time.
12. OT- If there is a maximum Late OT, enter the hours to be round off.

Third Row Parameters

13. Auto Shift - Auto Shift Scheduling is a unique feature of
TIMETRACK. For example - If the shift starts at 06.00 hours and you
want the employees who make their IN Punch between 05.30 Hours to
06.30 hours to be scheduled for this shift, then enter, 05.30 hours as the
earliest time to punch.
14. Enter 06.30 hours as the Auto shift end time to punch.
15. Half day - Enter the minimum hours to be worked to be marked half
day present
16. Full day- Enter the minimum hours to work, to be marked as full day
17. Cut GP - Select Yes if you want to cut the time of unofficial Gate Pass.

Muster Marks
1.Please enter the muster marks for present, absent, holidays, off days (rest days)
and offdaysholidays (Days which are holiday and off day).
2.You can select different colors for marking Holidays and off days.

3.Press ‘Save’ to save the shift timings. The menu closed once the shift timings are

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Setup –Shift Time-Wizard

Shift Time Wizard

Shifts are the predefined work hours. After defining, these shifts are assigned to
employees. Many manufacturing companies work rounds the clock and the employees
rotate in shifts of 8 hours. You can create any number of shifts. The shift should minimum
have a Name, an IN time and an OUT time. Apart from this shift will have many
parameters. Options are provided to enter these parameters. Every shift entry has three
rows where you can define the parameters for the concerned shift. If you would like to
know what to enter in any cell, single click the mouse on the cell and the information
about that cell will be displayed on the top of the window.

1. The name of the shift.

2. The shift mark.
3. Shift Color - Select a color for the shift, will be useful in Attendance verification
and shift Schedule.
4. The Shift IN Time.
5. Tolerance - Enter the Tolerance time for coming to a shift - i.e. If the shift starts at
06.00 hours and the employee’s work time is not cut if he comes within 06.05
enter 00.05 in this cell.
6. Cut Slab - Enter the slab Amount of time to cut if the employee comes after the
tolerance time. For example - If Employee comes at 06.06 and you want to cut 30
minutes and if he arrives at 06.31 you want to cut 60 minutes, then enter 00.30. If
the actual time is to be taken leave it blank.

7. Enter the Shift OUT Time. If it is for night shift and the OUT time is morning
06.00 Hours, just enter 06.00 and not 30.00 (Do not add 24 Hours).
8. Tolerance - The tolerance time allowed going early at Shift OUT Time.
9. Cut Slab- The slab time to cut if the employee is going early at Shift OUT Time.
10. Select Yes if there is break timings for the shift
11. Enter the Break OUT Time.
12. Tolerance - The tolerance time allowed going early during the break.
13. Cut Slab - The slab time to cut if the employee is going early during break.
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14. Enter the Break IN Time.
15. Tolerance - The tolerance time allowed coming late during the break.
16. Cut Slab - The slab time to cut if the employee is coming late during break.
17. OT - If there is a maximum Early OT, enter the hours.
18. OT- If there is a maximum Late OT, enter the hours to be round off.
19. Lunchtime to Deduct if the employee is not punching during break.
20. Cut GP- Select Yes if you want to cut the time of unofficial Gate Pass.
21. Half day - Enter the minimum hours to be worked to be marked half day

22. Full day - Enter the minimum hours to work, to be marked as full day
23. Auto Shift - Auto Shift Scheduling is a unique feature of TIMETRACK. For
example - If the shift starts at 06.00 hours and you want the employees who make
their IN Punch between 05.30 Hours to 06.30 hours to be scheduled for this shift,
then enter, 05.30 hours as the earliest time to punch.
24. Enter 06.30 hours as the Auto shift end time to punch.

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Setup - Holiday

Holiday Setup
The company's predefined holidays can be entered here. Options are provided to
have multiple patterns of holidays and assigning the same to the employee. You can select
a certain group of employee and assign the holiday pattern to that employee.

NOTE: The holiday pattern name of the employee will remain the same every year. No
need to change the pattern names.

How to create a holiday pattern

1. Select the year.

2. Select or Enter a Pattern Name.
3. Check Modify.
4. Double click on the Date and select the required date. Enter to confirm.
 Double click on Description to enter any details.
 Do the above for all holiday dates.
5. Press Save to save the pattern.

How to Assign

1. Select the group of employees by selecting a group using this selection boxes.
2. Choose Select All to select all the employees listed.
3. You can also select any individual employee by selecting the employee code.
4. Press Save to save the pattern to the employee. Saved patterns appear in the
employee selection grid.

How to Delete a holiday Pattern

1. Select the year.

2. Select or Enter a Pattern Name.
3. Check Modify.
4. Press Delete to delete the pattern name.

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Setup – Password Rules

Password Rules Setup

The administrator can set up the creation of passwords.

1. The minimum and maximum length of the password can be entered.

2. The minimum number of numeric characters in the password can be setup.
3. Unique passwords – The number of times the user should choose unique
passwords while changing the password after the expiry date.
4. The number of days after which the password should be changed.

Based on the setup of these parameters the user password will be validated and

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Setup – System Maintenance

Year End Operations / System Maintenance

This menu has tabbed pages for year-end operations and for system maintenance.

Leave Transfer -The menu which facilitates the transfer of leave from one
period to another.

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Setup – System Maintenance – Leave Transfer

Leave Transfer
 Leave balances can be transferred from one period to another
 The transfer can be done for a single employee or for a group of employees who
belong to a specific leave control pattern.
 The leave balances are transferred based on the setup made in the leave control.
 A sample setup for leave control pattern is provided below.

Leave Transfer Logic

 There are 3 variables to be filled up in Setup – Leave Setup - Leave Controls.
 The following are the variables
o Avail Min
o Credit Max
o Carry Forward
 An example for the following leaves types.
 Earned / Annual / Others (any one based on the site)
o Avail Min - 15
o Credit Max - 30
o Carry Forward - 300
o Avail Min
o Credit Max
o Carry Forward - 1
o Avail Min -
o Credit Max -
o Carry Forward - 1

Transfer Logic
1. Reads the Employee one by one
2. Reads the leave control for the employee
3. Leave MaxtoCredit or Leave MaxCarryForward should be greater then 0 (zero).
Then only the leave is considered as transferable leave.
4. Closing balance is calculated
5. Leave consumed is calculated. If leave consumed in less then minimum to consume
the difference is deducted in closing balance. Example
Closing 200
Minimum to Consume 15
Actual consumption 10
Closing Balance will be 195 ( 200 – (15 – 10 )).
6. If date of joining is greater then 31/03/2003 leave balance is not carried over.

How To
 Select a single employee or a leave control pattern
 Select the from period and the to period
 Press Transfer to transfer the leave balances
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Setup – User Management

User Management
This is the user management menu of this application. System administrators can
use this menu to add new users and give them the required privileges. The salient features
of this menu are
 Both horizontal and vertical security privileges are available.
 The users access can be limited to group of employees based on their department,
designation etc.
 Access can be denied for any of the menus in the application.
 Access can be granted for view only or for modification in the menus.

1. Enter or Select a Users Name. If the user is not a new user, his granted privileges

are displayed in and the his access to employee groups are

displayed in the selection boxes at . All the available privileges are

displayed in . If the user is a new user all the available privileges are
displayed in granted privileges.
{bmc setup_usermanagement.bmp}
2. Enter a default password for access. Later the user can change his password thru
the password change option.
3. This is the Granted privileges view. You may see that in addition to individual
menu names there are extensions such as ‘Edit’ and other information for some
menus. These are the actions, which can be performed in those menus. In Overtime
entry, the informed can be viewed or edited. In Leave grant apart from leave grant,
privileges are there for Leave Balance Edit and Entering Leave for
arrears(DOC20). These privileges can be removed if needed. Select the Menu or
the Privilege by clicking on it and press “Delete” key.
4. All available privileges are displayed in this menu. Any particular privilege that
was denied access to the user could be later added by double clicking on the
privilege. This gets added to the granted privilege menu.
5. Groups of employees can be selected by using this option. Only the selected
employees information will be accessible by the user.
6. Press ‘Save’ to save the users access.
7. Press ‘Delete ‘ to remove the users from accessing this application.
8. In case a user has been given certain number of privileges initially and if you need
to grant all privileges “Reload Menu” loads all the available privileges in the
Granted privileges menu. Delete any particular privilege if needed and press
“Save” to save the privileges.
9. “Close” closes this menu.

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Setup – Report Rights

User Management for Reports

The administrator can give rights for the users for certain reports.

1. Select the user name.

2. All the reports that the user has the rights to view would be highlighted.
3. Press and Hold the CTRL key to modify the selection.
4. Clicking on a report name will select / unselect the report.
5. To select all the reports, select the first report and drag the mouse down.
6. Press Save & Exit to save the reports to the selected user.

Based on this setup, the user will be given the choice of selecting the reports.

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Setup – Error Reporting

Error Reporting

Any logical or application errors / bugs can be notified using this menu. The
advantage of this menu is that it provides the complete master and transaction information
for the selected employees. With this information it would be helpful to understand the
issue and resolve it.

1. Please enter the menu in which the error was seen.

2. Enter one or more employee codes for which the calculation of the data was
wrong. Maximum 5 is enough. If it is a logical error or an error because of the
mistake in masters, even if the same error is there for all the employees a
sample of 5 employees are enough.
3. Select the dates. EX. If the late come deduction for employee ‘09999’ is not
accurate on 14/03/2004 select the from date and to date as 14/03/2004.
4. Enter your comments. You

would be in a better position to understand what should be the correct result.

The more the comments, the easy to understand the issue.
5. Press ‘Prepare Report’. A excel file is generated by the system. Send the excel
file by mail and include a snapshot of the screen in the mail.

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Personal Information System – A view

Personal Information System

Personal Information System or PIS is where all the work related and other
personal details of the employee are kept. The personal information system is subdivided
into multiple groups and subgroups for easy access and analysis. The major groups of PIS
• Main Details
• Personal Information (General, Address, Qualification )
• Health and Medical
• Accounting

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Employee – Main

The Employee Menu contains the Employee's Personal Information. For ease of
use and access, the information is grouped and presented in different tabbed pages. The
important work related information is shown on the top. The rest of the information is
presented in tabbed pages. In the top screen, main working information of the employee is
maintained like department, designation etc. All the information that are shown in the drop
down boxes are self setting masters - that is if you want to enter a new department name
you can just type there itself.

1. All the work related information can be entered here. A new employee can
be added by entering his employeecode and chossing his department,
designation etc.
2. Click here and select the bitmap file (photo of the employee) from the
concerned folder. The photo is displayed. Save the photo.
3. These are the different main Groups of Employee information presented in
tabbed pages
Employee Code, Short Name and Category are to be entered compulsorily.

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Employee – Personal – General

1. Enter the personal information regarding FirstName, Last Name etc.

2. Sub department / Super department – This is a futher classification where
employees in individual departments cn be split or grouped. This facilitates
taking out reports based on these groupings.
3. Punch Status – Punch status is used for marking the Muster Marks for an
employee. There are four options available. No punch, Even Punch, One punch
and Odd Punch. For e.g. if an employee has been assigned one punch the
employee would be marked present even if he punches once. Odd punch is for
punch more then 2 times.
4. Company Selection – The company name should be entered here. In case more
then one company information is to be maintained, the necessary company
names can be entered and the appropriate one should be selected based on the
5. Qualification – Even though there is a separate tabbed page for entering
qualification, the relavant qualification for the job can be entered here. The
same can be marked techincal or not.
6. Dates – Thse dates are for view purpose only and this information is setup in
the accounting page.

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Employee – Personal - Address

You can record the employee address information. All drop down selection boxes
are self-setting masters. For example if you once save the city as Mumbai, then it will be
permanently displayed in the drop down box.

To Add / Edit a Address:

Enter the Information in the boxes provided and press save.
To Delete:
Press Delete.

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Employee – Personal - Qualification

Records of educational as well as professional qualifications of the employees

both before joining the organization as well as during his tenure in the organization can be
recorded. You can mark the most relevant qualification for the job by checking the Most
Relevant Check Box. This can be used for MIS Analysis.

To Add a Qualification:
Enter the Information in the boxes provided and press save.
To Edit:
Select the qualification to be edited from the Qualification table by mouse
click. Details are displayed below. Edit as needed and press save
To Delete:
Select the qualification and press Delete.

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Employee - Health

Employee’s health related information like blood group, eyesight, height, weight,
known diseases, disability etc. can be maintained. Shoe size and uniform size can also be
recorded. Family Doctor name, address and telephone numbers can be stored for
Personal habits like smoking. Drinking etc. can also be stored.

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Employee – Accounting

Important information for financial accounting of the employee is maintained.

Information like important dates, Bank Account details, details of PF / ESIC / LIC /
MEDICLAIM, their numbers, expire dates etc.

For entering date information the small check box in the front of the date column is to
be enabled. When the column is not enabled and the date shows current date, it implies
that the user has not entered any information for this column.

Joining date and Cessation Date need to be maintained. Without cessation date the
employee would not be available for selection in the entry menus.

On entering the retirement age the cessation date is calculated from the Date of birth. The
cessation date such calculated would be always the last day of the month.

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Attendance Menu

The attendance menu offers you the following functionalities of TIMETRACK.

• Receive Punches Receiving punches from punch files.

• Update Muster Updating the Muster.
• Attendance Entry Punch, Adjustments and GP Entry.
• Shift Rotation Shift Rotation
• Shift Assign Manual Assign, Rotation etc
• Leave Grant Cancel Granting Leave.
• Leave Credit Encash Manual Credit & Encash Leave
• Overtime Entry Entering Overtime.
• Leave Reconciliation Reconciliation of Leave
• Time office operations Time Office Operations

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Attendance – SF Unit Receive

This menu is to be redoneThis menu is different for each site. Some controls may be
disabled/hidden based on the site.

Receive Punches
This option is to receive the punches from the text file created by the punch
readers. The punch information will also be displayed once the punches are received.

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Attendance – Update Muster

Updation of muster can be done here. Normally, this menu would be used for
updating the muster on a daily basis after receiving the punches. Apart from that the
muster updation need not be used. Musters are updated internally whenever
 Punches are received
 Leaves are granted / deleted.
 Manual or adhoc shift changes are made.
 Any other transaction entries that affect the muster marks.

But due to any extraordinary circumstances if you find that muster is not updated though it
is reflected on shift timings etc. you can use this to update the muster


While updating the muster, there are options to select a single employee, random
employees or a group of employees.


There are 3 processes to choose

1. Muster updation that has been explained above.
2. Rest cancellation, which applies the LEAVE CONTROL logic, which searches for
the specific patterns like ABSENT-REST-ABSENT and converts these into
3. Special Leave Process, which process special leaves and leave credit is done by
the system.


Message status is displayed about the progress of the update muster. The employee
code and the punch date for which the process is done are displayed for user reference.

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Attendance – Attendance Entry– Punch Entry

Punch Entry
This menu provide the following options
 View of Shifts assigned, punches, muster marks, work time , late etc.
 Modification of assigned shift.
 Insertion of manual punches

1. Select the dates for which the punch information is to be viewed / edited
2. Select the Employee.

3. Select the shift by double clicking. You will get a list of all the shifts. Use
the Up and Down Arrow keys to select the shift.

4. In the Punch column you can enter the timings of punches.

 Double click on the empty cell to insert punch.
 Press enter to validate after the entry is over
 Pressing ‘INSERT’ key enables to insert a punch.
 Pressing ‘DELETE’ key deletes the punch
 By default all inserted punches will be treated as out punches.
 In Punches are shaded.
 To convert it from Out punch to In Punch or vice versa select the punch and
press ‘R’.
 Pressing ‘S’ saves the punch information and updates the muster.
 CAUTION. Unless the modified punch information is saved, the punch
information is not stored.

5. This is the calculated muster information. This is for view only.

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Attendance Entry-Adjustments (Manual Muster Entries)

Manual Muster Entries (Adjustments)

This menu allows user’s to change the muster marks for any selected employee on

a selected date. There is a special privilege in this menu. Master Mode. . This mode
is a special privilege whereby any muster changes done thru this mode can be modified
again with this privilege only. Even Granting of Leave will not change the muster marks
that are made thru this mode. CAUTION. Please use this mode only when it is deemed
necessary and unavoidable.

1. If this check box is enabled (ticked) the muster information of the selected
employee is displayed. CAUTION. Checking this may slow down the flow of
entry speed.
2. Enter / Select the Employee code .
3. Enter the date for which the muster mark has to be modified. NOTE. For ease and
fastness the date column accepts ‘1709’ / ‘170903’ / ‘17092003’ and displays the
validated date as 17/08/2003. It does not accept any future dates in the above
4. Once the date is entered and validated the first half muster mark is displayed here.
This muster mark can be changed. Only P, R and A (Present, Rest and Absent)
muster changes are accepted.

5. The Second half muster mark is displayed here. This muster mark can be changed.
Only P, R and A (Present, Rest and Absent) muster changes are accepted.
6. In case needed any exact work timings can be entered. Other wise it takes the
default 4 / 8 hours based on Half day or Full Day.
7. This is the assigned shift. This information can also be changed.
8. The department is listed here. Please change if needed. NOTE. Observe there is no
save buttons provided. Once the user comes to the department selection box and
presses ‘Enter’ key, the users confirmation is asked for saving the entry. If ‘Yes’ is
selected then the entry is saved. This menu is provided in such a way, that the
operations can be done by keyboard only.
9. If this check box is enabled, the saved entries are displayed to the user.

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Attendance – Attendance Entry – Gate Pass Entry

Gate Pass Entry

Gate pass (out pass) entries are to be entered when an employee goes out the
factory during his work hours. The gate pass is an authorized permission given to the
employee to go out of the premises officially or unofficially.
In case the gate pass is an official one there won’t be any deductions in the work
time, but incase it’s a personal one the employees loss hours (non pay hours) will be
incremented by the time he is out of the premises.

How To
Select the date for which the Gate Pass has to be made for.
Select the employee from the employee list.

1. Double click on the Hours, Out time and In time columns to enter the necessary
information. Double click and select through arrow keys to mark the gate pass
Official (Yes or No).
2. Attendance information is presented here. Once the gate pass is entered the muster
is updated and recalculated information is presented. For view only.

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Attendance Entry – Exception Entry

Exception Entries

Exception entries are the entries normally done to correct an employee’s

attendance. This may include condoning late come/ early go, shift changes and making the
employee present.
The options in the Exception entries differ based on the site.

1. All the options available are listed out here. Based on the option selected
some controls may be disabled or enabled. Select the desired option
2. From the Add/subtract list select the desired option (e.g. Nullify or Add ).
3. In case ‘Subtract’ or ‘Add’ option is selected in the first choice enter the
actual minutes to be considered.
4. Click on ‘Save’ to save the entry.
5. This is the ‘Delete’ button for deleting previously entered entries. You can
see that this button is disabled. Only when entries are available for deletion
this button becomes enabled.
6. This is the attendance information for view purposes.

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Attendance – Shift Rotation

Shift Rotation

This is shift rotation menu that has been specifically designed where no fixed
rotations can be defined, but shifts can be assigned based on the day.
This menu consists of 3 operations

1. Assigning / modifying shift rotation to an employee.

• Select the Employee. The name is displayed for reference

• Select the start date of the shift assignment.

• These are the shift selection boxes. On selection of the employee name
the current shift schedule of the employee is displayed. The shifts can be
changed by selecting the desired shift. Off days can also be selected.
• Once the selection is over, click the SAVE button to assign the shifts to the
employees. Shifts would be assigned until the end of the month irrespective of
the selected date.
• A progress window will be displayed.

2. Assigning shift rotation to all the employees.

• Select the from date and to date

• Click the PROCESS button.
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• This operation is expected to be done once in a month before the start of that
month. Say for e.g. on 31/03/2005 this operation will be done from
01/04/2005 to 31/05/2005.
• Progress window will display the status

3. Viewing the Assigned & Applicable shift for an employee.

• Select the employee

• Select the from date and the to date.

• Once the to date is selected the shifts assigned for the employee are displayed.

The left side grid displays the shift assigned by the system based on the
particular employees punch and the shifts applicable for him. The right side grid

displays the shifts assigned by the user.

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Attendance – Shift Assign

Shift Assign

After defining the number of shifts in an organization, employees

would be assigned these shifts. For example - All employees working in the Finance
Department will be assigned to the General Shift starting at 09.00 hours. If the
organization has round the clock production schedule, then there can be three production
shifts, which start at 06.00, 14.00 and 22.00 hours respectively.
Since no employee would like to work in the one shift (night shift) all the time,
employees would be changed shifts periodically. For Example - the employee working in
night shift will be changed to second shift and then to first shift and then back again to
night shift. He will be changed shift once in 2 or 3 weeks. This is rotation pattern.
But sometimes shift has to be assigned on ad-hoc basis. Due to some emergencies
employee has to be assigned a particular shift for a particular day or days. Then this
temporary manual shift assignment can also be done.
The user can create any number of patterns like this, and then the pattern rcan be
assigned to employees. Once a pattern is assigned to an employee, the system will match
the punch timings of the employee with his/her assigned shift and calculate his late time,
work hours, over time etc.
Apart form the Main menu consisting of Employee selection, and there are many tabbed

Main Menu

1. All the shifts, the shift marks and the timings of the shift are selected. Shifts should
be selected from this selection grid for manual assignments.
2. These are the employee group selection boxes.
3. Employee selection grid.
4. Different tabbed pages for shift assignment.

Tabbed Pages

 Manual Assign- GUI To assign Shifts Manually and to Upload

shifts from excel file
 Shift Schedule Assign the saved rota patterns (shift scheduling) to
the employees.
 Rotation Design Shift Rotation Patterns and assign them.
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 Shifts Applicable Define the applicable shifts for employees
 Manual Assign – Entries User Defined Shift Rotation
 Shift Rotation User User Specific Shift Rotation where shifts
patterns are assigned from Ist to 15th and then to the
end of the month.

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Attendance – Shift Assign – Manual Assign-GUI

Note: In this menu some controls may be enabled/disabled based on the site
Manual Assign
This menu is used to assign shifts when the shifts rotation does not follow any
predetermined order or logic. Say by this menu the shifts can be randomly assigned for the
selected dates for the selected Employee


• Select the from date and to date . The current shifts assigned to the

employee are shown in the left side grid .

• From the main page desired shifts can be selected from the top main window and

can be pasted on any date in the Left side grid. Clicking on the day column
will paste the selected shift.

• Once all the changes are done, clicking the  arrow button will shift the

shifts to the right grid .Pressing the save button will save the shift assigned
to that employee. The reverse  arrow button can be used to shift the same shift
for one more employee to the left side grid.

• There is a special option for Sonepat, where the shift assignments can be uploaded
from an excel file to ‘TIMETRACK’ Database.
• Clicking on the Path button will open the file dialog where the concerned excel file
can be selected. The selected file will be displayed in the text box. Pressing upload
will upload the excel file to the TIMETRACK database.

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Attendance – Shift Assign – Shift Scheduling

Shift Schedule

Shift (rota) Patterns are not assigned to employees unless the shift scheduling is
done. Only when this shift scheduling is done the appropriate shifts are assigned to the
employee’s attendance file.(similar to the erstwhile PD9). From the employee master
select the desired group of employees and schedule their shifts for the selected days.
Normally this operation is done once a month.

Select the desired employees from the employee selection grid.

1. Select the desired period by selecting the ‘From Date’ and ‘To Date’.
2. Select the ‘Selective’ or ‘Employee’ option.
3. In case ‘Selective’ is
selected the ‘Rota
Patterns’ window gets
enabled for you to select
the desired rota pattern/s.
4. Press ‘Process’ for
scheduling the shifts.
After getting the users
confirmation the
information will be
processed. This may be a
time consuming process
(0-30 minutes based on
the number of records processed. The employee number and the date for which the
shift is being assigned are displayed.

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Attendance – Shift Assign – Rotation

Shift Rotation

This menu is for the design of shift rotation patterns. Say in a company an
employee can come in General Shift and Sunday can be his weekly off and an other
employee can come in alternate shifts every 2 days and Tuesday can be his off.
The Patterns like this are fixed in an organization. Say this is a Rota Pattern
Master. Employees based on the production needs can be switched from one pattern to

There are 2 operations to be done in this menu

 This is a one-time operation that is to be done initially. All known and possible
shift rotation patterns can be setup.
 Employees should be assigned these patterns. Whenever an employee changes
from one pattern to another the same has to be entered here.

To Create or Edit a Rotation Pattern

1. Select a Rotation Pattern or Enter a New Pattern.
2. Select Modify.
3. Select the number of Weeks the Pattern should be made for. - the weeks
will be displayed .
4. Select the Shifts from the shift view in the main page by clicking the mouse
on the shift column and double click the desired day here. The selected
shift will be assigned for that day. Selecting any day and right click of the
mouse will assign the day as an off day.
 Double click on the week grid on which day you want the particular
shift assigned to. Do it until you have assigned that shift to all the
days of the selected weeks.
 Repeat the above till you have filled up all the days of all the weeks.
 Mark all off days.
5. Save the pattern.

Now this pattern is stored permanently. Assume this is a pattern master. These patterns
can be assigned for
the employee. Once a
pattern is assigned to
an employee, the
system will match the
punch timings of the
employee with his/her
assigned shift and
calculate his late time,
work hours, over time

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To Assign Pattern to an Employee

Select the Employee from the main page. A single employee or a group of
employees can be selected.

1. Select a Rotation Pattern

2. Uncheck Modify if it is checked
3. Press Save to assign the shift pattern to the employee.

The employee will be assigned the shift pattern. The shift pattern for the employee will be
recorded and displayed.

To Delete a Pattern
1. Select a Rotation Pattern or Enter a New Pattern.
2. Select Modify.
5. Press ‘Delete’ to remove the pattern.

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Attendance – Shift Assign – Shifts Applicable

Shifts Applicable
Due to procedural delays the shift changes that happen on the shop floor will not
be communicated to the time office in time. It is not possible always to determine the
shifts of employees before hand. For some employees the shifts are always assigned on
ad-hoc basis.

The employee is marked absent when the assigned shift does not match with the
work shift. Only when the shifts are changed the employee is again marked present. This
leads to a lot of adjustment entries/shift change entries. To avoid this the following can be
 Say Mr. Kumar works in shop floor. He works in First Shift(11), Second
Shift(21) or General Shift(97).
 In this case the employee can be made applicable to the above said shifts.
 When the muster is updated, the system based on the punch decides the
shift even though some other shift is assigned.
 The punch should match any of the applicable shifts.
 In that case the employee is marked present.

To have control on the above said changes a Shift Mismatch file is created
immediately after the muster is updated. This will display all the discrepancies .

How To

1. After selecting the employee/s click on the white column near the Shift
mark. It will switch between ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. Do the process until the
desired combination is done.
2. Press ‘Save’ to save the shifts applicable.

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Attendance – Shift Assign – Manual Assign-Entries

Shift Manual Assign – Entries

 This is a one more option to assign shifts.

 Shifts can be assigned between 2 predetermined dates.
 No rotation is possible
 Only fixed off day is taken.

1. Select the Employee Code.

2. Enter the date from which the shift assignment has to be modified. NOTE.
For ease and fastness the date column accepts ‘1709’ / ‘170903’ /
‘17092003’ and displays the validated date as 17/09/2003.
3. Enter the date until which the shift has to be assigned.
4. Select the desired shift
5. Select the rest day
6. The department is listed here. Please change if needed. NOTE. Observe
there is no save buttons provided. Once the user comes to the department
selection box and presses ‘Enter’ key, the users confirmation is asked for
saving the entry. If ‘Yes’ is selected then the entry is saved. This menu is
provided in such a way, that the operations can be done by keyboard only.
A progress bar shows the progress of the process.
7. If this check box is enabled, the saved entries are displayed to the user.
8. If this check box is enabled, the existing assignment is displayed before
asking for confirmation.

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Attendance – Shift Assign – Shift Rotation – Cyclic

Shift Rotation – Cyclic

This menu has a special type of shift rotation pattern.
 Shift Rotation always starts at 1st or 16th of a month.
 In case the shift rotation starts from 1st,
o Shifts change on 16th .
o Shifts change on 1st of the next month
o Returns to the same starting shift on 16th of next month.
o E.g 01/01/04 – 15/01/04 – First shift, 16/01/04 – 31/01/04 – Second Shift,
01/02/04 – 15/02/04 – Third Shift and 16/02/04 – 29/02/04 First Shift and
so. It is like 123123.
 Rest Day remains constant through out the rotation.

1. Select the Employee Code.

2. Name is displayed
3. Select the start date. It has to be 1st or 16th.
4. Select the First Shift.
5. Select the Rest Day.
6. Select the Second Shift
7. Select the Third Shift. NOTE. Observe there is no save buttons provided. Once the
user comes to the third shift selection box and presses ‘Enter’ key, the users
confirmation is asked for saving the entry. If ‘Yes’ is selected then the entry is
saved. This menu is provided in such a way, that the operations can be done by
keyboard only.
8. In case already a cyclical pattern is assigned the same can be deleted by pressing
the delete key.

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Attendance – Leave Grant/Cancel

Leave Grant / Cancel

The leave entry has four sets of views.

• The top left history sheet displays the Grant / Reject transactions of the current
• The top right is used to select the employee for whom the transaction is carried
• The bottom left displays the leave balances.
• The bottom right is used for selecting the leave dates and making the leave

How to Grant a Leave

1. Select the Employee Code
2. The Employee Name is displayed.
3. The category of the employee is displayed.
4. Select the type of leave.
5. The number of occasions the leave has been granted is shown.
6. Select the From Date.
7. Select the To Date.
8. This column displays the number of days the leave is to be granted. This is
system-calculated information. The users can’t change this.

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9. This is a calendar view
that displays the
selected leave dates.
This view has the
Assigned Shift and the
Muster mark displayed
besides the date. Based
on the Leave setup
(include off days or not,
include holidays or not,
whether the muster
marks are present or
not) the leave days are
calculated and the
applicable Full Leave dates within the leave period are shown in Green Color.

10. Blue color is for First Half leave and yellow color is for second half leave.
 To make a Full Day leave into
a Half Day leave
o Select the date in the
calendar by clicking on
it (it will be marked
with green color).
o Right clicking will
switch the leave color
between white, yellow,
blue and green.
 Green is full
day leave
 Blue is first half
 Yellow is second half leave.
 White will ignore the day.

o Based on the colors the leave days will be changing in

11. Please select Against Date while granting COFF. This column will be enabled
only for COFF leave.
12. Press ‘Save’ to save the leave transaction.
13. Once saved the saved leave transaction is displayed in the leave history grid.
14. The balances are updated as per the granted leave.

How to Delete Leave

 Select the leave to be deleted from the leave history grid.

 The leave particulars will be displayed in

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 Press ‘Delete’ to delete the leave

 Once the leave is deleted the leave history and the balance will be updated

accordingly in .

Leave Balances
The leave balance grid displays the leave balances for all type of leave.
 Current Balance - Balance as on date
 Opening Balance - Transferred from the previous leave accounting year
 Credited - Credited on the start date of the leave period based on the
leave transfer rules.

 Credited During - Adhoc Credited during the current leave period.

 Granted - Leave granted during this leave year.
 Encashed - Leave enacashed during this leave year.
 Prev Year - Previous Years closing balance

How to Edit Balances

 CAUTION. We don’t recommend the users to edit balances. Once the leave is
transferred the leave balances will be accurate based on the leave transactions done.
But since this is a new system and there is a possibility that opening balances may
need to be edited. This option provides the users with that flexibility.

 Double clicking on the required column and row of the balance grid will enable
the users to change the balances. After entering the required balance the ‘Save

Balance’ button can be pressed. This option is a privilege that can be denied by
User Management

Leave Transactions (History)

The leave history grid displays the granted and rejected leaves. This grid contains the
above shown information.

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Attendance – Leave Credit/ Encash

Leave Credit / Encash

The Leave credit and Encashment menu is used for crediting any adhoc Leave
Credits and Leave Encashment. The leave entry has four sets of views.

• The top left history sheet displays the Credit / Encashment transactions.
• The top right is used to select the employee for whom the transaction is carried
• The bottom left displays the leave balances.
• The bottom right is used for making the credit and encash leave transactions.

How To Enter a Transaction

1. Select any group of employees needed by using the Group Selection option.
2. Select individual employees or randomly select employees
3. Use ‘Select All’ to select all the employees shown in the grid.
4. Select the leave type.
5. Select the transaction type – ‘Encash’ or ‘Credit’.
6. Display of leave book number of the employee.
7. Select the Entry Date.
8. Select the number of days.

9. Enter any reason if needed.

10. Press ‘Save’ to save the transaction.
11. The credit and encash transactions are displayed here.
12. The balances are updated accordingly.

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How to Delete a Transaction

 Select the transaction to be deleted by clicking on it in the history display .

 Press the ‘Delete’ key. This option is a privilege that can be denied by User
Management. After confirmation the history and balances are updated.

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Attendance – Overtime Entry

Overtime Entry

NOTE: Even though the entry screen is similar for all the sites the validation of entries
may differ.

How to enter Overtime

1. Select the Employee Code

2. Select the date. NOTE. For ease and fastness the date column accepts ‘1709’ /
‘170903’ / ‘17092003’ and displays the validated date as 17/09/2003.
3. Enter the OT in time
4. Enter the OT out time.
5. The hours are calculated based on the OT in and OT out time. The users can
change these hours.
6. Select against Employee in case the OT entry reason is absent or leave

7. Select the reason for the overtime.
8. Enter any reason if needed.
9. Change the department if needed.
10. Change the OT code is needed.
11. Press ‘Save’ to save the entry.
12. All the overtime entries for the selected employee are listed for your reference.
13. All the saved entries (similar to a checklist) are displayed here for your reference.

How to delete Overtime

 Select the Employee Code

 Select the Date
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 All the transaction for that date are displayed

 Select the transaction to be deleted by clicking on it in the information display .

 Press the ‘Delete’ key. This option is a privilege that can be denied by User

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Attendance – Leave Reconciliation

Leave Reconciliation

Leave Reconciliation is special process that repeats the granting of leave

transactions made by the user. The need for reconciliation happens because of the
following reasons.
• While leave is being granted the number of leave days cant be accurately
ascertained if shifts are not assigned. Shifts are needed to find out off days
and holidays.
• In certain circumstances, the off days may be changed once the leave is
granted. This may sound odd. Why to modify the off days after the leave
was granted. Nevertheless, based on the user requirement this issue is being
also taken into consideration.
• The entire process of leave granting is taken care by the system and all
appropriate warnings are given as the per the leave conditions setup.

• Click on Display leaves. This will read the attendance file and the leave transaction
file and display all the leaves that are to be reconciled.
• Click Reconcile Leave for the leaves to be reconciled. Progress bar indicates the
• NOTE: Even after reconciliation there may appear some leave transactions in the
display. These would be the future leaves that could not be reconciled as of now.

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Attendance – Time Office Operations

Time Office Operations

NOTE: All the shifts are displayed. The selection of the shift has to do nothing with
the assignment of the shifts to the employees. This selection is to decide the timings
for which the punches are to be picked up from the system.

This is a single menu for all the time office operations (Security Personnel) during
shift start time. The operations that can be performed in this menu are
 Receiving data for calculation of shift attendance.
 Entry of temporary employees ( Badli ) and apprentices attendance.
 View of Employee Strength for the Shift, Department and Grade wise.

NOTE: This menu has 2 buttons to close this menu. ‘Close for Reports’ and ‘Process &
Exit’. Both of them have unique functions
 Close for Reports
o Since time office operations should be completed within a few minutes of
the shift start time, the communication with the database and the
information processing is kept to its minimum. The received punches are
not stored permanently in the database and the same applies for temporary
employees and apprentices attendance also. The totals are stored as a text
file in the host PC for reports.
o Normally time office personnel take out the preliminary reports and after
that there may be changes in the badli, apprentice or permanent employees
o So when they choose this option to exit the menu and take out the reports,
the temporary information is kept safe.
o Next time when the come to the menu the date & shift selection are
 Process & Exit
o This option updates the attendance with the temporary employees
attendance and clears all the temporary files.
o This option has to be chosen after all the reports are confirmed correct.

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1. Select the date
2. Select the required.
 The Date and shift selection will be enabled only when the ‘Process &
Exit’ button was clicked while getting out of this menu previously.
3. Press Receive Data to poll the data from the text file.
4. The punches are received and the strength of the employees is shown based on
their grades.
5. Badli (Temporary) and Apprentice employees can be entered, by entering their
employee code.
6. Temporary employees and Apprentices working department can be selected by
using this menu.
7. The Badli and Apprentice employees are displayed in this grid. The count and the
totals are updated in the main grid. Selecting the employee in the grid and pressing
the ‘Delete’ key will delete the particular Employee.
8. Once the routines are completed the CLOSE FOR REPORTS option should be
used for taking the reports thru the reports menu.
9. Once the reports are taken and finalized, chose PROCESS & EXIT. This has to be
done to update the attendance information of the badli (Temporary) employees to
the attendance file.

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Payroll – Payroll Process

Payroll Process

The menu is used to process the DOC30 and DOC20 reports for payroll purpose.

1. Select the Start date for the salary process. Normally 1st of the selected month.
2. Select the Assume Date for the salary process.
3. Month end date will be the last date of the selected month.
4. OT start date will be next date to the OT end date of the previous month.
5. Select the OT End date. This date can’t be greater then the Assume date.

Check ‘Lock Data’ lock the data. The doc30 and doc20 can be processed many
number of times. By choosing Lock data the payroll is freezed for the current
month and stored permanently.
7. Check to process ELCL days for temporary workmen .
8. Select the group of employees whom you want to process the information.
9. Click DOC20 or DOC30 to process the same. A progress bar with the information
about the current record processed is displayed.

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Reports – GKSCH Reports


The reports menu is presented below. This is the standard report menu. Apart from what is
shown on the menu other options may be available based on the site and the report chosen.

The options on the top are related to the view of the report.
 Print Preview -A preview of the report created
 Print -Prints the report to a Desk jet / Inkjet printer.
 Print Setup -Opens up the printers setup menu.
 Font -Options to decide the font, size and style.
 Save as Text File -Saves the report as a text file.
 Save as Excel File -Saves the report as a Excel File
 ASCII Print -Recommended print option for reports. Faster
printing to
Dot matrix printers
2. Select the report.
3. Select the From period for the report.
4. Select the End date for the reports. Based on the report selected this date may be
enabled / disabled.
5. Employee Selection options. Select a single employee or a range of employees.
6. Select a group of employees from the category selection option. Click on the
desired category to select / deselect the category. Selected categories are marked
with an ‘*’. When multiple categories are selected it works on AND condition. The
employee has to match all the criteria. STAFF and HRA will give all the
employees who are staff in HRA department.
7. Press this button to set the path where the reports will get stored. This is a one-time
8. The path where the reports are stored.

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Report Planner Menu

Report Planner

The report planner menu contains the following sub menus

 Report Planner
 SQL Query Planner
 Letter Planner
 User Table Designer
 User Table Date Entry
 Report Print

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Report Planner – Report Designer

Report Designer

Brief Introduction
TIMETRACK, the application has all the masters and attendance data. Even if the
users of the application have given all their current requirements, the future needs may
vary. Due to some exigencies or other reasons there would be need for new reports.
One way is to contact the application vendor and give him the new report
requirements and ask him to design the report. This leads to delay in time and wastage of
resources. To avoid this, the TIMETRACK provides the users with a report designer.
The users can design the reports based on their needs. The menu has been designed
as simple as possible. Getting the information you require is pretty easy but the desired
format can be achieved through trial and error only.
NOTE. This is a just a design of the report template. Once the template is designed
and saved the report can be taken for any dates and for any category of employees.

How to Design

• Enter the name of the report.

• Enter the width of the report. The width is to be decided based on the users

• This is the header of the report. If you observe the header will have
information directly entered and the information to be taken from the system. The
information within square braces [CompanyName] and [Date] will be taken from

the system. This information can be picked up from the system information
selection box.
o Select an item from the system information selection box.
o Click in the header and the cursor will be seen.
o Press Insert key.
o The text in the system information selection box will be shown within
square braces.
o Any text can or some other system information can be added in the same
o To go the next line press CTRL & ENTER
o What has to be remembered is the text within the [] will be picked up by
the system and rest of the text will be presented as such.

o The same applies for the footer also.

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This is the body of the report. If you see in you could see a list of
columns that can be selected for the report. The columns are of 2 types. Once is the
information which directly comes from the database. The other is the calculated
attendance and leave-based information.

o Select the column from .

o Double click on the empty column in the body . It will be displayed

in the body.
o Like this the required columns can be selected.

• This is the heading that will appear in the report. When entering a header
see that the header is a short header.

• Please enter whether the value would be a numeric value or not . This
information is used for alignment purpose only.

• The most crucial information in the report. . This information will decide
the format of the report. Some sample reports are provided. Based on that and the
output of the report designed by you , the width has to be modified to get the
desired format.
• The rest of the columns will be having the default values.
• The report can be saved now.
• Select the desired category (better assign one single employee to a dummy
department in emp master) and take out the report in print preview using the File
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• Based on the results the width can be modified and the desired format can be
• The following are the options available in the file menu.
 Print Preview -A preview of the report created
 Print -Prints the report to a Desk jet / Inkjet printer.
 Print Setup -Opens up the printers setup menu.
 Font -Options to decide the font, size and style.
 Save as Text File -Saves the report as a text file.
 ASCII Print -Recommended print option for reports. Faster
printing to dot matrix printer.
 Categories -Selection of employee categories

Below is the result of the report shown above.

Initially the report was not up to the desired format for 80-col sheet. Then the Column
width of OT was reduced from 186 to 65. Now the information displays the OT for the
employee from 1st to 08th of the month, the Total OT hours and the Total OT Occurrence.
Code OT total occ
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
01507 1:00 1:00 1:00 8:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 14:00 7

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Report Planner - Letter Planner

Letter Planner

Letter planner lets you design letters containing the predetermined text and
information from the TIMETRACK Database. All masters and attendance information are

• Please enter a Name for the letter.

• The letter can be typed in the list box provided.

• Wherever attendance or master information is needed double clicking it in the

Letter variables selection box will paste the information in the letter body.
• All the under lined blue lines are such pasted information.
• The red underlined information [DateofLastReJoining#=01/01/2004#DATE]
contains of 3 variables divided by a # mark. The first is the DateofLastReJoining
that is picked up from the masters. The second is the condition =01/01/2004 which
means that the DateofLastRejoining should be 01/01/2004. Then only the
employees are selected for the letter. The third is the Date. This informs the system
that the column selected should be treated as a Date.
• This template can be saved and the conditions can be changed as and when needed.

The following are the print options available.

 Print Preview -A preview of the report created
 Print -Prints the report to a Desk jet / Inkjet printer.
 Print Setup -Opens up the printers setup menu.
 Font -Options to decide the font, size and style.
 Save as Text File -Saves the report as a text file.
 ASCII Print -Recommended print option for reports. Faster
printing to
dot matrix printers
 Categories -Selection of employee categories

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Report Planner – SQL Query Planner

SQL Query Planner

SQL Query planner gives you direct access to all the tables in the TIMETRACK
Database and allows you to run your own queries based on your future needs. To maintain
the database integrity and security only SELECT queries are allowed.
Some tables may not be displayed due to security reasons.


1. Displays all the tables in the database. Select the table name by clicking on it.
2. Checking the ‘Fields’ will display all the fields in the table. Results will contain
these fields. Select the fields by clicking on it if only some or needed.
3. Conditions can be set for the query by selecting any field.
4. =, <>, >, >=, < and <= are the conditions provided.
5. The values can be set for the conditions. If the value is known the value can be
entered. Otherwise checking the ‘List Values’ will display all the unique values for
that column. Any one value can be selected.
6. Select if the records have to be grouped. This provides unique values only. Select
any of the listed columns to group the results. Alternatively you can check
‘RemoveSel’ to remove the group by selection.
7. Select if the records have to be ordered. Select any of the listed columns to order
the results. Alternatively you can check ‘RemoveSel’ to remove the order by

8. Click ‘Done’ to display the query in the Query view window.

9. The query is displayed.
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10. Further ‘And’ / ‘Or’ conditions can be set. Check ‘And’/ ‘Or’ as desired and repeat

the steps and .

11. Test Query to check for it correctness.
12. Output can be viewed as an Excel file.
13. The query can be saved. One more pop up menu opens up asking for the query’s
name and the saved query is listed in the Query List view.
14. To reinitialize all the controls and get ready for a new query.
15. To delete the query, Select the query from the query list and press ‘Delete Query’

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Report Planner – User Table

User Table Design

User table is a user-friendly flexible option to enter and store information. In future
there may be some instances, where some new information regarding employees need to
be stored in the database for retrieval. In that case there would be database structural
changes and source code changes to store and retrieve the information.
To avoid this and to give the users the flexibility of entering the information this
menu has been decided.


• Design his own tables
• Enter information into these tables.
• Link this information with the information available in the database using Report
Planner and take out reports.

1. Enter the new table name. By default the table will be having 2 rows – Employee Code
and Date.
2. The first column is the header that would appear in the reports. Double click or
pressing enter key would enable the column for data entry / selection.
3. The second column is the type of the information that is to be entered. Options
available are character, numeric and date
4. Third and fourth column is to define the width of the column.

5. Fourth column defines the decimals in case the type is numeric.

6. Fifth columns defines whether the user will be entering the information or where the
information would be in a selectable list box. List box option will be available for
character type of information only.
7. This is for entry of comments.

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Report Planner – User Table Data Entry

User Table Data Entry

Data entry for the tables created through User Table Design can be done through
this menu. It is a simple menu where the table is displayed and the information can be
entered in the empty columns for each employee. Pressing Enter key or double clicking
on the empty column make the column ready for receiving the input.

Apart form the Employee Code checking the First Name or Short Name column displays
the information for each employee. Group of employees can be selected using Employee
Selection at the right top hand of the menu. Pressing Save will save the information.

This information could be linked to other information using the Report Planner Menu

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Report Planner – Report Print

Report Print

This menu is designed for printing the user-designed reports. Though print option
is available in the report designer, access to the report designer menu would not be given
to all.
This menu access can be given to the desired users where they can only print the
reports and not modify the design of the reports.

The following are the print options available.

 Print Preview -A preview of the report created
 Print -Prints the report to a Desk jet / Inkjet printer.
 Print Setup -Opens up the printers setup menu.
 Font -Options to decide the font, size and style.
 Save as Text File -Saves the report as a text file.
 ASCII Print -Recommended print option for reports. Faster
printing to
dot matrix printers
 Categories -Selection of employee categories

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Online Options Menu

Online Options

The online options menu contains the following sub menus

 Leave Application
 Leave Grant
 Attendance Query
 Password Change

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Online Options – Leave Application

Online Leave Application

The leave application has four sets of views.

• The top left history sheet displays the leave transactions of the logged in User.
When the check box is checked the leave applications are
• The top right shows the employee code and other particulars.
• The bottom left displays the leave balances.
• The bottom right is used for selecting the leave dates and making the leave

The following are the specific considerations taken into account while an
employee is logging on to this menu.

• When a user logs in to the menu, the employee code that is linked to the user name
is taken into account for leave application.
• This employee code is displayed in the Employee Code selection box as a read
only information. The logged in user won’t be able to change the employee code.
• The system validates that the logged in user has a reporting to structure in the
Employee master. If not the user is not allowed to apply for leaves.
• The normal view contains the users leave history and balance view.
• Checking the check box above the leave history will display
the history of applied leaves that are yet to be granted. This menu will also display
any rejected leaves.

How to Apply for a Leave

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1. The Employee code is displayed
2. The Employee Name is displayed.
3. The category of the employee is displayed.
4. Select the type of leave.
5. The number of occasions the leave has been granted is shown.
6. Enter the From Date.
7. Enter the To Date.
8. This column displays the number of days the leave is to be granted. This is
system-calculated information. The users can’t change this.
9. This is a calendar view displays the selected leave dates. This view has the
Assigned Shift and the
Muster mark displayed
besides the date. Based
on the Leave setup
(include off days or not,
include holidays or not,
whether the muster
marks are present or not)
the leave days are
calculated and the
applicable Full Leave
dates within the leave
period are shown in
Green Color.

10. Blue color is for First Half leave and yellow color is for second half leave.
 To make a Full Day leave into a Half Day leave
o Select the date in the calendar by clicking on it (it will be marked
with green color).
o Right clicking will
switch the leave
color between
white, yellow, blue
and green.
 Green is full
day leave
 Blue is first
half leave
 Yellow is
second half
 White will ignore the day.

o Based on the colors the leave days will be changing in

11. Press ‘Save’ to save the leave application.

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12. Once saved the saved leave application is displayed in the leave history
application grid. (check box has to be checked).

How to Delete a Leave Application

 Select the leave to be deleted from the leave history grid. (Applied leave
history has to be checked)

 The leave particulars will be displayed in

 Press ‘Delete’ to delete the leave

 Once the leave is deleted the leave history, will be updated accordingly in

How to Apply for cancellation of Granted Leave

 Select the leave to be deleted from the leave history grid. (Applied leave
history has to be un checked).
 Warning messages would appear and the user would be asked for confirmation.
 Once the user confirms the leave would be applied for cancellation.
 Once the leave is applied for cancellation the leave history, will be updated

accordingly in . The check box has to be checked to view the


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Online Options - Online Leave Grant

Online Leave Grant

The leaves grant menu has four sets of views.

• The top left history sheet displays the leave applications made by the
employees who are reporting to the logged in user.
• The top right shows the employee code and other particulars.
• The bottom left displays the leave balances.
• The bottom right displays the leave dates and the attendance particulars.

The following are the specific considerations taken into account while an
employee is logging on to this menu to grant the leave that was applied by his

• When a user log’s in to the menu, the leave history window displays all the leaves
that are applied by his subordinates. The history contains Leaves for application
and also application for cancellation of granted leaves.
• On mouse clicking a leave in the leave history grid, the employee code is displayed
in the employee code box.
• This employee code is displayed in the Employee Code selection box as read only
information. The logged in user won’t be able to change the employee code.
• All the leave particulars – Leave Start Date, Leave End Data, and Type of Leave –
are also shown.
• The calendar grid displays the selected days, the muster marks and the assigned
• Full Leave Days are shaded Green in color and Blue color is for First Half leave

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and Yellow color is for second half leave.
• The comments that are entered by the leave applicant are shown.
• The user has the option to grant the leave or reject the application with his

How to Grant / Reject a Leave Application

 Select the leave from the leave history grid.

 The leave particulars will be displayed in

 Press Grant or Reject to grant or reject the leave application
 Once the leave is granted or rejected the leave particulars are removed and the

leave history, will be updated accordingly in

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Online Options – Attendance Query

Attendance and Leave Queries

Recommended – Please use Print Preview option for viewing the reports.

The is a reports menu with a few selected reports for all users, by which they can
view their personal information. Three reports are included for users.
• Query Employee – Attendance data like punch timings, muster mark etc.
• Leave Book – Leave balances and transaction
• GWR Listing Emp wise – GWR hours

How to View the information

1. Select the report.

2. Select the From period for the report.
3. Select the End date for the reports. Based on the report selected this date may be
enabled / disabled.
4. The options on the top are related to the view of the report.
 Print Preview -A preview of the report created
 Print -Prints the report to a Desk jet / Inkjet printer.
 Print Setup -Opens up the printers setup menu.
 Font -Options to decide the font, size and style.
 Save as Text File -Saves the report as a text file.
 Save as Excel File -Saves the report as a Excel File
 ASCII Print -Recommended print option for reports. Faster
printing to
Dot matrix printers.

5. Press this button to set the path where the reports will get stored if you want a text
or excel file for the report. This is a one-time operation.
6. The path where the reports are stored.

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Online Options – Password Change

Password Change
The users can change their password thru this menu.

1. The logged in User Name will be displayed here. This is read only information.
2. The existing password has to be entered. If it is not correct you will be prompted to
reenter the password.
3. The user has to enter the new password. The passwords are case sensitive.
4. The new password has to be reentered. On validation of both the passwords the
system will prompt for confirmation. On saving a message will be displayed and
the menu will close.

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